Town of Franklinville

Learn lots more about Franklinville by following these links !


Early History
Death Records 1860-1894

Early Settlers
Joseph McClure
Pardon T Jewell
Marvin Older
Delos E Lyon
Curtis Brothers
Searl and Storrs
William McNall

Park Square and Fairs
The Story
The Trial
The Wedding
Franklinville Fair

Postal History
Post Office

Hotels and Inns
Globe Hotel
Hotel Lester
Bard Hotel
Brown Eagle Hotel

Businesses and Industry
Bartholomew's Pharmacy
West Park Square Drug Store
Quality Bakery
Cutlery Industry
Dairy Industry
Firehouse Liquors
Blount Plow

Churches and Buildings
Other Churches
Methodist Episcopal
Amusement Hall
The Miners Cabin

In the Public Trust
Fire Department
Mt Prospect Cemetery
Public Works

This information came from the files of Joie Wilson, formerly the Franklinville Town Historian and the section editor for Franklinville on the Cattaraugus County website.

If you have information about Franklinville, or have a question, contact Joie at

Thanks, Joie !!

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The Barber and The Franklinville Cornet Band

Over the years many, many well respected barbers have practiced
their trade in Franklinville. None, however, has ever had the
background of Thomas Jefferson Sanders. The Franklinville period of his
life appears to have begun about 1870, right after the Civil War.

The Chronicle, week ending Friday, February 22, 1901

"As related in The Chronicle a few weeks ago Thomas Jefferson
Sanders, the widely known barber of this village, shaved Edward VII,
when the Prince was traveling in Canada in 1860. Tom has been a
resident of Franklinville for thirty years, and during that entire
period has conducted a barber shop. He is a well posted man, being an
intelligent reader of the newspapers and books. He is a very jolly
fellow and always has a good story to tell, either on himself or
someone else, and relishes a joke either way. He served two years in
the Civil War, coming through without a wound, but contracted rheumatism
while in the service. He is a member in good standing of Alanson
Crosby Post G. A. R., of this village. Mr. Sanders is also a prominent
colored Mason, being the organizer of the Light of the West Lodge of
Olean and serving as its master for four years. Afterwards he was
appointed and served for four years as District Deputy Grand Master of
the Western District of New York.
Tom's parents were slaves in Louisiana, but their master was a man
of some feeling, and before Thomas was born they were set free. At the
age of 14 he entered a barber shop to learn the trade which he has since
Old cemetery records indicate that Thomas Jefferson Sanders's wife
was named Nancy. They further show that Thomas and Nancy had one son,
An old, undated obituary notice from an unidentified local paper
tells us that Charles Sanders grew to be as responsible a man as his
father, although he died at the age of 28, cause unknown to me:

"Charles Jefferson Sanders died Saturday night. Born May 15, 1870,
grew to manhood in this community. Graduated Ten Broeck Academy at age
17. Entered employ of Bowen & Root as clerk in insurance office and had
just rounded out the 11th year of his connection with that firm at
death. Ably conducted the Franklinville Cornet Band."

The Franklinville Cornet Band was the band which played for the
Saturday night band concerts in the Park before there was an Ontario
Knife Company Band.
In 1901 it was mentioned in a local paper that Mr. Lewis Ely
"....was the fourth member of the Franklinville Cornet Band to die
within the past three years, the other three being C. J. Sanders, Henry
R. Fisher and Dr. Guild. Mr. Ely was from its very first organization
the principal active member of the band, playing the tuba, and taking
the general management of the band's finances. It was only through his
even tempered ways that the band was held together all these years, for
he was always the one whose goodness of heart interceded in all
disagreements and brought peace out of trouble. His death leaves but
four of the organizers, and they with the two or three recently added
members marched in uniform by the side of the hearse as a special

Apparently new members were found to keep the band going:

The Chronicle, Friday, May 8, 1908

"The Band is gradually adding to its equipment, until now they have
about as complete and modern instruments as the best of them. This week
a new E flat horn came, which has been turned over to John Beebe to
play. It is one of those monster affairs which winds around the neck a
few times, looks like a steamboat coming down the pike, but makes music
so mellow and satisfying that the wonder is how the band got along
without it. The band will soon add one or two more instruments."

Over the years some of the members of the band, together with their
sometimes colorful nicknames, are set out below:
"Lunch" Fries, who was always on time with drum and cymbals;
"Jimmy" Henry, whose 'taps'' on the snare drum won attention; "Lew" Ely,
the tuba soloist; "Jud" Sherlock, the on time accompanist; "Twink"
Adsit, first altoist; "Charlie" Sanders, solo cornetist' "Gus" McClure,
another altoist; "Hanny" Bond, also cornet accompanist.