. Cattaraugus Republican, September 20, 1901 7 (Cont.) 


Department of the Interior

W a s h in g t o n , D. C., Sept. 1, 1901,

By the act of congress approved Feb. 9, 1900, funds were appropriated to pay a judgment of the court of claims, in favor of the New York Indians, for lands in Kansas, set apart for their use under the provisions of the treaty of Buflalo Creek, Jan, 15, 1S38; but which lands were not occupied by said Indians as a nation and which were subsequently sold by the United States, and on further act, approved Mar. 3, 1901, the secretary of the interior was authorized and directed to ascertain the beneficiaries of said judgment.

The court decided the following named tribes or bands to be parties to the said treaty of Buffalo Creek, and entitled to participate in the judgment, viz.: Senecas; Onondagas on Senecas’ reservations and at Onondaga; Cayugas; Tuscaroras; Oneidas at Green Bay, Wis., and in New York; St. Regis in New York; Stockbridge; Munsees, and Brothertowns.

Therefore, notice is hereoy given to members of the above named tribes or bands, whether by blood or adoption, and to all claimants to membership therein, to make applicatian to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs at Washington, D. C., for their distributive shares of the aforesaid fund, with proofs of identity and evidence of their right to participate in the distribution thereof. But application need not be made by members of the several tribes or bands aforesaid who are now regularly enrolled with some one ot them, and draw annuities as such members from the United States, as they are, for that reason, entitled to participate in this fund. Claims of minor children should be made by parents or guardians.

Blank forms of application can be obtained by applying to the Indian Office at Washington, D. C .; at the New York Agency, Salamanca, N. Y.; Green Bay Agency Keshena, Wis.; Indian School. Oneida Wis ; La Point Agency, Ashland, Wis; Indian School, Carlisle, Pa.; Quapaw Agency, Seneca, Mo.

Applications not on the prescribed form not be considered.

Afte three months from the date of this notice the enrollment will be closed.

W. A. Jones      
Superintendent of Indian Affairs  


Dr. Martin of Buffalo, the Expert Specialist, will be at the Dudley House, Wednesday Sept. 25th, and Every Four Weeks Thereafter, One Day Only.

Examination free and private, from 9 a.m. to 9 p. m. Dr. Martin has had 20 years experience in leading medical institutions, etc,, with chronic complicated diseases that could not be cured by ordinary treatment. His remarkable success and astonishing cures performed is due to hts gift of correctly diagnosing disease and curing by natural methods and special remedies. He cures the worst cases of catarrh, scrofula, fits, diseases of the nerves, heart, stomach, lungs, liver, kidneys, bladder, etc., that he undertakes.

Asthma, even so-called incurable cases, positively cured by his new remedy. He is looking for a case that he <illegible> cure. Special treatment for all female complaints and nervous, weak women, and also for piles, enlarged, prostate and painful urination. Rupture and varicole cured by a painless method. Sexual weakness, drains, etc., in men positively cured. Call and learn particulars. You cannot help but believe. Charges for treatment low and medicine furnished. Write if you canuot call. Address, Dr. E. E. Martin, No. 1 Mooney-Brisbane Bld’g, Buffalo, N. Y.

Terrible plagues, those itching, pestering diseases of the skin. Put an end to misery. Doan’s Ointment cures. At any drug store.


Pan-American Exposition

T h e P i c t u r e s q u e
E r i e  R a i l r o a d . .

The favorite route to the World’s Fair at Chicago in 1893, with greatly improved facilities and equipment, will, on and after May 1st, offer the following rates from Salamanca, N. Y., to Buffalo, during tbe Pan-American exposition:

$ 1 .9 0

Round trip tickets on sale daily. Tickets good tor return within two (2) days, including date of sale; tickets sold on Saturdays good returning within (3) days, including date of sale.

Round trip tickets on sale daily, good for return within ten (10) days, including date of sale.

Tickets will be available in first class day cars, for which this line is noted, bnt will not give sleeping or parlor car privileges.

Excursion tickets will also be sold to Niagara Falls and return, on the same dates and under the same conditions, with privilege of stopping over at the Pan-American Exposition, at a slight advance over the above rates to Buffalo.

D . W. Cook, Gen. Pass. Agt

N ew York.

F . H Garfield. D . P . A


H u g h e s ,


South Main St., Salamanca




Household Remedies

With an experience of 50 years in the Drug trade I guarantee you satisfaction.



LYMAN DECK, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. Professional calls promptly answered day or night. Office second floor Sowl Block. Special attention paid to diseases of the eye and to the fitting of spectacles.

High Grade and Low-Price

Some people say there is sentiment in business, but we do not believe it ; there is too much strife and struggle continually g oing on in the endeavor to accumulate wealth, to permit any great amount of sentiment to creep into business, especially where it affects one’s pocket. When some one tells you that he will sell you the best paint on earth at a low price, there must be something wrong. It probably costs more per gallon to produce H. W . Johns' Liquid Paint than any paint made in the country, for the reason that nothing but the very highest grade raw material are used, and the paint receives one more grinding than any other brand known.. This must, and does make the paint finer, insuring greater covering capacity, fineness f , strength of color and greatly increasing its durability. This extra labor and expense is not sentimental, it is done to make good paint, and explains why the H. W . Johns' Paints bear such an excellent reputation. Address H. W. Johns M'f'g Co., 100 William Street, New York, for complete Color Card and Pamphlet, "Exterior Decoration."

Eureka Harness Oil

Letter Heads Leave your order for Note and Letter Heads and Office Stationary and the Republican Office.

CITATION — THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE of New York By the Grace of God, Free and Independent

To A. D. Van Horman, Washington, D C.; Mary J. Simmons, Munistique, Michigan; Phebe Brown, Wellsboro, Pa.: Hattie Clark, Bradford. Pa: Maggie A. DeLone. Gowanda, N. Y.; Emma Hamburg. Fast Evans, N. Y.; Fred Van Norman, residence unknown; and to the children and heirs at law and. widow, if any, of W. J. Van Norman, deceased, whose respective names and places of residence are unknown, as well as to all other heirs at law and next of kin of William S. Van Norman, late of tho town of Perrysburg, in the county of Cattaraugus, deceased. Greeting: Yon and each of yeu are hereby cited and required to be and appear personally before onr surrogate of Cattaraugus Co., at his offica Tin Salamanca, in said county, on October 14th. 1901, at ten o’clock in the forenoon of that day, to attend the proof and probate ef the last wiil and testament of said deceased, which bears date April 18, 1892, and which relates to both real and personal estate, and is presented for proof by Eliza A. Van Norman, legatee, therein named, and herein fall not. And those of you who are under the age of twenty-one years are required to appear by your guardian, if you have one; |if you have none, that you appear and apply for one to he appointed, or in the event of your neglect or failure to do so, a guardian will be appointed by the surrogate to , represent and act for you in these proceedings.

In T e s t im o n y W h e r e o f , We have caused [L.S.] the seal of our said surrogate to be hereunto affixed. Witness, Carey D. Davie, surrogate of said [L. S.] county of Cattaraugus, at Salamanca, N. Y. the 22d day of August, iu the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and one.

CAREY D. DAVIE, Surrogate

IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER MADE BY THE Hon. W. S. Thrasher on the 6th day of August, 1901, notice is hereby given to all the creditors and persons having claims against Robert B. Hall, late of the town of Dayton, Cattaraugus county and state of New York, that they are required to present their claims with the vouchers therefor, duly verified to the subscriber, the duly appointed assignee ot the said Robert B. Hall, for th e benefit of his creditors, at his place of residence m the town of Dayton, Cattaraugus county, New York, on or before the 18th day of October, 1901.

Dated Dayton, N. August 5,1901.

A G. PARKE, Assignee.

N. M. Allen, Attorney for Assignee

NOTICE TO PROVE PURSUANT TO AN o r d e r of Hon. O. D, Davie, surrogate of Cattaraugus county, notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against Fred D. Smith.late or the town of Little Valley, in said county, deceased, to present the same with vouchers thereof to the undersigned at his office in the village of Cattaraugus on or before October 14th, 1901.

Dated April 10th, 1901

E. A. NASH, Administrator

Erie RR


Schedule Adopted June 23, 1901.




2:20 a.m. — No. 5, daily, Vestibuled Limited, for Cleveland, Chicago, and Cincinnati with through vestlbuled Pullman sleeping and dining cars.

 7:00 a.m. — No, 7, Daily Local, Pittsburgh and Cleveland Express.

 7:05 a.m. — N o 37,. except Sunday, Way Freight. 11:45 a.m. -No. 3, Daily Pacific express, for all points west, Pullman cars for Chicago and Cincinnati.

 2:45 p.m — No.. 9, except Sunday, Accommodation for Titusville and Meadville.

 8:55 p.m. — No. 29, daily, New York Express, local to Jamestown.



 5:35 a.m. — No. 21, Accommodation, except Sunday for Buffalo and points on B. & S. W. Division.

11:50 a.m. — No. 3 , daily, Pacific express for Dunkirk

 3:50 p.m. — No. 29, daily, accommodations for Dunkirk and points on the Buffalo & South-Western division.



 7.15 a m. — No. 6, dally, accommodation, for all stations on Allegany division, connecting at Honellsville with through express for New York. 8:40 a.m. No. 8 , Vestibuled Limited for Elmira. Binghamton, New York, Philadelphia, Albany and Boston. Pullman vestibuled sleeping and dining cars.

11:23: a.m. — No. 22, Bradford Express, daily except Sunday, though to Bradford with out change of cars.

11:15 a.m. — No. 14. Fast Express for Hornellsville and points east.

 2:35 p. m. — No. 18, daily. Accommodations for all stations on Allegany division.

 5:10 p. m. — No. 12, daily. Fast Night Express, for New York.

 3:30 p.m. — No. 20, daily. Through train for New York and Boston, with Pullman sleeper.

 8.25 p. m. — No. 20, arrives at Salamanca from Bufffao, connecting with train 10 for Bradford and New York.

For further information, tickets and time table, call on or write F. H. Hicks. Agent at Salmanca N.Y. F. H. GARFIELD, Div. Pass. Agt..

Jamestown, N. Y ,



Passenger Trains will depart from Salamanca Union Depot as follows :

9:36 a. m. — Week Days — For Ellicottville, Springsville Buffalo, and intermediate stations.

3:30 p. m — Week Days — For Great Valley, Ellicottville and Ashford. Connects at Ashford for Sprlngville and Buffalo and points on the Rochester Division.

6:36 p. m. — Daily — For Ellicottville, Springville, Buffalo and Intermediate stations.

4:51 p. m. — Sundays onlv — For Ellicottville. Springville, Buffalo and intermediate stations.


10:54 a. m. — Daily — For Bradford and intermediate stations. Connects at Bradford with Pittsburg Day Express for Mt. Jewett, Johnsonburg, Ridgway, Brockwayville, Falls Creek, Du Bois, Punxsutawney, Butler and Pittsbnrg.

5:32 p. at. — Week Days — For Bradford, Mt. Jewett, Johnsonburg, Ridgeway, Brockwayville, Falls Creek, Du Bois, Punxsutawney and intermediate stations.

E. L. FULLAM, Freight Agent, Salamanca, N, Y
E. C. LAPEY, Gen. Pass. Agent,
Rochester, N. Y.

CITATION-PROOF OF WILL—THE PEOPLE of the State of New York, by the Grace of God,. Free and Independent

To Kate McDonald, Salamanca, N. Y.; William Birmingham, Beaumont, Tex.; Patrick Birmingham. 646 Kirkpatrick St, Pittsburg, Pa.; Anna O'Brien Meadville, Pa.; Thomas Birmingham, Bradford, Pa. Michael Birmingham, Uniontown, Pa.: John Birmingham, Cannonsburg, Pa., James Birmingham,Great Valley, N. Y.; Frank Birmingham, Midway,Pa.; Edward Birmingham, Uniontown, Pa.; Frances Hughes, Meadville. Pa.; John Hughes, Salamanca N. Y.; James Hughes, Meadville, Pa., heirs at law and next of kin of Michael Birmingham, late of the town of Great Valley, in the county of Cattaraugus, deceased.

Greeting: You and each of you are hereby cited and required to be and appear personally before our Surrogate of Cattaraugus county, at his office in Salamanca in said county on the 30th day of September, 1901, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon of that day,to attend the proof and probate of the last Will and Testament of said deceased, which bears date of March 18th, 1901, and which relates to both real and personal estate, and is presented for proof by Bridget Birmingham, the executrix therin named; and herin fall not. And those of you who are under the age of twenty-one years are required to appear by your guardian if you have one; i f you have none, that you appear and applv for one to be appointed, or in the of your neglect or failure to do so, a guardian will be appointed by the surrogate to represent and act for you in these proceedings.

In T e s t im o n y W h e r e o f , We have caused [L.S.] the seal of our said surrogate to be hereunto affixed. Witness, Carey D. Davie, surrogate of said [L. S.] county of Cattaraugus, at Salamanca, N. Y. the 22d day of August, iu the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and one.

CAREY D. DAVIE, Surrogate


Family Newspaper

New York Tri-
Weekly Tribune

Published Monday, Wednesday add Friday, is in reality a fine, fresh, evcry-other-day Daily, giving the latest news on days of issue, and covering news of the other three. It contains all important foreign cable news which appears in The Daily Trilune of same date, also Domestic and Foreign Correspondence, Short Stories, Elegant Half-tone Illustrations, Humorous Items, Industrial Information, Fashion Notes, Agricultural Matters and Comprehensive and Reliable Financial t and Market Reports.

Regular subscription price, § 1.50 per year. We furnish It with The Repceucam for $1,90 per year.

New York
Weekly Tribune

Published on Thursday, and known for nearly 60 years in every part of the United States as a National Family Newspaper of the highest class, for farmers and villagers. It contains all the most important general news of the Daily Tridune up to hour of going to press an Agricultural Department of the highest order, has entertaining reading for every member of the family, old and young, Market Reposts which are accepted as authority by farmers and country merchants, and is clean,, up-to-date, interesting and instructive.

Regular subscription price, $ 1.00 per year-
We furnish it with The Republican for

$1.75 per year.


Cattaraugus Republican Salamanca

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