Vol. XXXV. |
Salamanca and Little Valley N. Y., September 20, 1901 | No. 38 |
East Otto.Mr. and Mrs. John Safford visited in town a part of last week. Mrs. Earle Thompson has returned from Silver Lake. Miss Mamie Stowell and a friend are visiting in town. Herman Lavely and the Misses Addie and Vera Perkins are attending school at Cattaraugus. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Worden have a little daughter. Lee Colvin and Miss Flossie Beach were married at Otto last Tuesday evening. John Hamele, Jr., is attending school at Springville. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Slocum returned from Michigan Saturday. P. Parker and Miss Jennie Perham oi Fredonia and Mr. and Mrs. Wiliis Perham of Dayton were guest§ of Mr. and Mrs. Chcar Williams a couple oi days last week. Mrs Lola Brooks of Cattaraugus spent Sunday in town. Mr. and Mrs H.L. Ahrens and daughter Nora were at the Pan Am. last Tuesday and Wednesday. Mrs. Tarbox has retund from a visit to Cattaraugus. Mrs Grace Petty was the guest of her sister, Mrs. H. Tutbill, several days recently. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Orr have returned from Buffalo. Among those from here attending the Pan-Ara. this week are Mr. and Mrs. Will Lavery, Mrs. Laban Twichel, Mrs. I. L. Whitcomb, Miss Georgiana Kesler, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Laing and Mrs. D. Hawkins Miss Mabel Ferris, who has been spending several weeks with friends and relatives here has returned to Chicago. Howard Borden was over from Springville Sunday. Rev. D. A. Ball was a guest of O. P. Galloway the first of the week. H. J. Phillips is visiting in Franklinville Great Valley VeritiesThe people of this community extend hearty greetings to Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Chamberlain, whose marriage on the <illegible> last week. They took a trip to the Pan-American and Niagara Falls, and will soon occupy the new house Wallace has built for his bride. There will be a candy pull at Hugh Morton’s on Wednesday evening, September 25th. Proceeds to apply on pastor’s salary. Over $11 was realized by the young people at their Fish pond party last week. Mrs. John Kane attended a relative’s funeral at Cattaraugus Saturday. Joe Wilcox and wife started for the Pan-Am. Tuesday. Newton Walrath, wife and sister, Miss Ida Mulrenan, are at Buffalo attending the Pan-Am. and visiting relatives. Mrs, H. J. Wallace, who has been visiting her parents here for a few weeks, returned to Markhams Saturday. Depot Agent Domes and wife are attending the Pan-Am. Mr. Schoeller is attending the office in his absence. Dan Nobles is building a veranda on his house. Dr. Shaffner has painted his house occupied by Charlie Meacham. Lydia Miller of Willoughby is visiting Miss Eva Adams. Misses Eugenia and Edith Swart are home from Obi. A little dry weather now would be very acceptable to the farmers here, so they could secure their corn. West Salamanca Scraps.Myron Chase and sister, Miss Agnes Chase, of Bradford, have been visiting their sister, Mrs. Daniel King. Alfred Reynolds and family have returned from a visit to relatives at Warren, Pa. Mr. C. L. Bridia of Prophetstown, Ill., was a guest over Sunday at the home of B. L. Grover. C. H . Mosher, Bert Allen and H. T. Fuller amended a meeting of the Royal Arcanum at Little, Valley Wednesday. Daniel King has started his cider mill and will make cider for those who wish. Mr. and Mrs. W , A. Barhite returned Monday from a trip to Mayville ana their former home at Ellington. A very interesting meeting of Iroquois council of the Royal Arcanum was held Tuesday evening,at which Grand Regent W. A. Griffith of Brooklyn was present Services at the M. E. church will be held next Sunday as follows: Sunday school at 1 p. m; Preaching by Rev, A. S. M. Hopkins at 2 p. m. The many friends of Dr. A.A.Baker will be pleased to learn that he and Mrs.Baker are here for a thirty days’ visit. Dr. Baker was a former practioner here, and moved to Oklahoma eight years ago. He speaks with enthusiasm of that country. Mr. William T. Lewis of Bradford and Miss Pearl France of Red House were united in marriage by Rev. T. J, Butterfield at his residence in West Salamanca Sept, 19, 1901, |
SHOOTING CASE AT OTTO NERVOUS WOMAN THOUGHT A BOY WAS A BURGLAR.He Tried to Get m the Window at Night and She Shot Him With a Revolver—The Boy Seriously Injured. The Otto correspondent of The Republican says that usually quiet community was thrown into a state of excitement Saturday evening by a shooting affair which occurred at the house of C. W. Strickland near that village. Dr. F. E. Tuttle, in response to a hasty summons, proceeded to the home of J. P. Strickland, where he found a boy named Willie Hawkins, who had been shot through the right lung. The Hawkins boy had been working for J. P. Strickland, and in his deposition before Justice A. A. Bird he stated that on some previous occasion C. W. Strickland had told him that if he wanted some apples to eat he could go and get them. (C. W. Strickland lives about 40 rods from where the boy worked.) Last Saturday evening after during his chores be thought he would go up and get some. While during his chores he saw Mrs. Strickland, accompanied by her husband or son, drive to the house. He thought they were at home, and he took his lantern, it being just dark, and went to the house. He went up on the veranda on he south side of the wing, and rapped on the door three different times. No one answering, and the window being nearby, he drummed on the window sash, and as greeted with a bullet entering the right side. He fell, and after recovering somewhat from the shock got up and walked to the house of John Strickland, where he worked. Johan assisted him in the house an onto the bed and found that he had been shot. He sent a messenger for Dr. F. E. Tuttle. Our correspondent says that upon examination Dr. Tuttle found the boy very weak from loss of blood and he was suffering much from the shock with difficult breathing. After carefully probing the wound he found that the ball had entered the chest, but could not be positive as it did not come though him. Deputy Sheriff Barber went to the house of C. W. Stickland where <two illegible lines> farm about one-half mile east He works both places. There is no laid out road between said farms. The sheriff accompanied by quite a number of villagers started for the other farm where they found C. W. Strickland, his wife, and their son Burt. They made the following statement: That sometime previously their house on the north road had been broken into, and Mrs. C. W. Strickland was left there to watch. She admitted that she did the shooting, but her version was somewhat different from that of Hawkins. She said she was sitting alone in the house without a light, when she heard some one at the front door. After trying the door and finding it locked, the party then went to the window opening on the driveway, rattled it and then attempted to raise it. She fired, and the party ran away. Before trying to raise the window the party lowered the wick in his lantern, and peeked in, shading his eyes with his hands. She did not know at the time who the party was. Mrs. Strickland was taken into custody by Deputy Sheriff Barber, and brought to the village. She waived examination, was taken to Little Valley and gave bail in the sum of $2,000 to await the action of the grand jury. Mrs. Strickland is about 45 years old, was born in this town, and is a sister of the late Judge Allen D. Scott. The boy’s father, the Rev. Hawkins, lives in Arcade, N. Y. He was notified, and is at the bedside of his son. The boy had worked for J. P. Strickland about two months and seemed to be a quiet, well-behaved boy. J, P. and C. W. Strickland are half brothers, and live about 4c rods apart. The boy is very low with but little hopes of recovery. The latest advices from Otto say young Hawkins has a fair show for recovery. Sheriff Williams will make a thorough investigation to get at the bottom facts in this case. C A. O’B.
Corner Stone Laying at FredoniaForest Lodge of Free & Accepted Masons of Fredonia is making elaborate plans to entertain visiting brethren on Thursday, October 3d, when the corner stone of the new normal school will be laid with imposing ceremonies. All the lodges in Erie, Cattaraugus and Chautauqua counties have been invited, indicating the attendance of 4,000 Masons, not counting the thousands who will come from all parts of the country. Several commanders of Knights Templar have received invitations and are expected to accept. It is thought Most-Worshipful-Grand-Master Charles W. Mead of Albany and Past- Most-Worshipful- Grand-Master Christopher F. Fox of Buffalo, who laid the first com er stone, will be present. |
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