3. Cattaraugus Republican, September 20, 1901  


Is essential For the production

of Good Bread.

Appreciative buyers try

Angelus Flour

Best results can only be

obtained using the

best material.

----- o -----





Picture of Tire

No noise on the pavements. The highest grade of rubber is used. $25 a set of four, new iron channels, etc. Rubber Tires put on baby carriages also..........................



Flower Ad

Insurance Kammier Ad



Next Tuesday will be the Jewish Day of Atonement.

A Silver Creek man has entered a dog in the Pan-American dog show which he values at $5,000 cash.

Sportsmen will do well to remember that there is no open season in .this county for grouse or quail.

Pictures to the value of $300 have just been bought with which to decorate the wads of the Dansville high school.

The woman who eloped with a legless man possibly hoped to secure a husband who would be pretty sure to spend his nights at home.

Attorney E. A. Hayes of Buffalo was knocked down by a footpad on the street near his home one night recently and robbed of $200,

Addison business men have sent in a petition to the board of health of that place asking them to prohibit spitting on the sidewalk.

A short grass editor rises to remark that feed is so scarce in the eastern part of the state that only the rich can afford to have hay fever.

Domestic science is taught in the public schools of Warren and Jamestown, and this year the same course has been addkd to the Bradford schools. Hons. W. B. Hooker and Lester B. Stearns are putting up a three-story building on Central avenue, Dunkirk, to be used as a postoffice after October ist. An exchange says that if you will cut off burdocks just now they will never come up again. The strength is all in the top, stalk is hollow, and the rain will run down inside and rot the roots.

Benjamin Delzer, a 15-year old boy of East Concord was caught in the act of putting obstructions on the railroad track at that place to wreck a passenger train last week. H e will have an examination on the 27th inst.

A negro boy snitched a pocketbook containing $30 from the hands ol F. J. Hopkins of Mayville as he was leavmg the Pan-Am grounds ihe other day. The boy got off with the money, but was subsequently arrested.

A Lake Shore passenger gave a Dunkirk boy a $5 gold piece by mistake for a penny in purchasing a small basket of grapes. The mistake was not discovered until after the train had left and it was then too late for rectification.

A recent act of the legislature makes it a misdemeanor for any employee of a telegraph or  telephone company to divulge the contents of any dispatch sent over the wires, under a penalty of $100 fine, imprisonment not to succeed six months, both or either at the discretion of the court.

Forest Lodge, F. & A. M., will lay the cornerstone of the new normal school building at Fredonia, probably on Thursday, October 3. The lodges and other Masonic bodies of tbis district are to be invited. A new stone will be provided which will be laid above tbe one in tbe building that was burned.

Roamer, a horse of which Mr. Stahl of Jamestown, is part owner, manager and driver, won the $1,000 purse in the graud circuit races at Bethlehem last week. This was the sixth consecutive race won by Roamer, a horse which Mr. Stahl was laughed at for purchasing, but which has already won many times his original purchase price in purses.

According to the Buffalo Commercial the following dialogue recently took place at the Pan-American: “Madam,” said the handsome, well-mannered university man who is earning an honest penny as a member of the Pan-American guard, “Are you looking for an exit?” “No, sir, I am not,” said the lady from Corry, with much asperity, “I am lookin’ fer a way to git out.”

For years it has been prophesied that the beginning of the end of Pennsylvania hemlock was in sight, says the Chicago Lumberman, just now it is manifest, for the first time in the history of the wood, that the supply of timber has become so far diminished and the remainder is held in such few and strong hands, that from this time forward there will be a decided restriction In the production of hemlock lumber in Pennsylvania.

Coroner Gilchrist, who conducted the examination of the body of the late Dr. Charles W. Hoyt of Corning at Ashtabula, O., says he found unraistakeable evidences that Dr. Hoyt was assaulted before' being drowned. Blood stains were found on the shirt bosom, the stains being heavier and darker upon the outside than inside, the bones of the face were broken and the nose split, as if a heavy blow had been struck him. The coroner believes Dr. Hoyt was murdered and robbed.

Rev. and Mrs. W. Percy Knight of Jamestown left last week for China to resume their work there as missionaries under the direction of the China Inland mission. This is the largest of the various missions, and it will perhaps be recalled by those who were familiar with the events of the Boxer uprising, that this mission lost more by martyrdom than any others. Out of a total of 186 foreign missionaries killed by the furious natives, 78 were sent to China by the China Inland mission, whose representatives have at all times been found on tbe frontier of missionary endeavor.

Rev. E. Alice Bradley has resigned as pastor of the Ifoiversalist church at Friendship to accept a call at Spring field, N. Y., where she will commence her duties the first of October.

The new two-cenl piece soon to be issued bas already been styled the doughnut coin, because it will have a hole in the cen er. This innovaiion was deemed necessary, as the new coin is to be tbe same size and the same alloy as the present five-cent piece.

When pins were first invented in the 14th century the maker was allowed to sell them on the ist and 2d of January only, and upon these days the ladies flocked to buy them. They were so expensive that it was customary to give as a wedding present a certain sum of money to be used as “pin money" hence the term.

A. B. Bradley of Friendship, a state excise official, made a raid last week on four hotel-saloons at Gowanda on the Erie county side of the creek. Four Nickel-in-the-slot machines were captured and confiscated. These places have been notorious violators of the law, and particularly of the law prohibiting the sale of liquor to Indians. It is to be hoped sufficient evidence has been secured to close them up permanently.

Former Mayor Hequenbourg of Dunkirk objects to the tax assessments of that city and has obtained from the supreme court a writ of certiori to review the present assessment. He makes no claim that his own property has been assessed too highly, but he claims that there is much which bas not been assessed at an approach to its real value in the town and city. This action will naturally be of much interest to the taxpayers of Dunkirk.

The Cuba Patriot says J. W. Wilcox holds the record as a rat catcher. He saw one oi the animals prowling around his bay barn recently, and the next morning found in a wire trap he had set the previous evening the following members of the rat family: The grandmother and seven children, a daughter and seven children, a granddaughier and seven children—total 24. Not wishing to separa’e the members of this large family, Jim s^t his trap the next night a»d succeeded in capturing the grandfather, his son and grandson—total 3.


There Was Never Any Hope For The President -- The Bullet Probably Poisoned.

The autopsy on the body of President McKinley was performed Saturday, beginning at 11:45 a.m. and eding about 2 p.m.. (The autopsy was performed by Dr. H. R. Gaylord, and Dr. H. G. Matzinger <illegible> New York State Laboratory connected with the University of Buffalo, in the presence of several eminent physicians, the coroner and District Attorney Penny.

The report of the autopsy, which was signed by all the physicians, said:

The bullet which struck over the breast-bone did not pass through the skin and did little harm. The other bullet passed through both walls of the stomach near its lower border. Both holes were found to be perfectly closed by the stiches, but the tissues around each hole had become gangrenous. After passing through the stomach the bullet passed into the back walls of the abdomen, hit and and tearing the upper end of the kidney. This portion of the bullet track was also gangrenous, the gangrene involving the pancreas. Death was unavoidable by any surgical or medical treatment, and was the direct result of the bullet wound. The extent of the gangrenous condition of the flesh along the course of the bullet led some of the physicians to the conclusion that the bullet was poisoned to make the president’s death more certain.

Penal Code Applies to Anarchists

The city of New York has always been able to deal effectively with her anarchists by applying a clause of the penal code. This clause provides as follows: “ Whenever three or more persons assemble with intent to commit any unlawful act by force,or assemble with intent to carry out any purpose m such manner as to disturb tbe public peace, or being assembled, attempt or threaten any act tending toward a breach of the peace or any injury to person or property or any unlawful act, such an assembly Is unlawful, and every person participating therein by his presence, aid or instigation is guilty of a misdemeanor,” Under this clause Herr Most was imprisoned and Emma Goldman was sentenced to Blackwell’s island in the early nineties. Ia the case of Most, an appeal to the court of appeals resulted in confirmation of judgment against him.

The healthy old man wears his grav hairs like a silver crown. What if he be threescore and ten if there is still fire in his eye, firmness in his step, command in his voice and wisdom in his counsel? He commands love and reverence, Yet how few wear the mantle of age with dignity. Dim eyed, querulous of speech, halting In step, childish in mind, they "lag superfluous on the stage," dragging out the far end of life in a simple existence. The secret of a healthy old age is a healthy middle age. The man who takes care of his stomach, who keeps his body properly nourished, will find that the body does not fail him in old age. The great value of Dr, Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery lies in the preservation of the working power of the stomach and ether organs of digestion and nutrition. From this center is distributed the nourishment of the whole body, tbe salt for the blood, the lime for the bones, phosphates for the brain and nerves. A sound stomach means a sound man, A man who keeps his stomach sound by the use of “’Golden Medical Discovery” will wear ihe crown of gray hairs as befits a monarch, with dignity and ease.

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