Cattaraugus Republican, September 20, 1901 4. (Cont.);

and family. Edward Beyer came out from Buffalo to spend Sunday with his wife.

Mrs. Ray Davenport, who has been visiting her mother, Mrs. Cook, returns to New Castle today.

Congressman E. B, Vreeland went to Washington Monday to attend the funeral of President McKinley.

H. W. Vedder and daughter of Oakland City, Ind., are the guests of Fred Stillman and other friends.

Henry Gallagher of Colgrove, Pa,, spent a couple of days with his brother, C. E. Gallagher, this week.

John Melhuish was down from Jamestown the first of the week calling on old-time friends and neighbors.

Mrs. Fred Eckhart and children of Hazelhurst are visiting her sister, Mrs. Charles Strauss, and other friends.

Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Hale of New York are visiting the sisters of the former, Mrs. T. A. Heller and Mrs. J. D. Palmer.

Mrs. M. E. Graves and her trimmer, Miss O’Leary, are in New York buying fall millinery and studying the new styles of headgear.

Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Connelly and little daughter and Mrs. Mary Pierce of Findlay, O., are guests in the home of John Connelly.

F. S. Pease of New York was visiting his Cattaraugus county friends last week, and attended the 64th Regt. reunion in Buffalo on Wednesday.

Misses Maggie Cook, Anna Ledden and Nora O’Day have begun a course in the teachers training class at Chamberlain Institute.

Rev. M. F . Trippe attended the fall meeting of the Buffalo Presbytery, which met at Lancaster Monday evening, and closed Tuesday evening.

Mr, and Mrs. Roland Graves and daughter returned to Rochester Wednesday after visiting in the home of S. J. Beckwith and other friends.

Benson Charles left Wednesday to begin his studies in Cornell University. Tuesday evening a reception was given for him by the M. E. church choir and the Epworth League at the M. E. parsonage.

Wilber Huff of Wichita, Kans., visited his sister, Mrs. j. H. Blessing, this week. They had not met in over 24 years, and Mrs. Blessing failed to recognize her brother when be first called at her door. He was accompanied by Otis McAdam of Witchita.

Harry Luke is home from Batavia for a short visit to his mother before going to-Cornell University to begin a course in medicine, Last Saturday evening he was presented with a handsome <illegible> as a memento of his residence there.

Hertel Family Reunion,

The first annual reunion of the Hertel family was held at the old home in Red House, where Grandma Hertel lives at the advanced age of 83, with her son Henry. There were 43 present, including children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. At 2 p. m, the guests were seated around two long tables laden with everything heart and stomach desired. After dinner they all assembled in the parlor, where they had music and singing. After which the following officers were chosen: George W. Brown of Red House, president; Frank Hertel of Red House, vice president; Mrs. Sena Brown, secretary and treasurer. It was decided that the next reunion would be held at the residence of John V. Fluent, Onoville, N. Y. Then they all joined in singing "God be With you Till We Meet Again." when they returned to their several homes.

Closing Out Sale Continues.

Gallagher Bros, will continue their closing out sale for the coming week. We have some cook stoves, heavy wagons, variety of small hardware, set of bobs, set runner attachments, a surrey and a black 7-year-old horse.

These goods must be sold, as we are closing out our stock and are prepared to give you prices that will surprise you.

Gallagher Bros., Salamanca.




Ere long Jack Frost will necessitate your buying Blankets. They’re not uncomfortable on cool nights now. At the opening of the Blanket season we are sharing profits with you; some are 20 per cent below their usual value.

Bed Blankets at 60¢ a pair. Bed Blankets at $1,19 a pair. There’s ample choice in the many styles between these price extremes.


At $ 1 we are selling the best Comfortables ever produced at the price.


Never such pretty patterns; prices way below last season. At 5½¢ ; you may buy a good domet cloth. At 10¢ you may have your choice of the best.

Gardner’s Bargain Store

14 Main St. Salamanca



New Fall and Winter Goods:

We overestimated our room and bought too heavily.
We are so crowded at present that it is impossible
to make room for goods that are arriving daily.
More room we must have and low prices will do it.

Here’s a partial list at reduced prices
for quick selling:


40-inch Half Wool Granite Cloth, all
colors and black value 35¢,at 23¢ yd.

38 inch Ladies’ Cloth, colors and
black, at 39¢ yd.

Invisible Stripe Melton Cloth for walking
skirts, big value at 37¢

Striped Albatross, all wool, pastel and
dark colors, makes beautiful waists.
very special 35¢ yd.

40-inch All Wool Venetian Cloth at
47¢ yd.

60-inch Extra Heavy Melton, oxford
grey, at $1 yd.


36 inch Silkaline, suitable for comforters, 8¢ yd, the 12½ quality.

The best Apron Ginghams 5¢ yard. Kimona Flannels, handsome Persian designs, at 10 and 12½ ,

Outing Flannels — Over 10,000 yards in all; never were there so many and so good a selection in any store in Salamanca. The p r i c e s you will find the lowest in the city for the same quality. They are priced 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10¢ yard


Hundreds of Cotton Blankets 48c pair for a good one, $1.50 pair for the best made; others that are genuine bargains at the price, 69c, 75c, 85c, $1.00, 1.19, 1.25 and 1,39 pair.


Comforters at 89¢ $1.00, 1.25, 1.50 and 1.75 each. The better ones are covered with silkaline; the others with a good quality robe cloth


We have now in stock a complete line of Ladies, Misses’ and Children’s Winter Coats and Capes.


All Wool Tricot Flannel Waists, ten colors to select from, at $1 each.

All Wooi Tricot Flannel Waists, sleeves, front and back tucked, at $1.50.

Genuine French Flannel Waist, beautifully made at $1.98.

New Walking Skirts at 2.98 and 3.48, All Wool Eiderdown Dressing Sacques, all colors, at $1 each, both plain and striped; the best we ever offered for the price,

A Bargain — Boys' Extra Heavy Corduroy Pants, the 85¢ kind, at 50¢.


Never have we had such beautiful Furs for so little money. The assortment is complete. You need them those cool evenings.


Underwear for children, ladies and men in all cotton, half-wool and all wool.

Children’s Underwear from 10¢ up. Ladies’ at 25¢, 39¢, 50¢ and $1. Men’s at 25¢, 50¢, 69¢ and $1.


Handsome New Pillow Tops at 15 and 25¢.

Shetland Floss in all colors. Get our prices.

A select line of Baby Bonnets at 25, 50, 75¢ and $1.

New Lace Curtains, Carpits, Art Squares, Rugs, Mattings, Trunk, Grips and Suit Cases.


Emerson Allen & Co

We wish to notify our trade that on and after September 5, 1901, we w ill run our store strictly on a cash basis. This w ill enable us to offer yon goods cheaper than we ever have before . ..............................

Just Look at These Cash Prices

All worsted French Flannels,regular $1.00 quality.36 inches wide, all colors at 47¢

AH worsted Ladies’ Cloth, 54 inches wide, in all colors, at 75¢ a yardiregular $1.50 quality.

All worsted broadcloth 54 inches wide, regular $1.50 quality.

All worsted cheviots, 50 inches wide, regular $1.50 quality. in all colors at 75¢ a yard, regular $1.50 quality

All worsted Henriettas, 3S inches wide, in all colors, at 47¢ a yard, regular $1 quality.

All worsted Cashmeres, 38 inches wide, in ail colors, at 47¢ a yard, regular $1.00 quality.

All worsted Albatross, 38 inches wide, is al! colors, at 35¢ a yard, regular 75¢ quality.

We sell Dress Goods cheaper than our competitors buy them.



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