Cattaraugus Republican, September 20, 1901  5. (cont.)
C L O T H I N G!

I AM NOW READY to show to the people of Cattaraugus county the most complete line of Ready Made Clothing in Salamanca. Everything new, fresh and durable on hand at prices from 20 to 30-per cent, lower than any other dealers in the county. Nothing the best has been my motto for the last 15 years, and for this Fall quality and workmanship surpasses all previous efforts

Here are three lines at prices that cannot
be duplicated elsewhere:

Black Clay Worsteds, all wool, heavy weights, at........................$10.00
Dark Gray Clay Worsted, heavy weighs, at ........................10.00
Black Cheviots, all wool, heavy weights, at ........................10.00
Blue Serges, all wool, heavy weights, at ........................10.00
Four styles of Fancy Stripes and Checks, all wool, at ........................10.00
Black Clay Worsteds, imported, at ........................12.50
Genuine English Meltons in gray and brown at ........................12.50
Genuine French Serges, extra heavy, at ........................12.50
Five styles of Fancy Cheviots and Cassimeres at ........................12.50
Four styles of Fancy all Worsteds, Checks and Stripes at ........................16.00
Black English Clays, silk lined, at ........................16.00

My stock of Young Men's Clothing
consists of all the newest patterns from $5 to $12.50 per suit

A full line of Children's Clothes
in three-piece, double-breasted and Russian blouse suits.

Overcoats, Reefers and Ulsters.

My stock of Men’s and Youth’s Overcoats compares favorably with the largest city stores. More than twenty different styles and patterns At rock bottom prices.

Special Sale of Single Pants.

Malone's all wool $3 Pants at $2.65. Marlinsburg 2.50 Pants at $2. All Wool Kersey Pants at 1.50 and $2.

SHOES.       SHOES.     SHOES.

Only the best known, best made goods are kept in stock.

FOR GENTLMEN - I carry the W. L. Doulass, also Lewis A. Crossett and Walker & Whitman Shoes.

FOR LADIES - The Kulture, Utz & Donn, Colonials and Dunn Mcarthy Shoes at proces from $2 to $3.50, in Patent Leather, Enamel, Box Calf and Dongola Kids. Some extra high cut Shoes in French Calf and Dongola Kids. leather lined.

A full assortment of Misses' Boys' and Children's Shoes always on hand; every pair

warranted, at the lowest prices.


You will find on hand the Lambertville Snag Proof Boots and Overs. You will find on hand the Mishawaka Red Ball Boots and Overs. A full lineof Gents',Ladies' and Children's Rubbes in Goodyear Glove and Beacon Falls.


Special care has been taken in selecting the nobbiest line of Dress Shirts, Under-wear, Sweaters, Cardigan Jackets, Neckwear, Collars, Cuffs, and so on.

A full line of Gentlemens and Boys’ Hats and Caps for Fall and Winter


in the county to look through my stock of Clothing, Shoes and so on, as I am thoroughly convinced that prices are lower for equal quality than can he bought elsewhere.


A U G U S T S E I T Z .

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