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A Circle of Friends and Family
Cattaraugus County, New York
Life, Death, and Generations
Spanning Two Centuries
Seventy Transcriptions from the Scrapbook of Agatha H. Sparks and Bertha (Vaughan) Jones
Cover Page | Introduction | Surname Index | Links to Articles
The Scrapbook in fact is the New York State Manual of the Highway Laws of the State of New York, 6th Edition, published in 1886. To Agatha Sparks, this roughly 400-page hard-covered 6" x 9" (more or less) manual was the perfect host to her vast collection of poems carefully and thoughtfully clipped from newspapers and magazines over the course of what must have been many years.
Agatha opens the scrapbook with the following text written in pencil:
Mrs. Agatha H. Sparks
Born Oct. 27th 1838
This Scrap book was
made and dedicated
to the children, neighbors
and friends, who will read and appreciate it,
as the work of her old age. Died ____.
No one living in my family knows of Agatha Sparks, or the nature of her relationship with Bertha Vaughan; nor do they know which portions of the scrapbook are attributable to whom. Based upon the layout and content of the scrapbook, and dates described or listed therein, I speculate that Agatha was the collector of poems and other tidbits that consume roughly 2/3 of the book (they have not been transcribed), and Bertha was the collector of news articles pertaining to her circle of friends and family in Cattaraugus County.
Bertha passed the book to my grandmother, Ruth (Vaughn) Davis, the adopted daughter of Bertha and her husband, Millard F. Jones. At Ruth's death in 1992, the scrapbook was passed to her daughter and my mother, Wilma "Joyce" (Davis) Roblee, and she in turn passed it on to me a few years later.
This document represents the transcription of 70 newspaper clippings contained in the scrapbook; particularly, those relating to the people of Cattaraugus County. I record them here in hopes of preserving those brief, but descriptive life (and lifestyle) summaries of ancestors and their friends which are captured so eloquently within the aging newspaper clippings.
Unfortunately, few of the clippings are dated or cited, and without such frames of reference phrases like, "...died here Thursday last" are left open to interpretation. In some cases where such references are missing I have taken the liberty of inserting clarifying text within brackets []. Most articles originated from Cattaraugus County newspapers of the time, particularly those serving Freedom, Machias and Sandusky; however, some articles clearly did not originate in Cattaraugus County. Most likely, the latter group arrived in Bertha's hands by mail or messenger to keep her informed about her circle of friends and family.
Errors can occur in transcription, and I claim no exemption from this possibility. However, I have taken great care to ensure minimal occurrence of error. For those occurrences of error that escape my scrutiny, I offer my apologies.
Philip R. Roblee
Cover Page | Introduction | Surname Index | Links to Articles
Surname | Article Reference(s) | Surname | Article Reference(s) | Surname | Article Reference(s) | Surname | Article Reference(s) |
Adams | 50 | Eaton | 24 | Langmade | 30, 62 | Schwab | 50 |
Airdyne | 6, 20 | Edson | 22, 48, 50, 55, 56, 57 | Lansill | 53 | Scott | 10 |
Arnold | 12, 13, 44 | Edwards | 53 | Leek | 21 | Searles | 70 |
Ashcraft | 3, 5, 6, 12, 13, 15, 16, 20, 25, 26, 27, 28, 31, 43, 49, 50, 52, 62, 69 | Elfridge | 53 | Leffler | 37 | Sessler | 41, 56 |
Ashley | 18, 21 | Elmer | 22, 69 | Leonard | 10, 50, 65, 66 | Shaw | 18 |
Bacon | 24 | Esty | 39 | Lewis | 50, 56, 70 | Sherman | 34 |
Bailey | 10, 26 | Evans | 46, 48, 55, 56, 57 | Lillibridge | 24 | Sikes | 64 |
Baker | 18, 29, 47, 50, 56, 57, 58, 59, 64 | Farner | 53 | Lingenfelter | 40 | Simmons | 53 |
Barnett | 57 | Farrar | 21, 40 | Little | 18 | Skiff | 64 |
Basye | 53 | Faust | 39 | Locke | 18 | Smith | 5, 24, 38, 45, 54, 61, 66 |
Bauer | 10 | Feathers | 23 | Lonsbury | 63 | Spring | 61 |
Bedell | 27, 31 | Ferrall | 39 | Loring | 39 | Sproul | 55, 56 |
Beebe | 10, 18 | Field | 21 | Loucks | 18 | Stanton | 68 |
Bellingham | 6 | Filbrick | 53 | Lyman | 1, 56 | Stearns | 54 |
Bellman | 12, 27, 31 | Findlay | 24 | Lynde | 37, 50, 56 | Steffenhagen | 33 |
Belote | 10 | Fish | 66 | Manning | 33, 39 | Stein | 69 |
Benson | 35, 36 | Fisher | 23, 50 | Marsh | 70 | Stevens | 40 |
Bessey | 19 | Flogaus | 48, 55, 56, 57 | Mason | 56, 57 | Stone | 53, 57 |
Blanchard | 56 | Follett | 18, 38, 50 | Maynard | 10 | Strong | 66 |
Blighton/Bliton | 16, 62 | Folts | 10, 50 | McCabe | 39 | Sutter | 10 |
Bliss | 39, 55, 56, 57 | Freeman | 42 | McCaffery | 10 | Swain | 24 |
Blodgett | 10 | Freer | 24 | McGlashan | 53 | Taber | 5 |
Bolander | 48 | French | 39, 53, 68 | Meacham | 10 | Tanner | 10 |
Bond | 50 | Fuller | 64 | Meloy | 69 | Taylor | 53 |
Booth | 10 | Gardner | 68, 69 | Merrill | 31 | Thorne | 41, 50, 56, 57 |
Borzilleri | 53 | Geer/Gere | 1, 17 | Milliman | 12 | Thurston | 58 |
Boyd | 24 | Gill | 34 | Mills | 22, 48, 56, 63 | Tibbits | 10 |
Broughton | 68 | Gillett | 18 | Moon | 31 | Tiffany | 53 |
Brovan | 23 | Goodrich | 10 | Murphy | 47, 64 | Tilden | 50 |
Brown | 10, 29, 53 | Gould | 11, 19 | Myers | 53 | Tilt | 70 |
Buck | 5 | Graves | 55 | Newman | 70 | Tims | 56 |
Bump | 10, 44, 50 | Green | 24, 39 | Newton | 9, 50 | Tyler | 34 |
Busch | 39 | Griecer | 50 | Nichols | 1, 2, 23, 68, 69 | Udell | 53 |
Bush | 3, 19, 61 | Grieser | 16, 62 | Nugent | 53 | Van Valkenburg | 62 |
Button | 10, 18 | Griffith | 57 | O'Brien | 10 | Vaughan/Vaughn | 4, 5, 16, 24, 25, 28, 29, 31, 43, 47, 49, 50, 51, 52, 56, 63, 64 |
Cain | 68 | Hall | 16, 26, 28, 30, 33, 43, 44, 50, 53, 66 | Ogilvie | 66 | Velzy | 38 |
Caner | 70 | Hamilton | 53 | Oliver | 8 | Very | 18 |
Carter | 55 | Hammond | 63 | Owens | 70 | Voorhees | 5 |
Chapman | 5 | Harmon/Harman | 18, 47, 64 | Par | 10 | Wachter | 68 |
Chasey | 56 | Harper | 53, 55, 56, 57 | Pease | 23 | Wagoner | 17, 25 |
Cheney | 50 | Hart | 34 | Percival | 24 | Waite | 29 |
Cherry | 10 | Hatch | 10 | Pettit | 53 | Wallace | 53 |
Chittick, 30 | Hayes | 24 | Phillips | 10 | Walton | 57 | |
Churchill | 67 | Hazelton | 21 | Pierce | 25, 38, 47, 64 | Warner | 61 |
Clark/Clarke | 6, 18, 40, 67, 68, 70 | Heidle | 33 | Pinney | 54 | Warren | 7 |
Closser | 37 | Henderson | 53 | Pond | 27 | Watson | 16, 27, 28, 31, 43 |
Coffee | 17 | Hickey | 24 | Posner | 68 | Weast | 33, 53 |
Cole | 41 | Hill | 16, 26, 35, 36, 50, 62 | Potter | 16, 50, 62 | Weaver | 66 |
Cone | 50, 56, 57 | Hirsch | 5 | Potts | 66 | Weber/Webber | 10, 40 |
Conschafter | 57 | Hobbs | 53 | Powell | 17 | Webster | 68 |
Cook | 39 | Hoffstrom | 23 | Powers | 56 | Weisse | 68 |
Cooper | 22 | Holland | 46 | Pratt | 61 | Wellman | 16, 50, 62 |
Cornwall | 47 | Holmes | 29, 39, 50, 56, 57 | Pugh | 50 | Wells | 65, 66 |
Corsett | 56 | Honnecker | 53 | Purdy | 53 | Westfall | 12 |
Corthell | 27 | Hooper | 19 | Quinn | 32 | Wheat | 32 |
Cradduck | 14 | Humphrey | 10 | Raker | 56 | Wheeler | 10 |
Crandall | 11 | Hurlbert | 42 | Randall | 18 | White | 16, 50, 62 |
Croll | 53 | Husted | 15, 57 | Rees/Reese | 9, 66 | Whitney | 16, 18 |
Cumming | 5 | Jackson | 8, 40, 50, 64, 67 | Reid | 61 | Widerman | 64 |
Curtis | 6, 37, 67 | James | 50 | Reiman | 18 | Wildrick | 10 |
Dailey | 42, 50, 57 | Jewell | 11 | Remington | 59 | Wiley | 53 |
Dare | 4 | Jewett | 39 | Reynolds | 57 | Williams | 10, 56 |
Darling | 57 | Johnson | 5, 12, 13, 24, 50 | Rice | 33 | Willson | 9 |
Davis/Davies | 42, 48, 50 | Jones | 9, 24, 25, 29, 39, 45, 46, 48, 50, 51, 52, 54, 55, 56, 57, 70 | Rich | 10 | Wilsey | 53 |
Dawson | 36 | Joslyn | 50 | Rider | 5, 24, 50 | Wilson | 70 |
Day | 18, 33 | Kammery | 10 | Robinson | 8 | Wiltse | 50 |
Delmarter | 15 | Karlson | 68 | Roblee/Robley | 50, 61 | Windsor | 60 |
Dennis | 24 | Kibbie | 20 | Roepke | 68 | Wittig | 53 |
Devanny | 39 | Kibby | 6 | Root | 10 | Woodworth | 21 |
Dicke | 68 | King | 21 | Rose | 39 | Wright | 19, 24, 36, 40 |
Dills | 50, 56 | Kitchen | 53 | Roulo | 24 | Wurst | 8 |
Dodge | 44 | Koeppe | 68 | Russell | 10, 39 | Yorsen | 33 |
Dornan | 66 | Koyl | 6, 20 | Sage | 17 | Zeliff | 10 |
Durkee | 40 | Kuley | 36 | Sanford | 29 | Zigler | 56 |
Dwinnell | 32 | Kyro | 68 | Schang | 70 | ||
Easterly | 56 | Lamb | 1, 2 | Schnitzler | 70 | ||
Eastland | 26, 50, 53 | Langdon | 68, 69 | Schutt | 10 |
Cover Page | Introduction | Surname Index | Links to Articles
Cover Page
| Introduction | Surname Index | Links to ArticlesGeorge E. Nichols of Haskell Flats died last week Monday after an illness of only a few days with inflammation of the bowels, aged 25 years and 8 months. His mother, Mrs. Lyman Nichols of Ischua, assisted in caring for him.
His wife, who is a daughter of Orlando Lamb of Machias and a granddaughter of the late Marshall Gere of Black Creek, was reported quite sick with a severe cold on her lungs. She has much sympathy in her great sorrow.
The funeral was held at the church on the Haskell last Thursday, burial at Cuba.
Cover Page | Introduction | Surname Index | Links to Articles
The people of this vicinity were terribly shocked last week Tuesday when news of the sad death of George Nichols was telephoned here. He died at his home in Haskell Flats Monday evening, Nov. 16, 1903, aged 27 yrs., of inflammation of the bowels. He was a former resident of this place and had many friends here who will read this with many regrets. His wife was formerly Miss Susie Lamb of this place. She has many friends here who sympathize with her in her sad bereavement.
Cover Page | Introduction | Surname Index | Links to Articles
Article 3: Chester Ashcraft Letter to the Editor
[Letter from Chester Burdette Ashcraft to a local newspaper in his hometown area of Western New York. The letter was introduced by the editor as follows:]
An Interesting Letter
About ten years ago J.[sic] Burdette Ashcraft, son of A. P. Ashcraft of McKinstry, was driven to a higher altitude by asthma. He sought the West and finally brought up in Boulder, Colo., where, from the following we judge he is flourishing:
In your travels in the West maybe you have visited this town and can know something about how we are located, and can vouch for the truth of the statement that Boulder, Colo., is one of the finest towns west of the Great Valley. It is located 29 miles north and west of Denver on the Colorado & Southern Union Pacific and North Western railroads. Its altitude is 5400 feet and it claims a population of 8,000 souls. The welfare of which is carefully guarded by five newspapers, (two of which are dailies), by 14 churches, 29 secret and fraternal organizations, 10 saloons, and a brewery. We have 5 public school buildings and 2,365 children attending the same, who occupy the time and attention of some 50 teachers. These teachers received in 1901, $27,000 in salaries. From our door can be seen the State University, with its imposing buildings, on a library building just being erected at a cost of $70,000,000 [sic].
Attending the University are 842 students, from which you readily see we suffer little for educational facilities. We also have two business colleges. Financially speaking, everything is going up. The resources of Boulder are varied. The annual pay-roll and revenues derived from the industries from the University, the Texas Chatauqua, etc., amount to $1,000,000.
The county of Boulder is one of the best all-round farming regions in the state, producing, in 1901, 400,000 bushels of oats, 650,000 bushels, barley; 60,000 bushels, corn; $85,000 in dairy products, with $245,000 worth of cattle. There were also 700,000 tons of coal produced in 1901 and the annual output of gold and silver now average nearly $100,000. We have fine sandstone quarries near the city of Boulder, both of pink and white sandstone. And, while we boast of fields of grain, orchards of fruit, mines of gold, silver and coal, and of educational advantages, we also boast of a second Bradford in the production of oil. An oil which is conceded by all oil men to be of a higher grade than any before discovered in the United States. This is no dream. There is within sight of the city of Boulder a great basin containing the finest quality of all oil, from which hundreds of barrels of oil are daily drawn by at least a dozen wells, and to strike oil has become too common to cause hardly a notice.
Boulder, being the county seat and largest town in the county, the merchants and tradesmen derive large profits from these products, and therefore the banks, of which we have three, and all other business men are on a firm foundation. In addition to those already named we boast of 9 hotels, 6 restaurants, 2 flour mills, 3 feed mills, 1 creamery, 4 sampling works where the ores from the different mines are ground and three machine shops. The building trades are in a flourishing condition and there are two planing mills and 3 pressed brick factories, which are running continually to keep within sight of the constantly increasing demand for material. Contractors have plenty of work always on hand. I am just completing my seventh house, besides two barns which have come my way since Feb. 20. My next will be a house for myself which we will put on a couple of lots which we purchased in the spring. We expect to start the same some time the coming week. Myself and family are in the enjoyment of the best of health and a fair degree of prosperity, and with hopes that this will find you in the same predicament, I remain, very truly yours,
C. B. Ashcraft
Cover Page | Introduction | Surname Index | Links to Articles
Article 4: Death of Mrs. Emily Vaughan
Mrs. Emily Vaughan, mother of Daniel C. Vaughan, of this place, was born in Connecticut, May 6, 1807. In 1809 she moved to Genesee county, N. Y., where she lived with her parents until March 14, 1831, when she was married to Charles Vaughan of Alexander, Genesee county, N.Y.; moving to Machias, April 21, 1831, where she has since resided. Her husband died May 7, 1860, leaving her a widow with three children, one daughter, and two sons. The oldest son surviving her and with whom she has resided until her death, which occurred on Sunday, March 11. She had been a member of the M. E. church of Machias for over 50 years.
The funeral service was held from the residence of D. C. Vaughan on Tuesday afternoon, Rev. J. B. Dare officiating. Interment in Maple Grove cemetery.
Cover Page | Introduction | Surname Index | Links to Articles
Rider - Johnson
At two thirty o'clock in the afternoon of September 2d, 1909, at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Mary A. Johnson, Miss L. Blanche Johnson was married to William B. Rider of Castile. The bride was gowned in white messaline satin, and carried a bouquet of brides' roses and lilies of the valley.
The house was beautifully decorated with flowers, the predominating color being pink and white. At the hour appointed for the ceremony, Miss Charlotte Voorhees sang an appropriate solo, after which the bride and groom, unattended, took their places and were united in holy wedlock by Rev. C.R. Buck, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church.
A dainty luncheon was served by Caterer Hirsch, assisted by Miss Grace Johnson. Covers were laid for sixty guests.
The bride and groom left on the evening train for a short bridal trip, after which they will be home in Castile.
There presents were many, costly and beautiful, as well as useful, attesting the high esteem in which both bride and groom are held by their many friends in their native town. The bride was given three nuptial entertainments -- a veranda lunch at the house of Mrs. Jennie Taber; a variety shower given by Mrs. Rose Cumming and Charlotte Voorhees, and a honeymoon shower given by Miss Jennie Chapman at her home on Water St.
The out of town guests were Mrs. Mary Johnson and daughter Grace of Attica, Mrs. Betsy Vaughn of Sandusky, Dr. ad Mrs. C. S. Johnson and son of Gasport, Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Ashcraft of Boston, N.Y., Mrs. Elmira Smith and Prof. F. W. Smith of Hermitage, N.Y.
Cover Page | Introduction | Surname Index | Links to Articles
Daniel Ashcraft was born in Machias, N.Y. July 12, 1831. Passed to rest at Scottville, Feb. 29, 1908; aged 76 years, 7 month, 16 days. Mr. Ashcraft was married to Eliza Ashcraft at Ashtabula, O[hio], May 23, 1853. To this union were born ten children, three having passed to spirit life in infancy, leaving seven on this side to mourn their loss. Mrs. Wm. Clark, Mrs. L. Kibby, and Curtis Ashcraft, all of Freemont, Mrs. W. Koyl of Scottville, Robt. E. Ashcraft of Manton, Leslie Ashcraft and Mrs. A. Airdyne of Elk Rapids, also twenty-one grandchildren and eight great grandchildren. This father, brother, counselor and friend gave his life to Christ about 30 years ago; and has passed on to the other side of life, where shadows never darken homes of love. He realized the hour had come for his departure from this world of change, and seemed anxious to be at rest. Like the sun that sets in the evening sky, after doing its days work, he passed away; but the splendor of his cheerful life still remains as a halo of glory. So that he "being dead yet sleepeth". He has gone before and waits upon the other shore for loved ones left behind. Funeral services were held at the Church of Christ, Tuesday at 2 p.m. T.W. Bellingham officiating.
Cover Page | Introduction | Surname Index | Links to Articles
We seldom see any misery in life so great as to outweigh the misery of leaving it, but yet it comes to all of us, that He who made death made it like all things else to be beautiful in its place and time.
Phillip Brooks said of one who died that "Nothing in all his life became this man like his leaving it." And this may truly be said of her who so peacefully passed away on the early morning of August 28, 1905.
With saddening force came the tidings that the spirit of Mrs. G. M. Warren had passed beyond the reach of mortal joys and sorrows. A trouble patiently borne for years, with many hours of suffering and anxiety, but at last the slender thread of life is broken.
Never a murmur or complaint, but a cheerful submission to the will of Him who ordereth all things well. The influence of her patient suffering pervades the community and many bear the impress of her noble character, both pure and strong.
Mrs. Warren's family life was sweet and hallowed. An inspiration and counselor for her husband she was her childrens' best friend and constant guide.
Husband and daughters are bowed down by grief, but realize that He who has taken away is also the one who gave the loving woman, who was the true wife and to the others all that can be expressed by the word "MOTHER."
Mrs. Warren was a woman universally beloved and respected, and the community in which she lived the most of her life, and the church of which she was an honored member will have many loving remembrances of her. Her devoted mother, who has so tenderly and carefully ministered by her side through all the weary hours of her last illness, will long for the dear voice now silent.
An only sister feels so keenly the severing of the tie that has bound them so closely. A host of relatives and friends extend sympathy to all who mourn.
May her cheerful resignation and trust in Him who controls all things, sooth, console and sustain those who mourn her death.
"Better to smile when such a life
Gives up the battle of earthly strife;
Better to know that her tasks are done
Trials ended and glory won;
Tears are in vain when a soul so bright
Wings its way to the gates of light."
Cover Page | Introduction | Surname Index | Links to Articles
Early on Sunday morning, August 28th, 1910, passed out of this life. She was the second daughter of William and Zina Jackson and was born in the village of Holland on the 29th of May 1889, and was in the 22nd year of her age at the time of her death. She is survived by her father and mother and two sisters, Mrs. George Wurst of Buffalo and Annabelle.
Isabelle was a graduate of our own school and had spent a part of a year at Lafayette High School in Buffalo with the expectation of graduating at its close. But illness made it necessary for her to give up her cherished plans and forego a career of intellectual attainment of which there was such a large promise. For two years and a half with cheerfulness and rare courage and fortitude she has fought the battle for life. Her strong determination to live linked with the thoughtful and unremitting care of a loving mother undoubtedly prolonged her life for months.
About four years ago she was united with the Baptist church, whose welfare had a warm place in her heart, and whose services her gift of song was the joy and inspiration of many. She has gone from us but the memory of her pure life will long remain a benediction.
Her pastor, the Reverend Charles H. Oliver, assisted by the Reverend Mr. Robinson of the Methodist Church conducted the funeral services which were held at the home on Tuesday afternoon at two o'clock. The loving sympathy of the community was manifested by the large attendance at the funeral and many friends followed the body to its last resting place in the....[obscure].
Cover Page | Introduction | Surname Index | Links to Articles
Article 9: Wedding Announcement
The afternoon of Wednesday was bright with sunshine, spring's breath was sweet, its flowers redolent of beauty, fragrance and immortal hope while the landscape far and wide teemed with the picturesque touch of early summer. Nature was adorned with holiday attire, as within the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ethan A. Newton assembled a throng of guests to witness a ceremony which often brings sadness though always joy, the marriage of their daughter Alta to Elbert E. Reese of Delevan. Promptly at two o'clock Miss Lucy Willson of Olean played the wedding march and the bridal party advanced to the parlor as little Annis Willson of Franklinville, dressed in cream color, scattered roses on the floor. The bride, dressed in a very light dove color henrietta, with curved orange blossoms in her hair and a bouquet of white roses in her hand, took her place under a triumphal arch, a monument of love, festooned with petunias, fuchsias and evergreen and which supported a bell of white roses. Under such a canopy of floral handiwork the two were quietly married, pronounced by the officiating Baptist clergyman no more twain but one flesh, husband and wife in the sacred ordinances of wedlock. Many eyes were dimmed with tears, but they were quickly dried as in a very sun-storm of congratulations came the hearty wishes of "May they always be happy and blest." In mentioning the refreshments, which were ample and rich, we would not forget the ushers whose services so materially contributed to make the occasion a complete success; the young ladies wore pink roses, and the gentlemen white carnations. In Buffalo, the city of lakes and electricity, the honeymoon will be spent. Freedom, however, will be the home of the pair, for there the groom works at cheese-making in the factory of E. L. Jones. Both bride and groom are well known in our village. Although a resident among us little more than a year, Miss Newton has made many friends, and she will be sadly missed from the B. Y. P. U. of which she was a prominent member. Mr. Reese is looked upon as a rising young man. Enjoying the confidence of his employer, and the respect of his associates, there is no reason why such a character as his should not be moulded into a manhood of pure and far-reaching power.
Cover Page | Introduction | Surname Index | Links to Articles
Article 10: Supreme Court Jury
A panel of 36 trial jurors drawn to serve as a term of the supreme court appointed to be held in and for Cattaraugus county, commencing September 12, 1898:
Byron Leonard, Farmersville; William Folts, Great Valley; John Cherry, Napoli; B. B. Weber, Salamanca; George Tanner, Great Valley; James O'Brien, Jr., Ellicottville; Edwin Blodgett, Humphrey; David M. Button, Machias; Austin Bailey, Persia; Victor Rich, Napoli; Alonzo Zeliff, Great Valley; E. K. Goodrich, East Otto; Rual Wheeler, Randolph; C. J. Bauer, East Otto; O. J. Williams, Olean; Levi Meacham, Mansfield; John H. Schutt, Little Valley; Byron Brown, Freedom; Joseph Sutter, Allegany; Frank Russell, Olean; Chas. Root, Otto; Orrin Bump, New Albion; Elmer D. Tibbits, Otto; Frank Scott, Coldspring; John J. Belote, Leon; L. B. Humphrey, Portville; Samuel Wildrick, Lyndon; Charles Beebe, Olean; George W. Hatch, Portville; Stewart Wheeler, Olean; Fred Kammery, Olean; Barnard McCaffery, Carrollton; Frank Par, Olean; M. D. Booth, Napoli; George Phillips, Olean; Juliua Maynard, East Otto.
Cover Page | Introduction | Surname Index | Links to Articles
Article 11: Resolutions of Condolence
At the regular meeting of Machias Lodge No. 131, A.O.U.W. held at their Lodge rooms on Saturday evening, Dec. 28, 1889, the following resolutions were unanimously adopted:
WHEREAS, The Death Angel has again visited the home of our respected brother Lyman Gould, leaving him and his family to mourn the loss of their only son, Wille:
Resolved, That while we submit to the inevitable, we nevertheless mourn with our brother in this their sad bereavement, and as a token of respect we tender to the family our heartfelt sympathy, and would admonish them to look to God for that consolation which He alone can give, and especially for the mother would we pray God to guide, guard and comfort in this her sad hour of affliction, and that she still keep her eye upon the Pearly gate that when it swings open for her to enter she may meet her loved ones on the other shore.
Resolved. That we as brother work men are admonished as to the uncertainty of life and certainty of death which must sooner or later overtake all, that it behooves us to be prepared for the summons that await us:
Resolved that these resolutions appear upon the minutes of our Lodge book, the same be published in the CATTARAUGUS STAR and a copy presented to the family of the deceased.
Moses Jewell,
H. S. Crandall,
Cover Page | Introduction | Surname Index | Links to Articles
A Machias Pioneer
The number of the few remaining pioneer settlers of the town of Machias was lessened by one on Wednesday, Dec. 27th, when Mrs. Waity Arnold Ashcraft died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Mary Johnson, at Castile. Mrs. Ashcraft had reached the great age of almost 94 years. She had retained her strength and activity in a remarkable degree but for a few months past, she had been visibly failing. Her death was simply a cessation of the vital forces, without any special disease.
The deceased was the daughter of George and Waity Arnold and was born in the town of Aurelins, Cayuga Co., [NY] on Feb. 28th, 1819. While she was yet an infant, her parents removed to Mount Morris, Livingston Co. [NY], and after a few years residence at that place, they removed in 1825 to this town which was her home for over a half century. Her father purchased the farm now owned by J. N. Westfall at West Machias, then covered for miles around with an unbroken forest of heavy timber, and in a log house on that farm, amid the hardships and privations of pioneer life, her early years were passed. A thrilling incident of her girlhood on this farm is thus related.
One Sunday morning in the fall of 1828, Mr. Arnold's three daughters, ranging in age from nine to sixteen years, the youngest being the subject of this notice, rambled into the woods in search of wintergreen berries. They intended to keep within a half mile of the house but became bewildered, lost their way, and wandered about, getting farther and farther from home.
Whichever way they turned there was nothing but trackless forest; no clearing appeared.
At noon, as they failed to return for dinner, Mr. And Mrs. Arnold became alarmed and began to call for them, but no answer was received. In the afternoon word was sent to a few of the nearest settlers and a search began. All was terrible anxiety, as the forest was full of bears and other wild animals.
The searching parties were constantly increased in number by other settlers from farther away. As night set in, no trace of the children had been found. It began raining heavily and all discontinued the search save two settlers, who determined to remain in search in the forest all night and listen for cries of distress. After midnight these men heard a cry, but whether from a child or a panther they could not decide, and they decided to wait till morning before exploring further. Being several miles from home in the town of Ashford, they remained with a settler the rest of the night.
Early in the morning, the two men who heard the cry began searching in the vicinity where they had heard it and soon found the girls on the side of a high hill near a creek known as Buttermilk Creek. They were cold and hungry, and terribly afraid, but otherwise all right. They had passed the night in walking the pathless woods and calling for help. Once they discovered some small animals supposed, from the noise they made to have been young cubs. In their wanderings one of them stepped upon part of a bear trap, placed there by a settler, but luckily she was not caught. The joy of the girls and of their parents can better be imagined then described.
She was married in 1840 to Nathan T. Ashcraft, also a pioneer of the town, and the young couple began housekeeping on the farm now owned by A. J. Bellman which was their home for over forty years and until the death of Mr. Ashcraft in 1882. Afterward she made her home with her daughter at Castile until her death.
Both Mr. and Mrs. Ashcraft were prominent members of the Christian Church of this village for many years and she bore through her entire life the character of an excellent Christian woman a kind friend and neighbor. She was a woman of extraordinary vigor and energy and retained her mental and physical faculties to advanced age in a remarkable degree. At the age of eighty years and beyond she might be seen walking the streets with the erect for and active step of forty.
She is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Mary A. Johnson of Castile, and two sons, Warren Ashcraft of Bedford, Iowa, and Smith Ashcraft of Boston, Erie County.
The funeral services were held from the home of her daughter at Castile on Thursday afternoon. There being no resident pastor of the Christian Church, of which the deceased was a member. Rev. H. Clay Milliman of the Methodist Episcopal Church officiated. The remains was brought to this place [Machias] on Friday and interred by the side of her husband in the family lot in the Brewer Cemetery.
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Article 13: Experiences of Mrs. Waity A. Ashcraft of Castile.
Reminiscences of Rye Bread, and Mince Pies, Baked in Stone Oven-- Search by Villagers at Night, To Protect from Wild Beasts Three Little Girls Who Had Been Lost.
By Special Dispatch to the Herald.
Castile, February 28.--Mrs. Waity Arnold Ashcraft, one of Castile's oldest and most highly esteemed citizens, celebrated her 89th birthday to-day. She is in full possession of all her faculties and is a woman of rare ability. Only by the calendar's record can Mrs. Ashcraft be associated with old age, as she does not appear to be more than 70 years of age. She has a remarkable memory and remembers recent events as well as those of her early childhood.
She was the daughter of George and Waity Arnold and was born in Aurelius, Cayuga County. When 6 years old her parents moved to Mt. Morris, and after living there four years they moved to Machias, Cattaraugus County, her father cutting the road the last mile to where they decided to locate. He purchased 100 acres of a dense growth of timber, mostly maple and beech, and built a log house in which they lived.
The oven which her mother used for baking was built on one side of the house. A foundation of stone and mortar was laid before building the oven of the same material. Mrs. Ashcraft said: "In imagination I can taste the rye and Indian bread, mince and pumpkin pies that my mother used to make." Later a frame house was built and a brick oven was one of the luxuries in their home. The farm work and razing of stumps were done by oxen, as horses were seldom seen.
The first grain her father threshed was done on a platform of boards with a roof,, and a flail was used for whipping the grain. Mrs. Ashcraft recalls many incidents of her early life, but the one which she enjoys telling the most is that soon after settling in Machias her two older sisters and herself went a distance from the home to gather wintergreen. When attempting to return they could not find the way. As night came on they broke off limbs of trees to lie on, taking turns to loudly call for help.
Their parents were alarmed and fearing they might be killed by wild beasts, which were plenty in those days, a hurried call was made. As it was "general training day" at the village, the whole country turned out and scoured the woods. All agreed not to fire a gun until they were found, which was about 10 o'clock at night, and then the woods were filled with shouts and firing of guns.
At the age of 21 years Miss Arnold married Nathan T. Ashcraft, son of Elija and Betsy Ashcraft, pioneers in the same town. Her husband and herself lived forty years on the farm where he took her as a bride. Only three of the six children born to them are living, Smith of Boston, N.Y.; Warren of Bedford, Ia, and Mrs. Johnson of Castile. She has two grandchildren, Dr. C. S. Johnson of Gasport and Miss Blanche Johnson of Castile. Mr. Ashcraft died 25 years ago and since that time Mrs. Ashcraft's home has been with her daughter, Mrs. A. L. Johnson of Castile.
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Dead In Arizona
A telegram was received in town this morning from the Free Mason lodge at Douglas, Arizona, stating that John C. Cradduck, a former well-known resident of this village, died at that place on Wednesday, December 28th, after a short illness from pneumonia. After leaving here some twenty years ago, Mr. Cradduck resided at Weston's, Portville and Haskell, from which place he disappeared and nothing definite has been heard from him for fifteen years or more. His wife died here in September.
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(From the Herald of Gospel Liberty.)
ASHCRAFT--Mother Ashcraft departed this life February 9, 1878, at Machias, Cattaraugus County, N.Y., at the advanced age of 90 years, 4 months, and 23 days. She was born in Stratford, Connecticut, Sept. 16, 1787, and moved to Vermont when a child; was married March 22, 1810; moved to Alexander, Genesee County, the following July, with an ox team; was on the road twenty-one days; moved to Machias in March, 1817, with an ox team also. She was the mother of ten children, six sons and four daughters. She was converted in 1818, and united with the First Christian Church in Machias fifty years ago last July. She was one of the five members that constituted the church at its organization. She was present at the last anniversary meeting in July. Her testimony at that will long be remembered by those that were present. Feeble in body, tottering on the verge of the grave, yet strong in the Lord! She said, "It was the last time she should meet with the brothers and sisters, that she was almost home; and oh! how glad she was of it!" She was ready when the summons came, and peacefully passed away. May her children that are left behind, and the church of which she was so long a member, prove faithful, that they may meet her in the realms of glory.
Mrs. J. G. Delmarter.
Lines in Memory of Our Mother
Dear mother, thou art gone;
Dead! Dead! Oh, can it be?
Yet gone where death can never come;
Oh, may we come to thee!
When thou dids't fall asleep,
They last words were to say,
As if, O Children, do not weep,
"There's nothing in the way."
With Christian fortitude
They sufferings were endured;
Each Christian hope by pain renewed,
Each wound by suffering cured.
When we were gathered round,
To take the last fond view,
My aching heart could only ask,
O, God, can this be true?
We do not weep like those
Whom Jesus doth not save,
Those dying hope no farther goes
Than to the lonely grave.
Her trust was in her God;
She said, "Thy will be done."
When he appears she shall come forth
Bright as the morning sun.
When the great trump shall sound,
Oh, what a glorious sight!
Jesus with all his saints around
In robes of spotless white.
Jennie Husted.
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Another old resident has past into the great beyond.
Almon Perry Ashcraft of McKinstry died on Saturday, Dec. 24th, 1921. The funeral was held at his home on Tuesday, Rev. J.E. Whitney of Delevan officiating. Burial at the McKinstry cemetery.
Mr. Ashcraft, son of Chester and Clarissa Ashcraft, who were among the first settlers of the town of Machias, was born on Feb. 17, 1839. On Dec. 22, 1863 he married Nancy Adelaide Bliton [sic] of Warsaw [Wyoming Co., NY]. The following spring they began housekeeping on a farm purchased from his grandfather, Elijah Ashcraft. Here for fifty eight years he has lived with his devoted wife and reared a family of seven children, all of whom are living.
He accepted Christ in 1893, and became of member of the Christian church at Machias. A family altar was established in his home which has had an influence for good in many lives.
He leaves a wife, two sons, Chester Berdette Ashcraft, of Boulder Col., Clarence Ashcraft of Delevan, five daughters, Mrs. Belle Hill of Buffalo, Mrs. Alta Wellman, Mrs. Rena Grieser, Mrs. Addie White and Mrs. Gladys Potter, eighteen grandchildren, five great grandchildren, three sisters, Mrs. Jane Hall of McKinstry, Mrs. Betsey Vaughan of Sandusky, and Mrs. Clara Watson of Machias, and numbers of friends to miss him.
One can truthfully say that he lived "In the house by the side of the road and was a friend of man."
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Article 17: Rev. W. B. Wagoner (includes Photo)
The many warm friends of Rev. William B. Wagoner in this vicinity were shocked and saddened on Saturday by the news of his sudden death which occurred that morning in the Union Station at Dunkirk while he was waiting to take the train for his home at Friendship. Death resulted from apoplexy and was instantaneous. It is understood that he was to retire from active work at the close of the conference year and had been considering the purchase of a permanent home in Fredonia.
Rev. Wagoner was born at Bellefonte, Pa. On Nov. 11, 1838. He was converted at the age of fourteen years, was licensed to preach in 1862 and joined the Genesee Conference in 1881. He served in a Pennsylvania regiment during the Civil War and taught school for some years thereafter. Some of the charges served by him were Smithport, Rushford, Franklinville, Mr. Morris, Churchville, Holley, Cuba, Andover, Asbury, Bradford, Machias and Friendship. His Machias pastorate included the years 1903 to 1907 and it is safe to say that of all the long roll of pastors of the local church not one achieved greater popularity among all classes than he. Possessed of superior ability, well educated, and an eloquent speaker, he was also a polished and genial gentleman and a man of judgment and tact. More than all this too, he was an earnest Christian and his daily life from first to last was such as reflected no discredit upon the cause of the Master whom he served.
Rev. Wagoner was married on Dec. 24th, 1863 to Miss Jessie E. Coffee who was his faithful wife until her death at the Methodist parsonage on Jan. 21st, 1904. He contracted a second marriage on July 5th, 1905, with Mrs. Helen I. Geer of Detroit, Michigan, who survives him. He also leaves two sons, Harry S. Wagoner of Boston, Mass. And J. T. Wagoner of Glen Hazel, Pa. And two daughters, Mrs. C.N. Sage of Batavia and Mrs. Emma Powell of Missouri.
The funeral services took place at Friendship on Wednesday, the remains being brought to Franklinville for interment by the side of his first wife in Beautiful Mt. Prospect Cemetery.
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If you are a descendant of any of the following individuals and are interested in obtaining a ".GIF" or ".JPG" image of his/her respective photos, please contact Phil Roblee, and he will endeavor to scan the image and email it to you.
Photo of Rathbun Follett, 1830-1905
Photo of Jesse E. K. Button
Photo of Stephen P. Randall
Photo of Fred M. Little
Photo of Harmon J. Ashley, M.D., 1849-1908
Photo of Mrs. Sally Beebe, Born March 4, 1801, Died March 1, 1904
Photo of Mr. and Mrs. Valentine Reiman.
Photo of Edwin Baker, Born October 8th, 1831, Died September 5th, 1903
Photo of Jesse E.K. Button (same photo, different paper)
Photo of Byron R. Locke, 1833-1905
Photo of Deland Very, 1839 - 1910
Photo of Rathbun Follett, Benjamin F. Whitney, 1830-1906
Photo of Daniel Shaw
Photo of Sylvester J. Carver, 1832-1914
Photo of Clark D. Day (Obit photo, no obit)
Photo of Clarence C. Loucks
Photo of Alfred M. Gillett
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Elias Gould (with Photo)
The subject of this sketch was born in the town of Freedom, two miles east of Elton, in the month of May, 1841. He was the son of Hollis Gould, a native of Vermont, who settled in this vicinity at an early day. His mother, Betsey Wright, was the daughter of Amos Wright, also a "Green Mountain Boy," who came from Genesee Co. and settled in Freedom in 1824 and in Farmersville in 1838. The Gould family removed to this town when Elias was but a boy and nearly all the remainder of his life was passed within its borders. He served as a soldier during the Civil War, enlisting first on March 15th, 1862 as a member of Co. K. 105th Regiment N.Y. State Vols. and afterward, on Sept. 3rd, 1864, re-enlisting as a veteran and serving in Co. A., 188th Regiment. He participated in many of the prominent battles of the war and won an honorable record for efficiency and bravery. He was married in April, 1866, to Miss Celia Bush, daughter of the late Wm. S. Bush, with whom he passed a happy married life until her death on May 1st, 1900. One child was born to them, a daughter who died in childhood. He was married a second time on Feb. 9th, 1907, to Mrs. Eva J. Bessey of this village, who survives him.
Mr. Gould was very highly esteemed in this vicinity where his life has been past. He was a man of the strictest integrity and honor in his dealings with his fellow men, of kindly and generous nature and genial and accommodating disposition. His popularity was evinced in 1886, when, though a life-long Democrat in a strongly Republican town, he was chosen Supervisor over the strongest candidate the opposition could name. He was a prominent member of Phillips Post, G. A. R., of which organization he was several times chosen Commander, and a charter member of Machias Lodge, I. O. O. F.
Besides his widow, he is survived by five brothers, Ezra M. Gould of Lyndon, George Gould of Batavia, John Gould of Elma, Charles Gould of Bradford, Pa., and Lyman Gould of this town, a half-brother, Stephen Gould of Springville and a half-sister, Mrs. Polly Hooper of Farmersville.
The funeral services took place from the late home of the deceased on Saturday, Nov. 20th, a lady from Jamestown officiating. The attendance was large and the floral offerings numerous and beautiful. Nineteen veterans representing ten different regiments, composed a portion of the funeral procession.
The interment was in the family lot in Maple Grove Cemetery.
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Daniel Ashcraft was born July 12, 1831, at Machias, N.Y., was married to Eliza Ashcraft May 23, 1853 and died February 29, 1908 at the ripe old age of 76 years, 7 months and 17 days. Ten children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Ashcraft, seven of whom survive him, viz: Mrs. Carrie A. Kibbie, of Fremont; Mrs. Emma Koyl of Scottville; Robert Ashcraft, of Manton; Leslie Ashcraft and Mrs. Hattie A. Airdyne of Elk Rapids.
March 30, 1866, with his wife and family, he settled in the township of Sheridan in this county, and has called that his home ever since, although as he became advanced in age he spent a portion of his time in other places with his children.
Mr. Ashcraft was a long time friend of the writer, who knew him well and sincerely admired his many sterling qualities. He was always a staunch Republican, a thoroughly honest man, held in high esteem by his neighbors and all who knew him. His motto was "never forget a friend," and he lived up to it in the fullest measure.
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Born Jun 4, 1825.
Died November 5, 1889.
MEMORIAL. (with photo-sketch)
Death of Dr. Thomas J. King.
The funeral of Dr. Thomas J. King, whose death occurred last week Tuesday night, took place on Friday, Nov. 8th, 1889. The services were held in the M.E. church, of which the deceased was a member, Rev. J. O. Hazelton the pastor, officiated, assisted by Rev. J. M. Field, pastor of the Christian church of this village. The altar was tastily draped in mourning, while the platform was literally covered with beautiful flowers, mutely testifying to the feelings of those who had known him as a friend and benefactor.
The Rev. Hazelton, using as a basis for his discourse, a remark casually made to an intimate friend of the deceased - "a pillar has gone" - took for his text, these words: "And upon the top of the pillar was lilly work." - I Kings, VII chapter, and part of the 22 verse, and "Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more out; and I will write upon him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, which is new Jerusalem." - Revelations. (6 - 8 obscure words here)
"A pillar, said Rev. Hazelton, means something - is something. In the construction of a pillar suitable material is essential. There must be strength,. This secured, then comes the adornment, "Lilly work." There must be capacity on which to attach the adornments so desirable, and in which, to arrange the various elements of strength and utility. Pillar material is not abundant. God supplies the miniature man. The vast pillars in the Temple at Jerusalem, were not beautiful as trees in the forests of Lebanon. They must have the skill of Hiram of Tyre. His magic touch made them the pride of Jerusalem and wonder of all who came to behold the beauty of this Temple. Hiram was once an apprentice, then passed to that of fellow-craft and was raised to master workman. He was needed, was sought after. He had wisdom, coupled with manliness."
Referring to the pillar that had been removed by the Great Master Builder, he said: "He was a man of strong character, and felt a keen sense of duty to his fellow man. His conclusions were reasoned out philosophically. He was not one who could be swayed by popular clamor. No amount of cheap sophistry could convince him or common trickery entrap him. He was an earnest seeker after truth, and when found planted himself upon it with invincible firmness. He was a sound reasoner, was sincere, and a hater of shams. He was self-sacrificing and ever ready to aid every good cause. Blessed with a good mind to start with, and a will to train it and fill it with useful knowledge there shone out of his cheerfulness much of the "Lilly work" at the top of the pillar. His language was always chaste, pure, refined. His Christian testimony was always brief, but clear and intelligent. This pillar has in it the elements which must enter into every character to make it a pillar - or tower of strength in this life, or the next."
Previous to the hour appointed for the services to begin, the casket was borne from the residence to the church. On the casket lay a beautiful floral tribute in the from of a cross, the offering of Dr. H. J. Ashley, his former partner in business. A large number of people of this and surrounding towns embraced the opportunity afforded them of looking for the last time upon the face of one, who by an honorable and upright course during his 33 years of practice in this village - ministering to the afflicted and suffering - had won their confidence and esteem, to an extent that seldom fails to the lot of man. Indeed his strong hold upon the affections of the people of this section, with whom he had mingled for so many years, speaks more forcibly for Dr. King's ability and character than volumes could express.
From the church the body was taken in charge by Franklinville Lodge of F. & A. M., -- of which deceased was a member, -- and delegations from other towns, numbering in all about eighty persons, and interred with Masonic ceremonies in Maple Grove Cemetery by the side of the wife who preceded him to the vale beyond, about 26 years ago. Past Master, D. J. Woodworth of Rochester officiated as Worshipful Master.
Dr. King was born in East Hampton, Long Island, June 4, 1825. At an early age he attended the public schools of his native town, and afterward the Clinton Academy, of which he afterward became principal. He subsequently attended Williams College, from which he took the degree of A.M. in 1848. He entered the Albany Medical College in 1852, received his diploma and degree of M.D. in 1855. He came to this town in the year 1856 on a visit to his uncle, the late Almeron Leek. He visited Franklinville, Olean, Springville and other towns, with a view to a favorable location; eventually settled here and began the practice of his profession, and with the exception of a few months immediately following his settling here, he was the only practicing physician in the town, until the year 1875, when he took into partnership, Dr. H. J. Ashley of Freedom, which partnership continued until January 1887, when Dr. Ashley withdrew. Dr. King then associated with him his son Clarence, who had graduated from the Buffalo Medical College two years before.
In the year 1860 Dr. King united in marriage with Mary Elizabeth, daughter of the late Wiggin M. Farrar, of this town, by whom he had two sons, both of whom survive him, Dr. Clarence, and Harold, both residents of this village.
Though not a seeker after political honors, he was twice elected to the Legislature - first in 1876 and again the year following. As a physician he stood in the front rank and of late years his services as consulting physician has been much in demand. A ripe scholar and a leader in thought, an active and public spirited citizen, his death creates a vacancy that cannot easily be filled.
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Sunday, November 18th, Delevan celebrated the anniversary of the birth of its oldest resident, Mrs. Huldah Edson, who was born just one hundred years ago that day. To say that very few towns in the State of New York can ever have such a celebration is superfluous. Centenarians are scarce, therefore Delevan feels justly proud.
The celebration really commenced on Saturday, for then the flowers and presents began rolling in. They came from far and near, Mrs. Grace Gray of Minneapolis sending one hundred carnations. By 9 a.m. Sunday her rooms looked like the rooms of a popular bride, so filled were they with blossoms and valuable gifts. No bride could have been happier than this sweet old lady who looks about 80 years of age, whose mind is more alert than half of the brides of today; whose eyesight is clear and who bids fair to live for another quarter of a century.
The towns people wished to do her honor, so the public celebration was held in the Baptist church of Delevan and the building was crowded to the doors. The one-hundred year-old lady walked to her new pew, leaning on the arm of her granddaughter, Mrs. Herbert C. Elmer of Ithaca, and sat through the religious service like any other worshipper, and joined in singing the hymns, and the hymns sung were not the modern ones set to half rag-time music, but the old hymns, set to music that softly rises and falls like waves in some sunny sheltered harbor. They were the ones she sang in the long ago, when the church didn't have a fine organ, and the only instrumental music was a tuning fork, and she sang the blessed hymns again this day - the day that filled the last of the one hundred yearly chapters in her life book, and as she sat there softly joining in the waves of song, could a film have been taken of the old-time pictures that ran through her mind - pictures set in sunshine and tears, they would be well worth looking at.
When she was born the second war with England had just been fought. The century during which she has lived has been scarred by wars, and now, when for her the shadows come in long, horizontal bars out of the west, across the waters in desolated France, her great grandson, Lieutenant Basil Elmer, U.S.A., is fighting for the same principles that were just declared victorious when she saw the light of day. And as she sang perhaps amid the pictures of the long ago, she wove a few dreams of the coming time when she would proudly welcome home the patriotic boy; and we know that if he failed to quickly respond to orders on this Sabbath day, it was because the thought of the boy soldier was not wholly on the code of discipline, but were centered around the dear old great-grandmother celebrating her birthday amid the Cattaraugus hills.
But it is not to be supposed that she thought alone of the great-grandson in France, but as her granddaughters, Myrna and Grace, joined in the sweetest song of all, and the dear old lady whisperingly sang with them, as a sort of an echo to the duet, we know that in spirit she gathered children and grandchildren in her arms with no distinction.
At the close of the service Miss Jane Cooper, in behalf of the Baptist church, presented the venerable lady with a big bunch of chrysanthemums. Distance prevented several grandchildren from being present. Miss Harriet Edson of Jamestown was detained.
Mrs. Edson was born near Pike, N.Y., and nearly all of her life has been passed in Cattaraugus county. For the last sixteen years she has lived with her daughter, Mrs. George Mills, of Delevan. And now dear Grandma Edson all of your friends join in the old-time saying that has run down all the hills of the past, "We wish you many happy returns of the Day."
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Article 23: Brovan - Nichols Wedding
A very pretty home wedding was solemnized Thursday, June 23, at 5:30 p.m., when Miss Blanche Brovan, of Downsville, Wis., and Phillip L. Nichols of this city were united in marriage. The ceremony was performed at the home of the groom's parents, Dr. and Mrs. R. M. Nichols, in the presence of relatives only. The wedding march was played by Miss Laura Nichols, sister of the groom. The couple were unattended and the Rev. Francis A. Pease, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church, read the impressive marriage ceremony. The bride wore a pretty gown of white net and a corsage of roses and swansonia.
Following the ceremony a delicious dinner was served, the table and home decorations being of roses and shasta daisies. The young couple will be at home to their friends after July 7th at their new residence, corner of Mill and York streets, this city.
The bride has been a successful 8th grade teacher in our city school the past year and previously taught in our graded school during the years of 1916-17. During the interval she taught in Billings, Mont., and Seattle, Wash. The groom is a graduate of our high school, class of 1913, and served in the World war, being a member of the 13th Engineers. He has been in the employ of the Falls Motors Corporation for the last two years. Both bride and groom are worthy young people who have the sincere good wishes of many friends.
The wedding guests from out of town were: Mrs. Emma Fisher and Miss Eunice Brovan of Downsville, Wis.; Mrs. Molly Feathers and daughter Jessie of Duluth, Minn.; Mr. Max Brovan of Sioux Falls, S. D., and Mrs. Lydia Hoffstrom of Seattle, Wash.
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After a Brief Illness from Pneumonia
(hand-written "1921" on clipping)
The death of Mary Evelyn, wife of William B. Rider, which occurred on Saturday morning, June 25th, after a brief illness from pneumonia, brings great sadness and a profound sense of loss to the whole community and to the hundreds of others composing her very wide circle of friends and acquaintances.
She was born at Rockford, Ill., on February 20, 1858, being the third child of Edward B. and Caroline Wright Percival. Much of her early life was spent in Portville and vicinity. In 1883 she graduated from Oberlin College and in 1888 she went to the sanitarium at Castile, N.Y., first as a patient, but soon became a valued assistant and for many years was business manager of the institution. One formerly associated with her in the work at the sanitarium since her death has written, "Mary's translation is a loss not only to us and the community, but to this whole earth of which I fail to recall a corner where the light and love of Christ has not been carried by her influence." Such was the impression which she made upon those who coming from far and near met her during the thirty years of her work there.
On June 29, 1918 she was united in marriage to William B. Rider, since which time they had lived at the homestead in this village. She often expressed her delight in returning and making her home amid the associations of earlier years. The ties uniting the members of the family were unusually strong and affection and devotion characterized the home life in an unusual degree. During her brief illness every possible care and attention were unavailingly bestowed. Mrs. A. L. Johnson of Castile and Dr. Jessica Findlay of the Castile sanitarium were among those who assisted in her care.
The deceased had a remarkable personality and endowments which made her eminently useful in the many lines of good work in which she was interested. She was a devoted Christian untiring and unselfish in service. She was deeply interested in missionary work and in all lines of benevolent and philanthropic activity. When Dr. Clara Swain who went out from the church at Castile as the first woman medical missionary sent out by the Methodist Episcopal church, after her retirement took a trip to Mexico she accompanied her. In the church of which she was a devoted member, in the Sunday school, missionary societies and all the circles of which she was a part her death is felt as an irreparable loss. Her winning personality, unfailing cheerfulness under all circumstances and helpfulness under all circumstances and helpfulness in every worthy cause made her a power for good and bound to her hosts of friends wherever she was known.
The funeral was on Monday afternoon at the home, conducted by her pastor, Rev. L. A. Wright; Rev'ds F. Roulo, H. D. Bacon, S. W. Eaton and Hugh Boyd participating in the services. The floral tributes were numerous and beautiful including those sent by the Castile Methodist Episcopal church of which she was a member for many years, and by the Percival class of the Sunday school of the same church, which was named for her and of which she was long the teacher. Interment in Chestnut Hill cemetery. She is survived by her brother William A. Percival, of this village.
Those from a distance present at the funeral service were Dr. Mary Green, Mrs. J. S. Hayes and Miss Mary Hickey of the Castile sanitarium; Mr. and Mrs. Devillo Lillibridge and Miss Nelia Lillibridge of Pike; Mrs. Ethel Freer and Miss Elizabeth Dennis of Bradford; Mr. and Mrs. Millard Jones, Mrs. Betsey Vaughn of Sandusky and Frank W. Smith of Gainsville.
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Death of a Life Long Resident
("1906" pencilled onto article)
Daniel C. Vaughan, a prominent and highly esteemed resident of this village [Machias], died at his home on Main Street, on Tuesday morning, March 27th, after an illness of several months duration, from heart disease, in the 70th year of his age. Some two weeks ago, favorable symptoms were noticed in the case and permanent improvement was hoped for but the gain was but temporary and a change for the worse appeared. From that time onward, the progress of the disease was rapid and the fatal termination was soon reached.
Mr. Vaughan was the son of Charles and Emily Vaughan and was born on the farm now owned by W. S. Pierce, one mile west of this village, on Jan. 18, 1837. His grandfather, Daniel Vaughan, was on of the pioneer settlers of the town, coming here from Alexander, Genesee Co., in 1818. He won considerable renown as a bear hunter, killing, in one winter, fifteen of these animals. In the audit of the town of Ischua, which town then included Machias, for 1820, he is credited with $50.00 premiums on bear scalps.
When Daniel C. Vaughan was a year old, his parents moved to the farm at Machias Junction which was his home for over sixty years and until his removal to this village five years ago.
He was married, on September 24th 1863, to Miss Betsey A. Ashcraft, who has been his loving and faithful wife for 42 years.
He has been a farmer during his entire active life and a very successful one, accumulating a competency for the support of his declining years. By his fellow citizens, among whom he has resided for so many years, he has been esteemed as an honest, steady and industrious man and withal, a man of excellent judgment and business capacity, as is shown by his having been frequently called by them to fill offices of trust or honor. At different times, he has served the town as constable, collector, justice of the peace, inspector of election and assessor.
He experienced religion about thirteen years ago and was baptized Aug. 6, 1893. Since that time his life has been that of a humble and consistent christian.
Besides his wife, he is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Millard Jones of Sandusky, and a son, Nellis C. Vaughan, of this town.
The funeral services took place this afternoon from the late home of the deceased on Main Street, Rev. W. B. Wagoner officiating.
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Harvey C. Hall
Harvey C. Hall, a well known and esteemed resident of the town of Yorkshire, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Sheldon Eastland at McKinstry on Sunday evening, Dec. 19th, 1920, after a long illness, in the 81st year of his age.
Mr. Hall was the son of Lucius Hall and was born at Alexander, Genesee County, on Sept. 28th, 1840, and came to Yorkshire with his parents when eight years of age. He enlisted in the Civil War in Sept. 1861, and served for three years as a member of Co. H, 44th New York Volunteers, the "Ellsworth Regiment," receiving an honorable discharge in 1864. He was wounded in the left shoulder at Laurel Hill and his regiment was one of those taking part in the bloody defense of Little Round Top at Gettysburg.
Returning from the war, he was married to Miss Jane Ashcraft, daughter of the late Chester Ashcraft of this town, who survives him. He also leaves two children, Geo. H. Hall of this town, and Mrs. Sheldon Eastland of McKinstry. He was widely known and respected in this vicinity, where over seventy years of his life were spent.
The funeral services were held from the home of his daughter on Wednesday afternoon, Rev. Arthur J. Bailey officiating. Burial in the McKinstry Cemetery.
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Laray Watson
Again the grim reaper has entered our community and this time has removed from our midst one who was loved and respected by all who knew him.
Laray Watson was born in this town on the farm now owned by his nephew, Clyde Watson. He was the second son of Jonathan and Louisa Watson. Nearly all his life was passed in this vicinity. On Sept. 11, 1873, he was united in marriage with Clara M. Ashcraft. He died Jan 8, 1920.
Although he had been in ill health for a number of years, the nature of his disease being such that complete recovery could not be expected, yet it was not thought the end was so near. But the tired, worn machinery suddenly gave way and he was gone.
Mr. Watson was a man of sterling habits and kindly disposition and will be greatly missed. Although he never formally united with any church he was a Christian at heart and only a few days before his departure, while talking to his wife and friends about the future, he said, "It's all right and I'm ready to go."
He is survived by his wife, two brothers and two sisters, Milton and Mrs. Ambra Corthell of this town, Ladran, of Corry, Pa., and Mrs. Flatilla Pond of Los Angeles, California.
Funeral services were held at his late home on Sunday afternoon at 1 o'clock by Rev. A. J. Bellman, assisted by Rev. E. B. Bedell of Springville. Interment in Maple Grove Cemetery.
The silver cord is broken,
The spirit winged its flight
To the mansions of the blessed
To dwell in realms of light.
We're lonely here without you,
Our grief is hard to bear;
But we know the Savior called you,
We commit you to his care.
We know that you are waiting
Beside the pearly gate,
And watching for our coming
We can only pray and wait.
Someday, dear one, we'll meet you
Within its portals fair,
Then we'll sing His praises together,
In glory, over there.
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Index | Links to Articles
Of the old Town ("May 16, 1920" hand-written on article)
The four children born in this town to Chester Ashcraft, a Machias pioneer, enjoyed a reunion on Sunday at the home of H. C. Hall at McKinstry. They are A. P. Ashcraft of McKinstry, born on Feb. 17, 1839; Mrs. Mary J. Hall, also of McKinstry, born on June 19th, 1842; Mrs. Betsy A. Vaughan of Sandusky, born on May 4th, 1844; and Mrs. Clara M. Watson of Machias, born on April 24th, 1851. Their combined ages foot up 305 and 5 months, and H. C. Hall, the husband of one of them, born on Sept. 28th, 1841 would have added almost 80 years to the sum. The father, Chester Ashcraft, came to this town 103 years ago, and cut the first tree on the homestead farm now owned by Mrs. Watson.
No death has as yet occurred among his children.
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Article 29: Jones-Vaughn Wedding.
A very pretty wedding was solemnized in the presence of a large company of relatives and friends, Wednesday, at 1 o'clock at the home of D. C. Vaughn and wife of Machias Junction, when their daughter Bertha J. was married to Millard F. Jones of Sandusky, Rev. J. F. Brown of Wyoming performing the ceremony. Miss L. Waite of West Valley and Miss P. Baker of Sandusky were the bridesmaids and J. Holmes of Buffalo and N. Vaughn were the groomsmen. The bride wore ivory white silk and bride's roses; the maids wore lavender and green and carried carnations. The little flower girls, Florence Jones and Hazel Sanford, looked like little fairies from fairyland, and are deserving of a great deal of praise for the way they performed their parts. The decorations of evergreens and flowers were very dainty and effective. Refreshments were served to nearly 200 guests. The couple took the train amid showers of rice, old shoes, and best wishes from a large crowd of friends.
The gifts were very handsome and valuable and represented the esteem of many friends. Among them were a bedroom suit presented by several Sandusky friends. Four rocking chairs, a clock, a sofa, a centre table, umbrella stands, hatrack, footstools, bedspreads, towels, dresser spreads, large quantities of table linen, and entire set of dishes, china toilet set, water set, several lamps, and odd pieces of china, knives, forks, spoons, fruit knives, sugar spoons, pickle castors, butter dishes, butter knives, berry spoons, cake basket, bon bon dishes, drape, table spreads, and many other fancy articles too numerous to mention; among the more useful presents were nickel tea kettle, sad irons carving set, several sets culinary knives; besides these there were many who gave money.
Mr. and Mrs. Jones are away on their wedding journey. They will be at home in Sandusky on their return.
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Article 30: MR. AND MRS. H. C. HALL
Their Golden Wedding
("Married Oct 30, 1895 57 yrs " handwritten on article)
A very pleasant occasion occurred at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey C. Hall at Masonville on Tuesday, July 16th, when a company of their relatives and friends assembled to assist them in observing the 50th anniversary of their wedding. The day was perfect and all present seemed happy and care free. Shortly after noon the guests were invited into the dining room where the stout table fairly groaned under the weight of the good things prepared for their refreshment. Everything that heart could wish was there and all did ample justice to the dinner, after which the remaining hours were devoted to speaking, singing and talking over old times.
The marriage of the couple occurred during the exciting times of the Civil War the ceremony being performed by Rev. N. F. Langmade, formerly a minister well known in this section for his good works, but long since gone to his reward. The groom, being a member of the 44th New York Regiment, the famous "Ellsworth Regiment," was at the time at home on a furlough, being disabled by a wound received at the battle of Laurel Ridge.
Among the articles left behind by the guests on this Golden Wedding, besides their best wishes were many valuable presents, including 83 post cards, for which Mr. and Mrs. Hall wish to thank their many friends.
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Long Time Resident
Mrs. Clarissa Watson, a well known and esteemed resident of this town, died on Sunday, Dec. 26th, 1926, as the result of a shock suffered a few days previously. The funeral services were held from her late home at Pleasant Valley on Wednesday afternoon, Rev. A. J. Bellman of the Primitive Mission church officiating, assisted by Rev. E. B. Bedell of Springville. Burial at Maple Grove.
Mrs. Watson was the daughter of Chester and Clarissa Moon Ashcraft and was born on the old farm at Pleasant Valley on April 24th, 1851. Her father came here from Northfield, Vt., in March, 1816, with his father, Elijah T. Ashcraft, who was one of the half dozen earliest settlers of the town and was prominent in its affairs for many years. Her maternal ancestor, Almond Moon, was also a pioneer of the town and both he and E. T. Ashcraft were deacons of the early Christian Church.
The deceased was married to LaRay Watson of East Machias at Arcade, on Sept. 11th, 1873. Rev. Abner Merrill of the Baptist church officiating. For some few years they resided at East Machias, one year at Elton and for a short period at Masonville, but for over forty years the homestead farm at Pleasant Valley has been the family home. Mr. Watson died on Feb. 8th, 1920. After which she resided on the farm alone until the past year, during which time, owing to failing health, she has made her home with Rev. A. J. Bellman and family.
No children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Watson. She leaves only one sister, Mrs. Betsey Vaughan, of Sandusky, now in her 83rd year and the only survivor of the Chester Ashcraft family, and many more distant relatives.
Mrs. Watson was a faithful member of the Primitive Mission church. She was highly esteemed in this vicinity where she had resided for so many years and her departure will be mourned by a large circle of friends.
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Of Old Yorkshire
Sixty two years ago one of the most brutal murders that ever stained the annals of Cattaraugus County was perpetrated in the town of Yorkshire. Ann Wheat, the young wife of James Wheat, a well known farmer, was murdered in cold blood by her husband and his father, Salmon Wheat. The victim was a highly esteemed young woman, the daughter of Jonathan Dwinnell who resided on the farm now occupied by Frank Quinn, and a sister of C. S. Dwinnell, afterward a well known Olean attorney. The young wife was lured to a solitary spot and then strangled to death by the two villains.
The horrible deed created a sensation all over Western New York and thousands visited the locality. The details are very correctly given in the following stanzas, written at the time. The author, James Fitch, well known as "The Carding Mill Poet" possessed a soul 'Pregnant with Celestial Fire,' which flamed in grateful poesy at every incident that touched his heart. He might have compared favorably with more famous poets. "But knowledge to his eyes her ample page, rich with the spoils of time did ne'er unroll; chill penury repressed his noble rage and froze the genial current of the soul."
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Mrs. Sophia Fredericka Weast died at her home in East Ashford, Wednesday, Feb. 27, the result of a fractured hip which she sustained on January 16 when she fell in her home. Mrs. Weast was the daughter of John and Mary Yorsen Steffenhagen and was born in Ziltz, Germany, November 28, 1847, coming to America with her parents when six years of age. Her sixth birthday was passed on shipboard. On November 1, 1868, she was united in marriage to A. B. Weast who died December 4,, 1922. Nine children were born to them, two dying in infancy. One daughter, Mrs. Ida R. Day, died March 11, 1921. Those surviving are Henry H. Weast, Lancaster; John B. Weast, Riceville; Fred E. Weast, Lime Lake; Mrs. S. Adele Rice, Riceville; Mrs. Mary A. Hall, Machias; Mrs. Eva M. Heidle, Franklinville; 20 grandchildren and 9 great grandchildren.
The funeral was held Friday, March 1, in the Methodist church at Riceville, where she had long been a member and an active worker as long as her health would permit. The pastor, Rev. J. E. Manning officiated. Burial was made in Maple Grove cemetery, Machias.
All of the married life of Mr. and Mrs. Weast was spent in and near Riceville. During the construction of the Buffalo, Rochester and Pittsburgh Railroad they resided near Bird, where Mr. Weast was foreman of a gang of men.
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Article 34: Mrs. Ida E. Tyler, Former Sandusky Resident Dead
Mrs. Ida E. Tyler, a former resident of Sandusky, died in the Gowanda State Hospital, December 6, 1929. She was born in the town of Sardinia in 1863, the oldest of three children of Samuel H. and Sally Titus Gill. She was married in 1880 to Clayton Tyler of Farmersville, coming soon after to Sandusky where they lived nearly 30 years.
For fifteen years Mrs. Tyler made her home in Buffalo. The last four years her home has been with her sister, Mrs. E. D. Sherman of Yorkshire.
She was gentle and even tempered, affable, though somewhat quiet in manner. She concealed behind an outer strength a deep quiet sensitiveness, and disappointments brought neither bitterness nor complaint.
Surviving are one sister, Mrs. E. D. Sherman of Yorkshire, one brother, Wallace Gill of Sardinia, and one half sister, Mrs. Arthur Hart of Buffalo.
Funeral services were held December 8, 1929, at the home of her sister, Mrs. E. D. Sherman of Yorkshire, with burial in Sandusky cemetery.
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HILL - Suddenly, in Buffalo, N. Y., August 3, 1935, Belle M., beloved wife of Frank E. Hill; mother of Millard A., Dewey J., Kenneth F., and the late Milton, Clayton and Mrs. Mabel Benson. Funeral from the family residence, 170 Goembel Avenue, Tuesday afternoon at 2:30. Friends invited to attend. Deceased was a member of Women's Association of Walden Presbyterian Church. Interment at Delevan, N. Y.
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The marriage of Miss Mabel L. Hill, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Hill, to Mr. George O. Benson will be solemnized this afternoon at 5 o'clock, at the home of the bride's parents in Goodyear avenue, the Rev. O. F. Chittick of the Walden Avenue Presbyterian church performing the ceremony. The bride will be given in marriage by her father. She will wear a gown of white Georgette crepe, with pearl trimming, a veil caught with pearls, and carries bride roses. The bridesmaid, Miss Bessie Dawson, will be gowned in pink voile and carries pink sweet peas. The little flower girl, Miss Helen Wright, wears a white frock and carries a basket of rose petals. Mr. Wesley Kuley of Waterloo will attend the groom.
Following the ceremony a wedding supper will be served in a marquee on the lawn. The bride's table of 10 covers will be decorated with roses. At home after September 2, in Spaulding street.
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OLEAN. Dec. 5. - Miss Florence Closser, Angelica, and Logan H. Curtis, Knapp Creek, were married in the home of the Rev. J. F. Leffler, district superintendent of the Methodist Episcopal church, in North Barry street, Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Grant A. Lynde, Farmersville, were the attendants. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis left on a trip to Chicago. They will live in Knapp Creek.
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Dies At Olean
Mrs. Emily Follett, widow of the late William Follett and a resident of Machias for three quarters of a century, died on Saturday evening, July 10th, at the home of her daughter at Olean, after a long illness from kidney trouble and the inroads of advancing age. The remains were brought on Tuesday to this village where brief services were held at the home of John M. Pierce. The burial was in the family lot in Maple Grove Cemetery by the side of her husband, who died some ten years ago.
Mrs. Follett was the daughter of John Velzy, a former prominent resident of this town, and was born at Covington, Genesee County, on Oct. 23rd, 1839. Her parents removed to this town when she was a small child and it has practically been her home since that time.
She was married to William Follett on October 2nd, 1865, and for some twenty-five years her home was in the County Home for the Poor in this village, of which her husband was the manager from 1857 until his resignation in the spring of 1891.
Afterwards, for many years they resided in their own home on South Main Street.
Their children who reached maturity were Mrs. Margaret Pierce and Mrs. Edith Smith of Olean and Dr. William Follett who died in this village several years ago, Nathan C. Follett of this village is a stepson and Carlyle Follett a grandson.
Mrs. Follett was highly esteemed by a large circle of friends in this vicinity and throughout Cattaraugus county, who will grieve at her departure, even though at the good old age of nearly eighty-seven years.
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The marriage of Miss Bertha Loring, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Loring, to Mr. Clarence Raymond Holmes, takes place Saturday evening, June 12, at 8 o'clock, in Central Church of Christ, the Rev. Benjamin S. Ferrall officiating, assisted by the Rev. Earl Hannum Devanny. The bride wears a gown of ivory taffeta, with flounces of lace, and imported veil of Brussels net and carries a bridal bouquet. The matron of honor, Mrs. Chauncey Jewett Cook, sister of the bride, is wearing orchid crepe. The bridesmaids are Miss Mildred Rose, who wears French blue georgette; Miss Byrd Esty, pink georgette over crepe; Miss Emma Bliss of Palisade, N. J., cousin of the bride, yellow georgette, and they are carrying arm bouquets of roses. Mr. J. Trelin Green is best man and the ushers are Messrs. Clarence Faust, Chauncey Jewett Cook and Leonard Busch. Loring Russell Cook, nephew of the bride, is ring-bearer. A wedding supper for the bridal party and the immediate families will be served at the Buffalo Consistory. Among the out-of-town guests are Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Jones of Sandusky, Mrs. A. Manning and Mrs. Harold McCabe of Rochester.
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Lifelong Resident
A terribly sad accident on Friday afternoon resulted in the death of Arthur E. Wright, one of the best known residents of this town. Mr. and Mrs. Wright accompanied by Mrs. Oscar Phillips, were returning from a funeral service near Elton and stopped at the H. A. Webber crossing, a short distance east of Machias Junction, to allow a train to pass. The horse became frightened, turned and ran parallel with the tracks. Mr. Wright was thrown against the train, suffering several fractured ribs and serious internal injuries which caused his death three hours later. Mrs. Wright received a cut on the head, but is recovering rapidly. Mrs. Phillips was not injured but is suffering from shock. Prompt assistance was given by members of the train crew and others.
Arthur E. Wright was the son of Eliakim and Anna E. Durkee Wright and was born on the homestead farm at Machias Junction on April 1st, 1855. His father was a pioneer settler having purchased the farm from the Holland Land Company 94 years ago. It is one of the few farms in this vicinity which have remained in the hands of descendants of the original proprietors.
Mr. Wright received his education in the common schools and at the now defunct Ten Broeck Free Academy at Franklinville. He was married on Sept. 10th, 1877 by Rev. M. D. Jackson to Anna E. Farrar, daughter of the late Royal C. Farrar of this town. The union was an ideal one, the couple having lived together for nearly half a century in happiness and contentment beyond expression. Their lives have been passed on the home farm with the exception of a year or two passed in Olean.
Besides his widow, Mr. Wright leaves a son, A. Verne Wright of Machias Junction, and an adopted daughter, Mrs. Florence Clark, of Napierville. He also leaves a half-sister, Mrs. Cordelia Lingenfelter, of this village, now the only survivor of the Eliakim Wright family.
Mr. Wright was for some thirty years a member of the Methodist Church of this village, a constant attendant and one of its staunch supporters, serving for years on its board of stewards and as trustee. He was a Progressive farmer and greatly interested in the work of Dairymen's League and the Grange. He served acceptably in various town offices and as an all-round public spirited citizen, was a supporter of every project for the welfare of the community. We have too few of such men and he will be widely missed.
The funeral services were held from the family home on Monday afternoon. Rev. A. D. Stevens, D. D. of the Methodist Church officiated and spoke feelingly of the staunch support and never-failing sympathy he had received from the deceased during his residence in this village. A large assemblage gathered and the floral offerings were numerous and beautiful. The burial was in the family lot in Maple Grove Cemetery.
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Mrs. Lillian J. Thorne, wife of Edward Thorne, died Sunday morning at the family home, 47 Miller street, following an extended illness. Mrs. Thorne was born in Ohio seventy-four years ago, and her early life was spent in Waterloo. She had resided here for more than forty years, and was held in high regard by all who knew her. Quiet and unassuming in manner, generous and kindly in her deeds and acts, she will be greatly missed. She was a valued member of Winona Rebekah Lodge, and a devout communicant of Trinity Episcopal Church. She was also a member of the Trinity Social Club. Besides her husband, she leaves one daughter, Mrs. William Sessler, who tenderly cared for her during her illness. The funeral was held from the family home Tuesday afternoon, Rev. Stuart G. Cole, rector of Trinity Episcopal Church, officiating, with burial in Maple Grove cemetery at Waterloo.
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Miss Lillian Evangeline Hurlbert, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hurlbert of Sandusky and Mr. Carl J. Davies of Sandusky, were united in marriage Saturday, September 6, at the Arcade Methodist Episcopal parsonage by Rev. Walter W. Dailey. The ring service was used.
The attendants were Mr. and Mrs. Francis L. Davis of Sandusky.
The bride was gowned in monet blue crepe with velvet hat to match.
After the ceremony the happy couple started for a trip tin Pennsylvania, but were waylaid at Machias and taken back to Sandusky where an informal luncheon was served. They then proceeded on their journey. After a short trip they will be at home to their friends at Sandusky, N. Y.
Among the pre-nuptial events was a shower by Miss Helen Freeman and a shower by the Sunday School Class of the Methodist church. On Thursday evening of this week a shower was given in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Davies at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Davis.
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Counts Another Birthday
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. H. Hall entertained on Thursday, June 19th, it being the 83rd birthday anniversary of Mr. Hall's mother, Mrs. Jane Hall. Among those present were Mrs. B. A. Vaughan of Sandusky, Mrs. Clara Watson of Pleasant Valley, Mrs. Z. B. Hall of Masonville and Mrs. Addie Ashcraft of Delevan, besides some 20 or 25 members of the McKinstry Aid Society.
Mrs. Hall was born on the old Ashcraft farm at Pleasant Valley, where her father, the late Chester Ashcraft, settled nearly a century ago. She is now the oldest representative of the Ashcraft family, closely identified with the history of Machias for 108 years.
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Article 44: Mrs. Waitie Hall Buried in McKinstry Wednesday
Mrs. Waitie Hall, aged 86, mother of Mr. Andrew Hall of Pleasant Valley and aunt of Mr. George Hall, died Sunday, September 8, 1935, at the home of her granddaughter, Mrs. Russell Bump, of Olean, where she had made her home for the past few years.
The funeral and burial took place at McKinstry on Wednesday.
Mrs. Waitie Dodge Hall, the widow of Zelo Hall, was born and had spent practically all of her life in this vicinity. She was the mother of three daughters and three sons, all of whom she survived but one, Mr. Andrew Hall. She is survived by 15 grandchildren, several great-grandchildren, and one great-great-grandchild.
Her mother was Lydia Arnold Dodge, one of the three girls who were lost in the forest in the early days of the settlement of this section, an account of which is given in the old Cattaraugus County history.
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Article 45: Couple Honored on Anniversary
(photo of couple)
Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Jones
ARCADE, Oct. 10. - Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Jones, County Line road, Arcade, were the same genial host and hostess that they have been for the past 50 years, at a celebration in honor of their 50th wedding anniversary, Oct. 6. About 100 relatives and friends were present. A dinner was served.
Mr. Jones was born and has spent his entire life on the farm on which they now reside. Mrs. Jones always lived in this vicinity. They have two children: Plin Jones, Chaffee, and Mrs. Oliver Smith, Lockport, and seven grandchildren.
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A very pretty wedding was solemnized on Thursday evening September the first at eight o'clock at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Jones when their daughter Florence E. was married to Mr. Fred D. Evans of Freedom. The Rev. C. S. Holland of the Methodist Episcopal Church officiating, the ring ceremony being used. The bride was unattended and was becomingly attired in a white lace gown. After the ceremony a luncheon was served, the tables being centered with pink Killarney roses and pink chrysanthemums with pink shaded candles at either end. The favors were white boxes filled with the bride's cake and tied with pink tulle.
Miss Mae Jones of Freedom rendered several selections on the piano during the luncheon.
Mr. and Mrs. Evans left in an automobile for Farmersville where they took the flyer for a wedding trip to Philadelphia and Atlantic City.
They will be at home at Freedom after October 1st.
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Article 47: Pupils of '62 and '63 Answer Roll Call
Teacher Meets Former Class Members (August 30, 1926, photo included)
MACHIAS, Aug. 30.. - Way back in '62 and '63, Mrs. Betsy Vaughan, now of Sandusky, N.Y., taught school at what is known as "The Old White School House," two miles west of Machias. At a reunion of former pupils held recently, Mrs. Vaughan brought with her the school register of those years and called the roll. Of the 200 present, six were former members of her class. Among former teachers present was Supreme Court Justice George Pierce of Buffalo, who taught school there before entering the practice of law.
Other former teachers present were former Supervisor William S. Pierce of Machias, Town Clerk Addison M. Baker and Supervisor Dr. L. R. Cornwall.
These officers were elected: President, C. H. Murphy; vice president, William S. Pierce; secretary, Mrs. Lizzie Harman and treasurer, A. M. Baker.
In the photograph [photo included with news article], Mrs. Vaughan is shown holding a cake adorning which is a frosted reproduction of the school house.
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Article 48: Millard Fillmore Jones
The passing of Millard F. Jones, which occurred at the Buffalo General Hospital, Tuesday, March 3, 1936, following a brief illness, came as a severe shock to his many friends and acquaintances in the community.
Mr. Jones was a native of Cattaraugus County having been born in the Town of Freedom on March 29, 1871.
He had, since boyhood, devoted his entire lifetime in the occupation of dealing in livestock and during these years had come in contact with many residents of the county as well as those of adjoining counties, where he had acquired a host of friends by reason of his pleasing manner, personality and honest dealings. He will be greatly missed in the community.
Deceased was a member of Arcade Lodge No 419 F.&A.M.; China Lodge I.O.O.F. of Arcade, and the Arcade Men's Club. He was also an ardent supporter of the Methodist Episcopal Church of Sandusky.
Surviving him besides his widow are: his adopted daughter, Mrs. Francis Davis and children Betty, Beverly and Joyce Davis; three sisters, Mrs. W. B. Edson of Buffalo, Mrs. Robert Flogaus of Arcade, and Mrs. Fred Evans of Sandusky; one nephew, Harlow E. Edson of Buffalo.
Following a prayer at the home by Rev. Gomer Mills, pastor of the Sandusky Baptist church, the funeral services were held in the M.E. church, Friday, at 2:00 p.m., Rev. Fred Bolander officiating. The Masons attended in a body and performed the last rites of the order over their deceased brother.
Interment in the family burial plot in Sandusky cemetery.
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Article 49: Betsy Ashcraft in Memorium
We, the people of West Machias, were very sorry to hear of the passing away of Mrs. Betsey Vaughn, a former resident of Machias and one of the oldest teachers in District No. 4. She taught here in1862 - 3. She attended our first School reunion and was present at the second but was unable to attend the last one. At the first reunion she called the roll of the pupils who attended her schools in the years mentioned. Those present who attended school at that time responded to their names. Since then two of her pupils have preceded her to the better land. The daughter, son and other relatives have our sincere sympathy in their time of need as they have lost such a devoted and Christian mother and friend.
Passed on beyond our mortal vision
All heedless of our falling tears,
Unconscious of our desolation
Unnoting all our lonely years:
And, while in silent grief we lingered
Came tender voices, unheard before
"Weep not" the one whose loss you sorrow
Has gone up stairs and shut the door.
Passed on beyond our mortal vision
But now the thought is robbed of gloom,
Within the Father's many mansions
Still dwelling in another room,
The one whose going left us lonely
Is scaling heights undreamed of yore
And, guided on by Love's unfolding
has gone upstairs and shut the door.
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Betsey Ashcraft Vaughan
("Died Aug 28-1927" hand-written on article)
Mrs. Betsey Ashcraft Vaughan, the daughter of Chester and Clarissa Ashcraft, was born at Machias, N.Y., on May 4, 1844, and died at Sandusky, N.Y., August 28, 1927, at the age of 83 years, 4 months and 24 days.
She never grew old, but kept young, especially enjoying the company of the young, was interested in school and for some time taught in the vicinity of Machias.
On September 24, 1863, she was united in marriage with Daniel C. Vaughan of Machias, where they made their home until Mr. Vaughan's death on March 27, 1906, after which she removed to Sandusky, and made her home with her daughter where she had every comfort and all was done to make her happy and comfortable during her latter years.
Of this union were born three children, Myrtle, deceased at the age of 15 months, Bertha, who later married Millard Jones of Sandusky and one son, Nellis Vaughan of Machias.
In 1893 Mr. and Mrs. Vaughan united in membership with the Machias Methodist Episcopal church and when, later, she removed to Sandusky transferred her membership to the local church and to the last was an active member being a consistent Christian and holding her faith in Christ preenind[sic].
The funeral services were held from the home in Sandusky on Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock in charge of her pastor, Rev. Walter W. Dailey, who in accordance with her wishes read the 23rd Psalm,, also from the 14th of John and part of the 7th Revelations, together with Tennyson's "Crossing the Bar," and a further poem, read at her husband's funeral. "He Giveth His Beloved Sleep." Mrs. Pugh and her sister, Mrs. Joslyn, rendered two selections.
The service was very largely attended and this, together with the beautiful floral tributes bore witness to the high esteem in which Mrs. Vaughan was held.
Besides her son, Nellis Vaughan, and daughter, Mrs. Millard Jones, she leaves one sister-in-law, Mrs. Addie Ashcraft of Machias, two step-sisters, Mrs. Waity Hall of Delevan and Mrs. Lydia Wiltse of Lawrenceville, Ill., and the following grand-children: Mrs. Francis Davis of Sandusky, Smith Vaughan of Franklinville, Paul Vaughan of Machias, Mrs. Archie Bond of Buffalo and Mrs. Henry Dills of Machias and two great-grandchildren, Betty and Beverly Davis of Sandusky.
Mrs. Vaughan to the last was a very sunshiny, lovable character, a true friend and mother, beloved by all who knew her. A woman of rare grace and christian fortitude and lived her simple, trustful, helpful, energetic life until the last and then went home in the full assurance of that life eternal with her Lord whom she knew.
Interment was made in the family plot at Machias, N.Y.
Those from out-of-town who were present at the funeral: from Machias, Mrs. Addie Ashcraft, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Cheney, Mr. and Mrs. Irvie Potter, Mrs. Ida Follett, Miss Katherine Tilden, Mrs. Peter Griecer, Mr. and Mrs. Vern Lewis; from Delevan, Mr., Ethan Newton, Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Eastland, Clifford Eastland, Mr. and Mrs. Zelo Hall, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hall, Mrs. Russell Bump, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Fisher and son, Vincent, Mrs. Melrose Wellman, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ashcraft; from Boston, N.Y., Mr. and Mrs. Smith Ashcraft; from Freedom, Mr. and Mrs. Grand Lynde, Mrs. D. Davis; from Waterloo, Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Cone; from Seneca Falls, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Thorne; from Castile, Mrs. A. L. Johnson; from Springville, Mrs. Naomi Folts; from Holland, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Schwab, Mrs. Zina Jackson; from Collins Station, Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Baker; from Collins, Mrs. Ward White, Eldana and Noreen White; from Buffalo, Mr. and Mrs. J. Holmes, Mr. and Mrs. F.E. Hill, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Edson and Harlow Edson; from Franklinville, Mrs. Ira Adams; from Olean, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Rider, Mrs. Nellie James; from Elton, Mr. and Mrs. Will Roblee; from Farmersville Center, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Leonard, as well as many very close friends and relatives from Arcade and vicinity.
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Mrs. Daniel Vaughan, a former well-known resident of Machias, died Sunday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Millard Jones of Sandusky, aged 84 years. The funeral took place Wednesday. Burial was at the Machias cemetery. Besides the daughter she is survived by a son, Nellis Vaughan of Machias Junction.
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Dead at Sandusky
Mrs. Betsey A. Vaughn, widow of Daniel C. Vaughn and for many years a widely known resident of Machias, died on Sunday, Aug. 28th, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Millard F. Jones, at Sandusky. The cause of her death was heart trouble from which she had suffered for some years.
Mrs. Vaughn was the daughter of Chester Ashcraft, a pioneer resident of this town, and was born in the Pleasant Valley district on May 4th, 1844. Her life was passed in this vicinity until the death of her husband a few years ago, since which she has made her home with her daughter. The burial was made by the side of her husband in Maple Grove Cemetery on Wednesday.
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A lovely wedding was that of Miss Martha Louise Tiffany, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson O. Tiffany to Mr. Laurice W. Hall which took place Tuesday evening, at 8 o'clock, in the Parkside United Presbyterian church. Easter lilies and greenery were used in the decoration of the church, an avenue of palms extending from the vestibule to the pulpit, which was banked with farleyanse ferns, palms and lilies. The seats reserved for the bridal party and house guests were marked by streamers of white satin ribbon held in place by clusters of lilies. The ceremony was preceded by an organ recital by Mr. L. D. Kitchen, organist of the church, and promptly at 8 o'clock the first notes of the Lohengrin Bridal Chorus announced the coming of the bride, who was given in marriage by her father. The bride wore a gown of white flat crepe, made in bouffant style, with a sunburst of pearls on the plain bodice and a similar trimming on the skirt, which had a graduated panel of beautiful old Chantilly lace, a family heirloom. Her blush tulle veil was caught with a coronet of orange blossoms and she carried a shower bouquet of bride roses, lilies of the valley and sweet peas. The maid of honor, her sister, Miss Julia Tiffany, was charmingly gowned in peach-colored wedding ring taffeta, made bouffant, with front flounced panel of Point d'Alencon lace and shoulder streamers of apricot velvet ribbon. Her bouquet was a shower of apricot rosebuds and a baby's wreath.
The six other attendants wore gowns made alike in the effective bouffant style, with shoulder streamers of velvet ribbon and the Point d'Alencon flounces, Miss Florence Borzilleri and Miss Jessie Taylor wearing lavender and carrying bouquets of yellow roses and sweet peas; Miss Beatrice Filbrick and Mrs. Faith B. Croll wearing yellow and carrying orchid sweet peas and safrona rosebuds; Miss Saloma Brown and Miss Mildred Hall wearing pale blue and carrying pink roses and blue larkspur. The first of the flower girls, Miss Dorothy Tiffany, sister of the bride, wore a dainty frock of pale pink georgette and carried a basket of marquerites and pink roses. The other flower girls, Miss Onalle Eastland and Miss Helen Weast, nieces of the groom, wore frocks of Nile green georgette and carried marguerites and ferns. The Rev. Andrew J. Purdy officiated and, during the ceremony the organist played "The Voice that Breathes O'er Eden" and "O Perfect Day." Mr. Keith Farner was best man, and the ushers were Messrs. Nelson B. Tiffany, Charles Tiffany, Harry Wittig, Charles McGlashan, Alfred Honnecker, and Ray Wallace. Mrs. Tiffany, mother of the bride, was handsomely gowned in black georgette, beaded in colors and worn over cloth of gold, with gold slippers, and carried a corsage of yellow rosebuds. Mrs. Hall, mother of the groom, was attired in a beautiful gown of beige flat crepe and carried pink roses.
The ceremony was followed by a reception at the Buffalo Consistory for 200 relatives and intimate friends. The foyer, where the bride and groom, Mr. and Mrs. Tiffany and Mr. and Mrs. Hall received their guests, was attractively decorated with tall French baskets filled with garden flowers. The wedding supper was served in the large ballroom and the bride's table of eighteen covers was centered with a wedding cake and low silver bowls holding blue larkspur and pink roses extended the length of the table. The out of town guests included Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Elfridge of Boston, Major A. P. Simmons of New York, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hamilton and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Basye of Rochester, Mrs. John L. Harper, Miss Jean Harper and Mr. Roderick Harper of Lewiston, Miss Lucia Henderson and Miss Katherine Wiley of Fredonia; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Nugent, Mr. William Stone of Toronto; Mrs. Wilsey of Fredonia; Mrs. Gordon Edwards of Oakville, Canada; Miss Hattie Udell of Simcoe, Ontario; Mr. and Mrs. R. Mansfield Hobbs and Miss Grace Hobbs of New York; Mrs. George Pettit of Welland; Miss Beatrice Myers of Niagara Falls; Mr. and Mrs. James Lansill of Orchard Park. After a trip through the Adirondacks and Thousand Islands Mr. and Mrs. Hall will be at home, at 624 West Delavan Avenue. No cards.
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Article 54: Lodge of Remembrance
At eight thirty o'clock
"They are not dead, who are not forgotten"
Raised, Sept. 21, 1894
Served as Master, 1902-03-04-20
Died, March 26th, 1936
Raised, May 7th, 1909
Died, March 3rd, 1936
Raised, Jun 9th, 1909
Died, August 19th, 1936
Joined by demit., Feb 17th, 1922
Died, May 8th, 1936
"May their souls rest in peace
And light perpetual shine upon them!"
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Struck Down While Crossing Street in Sandusky by Auto
Said to have Been Driven by Stanley Carter of Franklinville.
Leg and Arm Broken, Side Badly Crushed and Head Injured.
Masonic Funeral Held Wednesday.
("Died Sept 3 1933" penciled onto article)
[Photo and lead-in] WILLIAM HENRY JONES -- Aged 88, life-long auctioneer and business man of Sandusky, N. Y., who died from injuries received when he was struck by an auto in his home town Sunday morning. He was laid at rest in the Sandusky cemetery Wednesday with Masonic honors.
William Henry Jones, octogenarian auctioneer and life-long resident of Sandusky, was struck down while crossing the road in Sandusky about 10 a.m. Sunday, by a car said to have been driven by Stanley Carter, Franklinville, N.Y. Mr. Jones suffered a crushed side, broken leg and arm, head and internal injuries, but lived for an hour and a half after the accident.
It was raining when the accident occurred and Mr. Jones was carrying an umbrella. Apparently the driver of the car thought to pass in front of Mr. Jones. The auto is said to have gone about 60 feet after striking Mr. Jones and smashed into a tree. The driver was permitted liberty awaiting the result of an investigation, we are informed.
Masonic funeral services were held in the home at 2 p.m. Wednesday, conducted by J. Faye Sproul, Past Master of Arcade Lodge, in a most eloquent and impressive manner.
The service was attended by members of the Arcade Lodge F. & A. M. in a body, and by a large number of life-long friends and relatives.
William Henry Jones was born in the town of Freedom, September 3, 1945, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Levi Jones, and has been a life-long resident and highly esteemed citizen of the town all his life. He has had a notable career. In his young manhood he steered lumber rafts on the Allegany river, and had many thrilling stories to tell of life on the river and in lumber camps. He was a hustler during all his life. For 29 years he conducted a butcher business in Sandusky and for 15 years was associated with his son, Millard F. Jones, in the cattle business. However, the big business of his life was being an auctioneer. He started when he was 23 years of age, and for half a century was one of the best known and busiest auctioneers in Western New York known far and wide. He was the man on the block at thousands of auctions. In fact, up to the very time of his death he was still an exceptionally efficient auctioneer. The last auction at which he officiated was that of Willis Graves.
His death came upon the anniversary of his birth and his marriage. Although 88 years of age he was as smart as a much younger man, enjoyed the use of all his faculties to a remarkable degree. He was a most entertaining companion. For years he had been, not only a father, but a real pal to his son.
W. Henry Jones joined Arcade Lodge No. 419 F. & A. M., April 7, 1893, and was a regular attendant. For many years he served the lodge as a marshall.
He was united in marriage to Mary Harper, September 3, 1867. His wife died seven years ago. Surviving are one son, Millard F. Jones, Sandusky; three daughters: Mrs. W. B. Edson, Buffalo; Mrs. Robert Flogaus and Mrs. Fred Evans, Arcade; one grandson, Harlow Edson, Buffalo; and four brothers, Fayette, Bradford, Adelbert, Castile, F. M., Sandusky; Arunah, Bliss.
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William Henry Jones, one of the oldest residents of Sandusky, died at his home Sunday, Sept. 3, 1933, after being struck down by a car while crossing Main street.
William Henry Jones was born in the town of Freedom, Sept. 3, 1845, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Levi Jones. He was united in marriage to Mary Melissa Harper, Sept. 3, 1867. His wife died seven years ago. Five children were born to them: Mrs. W. B. Edson, Buffalo; Millard Jones, Sandusky; Mrs. Robert Flogaus and Mrs. Fred D. Evans, Arcade; one daughter, Lottie, who died in infancy.
The funeral services were held in the home Wednesday afternoon, Rev. Gomer Mills officiating. Masonic services were conducted by J. Faye Sproul, Past Master of Arcade Lodge.
Mr. Jones was laid to rest in the family burial plot in Sandusky cemetery.
Among those from away in attendance at the funeral were: Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Cone, Waterloo; Mr. Edward Thorne, Mrs. Wm. Sessler, Seneca Falls; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jones and daughter, Lodi; Mr. Sidney Jones, Avon; Mr. and Mrs. Will Jones, Bloomfield; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Chasey, Castile; Mrs. Kate Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Lynde, Mrs. Emmet Corsett, Mrs.. Sidney Blanchard, Mrs. Clyde Lyman and son, Rushford; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zigler, Olean; Mrs. Peter Powers and daughter, Portville; Mr. Edward Flogaus, Mrs. Tims, Eden; Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Mason, Mr. and Mrs. Irving Baker, Collins; Mr. and Mrs. John L. Williams, Franklinville; Mr. Nellis Vaughan, Mr. Paul Vaughan, Mrs. Henry Dills, Machias; Mr. and Mrs. Adelbert Jones, Castile; Mr. and Mrs. Auranah Jones and daughter, Bliss; Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Edson, Mr. and Mrs. Harlow Edson, Mrs. Minnie Holmes, Mrs. Clarence Holmes, Buffalo; Mrs. Olive Raker, Springville, and Mr. and Mrs. Addison Easterly, Chaffee.
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The death of Mary Melissa Harper, aged seventy-seven years, wife of William Henry Jones, occurred on Tuesday, June 22, 1926, at nine o'clock in the forenoon, at the family residence at Sandusky, N. Y., following an illness of several months.
The news of her death was a severe shock to the community, although her condition had been considered quite critical for some time.
Mrs. Jones was born in the town of Galen (now Tyre), Seneca county, on September 30, 1849, but has resided in this vicinity since early childhood. She was united in marriage to Mr. Jones, September 3, 1867, and has passed fifty-three years of their married life at the present home in Sandusky.
Mrs. Jones was a person of exceeding high character, highly respected and beloved by all with whom she was acquainted. She was a most devoted wife and mother and her death will be a great loss to our community. Besides her husband, she leaves surviving, her son, Millard F. Jones of Sandusky; three daughters, Mrs. W. B. Edson of Buffalo, Mrs. Robert Flogaus of Arcade, and Mrs. Fred D. Evans of Freedom; also one grandson, Harlow Edson of Buffalo.
The funeral was held from the family residence, Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock, Rev. Walter W. Dailey officiating. Interment was made in the family burial plot in Sandusky cemetery.
Among those from out of town in attendance at the funeral were, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Edson and son, Harlow; Mr. and Mrs. James Holmes and Miss Elizabeth Griffith of Buffalo; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Evans of Salamanca; Mr. and Mrs. J. Flogaus of Gowanda; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jones of Warsaw; Mr. and Mrs. Oliver C. Cone of Waterloo; Mr. and Mrs. Edward Thorne and Mrs. Margaret Harper of Seneca Falls; Mr. Elliott Jones of Castile; Mr. and Mrs. Guy Stone of Jamestown; Mr. and Mrs. Irving Baker and Mrs. Roscoe Mason of Collins Center; Mrs. John Conschafter and Mrs. Reynolds of Eagle; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Jones of Castile; Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Jones of Caledonia; Mrs. Anna Barnett of East Aurora; Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Jones of Hardys; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Husted of Eagle; Mr. and Mrs. Walton of Bliss; Frank Jones and family of Buffalo; Mr. and Mrs. Reed Darling of Attica; Miss Edna Husted of Warsaw.
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Mrs. Elizabeth Baker
("Feb. 1934" Pencilled onto article; photo included)
GOWANDA, Jan 31. -- Services were held here this afternoon for Mrs. Elizabeth Baker, 86, who was killed Monday when an automobile in which she was riding with her daughter, Miss Pluma Baker, 60, crashed against a telephone pole in the Gowanda-Collins road. The rites were held in First Presbyterian church, the Rev. Arthur N. Thurston officiating. Burial was at Collins Center. The two women were returning home after visiting Irving Baker in Collins when their car skidded on icy pavement and left the road. Miss Baker was injured seriously, but is expected to recover.
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GOWANDA, Oct. 3 -- Miss Pluma Baker, elderly Gowanda resident, and former patient at the Gowanda State Hospital, committed suicide at her home here yesterday. Miss Baker had gone into the bathroom and place a blanket over her head and inhaled gas. She was found by her sister, Mrs. Abbie Remington.
About two years ago, Miss Baker was injured in an automobile accident in which her mother, Mrs. Eliza Baker, was killed. Miss Baker was driving the car at the time. It was following this tragedy that she became a patient at the State Hospital, from which she returned home only a month ago.
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Article 60: Capt. Windsor One of State's Oldest Firemen
(with photo, "Captain W. C. Windsor")
One of the oldest firemen in the state of Pennsylvania, and probably the dean of delegates attending the forty-eighth annual convention of the State Firemen's association in Erie this week, is Captain W. C. Windsor, of Union City.
Mr. Windsor was a torch boy in Jamestown, N. Y., in 1855, and has been a member of a fire company ever since, with the exception of three years he spent with the Union army, during the Civil war.
Captain Windsor is still active, and expects to be with the Union City delegation in the parade, which is to be held tomorrow.
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On Monday morning Mrs. C. M. Bush received the sad news of the sudden death of her niece, Miss Jessie A. Reid, of West Hoboken, N. J., caused by peritonitis. She was not seriously ill until Saturday night when she rapidly grew worse until Sunday morning at 10:30 o'clock she passed away.
Miss Reid was born Jun 15, 1873, and was the daughter of William and Maggie Reid. Her mother died in November, 1886 and is buried here in Maple Grove Cemetery. Miss Reid has spent most of her summers at this place with her aunt and during her visits here has made many warm friends, who will be greatly pained to hear of her sudden demise. She was a very pleasant young lady and one whom no one could help but like who knew her. She was a member of the Presbyterian church at her home and was an earnest Christian worker. Miss Reid expected to be married next fall.
A large funeral was held at Hoboken on Wednesday at 2 p.m. and her remains were brought here this morning. Her father and brother, W. A. Reid, of St. Louis, Mo., accompanied them to this place. Brief services were held at the home of Mrs. C. M. Bush at 3 o'clock this (Thursday) afternoon, conducted by Rev. W. A. Warner. Interment in Maple Grove Cemetery.
Among those in attendance from out of town at the services at this place are E. W. Pratt and family; Wm. Smith and family, of Olean; W. G. Robley and family, of Elton and Geo. Spring and family, of Franklinville; also two Mr. Reids, uncles of the deceased, of Appleton, Minn.
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Adelaide Blighton Ashcraft
Mrs. Addie Ashcraft passed away on Monday evening, December 12th, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Irvie Potter, of Lime Lake. She had been ill with neuritis, which terminated in apoplexy, scarcely a week. The funeral was held on Thursday, Dec. 15th, with burial beside her husband at McKinstry.
Nancy Adelaide Blighton was the daughter of Thomas and Sarah Blighton of Warsaw. She was born on July 21, 1842, and married to Almon P. Ashcraft of Machias on December 22, 1863. They settled at McKinstry the following spring where they lived happily for fifty-eight years.
Her husband preceded her in death six years.
She was a woman of many activities. A member of the Christian Church of Machias for seventy-one years, Superintendent of the McKinstry Sunday School for many years and ever ready by day or night to answer the call to minister to the sick and the dying.
Contented, patient and loving her life has been full of good deeds and "many shall rise up to call her blessed."
She leaves two sisters, Mrs. Adell Van Valkenburg of Delevan, Mrs. Myra Langmade of Olean, seven children, Mrs. Belle Hill, Chester Berdette Ashcraft, Clarence Ashcraft, Mrs. Alta Wellman, Mrs. Rena Grieser, Mrs. Addie White, and Mrs. Gladys Potter, seventeen grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren besides many other relatives and friends to mourn her loss.
Mother was tired and weary,
Weary with toil and with pain;
Put by her glasses and rocker,
She will not need them again.
Into Heaven's mansions she's entered,
Never to sigh or to weep,
After long years with life's struggles,
Mother has fallen asleep.
Near other loved ones we laid her,
Low in the church yard to lie,
And though our hearts are near broken,
Yet we would not question "Why."
She does not rest 'neath the grasses,
Tho' o'er her dear grave they creep,
She has gone to the Heavenly Kingdom,
Mother has fallen asleep.
Rest the tired feet now forever,
Dear wrinkled hands are so still,
Blast of the earth shall no longer
Throw o'er our loved one a chill.
Angels through heaven will guide her,
Jesus will still bless and keep,
Not for the world would we wake her,
Mother has fallen asleep.
Beautiful rest for the weary,
Well deserved rest for the true,
When our life's journey is ended
We shall again be with you.
This helps to quiet our weeping,
Hark! Angel music so sweet!
He giveth to His beloved,
Beautiful, beautiful sleep.
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Struck by Car While Going to Church Sunday Evening. Glaring Headlights Blamed. Car Driven by Ward Lonsbury, Who Was Exonerated from Blame by Coroner.
("Sept 13, 1925" pencilled onto article)
Mrs. D. W. Mills of Sandusky was instantly killed about six o'clock Sunday evening, by being struck by an automobile driven by Ward Lonsbury. Mrs. Mills had left the house only a short time before on her way to attend church, and was walking on the state road near the concrete abutments formerly used by the B. & S. for a bridge.
Mr. Lonsbury was driving his car from Freedom and met two cars just before the accident. The lights of the oncoming cars so blinded him that he did not see Mrs. Mills until his car struck her. He immediately stopped his car and went back to the Mills home, not knowing that he had struck Mrs. Mills, and told Mr. Mills that he had hit someone and asked him to help him. Mr. Mills remarked that it might have been his wife, as she had just left home. They went down the road and found Mrs. Mills dead. The body was taken to the home of Coroner Hammond of Franklinville and Dr. Vaughan of Arcade called. The Coroner, after hearing the circumstances, exonerated Mr. Lonsbury from all blame.
The funeral was held at one o'clock, Wednesday at the home, and at 2:00 o'clock at Freedom, where the remains were laid to rest in the Freedom cemetery.
Mrs. Mills is survived by her husband, W. W. Mills, and by two sons, Rev. Gomer Mills of Franklinville and Dana of East Aurora, and by a host of friends, to whom she had endeared herself by her splendid characteristics and kindly acts.
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A Goodly Attendance
The second annual reunion or picnic of the teachers and pupils of the White School House was held in the school house at West Machias on August twenty-first. On account of bad weather in the morning the attendance was not as large as it otherwise would have been, but about one hundred sixty persons were present.
A bountiful dinner was served buffet style. The tables were decorated with gladiolas, which were sent by B. B. Skiff from Elkhorn, Wisconsin, for the occasion. Snapshots of Mr. Skiff taken on his ninetieth birthday were exhibited.
The company was called to order by the president, C. H. Murphy, when a pleasing programme was presented.
Remarks were made by Mrs. Betsey Vaughan who taught the school during the Civil War, 1862-1863. Mrs. Vaughan who is eighty years old, read a poem that she composed for the reunion. Six of her pupils were present. Another old teacher, Mrs. Alzina Jackson of Holland gave many pleasing reminiscences of the days she spent here as a teacher in 1872.
Remarks were also made by Albert H. Murphy, a former teacher and a Bible was presented to the school by Clara Widerman, who taught here in 1918-19.
Rev. S. David Sikes, a former pupil of the school, but now of Indianapolis, was present and gave a pleasing talk. A short programme of music and recitations was presented by the school under the direction of the present teacher, Mrs. Nelson Fuller.
Letters of greeting were read from a number of former pupils and teachers who were unable to be present. It was unanimously voted to hold another reunion next year. The old officers were elected to serve for another year. They were C.H. Murphy president, W. S. Pierce, vice president, Mrs. L. R. Harmon, secretary, A. M. Baker treasurer.
The remainder of the day was spent in visiting and at a late hour the company dispersed, feeling that the day had been well spent.
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Article 65: Farmersville Couple Celebrates
(individual photos of couple)
Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Leonard
FARMERSVILLE. Dec. 30.--Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Leonard celebrated the 50th anniversary of their wedding Dec. 26 at their home here. Friends were present from Long Island, Buffalo, Bradford, Franklinville, West Valley, Rushford, Elton, Machias and other points. Gifts were received and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard served supper. Dr. F. W. Wells of Buffalo described his early experiences as pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church here. Music and recitations were given. Mr. And Mrs. Leonard have no children except an adopted daughter, Norma, living in California. A son died in early youth.
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Mr. and Mrs. Milton Leonard Celebrate with Old Time Hospitality
Farmersville--Mr. and Mrs. Milton A. Leonard of Farmersville Center celebrated their golden wedding anniversary Tuesday, December 26th with an old-time lavishness of hospitality.
The entertainment was in two parts, the earlier beginning before noon and continuing through the afternoon. About 70 relative and friends, among them the bridesmaid and best man who stood up with the host and hostess fifty years ago, sat down to an ample and appetizing dinner.
The spacious house had been decorated throughout in yellow and white with white bells overhead, and the scheme was carried out on the dining table and even in the dishes of food.
During the afternoon a pleasing program in charge of Mrs. Ralph Hall was enjoyed. The principal address was given by Rev. Dr. Wells of Buffalo, a former Farmersville pastor and remarks were made by Rev. Reese, pastor of the Farmersville M. E. church. Several musical numbers of duets by Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Strong of Farmersville and chorus songs were interspersed.
Mr. Leonard recited effectively a poem, Fifty Years Ago, and a general period of reminiscence by old friends followed.
The evening of entertainment was enjoyed by nearly 150 guest, including friends, neighbors and the members of the Franklinville Grange, of which Mr. and Mrs. Leonard are members.
The program was informal and opened with an address by Rev. Rees. Among those contributing to the music were quartets from Farmersville and the Franklinville Grange, selections by Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dornan and James Dornan, Mrs. Ogilvie, Mrs. Reese, Mrs. Jack Smith and Harmon Fish, Mr. and Mrs. Potts of Bradford and Miss Eleanor Weaver, who also recited. The program closed with a duet by Mr. and Mrs. Strong, The End of a Perfect Day.
The fortunate couple were showered with felicitations including many gifts of money, useful and beautiful articles and a profusion of cut flowers. During the afternoon and evening, guests were present from surrounding towns and from Long Island, Buffalo and Bradford.
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Article 67: Mary Catherine Churchill
Mrs. Mary Catherine Curtis Churchill of this village was born in the town of Concord on June 15th, 1841 and passed to her eternal home on November 27th, 1926 in the eighty-sixth year of her earthly life. Most of her days were spent in and around Springville.
For a number of years, she taught school; and at one time was instructor in a mission school for colored children. Some of her townspeople will recall how at one period she conducted a milliner's store in this village and took great pride in making hats beautiful.
On May 29th, 1860 she was united in marriage to Mr. Luman B. Churchill. She is survived by a brother, Edwin E. Curtis of Springville, with whom the last years of her life were spent and a sister, Mrs. Julia Jackson of Wisconsin.
The funeral services were conducted on Monday afternoon at the home of her brother on North Buffalo St. The Rev. Burton M. Clarke of the Methodist Episcopal church officiated. Mr. Clark spoke very tenderly and sympathetically of Christ Our Comfort in Sorrow. Mrs. Churchill has been an invalid for a number of years. The interment took place at Maplewood Cemetery.
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Article 68: Mrs. R.M. Nichols is Laid to Rest After Last Rites
Last rites for Mrs. R. M. Nichols, 79, of 333 Pine Street, Sheboygan Falls, who passed away early Monday morning, were held Friday at 2 p.m. at the Dean Funeral home in Sheboygan Falls. The Rev. Edward H. Langdon, pastor of the First Methodist church of which the deceased was a member officiated. He was assisted by the Very Rev. H. S. Stanton, vicar of St. Peter's Episcopal church.
During the services a quartette comprised of Mrs. William Dicke, Mrs. Carl Roepke, Mrs. August Posner and Mrs. Gilbert Cain sang "Home of the Soul" and "O Love That Wilt Not Let Me Go."
Pallbearers were Milfred Wachter, Armin Weisse, Alvin Koeppe, Gidion Karlson, Christopher Clarke and Raymond Kyro.
The Ladies of the American Legion Auxiliary and of the Methodist Sunday School classes attended the services in a body.
Interment was made in the family lot in the Sheboygan Falls Cemetery.
Among the many beautiful floral tributes were expressions of sympathy from the Sheboygan Falls Methodist church and members; the Ladies of Sunday school class of the Methodist church; Friedrichs Mueller Post 149 and the American Legion Auxiliary; American Legion Post 155 and Auxiliary; Plymouth Chapter, D.A.R.; directors of the Welfare Bureau; Court House employees; C. E. Broughton, Sheboygan Press; Miller Co. employees, Chicago, Ill.; I.O.O.F. Guttenberg Lodge No. 285; St. John's Lodge, No. 24, F. & A.M.; Scout Troop No. 32; Citizens State Bank; Sheboygan Falls Mutual Insurance Co.; Auld Lang Syne Club; Sheboygan Altrusa Club; Sheboygan Falls Woman's Club; Fessler's Store, Inc.; The Three Threes and the Neighbors.
Relative from away who attended the services were: Mrs. Lulu Nichols, Donajac, Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. Lee Webster, Ashland, Wis.; Clint Webster and children, Kaukauna; Mrs. Fanny French, La Grange, Ill.; Fred Gardner, Oshkosh, Wis., and friends from Wautoma, Milwaukee, Sheboygan, Plymouth and surrounding communities.
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Article 69: Mrs. R. M. Nichols Passes Away While On Visit In Iowa
(Sheboygan (Wisc.) Press, Tuesday, Sept. 10, 1946).
Mrs. Inez M. Nichols, 79, of 333 Pine street, Sheboygan Falls, widow of the late Dr. R. M. Nichols, passed away Monday morning at the Mary Greely hospital at Ames, Iowa. She was taken ill en route to visit her son, Robert, who is at the University of Iowa, at Ames.
Mrs. Nichols, nee Inez Ashcraft, was born in the town of Lima on May 19, 1867, the daughter of Hiram and Mathilda Ashcraft. She graduated from the Sheboygan Falls High school in 1886, and later taught in the rural schools.
On Aug. 4, 1891, she was married to Dr. R. M. Nichols and he preceded her in death on Sept. 30, 1939. Mrs. Nichols was a life-long resident of Sheboygan county and she and her six children all graduated from the Sheboygan Falls High school. She was a faithful member of the Sheboygan Falls First Methodist church and its societies, and also a member of the American Legion Auxiliary and the Sheboygan Falls Woman's club.
Survivors are four daughters and two sons, Mrs. Elmer (Esther) Stein of Sheboygan Falls, Mrs. E. E. (Winefred) Meloy of Highland, Ill., Miss Laura of Harvey, Ill., Miss Marjorie of Washington, D.C., Phillip of Milwaukee, and Robert of Ames, Iowa; four grandchildren and two great-grandchildren; a sister, Mrs. Edith Gardner of Rice Lake, Wis.
Funeral Services will be held Friday at 2 p.m. at the Dean Funeral home in Sheboygan Falls, the Rev. Edward H. Langdon, pastor of the First Methodist church, officiating. Burial will be made in the Sheboygan Falls cemetery.
Friends may call at the funeral home from 7 p.m. Wednesday until the time of the services.Cover Page | Introduction | Surname Index | Links to Articles
Article 70: C. Merle Newman, Retired Arcade Executive, Dies (Arcade Herald)
C. Merle Newman, prominent citizen of Arcade, died at the Wyoming County Community Hospital Thursday afternoon, March 11, 1954, following a heart attach suffered at his home on Wednesday.
Mr. Newman was born in Sandusky, N. Y. on June 10, 1897, the son of Charles and Rena Lewis Newman, both of whom predeceased him. Following graduation from the Arcade High School he was married to the former Mabel B. Jones of Sandusky on December 25, 1917. To them one daughter, Marion J., was born.
He was an employee of the K. R. Wilson Company in Arcade for 29 years serving as head of various departments. At the time of his retirement in 1953 he was plant superintendent.
Mr. Newman took an active part in many community projects. He was a member of the Sandusky Methodist Church, past president of the Sandusky Cemetery Association; a director and first vice president of the Arcade Lions Club; a director of the Arcade Conservation Club;, past director of the Wyoming County Sportsmen's Federation Club, and a member of the Arcade Men's Club.
Surviving are his wife, Mabel J. Newman; his daughter, Mrs. Marion Schang of Delevan; a grandson, Roger Schang, and two brothers, Claude L. and J. Milford Newman, both of Arcade.
Funeral services were held from the family residence, 332 West Main Street, Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, with Dr. J. Wesley Searles, pastor of the Arcade Methodist Church, and the Rev. Edward Tilt, pastor of the Sandusky Methodist Church, officiating. Interment in the Sandusky Cemetery. The bearers were Homer D. Wilson, Floyd Marsh, Burdette Clark, Peter Schnitzler, Cary Owens and Gordon Caner.
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