The Allegany Citizen
Tader, Ann
10/01/04 (1,3)
Taft, Sarah
-marriage to F. Whitney 3/28/03 (1,1)
Taggert, Mrs. A. M.
4/26/02 (1,3); 5/21/04 (8, 1); 10/01/04 (8,1)
Taggert, James
4/23/04 (1,1)
Tallman, Florence
11/08/02 (1,2)
Tallman, ?
10/04/02 (1,1)
Talow, T.
10/17/03 (8,2)
Talow, Mrs. T.
10/17/03 (8,2)
Tammany Hall
-ice house catches fire 11/14/03 (1,1)
Tanner, ?
12/12/03 (1,1)
Tanneries - see also Beebe & Sons; Clark & Wright Tannery;
Moench & Sons Tannery; Pierce Tannery; Quiren Tannery
12/07/01 (1,4); 12/28/01 (1,1); 12/06/02 (1,1);
3/21/03 (8,1)
-to expand 4/04/03 (1,1)
7/18/03 (8,1); 1/02/04 (1,1)
-new hide mill 2/27/04 (8,1)
-flooding 3/12/04 (8,1)
-accident 2/11/05 (8,1)
7/29/05 (8,1)
-broken engine 9/23/05 (8,1)
Tapp, Albert
-death of brother 8/13/04 (1,1)
Tapp, Fred
9/26/03 (1,3)
-death of father 8/13/04 (1,1)
Tapp, Henry
-death of 8/13/04 (1,1); 12/31/04 (1,1)
Tapp, James
-death of brother 8/13/04 (1,1)
Tapp, Thomas
-death of brother 8/13/04 (1,1)
Tapp, W. J.
-birth of son 3/21/03 (1,3)
7/09/04 (8,2); 8/26/05 (8,2); 11/11/05 (1,3)
Tapp, Mrs. W. J.
-birth of son 3/21/03 (1,3)
7/09/04 (8,2)
-relatives visit 7/29/05 (8,1)
8/26/05 (8,2)
Tapp, William
6/28/02 (4,3)
-death of father 8/13/04 (1,1)
Tapp, Mrs. William
6/28/02 (4,3)
Tapp, William Wayne
-baptized 7/09/04 (8,2)
Tapp - see also Trapp
Tappan, J. Nelson
9/30/05 (1,3)
Tarbell, Fred
-jury duty 5/27/05 (1,1)
Tate, J. G.
10/31/03 (1,2)
-collection of 12/14/01 (1,4); 12/28/01 (1,1);
9/20/02 (1,2)
-vote regarding monument 10/03/03 (1,1)
Taylor, Anna Belle
9/27/02 (1,2) (1,3) (4,2); 10/18/02 (1,2); 8/27/04
Taylor, Bertha
3/14/03 (4,2); 5/16/03 (1,3); 5/23/03
(1,3); 5/30/03 (1,3); 6/06/03 (1,2); 7/11/03 (1,3); 8/22/03 (1,3);
9/19/03 (1,2)
-hired as teacher 9/19/03 (1,2)
2/13/04 (1,2); 3/05/04 (1,2); 3/26/04 (6,2)
-visits sister 4/30/04 (1,2)
5/21/04 (8, 2); 6/11/04 (1,2); 6/25/04 (8,2); 8/13/04 (1,3); 8/20/04
(8,3); 9/17/04 (1,3)
-lawsuit 4/01/05 (1,3)
-visits sister 8/26/05 (1,2)
9/09/05 (1,2)
Taylor, C. A.
5/20/05 (5,2)
Taylor, Charles
12/30/05 (8,2)
Taylor, Clyde
4/25/03 (1,3); 7/18/03 (1,3); 9/05/03 (8,2); 9/19/03
-visits sister 10/31/03 (8,2)
2/13/04 (1,2) (1,3)
Taylor, Daisy
10/21/05 (8,1)
Taylor, Rev. E. A.
7/09/04 (8,2)
Taylor, E. W.
6/06/03 (1,2); 6/06/03 (1,2)
10/29/04 (1,4)
Taylor, Edith
-marriage to H. Holdridge 3/14/03 (4,2)
Taylor, Elsie
6/06/03 (1,2); 9/19/03 (1,2); 10/10/03 (8,2)
-visits sister 10/31/03 (8,2)
-visits sister 5/14/04 (1,3)
-visits sister 8/13/04 (1,3)
-visits aunt 7/22/05 (8,2)
Taylor, Ernest
-purchases grocery 4/22/05 (5,3)
Taylor, Eva
3/28/03 (1,2); 4/04/03 (1,2) (1,2) (1,3); 4/25/03
(1,3); 7/11/03 (1,3); 8/01/03 (1,3); 9/05/03 (8,2); 9/19/03 (1,2);
9/26/03 (1,2); 10/31/03 (8,2); 3/05/04 (1,2); 3/26/04 (1,3) (6,2)
-visits sister 4/30/04 (1,2)
7/09/04 (1,3); 10/15/04 (1,2)
-Regents Examination 2/04/05 (1,2)
-Regents Examination 6/24/05 (1,2)
7/1/05 (1,3)
-visits aunt 7/22/05 (8,2)
-attends school 9/16/05 (8,2)
Taylor, H. P.
-visits relatives 4/29/05 (5,2)
Taylor, Mrs. H. P.
-visits relatives 4/29/05 (5,2)
Taylor, Ida
6/14/02 (1,1); 6/28/02 (1,3)
Taylor, W.
6/18/04 (1,3); 7/16/04 (1,2); 7/22/05 (8,2)
Taylor, Wesley
-returns to Machias 9/05/03 (8,2)
1/02/04 (1,4); 4/08/05 (8,2); 8/26/05 (1,2)
Taylor, Mrs. Wesley
7/16/04 (1,2)
-mother visits 10/01/04 (1,3)
-visits parents 4/08/05 (8,2)
8/26/05 (1,2)
Taylor, William
7/18/03 (1,3); 7/25/03 (1,3); 8/22/03 (1,3); 9/05/03
(8,2); 9/26/03 (1,2); 9/19/03 (1,2); 10/31/03
-daughter visits 11/14/03 (1,2)
-surprise party 11/28/03 (1,2)
7/16/04 (1,2); 7/23/04 (1,3)
-song 2/18/05 (1,1)
Taylor, ?
7/19/02 (1,4)
Taylor, ? (Angelica)
5/7/04 (1,1)
Taylor, Mrs. ?
7/19/02 (1,4)
Taylor, Rev. ?
7/18/03 (8,1)
Taylor, Miss ?
8/22/03 (1,3)
Taylor, Elder ?
1/23/04 (1,2)
Taylor & Weber
4/22/05 (5,3)
-examination 4/08/05 (8,2)
-accused of negligence 6/03/05 (1,2)
-examination 11/04/05 (1,1)
Teachers' Association
-meeting 4/26/02 (1,1)
Telephone System
-started 10/22/04 (1,1)
-privacy 12/09/05 (8,2)
-free service 12/30/05 (8,2)
Telephone - see also Bell Telephone Co.; New York and Pennsylvania
Telephone and Telegraph Co.; Union Telephone Company
Templeton, Charles
2/07/03 (1,3)
-marriage to M. Bailer 12/03/04 (8,2)
Templeton, George
12/13/02 (4,2); 2/07/03 (1,3); 4/18/03 (1,3);
5/23/03 (1,3)
-visits parents 10/03/03 (1,2)
7/16/04 (1,2)
-birth of daughter 9/03/04 (1,3)
Templeton, Mrs. George
10/03/03 (1,2)
-birth of daughter 9/03/04 (1,3)
Templeton, James
11/01/02 (4,2)
-marriage to W. McGowan 4/29/05 (5,2)
Templeton, W.
10/10/03 (1,3); 10/31/03 (1,1); 1/16/04 (1,2)
Templeton, W. J.
-moves mill 4/30/04 (8,1)
7/16/04 (1,2); 8/19/05 (1,3)
Templeton, William
2/21/03 (1,4)
Templeton, ?
4/11/03 (1,3); 11/07/03 (1,2)
Teresa, Rev. Mother
12/28/01 (1,1); 5/17/02 (1,2); 6/28/02 (1,3);
12/27/02 (1,2); 3/14/03 (1,3); 3/21/03 (1,2); 6/20/03 (1,1); 12/12/03
(1,1); 10/29/04 (1,2); 5/27/05 (8,1)
-feast day 10/14/05 (8,2); 10/21/05 (1,3)
Terry, Elisha
7/22/05 (5,5)
Terry, Hamilton
-nomination 11/04/05 (8,2)
Terry, Viola
7/22/05 (5,5)
Theresa, Rev. Mother - see Teresa, Rev. Mother
Therno, Kella Marzeak
7/12/02 (1,2)
Third Order of St. Francis
9/30/05 (1,1); 11/25/05 (1,2)
Thomas, Fr. ?
10/04/02 (4,1); 12/06/02 (1,3); 8/01/03 (1,3);
12/26/03 (1,4); 4/9/04 (1,1); 7/1/05 (1,1)
Thomas, A. L.
8/12/05 (8,3); 10/07/05 (1,1)
Thomas, Algene
-farms 1/23/04 (1,2)
9/17/04 (1,3)
-birth of son 9/17/04 (1,3)
10/15/04 (1,2); 3/18/05 (1,3)
Thomas, Mrs. Algene
-birth of son 9/17/04 (1,3)
Thomas, Mrs. B. F.
11/11/05 (1,1)
Thomas, Elgene - see Thomas, Algene
Thomas, Eugene
5/21/04 (8, 2)
Thomas, Frank
4/25/03 (1,3); 8/08/03 (8,3); 8/29/03 (8,3)
-visits sister 11/21/03 (1,3)
11/28/03 (1,2)
-visits brother 11/12/04 (8,2)
Thomas, G.
10/07/05 (1,1)
Thomas, Gene (also Eugene)
-birth of daughter 3/28/03 (1,2)
7/25/03 (1,3); 8/08/03 (8,3)
-mother visits 2/13/04 (1,2)
7/23/04 (1,3); 10/29/04 (1,4); 11/05/04 (1,2)
-brother visits 11/12/04 (8,2)
1/14/05 (1,3); 7/1/05 (1,3)
Thomas, Mrs. Gene
-birth of daughter 3/28/03 (1,2)
7/25/03 (1,3); 10/24/03 (8,2); 12/12/03 (1,2)
-visits aunt 1/16/04 (1,3)
Thomas, ?
10/10/03 (8,2); 11/21/03 (1,2)
Thompson, Bessie
-marriage to J. Strohuber 8/19/05 (1,4)
Thompson, Blanche
5/03/02 (1,3); 5/10/02 (1,3); 8/02/02 (1,2)
Thompson, Mrs. Ellen
9/02/05 (1,2)
Thompson, Mrs. F. S.
1/04/02 (1,3)
Thompson, Florence
5/10/02 (1,3)
Thompson, Fred
5/17/02 (4,1)
-birth of son 10/18/02 (4,1)
3/14/03 (4,2); 12/26/03 (1,4)
Thompson, Mrs. Fred
-birth of son 10/18/02 (4,1)
Thompson, George
6/14/02 (1,2)
Thompson, H.
4/12/02 (1,4)
-moves to Perry 3/14/03 (4,2)
8/15/03 (1,1); 1/30/04 (8,3)
-new position 4/15/05 (5,3)
Thompson, Mrs. H.
3/15/02 (4,2); 4/12/02 (1,4)
-moves to Perry 3/14/03 (4,2)
Thompson, Herbert
7/15/05 (10,1)
-marriage 8/05/05 (8,2)
Thompson, Herman
-visits relatives 7/29/05 (5,5)
Thompson, Mrs. I.
4/26/02 (1,3)
Thompson, James G.
7/16/04 (1,3)
Thompson, Mrs. John
-death of mother 1/18/02 (1,1)
Thompson, Mina (also Minna)
8/30/02 (1,3)
-marriage to F. Barber 8/15/03 (1,1)
Thompson, Mrs. R. D.
5/7/04 (8,1)
Thompson, Mrs. R. I.
-visits relatives 7/29/05 (5,5)
Thompson, Mrs. Robert
-death of mother 2/25/05 (1,2)
Thompson, William
8/30/02 (1,3)
Thompson, Mrs. William
8/30/02 (1,3)
Thompson, Miss ?
3/15/02 (1,2); 3/29/02 (1,3); 4/26/02 (1,1); 5/17/02
Thompson, Mrs. ?
11/29/02 (1,2)
Thompson, ?
2/06/04 (1,1)
Thompson & Bird
-puchases oil rights 10/08/04 (1,1)
11/12/04 (1,1)
-successful well 11/19/04 (1,1)
12/17/04 (1,3)
-well 12/24/04 (1,1)
-well 1/7/05 (8,2); 3/25/05 (1,2); 4/01/05
(1,1); 4/08/05 (8,1) (8,2); 4/15/05 (8,1); 4/22/05 (1,2)
-gusher 4/29/05 (1,1) (8,2)
-successful well 5/06/05 (1,1)
5/13/05 (1,3); 5/27/05 (8,2)
-well 7/1/05 (5,2)
Thorn, Mrs. Flora
-visits sister 9/16/05 (1,1)
Thornton, Abigal (also Abbie, Abba)
-death of father 3/15/02 (1,1)
2/21/03 (1,3); 11/21/03 (1,3); 4/23/04 (1,2);
11/11/05 (8,1)
Thornton, Carl
-brother visits 12/02/05 (8,1)
Thornton, Mrs. D.
8/23/02 (1,4)
Thornton, Davis "Deke"
1/11/02 (1,2); 2/08/02 (1,4); 2/15/02 (4,2); 2/22/02
(1,1) (4,1)
--death of 3/15/02 (1,1); 3/22/02 (1,3)
8/30/02 (1,2); 12/27/02 (1,1)
Thornton, Earl
12/07/01 (4,1); 2/15/02 (1,1); 4/12/02 (1,2);
4/26/02 (1,1)
-treas. of Sunday School Class 5/03/02 (1,2);
5/17/02 (1,2); 2/14/03 (1,4); 4/04/03 (1,2); 4/11/03
-graduation from High School 5/16/03 (8,1); 6/13/03
(1,2); 6/20/03 (1,1); 6/27/03 (1,2); 7/11/03 (1,2); 8/22/03 (1,2);
9/05/03 (1,3); 1/16/04 (1,2); 2/20/04 (1,3); 7/02/04 (1,2); 4/15/05
(1,2); 4/22/05 (1,3)
-home from school 12/30/05 (8,1)
Thornton, H.
10/31/03 (1,1)
Thornton, Henry
5/21/04 (1,2); 11/25/05 (8,3)
Thornton, Mrs. Henry
9/27/02 (4,1); 8/01/03 (1,3)
Thornton, Mrs. Henry
9/17/04 (1,3)
-death of mother 10/29/04 (1,3)
Thornton, Lee
-killed 5/23/03 (8,1)
Thornton, R. H.
-illness of 11/22/02 (1,3)
2/14/03 (1,4); 11/28/03 (1,3)
-Regents' Examination 2/13/04 (8,3)
-Regents Examination 4/16/04 (8,2)
7/02/04 (8,2); 7/09/04 (1,3)
-Regents Examination 2/04/05 (1,2)
-visits brother 12/02/05 (8,1)
Thornton, W. H.
-death of father 3/15/02 (1,1)
Thornton, Mrs. W. H.
7/02/04 (8,1)
Thornton, Miss ?
11/14/03 (1,2)
Thrall, Lowell
8/22/03 (1,1)
Thrasher, Judge W. S.
3/14/03 (4,2); 12/05/03 (1,2); 1/30/04 (1,3);
12/03/04 (1,1); 4/30/04 (1,4); 5/14/04 (8,3); 5/13/05 (1,1); 6/10/05
(1,1); 7/01/05 (8,1)
Thrift, George
10/25/02 (4,2); 5/16/03 (1,3)
Thrift, J.
5/16/03 (1,3)
Thrift, Mrs. J.
4/11/03 (1,3); 5/16/03 (1,3); 5/7/04 (1,4)
Thrift, John
11/01/02 (4,2); 2/11/05 (1,2)
Thrift, Mrs. John
10/25/02 (4,2); 11/01/02 (4,2); 2/11/05 (1,2)
Thrift, Mrs. ?
4/25/03 (1,3); 8/19/05 (1,3)
Thurber, Mrs. D.
10/07/05 (8,1)
Thurber, Mrs. David
4/18/03 (1,3); 9/12/03 (1,3); 6/03/05 (8,1)
Thurber, Mrs. Eugene
-visits relatives 9/24/04 (1,2)
Thurber, Frank
7/23/04 (8,2)
Thurber, Hazel
-visits cousin 1/09/04 (1,2)
Thurber, Ida
-officer of W.R.C. 1/09/04 (1,3)
Thurber, Ira
-killed in Civil War 6/03/05 (1,3)
Thurston, Adelaide
10/15/04 (1,3)
Thurston, Elmer
10/24/03 (1,2)
Thurston, ?
7/12/02 (1,3)
Thye, Alvina
-marriage to G. Haase 1/02/04 (8,1)
Tibbets, F. W.
8/01/03 (1,3)
Tibbets, Mrs. F. W.
8/01/03 (1,3)
Tibbets, Mrs. ?
8/01/03 (1,3)
Tief, F.
10/08/04 (1,4)
Tief, Francis
11/30/01 (1,3); 2/15/02 (1,2); 3/01/02 (1,2);
12/06/02 (1,2); 2/21/03 (1,3); 3/12/04 (1,2)
-award 6/25/04 (1,2)
-graduation 6/03/05 (1,2); 6/17/05 (1,2)
Tief, ?
-on football team 10/17/03 (1,2)
11/25/05 (8,3)
Tigler, Henry
9/26/03 (1,2)
Tilden, Earl
8/20/04 (1,2)
Tilden, Lizzie
5/20/05 (8,2)
Tinkcom, Mrs. A.
9/30/05 (1,1)
Tinkham, James
9/17/04 (1,1)
Tippert, Barbara
11/22/02 (4,1)
Todd, C. H.
7/25/03 (1,3)
Todd, Mrs. C. H.
7/25/03 (1,3)
Todd, Charles
-attends funeral 10/03/03 (1,3)
Tomluison, Frederick
10/11/02 (1,4)
Toner, James
4/25/03 (1,2)
Toney, James
7/02/04 (8,2); 7/09/04 (1,3)
Toohey, Mrs. ?
10/04/02 (1,2)
Toolbridge, Iva
7/25/03 (1,3)
Torpy, ?
8/23/02 (1,4)
Torrey, Mrs. E.
2/21/03 (1,3); 9/03/04 (1,2); 9/23/05
Torrey, Dr. Ed.
12/14/01 (1,2); 1/18/02 (1,2)
-fire in home 3/01/02 (1,2)
3/15/02 (1,2)
-illness of 3/15/02 (4,2)
4/12/02 (1,2); 4/26/02 (4,3); 7/12/02 (1,1); 8/09/02
(1,2); 8/23/02 (1,1); 11/08/02 (1,1); 11/08/02 (1,3); 11/15/02 (4,2);
12/20/02 (1,2); 1/31/03 (1,3); 2/07/03
-officer of Odd Fellows 7/18/03 (1,2)
9/26/03 (1,1); 10/24/03 (1,3); 11/07/03 (1,1);
12/12/03 (1,1)
-officer of Royal Arcanum 1/09/04 (1,3)
1/23/04 (1,1); 7/16/04 (1,4); 7/23/04 (1,4); 9/03/04
(1,2); 9/17/04 (8,1); 11/12/04 (1,3); 12/03/04 (8,1)
-elected to school bd. 4/08/05 (1,2) (8,2)
4/15/05 (1,1); 5/06/05 (1,1); 5/13/05 (1,3); 7/1/05 (1,1); 7/08/05
(1,1); 7/15/05 (1,2) (8,1); 7/29/05 (1,1) (1,3); 8/05/05 (1,1);
10/28/05 (8,1); 11/11/05 (1,3); 11/18/05 (8,1)
-chairman of caucus 11/25/05 (1,1)
-on Board of Health 12/09/05 (1,1)
Torrey, Mrs. Ed.
3/29/02 (1,3)
Torrey, James
12/07/01 (4,1); 2/01/02 (1,1); 4/26/02 (1,2)
-VP of Sunday School Club 5/03/02 (1,2)
8/16/02 (1,3); 2/14/03 (1,4); 4/04/03 (1,2); 4/11/03
(1,1); 6/06/03 (1,2); 6/13/03 (1,2); 6/27/03 (1,2); 11/28/03 (1,3);
1/16/04 (8,2)
-Regents' Examination 2/13/04 (8,3)
2/20/04 (1,3); 3/26/04 (1,2); 4/30/04 (1,2); 5/14/04
(1,2); 5/21/04 (1,1); 8/27/04 (8,2)
-joins 43rd Separate Co. 10/22/04 (1,3)
-accident 3/18/05 (8,2)
Torrey, Julia
1/11/02 (1,1); 4/26/02 (1,2)
-graduation from high school 5/31/02 (1,1); 6/28/02
(1,3) (4,3); 7/26/02 (1,3); 10/11/02 (1,2)
-appointed librarian 8/15/03 (1,1)
1/16/04 (8,1); 2/20/04 (1,3); 3/26/04 (1,2); 5/7/04
(1,2); 7/22/05 (8,1); 8/05/05 (8,2); 8/19/05
Torrey, Max
4/26/02 (1,2)
Torrey, ?
3/29/02 (1,3); 2/06/04 (8,3); 6/18/04 (8,2); 6/10/05
Torrey, Miss ?
5/31/02 (1,2); 8/01/03 (1,3)
Torrey, Mrs. ?
11/28/03 (8,1); 7/29/05 (5,5)
Touri, J.
8/01/03 (1,3)
Tousey, George
-killed in Civil War 6/03/05 (1,3)
Tothill, Edward
5/20/05 (5,2)
Tower, V. M.
8/26/05 (1,3); 9/16/05 (1,1)
Tower Block (Olean)
4/04/03 (1,4)
Town, Allen
1/25/02 (1,2)
Town, James
8/20/04 (1,2)
Town Board
11/30/01 (1,3); 12/21/01 (1,3); 1/18/02 (1,2)
-sanitation 4/12/02 (1,1); 4/26/02 (4,3)
5/03/02 (1,1)
-settles suit 5/17/02 (1,1)
5/24/02 (1,1)
-assessment 8/02/02 (1,4)
8/30/02 (1,2); 9/06/02 (1,1)
-sanitation 11/22/02 (1,1)
12/20/02 (1,1); 12/27/02 (1,1); 1/17/03 (1,1)
-bridge controversy 2/21/03 (1,1)
5/16/03 (1,1)
-new office 6/13/03 (4,1)
-highway proposal defeated 7/11/03 (1,1)
-appeals case 7/25/03 (1,1)
-appoints an Overseer of the Poor 10/10/03 (8,1);
10/31/03 (8,1); 11/07/03 (1,1); 12/05/03 (1,2); 12/26/03 (1,3); 5/21/04
(1,3); 9/10/04 (1,2); 9/17/04 (1,3); 12/31/04 (8,2); 1/14/05 (1,1);
2/18/05 (1,2); 4/08/05 (1,3); 11/04/05 (8,3)
-audit 11/11/05 (1,3)
-tax levy 12/09/05 (1,3)
12/30/05 (1,3)
Town Bonds
6/25/04 (1,5)
Town Clerk
-robbed 12/05/03 (1,1)
Town Hall
-proposed 11/15/02 (1,1)
8/13/04 (8,2);
-proposed 7/29/05 (1,3)
-proposed 12/16/05 (8,1)
Town Meeting
-about new bridge 10/18/02 (1,1); 3/14/03 (1,1)
-about highway tax 6/27/03 (1,4)
-election 9/09/05 (1,3)
Townsell, J. V.
9/12/03 (1,2); 10/03/03 (1,2)
Townsell, Mrs. J. V.
-visits parents 9/12/03 (1,2)
10/03/03 (1,2); 8/19/05 (1,3)
Townsell, John
5/17/02 (1,1)
-marriage to E. Nenno 5/31/02 (4,1) 6/14/02
-birth of son 8/15/03 (8,2)
-in West Virginia 2/06/04 (1,3)
-returns from W.V. 4/23/04 (8,1)
-returns from W.V. 12/10/04 (8,1)
-purchases hotel 5/06/05 (8,1)
8/12/05 (1,2)
Townsell, Mrs. John
-illness of 2/21/03 (1,4)
3/07/03 (1,3) (4,2)
-birth of son 8/15/03 (8,2)
-returns from W.V. 12/10/04 (8,1)
Townsell, Mrs. Mary
-death of aunt 9/23/05 (8,1)
Townsell, William
-visits sister 9/23/05 (8,1)
Townsell, ?
10/11/02 (4,2); 1/28/05 (8,2)
Townsell, Mrs. ?
10/11/02 (4,2); 1/28/05 (8,2)
Townsen - see Townsend
Townsend, Frances
5/06/05 (1,3)
Townsend, Grover (also Grove)
8/26/05 (1,3); 9/16/05 (1,1); 12/30/05 (1,3)
Townsend, Mrs. H.
6/13/03 (1,3)
Townsend, Ida
11/05/04 (1,2)
-visits relatives 4/15/05 (1,3)
12/30/05 (1,3)
Townsend, Irene
8/30/02 (1,1); 9/20/02 (1,2); 3/28/03 (1,2); 4/04/03
(1,2); 12/12/03 (1,2); 12/19/03 (8,2); 12/30/05 (1,3)
Townsend, J.
4/25/03 (1,3)
Townsend, Mrs. J.
4/25/03 (1,3)
Townsend, O. H.
12/07/01 (1,3); 9/06/02 (1,4); 9/20/02 (1,2);
9/16/05 (1,1)
Townsend, Mrs. O. H.
9/06/02 (1,4); 9/20/02 (1,2); 9/16/05 (1,1)
Townsend, Ort (also Orton)
4/04/03 (4,2); 8/20/04 (1,2); 10/22/04 (8,2); 1/7/05
(8,2); 12/30/05 (1,3)
Townsend, Mrs. Orton
1/7/05 (8,2); 12/30/05 (1,3)
Townsend, S.
-wins gold 2/04/05 (1,4)
Townsend, ?
5/2/03 (1,3)
Townsend, Mrs. ?
5/2/03 (1,3); 11/05/04 (1,2)
Tracey, Patrick
-new position 5/2/03 (8,1)
Tracey - see also Tracy
Tracy, Frank
5/2/03 (8,1); 5/7/04 (8,1)
Tracy, James
4/26/02 (4,1); 10/04/02 (1,2)
Tracy, Mrs. Patrick
-death of 8/06/04 (1,2)
Tracy, W. E.
3/01/02 (1,2)
Tracy, William
3/21/03 (1,3)
Tracy, ?
4/12/02 (1,2); 4/26/02 (1,1); 5/23/03 (1,1)
Tracy - see also Tracey
Trading Stamps
-new law 6/04/04 (1,3)
Trapp, Mrs. William
-brother visits 8/26/05 (8,1)
Trapp - see also Tapp
Traugott, ?
2/06/04 (8,2)
Travers, Frank
-daughter visits 8/29/03 (8,3)
Travers, Mrs. Frank
-daughter visits 8/29/03 (8,3)
Travers, Mrs. J.
2/28/03 (4,2)
Travers, Joseph
-fractures leg 11/30/01 (4,1)
4/05/02 (1,2)
-narrow escape 8/02/02 (1,2)
8/16/02 (1,3); 12/27/02 (1,3)
Travers, Mrs. Joseph
2/14/03 (4,1)
Travers, Mrs. Lucy
8/09/02 (1,1)
Travers, Mrs. ?
12/13/02 (4,2)
-care of 1/31/03 (1,2)
Trenkle, Jacob
-wins gold 2/04/05 (1,4)
Trinkle, ?
11/21/03 (1,1)
Trobridge, Albert
11/14/03 (1,2)
Trobridge, Charles
7/18/03 (1,3); 11/14/03 (1,2)
Trobridge, E.
-daughter visits 10/10/03 (8,2)
Trobridge, Mrs. E.
-daughter visits 10/10/03 (8,2)
Trobridge, Edwin
7/18/03 (1,3); 11/28/03 (1,2); 12/12/03 (1,2)
Trobridge, Mrs. Edwin
12/12/03 (1,2)
Trobridge, Ina
7/18/03 (1,3)
-visits parents 9/19/03 (1,2); 10/03/03 (1,2) (8,2)
Trobridge, Marshall
12/12/03 (1,2)
Trobridge, Mrs. Marshall
12/12/03 (1,2)
-car jumps track 5/03/02 (4,1)
-accident 6/21/02 (6,2)
-need for new platform 6/28/02 (1,1)
11/22/02 (4,1)
-inconvenient for churchgoers 1/03/02 (1,1)
-extended to Salamanca 5/16/03 (8,1); 5/23/03 (8,1)
-flooding 1/30/04 (8,1)
-accident 8/27/04 (1,1)
-new ties 9/10/04 (8,2)
-lawsuit 9/17/04 (1,1)
-proposed extension to Salamanca 10/01/04 (8,2);
10/15/04 (1,3)
-right of way 10/22/04 (1,1)
-proposed extension 11/05/04 (1,3)
-limited hours 12/17/04 (8,2)
-conditions and accident 8/27/04 (1,1)
-new rules 10/01/04 (1,2)
-extension to Salamanca 6/24/05 (1,3)
-cow killed 11/04/05 (8,1)
Tromater, Harry
8/13/04 (1,4)
Tromater, ?
8/13/04 (1,4)
Tromater, Mrs. ?
8/13/04 (1,4)
Trossel, Bertrand
-marriage to M. Miller 12/14/01 (4,1)
12/21/01 (4,1)
-birth of son 12/13/02 (4,1)
-officer of Royal Arcanum 1/09/04 (1,3)
12/03/04 (8,1)
Trossel, Mrs. Bertrand
-birth of son 12/13/02 (4,1)
8/22/03 (1,2); 11/21/03 (1,3)
6/18/04 (8,1); 9/17/04 (8,1); 12/03/04 (8,1)
Trossel, Richard
-marriage to G. Miller 12/07/01 (4,1)
7/05/02 (1,4)
-birth of son 7/05/02 (4,1)
-concrete contract 2/27/04 (8,1)
-moves to Olean 9/03/04 (1,2)
Trossell, Mrs. Richard
-birth of son 7/05/02 (4,1)
9/12/03 (1,3)
Trostle - see Trossell
Trowbridge, A. M.
8/13/04 (1,3); 10/15/04 (1,2); 8/26/05 (1,2)
Trowbridge, Albert
3/21/03 (8,2); 11/14/03 (1,2);
-death of uncle 5/7/04 (1,4)
11/19/04 (1,2); 1/21/05 (8,2); 8/26/05 (1,2)
Trowbridge, Mrs. Albert
5/7/04 (1,4); 1/21/05 (8,2)
Trowbridge, Charles
6/06/03 (1,2); 6/13/03 (1,3); 2/20/04 (1,3)
-visits sister 3/26/04 (1,3)
6/25/04 (8,2); 7/23/04 (1,3); 12/03/04 (1,3)
-marriage to S. Wenn 7/22/05 (8,2)
Trowbridge, Mrs. Charles
-visits parents 8/26/05 (1,3)
Trowbridge, E.
5/30/03 (1,3)
-daughter visits 9/30/05 (1,1)
Trowbridge, Mrs. E.
-daughter visits 9/30/05 (1,1)
Trowbridge, Edwin
4/04/03 (1,3); 3/21/03 (8,2); 4/11/03 (1,3); 5/16/03
(1,3); 9/26/03 (1,2)
-visits sister 2/06/04 (1,4)
-moves to new farm 3/05/04 (1,2)
4/30/04 (1,2); 6/11/04 (1,2); 7/02/04 (1,4);
11/26/04 (1,4); 7/22/05 (8,2); 9/02/05 (1,3); 10/21/05 (1,1); 12/30/05
Trowbridge, Mrs. Edwin
9/26/03 (1,2)
-daughter visits 2/20/04 (1,3)
6/11/04 (1,2)
-visits daughter 10/22/04 (8,3)
7/22/05 (8,2); 9/02/05 (1,3); 10/21/05 (1,1);
12/30/05 (1,3)
Trowbridge, Glenn
6/24/05 (1,3); 11/25/05 (8,2)
Trowbridge, Ina
12/27/02 (1,3); 2/14/03 (1,4); 3/21/03 (8,2)
-Regents' Examination 2/13/04 (8,3)
-visits sister 3/26/04 (1,3)
-returns to school 3/26/04 (6,2)
-visits sister 4/30/04 (1,2)
5/28/04 (1,4) (8,3); 7/02/04 (8,2); 7/09/04 (1,3)
-visits sister 10/08/04 (1,2)
10/15/04 (1,2)
-visits sister 11/12/04 (8,2)
-visits sister 4/01/05 (8,2)
-Regents Examination 6/24/05 (1,2)
-visits parents 9/30/05 (1,1)
Trowbridge, Irma
2/20/04 (1,3)
Trowbridge, L.
-painful accident 4/11/03 (8,1)
-stops fire 1/7/05 (8,2)
Trowbridge, Marshall
-visits grandmother 9/17/04 (1,3)
Trowbridge, Mrs. Marshall
9/17/04 (1,3); 9/24/04 (1,2)
Trowbridge, May
-visits parents 8/26/05 (1,3)
Troy, Edward
-robbed 2/14/03 (4,1); 3/14/03 (4,2)
Troy, Mrs. John
11/01/02 (4,1)
Troy, Mrs. ?
4/04/03 (1,3)
Truby, Clara
6/04/04 (1,2)
Truby, Mrs. P. G.
6/04/04 (1,2)
Truby, Peter
4/23/04 (1,1)
True, ?
11/28/03 (1,2); 1/16/04 (8,2); 2/06/04 (1,1)
Tucker, Burton
-birth of daughter 10/01/04 (8,2)
Tucker, Mrs. Burton
-birth of daughter 10/01/04 (8,2)
Tucker, Edward
6/28/02 (4,3)
Tucker, Merton
-marriage to E. Button 8/22/03 (1,3)
12/12/03 (1,2); 2/06/04 (1,4)
-mother visits 3/26/04 (1,3)
-new home 3/26/04 (6,2)
5/7/04 (1,4); 7/02/04 (1,4); 11/12/04 (8,2)
Tucker, Mrs. Merton
-visits mother 12/12/03 (1,2); 2/06/04 (1,4)
-mother visits 5/28/04 (8,3)
6/25/04 (8,2)
-visits mother 11/12/04 (8,2)
-visits mother 3/18/05 (1,3)
Tully, Catherine
10/25/02 (1,3)
Tully, Francis
-Sub-Deacon 12/20/02 (1,3)
-deaconship 12/26/03 (1,1)
-ordination 5/21/04 (1,2)
Tunstead, John
5/30/03 (1,2)
Tupper, Edith
3/08/02 (1,3)
-marriage to L. Smith 6/11/04 (1,3)
Tupper, Edward
-fire 4/29/05 (1,3); 6/17/05 (4,4)
Tupper, Rev. M.
6/11/04 (1,3)
Tupper, Miles
6/11/04 (1,3)
Tupper, Mrs. Miles
6/11/04 (1,3)
Tupper, Miss ?
1/17/03 (1,3)
Tupper, Rev. ?
-visits daughter 10/03/03 (1,3)
Tupper, Mrs. ?
-visits daughter 10/03/03 (1,3)
Turano, Concetta
-marriage to M. Marino 8/01/03 (1,2)
Turano, Louise
8/01/03 (1,2)
Turano, M. J.
-opens photography shop 11/21/03 (1,2)
12/26/03 (1,2)
-moves gallery 4/30/04 (8,1)
4/01/05 (1,1)
-new automobile 7/01/05 (8,1)
Turano, Salvatore
8/01/03 (1,2)
Turatoire, Nikola
7/15/05 (1,3)
Turkey Shoot
11/15/02 (1,3); 11/22/02 (4,1)
Turner, Carrie (also Carry)
12/21/01 (1,4); 3/14/03 (4,1); 4/04/03 (1,3);
12/19/03 (1,3)
-Regents' Examination 2/13/04 (8,3)
4/9/04 (1,2); 7/02/04 (8,2); 7/09/04 (1,3)
-visits grandparents 9/03/04 (8,1)
9/24/04 (8,2)
-Regents Examination 2/04/05 (1,2)
-Regents Examination 6/24/05 (1,2)
-relatives visit 8/12/05 (8,1)
Turner, F.
2/01/02 (1,1); 2/08/02 (1,4); 5/03/02 (1,3); 7/19/02
(1,2); 9/06/02 (1,3); 2/14/03 (1,3)
-funeral of friend 9/12/03 (1,3)
9/19/03 (8,1)
-new residence 1/30/04 (8,1)
-birth of daughter 7/02/04 (8,1)
12/17/04 (1,1)
Turner, Mrs. F.
2/01/02 (1,1); 7/19/02 (1,2); 8/23/02 (1,3)
-funeral of friend 9/12/03 (1,3)
-birth of daughter 7/02/04 (8,1)
-visits relatives 8/12/05 (8,2)
Turner, George
7/19/02 (1,2)
Turner, M. E.
9/02/05 (1,2)
Turner, T. J.
-appointed deputy 1/09/04 (1,3)
Turner, W.
8/12/05 (1,2)
Turner, Warren
9/17/04 (1,1)
Turner, Willie
7/19/02 (1,2)
Turner, ?
1/11/02 (1,2); 4/19/02 (4,1); 5/03/02 (4,1); 5/17/02
(1,1); 3/25/05 (8,1)
Turner, Mrs. ?
1/11/02 (1,2); 5/03/02 (4,1)
Tuttle, C. L.
9/09/05 (8,2)
Twaddle, Mrs. S. E.
6/27/03 (1,4)
Twaddle, Mrs. ?
8/08/03 (1,2)
Twentieth Century Pleasure Club
-dance 5/28/04 (1,2); 6/04/04 (8,1); 6/25/04 (1,6);
7/02/04 (8,2); 7/23/04 (8,1); 7/30/04 (1,1); 12/09/05
Two Mile Swamp
-odor 5/16/03 (8,1)
Tyler, John
3/22/02 (1,3)
Tyler, R.
-wins gold 2/04/05 (1,4)
Tyler, Vern
9/05/03 (8,2)
Tyler, F. E. & Co.
9/02/05 (1,1)
11/15/02 (4,1)
Ulmschneider, Charles
-court case 9/09/05 (1,3)
Underwood, Samuel
4/23/04 (1,1)
Underwood, Rev. William
1/03/02 (1,4); 1/31/03 (1,4); 3/28/03 (1,3); 4/11/03
(1,3); 5/30/03 (1,3); 6/13/03 (1,3); 7/11/03
-marriage to C. Coleman 7/18/03 (8,1)
8/08/03 (1,3); 9/05/03 (8,2); 9/19/03 (1,2);
10/14/05 (1,1)
Underwood, Mrs. William
7/16/04 (8,1)
Underwood, ?
8/22/03 (1,3)
Underwood, Mrs. ?
-visits mother 5/14/04 (8,1)
Unferfate, Henry
10/01/04 (8,2)
Unferfate, Mrs. James
8/23/02 (1,3)
Unferfate, Joe
7/30/04 (8,1)
Unferfate, John
6/06/03 (1,3)
Unferfate, Mrs. John
1/25/02 (1,3); 1/18/02 (1,3); 8/09/02 (1,3); 4/04/03
(1,3); 10/01/04 (8,2)
-visits brother 12/17/04 (8,1)
8/05/05 (5,5)
Unfergate - see Unferfate
Unger, Gertrude
7/29/05 (8,2); 8/05/05 (5,5)
Union Cheese Factory see Five Mile Union Cheese Factory
Union National Bank (Franklinville)
2/22/02 (4,2); 5/17/02 (4,1)
-annual meeting 1/17/03 (1,3)
10/10/03 (8,1)
Union Telephone Company (see also Telephone System)
1/25/02 (1,3); 5/10/02 (1,3)
United Construction Co.
10/31/03 (8,1)
United States Leather
3/22/02 (1,3); 6/07/02 (1,4); 7/05/02 (1,4)
-death of superintendent 1/17/03 (4,1)
-new superintendent 2/14/03 (1,1)
4/11/03 (1,2); 1/16/04 (8,1); 2/20/04 (8,1); 1/14/05
-accident 5/13/05 (1,1); 11/04/05 (8,1)
Up-toDate Club
9/26/03 (1,2)
Utley, L. H.
5/21/04 (1,2)
Index Index (T-U-V-W-X-Y-Z)
Vacuum Oil Works
7/30/04 (1,1)
Valentine, C. L.
1/30/04 (1,3)
Valentine, Mrs. M.
9/26/03 (1,2)
Vallentine - see Valentine
Valley, Rev. J. P.
7/12/02 (1,3)
Valley, Rev. P. J.
9/05/03 (1,3)
Van Aernam, C. D.
-lawsuit 4/30/04 (1,4)
VanAken, Charles
1/30/04 (1,3)
Vanalstyne, Henry
10/29/04 (8,3)
VanBrunt, C. W.
4/30/04 (1,2); 5/21/04 (8, 2); 7/02/04 (1,4)
-brother visits 10/01/04 (1,3)
Van Brunt, Mrs. C. W.
3/21/03 (8,2); 5/23/03 (1,3)
-family visits 3/26/04 (1,3)
-sister visits 4/30/04 (1,2)
5/21/04 (8, 2); 6/25/04 (8,2); 7/23/04 (1,3)
-grandson visits 9/17/04 (1,3)
9/24/04 (1,2)
-sister visits 10/08/04 (1,2)
-mother visits 10/22/04 (8,3)
10/29/04 (1,4)
-sister visits 4/01/05 (8,2)
VanBrunt, Duane
-visits father 10/01/04 (1,3)
Van Brunt, G. W.
5/9/03 (1,3)
VanBrunt, Duane
8/22/03 (1,3); 8/29/03 (8,3)
VanBrunt, Lulu
10/28/05 (1,3)
VanBrunt, Mabel
-sister visits 11/12/04 (8,2)
8/12/05 (8,3)
VanBrunt, O.
5/30/03 (1,3)
-son visits 10/01/04 (1,3)
VanBrunt, W.
6/24/05 (1,3); 7/22/05 (8,2); 12/30/05 (1,4)
VanBrunt, Mrs. W.
6/24/05 (1,3)
VanBrunt, Ward
10/03/03 (1,2)
-surprise party 10/10/03 (8,2)
11/14/03 (1,2); 12/03/04 (1,3); 3/18/05 (1,3);
5/13/05 (1,2)
VanBrunt, Mrs. Ward
10/03/03 (1,2); 10/10/03 (8,2); 12/30/05 (1,4)
Van Brunt, Wayne
6/14/02 (4,1)
Van Campen, Benjamin
-home from Yale 4/22/05 (5,3)
Van Campen, Mark
8/20/04 (1,2)
Van Campen - see also Morris & Van Campen
Vance, Hon. E. L.
6/06/03 (1,1)
Vance, Mabel
-marriage to H. Bozard 6/06/03 (1,1)
VanCleef, Mrs. ?
1/21/05 (1,3)
VanCuren, G. W.
7/19/02 (1,4)
VanCuren, ?
-glycerine dropped from wagon 2/14/03 (1,3)
VanCuren Brothers
8/01/03 (8,1)
-shoot well 11/19/04 (1,1)
Vandalia Baseball Team
8/26/05 (1,3)
Vandalia District School
9/19/03 (1,2)
-Christmas celebration 12/19/03 (8,2)
-gift for teacher 12/23/05 (8,2)
Vandalia Street Railway
12/23/05 (8,2)
Vandergrift, Capt. J. J.
4/26/02 (1,2)
Vanderhoff, Mrs. F.
8/27/04 (1,2)
Vanderhoof, Anna
-death of 11/12/04 (8,1); 11/19/04 (1,3)
Vanderhoof, Mrs. Clara
-visits parents 1/09/04 (8,2)
Vanderhoof, Edna
3/11/05 (1,3)
Vanderhoof, F. L.
-death of wife 11/12/04 (8,1)
-sells business 2/11/05 (8,1)
Vanderhoof, Frank
-elected delegate 7/18/03 (1,2)
10/10/03 (1,3); 10/31/03 (1,1)
-wins election 11/07/03 (1,2)
-death of wife 11/19/04 (1,3)
Vanderhoof, Mrs. ?
2/04/05 (7,2)
Vanderhoff, Fred
-death of 4/30/04 (8,1)
VanDewater, William
9/24/04 (1,3); 10/29/04 (8,3)
VanDewater, ?
6/11/04 (8,1); 12/30/05 (1,3)
VanDresser, Henry
3/05/04 (1,3)
Van Gelder, Elmer
5/03/02 (1,2); 5/17/02 (1,2); 2/07/03 (1,1)
Van Gelder, Mrs. J. C.
8/16/02 (4,1)
Van Gelder, Mrs. ?
10/31/03 (1,4)
VanGilder, ?
-new home 11/08/02 (4,1)
Van Gorder, John
3/15/02 (4,2)
-murdered 5/7/04 (1,1)
Van Gorder, Senator ?
-family members murdered 5/7/04 (1,1)
VanHoesen, L. W.
6/11/04 (1,2)
Van Keuron, George
-lawsuit 4/30/04 (1,4)
VanName, Mrs. Byron
-death of sister 8/26/05 (1,2)
Van Natta, Anna
-death of mother 4/08/05 (1,1)
Van Natta, Burt
-death of mother 4/08/05 (1,1)
Van Natta, David
-death of wife 4/08/05 (1,1)
Van Natta, Mrs. David
-death of 4/01/05 (8,1); 4/08/05 (1,1)
Van Nosbrand - see Van Nostrand
Van Nostrand, Janet
4/23/04 (1,1); 9/03/04 (1,1)
VanOstrand, Jennie
-in Filmore 11/26/04 (8,2); 12/24/04 (8,2)
Van Schoik, Mrs. A.
10/18/02 (1,2); 8/08/03 (1,2)
Van Schoik, Mrs. Anna
9/02/05 (1,2)
Van Schoick, Mildred
8/20/04 (8,2); 9/02/05 (1,2)
VanScoy, Dr. E. A.
3/19/04 (1,1)
VanScoy, Mildred
8/26/05 (8,2)
Van Vlack, George
4/22/05 (1,2)
Van Zele, William
-Deaconship 12/20/02 (1,3); 4/25/03 (8,1)
-ordained 6/06/03 (1,1)
Vaughan, E. H.
11/22/02 (4,1)
Vaughn, Josephine
12/21/01 (1,2)
Velie, Ralph
4/12/02 (1,4)
Veneering Factory
-proposed 10/07/05 (8,3)
Vetter, ?
5/7/04 (1,3)
Vezina, Anna
8/15/03 (1,2)
Vibbard, Flossie
-marriage to E. Boser 2/15/02 (4,1)
Vibbard, L.
7/16/04 (1,3)
Village of Allegany (see also Incorporation)
-incorporated 11/18/05 (1,1)
-caucus 11/18/05 (1,1); 11/25/05 (1,1)
-first election 12/02/05 (1,1)
-businesses proposed 12/09/05 (1,1)
-new bylaws 12/23/05 (8,2)
Village Board
-first meeting 12/09/05 (1,1)
12/16/05 (1,1); 12/23/05 (1,2); 12/30/05 (1,2)
-grants franchise to Olean
Railway Co. 1/06/06 (1,1)
-grants franchise to NY & Penn.
Telephone & Telegraph 1/06/06 (1,2)
1/06/06 (8,2)
Vincent, Bacon
12/23/05 (1,2)
Vincent, Elvira
-marriage to J. Munger 1/10/03 (4,2)
Vincent, Leon
5/9/03 (10, 2)
Vincent, Fr. ?
8/01/03 (1,3); 9/17/04 (8,1); 6/24/05 (1,4)
Vincent, Dr. ?
9/19/03 (1,2); 5/06/05 (1,3)
Viol, Bertha
-marriage to A. Mettke 2/07/03 (4,1)
Voelkl, Catherine
-graduation from High School 5/16/03 (8,1)
Voekl, J. E.
-birth of daughter 1/30/04 (8,1)
Voekl, Mrs. J. E.
-birth of daughter 1/30/04 (8,1)
Voelkl, Kathryn
8/16/02 (1,3)
Vogan, H. P.
11/18/05 (8,2)
Vogan, Sam
-wins gold 2/04/05 (1,4)
Vokel - see Voekl, Volkl
Volk - see Voekl, Volkl
Volkl, David
9/17/04 (1,1)
Volkl, Frank
-real estate transfer 1/23/04 (1,2)
4/23/04 (8,1)
Volkl, Jacob
3/4/05 (1,3)
Volkl, Mrs. Jacob
3/4/05 (1,3)
Volkl, John
9/17/04 (1,1)
Volkl, Miss K.
2/13/04 (8,1)
Volkl, Kathryn (also Katherine)
1/11/02 (1,1); 11/15/02 (1,3); 1/03/02 (1,3);
2/14/03 (1,4); 4/04/03 (1,2); 4/11/03 (1,1)
-graduation from High School 6/13/03 (1,2); 6/20/03 (1,1); 6/27/03
(1,2); 6/27/03 (8,1); 7/25/03 (1,3)
-visits sister 8/29/03 (1,3)
-visits brother 1/02/04 (8,2)
7/09/04 (8,1); 7/16/04 (8,1) (8,2); 8/27/04 (8,2);
12/24/04 (8,2)
-visits relatives 5/06/05 (8,1)
7/22/05 (5,4)
Volkl, J. E.
-sister visits 1/02/04 (8,2)
Volkl, Miss ?
9/10/04 (8,1)
Volkl, ?
3/25/05 (10,2)
Vollmer, Mrs. A.
12/19/03 (1,2)
Vollmer, Mrs. Annie
-death of nephew 1/14/05 (8,1)
Vollmer, Fred
12/19/03 (1,2)
Vollmer, Mrs. Fred
-death of mother 2/22/02 (1,1)
12/19/03 (1,2)
Vollmen - see Vollmer
Vosburg, Edith
-teaches 9/03/04 (1,1)
11/26/04 (8,2)
-offered position 4/15/05 (1,1)
Vosburg, Norton
5/13/05 (1,3)
Vosburg, Miss ?
2/06/04 (1,1); 6/04/04 (1,2); 5/06/05 (1,1)
Vosburg - see also Vosburgh
Vosburgh, Edith
-hired as teacher 7/18/03 (8,1)
Vosburgh - see also Vosburg
Voss, Florence
7/18/03 (1,4)
Vossard, Len
11/01/02 (4,2)
Vossler, William
-marriage to M. Karl 9/19/03 (1,1)
Voter Registration
10/17/03 (1,1)
Voting Machines
8/30/02 (1,2)
-purchased by Town Board 9/06/02 (1,1) (4,1);
10/25/02 (4,2); 11/01/02 (1,1); 11/08/02 (1,1) (1,2)
-burned in fire 2/21/03 (1,1)
10/31/03 (1,1); 10/22/04 (8,2)
-in Presidential election 11/05/04 (1,2) (8,2)
-bond 11/12/04 (1,3)
Vreeland, Edward
11/08/02 (1,2); 10/29/04 (8,3)
Vutz, Totet
7/15/05 (1,3)
11/30/01 (4,1); 12/14/01 (4,1); 1/11/02 (4,1);
1/25/02 (1,2); 2/22/02 (4,1); 3/15/02 (4,1); 3/22/02 (4,2); 4/05/02
(1,2); 4/12/02 (4,1); 5/17/02 (4,1); 6/07/02 (4,1); 6/21/02 (6,1);
7/26/02 (4,1); 8/16/02 (4,1); 8/30/02 (4,1); 10/11/02 (4,1); 11/29/02
(4,1); 12/13/02 (4,1); 1/03/03 (4,1); 1/17/03 (4,1); 1/31/03 (4,1);
2/14/03 (4,1); 2/28/03 (4,1)
-surprise birthday party 3/07/03 (1,4)
3/14/03 (4,1); 5/9/03 (10, 1); 5/23/03 (8,1); 6/06/03 (8,1); 6/27/03
(8,1); 7/11/03 (1,3); 8/01/03 (8,1); 8/15/03 (8,1); 8/29/03 (8,1);
9/12/03 (8,1); 10/10/03 (8,1); 10/31/03 (1,4); 10/31/03 (1,4); 11/21/03
(8,1); 12/05/03 (8,1); 12/12/03 (1,2); 12/26/03 (8,1); 1/09/04 (8,1)
(8,2); 1/16/04 (1,1); 1/23/04 (8,1); 1/30/04 (8,1); 2/13/04 (8,1);
2/27/04 (8,1); 3/05/04 (8,2); 3/12/04 (8,1); 4/23/04 (8,1); 5/7/04
(1,3) (8,1); 6/04/04 (8,1); 7/02/04 (8,2); 7/16/04 (8,2); 7/30/04 (8,1)
-convention 8/13/04 (1,4)
9/10/04 (8,2); 9/24/04 (8,2); 10/08/04 (8,2);
11/05/04 (8,2); 11/19/04 (8,1); 11/26/04 (8,2); 12/17/04 (1,2);
12/24/04 (8,1); 1/14/05 (1,1); 2/11/05 (8,2); 2/25/05 (8,1); 5/06/05
(8,1); 6/03/05 (8,1); 6/17/05 (8,1); 7/1/05 (5,4); 7/15/05
-convention 8/26/05 (8,2); 9/02/05 (8,2)
9/09/05 (8,2); 9/23/05 (8,1); 10/07/05 (8,1);
10/28/05 (8,1); 11/04/05 (8,3)
WRC - see Woman's Relief Corp
Wadd, Mrs. ?
7/11/03 (1,3)
Wadsworth, Ward
8/22/03 (1,1); 9/17/04 (1,1)
Waffie, Dr.
5/24/02 (4,1)
Wagner, A.
11/14/03 (1,2)
Wagner, Alex
-new position 11/25/05 (8,2)
12/16/05 (8,3)
Wagner, Mrs. C.
8/27/04 (8,2)
Wagner, Charles
-marriage to K. Geise 3/4/05 (1,3)
Wagner, Erban
12/14/01 (1,4)
Wagner, Gertrude
-visits parents 5/28/04 (8,3)
7/02/04 (1,4); 10/22/04 (8,3)
Wagner, J. H.
12/14/01 (1,4)
Wagner, Mrs. J. H.
12/14/01 (1,4)
Wagner, John
-moves family to Lima, Ohio 9/12/03 (1,3)
Wagner, Mrs. John
6/27/03 (8,1)
Wagner, M. W.
-farm burns 12/12/03 (8,2)
Wagner, Martin
1/30/04 (1,3)
-lawsuit 2/13/04 (8,2)
Wagner, ?
11/25/05 (8,2)
Wagner - see also Wagoner
Wagoner, M. W.
-fire on property 2/13/04 (1,2)
Wagoner, Nelson
6/11/04 (1,2); 9/16/05 (8,2)
Wagoner, Mrs. Nelson
6/11/04 (1,2); 9/16/05 (8,2)
Wagoner, Rev. W. B.
3/26/04 (1,3)
-Memorial Day Orator 5/14/04 (1,1); 5/21/04 (1,1);
6/04/04 (1,1)
Wagoner - see also Wagner
Wahl, George
10/22/04 (8,3)
Wahl, Joseph
-died in Civil War 6/03/05 (1,3)
Wahl, L.
-wins gold 2/04/05 (1,4)
Wahl, Lena
8/08/03 (1,3); 8/29/03 (8,3)
Wahl, Phillip
8/23/02 (4,1)
Wait, Emmett
9/26/03 (1,2)
Waite, Fenton
5/21/04 (1,2)
Waite, I. M.
4/25/03 (1,2)
Waite, Sheriff, ?
-appoints deputies 1/09/04 (1,3) (8,1)
Wakefield, E.
-relatives visit 7/22/05 (8,2)
Wakefield, Mrs. E.
12/09/05 (8,2)
Wakely, ?
11/28/03 (1,2); 1/16/04 (8,2)
Waldeck, Charles
-birth of son 11/08/02 (4,1)
12/20/02 (1,1)
-farming accident 10/08/04 (8,2)
-well 5/06/05 (1,1); 7/08/05 (8,2); 7/15/05 (10,2);
10/14/05 (1,2)
Waldeck, Mrs. Charles
-birth of son 11/08/02 (4,1)
Waldeck, Gladys
-Regents Examination 2/13/04 (8,3)
-Regents Examination 4/16/04 (8,2)
7/09/04 (1,3)
Waldeck Farm
12/17/04 (1,3)
-well 12/24/04 (1,1); 3/25/05 (1,2); 4/01/05 (1,1)
(8,2); 4/08/05 (8,1) (8,2); 6/24/05 (1,3); 7/1/05 (5,2)
Waldman, Fr. Philip
2/14/03 (1,3)
Wales, Rosena
-lawsuit 4/30/04 (1,4)
Walker, Gertrude
5/7/04 (1,2); 9/03/04 (1,1)
Walker, James
8/22/03 (1,1)
Walker, R. J.
4/22/05 (5,2)
Walker, ?
8/23/02 (1,4); 2/14/03 (1,1)
-daughter visits 7/30/04 (1,1)
10/15/04 (1,2)
Walker, Mrs. ?
-daughter visits 7/30/04 (1,1)
10/15/04 (1,2)
Walker, Miss ?
5/06/05 (1,2)
Wall, John C.
2/21/03 (1,3)
Wall, Julia
7/15/05 (1,3)
Wallace, Edward
3/21/03 (1,3); 6/18/04 (1,2); 2/25/05 (1,2); 6/17/05
Wallace, Hazel
8/12/05 (8,1)
Wallace, Miss L. A.
6/17/05 (1,4)
Wallace, Marie Jane
-marriage to H. Belding 1/24/03 (1,3)
Wallburg, Gustave
5/20/05 (5,2)
Walley, Edna
-wedding 1/09/04 (1,4)
Walley, Ethel
11/22/02 (1,3); 8/29/03 (8,3)
Walley, Mrs. Gratie
8/09/02 (1,3)
Walley, John
-death of mother 3/15/02 (1,1)
10/24/03 (8,1)
-new position 1/09/04 (8,1)
-visits family 1/23/04 (1,2)
-birth of daughter 8/06/04 (8,1)
9/02/05 (8,1)
Walley, Mrs. John
10/24/03 (8,1)
-birth of daughter 8/06/04 (8,1)
Walley, M.
11/30/01 (1,2)
Walley, Mrs. M.
11/30/01 (1,2)
Walley, Michael
-death of wife 3/15/02 (1,1)
-illness of 3/22/02 (4,1); 5/10/02 (1,3)
-breaks wrist 2/14/03 (1,3)
Walley, Mrs. Michael (Mary)
-death of 3/15/02 (1,1); 12/27/02 (1,1)
Walley, Simeon
-death of mother 3/15/02 (1,1)
7/15/05 (5,2)
Walley, Thomas
-death of mother 3/15/02 (1,1)
Walley, William
-death of mother 3/15/02 (1,1)
Walley - see also Griffin & Walley
Wallman, Miss ?
3/01/02 (1,1)
Walrath, Newton
4/29/05 (5,2)
-jury duty 5/27/05 (1,1)
Walrath, Mrs. Newton
-visits mother 4/29/05 (5,2)
-visits mother 8/12/05 (8,2)
Walsh, Catherine
6/28/02 (4,2)
Walsh, Mrs. John
12/02/05 (8,1)
-visits sister 12/02/05 (8,1)
Walsh, Julia
6/28/02 (4,2); 9/27/02 (1,1)
Walsh, Miss M.
10/18/02 (1,1); 11/01/02 (1,2); 11/29/02 (1,2);
1/24/03 (1,1)
Walsh, Margaret
9/27/02 (1,1)
Walsh, Miss Mary
3/15/02 (1,2); 6/28/02 (1,1) (1,4); 1/17/03 (1,3)
-graduation 6/20/03 (1,1); 6/27/03 (1,1)
Walsh, Mrs. P.
1/25/02 (1,3)
Walsh, Rev. R.
10/31/03 (1,3)
Walsh, Rev. Robert
10/31/03 (1,4)
Walsh, Fr. Thomas
6/25/04 (1,2); 7/23/04 (1,1); 9/03/04 (1,3); 6/17/05
(1,2) (1,3)
Walsh, Miss ?
3/01/02 (1,1); 3/14/03 (1,2)
Walsh, Fr. ?
9/27/02 (1,1); 1/30/04 (1,2)
Walters, George
11/08/02 (1,1); 11/15/02 (4,2); 5/13/05 (1,3)
Walters, Gertrude
12/28/01 (1,3)
Waltz, Amandus
-moves to Kansas 8/06/04 (1,3)
-visits 5/13/05 (8,1)
Wample, Marcus
-death of 11/01/02 (4,3); 11/08/02 (1,3)
Wample, Mrs. ?
-death of brother 4/9/04(1,1)
Wands, Charles
-well 5/13/05 (8,2)
Wands & Co. Well
7/15/05 (10,2)
Wand's, Root and Homer Well
6/24/05 (8,1)
Wangelen, Charles
5/23/03 (8,1)
Ward, Bessie
-marriage to J. Clare 2/22/02 (1,2)
Ward, D. W.
2/01/02 (1,2)
-appointed Overseer of the Poor
4/26/02 (4,1); 5/03/02 (1,1); 5/31/02 (1,4); 7/05/02 (1,4); 7/19/02
(4,1); 9/20/02 (4,2); 9/27/02 (1,4); 11/01/02 (1,3); 12/20/02 (1,1);
1/17/03 (4,2); 3/07/03 (4,1); 4/11/03 (1,2) (8,1); 4/25/03 (1,3);
5/9/03 (1,1); 5/16/03
-sister visits 7/11/03 (1,4)
8/08/03 (1,3); 9/05/03 (1,1); 9/12/03 (1,3); 9/19/03
(1,3); 9/26/03 (1,3)
-resigns as Overseer of the Poor 10/10/03 (8,1)
-travels to California 10/17/03 (8,1)
11/07/03 (1,1)
-returns 5/28/04 (8,1)
7/02/04 (1,3); 7/16/04 (8,2); 8/27/04 (8,1); 8/27/04
-sells items 9/17/04 (1,3); 9/24/04 (1,2)
-builds two-family flat 10/01/04 (8,2); 11/05/04
11/12/04 (1,3)
-flat painted 11/19/04 (8,1)
-new home 12/10/04 (8,1)
12/24/04 (1,2)
-visits relatives in Hinsdale 12/24/04 (8,1)
-water heater 1/14/05 (8,1)
1/21/05 (8,2); 2/11/05 (8,2); 3/18/05 (8,1); 5/13/05 (8,1) (8,2);
6/03/05 (1,1); 6/10/05 (1,2) (1,3); 6/17/05 (8,1)
-flat painted 6/24/05 (8,1)
-sale 6/24/05 (8,1)
7/01/05 (8,1); 8/05/05 (8,2); 9/23/05 (1,1);
11/11/05 (8,1)
-visits sister 12/02/05 (8,1); 12/23/05 (8,2)
Ward, Mrs. D. W.
5/31/02 (1,4); 7/05/02 (1,4); 11/01/02 (1,3)
--illness of 11/29/02 (1,3)
7/11/03 (1,4); 8/01/03 (8,1); 9/05/03 (1,3); 9/12/03
(1,3); 9/26/03 (1,3); 11/28/03 (1,3)
-visits brother 12/19/03 (8,1)
2/20/04 (8,2)
-visits sister 3/12/04 (8,1)
-returns from Ohio 5/7/04 (8,1)
-schoolmate visits 8/27/04 (8,1) (8,2)
-new home 12/10/04 (8,1)
-visits relatives in Hinsdale 12/24/04 (8,1)
2/11/05 (8,2)
-death of brother 2/11/05 (8,2)
7/01/05 (8,2)
-falls down stairs 7/08/05 (8,2)
8/05/05 (8,2); 9/16/05 (8,1); 12/23/05 (8,2)
Ward, Dwight
7/26/02 (4,1)
Ward, Mrs. Dwight
7/26/02 (4,1)
Ward, Frank
3/05/04 (1,3)
Ward, Hibbard
-killed in Civil War 6/03/05 (1,3)
Ward, Joseph
4/22/05 (5,3)
Ward, Rev. Lawrence J. O.F.M.
-death of 5/30/03 (1,1)
Ward, Mrs. Margaret
-death of 12/14/01 (4,1)
Ward, ?
12/28/01 (1,4); 8/01/03 (1,3)
Ward, Mrs. ?
12/28/01 (1,4); 4/26/02 (1,1)
Ward - see also Riley & Ward
Ward's Opera House
12/07/01 (1,2)
-New Year's Eve Dance 12/28/01 (4,1)
2/15/02 (4,1); 3/15/02 (4,1); 3/22/02 (4,1); 4/12/02
(1,1); 4/26/02 (4,1); 5/10/02 (4,1); 6/21/02 (6,1); 7/12/02 (4,1)
(4,2); 8/16/02 (1,2); 8/23/02 (1,1); 9/06/02 (1,1) (1,2) (4,1); 9/27/02
(4,1); 10/04/02 (1,2); 10/18/02 (1,1); 11/22/02 (4,2); 12/13/02
-fitted with gymnasium 1/10/03 (1,1); 1/17/03
(1,1); 3/14/03 (1,1); 4/11/03 (1,2); 4/18/03 (1,1); 4/25/03 (1,3);
5/9/03 (1,2); 5/16/03 (8,1); 5/23/03 (1,2) (1,3) (8,1); 5/30/03 (10,2);
8/22/03 (8,1); 10/17/03 (1,1); 11/14/03 (1,3); 11/21/03 (1,2) (1,3)
(8,1); 12/05/03 (1,1); 12/12/03 (1,1); 12/19/03 (8,1); 12/26/03 (8,2);
1/16/04 (8,2); 1/23/04 (1,1); 1/30/04 (1,3); 2/06/04 (1,1)
-basketball game 2/20/04 (8,2)
5/21/04 (1,1); 5/28/04 (1,2); 6/04/04 (1,1) (8,1); 6/11/04 (1,1);
6/25/04 (1,6); 6/25/04 (8,1); 7/02/04 (1,3) (8,2); 7/09/04
-demolished 8/06/04 (1,4)
8/06/04 (8,2); 8/27/04 (8,1); 9/10/04 (1,2); 9/17/04
(1,1); 9/24/04 (1,1); 10/01/04 (1,2); 10/15/04
Waring, J. H.
1/7/05 (1,2)
Waring, James
11/08/02 (1,1); 11/15/02 (4,2)
Waring, S. H.
1/30/04 (1,3)
Waring, W. W.
1/02/04 (8,1)
-lawsuit 4/30/04 (1,4)
Waring, ?
4/22/05 (5,3)
Warren, Jerome
8/02/02 (1,2)
Warters, Bert
7/08/05 (1,2)
Warters, F.
-appointed pathmaster 2/15/02 (1,1)
5/24/02 (1,1); 12/19/03 (1,2)
Warters, F. A.
6/18/04 (8,2); 9/23/05 (8,2)
-nomination 10/14/05 (1,2)
10/21/05 (8,1); 11/04/05 (8,2); 11/11/05 (1,3)
Warters, F. J.
-daughter visits 7/08/05 (1,1)
11/11/05 (8,1)
Warters, Mrs. F. J.
-daughter visits 7/08/05 (1,1)
Warters, Frank (also Francis)
11/15/02 (4,1); 12/24/04 (1,3); 12/31/04 (1,3);
1/7/05 (1,3); 1/14/05 (1,3); 5/20/05 (1,2); 9/16/05 (1,1); 10/14/05
(8,1); 11/25/05 (8,1) (8,2)
Warters, Mrs. Frank
1/09/04 (1,2)
Warters, Fred
7/08/05 (1,2)
Warters, George
11/14/03 (1,2)
Warters, Jacob
-appointed pathmaster 2/15/02 (1,1)
11/08/02 (1,1); 11/15/02 (4,2)
Warters, Mrs. Jacob
-relatives visit 9/23/05 (8,1)
Warters, Jenetta
12/12/03 (1,3)
Warters, Mrs. John
1/04/02 (1,3); 9/20/02 (1,3)
Warters, Juanita
-cousin visits 12/31/04 (8,1)
Warters, Julia
7/02/04 (1,4)
Warters, Kate
1/31/03 (1,4)
Warters, Katherine
12/06/02 (1,4)
-birthday party 12/06/02 (6,1)
Warters, Lena
-marriage to W. Ryan 4/18/03 (8,1); 4/25/03
Warters, Louis
7/08/05 (1,2)
Warters, Miss M.
1/09/04 (1,2)
Warters, May (also Mae)
1/18/02 (1,4); 11/14/03 (1,2)
-visits sister 1/09/04 (1,2)
1/09/04 (8,2)
-visits sister 1/09/04 (8,2)
-visits relatives 11/11/05 (8,1)
11/25/05 (8,1)
Warters, P.
1/18/02 (1,4)
Warters, Peter
2/14/03 (1,2)
-new well 10/31/03 (8,2)
11/07/03 (8,2)
-new well 5/20/05 (1,3); 9/23/05 (8,1)
Warters, Roy
7/08/05 (1,2)
Warters, Theresa
4/12/02 (1,3)
-cousin visits 12/31/04 (8,1)
Warters, ?
10/11/02 (1,4); 12/27/02 (4,1)
Warters - see also Waters
Wartsala, John
5/7/04 (1,1)
Washburn, Earl
8/06/04 (8,1)
Washburn, John
5/03/02 (1,3)
Washburn, ?
-new position 3/26/04 (6,2)
6/25/04 (8,23
Washburn, Mrs. ?
5/21/04 (8, 2)
Wasson, Allen (also Allan)
8/01/03 (1,3); 11/26/04 (1,3); 11/25/05 (8,3)
Wasson, Mrs. Allen (also Allan)
-visits mother 6/10/05 (1,2)
Wasson, Mrs. M.
9/24/04 (1,2)
Wasson, Mrs. Martin
-illness of 3/18/05 (1,3)
Wasson, Pearl
9/24/04 (1,2)
Water Supply
-low 5/16/03 (8,1)
Waters, F.
-well 8/09/02 (1,2)
-attends encampment 10/04/02 (4,1)
-elected pres. of C.M.B.A. 12/13/02 (1,3)
-daughter visits 9/05/03 (1,3)
-wins election 11/07/03 (1,2); 12/05/03 (1,2);
2/06/04 (8,1); 2/13/04 (8,2)
Waters, Mrs. F.
-daughter visits 9/05/03 (1,3)
10/10/03 (1,2); 10/24/03 (1,4)
Waters, F. A.
10/22/04 (8,1); 11/05/04 (8,1)
Waters, Francis J.
-pension increased 12/27/02 (4,2)
Waters, Frank
11/29/02 (4,1); 10/10/03 (1,3); 10/31/03 (1,1); 8/26/05 (1,2); 9/02/05
(8,2); 9/09/05 (1,3); 1/06/06 (8,1)
Waters, Mrs. Frank
8/26/05 (1,2); 9/02/05 (8,2)
Waters, George
11/22/02 (1,2); 8/26/05 (1,2); 1/06/06 (8,2)
Waters, John
-birth of son 12/14/01 (4,1)
2/14/03 (1,3)
Waters, Mrs. John
-illness of 12/14/01 (4,1)
-birth of son 12/14/01 (4,1)
6/11/04 (8,1)
Waters, Josephine
1/14/05 (1,1)
Waters, Lena
10/04/02 (1,2); 4/11/03 (8,1)
-marriage to T. McCormick 1/14/05 (1,1)
Waters, Leona
-birthday party 1/31/03 (4,1)
Waters, Louis
-marriage of daughter 1/14/05 (1,1)
Waters, Mrs. Louis
-marriage of daughter 1/14/05 (1,1)
Waters, May (also Mae)
1/11/02/(1,4); 11/07/03 (1,3); 8/20/04 (1,2);
11/26/04 (1,4); 12/03/04 (1,3); 8/26/05 (1,2); 1/06/06
Waters, Mona
11/29/02 (1,2)
Waters, Peter
1/11/02 (1,4); 11/14/03 (1,1)
-well 1/16/04 (8,1)
-well 4/23/04 (8,1); 7/30/04 (1,1)
10/22/04 (8,3); 11/26/04 (1,4); 4/01/05 (8,2)
Waters, T. J.
9/17/04 (1,1)
Waters, Teresa
7/30/04 (8,1); 8/20/04 (1,2)
Waters, Miss ?
3/07/03 (1,1)
Waters Farm
1/16/04 (1,2)
-well drilled 8/20/04 (1,2); 5/13/05 (1,3); 10/21/05
Waters - see also Warters, Watters
Watkins, Mrs. D. S.
9/02/05 (1,2)
Watkins, Mrs. J. K.
-father visits 10/01/04 (8,2)
Watkins, James K.
-marriage to M. Burr 1/11/02 (1,1)
Watkins, Mrs. James
8/30/02 (1,3); 9/06/02 (1,3); 6/20/03 (8,2)
-returns to KY 8/15/03 (1,3)
-death of father 10/21/05 (1,2) (1,3) (8,1)
Watkins, Mrs. S. D.
6/28/02 (4,3)
Watkins, Will
-jury duty 4/22/05 (1,2)
Watkins, Mrs. ?
6/07/02 (1,4); 8/16/02 (4,1); 7/11/03 (1,3)
-sister visits 4/16/04 (1,2)
Watson, Elsie
7/25/03 (1,3); 8/01/03 (1,2)
Watson, ?
1/09/04 (1,1)
Watters, Emmett
8/22/03 (1,1)
Watters - see also Waters
Watts, David
9/17/04 (1,1)
Watts, J. W.
9/17/04 (1,1)
Waxel, L. M
7/30/04 (1,1)
Waxel, Mrs. L. M.
-illness of mother 10/31/03 (8,2)
-visits parents 7/30/04 (1,1)
Waxel, Louis
-oil 10/01/04 (1,3)
Waxel Farm
-oil 9/24/04 (1,2)
Way, Rev. ?
10/15/04 (1,2)
Wayman, Mrs. Clara
-visits sister 7/18/03 (1,3)
Weagraff, E. A.
10/29/04 (1,4)
Weast, Henry
6/18/04 (8,2)
-43 degrees below zero 1/09/04 (8,2)
-snow 1/16/04 (8,1)
-25 degrees below 1/23/04 (8,1)
-killing frost 10/01/04 (1,4)
-blizzard 12/10/04 (8,1)
-cyclone 12/31/04 (8,2)
-terrible winter 2/18/05 (1,3)
-rain and wind storm 6/10/05 (8,1)
-rain 6/24/05 (8,1)
-frost 9/16/05 (8,1); 10/28/05 (8,1)
Weatherbee, Mrs. Maggie
6/13/03 (1,3)
Weatherbee - see also Wetherby
Weatherly, Daniel
-lawsuit 4/30/04 (1,4)
Weaver, Cecilia
10/11/02 (1,4)
Weaver, Mrs. Jacob
3/14/03 (1,3)
Weaver, Mabel
7/02/04 (1,4)
Weaver, Robert
-pres. of Literary Society 11/28/03 (1,3)
12/19/03 (1,3)
-Regents' Examination 2/13/04 (8,3)
-Regents Examination 4/16/04 (8,2)
5/14/04 (1,2)
-graduation 6/25/04 (1,5)
7/02/04 (8,2); 7/09/04 (1,3)
Weaver, ?
8/02/02 (1,2)
Webb, James
3/21/03 (1,3)
Weber, M.
5/23/03 (8,1)
Weber, Rev. M.
6/25/04 (1,2)
Weber, W.
9/26/03 (1,2)
Weber, Fr. ?
1/31/03 (1,3)
Weber - see also Taylor & Weber
Webster, Frank
3/14/03 (4,2); 9/26/03 (1,2)
-moves to Franklinville 3/26/04 (6,2)
Webster, Mrs. Frank
7/18/03 (1,3); 9/26/03 (1,2)
Webster, Luella
3/14/03 (4,2); 5/30/03 (1,3)
-marriage to C. Cull 1/09/04 (1,2)
Wechsel Farm
-well 7/1/05 (5,2)
Weed. J.
5/14/04 (1,3)
Weidert, J. F.
11/22/02 (1,2)
Weidman, Albert
-death of brother 1/14/05 (1,2)
Weidman, Berhardt
3/19/04 (1,2)
Weidman, F.
3/07/03 (1,3)
Weidman, Rev. F. C.
4/26/02 (1,3); 8/09/02 (1,1); 9/06/02 (1,4); 8/08/03
(1,1); 9/03/04 (1,1); 2/25/05 (1,1)
-confirmation 4/15/05 (8,2)
5/13/05 (8,2)
Weidman, Rev. F. W.
8/08/03 (1,1)
Weidman, Fred
10/04/02 (1,1)
Weidman, Mrs. G.
-death of brother 3/11/05 (1,2)
Weidman, Gotlieb
-death of brother 1/14/05 (1,2)
Weidman, Henry A.
-death of 1/14/05 (1,2)
Weidman, Mrs. Henry A.
-death of husband 1/14/05 (1,2)
Weidman, John
-death of son 1/14/05 (1,2)
Weidman, Mrs. John
3/18/05 (1,2)
Weidman, Theodore
-death of brother 1/14/05 (1,2)
Weidman, Rev. W. C.
2/28/03 (4,1)
Weidman, William
-death of brother 1/14/05 (1,2)
Weidman, ?
9/02/05 (1,3)
Weidman, Mrs. ?
9/02/05 (1,3)
Weightman, Miss V.
3/18/05 (1,2)
Weiler, Fabian
-death of father 8/08/03 (1,2)
Weiler, Fay
10/25/02 (1,3); 8/01/03 (1,2)
Weiler, George
5/16/03 (8,1)
-death of father 8/08/03 (1,2)
7/23/04 (8,1); 5/13/05 (8,1)
Weiler, J. G.
8/01/03 (1,2)
Weiler, John
-death of brother 8/08/03 (1,2)
Weiler, Joseph
-death of father 8/08/03 (1,2)
Weiler, Louisa
-purchases property 6/20/03 (1,1)
Weiler, Sebastian
-appointed to Board of Health 1/18/02 (1,2); 2/01/02
(4,1); 4/12/02 (1,2); 5/03/02 (1,3)
-new walk 8/09/02 (4,1)
9/27/02 (1,2); 10/25/02 (1,3); 11/08/02 (1,1);
11/15/02 (4,2); 3/21/03 (1,3); 5/16/03 (8,1)
-sells property 6/20/03 (1,1)
-critical illness 8/01/03 (1,2)
-death of 8/08/03 (1,1) (8,2)
8/08/03 (1,1) (1,2); 9/12/03 (8,1)
-life insurance 10/03/03 (8,1)
1/02/04 (1,1)
Weiler, Mrs. Sebastian
2/01/02 (4,1); 5/03/02 (1,3); 9/27/02 (1,2);
10/25/02 (1,3); 3/21/03 (1,3); 5/16/03 (8,1)
-death of husband 8/08/03 (1,1) (1,2)
-moves to Ohio 10/03/03 (1,3)
-husband's life insurance 10/03/03 (8,1)
7/23/04 (8,1)
-returns 5/13/05 (8,1)
Weiler, William
2/01/02 (4,1); 8/01/03 (1,2)
-death of father 8/08/03 (1,2)
Weiler Brothers
-building sold 5/13/05 (1,2)
Weiler Building
9/12/03 (1,4); 9/19/03 (1,4)
-McCabe's Grocery 10/03/03 (8,1)
11/21/03 (1,1)
Weiler Property
8/29/03 (8,1); 11/14/03 (1,1); 11/28/03 (1,3);
5/13/05 (8,1)
Weinaug, Clara
10/03/03 (1,2); 11/07/03 (8,2)
6/18/04 (1,3); 8/20/04 (1,2); 8/27/04 (1,2); 9/03/04
(1,1); 9/17/04 (1,3); 9/24/04 (1,2)
-picks grapes 10/01/04 (1,3)
-home from Fredonia 11/05/04 (1,2)
11/12/04 (8,2); 11/19/04 (1,2); 11/26/04 (1,4)
-bridesmaid 11/26/04 (1,4)
12/03/04 (1,3); 12/17/04 (1,3); 12/24/04 (1,3)
-visits relatives 3/4/05 (1,3)
3/11/05 (1,3); 3/25/05 (8,2); 4/29/05 (8,2)
-visits sister 5/20/05 (1,3)
5/27/05 (1,4)
-visits home 7/08/05 (1,2)
Weinaug, Edward
-Regents' Examination 2/13/04 (8,3)
-Regents Examination 4/16/04 (8,2)
6/18/04 (1,3)
-Regents Examination 2/04/05 (1,2)
2/04/05 (1,3); 5/06/05 (1,2)
-Regents Examination 6/24/05 (1,2)
Weinaug, Frank
-Regents' Examination 2/13/04 (8,3)
6/18/04 (1,3)
-Regents' Examination 2/04/05 (1,2)
2/04/05 (1,3); 4/01/05 (8,2)
Weinaug, Gertrude
12/03/04 (1,3)
-illness of 8/19/05 (1,3)
Weinaug, Mary
1/31/03 (1,4)
-returns home 11/07/03 (8,2)
7/16/04 (1,2); 7/23/04 (1,3); 8/06/04 (1,3)
-visits parents 9/03/04 (1,1)
10/22/04 (8,3); 11/05/04 (1,2); 12/31/04 (1,2);
1/28/05 (8,2); 2/04/05 (1,3); 3/11/05 (1,3); 4/29/05 (8,2)
-sister visits 5/20/05 (1,3)
5/27/05 (1,4)
Weinaug, Mattie
12/21/01 (1,4)
Weinaug, William
-birth of son 12/14/01 (1,3)
-delegate to convention 7/12/02 (1,1)
2/14/03 (1,2); 8/22/03 (1,1);
-22nd birthday 4/23/04 (1,2)
12/24/04 (1,2)
-illness of son 4/01/05 (8,2)
Weinaug, Mrs. William
-birth of son 12/14/01 (1,3)
2/14/03 (1,2); 9/19/03 (1,3); 8/06/04 (1,3)
-illness of son 4/01/05 (8,2)
7/08/05 (1,2)
Weinaug, Willis
8/27/04 (1,2)
Weinaug, Miss
1/31/03 (1,4); 11/07/03 (8,2); 7/23/04 (1,3);
8/13/04 (1,3); 3/25/05 (8,2)
Weinaug, Mrs. ?
7/30/04 (1,1)
Weinaug Farm
-drilling for oil 3/01/02 (1,3)
Weir, ?
11/25/05 (8,2)
Weis, Max
8/20/04 (1,2)
Weis, Rose
-visits sister 9/02/05 (8,2)
Welch, Billy
9/05/03 (8,2)
Welch, Charles
4/19/02 (1,1)
Welch, Mrs. Charles
4/19/02 (1,1)
Welch, Cora
-works in Perry 4/22/05 (5,4)
Welch, Delancy
-died in Civil War 6/03/05 (1,3)
Welch, F.
-appointed pathmaster 2/15/02 (1,1)
8/15/03 (1,1); 9/05/03 (1,3); 9/12/03 (8,3);
10/10/03 (1,3); 10/31/03 (1,1)
-wins election 11/07/03 (1,2)
6/11/04 (8,1); 11/12/04 (1,3); 5/20/05 (1,2)
-nomination 10/14/05 (1,2)
11/11/05 (1,3)
Welch, Mrs. F.
-birthday party 5/10/02 (4,1)
Welch, Fred
12/14/01 (1,4); 12/28/01 (1,4)
-delegate to convention 7/12/02 (1,1)
7/26/02 (1,3); 8/30/02 (1,3); 10/25/02 (1,3);
11/08/02 (1,1); 11/15/02 (4,2); 5/2/03 (8,1)
-appointed Overseer of the Poor 10/10/03 (8,1);
12/05/03 (1,1); 1/09/04 (8,1)
-birth of daughter 1/30/04 (8,1)
2/27/04 (1,3); 3/12/04 (1,1); 5/21/04 (1,3); 1/14/05
(1,1); 5/06/05 (8,1); 9/09/05 (1,3)
-nomination 11/04/05 (8,2)
11/11/05 (1,3); 11/11/05 (1,3); 12/30/05 (1,3)
Welch, Mrs. Fred
7/26/02 (1,3); 8/30/02 (1,3); 5/2/03 (8,1)
-birth of daughter 1/30/04 (8,1)
-illness of 3/4/05 (8,1)
Welch, P.
-rents farm 3/05/04 (8,1)
-sells wells 11/18/05 (8,2)
Welch, Richard
5/2/03 (1,3)
-visits father 12/26/03 (8,1)
11/19/04 (8,1); 7/08/05 (8,1)
Welch, Captain Stephen
-visits Gettysburg 9/20/02 (1,3)
-stroke 2/14/03 (4,1)
-test well 5/2/03 (1,1)
5/2/03 (1,3)
-grandson's arm amputated 8/22/03 (1,1)
-old newspaper 8/29/03 (1,2)
-son visits 12/26/03 (8,1)
-auction 2/27/04 (1,3)
-oil well 4/9/04 (1,1); 4/16/04 (8,1);
-oil well 4/23/04 (8,1); 5/7/04
-oil well 5/21/04 (8, 1); 6/18/04 (1,3); 6/25/04
(8,2); 7/09/04 (8,2); 7/23/04 (1,3); 8/13/04 (1,2); 8/20/04 (8,1);
9/10/04 (8,1); 10/01/04 (1,4); 10/08/04 (1,1); 11/12/04
-well shot 11/19/04 (1,1) (8,2)
-illness of 3/4/05 (8,1)
3/25/05 (1,2); 4/22/05 (8,2); 4/29/05 (1,1); 5/06/05
-well 5/13/05 (8,2); 6/24/05 (8,1)
-attends veterans' reunion 10/07/05 (8,3)
Welch, T. J.
9/30/05 (1,3)
Welch Farm
-well 5/06/05 (1,1); 7/1/05 (5,2); 7/08/05 (8,2);
9/09/05 (8,2)
Welch, ?
12/20/02 (1,2)
Welch Oil Company
-organized 9/10/04 (8,2)
-court case 10/14/05 (1,3); 11/25/05 (8,1)
Welch - see also Welsh
Weld, Moses
9/26/03 (1,2)
Weldon, Joseph
-marriage to E. Hawley 10/28/05 (8,2)
Weller, Charles
8/20/04 (8,1)
Weller, James
4/16/04 (8,1)
Wellman, Andy
5/21/04 (1,2)
Wells, Herbert
5/21/04 (1,2)
Wells, Mrs. J.
-visits daughter 12/30/05 (1,3)
Wells, Mabel
11/22/02 (1,2)
Wells, W. S.
8/05/05 (1,2)
Welsh, Billy
9/05/03 (8,2); 9/26/03 (1,2)
Welsh, Miss E.
6/07/02 (1,2)
Welsh, James
-Regents Examination 2/04/05 (1,2)
-visits parents 12/30/05 (8,1)
Welsh, P. W.
2/15/02 (1,3); 4/26/02 (4,1)
-visits family 9/03/04 (1,2)
-moves to John St. 3/26/04 (6,2)
-son visits 12/30/05 (8,1)
Welsh, Mrs. P. W.
-son visits 12/30/05 (8,1)
Welsh, Pat
9/17/04 (8,2)
Welsh, W.
10/10/03 (8,2)
Welsh Sand
-well 5/13/05 (1,3)
Welsh - see also Welch
Wengerd, John
1/7/05 (1,1)
Wengerd, Mrs. John
1/7/05 (8,1)
Wengot, John
3/28/03 (1,3)
Wenke, Martha
-visits parents 11/05/04 (1,2)
Wenn, Emma
7/1/05 (1,3)
-marriage to C. Trowbridge 7/22/05 (8,2)
7/22/05 (8,2)
Wenzel, ?
4/18/03 (1,3)
Wenzel, Mrs. ?
4/18/03 (1,3)
Werner, William
10/29/04 (8,3)
Weptner, John
-died in Civil War 6/03/05 (1,3)
Wersbinski, Felix
6/13/03 (1,1)
-graduation 6/20/03 (1,2 (1,4)
6/17/05 (1,1)
Wertengel, Rosie (also Rose)
10/18/02 (1,2); 8/01/03 (1,2)
Weschler - see Weshler
Weshler, Andrew
6/14/02 (1,1)
-graduates from St. Bona's 6/21/02 (1,2)
-ordination 12/26/03 (1,1)
-ordination 12/03/04 (1,2)
Wesley, John
6/10/05 (1,1)
Wesp, ?
9/09/05 (8,1)
Wesp, Mrs. ?
9/09/05 (8,1)
West, John
-jury duty 4/22/05 (1,2)
West, Ruby
4/01/05 (8,2)
West, L. D.
9/20/02 (1,2); 10/11/02 (1,4); 11/22/02 (1,3)
West, Loomis
4/01/05 (8,2)
West, Mrs. S. D.
-death of mother 4/01/05 (1,3) (8,2)
West, Nurse ?
11/05/04 (8,1); 8/26/05 (8,1)
Weston, W.
11/07/03 (8,2)
Weston, W. Jr.
5/20/05 (5,2)
Weston, Wallace
-death of 3/18/05 (8,1)
Weston Lease
11/14/03 (1,1)
Wetherby, H.
3/26/04 (1,3)
Wetherby, Heber
10/01/04 (1,3)
Wetherby, Milton
6/20/03 (8,1)
Wetherby - see also Weatherbee
Wettenegel, Rosie
9/20/02 (1,3); 9/27/02 (4,1)
Weyerstall, Bertha
-officer of L.O.T.M. 12/09/05 (1,1)
Weyerstall, Carl
-purchases meat market 9/20/02 (1,4)
12/13/02 (1,1)
-moves market 11/29/02 (4,1); 1/17/03 (1,1)
3/28/03 (1,3)
-builds slaughterhouse 8/22/03 (8,1)
-sale 11/21/03 (8,1)
-chicken thieves 12/05/03 (8,1)
2/13/04 (1,3); 2/27/04 (8,3); 3/05/04 (8,1)
-new refrigerator 3/12/04 (8,2)
4/16/04 (8,1); 6/18/04 (8,1)
-repairs to meat market 6/18/04 (8,1)
7/23/04 (8,1); 7/30/04 (8,1; 8/20/04 (8,1) (8,2)
-new engine 9/03/04 (1,2)
11/19/04 (8,1); 12/10/04 (8,1); 12/17/04 (1,1);
12/31/04 (8,2); 1/7/05 (8,1)
-purchases shop 2/25/05 (8,1)
3/4/05 (1,1); 3/18/05 (8,2); 3/25/05 (1,2)
-cement walk 8/26/05 (8,2)
9/23/05 (1,1); 11/18/05 (8,1)
Weyerstall, Mrs. ?
-officer of L.O.T.M. 12/19/03 (1,3)
7/30/04 (8,1); 11/19/04 (8,1); 1/7/05 (8,1)
Weyerstall, Mrs. ?
12/10/04 (1,2)
Whalen, Edward
6/18/04 (8,1); 2/25/05 (1,2); 6/25/04 (1,2)
Whaley, W. M.
6/10/05 (1,1)
Wharton, Mrs. Thomas
9/16/05 (1,2)
Whealen, M. J.
-wins gold 2/04/05 (1,4)
Wheaton, A. G.
-death of father 1/21/05 (1,1)
-death of 1/21/05 (1,1)
Wheaton, Gaius
5/9/03 (1,1); 10/08/04 (8,1)
-death of 1/21/05 (1,1); 12/30/05 (1,1)
Wheaton, Olive
1/17/03 (1,1)
Wheeler, Mrs. Alonzo
-death of mother 7/19/02 (1,2)
Wheeler, Betsy
-death of 6/04/04 (1,4); 6/11/04 (1,2) (8,1);
12/31/04 (1,1)
Wheeler, Charlie
5/7/04 (8,1)
Wheeler, David
-new home 4/25/03 (8,1)
-new cement walk 9/03/04 (1,2)
9/23/05 (1,1)
Wheeler, Del
10/22/04 (8,2)
Wheeler, Della
8/15/03 (8,2)
Wheeler, Deville
-died in Civil War 6/03/05 (1,3)
Wheeler, Mrs. E
12/02/05 (1,3); 12/30/05 (1,3)
Wheeler, Ed
-painful accident 11/07/03 (8,1)
Wheeler, Mrs. Egbert
5/9/03 (10, 2)
Wheeler, Ella
12/28/01 (1,4)
Wheeler, Elmer
-moves into mother's farm 11/21/03 (1,3)
-death of mother 6/04/04 (1,4); 6/11/04 (1,3)
Wheeler, Mrs. Eureka
6/13/03 (1,3); 8/01/03 (1,3); 8/15/03 (8,2); 7/02/04 (1,4); 9/10/04
(1,3); 11/05/04 (1,2); 1/7/05 (8,2)
Wheeler, Miss F.
7/16/04 (1,2)
Wheeler, Florence
-illness of 3/28/03 (1,2)
4/04/03 (1,3); 4/11/03 (1,3); 4/25/03 (1,3); 8/01/03 (1,3)
-cousin visits 8/22/03 (1,3)
8/22/03 (1,3); 9/12/03 (1,2)
-visits cousin 3/12/04 (1,3)
7/02/04 (1,4) (8,1); 7/30/04 (1,1); 10/01/04 (1,3);
5/20/05 (1,3)
Wheeler, Floyd
-moves to Indiana 8/01/03 (1,3)
Wheeler, Frank
5/21/04 (1,2)
Wheeler, Fred
-works in Perry 10/31/03 (8,1)
2/27/04 (1,3); 10/22/04 (8,2)
Wheeler, G.
9/20/02 (4,1)
-visits parents 9/10/04 (8,2)
10/21/05 (8,1)
Wheeler, George
-visits parents 3/12/04 (1,3)
Wheeler, Mrs. George
4/04/03 (1,3); 4/11/03 (1,3); 4/25/03 (1,3); 8/22/03
(1,3); 3/12/04 (1,3) 7/30/04 (1,1); 10/01/04 (1,3)
Wheeler, Guy
11/14/03 (1,1); 10/22/04 (8,2)
Wheeler, Mrs. Guy
10/22/04 (8,2)
Wheeler, H.
10/18/02 (1,3); 1/03/02 (1,1); 8/12/05 (8,2)
Wheeler, Mrs. H.
10/18/02 (1,3)
Wheeler, Henry
-takes possession of camp 3/28/03 (1,2)
12/12/03 (1,2); 5/28/04 (8,3); 5/14/04 (1,3);
6/11/04 (1,2); 7/16/04 (1,3)
-visits relatives 8/13/04 (1,3)
-visits parents 9/24/04 (1,2)
-travels to St. Louis 11/05/04 (1,2)
11/26/04 (1,3); 1/7/05 (8,2); 6/10/05 (1,2)
12/30/05 (1,3)
Wheeler, Mrs. Henry
-takes possession of camp 3/28/03 (1,2)
5/06/05 (1,3); 12/30/05 (1,3)
Wheeler, Howard
3/11/05 (1,2)
Wheeler, I. E.
3/15/02 (4,1)
Wheeler, Mrs. J. B.
7/19/02 (1,2)
Wheeler, J. C.
-niece visits 8/27/04 (8,2)
11/19/04 (1,3); 12/10/04 (1,2)
-officer of Grange 12/23/05 (8,2)
Wheeler, Mrs. J. C.
6/11/04 (8,1); 6/17/05 (8,1)
Wheeler, J. T.
3/29/02 (1,3)
Wheeler, Mrs. J. T.
-appendicitis 3/08/02 (1,3)
Wheeler, Jessie
12/28/01 (1,4); 11/07/03 (8,2)
Wheeler, John
-son's painful operation 1/18/02 (4,1); 1/25/02
(1,1); 12/13/02 (1,3); 4/04/03 (1,1); 4/25/03 (8,1); 8/01/03 (1,1);
8/08/03 (8,1); 8/15/03 (1,3); 9/12/03
-repairs home 9/26/03 (1,2)
10/03/03 (8,2); 10/31/03 (1,1); 12/05/03 (1,2)
-new house 2/20/04 (1,3)
11/05/04 (1,1); 11/12/04 (1,4); 5/06/05 (1,1)
-new home 5/06/05 (8,2)
5/13/05 (1,1); 8/05/05 (8,2); 11/11/05 (1,1); 12/09/05
Wheeler, Mrs. John
8/23/02 (1,4); 4/04/03 (1,1); 11/18/05 (8,1)
Wheeler, Joseph
-appointed pathmaster 2/15/02 (1,1)
10/10/03 (1,3); 10/31/03 (1,1)
-wins election 11/07/03 (1,2)
-son visits 3/12/04 (1,3)
8/20/04 (1,2)
Wheeler, Mrs. Joseph
-son visits 3/12/04 (1,3)
Wheeler, Mrs. Katherine
12/02/05 (8,1)
Wheeler, Mrs. L.
11/07/03 (8,2)
Wheeler, Leon
9/16/05 (1,1)
Wheeler, Leroy
-new home 8/22/03 (1,3)
-visits relatives 5/21/04 (8, 2)
Wheeler, Mrs. Leroy
-brothers visit 8/22/03 (1,3)
5/21/04 (8, 2)
Wheeler, Mary
1/14/05 (8,1)
-visits sister 12/16/05 (8,2)
Wheeler, Mattie (also Matie)
1/09/04 (1,2); 7/16/04 (1,2)
Wheeler Myra
12/07/01 (1,2); 11/29/02 (1,2); 3/07/03 (1,1);
5/14/04 (1,2); 5/21/04 (1,3)
Wheeler, Mrs. P.
12/02/05 (1,3)
Wheeler, R. V.
-death of wife 6/04/04 (1,4)
6/25/04 (8,1)
Wheeler, Mrs. R. V.
-death of 6/04/04 (1,4); 12/31/04 (1,1)
Wheeler, Romayne
6/10/05 (8,1); 8/05/05 (8,1); 9/16/05 (8,1);
12/02/05 (8,2)
Wheeler, Rose
12/21/01 (1,2); 5/14/04 (1,2); 5/21/04 (1,3)
Wheeler, Sarah
4/25/03 (1,4)
Wheeler, Stewart
-death of mother 6/04/04 (1,4); 6/11/04 (1,3)
Wheeler, Mrs. T. J.
9/16/05 (1,2)
Wheeler, Thaddeus
6/04/04 (1,4)
Wheeler, Thomas
1/7/05 (8,1)
Wheeler, W.
9/27/02 (4,1); 11/15/02 (4,2)
-visits daughter 9/05/03 (8,2)
9/19/03 (1,2)
-grandson visits 2/27/04 (1,3)
-son visits 9/10/04 (8,2)
10/01/04 (1,1); 3/11/05 (1,3); 2/04/05 (1,3);
5/13/05 (8,1)
Wheeler, Mrs. W.
10/04/02 (1,2); 4/25/03 (1,3)
-visits daughter 9/05/03 (8,2)
9/12/03 (1,2); 9/19/03 (1,2)
-grandson visits 2/27/04 (1,3)
-son visits 9/10/04 (8,2)
-78th birthday 10/22/04 (8,2)
5/13/05 (8,1)
Wheeler, Wallace (also Walley)
4/12/02 (1,2); 4/11/03 (1,3); 6/06/03 (1,2)
-visits grandparents 2/27/04 (1,3)
3/12/04 (1,3); 6/04/04 (1,2)
-accidentally shot 11/04/05 (8,3)
Wheeler, Mrs. Wallace
1/09/04 (1,2)
Wheeler, Walter
-death of mother 6/04/04 (1,4); 6/11/04 (1,3) (8,1)
Wheeler, William
-job in Indiana 7/18/03 (1,3)
8/01/03 (1,3); 4/16/04 (1,2)
-jury duty 4/22/05 (1,2)
Wheeler, Mrs. William
4/04/03 (1,3); 5/9/03 (10, 2); 6/13/03 (1,3)
-moves to Indiana 8/01/03 (1,3)
Wheeler, ?
3/22/02 (8,1); 2/21/03 (1,2); 4/04/03 (4,3); 5/2/03
Wheeler, Mrs. ?
4/04/03 (4,3); 11/21/03 (1,3)
Wheeler, Miss ?
5/9/03 (10, 2); 3/25/05 (1,1)
Wheeler, Rev. ?
9/02/05 (1,3)
Wheeler House
8/22/03 (1,3)
Wheller, Charles
3/18/05 (8,2)
Whipple, David
1/30/04 (1,3); 6/10/05 (1,1)
Whipple, Fred
-jury duty 4/22/05 (1,2)
Whipple, H. C.
10/25/02 (4,1)
Whipple, James
-state position 5/13/05 (1,2)
Whipple, Principal
1/04/02 (1,2)
Whitcomb, Mrs. E. J.
-illness of 7/08/05 (1,2)
Whitcomb, F.
9/23/05 (1,2)
Whitcomb, Mrs. F.
9/23/05 (1,2)
Whitcomb, J. E.
9/23/05 (1,2); 9/30/05 (1,1)
Whitcomb, Mrs. J. E.
-niece visits 4/29/05 (5,2)
Whitcomb, Kittie
4/30/04 (1,2)
-picking grapes 10/08/04 (1,2)
-returns home 4/29/05 (5,2)
9/23/05 (1,2)
-birthday party 9/30/05 (1,1)
12/02/05 (1,3)
White, Dr. A. Grace
10/25/02 (1,3)
White, Mrs. A. M.
5/2/03 (8,1)
White, Charles
11/12/04 (8,2)
White, G. M.
2/07/03 (1,2) (1,3); 3/14/03 (1,3)
-new home 3/28/03 (1,3)
8/15/03 (1,2)
-birth of daughter 9/05/03 (1,3)
-new position 9/12/03 (1,3)
12/05/03 (8,3)
-returns 7/02/04 (8,1)
-moves to Kansas 8/06/04 (1,3)
-visits 5/13/05 (8,1)
White, Mrs. G. M.
-birth of daughter 9/05/03 (1,3)
White, George
5/24/02 (1,2)
White, Mrs. George
5/24/02 (1,2)
White, H. M.
7/23/04 (8,2)
White, Henry
-sells store 7/01/05 (8,2)
White, Jennie
12/19/03 (1,2)
White, Perry
9/17/04 (1,1)
White, Raymond
-hired as teacher 5/17/02 (1,2)
9/06/02 (1,3)
-teaches 9/03/04 (1,1)
White, Raymunda
-hired as teacher 5/23/03 (1,1)
White, ?
3/01/02 (1,2); 6/06/03 (1,1); 2/06/04 (1,1); 2/06/04
(8,2) (,3)
White, Judge ?
5/16/03 (1,2)
White Farm
4/22/05 (5,2)
Whiteman, R. E.
5/06/05 (5,2)
Whitford, Agnes
9/16/05 (1,1)
Whitford, Mrs.
-visits daughter 9/16/05 (1,2)
Whitley, Mrs. E.
-inherits 4/22/05 (5,2)
Whitlock, Charlie
2/04/05 (1,3)
Whitlock, Mrs. Edith
8/01/03 (1,2)
Whitlock, Frank
4/25/03 (1,3); 3/18/05 (1,3)
Whitlock, Grace
4/25/03 (1,3); 7/16/04 (1,2); 3/18/05 (1,3)
Whitlock, Henry
6/06/03 (1,2); 6/27/03 (8,2)
-family visits 8/22/03 (1,3)
-niece visits 2/13/04 (1,2)
7/02/04 (1,4)
-sister visits 9/02/05 (1,3)
Whitlock, James
-death of 5/7/04 (1,4)
Whitlock, R.
5/13/05 (1,2); 5/27/05 (1,4)
Whitlock, Ray
4/11/03 (1,3)
-kicked by horse 1/28/05 (8,2)
Whitlock, S. M.
1/14/05 (1,3); 2/04/05 (1,3); 5/13/05 (1,2); 9/02/05
Whitlock, Mrs. S. M.
1/14/05 (1,3); 4/08/05 (8,2); 9/02/05 (1,3);
12/30/05 (1,4)
Whitlock, Stanley
3/28/03 (1,2); 6/06/03 (1,2); 6/27/03 (8,2); 8/15/03
-visits brother 8/22/03 (1,3)
12/12/03 (1,2); 2/13/04 (1,2); 4/30/04 (1,2);
7/02/04 (1,4); 7/30/04 (1,2); 9/17/04 (1,3); 6/24/05 (1,3)
-breaks leg 12/02/05 (1,3)
Whitlock, Mrs. Stanley
8/08/03 (8,3); 4/15/05 (1,3)
Whitlock, Thomas
9/26/03 (1,2); 2/04/05 (1,3)
Whitlock, William
-killed in Civil War 6/03/05 (1,3)
Whitney, Ethel
3/28/03 (1,1)
-home from school 9/16/05 (1,2)
Whitney, Grace
7/15/05 (1,3); 8/12/05 (8,3)
Whitney, Guy Fuller
-marriage to S. Taft 3/28/03 (1,1)
Whitney, Howard
7/15/05 (1,3)
Whitney, J. W.
10/08/04 (1,2); 7/15/05 (1,3); 7/22/05 (8,2);
8/12/05 (8,3); 11/25/05 (8,2); 11/25/05 (8,2)
Whitney, Mrs. J. W.
-parents visit 10/07/05 (1,2)
Whitney, Jennie
6/20/03 (8,1)
Whitney, John
6/10/05 (1,1)
Whitney, Lulah
8/16/02 (1,3)
Whitney, Mae
-visits parents 10/07/05 (1,2)
12/09/05 (8,2)
Whitney, Marian
7/15/05 (1,3)
Whitney, R.
2/14/03 (1,3)
Whitney, Ralph
10/08/04 (1,2)
Whitney, Ray
3/28/03 (1,1); 10/08/04 (1,2); 7/15/05 (1,3);
7/29/05 (8,2)
Whitney, Sarah
11/25/05 (8,1)
Whitney, Warner
6/11/04 (1,2)
Whitney, Mrs. Warner
6/11/04 (1,2)
Whitney, ?
10/08/04 (1,4)
Whitney Estate
-sold 11/11/05 (1,1)
Whittam, A. J.
10/24/03 (1,2)
Whitten, Thomas
-death of 12/26/03 (8,1)
Whittock, James
11/14/03 (1,2)
Whitton, Oscar
1/03/02 (1,2); 5/27/05 (5,2)
Whyte, Thomas
2/15/02 (1,2)
Wickham, O. S.
-death of 5/31/02 (4,1)
Wicks, Harry
-shooting 4/29/05 (5,2)
-court case 5/06/05 (5,2); 5/20/05 (5,2); 6/17/05
Widrig, Nelt
-new home 12/09/05 (8,2)
Wiegraff, Henry
8/01/03 (1,2)
Wiern, Fern
1/09/04 (1,2)
Wiersbincki, ?
-on football team 10/17/03 (1,2)
Wiggons, Margarete
11/28/03 (8,1)
Wight, Amy
8/26/05 (1,3)
Wight, Prof. ?
12/07/01 (1,2)
Wight Violin & Piano School
4/22/05 (5,3)
Wightman, Miss V.
10/29/04 (1,2); 11/26/04 (1,2); 12/24/04 (1,1);
4/01/05 (1,2); 6/17/05 (1,3); 6/24/05 (1,1)
Wilber, A.
-purchases farm 10/03/03 (1,2)
-sells farm 11/14/03 (1,2)
12/26/03 (8,1)
-trespassers on farm 7/30/04 (1,2)
2/11/05 (8,1)
-family reunion 7/1/05 (1,3)
Wilber, Albert
6/27/03 (8,2)
-wife's birthday 11/28/03 (1,2)
1/09/04 (1,2)
-birthday 5/7/04 (1,4)
5/21/04 (8, 2)
-death of aunt 11/05/04 (1,2)
10/07/05 (1,1)
Wilber, Mrs. Albert
-23rd birthday 11/28/03 (1,2)
1/09/04 (1,2); 5/7/04 (1,4); 7/23/04 (1,3)
-mother visits 9/24/04 (1,2)
11/05/04 (1,2); 10/07/05 (1,1)
Wilber, Albin (also Albion)
-purchases farm 1/02/04 (1,4)
-real estate transfer 1/23/04 (1,2)
-moves 2/20/04 (1,3)
Wilber, Amos
4/23/04 (1,1); 6/25/04 (8,1); 7/16/04 (1,2)
Wilber, Mrs. Amos
6/25/04 (8,1)
Wilber, Mrs. Annie
12/03/04 (1,1)
Wilber, Ans
4/25/03 (1,1)
Wilber, Barber
-death of 11/30/01 (1,2)
Wilber, Mrs. Barber
-death of 11/30/01 (1,2)
Wilber, Bernice
2/14/03 (1,4); 11/28/03 (1,3); 5/14/04 (1,2);
5/28/04 (1,4); 7/02/04 (8,2); 11/12/04 (1,3)
-Regents Examination 2/04/05 (1,2)
-Regents Examination 6/24/05 (1,2)
Wilbert, Bert (also Burt)
2/06/04 (1,4)
-death of mother 2/20/04 (1,3)
Wilber, Mrs. C. M.
-illness of 8/01/03 (1,3); 10/03/03 (1,2)
-recovering 10/10/03 (8,2); 11/14/03 (1,2); 1/16/04
Wilber, Calvin
-death of wife 2/20/04 (1,3)
Wilber, Mrs. Calvin (see also Wilber, Mary)
-death of 2/20/04 (1,3)
Wilber, Clara
12/07/01 (1,3)
-resumes work 12/14/01 (4,1)
Wilber, Earl
4/30/04 (1,2)
Wilber, F.
12/03/04 (1,3)
Wilber, Frank
11/08/02 (1,2); 1/10/03 (1,3); 11/05/04 (1,2);
5/27/05 (1,4); 8/12/05 (8,3); 12/02/05 (1,3)
Wilber, Rev. H.
21/28/01 (1,2)
Wilber, Rev. H. C
-death of 1/02/04 (1,1)
Wilber, H. M.
5/17/02 (4,1); 8/02/02 (1,4); 9/06/02 (1,2);
11/08/02 (1,1); 11/15/02 (4,2)
-attends dairy convention 12/13/02 (1,3); 3/14/03
-opens cheese factory 4/04/03 (1,3)
-sells farm 12/12/03 (1,2)
1/09/04 (1,2); 2/13/04 (1,2); 3/26/04 (1,3)
-son injured 4/16/04 (8,2)
-son visits 11/19/04 (8,2); 12/31/04 (8,1)
-aunt visits 12/31/04 (8,1)
1/28/05 (8,1) (8,2)
-nomination 10/14/05 (1,2); 11/04/05 (8,2); 11/11/05
Wilber, Mrs. H. M.
5/30/03 (1,3); 1/09/04 (1,2); 2/06/04 (1,4)
-father visits 2/06/04 (1,4)
-son visits 11/19/04 (8,2); 12/31/04 (8,1)
-aunt visits 12/31/04 (8,1)
1/28/05 (8,1) (8,2)
Wilber, H. Scott
4/04/03 (1,2); 4/11/03 (1,1)
Wilber, Hattie
-typhoid 7/19/02 (4,1)
Wilber, Henry
-reappointed cheese maker 3/15/02 (4,1)
11/08/02 (1,1); 11/15/02 (4,2)
-resigns as assessor 5/16/03 (1,1)
10/17/03 (1,1)
-hosts leap year party 2/06/04 (1,1)
-visits son 2/04/05 (1,3)
5/20/05 (1,3); 9/02/05 (1,3)
Wilber, Mrs. Henry
10/17/03 (1,1)
-hosts leap year party 2/06/04 (1,1)
-visits son 4/23/04 (1,1)
9/02/05 (1,3)
Wilber, Jennie
9/09/05 (1,2)
Wilber, M.
-harvest onions 9/24/04 (8,1)
5/13/05 (1,2)
Wilber, Manford
-birth of son 10/10/03 (8,2)
Wilber, Mrs. Manford
-birth of son 10/10/03 (8,2)
-aunt visits 10/10/03 (8,2)
Wilber, Mrs. Maria
12/02/05 (1,3)
Wilber, Martin
3/14/03 (4,2); 9/05/03 (8,2); 3/26/04 (6,2);
10/01/04 (1,3)
Wilber, Mrs. Mary
-birthday party 3/26/04 (6,2)
5/27/05 (1,4); 10/07/05 (1,1)
Wilber, Mary (nee Squares)
-daughter visits 2/06/04 (1,4)
-death of 2/20/04 (1,3)
Wilber, Milo
3/26/04 (1,3)
-hosts reunion 7/16/04 (1,2)
3/18/05 (1,3)
-new home 3/25/05 (10,2); 4/15/05 (8,2)
8/26/05 (1,3)
Wilber, Mrs. Milo
3/26/04 (1,3); 3/18/05 (1,3)
Wilber, Mrs. Nell
11/05/04 (1,2)
Wilber, Nelson
3/18/05 (1,3); 8/12/05 (8,3); 9/02/05 (1,3)
Wilber, Mrs. Nelson
3/28/03 (1,2)
-parents visit 1/23/04 (1,2)
4/23/04 (1,1); 9/17/04 (1,3); 5/06/05 (1,3); 5/20/05
-brother visits 6/24/05 (1,3)
-visits sister 7/08/05 (1,2)
8/12/05 (8,3)
-sister visits 8/26/05 (1,2)
9/02/05 (1,3); 9/30/05 (1,1)
Wilber, Mrs. Pearl
7/02/04 (1,4)
Wilber, Mrs. R.
6/13/03 (1,3)
Wilber, Mrs. Ransom
1/10/03 (1,3); 7/25/03 (1,3)
-daughter visits 2/20/04 (1,3)
-daughter visits 3/26/04 (6,2)
8/13/04 (1,3)
-visits daughter 9/24/04 (1,2)
-daughter visits 10/08/04 (1,2); 10/22/04 (8,3)
10/29/04 (1,4); 11/05/04 (1,2); 12/03/04 (1,3)
-granddaughter visits 1/14/05 (1,3)
1/28/05 (8,2)
-visits daughter 3/18/05 (1,3)
5/27/05 (1,4)
-daughter visits 10/21/05 (1,1)
12/02/05 (1,3)
Wilber, Robert
6/27/03 (8,2)
-purchases home 9/17/04 (8,2)
10/01/04 (1,3); 11/19/04 (1,2)
Wilber, Rose
10/01/04 (1,3)
Wilber, S.
-wins gold 2/04/05 (1,4)
Wilber, Sam
10/22/04 (8,2)
Wilber, Mrs. Sam
10/22/04 (8,2)
Wilber, Mrs. Sarah
-illlness of 10/04/02 (1,2)
Wilber, Scott
1/04/02 (4,1); 2/14/03 (1,4); 4/04/03 (1,2)
-graduation from High School 5/16/03 (8,1)
-toes crushed 4/16/04 (8,2)
-mother visits 4/23/04 (1,1)
-visits parents 11/19/04 (8,2); 12/31/04 (8,1)
-new position 3/26/04 (6,2)
-father visits 1/28/05 (8,2); 2/04/05 (1,3)
-new position 2/25/05 (8,1)
Wilber, Stan
6/28/02 (4,1)
-birth of daughter 10/18/02 (4,1)
11/28/03 (1,3); 8/20/04 (8,1)
Wilber, Mrs. Stan
-birth of daughter 10/18/02 (4,1)
11/28/03 (1,3)
Wilber, Wallace
-birth of son 10/24/03 (8,1)
Wilber, Mrs. Wallace
-birth of son 10/24/03 (8,1)
Wilber, Wallace Jr.
10/22/04 (8,2)
Wilber, Miss ?
2/06/04 (1,1)
Wilber, Fr. ?
7/23/04 (1,1)
Wilber, Mrs. ?
11/05/04 (1,2)
Wilber Family
-reunion 6/28/02 (4,3)
-4th annual reunion 7/16/04 (1,2)
Wilber Cheese Factory
3/28/03 (1,2); 4/01/05 (8,2)
Wilber District School
3/21/03 (8,2); 4/11/03 (1,3); 9/19/03 (1,2)
Wilber - see also Wilbur
Wilber - see also Wilbor
Wilbor, Rev. H. C.
-death of 1/17/03 (1,1); 1/31/03 (1,3)
Wilbur, Anson
8/22/03 (1,1)
Wilbur, Bernice
5/17/02 (1,1); 4/04/03 (1,2)
Wilbur, Charles
-died in Civil War 6/03/05 (1,3)
Wilbur, George
4/23/04 (1,1)
Wilbur, Oscar
-killed in Civil War 6/03/05 (1,3)
Wilbur, ?
2/21/03 (1,2)
Wilbur - see also Wilber
Wilbur - see also Wilbor
Wilcox, Amy
9/17/04 (1,3)
Wilcox, Bert
8/01/03 (1,3); 9/19/03 (1,2); 6/11/04 (1,2); 7/23/04
(1,3); 10/15/04 (1,2)
-visits wife 4/08/05 (8,2)
-new home 4/22/05 (1,3)
5/20/05 (1,3); 6/24/05 (1,3)
Wilcox, Mrs. Bert
6/11/04 (1,2); 3/18/05 (1,3); 6/24/05 (1,3);
12/30/05 (1,3)
Wilcox, Ethel
9/17/04 (1,3)
Wilcox, Joe
4/04/03 (4,3)
Wilcox, Mrs. Joe
4/04/03 (4,3)
Wilcox, W. V.
-appointed pathmaster 2/15/02 (1,1)
-barn struck by lightning 6/25/04 (1,5); 7/02/04
(1,1) (1,3)
Wilcox, Mrs. ?
9/06/02 (1,4)
Wilde, Nellie
11/18/05 (1,3)
Wilder, Frank
1/30/04 (1,3)
Wilder, George
1/04/02 (1,3); 6/21/02 (6,2)
Wilder, ?
6/21/02 (6,2)
Wildrick, E.
10/03/03 (1,2)
Wildrick, Eben
3/19/04 (1,2)
Wiley, John
9/23/05 (1,2)
Wiley, Lizzie
9/30/05 (1,1)
Wiley, Roy
4/26/02 (1,2)
Wiley, Thomas
-death of son 5/13/05 (5,3)
12/02/05 (1,3)
Wilkenson, Roy
10/24/03 (8,2); 6/18/04 (1,3)
Wilkenson, Mrs. Roy
-visits mother 10/24/03 (8,2)
Wilkenson - see also Wilkinson
Wilkes Family
-reunion 6/27/03 (8,2)
Wilkey, Laura
2/14/03 (4,1)
Wilkins, ?
-purchases business 2/11/05 (8,1)
Wilkinson, Kittie
8/27/04 (1,2)
Wilkinson, Roy
2/13/04 (1,2)
Wilkinson, Mrs. Roy
-visits mother 2/13/04 (1,2)
Wilkinson - see also Wilkenson
Will, Anthony
-son burned 6/14/02 (4,1)
1/30/04 (1,3)
Willard, C.
5/10/02 (4,1); 9/20/02 (4,1); 3/21/03 (1,1); 4/04/03
(4,3); 5/9/03 (1,1); 12/12/03 (1,1)
Willard, Mrs. C.
5/10/02 (4,1); 4/04/03 (1,1); 4/15/05 (8,1)
Willard, Cameron
5/17/02 (1,1); 7/19/02 (1,3); 12/06/02 (1,3);
1/24/03 (1,2); 1/24/03 (1,2); 4/04/03 (1,2); 8/22/03 (1,2); 2/20/04
(1,3); 3/26/04 (1,2); 8/20/04 (8,1); 12/31/04 (8,1)
-Regents Examination 6/24/05 (1,2)
Willard, Clare
11/30/01 (1,1); 12/07/01 (1,1); 21/14/01 (1,1);
1/18/02 (1,1); 3/08/02 (1,3); 5/10/02 (1,3); 5/17/02 (1,1)
-elected school trustee 8/09/02 (1,2); 8/16/02
(1,1); 8/30/02 (1,3)
-birth of daughter 8/30/02 (4,1)
-death of mother 9/20/02 (1,1)
11/22/02 (1,3)
-officer of Masons 1/03/02 (1,4)
-organizes basketball team 1/10/03 (1,1); 1/17/03
(1,1); 1/24/03 (1,3)
-death of relative 3/21/03 (8,1)
4/11/03 (1,2); 4/18/03 (1,2); 5/16/03 (1,4); 7/11/03
(1,4); 8/08/03 (1,1) (1,3); 8/15/03 (1,1); 8/15/03 (1,2); 8/22/03
(1,2); 8/29/03 (1,1); 9/12/03 (1,1); 9/19/03 (1,3); 9/26/03
-assignee of bank 10/10/03 (1,1)
10/10/03 (1,3)
-cashier of bank board 10/17/03 (1,1)
10/17/03 (8,1); 10/24/03 (1,2) (1,3); 10/31/03
(1,2); 11/07/03 (1,4); 11/28/03 (1,2)
-chases thief 12/05/03 (1,1)
12/05/03 (1,3); 12/12/03 (1,1) (1,2); 12/19/03
-officer of Masons 1/02/04 (1,3)
1/09/04 (1,1) (8,1); 1/16/04 (1,1) (1,2)
-officer of Athletic Club 1/16/04 (8,2)
2/06/04 (1,1); 2/13/04 (1,1); 2/27/04 (8,2)
-officer of bank 2/27/04 (1,4)
3/05/04 (1,2); 3/12/04 (8,1); 3/26/04 (1,4); 4/9/04
new automobile 4/16/04 (8,1)
4/23/04 (1,3);
-sells lots 4/30/04 (8,2)
5/7/04 (1,2); 5/14/04 (8,1); 6/04/04 (8,1)
-dog poisoned 6/04/04 (8,1)
6/18/04 (1,2); 7/02/04 (1,2) (1,3)
-elected pres. of the school bd. 8/13/04 (1,1)
8/20/04 (1,1)(8,1)(8,1)
-new sidewalks 8/27/04 (1,1)
9/03/04 (1,3); 9/10/04 (1,1); 9/17/04 (1,2);
10/01/04 (1,1) (1,2) (1,3); 11/05/04 (1,3); 11/12/04 (1,3); 11/19/04
(1,1); 12/03/04 (1,1)
-purchases property 12/10/04 (8,1)
12/31/04 (1,1); 1/14/05 (1,1); 1/21/05 (1,3) (8,1)
-assignee 1/28/05 (1,3)
2/04/05 (7,2); 2/11/05 (1,1) (8,2); 3/11/05 (1,1); 3/25/05 (1,2);
4/01/05 (1,1); 4/08/05 (1,2); 4/15/05 (1,1) (8,1); 4/22/05 (1,3)
-treas. of Automobilists 4/22/05 (5,3)
4/29/05 (8,2); 5/06/05 (1,1); 5/13/05 (1,3); 6/10/05 (1,1) (1,3);
7/1/05 (1,1) (8,1); 7/08/05 (1,1); 7/15/05 (1,2) ; 7/22/05 (4,4);
7/29/05 (1,1) (1,3) (8,1)
-elected trustee of school bd. 8/05/05 (1,1);
8/12/05 (1,1)
8/19/05 (1,2); 8/26/05 (1,1); 9/02/05 (1,2)
-travels to WV 9/02/05 (8,1)
9/02/05 (8,1); 10/07/05 (1,1); 11/11/05 (1,2);
11/18/05 (1,2); 12/09/05 (8,1); 12/23/05 (1,2); 12/23/05 (8,1); 1/06/06
Willard, Mrs. Clare
4/11/03 (1,2); 7/11/03 (1,4); 1/09/04 (8,1); 3/12/04
(8,1); 7/02/04 (1,3); 1/21/05 (8,1); 2/04/05 (7,2); 7/29/05 (8,1)
-travels to WV 9/02/05 (8,1)
Willard, Dorothy
7/02/04 (1,3)
Willard, Erastus
-death of wife 9/20/02 (1,1)
8/08/03 (1,3); 9/19/03 (1,3); 11/28/03 (1,2);
12/12/03 (1,1); 1/16/04 (8,2)
Willard, Erastus
5/28/04 (8,2); 8/27/04 (8,2)
Willard, Mrs. H.
6/21/02 (6,2)
-birth of daughter 8/30/02 (4,1)
Willard, Harriet
-death of 9/20/02 (1,1); 12/27/02 (1,1); 7/22/05
Willard, Jessie
5/17/02 (1,1); 6/21/02 (6,2); 7/05/02 (1,4); 8/09/02
(1,3); 12/06/02 (1,3); 1/24/03 (1,2); 4/04/03 (1,1) (1,2); -Regents
Examination 4/16/04 (8,2)
5/16/03 (8,1); 8/22/03 (1,2); 3/26/04 (1,2); 8/20/04
-Regents Examination 2/04/05 (1,2)
-Regents Examination 6/24/05 (1,2)
-relatives visit 7/22/05 (8,1)
9/16/05 (8,1)
-cousin visits 12/23/05 (8,1)
Willard, Virginia
7/02/04 (1,3)
Willard, ?
3/15/02 (1,2); 4/26/02 (1,1); 6/28/02 (1,3); 7/26/02
(1,4); 3/28/03 (1,1); 8/08/03 (1,3); 3/26/04 (1,3); 6/04/04 (1,2);
6/11/04 (1,1); 7/09/04 (1,1); 12/10/04 (1,1); 1/7/05 (1,1); 1/14/05
(8,1); 4/15/05 (1,2); 4/22/05 (1,3)
-sells wells 7/29/05 (5,5)
12/23/05 (8,1)
Willard, Mrs. ?
3/22/02 (4,1); 4/05/02 (4,1); 5/17/02 (1,1); 1/10/03
(4,1); 1/16/04 (8,2); 2/20/04 (8,2); 3/26/04 (1,1); 1/14/05 (8,1);
4/08/05 (1,2); 9/02/05 (5,5); 12/23/05
Willard, Miss ?
2/27/04 (8,1)
Willard Farm
2/01/02 (1,2)
Willard Grove
2/04/05 (1,1)
-trees removed 3/18/05 (8,2)
6/03/05 (8,1); 6/10/05 (8,1)
Willard Hook and Ladder
1/18/02 (1,2); 3/01/02 (1,2)
-election of officers 3/08/02 (1,2)
7/05/02 (1,3); 9/06/02 (1,1); 10/18/02 (1,1);
11/01/02 (4,1); 11/08/02 (1,1); 11/15/02 (4,2); 1/17/03
-fire at 2/21/03 (1,1)
-annual banquet 3/21/03 (1,2)
8/08/03 (1,2)
-meeting 1/30/04 (8,1)
Willard Racetrack
12/17/04 (8,1)
Willard Well
4/11/03 (8,1)
Willard's Grove
9/06/02 (4,1);
-lots sold 4/30/04 (8,2); 5/14/04 (8,1); 5/28/04
6/11/04 (8,1); 8/06/04 (8,1)
Willard's Store Building
-new cement walk 8/13/04 (8,1)
Willey, Joe
11/08/02 (1,3)
Williams, Mrs. Albert
7/23/04 (8,1)
Williams, Almon
10/29/04 (1,4)
Williams, Mrs. Almon
10/29/04 (1,4)
Williams, Bernice
12/27/02 (1,3)
Williams, Chauncy
-jury duty 4/22/05 (1,2)
Williams, Clyde
1/31/03 (1,3)
Williams, D.
7/23/04 (8,1); 8/06/04 (8,2); 8/13/04 (1,4); 9/09/05
(8,1); 9/30/05 (8,2)
Williams, Mrs. D.
4/05/02 (1,2); 7/23/04 (8,1); 8/06/04 (8,2); 8/13/04
(1,4); 10/29/04 (1,2)
-visits parents 6/17/05 (8,1)
-visits parents 5/27/05 (8,1)
9/09/05 (8,1)
-visits parents 9/30/05 (8,2)
Williams, Eugene
-lawsuit 4/30/04 (1,4)
Williams, Evan
9/26/03 (1,2)
Williams, Mrs. Fred
8/02/02 (1,3)
Williams, George
1/10/03 (1,2); 4/23/04 (1,1)
Williams, Grace
9/24/04 (8,1)
Williams, Harry
-marriage to B. Sweeten 5/10/02 (4,1)
Willaims, J.
5/03/02 (1,3); 9/27/02 (1,4)
-rents farm 11/08/02 (4,1)
10/31/03 (8,2); 1/02/04 (1,4); 1/09/04 (1,2)
-accident 10/29/04 (8,1)
-lawsuit 12/24/04 (1,2); 5/13/05 (8,2)
-auction 3/18/05 (1,3)
4/15/05 (1,3)
Williams, Mrs. J.
5/03/02 (1,3); 1/09/04 (1,2)
-lawsuit 12/24/04 (1,2); 5/13/05 (8,2)
4/15/05 (1,3)
Williams, James
5/28/04 (8,3); 9/24/04 (1,2); 5/20/05 (1,3); 8/26/05
Williams, Mrs. James
8/26/05 (1,2)
Williams, John
-court case 9/09/05 (1,3)
Williams, Lucius
8/22/03 (1,1)
Williams, Lucy
11/25/05 (8,1)
Williams, Nathan
7/23/04 (1,3)
Williams, Ruth
7/30/04 (1,1); 7/30/04 (1,1)
Williams, S. J.
7/16/04 (1,3)
Williams, Theresa
7/23/04 (8,1); 8/06/04 (8,2); 8/13/04 (1,4)
Williams, Virginia
7/23/04 (8,1)
Williams, W. W.
9/26/03 (1,2)
Williamson, Mrs. G. H.
-sisters visit 5/21/04 (8, 1)
Williamson, George
8/29/03 (1,3); 9/26/03 (1,4)
-opens carriage paint shop 10/03/03 (1,4); 10/10/03
(1,3); 10/31/03 (1,1); 11/07/03 (8,3)
Williamson, Lance
-Regents Examination 6/24/05 (1,3)
Williamson, Tance
5/28/04 (8,2)
Williamson, ?
11/07/03 (1,2)
Willis, B. F.
7/16/04 (1,3)
Willis, Hayes
6/11/04 (1,2)
Willis, Mrs. Hayes
6/11/04 (1,2)
Willis, John
6/17/05 (1,1)
-Holy Orders 12/23/05 (1,3)
Willis, Mrs. R. H.
-visits mother 9/16/05 (1,2)
Willis, Tony
10/28/05 (1,3)
Willover, C.
-sister visits 12/19/03 (8,1)
Willover, Christopher
-death of 2/11/05 (8,2)
Wilmot, ?
12/02/05 (1,3)
Wilsie, Frank
-birth of son 5/23/03 (1,3)
Wilsie, Mrs. Frank
-birth of son 5/23/03 (1,3)
Wilson, Bernice
11/14/03 (1,3)
Wilson, Mrs. C. D.
6/07/02 (1,2)
-death of brother 9/12/03 (1,1)
7/23/04 (8,1); 12/02/05 (8,1)
Wilson, Mrs. Charles
12/02/05 (1,2)
Wilson, Cornell
-puchases house 1/16/04 (1,3)
Wilson, Mrs. F.
10/28/05 (1,3)
Wilson, Frank
-visits cousin 10/17/03 (1,1)
Wilson, J.
4/25/03 (1,2); 4/23/04 (1,1)
Wilson, J. E.
-died in Civil War 6/03/05 (1,3)
Wilson, J. W.
11/08/02 (1,1); 11/15/02 (4,2)
Wilson, Jane
8/02/02 (1,3); 8/29/03 (1,3)
Wilson, Jean
8/23/02 (1,4); 8/12/05 (8,1)
Wilson, John
10/04/02 (4,2)
Wilson, Joseph
-wins gold 2/04/05 (1,4)
Wilson, M. J.
1/25/02 (4,1)
Wilson, Raymond
10/28/05 (1,3)
Wilson, Roy
8/23/02 (1,4)
Wilson, W. N.
9/02/05 (1,2)
Wilson, W. W.
-jury duty 4/22/05 (1,2)
Wilson, Mrs. W. W.
8/23/02 (1,3); 8/23/02 (1,4)
Wilson, ?
5/31/02 (1,4)
Wilson, Miss ?
8/12/05 (8,1)
Wilson, Mrs. ?
8/26/05 (8,2)
Wiltse, Mrs. Abigal
-sister visits 10/24/03 (8,2)
6/25/04 (8,2)
-travels with grandson 10/01/04 (1,3)
Wiltse, Bernice
-Regents' Examination 2/13/04 (8,3)
Wiltse, Bessie
-entertains class 2/28/03 (4,2)
8/15/03 (1,2)
Wiltse, C.
12/26/03 (8,1)
Wiltse, Mrs. C.
6/27/03 (1,4)
Wiltse, C. D.
11/30/01 (1,1); 12/07/01 (1,1); 12/14/01 (1,1);
3/22/02 (4,2); 4/05/02 (4,1); 4/19/02 (4,1); 6/14/02 (4,1)
-enlarges store 8/23/02 (4,1)
11/08/02 (1,3)
-robbed 11/15/02 (1,3)
11/29/02 (4,1); 12/13/02 (1,1); 5/30/03 (10,2); 7/25/03 (1,3); 10/24/03
(1,2); 11/14/03 (8,1); 11/21/03 (1,2) (8,1)
-party honoring son 1/09/04 (8,2)
7/02/04 (1,2); 7/16/04 (8,2); 7/23/04 (8,2); 7/30/04
(8,1); 8/06/04 (8,2); 8/13/04 (8,2); 9/24/04 (8,2); 11/05/04 (1,3);
4/01/05 (8,1); 6/10/05 (8,2); 7/08/05 (8,1); 9/16/05
Wiltse, Mrs. C. D.
7/25/03 (1,3)
-party honoring son 1/09/04 (8,2)
-visits family 9/24/04 (8,2)
Wiltse, Clifford
-real estate transfer 1/23/04 (1,2)
Wiltse, Cornell (sometimes Rev.)
1/11/02 (1,2)
-purchases house 12/26/03 (1,4)
-sells farm 1/02/04 (1,4)
-purchases house 1/09/04 (8,1)
-real estate transfer 1/23/04 (1,2)
2/20/04 (1,3)
-trespassers on farm 7/30/04 (1,2)
-illness of 4/01/05 (8,1)
Wiltse, Mrs. Cornell
-illness of 12/09/05 (8,1)
Wiltse, E.
4/30/04 (1,3)
Wiltse, Earl
8/23/02 (1,3); 2/14/03 (1,4); 4/04/03 (1,2); 4/25/03
-travels to Perry 8/08/03 (1,3)
8/15/03 (1,2); 12/26/03 (8,1)
-party honoring 1/09/04 (8,2)
-joins 43rd Separate Co. 10/22/04 (1,3)
-works in Perry 4/15/05 (8,1)
-visits home 6/24/05 (8,1)
Wiltse, Eva
-real estate transfer 1/23/04 (1,2)
Wiltse, F.
4/18/03 (1,3)
-birth of son 5/23/03 (1,2)
Wiltse, Mrs. F.
4/18/03 (1,3)
-birth of son 5/23/03 (1,2)
Wiltse, F. P.
7/16/04 (1,2)
-birth of daughter 5/20/05 (8,1)
Wiltse, Mrs. F. P.
-birth of daughter 5/20/05 (8,1)
Wiltse, Harold
9/24/04 (8,2)
Wiltse, Lafrone
2/14/03 (1,4); 4/04/03 (1,2); 1/02/04 (1,3)
-Regents Examination 2/13/04 (8,3)
5/28/04 (1,4); 7/02/04 (8,2)
-Regents Examination 2/04/05 (1,2)
-works in Perry 4/15/05 (8,1)
-returns home 7/08/05 (8,1)
Wiltse, Myrtle
8/13/04 (8,2)
Wiltse, Nina
2/14/03 (1,4); 8/15/03 (1,2)
-Regents' Examination 2/13/04 (8,3)
5/14/04 (1,2)
-Regents Examination 2/04/05 (1,2)
Wiltse, Nina
6/04/04 (1,3)
Wiltse, Rose
10/25/02 (4,2); 4/04/03 (1,3); 4/11/03 (1,3);
5/16/03 (1,3)
Wiltse, ?
12/21/01 (1,2); 3/21/03 (1,2)
Wiltse, Miss ?
9/27/02 (1,2)
Wiltse's Gallery
9/23/05 (8,1)
Wiltse's Jewelry Store and Curiosity Shop
12/17/04 (1,2)
Wiltse - see also Wilsie
Windrus, W. H.
7/16/04 (1,3); 8/20/04 (8,2); 9/10/04 (1,1);
10/22/04 (8,2); 11/05/04 (1,3)
-death of uncle 4/01/05 (8,2)
Windrus, Wallace
12/03/04 (1,1)
Windrus - see also Windus
Windsor, Mrs. W.
7/22/05 (8,1)
Windus, Mac
-visits brother 2/04/05 (7,1)
Windus, W. H.
-attends inauguration 1/7/05 (8,2)
1/14/05 (1,1); 1/21/05 (8,1)
-sister visits 2/04/05 (7,1)
3/11/05 (1,1)
Windus, Wallace
-asst. cashier 12/05/03 (8,1); 2/27/04 (1,4);
3/12/04 (1,2); 4/29/05 (8,2)
Windus - see also Windrus
Wing, A. S.
9/12/03 (1,4)
-officer of G.A.R. 12/19/03 (1,3)
12/17/04 (1,2)
Wing, Mrs. A. S.
9/12/03 (1,4)
Wing, A. S. Sr.
-officer of G.A.R. 12/16/05 (1,3)
Wing, Aillen
-Regents Examination 2/04/05 (1,2)
-Regents Examination 6/24/05 (1,3)
Wing, Asa
-appointed pathmaster 2/15/02 (1,1)
-visits Gettysburg 9/20/02 (1,3)
-attends encampment 10/04/02 (4,1)
1/03/02 (1,4)
-appointed pathmaster 2/06/04 (1,2)
-attends veterans' reunion 8/06/04 (8,2)
-visits Gettysburg 9/03/04 (1,2)
3/11/05 (1,1); 3/18/05 (8,2)
-attends veterans' reunion 10/07/05 (8,3)
Wing, Mrs. Asa
-attends encampment 10/04/02 (4,1)
3/18/05 (8,2)
Wing, C.
-moves to Bradford 11/08/02 (1,3)
Wing, Charles
2/01/02 (1,1); 12/13/02 (4,2); 4/25/03 (1,3);
7/11/03 (1,3); 8/15/03 (8,2); 9/12/03 (1,2)
-attends World's Fair 9/03/04 (1,2)
9/17/04 (1,1) (8,2); 2/04/05 (7,1)
Wing, Mrs. Charles
-injured 9/27/02 (1,2)
Wing, Ed
-delegate to convention 7/12/02 (1,1)
Wing, Elizabeth
12/14/01 (1,2); 12/21/01 (1,3); 12/28/01 (1,2)
9/03/04 (1,2)
Wing, H. H.
3/05/04 (1,3)
Wing, Julia
12/28/01 (1,2); 4/11/03 (1,1)
-officer of W.R.C. 1/09/04 (1,3)
-officer of W.R.C. 2/04/05 (1,1)
-elected church trustee 5/13/05 (8,2)
8/26/05 (8,2)
Wing, Libbie
6/14/02 (1,2); 4/11/03 (1,1)
Wing, Lizzie
2/21/03 (1,3)
Wing, Marguerite
7/09/04 (1,3)
Wing, N. L.
-birth of son 7/05/02 (4,1)
Wing, Mrs. N. L.
-birth of son 7/05/02 (4,1)
Wing, Nelson
-appointed pathmaster 2/15/02 (1,1)
-birth of twins 12/03/04 (8,1)
-washout 4/08/05 (1,3)
-travels to Toronto 9/02/05 (1,3)
Wing, Mrs. Nelson
-birth of twins 12/03/04 (8,1)
Wing, Nelt
3/4/05 (1,3)
Wing Farm
9/10/04 (8,2)
-dry well 12/09/05 (8,1)
Winkelman, Lewis
11/30/01 (1,4)
Winne, James
11/14/03 (8,1)
Winner, Mrs. Mary
9/17/04 (1,3)
Winship, Isaac
4/23/04 (1,1)
Winship, Olive
4/26/02 (1,2)
Winton, Burton
1/10/03 (1,2)
Wise, ?
10/08/04 (1,4)
Wiseman's Barbershop
-hires barber 7/23/04 (8,1)
Witherall, George
10/25/02 (1,3); 9/12/03 (8,2)
-death of aunt 10/03/03 (1,3)
Witherell, Giles
9/26/03 (1,2)
Withers, John
-court case 9/09/05 (1,3)
Withers, William
-court case 9/09/05 (1,3)
Witter, D. P.
3/05/04 (1,3)
Wittholz, Minnie
7/01/05 (8,1)
Witter, Leon
9/26/03 (1,2)
Wolcott, E. C.
9/09/05 (8,2)
Wolcott, Mrs. E. C.
9/09/05 (8,2)
Woleben, Jay
2/04/05 (7,1)
Wolf, Augusta
12/20/02 (1,2)
-officer of L.O.T.M. 12/09/05 (1,1)
Wolf, Ella
8/09/02 (1,3); 8/29/03 (1,3)
Wolf, Elma
11/29/02 (1,2); 12/06/02 (6,1)
Wolf, Isaac
9/17/04 (1,1)
Wolf, M.
-officer of K.T.O.M. 12/19/03 (1,3)
Wolf, Moritz
-officer of K.O.T.M. 12/30/05 (1,2)
Wolf, Raymond
11/29/02 (1,2); 12/06/02 (6,1)
Wolf, Miss ?
3/07/03 (1,1)
Wolf, ?
8/29/03 (1,3)
Wolf, Mrs. ?
8/29/03 (1,3)
-officer of L.O.T.M. 12/19/03 (1,3)
12/10/04 (1,2); 12/02/05 (1,2)
Wolfe - see Wolf
Wolfkill, Mrs. Edith
-visits parents 9/16/05 (1,2)
Wolford, J. W.
8/02/02 (1,2)
Woman's Aid Society (Lutheran)
2/07/03 (4,1)
Women's Literary Club (also Women's Literary Society)
11/30/01 (4,1); 12/21/01 (4,1); 3/08/02 (4,1);
3/15/02 (4,1; 4/05/02 (1,2); 5/24/02 (4,1); 7/05/02 (1,4); 7/12/02
(4,1); 8/16/02 (4,1); 11/01/02 (4,1)
-new home 11/29/02 (1,2)
1/31/03 (1,1); 8/08/03 (1,2); 8/15/03 (8,1); 8/22/03
(8,2); 8/29/03 (1,2); 9/05/03 (1,1)
-lunch 10/17/03 (8,1); 10/24/03 (8,1); 10/31/03
(8,1); 9/03/04 (1,3); 10/01/04 (8,2); 10/29/04 (8,1); 11/05/04 (8,1);
11/19/04 (8,2); 11/26/04 (8,1); 12/10/04 (8,2); 5/27/05
-election of officers 6/17/05 (4,4)
-lawn festival 8/05/05 (8,2)
-annual 9/02/05 (8,1)
9/09/05 (1,2); 11/04/05 (8,3)
Woman's Missionary Society
11/30/01 (4,1); 12/28/01 (4,1); 1/04/02 (4,1);
3/22/02 (4,1); 4/05/02 (1,2) (4,1); 4/12/02 (4,1); 4/26/02 (1,1);
5/03/02 (4,1); 5/31/02 (4,1); 6/28/02 (4,1); 8/02/02 (4,1); 8/30/02
(4,1); 9/27/02 (4,1); 10/04/02 (1,2); 11/01/02 (4,1); 11/29/02 (4,1);
1/03/02 (4,1); 1/10/03 (4,1); 1/31/03 (1,2); 5/2/03 (8,1); 6/13/03
(1,3); 8/01/03 (8,1); 8/29/03 (8,1); 10/03/03 (8,1); 10/31/03 (8,1);
11/28/03 (8,1); 1/02/04 (8,1); 1/30/04 (8,1); 2/27/04 (8,1); 5/28/04
(8,2); 7/02/04 (8,1); 7/30/04 (8,1); 9/03/04 (1,3); 10/29/04 (8,3);
12/03/04 (8,2); 12/31/04 (8,2); 1/28/05 (8,2); 4/01/05 (8,2); 4/08/05
(8,2); 7/01/05 (8,2); 7/29/05 (5,5); 9/30/05 (8,3); 10/07/05 (8,3);
11/18/05 (1,4); 12/02/05 (8,2); 12/09/05 (8,1); 12/30/05
Woman's Relief Corps
` 12/07/01 (1,3) (4,1)
-election of officers 12/21/01 (1,3); 12/28/01
(1,2); 5/24/02 (4,1); 4/25/03 (8,1); 5/23/03 (8,1); 6/20/03 (8,1);
8/01/03 (8,1); 10/10/03 (8,1)
-election of officers 12/26/03 (8,1); 1/09/04 (1,3);
1/30/04 (8,2); 5/21/04 (1,2); 5/28/04 (1,1) (1,2); 6/25/04 (8,1);
8/27/04 (8,1); 6/04/04 (1,1) (1,3); 6/11/04 (1,3); 7/09/04 (8,1);
9/10/04 (8,2); 11/26/04 (8,1)
-annual meeting 12/24/04 (8,2)
-installation of officers 2/04/05 (1,1)
5/20/05 (1,1); 5/27/05 (1,1) (1,2); 7/1/05 (5,4)
(8,2); 11/18/05 (8,1)
Wojak, Rev. Theophilus
-ordination 5/10/02 (1,1)
Wommer, Mrs. Bertha
6/27/03 (8,2)
Wommer, C. E.
11/15/02 (1,3)
Wommer, Mrs. C. E.
6/27/03 (8,2)
Wonders, Margaret
8/02/02 (1,3)
Wood, Frank
-inspects school 11/11/05 (1,2)
Wood, Georgia
9/26/03 (1,2)
Wood, H. M.
11/11/05 (1,1)
Wood, Mrs. J.
5/21/04 (8, 2)
Wood, L.
-jury duty 4/22/05 (1,2)
Wood, Orson
1/30/04 (1,3)
Wood, S.
6/14/02 (4,1); 11/08/02 (1,1); 11/15/02 (4,2)
Wood, Mrs. S. M.
6/14/02 (4,1)
Wood, S. N.
10/08/04 (1,2)
Wood, Mrs. S. N.
6/14/02 (4,1)
Wood, Stanley
10/04/02 (4,2); 11/14/03 (1,3)
Wood - see also Woods
Woodard, C. P.
5/20/05 (5,2)
Woodard, J. W.
8/20/04 (1,4)
Woodford, Sarah
-lawsuit 4/30/04 (1,4)
Woodhouse, Miss B.
12/23/05 (1,3)
Woodmancy, John
-lawsuit 11/25/05 (1,2)
Woodmancy, Martha
-lawsuit 11/25/05 (1,2)
Woodring, Samuel
11/25/05 (1,2)
Woodruff, A.
-visits brother 4/29/05 (5,2)
-visits brother 8/12/05 (8,2)
Woodruff, Caroline
9/17/04 (1,1)
Woodard, F. J.
2/22/02 (1,1); 3/08/02 (4,3); 5/03/02 (1,3)
-death of father 5/17/02 (4,1)
-moves to Olean 7/19/02 (4,1)
8/30/02 (4,1); 11/15/02 (1,1); 11/22/02 (4,2);
11/29/02 (4,2); 12/06/02 (6,2); 2/06/04 (1,3)
Woodard, Fred J.
5/03/02 (1,3); 4/04/03 (4,3)
Woodard, George
8/15/03 (1,2)
Woodard, George B.
-illness of 5/03/02 (1,3)
-death of 5/17/02 (4,1)
Woodard Farm
10/04/02 (1,2)
Woodbridge, J. H.
5/2/03 (8,1)
Woodruff, G.
7/29/05 (8,2)
-brother visits 8/12/05 (8,2)
Woodruff, Mrs. G.
-father visits 7/08/05 (1,2)
Woodruff, George
4/16/04 (1,2);
-brother visits 4/29/05 (5,2)
5/13/05 (5,3); 5/27/05 (1,4)
Woods, Miss A.
4/12/02 (1,1); 11/22/02 (1,1);
10/24/03 (1,4)
Woods, Anna
6/28/02 (1,4) (4,1); 2/27/04 (1,3); 11/11/05 (8,1)
Woods, Mrs. Elva
-death of 12/09/05 (1,2)
Woods, F. J.
2/22/02 (1,1)
Woods, H. C.
4/05/02 (1,2)
Woods, Rev. H. C.
11/21/03 (1,2); 12/05/03 (8,2)
Woods, John
-purchases bottling works 9/20/02 (4,1)
11/11/05 (8,1)
Woods, Miss M.
12/28/01 (1,1); 1/18/02 (1,2); 2/01/02 (1,3); 2/15/02 (1,3); 6/28/02
(1,1) (1,4); 10/18/02 (1,1); 11/29/02 (1,2); 12/27/02 (1,2); 3/14/03
6/27/03 (1,1); 11/28/03 (1,1) (1,4); 12/05/03 (1,3);
3/05/04 (1,1); 3/26/04 (1,2); 6/25/04 (1,3) (1,4); 11/26/04 (1,2);
12/10/04 (1,1); 12/24/04 (1,1); 1/28/05 (1,1); 2/11/05 (1,3)
-graduation 6/24/05 (1,1)
11/25/05 (1,3)
Woods, M. Teresa
11/01/02 (1,2); 11/29/02 (1,2)
Woods, Mary
6/27/03 (1,1); 11/11/05 (8,1)
Woods, Mary T.
-graduation 5/27/05 (1,2); 6/03/05 (1,2); 6/17/05
(1,3); 12/23/05 (1,3)
Woods, ?
10/04/02 (1,3)
Woolring, Frederick
9/17/04 (1,1)
Worden, Mrs. B.
8/15/03 (8,2)
Worden, C. W.
5/10/02 (1,2); 11/14/03 (8,2)
Worden, Mrs. Bentley
6/13/03 (1,3)
Worden, Justus
9/17/04 (1,1)
Worden, Steve
-death of 12/19/03 (8,1)
World Hotel (Olean)
1/18/02 (1,3)
Worrell, Porter
9/12/03 (8,2)
Worth, Mrs. Charles
-relatives visit 7/29/05 (8,1)
Worth, W.
8/19/05 (1,3); 9/23/05 (1,1) ; 12/30/05 (8,1)
Worth, Mrs. W.
12/30/05 (8,1)
-son visits 1/06/06 (8,1)
Worth, Wellington
4/01/05 (8,4)
-new position 4/08/05 (8,1)
-new home 5/13/05 (8,2)
Worthington, Rev. R.
-death of 11/30/01 (1,4) (4,1)
Wright, A.
11/25/05 (8,2)
Wright, A. E.
10/31/03 (8,1); 12/31/04 (8,2); 1/14/05 (8,1);
5/20/05 (8,1)
Wright, Mrs. A. E.
10/31/03 (8,1); 12/31/04 (8,2); 1/14/05 (8,1);
5/20/05 (8,1)
Wright, A. J.
-in concert 4/01/05 (1,2)
Wright, Mrs. A. J.
-in concert 4/01/05 (1,2)
Wright, Almond (also Almon)
-repairs barn 8/01/03 (1,3)
3/18/05 (1,3); 8/12/05 (8,2); 11/18/05 (8,1);
11/25/05 (8,3)
Wright, Mrs. Angeline
-death of brother 9/23/05 (1,2)
Wright, C.
-jury duty 4/22/05 (1,2)
Wright, C. G.
12/07/01 (4,1); 1/04/02 (4,1); 1/18/02 (1,1)
-elected pres. of Hook & Ladder 3/08/02 (1,2);
3/15/02 (1,2); 6/07/02 (4,1)
-delegate to convention 7/12/02 (1,1)
7/12/02 (1,2); 8/09/02 (1,3)
-sec. of school bd. 8/16/02 (1,1)
11/08/02 (1,1); 11/15/02 (4,2); 12/13/02 (1,3);
1/03/02 (1,4)
-officer of Masons 1/03/02 (1,4)
-illness of 3/21/03 (1,2) (1,3)
-recovers 3/28/03 (1,3)
-illness of son 4/11/03 (1,2); 5/2/03 (8,2); 5/9/03
(1,1); 5/16/03 (1,2); 7/18/03 (1,1); 8/01/03 (1,2); 8/15/03 (1,1);
8/29/03 (1,1); 9/05/03 (1,3); 9/26/03
-officer of Odd Fellows 1/02/04 (1,3)
-officer of Masons 1/02/04 (1,3)
-children visit 5/28/04 (8,1)
-moves to Perry 6/11/04 (1,3) (8,1); 7/09/04 (1,1)
10/29/04 (8,1); 3/25/05 (8,2)
-letter from 4/22/05 (5,4) (8,2)
8/05/05 (8,1)
Wright, Mrs. C. G.
9/20/02 (1,3); 8/01/03 (1,2)
-children visit 5/28/04 (8,1)
Wright, Chandler
-letter from 2/18/05 (1,3)
Wright, Clara (also Clarissa)
1/03/02 (1,3)
-works in Perry 4/22/05 (5,4)
Wright, E. J.
6/14/02 (4,1)
Wright, Mrs. E. J.
6/14/02 (4,1)
Wright, Edward
2/11/05 (8,3)
Wright, Emma
2/14/03 (1,2); 4/9/04 (1,2)
-Regents Examination 4/16/04 (8,2)
5/7/04 (1,3)
-works in Perry 4/22/05 (5,4)
6/03/05 (8,1)
Wright, F. M.
-sister visits 7/15/05 (10,1)
Wright, Florence
12/31/04 (8,2); 1/14/05 (8,1)
Wright, Frances
1/04/01 (1,3); 1/18/02 (1,3); 2/01/02 (4,1); 8/01/03
-visits parents 5/28/04 (8,1)
-works in Perry 4/22/05 (5,4)
8/12/05 (8,1)
Wright, Frank
1/25/02 (1,4); 8/30/02 (1,4)
-asst. sup. Of Canning Factory 10/18/02 (4,1)
-illness of 3/14/03 (1,3) (4,1)
8/15/03 (1,2); 12/26/03 (8,1)
-illness of 2/20/04 (8,2)
-new position 6/25/04 (8,2); 7/02/04 (8,2)
9/17/04 (8,1)
-returns home 10/29/04 (8,1)
-new position 11/26/04 (8,1)
12/24/04 (8,1); 2/11/05 (8,1)
-new position 4/29/05 (8,1)
-visits relatives 7/29/05 (8,1)
-visits parents 11/04/05 (8,1)
-returns home 11/11/05 (8,1)
Wright, Glen
12/20/02 (1,3)
-illness of 4/11/03 (1,2); 5/2/03 (8,2)
9/12/03 (1,3)
-home from East Aurora 10/17/03 (1,3)
-works in Perry 4/22/05 (5,4)
Wright, Harlow
-visits relatives 8/12/05 (8,2)
Wright, Mrs. I.
-brother visits 7/15/05 (5,2)
Wright, J. M.
1/11/02 (1,3); 2/22/02 (1,2); 6/14/02 (4,1)
-new home 7/18/03 (8,1)
9/26/03 (1,1); 10/03/03 (1,3); 11/07/03 (1,4);
8/13/04 (8,2); 9/17/04 (8,1); 11/12/04 (1,3)
-sells business 4/08/05 (8,2); 4/15/05 (1,2);
7/15/05 (10,1); 7/22/05 (8,1)
-son visits 7/29/05 (8,1)
8/19/05 (1,3)
Wright, Mrs. J. M.
2/22/02 (1,2); 3/07/03 (1,3)
-sister visits 8/15/03 (1,2)
-funeral of relative 10/03/03 (1,3)
-parents visit 10/03/03 (1,3)
10/03/03 (1,3); 2/27/04 (8,1); 7/15/05 (10,1);
7/22/05 (8,1)
-son visits 7/29/05 (8,1)
9/02/05 (8,2); 10/07/05 (8,1)
-purchases piano 10/28/05 (8,1)
Wright, Mrs. James
5/27/05 (5,2)
Wright, Jessie
9/27/02 (1,2); 10/11/02 (1,2)
-attends Bryant and Stratton 1/03/02 (1,3)
-illness of father 3/21/03 (1,3)
3/28/03 (1,3); 8/01/03 (1,2)
Wright, John
-appointed pathmaster 2/15/02 (1,1)
11/08/02 (1,1); 11/15/02 (4,2); 8/29/03 (8,1);
11/07/03 (1,1)
6/11/04 (1,3)
-returns home 11/11/05 (8,1)
Wright, Mrs. John
8/30/02 (1,4); 5/7/04 (8,1); 6/11/04 (1,3)
Wright, Miss M.
3/14/03 (1,2); 11/28/03 (1,1); 11/28/03 (1,1)
Wright, Mae (also May)
1/11/02 (1,3); 3/08/02 (1,3); 6/14/02 (4,1); 8/30/02
(1,4); 11/01/02 (1,2); 1/17/03 (1,3); 3/07/03 (1,3); 8/15/03 (1,2);
6/11/04 (1,3); 6/25/04 (8,1); 7/23/04 (8,1)
-visits brother 7/15/05 (10,1)
-visits relatives 10/28/05 (8,1)
Wright, Mayme
7/16/04 (1,2)
Wright, Merton
-visits relatives 8/12/05 (8,2)
Wright, Mildred
9/20/02 (1,3)
Wright, Myrtle
12/21/01 (1,4); 8/02/02 (1,3); 8/30/02 (1,3);
1/17/03 (1,3); 2/14/03 (1,4); 4/04/03 (1,2); 8/15/03 (1,2); 8/22/03
(1,2); 1/02/04 (1,3); 5/28/04 (1,4); 7/09/04 (1,3)
-illness of 10/29/04 (8,1); 11/19/04 (8,2)
-illness of 6/03/05 (8,1)
-visits relatives 8/19/05 (8,2)
9/09/05 (8,2); 10/28/05 (1,1)
Wright, S. K.
-death of 5/20/05 (5,2)
Wright, Sanford
12/28/01 (1,4); 11/08/02 (1,3); 8/01/03 (1,2)
-visits parents 5/28/04 (8,1)
-marriage to A. Myrick 10/01/04 (8,2)
Wright, W.
6/14/02 (4,1)
-hunting party 10/28/05 (8,2)
Wright, Mrs. William
-visits parents 7/23/04 (8,2); 9/10/04 (8,2)
Wright, Wilma
2/15/02 (1,2); 2/22/02 (1,2)
-visits uncle 11/28/03 (1,3)
-visits uncle 2/11/05 (8,1)
4/01/05 (8,2)
-visits relatives 6/03/05 (8,1)
Wright, Miss ?
12/07/01 (1,2); 5/31/02 (1,2); 5/14/04 (1,2);
5/21/04 (1,3); 8/13/04 (1,2)
Wright, ?
2/21/03 (1,2)
-robbed 4/16/04 (1,1)
Wright, Mrs ?
4/23/04 (8,1)
Wright - see also Clark & Wright Tannery
1/28/05 (8,1)
-secretary resigns 5/27/05 (5,2)
-new directors 5/20/05 (5,2)
-annual sleighride 1/24/03 (4,1)
Y.P.S.C.E. (Presbyterian)
10/15/04 (8,2); 10/22/04 (8,2)
Yahn, S.
9/06/02 (1,3)
Yahn, Mrs. S.
9/06/02 (1,3)
Yahres, ?
7/16/04 (1,2)
Yahres, Mrs. ?
7/16/04 (1,2)
Yaw, Jesse
6/07/02 (4,1)
Yaw, William
4/23/04 (1,1)
Yeager, Miss ?
5/06/05 (1,3)
Yehl, Emil
-appointed pathmaster 2/06/04 (1,2)
Yehl, Mary
-visits relatives 1/28/05 (8,2)
Yehl, ?
-hosts social 3/05/04 (1,2)
Yenger, Katherine
9/27/02 (1,1)
Yerington - see Yerrington
Yerrington, Alexander (also Aleck)
1/03/02 (1,4)
-69th birthday 2/27/04 (8,1)
-presented with chair 5/28/04 (8,2)
-wins court case 11/25/05 (1,2)
-case appealed 12/02/05 (8,2)
Yerrington, Martha Woodmancy
11/25/05 (1,2)
Yokum, D.
7/16/04 (8,1); 2/11/05 (8,1)
Yokum, Mrs. D.
-visits parents 2/11/05 (8,1)
-visits parents 7/15/05 (10,1)
8/05/05 (8,1)
Yonkers, D. D.
7/16/04 (1,3)
Yocum, Dorr
--marriage to F. Brownson 8/30/02 (4,2);
9/06/02 (4,1); 9/02/05 (1,2)
Yokum, Mrs. Dorr
9/02/05 (1,2)
Yocum - see also Yokum
Yoku, D.
7/18/03 (1,4)
Yokum, Mrs. D.
10/04/02 (4,1); 11/15/02 (1,3); 7/18/03 (1,4)
-visits parents 9/26/03 (1,3); 10/31/03 (1,4)
Yokum, Mrs Door
-visits parents 2/06/04 (1,3)
Yokum - see also Yocum
Young, Anna
-death of 4/29/05 (5,2)
Young, C. M.
4/25/03 (8,1); 5/2/03 (1,2); 9/24/04 (1,1)
Young, Mrs. C. M.
4/25/03 (8,1); 5/2/03 (1,2)
Young, Charles
5/2/03 (1,2)
Young, Chester
7/25/03 (1,3)
-injures eye 7/25/03 (8,1)
Young, Dela May
-marriage to H. Foster 10/24/03 (8,1)
Young, Eliza
12/06/02 (1,4)
Young, Elsie
11/08/02 (1,3)
-marriage to M. Gardner 4/25/03 (8,1); 5/2/03
Young, Ethel
3/21/03 (1,3)
-Regents Examination 4/16/04 (8,2)
-Regents Examination 2/04/05 (1,2)
-Regents Examination 6/24/05 (1,2)
-home from Westfield 11/04/05 (8,1)
Young, Harry
11/14/03 (1,2)
Young, J.
7/22/05 (8,1)
Young, Mrs. J.
7/22/05 (8,1)
Young, J. E.
-visits mother 7/15/05 (10,2)
Young, Mrs. J. W.
7/30/04 (1,2)
Young, Jacob
8/13/04 (8,1)
Young, Miss M.
11/28/03 (1,1)
Young, Mildred
-new position 9/20/02 (4,1)
12/06/02 (1,4); 3/21/03 (1,3); 4/11/03 (1,2); 5/2/03
(1,2); 5/23/03 (1,2)
-resigns position 8/06/04 (8,1)
9/24/04 (8,1); 1/7/05 (8,1); 3/4/05 (1,1)
Young, Milo
-jury duty 5/27/05 (1,1)
Young, William
4/12/02 (1,2)
-death of daughter 4/29/05 (5,2)
Young, Mrs. William
-death of daughter 4/29/05 (5,2)
Young - see also Youngs
Young Men's Christian Association (Y.M.C.A.)
1/10/03 (1,2); 12/12/03 (1,3)
-organized in Allegany 1/16/04 (1,2) (8,3)
Youngman, George
6/27/03 (8,2)
Youngs, J.
9/02/05 (1,3); 9/30/05 (1,1)
Youngs, Mrs. J.
9/30/05 (1,1)
Youngs - see also Young
Yousko, Francis
-graduates from St. Bonaventure 6/14/02 (1,1)
Yudlow, George
1/17/03 (1,1)
Zahnhiser, A.
11/22/02 (1,3); 2/14/03 (1,2)
Zahniser, Mrs. A. J.
-visits relatives 9/17/04 (8,1); 10/15/04 (8,2)
Zahnhiser, A. J.
-moves to Lima 4/04/03 (4,1)
Zahnhiser, Mrs. A. J.
-moves to Lima 4/04/03 (4,1)
9/17/04 (1,3)
-illness of 10/01/04 (1,3)
Zahnhiser, Mrs. J.
2/14/03 (1,2)
Zahnhiser, Mrs. ?
1/11/02 (4,1); 10/15/04 (1,2)
Zalenski, Joseph
-fire in home 3/01/02 (1,2)
Zaloski, Mitchell
9/17/04 (1,1)
Zapf - see also Zaph
Zapf, Anna
12/06/02 (1,3)
-birthday party 2/28/03 (4,1)
7/11/03 (1,4); 3/4/05 (1,3)
Zapf, Mrs. B.
10/28/05 (1,3)
Zapf, Balthasar
-death of father 3/28/03 (1,1) (1,4)
Zapf, Blanche
3/4/05 (1,3)
Zapf, Eva
7/11/03 (1,4); 3/4/05 (1,3); 3/25/05 (10,1)
Zapf, John E. Sr.
-death of 3/28/03 (1,1); 1/02/04 (1,1)
Zapf, Mrs. John Sr.
-illness of 4/11/03 (1,2)
Zapf, John E. Jr.
-death of father 3/28/03 (1,1) (1,4)
10/28/05 (1,3)
Zapf, Phillipina
-death of father 3/28/03 (1,4)
Zapf, ?
3/25/05 (10,1)
Zapf, Miss ?
1/14/05 (1,3)
Zaph, B.
-birth of son 3/08/02 (4,1)
Zaph, Mrs. B.
-birth of son 3/08/02 (4,1)
Zaph, Eva
1/25/02 (1,4)
Zaph, John
1/04/02 (1,2); 1/11/02 (4,1)
Zaph, Mrs. John
1/04/02 (1,2); 1/11/02 (4,1)
Zaph, ?
10/18/02 (1,3)
Zaph Farm
-well 5/13/05 (1,3)
Zeliff, Alonzo
4/25/03 (1,2)
Zeloff's Rock
-well 7/1/05 (5,2)
Zester - see Zister
Zetwick, John
9/26/03 (1,2)
Ziegler, George
4/23/04 (1,1); 8/20/04 (1,2)
Ziegler, William
5/28/04 (8,1)
Ziegler, Mrs. William
5/28/04 (8,1)
Zihlbauer, ?
5/31/02 (1,4)
Zimbaur, John
4/25/03 (1,2)
Zimer, Christian
-killed in Civil War 6/03/05 (1,3)
Zimmerman, Ed
11/29/02 (1,3)
Zimmerman, Mrs. J. J.
2/15/02 (1,2); 8/02/02 (1,3); 8/23/02 (1,4); 8/30/02
(1,3); 9/06/02 (1,3); 10/11/02 (1,2); 10/25/02 (1,3); 2/07/03
-returns home 9/19/03 (1,3)
7/09/04 (8,1)
-sister visits 9/10/04 (8,1)
-visits relatives 1/21/05 (8,1)
-visits relatives 5/20/05 (8,1); 6/17/05 (8,1)
-visits parents 8/19/05 (8,1)
8/26/05 (8,2); 9/02/05 (1,2); 9/09/05 (8,1)
-sister visits 9/30/05 (8,2)
-visits parents 12/23/05 (8,1)
Zimmerman, Jacob. J.
-marriage to L. Kaufman 2/22/02 (4,1)
5/17/02 (1,2); 6/28/02 (4,3); 10/18/02 (1,2);
9/02/05 (1,2); 9/09/05 (8,1)
Zimmerman, Lina
6/04/04 (1,2)
Zimmerman, Phillip
4/25/03 (1,2); 9/17/04 (1,4)
Zimmerman, Virginia
-visits relatives 6/17/05 (8,1)
-visits relatives 8/19/05 (8,1)
Zinc- see Zink
Zink, Bill
9/05/03 (1,2)
Zink, Clara
2/01/02 (1,1); 9/06/02 (1,3); 10/04/02 (1,2)
-18th birthday 12/20/02 (4,1)
2/14/03 (1,4); 4/04/03 (1,2); 4/11/03 (1,1)
-graduation from High School 5/16/03 (8,1); 6/13/03
(1,2); 6/20/03 (1,1); 6/27/03 (1,2)
-visits parents 12/26/03 (8,1); 1/09/04 (8,2);
6/25/04 (8,1)
-home from Buffalo 4/22/05 (8,1)
-visits parents 12/30/05 (8,1)
Zink, Fred
-Regents Examination 4/16/04 (8,2)
-Regents Examination 6/24/05 (1,2)
Zink, George
11/08/02 (1,2); 10/21/05 (8,1); 12/09/05 (8,1)
Zink, J. F.
8/23/02 (4,1); 8/05/05 (8,2)
Zink, Mrs. J. F.
8/23/02 (4,1)
-parents' anniversary 8/05/05 (8,2)
Zink, Miss M.
11/28/03 (1,1)
Zink, Mary
11/01/02 (1,3); 5/28/04 (8,1); 12/17/04 (1,2);
12/24/04 (1,3); 12/31/04 (1,2); 1/14/05 (1,2); 2/04/05 (1,4);
2/11/05 (8,2); 2/18/05 (8,2); 2/25/05 (8,2); 3/25/05 (8,2); 1/06/06
Zink, Minnie
6/21/02 (1,3); 6/28/02 (1,2); 9/06/02 (1,3); 4/11/03
-new position 4/18/03 (8,1)
9/26/03 (1,3); 1/09/04 (8,2)
Zink, W. F.
5/23/03 (1,2); 5/30/03 (10,2); 12/26/03 (1,1);
1/02/04 (1,3)
-returns from West 10/15/04 (8,1)
-visits Buffalo 2/04/05 (7,1)
2/25/05 (8,1)
Zink, Mrs. W. F.
4/30/04 (1,1); 5/7/04 (8,3)
Zink, William
12/07/01 (1,2); 8/23/02 (1,2); 9/20/02 (1,3)
-25th wedding anniversary 6/20/03 (8,1)
9/12/03 (1,3); 11/07/03 (1,1); 12/05/03 (1,2);
4/30/04 (8,3)
-travels to California 5/7/04 (8,1)
12/17/04 (1,2); 12/24/04 (1,3); 12/31/04 (1,2) (1,3)
-officer of C.M.B.A. 1/14/05 (1,1)
1/14/05 (1,2); 2/04/05 (1,4); 2/11/05 (8,2); 2/18/05 (8,2); 2/25/05
(8,2); 3/4/05 (1,2); 3/25/05 (8,2); 4/29/05 (1,1); 5/13/05 (1,3);
5/20/05 (1,2); 5/27/05 (1,2)
-sprains ankle 7/22/05 (8,1)
-sugar cane 10/28/05 (8,2)
12/30/05 (1,1)
-daughter visits 12/30/05 (8,1)
1/06/06 (8,3)
Zink, Mrs. William
9/20/02 (1,3); 10/04/02 (1,2)
-25th wedding anniversary 6/20/03 (8,1)
8/15/03 (1,2); 5/28/04 (8,1)
-death of brother 8/13/04 (8,1)
12/17/04 (1,2)
-daughter visits 12/30/05 (8,1)
Zink, ?
10/03/03 (1,2)
Zink, Mrs. ?
10/03/03 (1,2)
Zink Farm
12/06/02 (1,3); 8/01/03 (1,1); 8/08/03 (8,2)
Zirbes, Mrs. Peter
6/14/02 (1,2)
Zister, C.
1/09/04 (1,2); 1/16/04 (1,4)
Zister, Mrs. C.
1/09/04 (1,2); 1/16/04 (1,4)
-visits parents 1/23/04 (1,2)
Zister, Catherine
9/23/05 (1,1)
Zister, Charles
3/15/02 (1,3); 4/12/02 (4,2); 8/09/02 (1,3)
-appointed pathmaster 2/06/04 (1,2)
9/02/05 (8,1); 12/16/05 (8,1)
Zister, Mrs. Charles
8/09/02 (1,3); 6/20/03 (8,2); 2/13/04 (1,3); 7/16/04
-cousin visits 8/19/05 (1,1)
9/02/05 (8,1); 9/02/05 (8,1)
Zister, Clara
12/20/02 (1,2); 12/12/03 (1,3)
Zister, Edna
2/04/05 (1,1)
Zister, Jack
11/29/02 (4,1); 3/14/03 (4,1)
Zister, John
11/15/02 (4,1)
-leaves for WV 5/23/03 (1,4)
Zister, Mrs. K.
12/21/01 (1,3); 12/28/01 (1,2)
Zister, Mrs. Kate
7/19/02 (1,3); 8/30/02 (1,4); 9/20/02 (1,3)
Zister, Laura
-cousin visits 8/26/05 (1,2)
-visits cousin 9/02/05 (8,3)
Zister, Mrs. M.
3/15/02 (1,3); 9/27/02 (1,2)
-new veranda 4/18/03 (8,1)
5/9/03 (1,3)
-visits daughter 1/09/04 (1,2)
Zister, Mrs. Maggie
4/12/02 (4,2)
Zister, Michael
-death of 12/28/01 (1,1)
Zister, Mrs. Michael
8/09/02 (1,2); 8/30/02 (1,2); 5/16/03 (1,4)
-visits sister 8/06/04 (8,2)
-death of brother 7/15/05 (1,2)
-visits daughter 8/19/05 (1,1)
Zister, Theresa - see Phillipbar, Mrs. Frederick
Zister, Miss ?
3/07/03 (1,1)
Zister, Mrs. ?
11/14/03 (1,3)
-officer of W.R.C. 1/09/04 (1,3)
1/23/04 (1,2)
-officer of W.R.C. 2/04/05 (1,1)
Zister, ?
1/23/04 (1,2)
Zister Farm
9/06/02 (4,1)
Zonhiser - see Zahnhiser