D.A.R. (Olean)
3/15/02 (4,2); 6/14/02 (4,1); 6/28/02 (4,2);
11/01/02 (4,1); 12/20/02 (1,3);
4/04/03 (4,1)
-memorial 2/13/04 (1,3)
4/23/04 (1,1)
Dabner, Mathias
-death of 12/28/01 (1,1)
Dagnan, Charles
6/17/05 (1,1)
Dahlke, Rev. W. A.
4/26/02 (1,3); 8/13/04 (8,2); 9/03/04 (1,1)
Dahlman, Louise
4/26/02 (1,2)
Dailey, Clarence
12/19/03 (1,2)
Dailey, John
-purchases cottage 7/22/05 (5,4)
9/02/05 (1,1)
Dailey, Mrs. John
1/21/05 (8,1)
Dailey, M. E.
1/16/04 (1,2)
Dailey, ?
12/19/03 (1,2)
-arrested 4/16/04 (1,1)
Dailey, Mrs. ?
12/19/03 (1,2)
Dailey Farm
11/14/03 (1,1)
-well 1/16/04 (1,2)
Dailey's Inn
9/23/05 (8,1)
Dailey - see also Daily
Daily, Mrs. M.
8/02/02 (1,2)
Daily, ?
7/18/03 (1,2)
Daily - see also Dailey
Dake, Demont
12/14/01 (4,1); 4/05/02 (4,1)
-delegate to convention 7/12/02 (1,1)
8/09/02 (4,2); 10/04/02 (1,1); 10/25/02 (1,4);
11/15/02 (1,3); 12/06/02 (1,4)
-mail carrier 2/21/03 (4,1)
Dake, Mrs. Demont
10/24/03 (8,2)
-visits brother 9/30/05 (8,1)
Daley, Rev. Charles
-death of wife 11/01/02 (4,1)
Daley, Emma
-death of 11/01/02 (4,1)
Daley, ?
1/17/03 (1,1)
Dalrymple, Bernice
8/30/02 (1,3); 1/03/02 (1,1)
Dalrymple, Edythe
1/03/02 (1,1)
Dalrymple, Mrs. H. A.
-visits parents 9/03/04 (1,2)
Dalrymple, Kingdom
1/03/02 (1,1)
Dalrymple, R.
5/20/05 (1,3)
Dalrymple, Mrs. R.
5/20/05 (1,3)
Daltieter, B. D.
12/19/03 (8,1)
Daly, Mrs. E. T.
5/16/03 (1,4)
Daman, Mrs. W. T.
5/23/03 (1,2)
Damon, H. A.
-jury duty 5/27/05 (1,1)
Dana, L.
8/02/02 (1,2)
-appointed pathmaster 2/06/04 (1,2)
Dana, Lawrence
-well 7/1/05 (5,2)
-nomination 10/14/05 (1,2); 11/04/05 (8,2); 11/11/05
Dana, Mrs. ?
10/10/03 (1,2)
Dancing Class
8/27/04 (8,2)
Daniels, Cary (also Carey)
-marriage to M. Blair 5/03/02 (1,2)
10/11/02 (1,2)
-illness of brother 11/22/02 (1,3)
12/27/02 (1,3)
-moves to Perry 2/14/03 (4,1)
-returns 4/04/03 (1,3); 8/22/03 (1,2)
8/22/03 (1,3)
-house painted 11/21/03 (1,2)
8/06/04 (8,2); 9/03/04 (8,1); 8/12/05 (1,1); 8/19/05
(8,1); 8/26/05 (8,2)
Daniels, Mrs. Cary
10/11/02 (1,2); 11/22/02 (1,3); 12/27/02 (1,3)
-moves to Perry 2/14/03 (4,1)
-returns 4/04/03 (1,3); 8/22/03 (1,2)
8/06/04 (8,2); 9/03/04 (8,1); 8/19/05 (8,1); 8/26/05
(8,2); 9/16/05 (8,2)
Daniels, Ella
10/11/02 (1,2)
Daniels, George
12/27/02 (1,3); 8/08/03 (1,3); 9/09/05 (1,2)
Daniels, Mrs. George
8/08/03 (1,3)
Daniels, Grace
9/03/04 (8,1)
Daniels, ?
8/09/02 (1,3); 5/9/03 (1,3); 8/08/03 (1,3); 9/02/05
Daniels, Mrs. ?
8/09/02 (1,3); 8/08/03 (1,3); 9/02/05 (8,2)
Dankert, Henry
6/10/05 (1,1)
Dannie - see Daniels
Darby, Mae
7/25/03 (1,3)
Darby, William
9/23/05 (1,3)
Darey, Mary
-lawsuit 12/05/03 (1,2)
Darling, Fred
4/26/02 (1,2)
Darling, Mrs. H.
9/10/04 (8,1)
Darling, Titus
12/06/02 (1,4)
Davidson, Albert
3/19/04 (1,2)
Davidson, Dr. Charles
4/26/02 (1,2)
Davidson, Lavina
11/15/02 (1,3)
Davidson, Miss M.
11/30/01 (1,2); 12/14/01 (1,3); 2/15/02 (1,3);
3/01/02 (1,1); 6/28/02 (1,1) (1,4)
Davidson, Mary
11/28/03 (8,1)
Davidson, Maude
11/22/02 (1,3)
Davie, C. D.
9/17/04 (1,1)
Davie, Carey
4/25/03 (1,4); 6/06/03 (8,3); 1/23/04 (1,4); 3/19/04
(1,2); 3/26/04 (1,3); 4/30/04 (8,2); 5/14/04 (8,3); 6/18/04 (8,3);
7/8/05 (8,1)
Davie, Surogate ?
5/23/03 (8,1); 10/07/05 (1,1)
Davies, William
-ordination 12/26/03 (1,1); 5/21/04 (1,2)
Davis, C. H.
8/22/03 (1,1)
Davis, Calvin
-lawsuit 4/30/04 (1,4)
5/20/05 (1,1)
Davis, Charles
-partnership dissolved 3/07/03 (1,3)
Davis, Earl
-court case 9/09/05 (1,3)
Davis, Fred
11/26/04 (8,1)
Davis, G. W.
5/17/02 (1,2)
Davis, George
-wins gold 2/04/05 (1,4)
Davis, H.
12/26/03 (8,2)
Davis, Hiram
5/21/04 (1,2)
Davis, Jack
-on baseball team 4/29/05 (5,2)
Davis, Jane
5/20/05 (1,1)
Davis, Miss L.
3/19/04 (1,2)
Davis, Mrs. Lavina
8/15/03 (8,2); 4/23/04 (1,2)
Davis, Mary
-lawsuit 7/22/05 (4,4)
Davis, Pearl Daniel
-marriage to E. Schelling 12/16/05 (8,2)
Davis, R. M.
3/19/04 (1,2)
Davis, Rev. S. H.
-temperance lecture 6/11/04 (1,4)
Davis, Sophia H. Brown
-death of 4/01/05 (1,3) (8,2)
Davis, Nenno & Hartz
-new business block in Olean 4/04/03 (1,4); 6/13/03
(4,1); 7/18/03 (1,1); 8/01/03 (8,1); 8/29/03 (8,1); 9/05/03 (1,2);
9/02/05 (1,1)
Davis - see also Coast, Nenno and Davis; Parker & Davis
Davison - see Davidson
Davitt, J. M.
12/23/05 (8,2)
Davitt, Miss T.
11/07/03 (1,3); 3/19/04 (1,2)
Davitt, Teresa
6/25/04 (8,2)
Davitt, Miss ?
4/16/04 (1,1); 12/02/05 (1,2)
Dawes, Paul
-visits sister 5/7/04 (8,1)
Dawes, Miss ?
4/04/03 (1,3)
Dawley, A. P.
8/20/04 (1,2)
Day, James
7/16/04 (8,1)
Day, William
1/17/03 (1,3)
Day Street Baseball Team
5/14/04 (8,1)
Dayton, Mayme
6/28/02 (4,2)
Deadmon, Henry
1/02/04 (8,2)
Deadmon, Mrs. Henry
1/02/04 (8,2)
Dealy, Rev. Christopher
-ordination of 4/18/03 (1,2); 4/25/03 (8,1)
4/29/05 (1,2); 11/11/05 (1,1)
Dean & Havens
5/27/05 (5,2)
Dearborn, Miss ?
-new position 4/18/03 (1,3)
Deavue, E.
-officer of K.T.O.M. 12/19/03 (1,3)
12/24/04 (1,2)
Deavue, Eugene
12/14/01 (1,2)
Debskinski, Martin
-80th birthday party 2/28/03 (4,2)
Decker, Fannie
9/17/04 (1,3)
Degolia, Mrs. A
-visits daughter 3/18/05 (1,3)
Degolia, Electra (also Eleeta)
-visits sister 10/17/03 (8,2)
6/11/04 (1,2)
DeGolia, John
9/20/02 (1,3)
DeGolia, Mrs. John
9/20/02 (1,3)
Degolier, Mrs. B. Irene
4/26/02 (1,3)
DeHart, Mrs., Charles
12/21/01 (4,1)
Deibler, Nathan
-lawsuit 12/24/04 (1,2)
Delair, ?
10/08/04 (1,4)
Delamater, Mrs. C. H.
8/01/03 (1,2)
Delamater, Charles
-death of 12/05/03 (1,1); 12/26/03 (1,2)
Delamater, Mrs. Charles (Anna)
-death of husband 12/26/03 (1,2)
Delamater, E. A.
-new home 4/22/05 (8,1)
5/27/05 (1,2); 12/23/05 (8,1)
Delamater, Mrs. E. A.
12/06/02 (1,4); 6/18/04 (8,1); 12/23/05 (8,1)
Delamater, Edward
12/19/03 (8,1)
Delamater, Mrs. Edward
1/31/03 (1,2)
Delamater, Edgar
-death of father 12/26/03 (1,2)
Delamater, Edgar
-death of brother 12/26/03 (1,2)
Delamater, Florence
9/27/02 (1,2) (1,3) (4,2); 10/18/02 (1,2)
-death of father 12/26/03 (1,2)
10/29/04 (8,1)
Delamater, George
1/18/02 (1,3)
-death of father 12/26/03 (1,2)
Delamater, Mildred
3/26/04 (1,2)
Delaney, J.
-coach of college football team 10/17/03 (1,2);
11/21/03 (1,1)
DeLaney, P. J.
8/30/02 (1,3)
DeLaney, Raymond
8/30/02 (1,3)
Delaney, W. D.
6/18/04 (1,2); 6/25/04 (1,1)
DeLaney, William
8/30/02 (1,3)
-award 6/25/04 (1,2)
10/08/04 (1,4); 2/25/05 (1,2)
-graduation 6/03/05 (1,2); 6/17/05 (1,2)
Delaney, ?
2/14/03 (1,1)
Delevan Press
8/15/03 (1,2)
Delpa, Saels
12/24/04 (1,2)
Delph, Mrs. ?
4/19/02 (1,1)
Delvin, Miss D.
6/27/03 (1,1)
Delvin, Miss M.
3/26/04 (1,2)
Delvin - see also Devlin
Dembinski, John
6/21/02 (1,2); 3/21/03 (1,3); 2/20/04 (1,1)
Dembinski, Michael
2/21/03 (1,3)
Dembrasky, G.
9/12/03 (1,3)
Deming, A. D.
9/30/05 (1,3)
Democratic Party
-caucus 8/29/03 (8,1); 10/03/03 (1,4); 10/10/03
(1,3); 10/31/03 (1,1)
-pole raising 10/31/03 (1,4)
-caucus 10/01/04 (1,2) (8,2)
-convention 10/08/04 (1,1)
-caucus 10/07/05 (1,2); 10/14/05 (1,2)
Dempsey, D. S.
-wins gold 2/04/05 (1,4)
Dempsey, Mrs. D. S.
12/02/05 (1,2)
Dempsey, William
1/30/04 (1,3)
Demsky, Charles
10/01/04 (1,2) (8,1)
Demsky, Mrs. J.
-visits mother 10/31/03 (8,2)
Demsky, John
-birth of son 4/01/05 (8,2)
Demsky, Mrs. John
11/19/04 (1,2)
-birth of son 4/01/05 (8,2)
5/27/05 (1,4)
Demsky, Martin
3/4/05 (1,3)
Denner, Barney
9/09/05 (8,1)
Denner, John
9/09/05 (8,1)
Dennison, Mrs. D.
4/08/05 (1,1)
Dentie, Mrs. A. C.
6/27/03 (8,1)
Dentler, A. C.
-birth of son 2/28/03 (4,1)
-illness of 6/13/03 (1,3)
6/27/03 (8,1); 8/20/04 (8,1); 5/20/05 (1,2); 9/16/05
Dentler, Mrs. A. C.
-birth of son 2/28/03 (4,1)
-niece visits 8/15/03 (1,2)
8/20/04 (8,1); 8/27/04 (8,1)
-sister visits 9/02/05 (8,2)
Dentler, Al
-new home 7/18/03 (8,1)
Dentler, F. W.
2/22/02 (1,1)
Dentler, Mae
-visits relatives 8/27/04 (8,1)
Depew, Mrs. P.
11/26/04 (8,2)
Depskinsky, Ana Haase
-marriage to M. Bronold 4/30/04 (8,1)
Depskinsky, Joseph
11/30/01 (1,2)
Derby, A.
12/12/03 (1,3)
Derby, Mrs. Alice
-visits niece 10/10/03 (8,2)
Derby, Anna
-officer of L.C.B.A. 12/16/05 (1,3)
Derby, C.
2/07/03 (1,1)
Derby, Claude
-new position 4/11/03 (1,2); 5/23/03 (1,4); 9/26/03
(1,3); 10/17/03 (1,3); 12/26/03 (8,1)
Derby, G.
2/06/04 (8,3)
Derby, George
-dancing class 12/10/04 (8,2)
-birth of daughter 1/7/05 (8,1)
-illness of son 3/4/05 (8,1)
-purchases building 5/13/05 (1,2)
9/23/05 (1,1)
Derby, Mrs. George
-death of sister 11/21/03 (1,1)
2/13/04 (1,2)
-birth of daughter 1/7/05 (8,1)
-illness of son 3/4/05 (8,1)
-niece visits 10/28/05 (8,1)
Derby, James
8/02/02 (1,2); 1/31/03 (1,4)
Derby, Mariette
9/17/04 (1,4)
Derby, ?
2/14/03 (1,1); 12/26/03 (8,3)
Derby, Fitzgerald, & Black
11/14/03 (1,1); 1/16/04 (1,2)
Derby's Laundry
12/13/02 (1,2); 12/17/04 (1,2)
Dermid, William
9/12/03 (1,2)
Dermid, Mrs. William
9/12/03 (1,2)
Derry, Lena
-graduates from St. Elizabeth's 6/14/02 (1,1);
6/28/02 (1,1)
Derry, Miss R.
1/18/02 (1,2)
Desmond, Charles
8/29/03 (8,3)
Dessert, George
8/13/04 (1,4)
Dessert, Rosa
8/13/04 (1,4)
Dessert, ?
8/13/04 (1,4)
Dettman, Fred
9/23/05 (1,3)
Deuthy, Al
5/9/03 (1,3)
Deveau, E.
12/13/02 (1,3)
Deveau, Eugene
-fire 10/07/05 (1,3); 10/28/05 (8,2)
Devereaux, Frank
7/19/02 (1,4)
Devereaux, Nicholas
11/04/05 (1,1)
Deverne, Miss ?
6/06/03 (8,1)
Devine, Catherine
7/29/05 (8,2)
Devine, James
-death of brother-in-law 4/30/04 (1,2)
-purchases dairy 4/30/04 (1,2)
5/13/05 (5,3)
-barn repaired 7/08/05 (1,2)
12/02/05 (1,3)
Devine, Mrs. James
4/30/04 (1,2); 12/02/05 (1,3)
Devine, Margaret
6/10/05 (1,2); 7/29/05 (8,2)
Devine, Ruth
6/10/05 (1,2)
Devine, ?
5/27/05 (1,4)
Devlin, Georgia
5/10/02 (1,3)
Devlin, Ida
8/19/05 (1,3)
Devlin, Mrs. John
-death of father 1/09/04 (1,3)
Devlin, Miss M.
3/19/04 (1,2); 5/21/04 (1,1); 6/25/04 (1,3);
12/24/04 (1,1); 1/28/05 (1,1)
Devlin, Margaret
11/01/02 (1,2)
-graduation 5/27/05 (1,2); 6/03/05 (1,2); 6/24/05
(1,1); 8/12/05 (8,2)
Devlin, William
8/26/05 (8,2); 10/28/05 (1,3)
Devlin, Mrs. William
8/26/05 (8,2)
Devlin, Miss ?
10/24/03 (1,3); 3/05/04 (1,1); 10/29/04 (1,2);
3/18/05 (1,3)
Devlin - see also Delvin
Devry, Miss R.
4/12/02 (1,4)
Dewes, Joseph
8/06/04 (8,1)
Dewes, Mrs. Katherine (also Catherine)
6/14/02 (1,2); 5/2/03 (1,2)
Dewes, L. P.
5/2/03 (1,2)
Dewes, Mrs. L. P.
5/2/03 (1,2)
Dewes, Paul
2/22/02 (4,1); 10/18/02 (1,2); 12/13/02 (1,3);
1/10/03 (1,3); 3/07/03 (1,3); 4/11/03 (1,2); 7/18/03 (1,4); 6/25/04
(8,2); 8/06/04 (8,1); 12/17/04 (8,1); 1/28/05 (8,1)
-visits sister 6/03/05 (8,1)
8/19/05 (8,1)
Dewes, Mrs. Paul
12/13/02 (1,3)
Dewes, S. P.
6/14/02 (1,2)
Dewley, Richard
8/22/03 (1,1)
Deysher, Clayton
10/04/02 (1,1)
Di Antonio, Giovani Pirill
12/24/04 (1,2)
Dibble, Jerry
4/25/03 (1,4); 6/06/03 (8,3)
Dickens, Mrs. J.
5/16/03 (1,3)
Dickens, J. L.
4/18/03 (1,3)
Dickenson, S. C.
8/23/02 (1,3)
Dickinson, H. B.
10/31/03 (1,2)
Dickinson, Will
9/26/03 (1,2)
Dickinson, ?
12/06/02 (1,4)
-marriage to ? Burlingham 9/24/04 (8,1)
-receives bonds 9/24/04 (8,1)
Diener, Rosa
8/13/04 (1,3)
Diener, Mrs. ?
8/13/04 (1,3)
Dieteman, A.
8/13/04 (1,3)
Dieteman, Mrs. A.
8/13/04 (1,3)
Dieteman, Adam
-surprise party 1/16/04 (1,4)
Dieteman, Agnes
3/22/02 (1,1); 5/9/03 (1,3); 2/27/04 (1,3)
-illness of 3/26/04 (6,2)
-visits sister 7/8/05 (8,1)
Dieteman, Andrew
12/19/03 (8,2); 6/04/04 (1,2)
Dieteman, C. J.
7/8/05 (8,1)
Dieteman, Mrs. Carrie
12/07/01 (1,4)
Dieteman, Charles
5/23/03 (1,2); 10/29/04 (1,2); 1/14/05 (8,2);
8/26/05 (8,1)
-purchases livery business 12/02/05 (1,2) (1,3);
12/09/05 (1,3)
Dieteman, Dora
11/30/01 (1,4); 1/03/02 (1,3)
-12th birthday party 2/21/03 (4,1)
7/11/03 (1,4); 9/05/03 (1,3)
-illness of 8/06/04 (8,1)
9/17/04 (8,1); 7/08/05 (8,1)
-visits relatives 8/12/05 (8,2)
Dieteman, F.
-daughter visits 1/16/04 (1,4); 2/27/04 (1,3)
-daughter visits 3/26/04 (6,2)
-new home 4/16/04 (8,1)
2/04/05 (7,2); 6/10/05 (1,4)
-daughter visits 12/30/05 (1,2)
Dieteman, Mrs. F.
3/15/02 (1,3); 4/12/02 (4,2)
-death of sister 11/01/02 (1,2)
9/26/03 (1,2)
-daughter visits 1/16/04 (1,4); 2/27/04 (1,3)
-daughter visits 3/26/04 (6,2)
2/04/05 (7,2)
-death of mother 4/08/05 (1,1)
-daughter visits 12/30/05 (1,2)
Dieteman, Frank
-death of sister 1/04/02 (4,1)
3/21/03 (8,2); 4/18/03 (1,3)
-son visits 1/09/04 (1,2)
4/23/04 (1,2)
Dieteman, Mrs. Frank
4/05/02 (1,1); 4/18/03 (1,3)
-son visits 1/09/04 (1,2)
3/26/04 (6,2)
Dieteman, George
8/09/02 (1,1); 12/27/02 (4,2)
-illness of 5/2/03 (1,3)
12/19/03 (8,2) (8,3)
8/13/04 (1,3); 8/13/04 (1,3); 11/05/04 (8,1)
-visits sister 12/30/05 (1,2)
Dieteman, Mrs. George
8/23/02 (1,4); 10/11/02 (1,4)
Dieteman, Gertrude
12/19/03 (8,2) (8,3)
Dieteman, H.
5/16/03 (1,1); 12/05/03 (1,2)
-officer of C.M.B.A. 12/09/05 (1,3)
Dieteman, Mrs. H.
5/03/02 (1,3); 5/16/03 (1,1); 9/05/03 (1,3); 9/19/03
(1,3); 8/26/05 (8,2)
Dieteman, Henry
11/30/01 (1,1)
-visits ill sister 11/30/01 (1,4)
12/07/01 (1,1) (1,2); 12/14/01 (1,1)
-death of sister 1/04/02 (4,1)
-birth of daughter 12/06/02 (6,1)
12/13/02 (1,3); 2/21/03 (4,1)
-visits Toronto 9/05/03 (1,3)
1/30/04 (8,1)
-illness of 5/28/04 (8,1)
-new sideboard 8/20/04 (8,1)
12/03/04 (1,1)
-officer of C.M.B.A. 1/7/05 1/14/05 (1,1); 2/25/05
-birth of daughter 4/08/05 (8,1)
9/23/05 (1,1)
Dieteman, Mrs. Henry
12/07/01 (1,4)
-birth of daughter 12/06/02 (6,1)
2/21/03 (4,1); 9/05/03 (1,3); 9/19/03 (1,3); 1/30/04
(8,1); 10/29/04 (1,2)
-birth of daughter 4/08/05 (8,1)
Dieteman, Ida
1/09/04 (1,2)
Dieteman, John
-death of sister 1/04/02 (4,1)
4/05/02 (1,1)
Dieteman, Mrs. John
4/05/02 (1,1)
-death of sister 11/01/02 (1,2)
7/11/03 (1,4); 7/09/04 (8,2); 10/29/04 (1,2)
-death of mother 4/08/05 (1,1)
12/30/05 (1,3)
Dieteman, Joseph
1/04/02 (1,3); 9/26/03 (1,3)
-visits relatives 10/10/03 (8,2)
-visits parents 1/09/04 (1,2)
4/23/04 (1,2); 4/30/04 (1,2); 6/04/04 (1,2); 8/13/04
(1,3); 10/29/04 (1,2); 12/03/04 (8,2); 4/22/05 (8,1); 7/08/05
-in Mississippi 12/02/05 (8,1)
Dieteman, Julia
3/15/02 (1,3); 5/03/02 (1,3); 4/04/03 (4,3); 5/9/03
(1,3); 9/12/03 (1,2);
-visits parents 3/26/04 (6,2)
9/17/04 (8,1)
-birthday party 2/04/05 (1,3)
6/24/05 (1,4); 7/8/05 (8,1)
Dieteman, Julietta (also Juliette)
1/09/04 (1,2)
-visits parents 1/16/04 (1,4)
1/23/04 (1,2); 4/23/04 (1,2)
Dieteman, Maggie
12/14/01 (4,1)
-marriage to C. Bixby 10/11/02 (4,1)
Dieteman, Mrs. Mary
9/12/03 (1,2)
Dieteman, Rose (also Rosa)
3/15/02 (1,3); 5/03/02 (1,3); 4/04/03 (4,3); 4/18/03
(1,3); 5/9/03 (1,3); 6/06/03 (1,2)
-visits sister 1/16/04 (1,4)
4/23/04 (1,1); 8/13/04 (1,3)
Dieteman, S.
3/22/02 (1,1)
Dieteman, Stephen
-death of sister 1/04/02 (4,1)
7/26/02 (4,1)
Dieteman, Mrs. ?
12/20/02 (4,2); 3/21/03 (8,2); 12/19/03 (8,2)
Dieteman Block
-rotted plank 5/31/02 (1,1); 6/07/02 (4,1); 6/14/02
Dieteman Farm
2/07/03 (1,1)
Dieteman - see also Dittman
Dieterman - see Dieteman
Dietman - see Dieteman
Dietrich, Arthur
3/14/03 (1,3); 8/29/03 (1,3)
Dietrick, Mrs. E. C.
9/03/04 (1,3)
Dietzal, Anna
12/20/02 (4,2)
Dietzal, Edith
-marriage to G. Seaman 12/20/02 (4,2)
Dillinger, Lewis
-marriage to L. Phillips 12/28/01 (1,2)
Dillinger, ?
9/27/02 (4,1)
Dillinger, Mrs. ?
9/27/02 (4,1)
Dillon, Ellen
-death of 3/25/05 (1,3); 12/30/05 (1,1)
Dillon, John
6/06/03 (1,3)
Dillon, Patrick
-death of wife 3/25/05 (1,3)
Dindus, W. H.
-treas. Of school bd. 8/20/04 (1,1)
Dininger (?), ?
1/30/04 (1,1)
Dinkey, J. F.
1/10/03 (1,2)
Dinter, Mary
8/29/03 (8,3); 10/24/03 (8,2); 9/17/04 (1,3)
Dinter, Chief of Police (Salamanca)
11/22/02 (1,3)
3/22/02 (4,1); 4/05/02 (1,1); 4/12/02 (1,3); 1/30/04
(8,2); 9/03/04 (1,3)
Disease - see Consumption; Diphtheria; Grippe; Pink Eye; Scarlet
Fever; Smallpox; Typhoid
Disney, Estelle (also Stella)
7/12/02 (1,3); 9/03/04 (1,4)
Disney, Mrs. Joseph
12/27/02 (1,2); 8/15/03 (1,2); 2/06/04 (1,1)
Disney, Robert
2/06/04 (1,1)
Disney, Stella
2/06/04 (1,1)
District #2 School
-Thanksgiving Exercises 11/29/02 (1,2)
-12/23/05 (1,2)as Exercises 12/27/02 (4,2)
-Closing Day Exercises 5/9/03 (10, 2)
-library 2/13/04 (8,1)
-box social 11/12/04 (8,2)
District #3 School
-Thanksgiving Program 12/06/02 (1,3)
-annual meeting 7/16/04 (1,3)
8/27/04 (8,3); 9/03/04 (1,1)
-annual meeting 7/29/05 (1,2)
District #5
-Arbor Day Exercises 5/16/03 (1,3)
9/19/03 (1,2)
-month's vacation 3/05/04 (1,2); 3/26/04 (6,2)
District #6 School (Carrolton)
-annual meeting 8/09/02 (1,1)
District #9 School (Nine Mile Road)
-ends term 5/24/02 (4,2)
-painted 10/03/03 (8,1)
-annual meeting 8/13/04 (1,3)
-school begins 9/17/04 (1,3)
-vacation 1/7/05 (8,2)
-ends term 5/06/05 (1,3)
-annual meeting 8/05/05 (8,2); 8/12/05 (8,2)
District #10 School
-sleighride 3/18/05 (8,2)
District #13 School
-purchases property 6/20/03 (1,1)
Ditman - see Dittman
Dittman, A. W.
-marriage to A. Pechtold 8/08/03 (1,3)
Dittman, Frank
-real estate transfer 1/23/04 (1,2)
Dix, Charles
5/21/04 (1,2)
Doane, ?
-marriage 3/08/02 (4,1)
Dobbyn, Fr. ?
7/23/04 (1,1)
Dodge, "Cort"
1/16/04 (1,2)
Dodge, G.
8/05/05 (1,2)
Dodson, David
-death of son 12/20/02 (1,2)
Dodson, I. A.
12/21/01 (1,1)
-birth of son 8/02/02 (4,1)
-killed by train 12/20/02 (1,2); 12/27/02 (1,1)
Dodson, Mrs. I. A.
-birth of son 8/02/02 (4,1)
Dogs (see also Rabies)
2/01/02 (1,1)
Doherty, Dorothy
9/02/05 (8,2)
Doherty, Hugh
9/20/02 (1,1)
Doherty, L. B.
-birth of daughter 12/31/04 (8,1)
Doherty, Mrs. L. B.
12/13/02 (1,3)
-visits mother 8/27/04 (8,1)
-birth of daughter 12/31/04 (8,1)
-mother visits 1/7/05 (8,1)
7/22/05 (5,4); 8/19/05 (8,1)
-visits mother 9/02/05 (8,2)
Doherty, Lawrence
-marriage to E. Krampf 9/20/02 (1,1)
Doherty, Mrs. Lawrence
12/27/02 (1,3)
-visits parents 10/10/03 (1,3)
-death of father 10/24/03 (1,2)
-mother visits 5/27/05 (8,1)
Doherty, Rosemary (also Rose)
9/20/02 (1,1); 12/13/02 (1,3); 10/10/03 (1,3);
10/31/03 (1,3); 8/27/04 (8,1); 8/19/05 (8,1); 9/02/05 (8,2)
Dolan, Mrs. A.
11/28/03 (1,4)
Dolan, Henry
-wins gold 2/04/05 (1,4)
Dolan, John
6/13/03 (1,2)
Dolan, ?
5/27/05 (1,2)
Dolan, Fr. ?
11/21/03 (1,1); 7/23/04 (1,1)
Dollard, Edward
-birth of daughter 10/07/05 (1,2)
Dollard, Mrs. Edward
-birth of daughter 10/07/05 (1,2)
Dollard, Frank
-mother visits 10/08/04 (1,2)
Dollard, Jennie
-home from Buffalo 12/09/05 (8,2)
Dollard, Mrs. M. P.
-visits son 10/08/04 (1,2)
Dollard, Mary
-visits parents 7/15/05 (1,3)
Dolson, Rosalind
-marriage to F. Puhl 4/22/05 (5,3)
Donahey, Anna
-marriage to W. Smith 4/19/02 (4,1)
Donahue, Arthur
1/03/02 (1,1)
Donahue, E.
9/26/03 (1,2); 9/03/04 (1,2); 10/01/04 (1,1)
-fire destroys store 2/04/05 (1,3)
Donahue, Mrs. E.
9/26/03 (1,2)
Donahue, Ed
8/15/03 (8,2)
-birth of daughter 8/22/03 (1,3); 9/05/03 (8,1); 10/31/03 (1,1)
6/18/04 (1,3);
-fire 2/04/05 (7,1)
3/4/05 (1,3)
Donahue, Mrs. Ed
8/15/03 (8,2)
-birth of daughter 8/22/03 (1,3); 9/05/03 (8,1); 7/16/04 (1,2); 3/4/05
Donahue, F.
8/23/02 (1,4)
Donahue, Gertrude
1/03/02 (1,1); 5/16/03 (1,3); 2/04/05 (1,3)
Donahue, J.
8/23/02 (1,4)
Donahue, Miss J.
4/04/03 (1,3)
Donahue, Jenny (also Jennie)
9/27/02 (1,2); 4/25/03 (1,3); 5/9/03 (1,3) ; 8/01/03
(1,3); 8/15/03 (8,2); 9/26/03 (1,2); 10/17/03 (8,2); 12/05/03 (1,3);
1/16/04 (1,4); 4/23/04 (1,1); 1/21/05
Donahue, John
-death of relative 9/30/05 (8,3)
Donahue, Matthew
-death of 9/30/05 (8,3)
Donahue, Thomas
-court case 4/29/05 (5,2)
Donahue, ?
8/30/02 (1,2); 10/18/02 (1,3); 2/14/03 (1,1);
10/10/03 (1,3); 11/07/03 (1,2); 11/28/03 (1,2); 1/16/04 (8,2); 2/18/05
Donahue, Miss ?
6/07/02 (1,1); 9/27/02 (1,2); 5/16/03 (1,3)
Donavan, William
8/02/02 (1,2)
Donavan, Mrs. William
8/02/02 (1,2)
Doner, Andy
1/18/02 (1,3)
Doner, George
-death of mother 12/26/03 (1,4)
-death of stepfather 1/16/04 (1,1)
Donery, John
4/22/05 (5,3)
Donigan, Mrs. Thomas
1/7/05 (8,1)
Donlan, Mrs. R.
6/07/02 (1,2)
Donna, N. Del
8/16/02 (1,3)
Donnelly, E.
11/15/02 (1,3); 6/17/05 (8,1)
Donnelly, Emmett
9/10/04 (8,1)
Donnelly, Ethel
8/19/05 (8,1)
Donnelly, Frank
8/30/02 (1,3)
Donnelly, Mrs. Frank
8/30/02 (1,3)
Donnelly, Gertrude
8/22/03 (1,2)
Donnelly, Mrs. Grace
-visits aunt 8/20/04 (8,2)
Donnelly, H.
9/09/05 (1,3)
Donnelly, Henry
5/13/05 (5,2); 9/09/05 (1,3)
Donnelly, Paul
11/29/02 (1,3); 2/07/03 (1,1)
-moves to Cleveland 4/04/03 (1,3)
9/03/04 (1,2)
Donnelly, R.
1/06/06 (8,1)
Donnelly, Ruth
8/22/03 (1,2)
Donnelly, Thomas
7/11/03 (1,4)
Donnelly, Mrs. Thomas
8/22/03 (1,2)
Donnelly, William
4/12/02 (1,4); 7/05/02 (1,4); 8/30/02 (1,3); 9/20/02
(1,3); 11/29/02 (1,3); 2/14/03 (1,3); 7/11/03 (1,4); 7/18/03 (1,4);
8/29/03 (1,3); 9/05/03 (1,3); 9/12/03 (1,3); 11/07/03 (8,1); 11/14/03
(1,4); 11/28/03 (1,3); 1/23/04
-moves to Buffalo 9/24/04 (8,2)
-death of 12/03/04 (1,2); 12/31/04 (1,1)
Donnelly, William
2/25/05 (8,1)
Donnelly, Mrs. William
-visits sick daughter 11/26/04 (8,2)
-death of husband 12/03/04 (1,2)
-card of thanks 12/10/04 (1,2)
Donnelly, Mrs. ?
12/21/01 (1,2)
Donnelly, ?
11/08/02 (1,3); 2/14/03 (1,1)
Donohue - see Donahue
Donovan, Mary
9/17/04 (1,1)
Donovan, Sargeant
-visits Allegany 7/02/04 (8,2)
Dooley, Claude
-works in Perry 10/31/03 (8,1)
Dooley, W. J.
-fire 7/02/04 (1,3)
Dooling, David
6/17/05 (1,1)
Door, Florence
12/12/03 (1,3)
Door, Mrs. Henry
11/15/02 (1,3)
Door - see also Dorr
Dopierater, Frank
2/22/02 (1,3)
Dorr, Florence
8/09/02 (1,3); 11/22/02 (1,3); 12/19/03 (8,1);
12/10/04 (1,2)
Dorr, Henry
12/19/03 (8,1)
Dorr, Mrs. Henry
8/01/03 (8,1)
Dorr - see also Door
Dorson, Clara
-Regents Examination 6/24/05 (1,2)
Dorson, W. J.
12/03/04 (1,2)
Dort, Mrs. L.
-sister visits 10/17/03 (8,2)
Dort, Llewell
-birth of son 3/4/05 (8,1)
Dort, Mrs. Llewell
-birth of son 3/4/05 (8,1)
Dort, Llewelyn
4/18/03 (1,3)
Dort, Mrs. Llewelyn
6/06/03 (1,2)
Dort, Lowell
9/17/04 (1,3)
-birth of son 3/11/05 (1,2)
Dort, Mrs. Lowell
9/17/04 (1,3)
-birth of son 3/11/05 (1,2)
-mother visits 3/18/05 (1,3)
Dort, Luther
-death of father 12/26/03 (8,1)
Dort, S. A.
2/11/05 (1,1); 11/11/05 (1,2)
Dort, ?
3/28/03 (1,2); 12/12/03 (1,2)
-birth of son 3/4/05 (1,3)
Dort, Mrs. ?
-birth of son 3/4/05 (1,3)
Dotterweich, Adolph
-death of 3/05/04 (8,2)
Dotterweich, Henry
12/07/01 (1,2)
Dotterweich, Rudolph
1/16/04 (1,2)
Dotterweich Brewing Company
11/30/01 (1,1); 12/07/01 (1,10; 12/14/01 (1,1);
2/22/02 (4,1); 9/27/02 (4,1)
-saloon fire 2/18/05 (1,3)
5/27/05 (5,2)
Dougherty, F.
5/24/02 (1,2)
Dougherty, Francis
10/17/03 (8,2)
Dougherty, Frank
9/26/03 (1,2)
Dougherty, M.
8/02/02 (1,2)
Dougherty, Rose
3/22/02 (1,3); 7/26/02 (1,3)
Dougherty, W.
3/25/05 (1,3)
Dougherty, ?
-on football team 10/07/05 (1,2)
Dover, W. G.
-birth of son 3/26/04 (6,1)
Dover, Mrs. W. G.
-birth of son 3/26/04 (6,1)
Dowd, Bernard
-death of father 1/09/04 (1,3)
Dowd, Catherine
-death of father 1/09/04 (1,3)
Dowd, Eliza - see Barrett, Mrs. Nicholas
Dowd, Ellen
-death of father 1/09/04 (1,3)
Dowd, George
5/7/04 (1,1)
Dowd, Helen
12/09/05 (8,1)
Dowd, J. C.
-visits home 4/29/05 (5,2)
-haying 7/29/05 (8,2)
Dowd, John
-death of 1/09/04 (1,3)
Dowd, Mrs. John
-death of husband 1/09/04 (1,3)
-son visits 7/08/05 (1,2)
Dowd, John C.
-death of father 1/09/04 (1,3)
Dowd, Mary
-death of father 1/09/04 (1,3)
Dowd, R. W.
7/23/04 (1,3)
Dowd, Sarah
-death of father 1/09/04 (1,3)
Dowd, Hon. T. H.
-capital case 3/05/04 (1,2)
5/14/04 (1,1)
Dowd, Thomas
-death of father 1/09/04 (1,3)
1/30/04 (1,3)
-lawsuit 2/13/04 (8,2)
-visits mother 7/08/05 (1,2)
Dowd & Quigley
2/25/05 (8,1)
Dowd Farm
9/30/05 (1,1)
Dower, W. B.
-birth of son 3/26/04 (1,3)
Dower, Mrs. W. B.
-birth of son 3/26/04 (1,3)
Dower, W. S.
8/08/03 (1,2); 10/01/04 (1,1)
Dower, Webb
-birth of son 6/07/02 (4,1)
Dower, Mrs. Webb
-birth of son 6/07/02 (4,1)
Dower, Mrs. ?
4/25/03 (1,3)
Downes, Helen
-new position 5/06/05 (1,1)
Downey, Fr. ?
6/20/03 (1,1); 6/25/04 (1,2)
Downing, Augustus
-letter from 5/21/04 (1,2)
Downs, Mrs. J. W.
-death of mother 5/13/05 (5,2)
Doyle, F. P.
-sub-deacon 12/21/01 (1,2)
Doyle, Miss H.
3/15/02 (1,2); 6/28/02 (1,2); 3/14/03 (1,2); 6/27/03
(1,1); 2/20/04 (1,2); 3/05/04 (1,1); 3/26/04
Doyle, Helyn
-graduation 6/04/04 (1,3); 6/25/04 (1,3) (1,4)
Doyle, Mrs. Lula
-visits sister 5/14/04 (8,1)
Doyle, Mrs. ?
7/25/03 (1,3)
Doyle, Fr. ?
6/25/04 (1,2)
Drackslin, Charles
-lawsuit 4/30/04 (1,4)
Drain, Mary E.
-lawsuit 4/30/04 (1,4)
Drain, Samuel
-lawsuit 4/30/04 (1,4)
Drake, B.
8/12/05 (1,2)
Drake, Bert - see Drake, Burt
Drake, Burt
10/17/03 (8,1)
-visits parents 1/09/04 (8,2)
-new position 3/26/04 (6,2)
5/14/04 (1,3); 6/25/04 (8,2); 2/25/05 (8,1)
Drake, Mrs. Carrie
9/10/04 (8,1)
Drake, H.
4/04/03 (4,1)
-supt. of canning factory 4/11/03 (1,1)
4/18/03 (1,3)
-new home 5/9/03 (10, 2)
6/06/03 (1,3); 9/12/03 (1,3); 2/13/04 (1,2); 1/7/05
(8,1); 8/12/05 (1,2)
-parents visit 8/26/05 (8,1)
Drake, K.
8/12/05 (1,2)
Drake, Lois
-Regents Examination 6/24/05 (1,2)
Drake, R. W.
6/06/03 (1,3)
Drake, Mrs. R. W.
6/06/03 (1,3)
Drake, S. H.
7/02/04 (1,3) (8,1)
Drake, ?
-visits son 8/26/05 (8,1)
Drake, Mrs. ?
-visits son 8/26/05 (8,1)
Draves, John
-jury duty 4/22/05 (1,2)
Drew, Florence
5/13/05 (5,3)
Driscoll, J.
11/30/01 (1,3); 2/15/02 (1,2)
Driscoll, P.
8/01/03 (1,2); 10/17/03 (1,2)
Driscoll, Patrick
-graduation 6/03/05 (1,2); 6/17/05 (1,2) (1,3)
Driscoll, Fr. ?
6/25/04 (1,2)
Dryer, Fritz
6/10/05 (1,1)
Dryer, John
8/20/04 (1,2)
Dryer, Mrs. ?
-death of 1/04/02 (1,3) (4,1)
DuBois, Earnest
-marriage to E. Robinson 4/05/02 (4,1)
Ducey, Joseph
-marriage to K. Mulcay 6/03/05 (5,2)
Duffey - see Duffy
Duffy, B.
10/08/04 (1,4)
Duffy, Miss M.
3/19/04 (1,2); 3/26/04 (1,2); 11/12/04 (1,1);
12/24/04 (1,1); 2/11/05 (1,3); 3/25/05 (1,1); 4/01/05 (1,2); 6/24/05
(1,1); 11/04/05 (8,2); 12/23/05 (1,3)
Duffy, Mary
-award 6/25/04 (1,3)
6/25/04 (1,4); 6/24/05 (1,1); 10/21/05 (1,3)
Duffy, W.
8/23/02 (1,4)
Duffy, ?
10/18/02 (1,3); 1/16/04 (8,2)
-on football team 10/07/05 (1,2)
11/25/05 (8,3)
Duffy, Fr. ?
6/25/04 (1,2); 7/23/04 (1,1); 4/29/05 (1,2)
Dugan, Carrie
9/06/02 (1,4)
Dugan, Mrs. James (Ella)
-death of 10/18/02 (1,4); 10/25/02 (4,2)
Dugan, Nellie
9/17/04 (1,1)
Dugan, ?
2/01/02 (1,1)
-new home 10/04/02 (1,3)
2/14/03 (1,1)
Dugan, Mrs. ?
2/01/02 (1,1); 8/02/02 (1,2); 9/27/02 (1,2)
-new home 10/04/02 (1,3)
Dugan - see also Duggan
Duggan, Connie
4/23/04 (8,1)
Duggan, John
-ordained 12/20/02 (1,3)
Duggan, Mrs. John
-death of mother 10/28/05 (1,2)
Duggan, ?
4/12/02 (1,2); 4/26/02 (1,1); 10/18/02 (1,3)
Duggan - see also Dugan
Dugy, Mary
12/23/05 (1,3)
Duke, G.
2/06/04 (8,3)
Duke, Guy
8/22/03 (8,2)
Duke, J.
2/06/04 (8,3)
Dunbar, F. K.
2/01/02 (1,1); 5/17/02 (1,1); 8/02/02 (1,2);
11/01/02 (4,2)
-elected delegate 7/18/03 (1,2)
8/29/03 (8,3); 10/03/03 (1,2); 5/21/04 (8,2);
10/01/04 (1,1); 2/04/05 (1,3); 2/25/05 (1,3)
Dunbar, Mrs. F. K.
2/01/02 (1,1); 8/02/02 (1,2); 4/04/03 (1,3); 8/15/03
(8,2); 8/29/03 (8,3); 10/03/03 (1,2); 5/21/04 (8,2); 2/25/05
Dunbar, Mrs. J.
4/08/05 (1,3)
Dunbar, Mrs. ?
5/2/03 (1,3); 7/11/03 (1,1)
Dunbar, ?
7/11/03 (1,1)
Dunham, Dick
-marriage to N. Reeves 1/10/03 (1,3)
3/21/03 (8,2)
-illness of 3/11/05 (1,3)
-birth of daughter 7/08/05 (1,2)
Dunham, Mrs. Dick
-birth of daughter 7/08/05 (1,2)
Dunham, Leon
4/29/05 (8, 2); 10/07/05 (1,2)
Dunham, Wesley
6/06/03 (1,2); 5/20/05 (1,3)
Dunham, ?
3/28/03 (1,2)
Dunlavey Brothers
9/02/05 (1,1)
Dunleavy, Lawrence
6/17/05 (1,1)
Dunmore, F. B.
-marriage to M. House 6/24/05 (8,2)
Dunn, Sadie
-marriage to J. Birmingham 10/11/02 (1,4)
Dunning, J.
8/05/05 (1,2)
Dunning, Mamie
-visits aunt 2/04/05 (7,1)
Dunning, Nora
-marriage to J. Leetzkus 7/08/05 (8,1)
Dunton, Mary
-appointed teacher 5/13/05 (1,3)
During, Peter
8/22/03 (1,1)
Dusenbury, Edgar
11/01/02 (4,1)
Dutcher, Dr. D. W.
5/28/04 (1,1)
Dutton, Oscar
4/23/04 (1,1)
Duyer, Ed
10/31/03 (8,1)
Duyer, Mae
5/06/05 (8,1)
Dwier - see Dwyer
Dwinnells, C. S.
-death of 3/26/04 (6,1)
Dwyer, Ed
11/28/03 (8,1)
Dwyer, Mae (also May)
-temporarily employed 12/19/03 (8,1)
-resigns position 1/09/04 (8,2)
7/02/04 (8,1); 9/03/04 (1,2); 10/29/04 (8,2); 3/4/05
(1,1); 9/09/05 (8,1)
Dwyer, ?
1/16/04 (8,2)
Dye, C. A.
9/26/03 (1,3)
Dye, Mrs. C. A.
9/19/03 (1,3); 9/26/03 (1,3)
Dye, "Doc"
1/25/02 (4,1); 4/25/03 (1,1)
Dye, Elam
-killed in Civil War 6/03/05 (1,3)
Dye, Mrs. Herman
1/04/02 (1,3)
Dye, Mason M.
11/30/01 (1,1); 12/07/01 (1,1); 12/14/01 (1,1)
(1,2); 5/31/02 (1,2); 7/19/02 (1,3)
-treas. of school bd. 8/16/02 (1,1)
12/20/02 (1,2)
-treas. of school bd. 8/15/03 (1,1)
9/05/03 (1,1)
-death of 9/19/03 (1,3); 9/26/03 (1,1); 10/03/03
(8,1); 11/07/03 (1,1); 1/02/04 (1,1); 10/01/04 (1,3)
Dye, Mrs. O.
5/2/03 (1,1)
Dye, W.
-birth of son 1/30/04 (8,1)
Dye, Mrs. W.
7/25/03 (1,3)
-birth of son 1/30/04 (8,1)
Dye, W. H.
4/9/04 (1,2); 12/03/04 (1,1); 12/31/04 (1,1);
4/22/05 (1,3)
-officer of Masons 12/30/05 (1,1)
Dye, William H.
11/30/01 (1,1); 12/07/01 (1,1); 12/14/01 (1,1)
(1,2); 1/18/02 (1,1); 12/20/02 (1,2)
-officer of Masons 1/03/02 (1,4)
3/21/03 (1,2)
-death of brother 9/19/03 (1,3); 9/26/03 (1,1)
-named treas. of School Board 9/26/03 (1,1)
-illness of 10/03/03 (8,1); 10/10/03 (1,1); 10/24/03
-resigns as treas. 10/31/03 (1,2)
11/07/03 (1,1)
-officer of Masons 1/02/04 (1,3)
-officer of Royal Arcanum 1/09/04 (1,3)
-assignee sale 10/01/04 (1,3); 1/28/05 (1,3)
Dye Brothers Bank
12/21/01 (1,1); 2/08/02 (1,4); 2/15/02 (4,2);
3/22/02 (8,2); 5/03/02 (1,2); 8/23/02 (1,2); 12/06/02 (1,3); 12/13/02
(1,1); 1/31/03 (1,2) (4,1); 2/14/03 (1,4); 3/07/03 (4,1); 8/01/03
(8,1); 8/08/03 (8,1); 8/15/03 (1,3); 9/05/03 (1,3); 9/12/03
-closes due to illness 10/03/03 (8,1)
-in liquidation 10/10/03 (1,1)
10/10/03 (1,2); 10/17/03 (8,1) (8,2); 10/24/03
-dividend 12/12/03 (1,2)
12/26/03 (1,4); 1/02/04 (1,1); 3/12/04 (1,2);
3/26/04 (1,3); 10/01/04 (1,3); 12/03/04 (1,1); 1/28/05 (1,3); 2/04/05
-disbursements 2/11/05 (8,2); 4/22/05 (1,3)
Dye Brothers Block
1/31/03 (1,3); 3/21/03 (8,1)
Dye Farm
4/19/02 (1,1)
Eagan, Peter
-home flooded 3/08/02 (1,1)
Eagan, Mrs. William
8/22/03 (1,2); 7/15/05 (5,2)
Eagan, ?
6/07/02 (4,1)
Earl, Jessie
4/26/02 (1,3)
-marriage to W. Kelly 4/26/02 (4,1)
Earl, Maude
-visits sister 10/17/03 (8,2)
Earl, Thomas
8/22/03 (1,3)
Early, Charles
-hunting party 10/28/05 (8,2)
Early, Mrs. Charles
12/19/03 (8,1)
Early, E. T.
12/30/05 (1,2)
Early, ?
5/27/05 (1,2)
Easterly, Fred
2/01/02 (4,1); 2/08/02 (1,4)
Easterly, Mrs. H. J.
5/28/04 (8,1)
Easterly, Lillian
5/28/04 (8,1)
Easterly, Mrs. ?
5/9/03 (1,4)
Eastman, B.
-41st birthday 5/10/02 (1,3)
11/15/02 (4,1)
Eastman, Mrs. B.
-death of brother 12/12/03 (1,2)
12/26/03 (8,1)
Eastman, Mrs. B. A.
9/10/04 (1,3)
Eastman, B. E.
8/13/04 (8,1); 8/20/04 (1,2)
Eastman, Mrs. B. E.
8/13/04 (8,1); 8/20/04 (1,2)
Eastman, Ben
5/17/02 (1,1)
-new house 8/02/02 (4,1)
1/10/03 (1,3)
-moves to Indiana 2/07/03 (4,1)
-visits 10/28/05 (8,1)
Eastman, Gladys
-visits grandparents 10/17/03 (8,2)
Eastman, Rev. J. P.
12/20/02 (4,2)
Eastman, Jay
4/26/02 (1,3); 5/10/02 (1,3); 10/25/02 (4,2)
-marriage to C. Chentzer 5/30/03 (10,2)
Eastman, Mrs. Jennie
-visits parents 10/17/03 (8,2)
Eastman, John
8/20/04 (1,2)
Eastman, ?
7/26/02 (1,2)
Eastman - see also Porterfield & Eastman
Easton, Albert
10/24/03 (1,2)
Easton, Ralph
-court case 6/10/05 (1,1)
Easton, ?
3/25/05 (10,2)
Eaton, E.
4/26/02 (1,3); 11/29/02 (1,3); 3/21/03 (8,2); 5/2/03
(1,3); 7/18/03 (1,3)
Eaton, Mrs. E.
4/26/02 (1,3); 11/29/02 (1,3); 5/2/03 (1,3);
12/02/05 (1,3)
Eaton, Edwin
12/28/01 (1,2)
Eaton, Mrs. Edwin
12/28/01 (1,2)
Eaton, Fred
5/14/04 (1,1)
-lawsuit 4/08/05 (8,2); 9/02/05 (5,5)
Eaton, G. B
2/04/05 (1,4)
Eaton, George
5/10/02 (1,2)
Eaton, H. A.
11/29/02 (1,3)
Eaton, Henry
4/25/03 (1,3); 5/2/03 (1,3); 10/14/05 (1,1)
Easton, Herbert
9/17/04 (1,1); 9/24/04 (1,1)
Eaton, E.
8/13/04 (1,3)
Eaton, Fred
7/30/04 (8,3)
Eaton, George
8/20/04 (1,2)
Eaton, H.
7/16/04 (1,3)
Eaton, Henry
-visits parents 9/24/04 (1,2)
Eaton, Hiram
-marriage to D. Swift 12/28/01 (1,2)
Eaton, Howard
4/26/02 (1,3)
-travels to South Dakota 7/18/03 (1,3)
-returns 8/15/03 (8,2)
9/19/03 (1,2)
-marriage to E. Grove 12/05/03 (8,1)
9/17/04 (1,3)
-new home 11/18/05 (8,1)
12/02/05 (1,3); 12/30/05 (1,3); 12/30/05 (1,3)
Eaton, Mrs. Howard
8/13/04 (1,3)
-sister visits 9/10/04 (1,3)
9/17/04 (1,3)
Eaton, Laura
8/01/03 (1,3); 9/12/03 (1,2)
-visits relatives 10/08/04 (1,2)
11/05/04 (1,2)
Eaton, Marshall
5/2/03 (1,3); 6/06/03 (1,2); 8/22/03 (1,3); 12/12/03
(1,2); 4/30/04 (1,2)
Eaton, Marshall
-works in Chipmonk 9/10/04 (1,3)
Eckhart, Alice
2/11/05 (1,4)
Eckhart, Mrs. J.
8/30/02 (1,3)
Eckhart, Mrs. John
3/14/03 (1,3)
Eckhart, Marie
4/05/02 (1,2); 3/05/04 (8,1)
Eckhart, Mary
3/14/03 (1,3); 8/20/04 (8,2)
Eckhart, Miss S.
12/23/05 (1,3)
Eckland, A.
7/19/02 (1,3)
Eckland, Mrs. A.
7/19/02 (1,3); 11/29/02 (1,3); 1/24/03 (1,3)
Eddie, Clarence
3/21/03 (1,3)
Edie, Lewis
10/24/03 (1,2)
Edie, Marion
-jury duty 4/22/05 (1,2)
Eddy, F. S.
8/22/03 (1,1)
Eddy, Dr. J.
-death of 4/12/02 (4,1)
Eddy, Mrs. J.
8/16/02 (1,3); 10/21/05 (8,1)
Eddy, Robert
9/26/03 (1,2)
Eddy, Rev. S. S.
5/23/03 (1,2)
Eddy, W. B.
1/30/04 (1,3)
Eddy, Mrs. ?
8/12/05 (8,2)
Edel, Charles
2/22/02 (1,2); 2/21/03 (1,3); 7/18/03 (1,4)
-court case 9/09/05 (1,3)
Edel's Hall (Olean)
1/17/03 (1,3)
Edward - see Edwards
Edward's, A. C.
4/25/03 (1,3)
Edwards, Mrs. A.
-officer of W.R.C. 2/04/05 (1,1)
Edwards, A. C.
-nomination 11/04/05 (8,2)
11/11/05 (1,3)
Edwards, Alonzo
-death of son 3/08/02 (1,2)
4/18/03 (1,3)
-nomination 10/14/05 (1,2)
Edwards, Cornelius
10/03/03 (1,1)
Edwards, Mrs. E.
6/10/05 (8,1); 6/17/05 (8,1); 6/24/05 (8,1)
Edwards, E. F.
12/14/01 (1,2); 6/07/02 (4,1); 12/13/02 (1,3);
3/07/03 (1,3); 8/08/03 (8,2)
-officer of K.T.O.M. 12/19/03 (1,3)
-wedding of relative 3/26/04 (6,1)
-K.O.T.M. convention 4/30/04 (8,2)
-on Board of Education 6/11/04 (1,1); 7/02/04 (1,2);
7/09/04 (1,1)
7/16/04 (1,3); 7/30/04 (8,2)
-elected to Bd. of Ed. 8/06/04 (1,1)
8/13/04 (1,1) (8,2); 8/20/04 (1,1); 9/10/04 (1,1);
10/01/04 (1,1); 11/05/04 (1,3); 12/10/04 (1,1); 12/24/04 (1,2); 1/7/05
(1,1); 2/11/05 (1,1); 3/11/05 (1,1); 4/08/05 (1,2); 4/15/05 (1,1);
5/06/05 (1,1); 5/13/05 (1,3); 5/20/05 (1,2); 6/10/05 (1,1); 7/1/05
(1,1); 7/08/05 (1,1); 7/29/05 (1,1); 8/05/05 (1,1); 8/12/05 (1,2);
8/19/05 (1,2); 9/16/05 (1,3); 9/23/05 (1,1); 10/07/05
-nomination 10/14/05 (1,2)
11/11/05 (1,2)
-moves to Canada 11/11/05 (8,2)
-party honoring 11/25/05 (1,1) (8,1)
12/23/05 (1,2)
Edwards, Mrs. E. F.
12/14/01 (1,2); 6/07/02 (4,1); 7/12/02 (1,3);
10/11/02 (4,1); 2/14/03 (4,1); 3/26/04 (6,1); 4/22/05
-moves to Canada 11/11/05 (8,2)
-party honoring 11/25/05 (1,1) (8,1)
Edwards, Ed
-delegate to convention 7/12/02 (1,1)
8/20/04 (1,2)
-visits St. Louis 10/01/04 (8,1)
Edwards, Mrs. Edgar
8/29/03 (8,1)
Edwards, Mrs. Edward
-visits St. Louis 10/01/04 (8,1)
Edwards, Ernest
-death at railroad tracks 3/08/02 (1,2) (1,3);
12/27/02 (1,1)
Edwards, Harrietta (see also Harriet)
2/14/03 (1,4); 4/04/03 (1,2)
-Regents' Examination 2/13/04 (8,3)
-Regents Examination 6/24/05 (1,2)
Edwards, Harriet
5/7/04 (1,3); 7/02/04 (8,2); 7/09/04 (1,3); 11/12/04
-Regents Examination 6/24/05 (1,2)
Edwards, Hattie
12/27/02 (1,3)
Edwards, John Sr.
10/03/03 (1,1)
Edwards, John Jr.
10/03/03 (1,1)
Edwards, Lon
1/10/03 (1,1); 6/27/03 (8,2); 10/03/03 (1,3)
-building contract 8/27/04 (8,1)
Edwards, N.
12/09/05 (1,2)
Edwards, Nathan
1/03/02 (1,4); 2/07/03 (1,1); 9/12/03 (1,1); 12/05/03 (1,3)
-officer of G.A.R. 12/19/03 (1,3)
-election inspector 12/26/03 (1,3)
5/20/05 (1,2)
-attends veterans' reunion 10/07/05 (8,3)
12/16/05 (8,1)
Edwards, Nathan
12/17/04 (1,2)
Edwards, Nathan Jr.
6/18/04 (8,2)
Edwards, R.
8/12/05 (1,2)
Edwards, Thomas
5/20/05 (1,1)
Edwards, W.
3/25/05 (10,2)
Edwards, Walter
8/02/02 (1,3); 4/04/03 (1,2)
-Regents' Examination 2/13/04 (8,3)
-Regents Examination 2/04/05 (1,2)
-Regents Examination 6/24/05 (1,2)
Edwards, Walter
-birth of son 4/30/04 (8,1)
7/09/04 (1,3)
Edwards, Mrs. Walter
-birth of son 4/30/04 (8,1)
Edwards, Mrs. ?
1/17/03 (4,1); 4/11/03 (1,1); 12/17/04 (1,2)
Edwards, ?
4/11/03 (1,1); 6/06/03 (1,2); 11/28/03 (1,2);
1/16/04 (8,2)
Edwards, Miss ?
10/08/04 (8,1); 5/06/05 (1,2)
Egan, Margaret
-prevents train wreck 7/30/04 (1,2)
Egan, P.
12/20/02 (1,2)
Egan, Peter
1/25/02 (1,3)
-birth of son 1/17/03 (4,1)
-death of son 2/07/03 (4,1)
-birth of son 1/30/04 (8,1)
2/20/04 (8,1); 1/7/05 (1,1)
Egan, Mrs. Peter
-birth of son 1/17/03 (4,1)
-death of son 2/07/03 (4,1)
-birth of son 1/30/04 (8,1)
Eggleston, Miss A.
6/25/04 (1,4); 4/01/05 (1,2); 6/24/05 (1,1);
12/23/05 (1,3)
Eggleston, Agnes
11/04/05 (8,2)
Eggleston, Anna
10/21/05 (1,3)
Eggleston, Mrs. A.
5/21/04 (1,1)
Eggleston, Rev. Charles C. (Franklinville)
12/13/02 (1,3); 1/24/03 (1,2); 4/18/03 (8,1);
4/25/03 (1,1); 1/23/04 (1,2)
Eggleston, C. L.
-death of mother 4/05/02 (1,2)
Eggleston, J. W.
12/27/02 (1,1)
Eggleston, John
-death of wife 4/05/02 (1,2)
5/03/02 (1,3); 9/20/02 (1,3)
3/28/03 (1,3)
-monument 4/04/03 (4,1)
8/15/03 (1,2)
-visits California 12/19/03 (8,1)
-returns 4/23/04 (8,1)
10/08/04 (8,1); 5/13/05 (8,1)
Eggleston, Mrs. John (Euphemia)
11/30/01 (4,1)
--death of 4/05/02 (1,2); 4/12/02 (1,3)
Eggleston, R. R.
-died in Civil War 6/03/05 (1,3)
Eggleston, W.
-death of mother 4/05/02 (1,2)
4/12/02 (1,4); 5/03/02 (1,3)
Eggleston, William F.
-new business 4/9/04 (1,1)
-fire 6/10/05 (8,2)
Egglestone - see Eggleston
Ehbauer, August
-death of mother 1/30/04 (1,1)
-appointed pathmaster 2/06/04 (1,2)
Ehbauer, Mrs. Barbara
-death of 1/30/04 (1,1) (1,2)
-death of 12/31/04 (1,1)
Ehbauer, John
-death of wife 1/30/04 (1,1)
Ehbauer, Katie
4/19/02 (1,1)
Ehman, Lena
6/04/04 (1,2)
Ehman, Walter
6/04/04 (1,2)
Eils, Mrs. ?
6/27/03 (8,2)
Eisenhauer, G. F.
6/28/02 (4,2)
Eisert, F. J.
1/31/03 (1,2)
Eisert, G.
11/12/04 (1,3)
Eisert, George
11/30/01 (1,3); 12/14/01 (1,2); 11/08/02 (1,1);
11/15/02 (4,2); 12/20/02 (1,2); 11/07/03 (1,1)
-election inspector 12/26/03 (1,3)
5/27/05 (8,2); 10/07/05 (1,2); 11/11/05 (1,3)
-election inspector 12/09/05 (1,2)
Eisert, Mrs. George
10/07/05 (1,2)
Eisert, J. G.
2/04/05 (1,4)
Eisert, James
1/31/03 (1,2)
Eisman, Mrs. ?
9/06/02 (1,3)
Eldridge, Frank
4/11/03 (1,1)
Eldridge, Mrs. Frank
4/11/03 (1,1)
Eldridge, William
8/20/04 (1,2)
-tie 11/14/03 (1,4)
11/12/04 (1,3)
-town elections 9/09/05 (1,3)
-districts 9/23/05 (1,3)
Electric Lights
-at St. Bonaventure College 3/11/05 (1,3)
Elizabeth, Sr. M.
-death of 10/11/02 (4,1)
-death of 9/26/03 (1,1); 1/02/04 (1,1)
Ellings, Mrs. Margaret
-death of 4/15/05 (5,2)
Elliot, Mrs. E. F.
4/11/03 (8,1)
Elliot, G. C.
9/06/02 (1,4); 9/20/02 (1,2); 12/20/02 (4,2);
3/28/03 (1,2)
Elliot, George
1/30/04 (1,3)
Elliot, Grover
3/28/03 (1,2)
Elliot, ?
10/11/02 (1,4); 10/25/02 (4,2); 5/7/04 (1,3)
Elliot, Mrs. ?
7/23/04 (1,3)
-death of son 8/13/04 (8,1)
Elliott - see Elliot
Ellis, Mrs. A. H.
-death of sister 5/13/05 (5,2)
Ellis, Adelaide
10/03/03 (1,3)
Ellis, B. E.
-letter from 8/23/02 (1,2)
-letter from 7/11/03 (1,1)
-visits from Des Moines 2/27/04 (8,2)
-letter from 7/23/04 (1,2)
-visits from Des Moines 7/1/05 (5,4)
Ellis, E.
6/25/04 (8,2)
Ellis, George
6/25/04 (8,2); 7/23/04 (1,2)
Ellis, Mrs. George
-travels to Des Moines 8/06/04 (8,1)
Ellis, Mrs. J.
-marriage of daughter 10/28/05 (1,3)
Ellis, J. H.
-wins gold 2/04/05 (1,4)
Ellis, Mrs. J. S.
3/14/03 (1,3); 6/25/04 (8,2)
Ellis, Mrs. Janette (also Jennett; see also M. Janet)
10/25/02 (1,3); 3/14/03 (1,3)
-sister visits 8/01/03 (1,2)
10/03/03 (1,3); 2/13/04 (1,3)
Ellis, M. Janet (see also Janette)
10/25/02 (1,3); 3/14/03 (1,3)
-marriage to F. Slocum 10/28/05 (1,3)
Ellis, Ralph
9/17/04 (8,2)
Ellis, Mrs. S. J.
-grows peaches 10/17/03 (8,1)
11/14/03 (1,4); 3/12/04 (1,1); 4/01/05 (1,1)
Ellis, Mrs. ?
10/25/02 (1,3)
-niece visits 10/03/03 (1,3)
7/22/05 (8,1)
Ellis, ?
4/22/05 (8,2)
Elmer, Henry
-leaves for oil fields 1/06/06 (1,3)
Elster, Mrs. Kate
11/30/01 (1,4)
Elston, Mrs. Tina
12/28/01 (1,4)
Eman, Mrs. M.
10/14/05 (8,1)
Embler, Mrs. Grant
6/14/02 (1,2)
Embre, ?
8/01/03 (1,2)
Embree, John
8/02/02 (1,3); 8/30/02 (1,3)
Emens, Laura
5/7/04 (1,2)
Emerson, C. H.
7/25/03 (1,3); 1/09/04 (1,2); 9/17/04 (1,3)
Emhiser, Ida
7/18/03 (1,4)
-visits relatives 8/29/03 (1,3)
-Regents Examination 4/16/04 (8,2)
Emhiser, John
11/30/01 (1,1); 12/07/01 (1,1); 12/14/01 (1,1)
12/14/01 (1,2); 12/21/01 (1,2)
-sanitation 4/12/02 (1,1) (1,2)
-store painted 5/03/02 (4,1)
-Heinz demonstration 5/24/02 (1,2)
-new home 6/07/02 (4,1); 10/04/02 (1,2)
6/28/02 (4,1); 7/19/02 (1,3) (4,1); 7/26/02 (4,2);
12/13/02 (1,2); 12/20/02 (1,2)
-new cement walk 5/16/03 (1,3) (8,1)
9/26/03 (1,1); 10/24/03 (1,2); 12/19/03 (1,2)
-officer of Royal Arcanum 1/09/04 (1,3)
2/27/04 (8,1)
-store painted 4/23/04 (8,1)
5/14/04 (1,1); 5/21/04 (1,1); 5/28/04 (1,1); 7/02/04
(1,2); 8/06/04 (8,2)
-new sidewalks 8/27/04 (1,1)
9/03/04 (1,2); 11/05/04 (1,3); 12/17/04 (1,2)
-improvements to store 3/25/05 (8,2)
4/01/05 (8,2); 5/20/05 (1,2); 9/23/05 (1,1); 11/18/05 (1,1); 12/23/05
Emhiser, Mrs. John
9/03/04 (1,2)
Emhiser's Hall
3/08/02 (4,1); 3/15/02 (4,1); 11/15/02 (4,1);
1/10/03 (4,1); 3/07/03 (4,2); 3/21/03 (1,1) (8,1); 4/25/03 (1,3) (8,1);
5/23/03 (1,1) (8,1); 5/30/03 (1,1); 7/25/03 (1,1); 8/01/03 (1,3);
10/10/03 (8,1); 10/31/03 (8,1); 12/05/03 (8,1); 12/19/03 (1,3);
12/26/03 (8,1); 1/30/04 (8,1); 4/30/04 (8,3); 8/13/04 (1,2); 9/17/04
(1,4); 9/24/04 (1,3); 10/15/04 (8,2); 10/29/04 (8,2); 11/05/04 (8,1);
1/7/05 (8,2); 2/04/05 (7,2); 5/13/05 (8,2); 5/20/05
-store painted 7/08/05 (8,1)
-new awning 7/15/05 (10,1)
8/26/05 (1,3); 11/11/05 (8,2); 11/18/05 (1,1)
Emans - see Emmons
Emington, Josephine
8/05/05 (8,1)
Emmerson, C. H.
-visits 5 Mile 7/08/05 (8,1)
Emmons, J. C.
7/19/02 (1,3); 7/26/02 (1,3); 11/01/02 (1,3);
2/07/03 (1,2) ; 3/14/03 (1,3)
-returns from Florida 4/25/03 (1,3)
5/9/03 (1,3); 11/14/03 (1,4)
-visits from Rochester 4/23/04 (8,1)
8/12/05 (8,2)
Emmons, Mrs. J. C.
6/07/02 (1,4)
-travels to Florida 1/31/03 (1,3)
-returns from Florida 4/25/03 (1,3)
8/12/05 (8,2)
Emmons, Margrete (also Marguerite)
-travels to Florida 1/31/03 (1,3)
-illness of 3/14/03 (1,3)
8/12/05 (8,2)
Emmons, Mrs. ?
11/30/01 (1,2)
Empire Bluing Co.
6/28/02 (4,1)
Empire State Cutlery Co. - see Cutlery Factory
Engelhart, Mrs. Barbara
6/27/03 (1,3)
Engler, Orrin
9/17/04 (1,1)
English, L.
1/03/02 (1,3)
Enright, Miss E.
3/19/04 (1,2)
Enright, Miss J.
4/12/02 (1,1); 12/13/02 (1,2); 1/17/03 (1,3);
1/24/03 (1,1); 10/24/03 (1,3)
Enright, Rev. J. A.
7/26/02 (1,3); 10/18/02 (1,2); 1/10/03 (1,3);
6/20/03 (8,2); 9/19/03 (1,3); 11/28/03 (1,3)
-visits mother 1/23/04 (1,2)
6/25/04 (1,2)
-visits mother 8/27/04 (8,1); 9/24/04 (8,1)
-mother visits 10/01/04 (8,1)
-visits mother 11/12/04 (8,1); 11/26/04 (8,1)
-visits mother 1/14/05 (8,2)
-visits mother 10/28/05 (8,1)
Enright, Mrs. J.
6/25/04 (8,2)
-new sidewalks 8/27/04 (1,1)
-son visits 9/24/04 (8,1); 11/12/04 (8,1); 11/26/04
-son visits 4/08/05 (8,2)
-son visits 8/26/05 (8,2)
-son visits 9/02/05 (8,2)
Enright, Miss J.
11/12/04 (1,1)
Enright, Mrs. James
6/25/04 (8,2)
Enright, Mrs. Jane
11/30/01 (1,4); 3/08/02 (1,3); 4/05/02 (1,2);
4/12/02 (1,4); 5/03/02 (1,3); 7/26/02 (1,3); 10/18/02 (1,2); 10/25/02
(1,3); 11/29/02 (1,3); 12/20/02 (1,3); 1/10/03 (1,3); 1/31/03 (1,3);
2/21/03 (1,3); 5/30/03 (10,1); 6/20/03 (8,2); 9/19/03
-children visit 9/26/03 (1,3)
-son visits 11/14/03 (1,4)
-nephew visits 12/26/03 (8,1)
-children visit 1/23/04 (1,2)
2/13/04 (1,3)
-son visits 8/27/04 (8,1)
-visits son 10/01/04 (8,1)
-dividend 5/20/05 (8,1)
-son visits 9/23/05 (8,1)
-death of daughter 9/30/05 (1,1)
Enright, Mrs. Jerry
6/07/02 (1,4)
Enright, Rev. John
4/12/02 (1,4); 5/03/02 (1,3); 3/21/03 (1,3); 6/25/04
-visits mother 9/23/05 (8,1)
-death of sister 9/30/05 (1,1)
12/02/05 (8,1)
Enright, Rev. Joseph
11/30/01 (1,4)
-Holy Orders 2/15/02 (4,2); 3/15/02 (4,2)
-First Mass 3/22/02 (1,3)
-death of 8/02/02 (1,3)
Enright, Julia
3/15/02 (1,2); 5/03/02 (1,3)
-sec. of St. E's Alumni 6/14/02 (1,1)
6/28/02 (4,2); 7/26/02 (1,3); 9/27/02 (1,2);
11/22/02 (1,1); 12/27/02 (1,2); 1/10/03 (1,3); 2/21/03 (1,3); 4/11/03
(1,2); 4/25/03 (1,1); 8/15/03 (1,3); 9/05/03 (1,3); 9/12/03 (1,3);
11/28/03 (1,1); 11/28/03 (8,1); 5/21/04 (1,1); 7/30/04 (8,1); 8/06/04
(8,1); 8/27/04 (8,1); 11/26/04 (1,2); 12/10/04 (1,2); 12/24/04 (1,2);
4/15/05 (1,2); 4/22/05 (1,3)
-visits brother 8/19/05 (8,1)
-death of sister 9/30/05 (1,1)
Enright, M. J.
11/30/01 (1,4); 10/18/02 (1,2); 1/10/03 (1,1);
3/28/03 (1,3); 8/08/03 (1,3); 1/28/05 (8,1); 3/11/05 (1,1); 4/01/05
(1,3); 5/13/05 (1,2); 8/19/05 (8,1)
-temporary village clerk 11/18/05 (1,1); 11/25/05
Enright, Mrs. M. J.
9/27/02 (1,2); 12/13/02 (1,3); 3/14/03 (1,3);
7/11/03 (1,4)
-improvements to home 5/14/04 (8,1); 6/18/04 (8,1)
7/30/04 (8,1)
-visits son 7/29/05 (8,1)
Enright, Mamie
10/25/02 (1,3); 9/05/03 (1,3)
-visits relatives 5/06/05 (8,1)
Enright, Mary
4/12/02 (1,4); 11/29/02 (1,3); 3/21/03 (1,3);
5/30/03 (10,1); 6/20/03 (8,2); 8/08/03 (1,3); 9/05/03
-visits mother 11/28/03 (1,3)
-visits mother 1/23/04 (1,2)
-home from Gowanda 5/14/04 (8,1)
-death of sister 9/30/05 (1,1)
Enright, Mary
6/25/04 (8,2)
Enright, Michael
4/12/02 (1,4); 5/03/02 (1,3); 7/26/02 (1,3); 1/10/03
(1,3); 3/21/03 (1,3); 9/05/03 (1,3); 4/15/05 (1,2); 4/22/05 (1,3);
6/17/05 (1,1)
-death of sister 9/30/05 (1,1)
Enright, Minnie
-visits mother 9/26/03 (1,3)
Enright, Nellie
1/25/02 (1,3); 4/12/02 (1,4); 5/17/02 (1,2); 7/19/02
(1,3); 11/15/02 (1,3); 1/10/03 (1,3); 2/21/03 (1,3); 3/07/03 (1,3);
6/20/03 (8,2)
-visits mother 11/28/03 (1,3)
-visits mother 1/23/04 (1,2)
3/12/04 (8,1)
6/25/04 (8,2); 7/30/04 (8,1)
-visits brother 10/01/04 (8,1); 7/29/05 (8,1)
-death of 9/30/05 (1,1); 10/07/05 (1,1); 12/30/05
Enright, Rev. P. J.
3/08/02 (1,3); 4/05/02 (1,2); 4/12/02 (1,4); 6/07/02
(1,4); 6/28/02 (4,2); 7/26/02 (1,3); 9/27/02 (1,2); 10/25/02 (1,3);
11/29/02 (1,3); 1/17/03 (1,3); 1/31/03 (1,3); 2/21/03 (1,3); 3/14/03
(1,3); 4/11/03 (1,2); 5/16/03 (1,4); 5/23/03 (1,4); 6/20/03 (8,2);
7/11/03 (1,4); 8/15/03
-visits mother 9/26/03 (1,3); 11/14/03 (1,4);
11/28/03 (1,3)
-visits mother 1/23/04 (1,2)
6/25/04 (8,2); 7/23/04 (1,1)
-visits mother 8/06/04 (8,1); 11/12/04 (8,1);
12/31/04 (8,1)
-visits mother 1/14/05 (8,2)
2/11/05 (8,1)
-visits mother 4/08/05 (8,2)
-relatives visit 7/29/05 (8,1)
-sister visits 8/19/05 (8,1)
-visits mother 9/02/05 (8,2)
-death of sister 9/30/05 (1,1)
-visits mother 10/28/05 (8,1)
11/11/05 (1,1); 12/02/05 (8,1)
Enright, Thomas
-fire 5/2/03 (1,4)
Enright, ?
2/21/03 (1,3); 4/08/05 (1,2); 4/08/05 (1,2)
Enright, Mrs. ?
12/28/01 (1,4); 5/17/02 (1,2); 3/28/03 (1,3);
4/04/03 (1,1); 6/25/04 (8,2)
-new cement walk 8/06/04 (8,1)
Enright, Miss ?
9/19/03 (1,3); 2/04/05 (7,1); 3/25/05 (1,1); 4/08/05
Ensminger, Gertrude
9/06/02 (1,3)
Ensworth, Mrs. C.
1/31/03 (1,4)
Ensworth, Diana
1/17/03 (1,1)
Ensworth, H. J.
9/23/05 (8,2); 12/30/05 (1,4)
Ensworth, Henry
11/12/04 (8,2); 5/13/05 (1,2)
-visits relatives 5/06/05 (1,3)
12/02/05 (1,3)
Ensworth, Mrs. J. C.
1/10/03 (1,3); 2/07/03 (1,3); 3/14/03 (4,2); 3/28/03
(1,2); 4/11/03 (1,3); 4/25/03 (1,3); 5/9/03 (1,3); 5/16/03 (1,3);
5/30/03 (1,3); 6/13/03 (1,3); 6/27/03 (8,2); 7/11/03 (1,3); 7/18/03
(1,3); 7/25/03 (1,3); 8/01/03 (1,3); 8/08/03
-brother visits 8/15/03 (8,2)
8/22/03 (1,3); 8/29/03 (8,3); 9/05/03 (8,2); 10/03/03 (1,2); 10/24/03
(8,2); 10/31/03 (8,2); 11/28/03 (1,2); 12/12/03 (1,2); 1/02/04 (1,4);
1/09/04 (1,2); 1/23/04
-visits mother 1/30/04 (1,2)
2/06/04 (1,4); 2/13/04 (1,2); 3/05/04 (1,2); 3/26/04
(1,3); 4/30/04 (1,2); 5/21/04 (8, 2); 5/28/04 (8,3); 6/11/04 (1,2);
6/18/04 (1,3); 6/25/04 (8,2); 7/02/04 (1,4); 7/23/04 (1,3); 7/30/04
(1,2); 8/13/04 (1,3)
-brother visits 10/01/04 (1,3); 10/29/04 (1,4)
10/15/04 (1,2)
-mother visits 10/22/04 (8,3)
11/05/04 (1,2); 11/19/04 (1,2); 11/26/04 (1,4)
-death of 1/14/05 (1,2); 1/21/05 (8,2)
-illness of 1/14/05 (1,3)
-death of 12/30/05 (1,1)
Ensworth, Mrs. J. S.
-visits mother 5/7/04 (1,4)
5/7/04 (1,4)
Ensworth, Lena
1/10/03 (1,3); 3/14/03 (4,2); 3/28/03 (1,2); 4/11/03
(1,3); 5/23/03 (1,3); 6/06/03 (1,2); 7/11/03 (1,3); 8/15/03 (8,2);
8/29/03 (8,3); 9/05/03 (8,2); 9/19/03 (1,2); 9/26/03 (1,2); 10/03/03
(1,2); 10/10/03
-visits relatives 10/17/03 (8,2)
10/24/03 (8,2); 10/31/03 (8,2); 1/02/04 (1,4)
-cousins visit 1/09/04 (1,2)
-visits uncle 1/23/04 (1,2)
-visits grandparents 2/06/04 (1,4)
-surprise party 2/13/04 (1,2)
3/05/04 (1,2); 4/23/04 (1,1); 4/30/04 (1,2);
-visits grandmother 5/7/04 (1,4)
5/21/04 (8, 2); 5/28/04 (8,3); 6/18/04 (1,3);
7/02/04 (1,4); 7/23/04 (1,3); 7/30/04 (1,2); 8/13/04 (1,3)
-visits grandmother 10/01/04 (1,3)
-visits grandmother 10/08/04 (1,2)
10/15/04 (1,2); 11/19/04 (1,2); 11/26/04 (1,4);
2/04/05 (1,3); 3/18/05 (1,3); 5/06/05 (1,3); 5/13/05 (1,2); 5/20/05
(1,3); 5/27/05 (1,4)
-marriage to B. Chesebro 6/10/05 (8,1)
Ensworth, Lorena
4/04/03 (1,2); 6/06/03 (1,2); 3/26/04 (1,3); 5/27/05
(1,4); 7/02/04 (1,4)
-visits relatives 5/13/05 (1,2)
8/12/05 (8,3); 9/02/05 (1,3); 9/23/05 (8,1);
10/21/05 (1,1)
Ensworth, Lorence
12/14/01 (1,2)
Ensworth, Nelson
-returns home 5/21/04 (8, 2)
Ensworth, Mrs. P. C.
3/21/03 (8,2)
Emsworth, Rena
9/12/03 (1,3)
-birthday 9/12/03 (8,1)
9/19/03 (1,2); 11/21/03 (1,2)
-visits cousin 1/09/04 (1,2)
5/21/04 (8, 1)
Ensworth, W. B.
-pres. of cutlery factory 2/22/02 (4,1)
3/21/03 (8,2)
-sister visits 1/09/04 (1,2)
1/09/04 (1,2); 1/16/04 (1,1); 2/06/04 (1,4); 2/20/04
(1,1); 5/21/04 (8, 2); 2/04/05 (1,1) (7,1)
-buys cattle 7/22/05 (8,2)
Ensworth, W. B.
5/21/04 (8, 2); 7/02/04 (1,4)
-birth of daughter 7/02/04 (8,1); 7/16/04 (1,2)
7/23/04 (1,3); 7/30/04 (1,2); 9/17/04 (1,1);
10/15/04 (1,2); 10/29/04 (1,4); 5/06/05 (1,3); 7/22/05 (8,2); 12/02/05
Ensworth, Mrs. W. B.
-birth of daughter 7/02/04 (8,1); 7/16/04 (1,2)
9/24/04 (1,2)
-visits sister 11/12/04 (8,2)
5/27/05 (1,4); 7/1/05 (1,3); 9/23/05 (8,2)
Ensworth, Will
8/16/02 (4,1); 1/17/03 (1,1)
Ensworth, William
-new employee 3/26/04 (6,2)
-relatives visit 5/06/05 (1,3)
Ensworth, ?
9/06/02 (1,2)
Ensworth, Mrs. ?
12/07/01 (1,2)
Epworth League (M.E. Church)
3/22/02 (8,2); 4/19/02 (4,1)
-stocking social 5/03/02 (4,1)
9/12/03 (8,1); 9/19/03 (8,1)
7/09/04 (8,2); 7/23/04 (8,1); 11/12/04 (1,1);
11/19/04 (1,3); 12/03/04 (1,2); 12/24/04 (1,1); 2/04/05 (1,1); 3/11/05
(1,1); 3/18/05 (8,2); 5/06/05 (1,1); 5/20/05 (1,3); 6/03/05 (1,4);
6/17/05 (8,1)
-convention 6/24/05 (8,2)
7/08/05 (1,1); 8/05/05 (1,3); 9/09/05 (8,2)
-business meeting 10/28/05 (1,1)
11/11/05 (1,2)
-calendar society founded 12/16/05 (8,2)
12/23/05 (8,1)
Erdman, August
7/02/04 (1,4); 7/16/04 (1,4); 7/23/04
-25th anniversary 1/14/05 (1,3)
Erdman, Mrs. August
-25th anniversary 1/14/05 (1,3)
Ereelle, Miss ?
6/06/03 (8,1)
Erhart, Lew
5/17/02 (4,1); 6/21/02 (6,1); 8/30/02 (4,1); 5/14/04
Erie Oil Company
-big strike 5/17/02 (4,2); 5/24/02 (4,1)
Erie Railroad Co.
-lawsuit against 5/03/02 (1,2)
-lawsuit against 5/9/03 (10, 1)
-loans private car 6/20/03 (1,3)
-policy 1/14/05 (8,1)
-improvements in Bradford 4/22/05 (5,2)
-sneak thieves 8/19/05 (1,3)
Erlman, Emma
5/23/03 (1,3)
Ernest - see Ernst
Ernst, Gertrude
8/29/03 (1,3); 10/29/04 (1,2)
Ernst, Mrs. H. J.
10/29/04 (1,2)
Ernst, Henry
8/29/03 (1,3)
-visits relatives 6/03/05 (8,1)
Ernst, Mrs. Henry
8/29/03 (1,3)
Ernst, Natalie
7/23/04 (8,1)
Essner, William
9/12/03 (1,4); 4/30/04 (8,2)
Esty, Mrs. C. B.
8/01/03 (1,2)
Euchner, John E.
1/17/03 (1,3)
Evans, Bernice
12/06/02 (1,3)
Evans, Mrs. E. L.
-sister visits 11/12/04 (8,1)
Evans, F. D.
9/03/04 (1,2)
Evans, Forest
4/25/03 (1,3)
Evans, Nina
11/12/04 (8,1)
Evans, Rockwell
1/03/02 (1,1)
Evans, Troust
5/2/03 (1,3)
Evans, ?
4/04/03 (1,3)
Evans, Mrs. ?
4/04/03 (1,3); 4/11/03 (1,3); 5/9/03 (1,3)
Everett, Clara
-divorce 3/26/04 (1,4)
Everett, J. S.
-appointed pathmaster 2/06/04 (1,2)
Everett, John S.
-divorce 3/26/04 (1,4)
Exchange Hotel
6/07/02 (4,1); 6/14/02 (4,1); 7/19/02 (1,4); 7/26/02
(1,3); 11/01/02 (4,1)
-sold 12/06/02 (1,3)
4/11/03 (1,2)
-sold 4/18/03 (8,1)
-re-opens 5/9/03 (1,2)
9/19/03 (1,3); 12/05/03 (1,1)
-chicken thieves 12/05/03 (8,1)
-shot fired 4/16/04 (1,1)
1/02/04 (8,2); 1/30/04 (8,2); 4/30/04 (8,1);
12/09/05 (1,2)
Exchange National Bank
11/30/01 (1,1); 12/07/01 (1,1); 12/14/01 (1,1)
-new building 5/20/05 (5,2); 5/27/05 (5,2)
Eyre, Fred
9/23/05 (1,3)
Factories - see Canning Factory; Cutlery Factory; Four Mile Cheese
Factory; Sash Factory; Sauerkraut Factory
Fadel, Bertha
-death of father 5/13/05 (1,1)
Fadel, Fred
-death of father 5/13/05 (1,1)
Fadel, George
-death of father 5/13/05 (1,1)
Fadel, Jacob
-accident 4/29/05 (1,3)
-arm amputated 5/06/05 (1,3)
-death of 5/13/05 (1,1); 5/20/05 (1,3);
11/04/05 (8,1)
Fadel, Mrs. Jacob
1/02/04 (8,1)
-death of husband 5/13/05 (1,1); 11/04/05
Fadel, Lena
7/16/04 (8,2)
-death of father 5/13/05 (1,1)
Fairbanks, George
1/31/03 (1,3)
Fairbanks, Joseph
1/14/05 (8,1)
Fairfield, Bertha
9/20/02 (1,3)
Fairchild, Robert
9/17/04 (1,1)
Falconio, Msgr. Diomede
-appointed Papal Delegate 1/03/02 (1,2)
-visits St. Bonaventure 5/30/03 (1,1); 6/06/03 (1,1); 6/13/03 (1,1);
6/20/03 (1,1) (1,2) (1,4); 6/27/03 (1,1); 2/25/05
Fallon, Fr. ?
6/17/05 (1,3)
Fallon, ?
5/7/04 (1,3); 6/18/04 (1,4); 5/27/05 (1,2)
Fancher, Albert
11/08/02 (1,2); 10/29/04 (8,3)
Fancher, Charles
5/21/04 (1,2)
Farley, Frank
4/12/02 (1,1)
Farley, Josephine
9/30/05 (8,1)
Farley, Miss M.
3/14/03 (1,2); 6/27/03 (1,1)
Farmer, Mrs. M. E.
9/17/04 (8,2)
Farmers' Institute
3/05/04 (1,3)
-good month 5/28/04 (8,2)
-failed crops 12/30/05 (1,1)
Farnham, Anna
-murdered 5/7/04 (1,1)
Farnham, D. P.
-death of 5/21/04 (1,3)
Farnsworth, Wallace
9/24/04 (1,1)
Farquaharson, Ethel
8/02/02 (1,3)
Farquaharson, F. H.
6/17/05 (8,2)
Farquaharson, Fred
6/03/05 (8,1)
Farquaharson, Ralph
5/10/02 (1,3)
Farquaharson, W.
4/12/02 (1,4); 9/05/03 (1,3); 9/17/04 (1,1); 6/17/05
Farquaharson, Mrs. W. L.
-death of brother 9/19/03 (1,3)
Farquaharson, William
6/03/05 (8,1)
Farquaharson Property
5/17/02 (4,1); 7/26/02 (4,1)
Farquharson - see Farquaharson
Farr, Frank
9/10/04 (1,3)
Farr, Minion
8/13/04 (1,3)
Farrar, A. M.
-marriage 1/02/04 (8,2); 1/09/04 (8,2)
10/22/04 (8,2)
Farrar, Mrs. A. M.
-marriage 1/02/04 (8,2); 1/09/04 (8,2)
10/22/04 (8,2)
Farrar, E. H.
10/31/03 (8,1)
Farrar, Florence
10/31/03 (8,1)
Farrar, G. T.
-returns to Neb. 7/22/05 (8,2)
Farrar, Gilbert
-visits mother 5/20/05 (8,1); 6/03/05 (8,2)
Farrar, Mrs. M. V.
1/23/04 (1,2)
Farrar, Mrs. Mel
8/05/05 (8,2)
Farrar, Melville
1/17/03 (1,3); 4/25/03 (1,2)
Farrar, Melvin
10/08/04 (1,2); 8/05/05 (1,2)
Farrar, S. R.
10/31/03 (8,1); 4/23/04 (1,1)
Farrell, Arthur
3/19/04 (1,1); 3/26/04 (1,2)
Farrelly, T. P.
3/01/02 (1,2); 3/21/03 (1,3)
Farrelly, Thomas
3/14/03 (1,1); 6/20/03 (1,4)
Farren, Richard
7/16/04 (8,2)
Farwell, Alice
3/07/03 (1,1)
Farwell, E. B.
-jury duty 5/27/05 (1,1)
Farwell, Mrs. H.
-death of 6/27/03 (8,2)
Farwell, M.
8/20/04 (1,2)
Fay, Adelaide
9/09/05 (1,2)
Fay, Asa
9/19/03 (1,2); 12/03/04 (1,3); 7/1/05 (1,3); 9/09/05
Fay, Mrs. Asa
-nieces visit 7/22/05 (8,2)
Fay, Barney
3/18/05 (1,1)
Fay, C. M.
8/05/05 (8,2)
Fay, Mrs. C. M.
8/05/05 (8,2)
Fay, Charles
6/27/03 (8,2); 7/25/03 (1,3); 6/11/04 (1,2)
Fay, Edna
8/22/03 (1,3)
Fay, Helen
8/05/05 (8,2)
Fay, Mrs. Mary
5/2/03 (1,3); 8/22/03 (1,3)
-visits family 9/19/03 (1,2)
-brother visits 11/18/05 (8,1)
Fay, Winifred
9/09/05 (1,2)
Fean, Florence
8/16/02 (1,3) (4,1)
Fean, George
9/27/02 (1,1); /15/02 (1,3); 11/05/04 (1,1)
Fean, Irene
8/16/02 (1,3); 8/23/02 (1,2); 9/27/02 (1,1)
Feather, Charles
8/19/05 (8,1)
Fedel, Jacob
12/28/01 (4,1)
-death of 12/30/05 (1,1)
Fedel - see also Fadel
Federal Oil Company
1/16/04 (1,2)
Fee, Mrs. Albert
-visits mother 5/21/04 (8, 2)
Fee, Clifford
9/10/04 (1,3)
Fee, E.
8/02/02 (1,2)
Fee, Eugene
-death of 4/30/04 (1,2) (8,1)
Fee, Francis
9/10/04 (1,3)
Fee, James
8/29/03 (8,3)
Fee, Margaret
4/12/02 (1,4); 1/31/03 (1,3); 2/14/03 (1,3)
-marriage to W. Bannon 11/28/03 (8,1)
Fee, Mrs. Mary
4/29/05 (8, 2)
Fee, Owen
-killed in Civil War 6/03/05 (1,3)
Fee, Pearl
8/23/02 (1,4)
Fee, R. E.
9/12/03 (1,2)
Fee, Mrs. Terrance
5/2/03 (1,3)
Fee, Miss ?
5/9/03 (1,3)
Fee Family Reunion
10/08/04 (1,2)
Feel, Terrance
8/26/05 (1,3)
Feel, Mrs. Terrance
8/26/05 (1,3)
Fell, Fr. ?
6/25/04 (1,2)
Fellows, Clarence
-visits sister 10/29/04 (1,4)
Fellows, Daniel
7/11/03 (1,3); 9/09/05 (1,2)
Fellows, Mrs. Emma
9/17/04 (1,3)
-daughter visits 9/17/04 (1,3)
-visits relatives 9/24/04 (1,2)
9/09/05 (1,2); 9/16/05 (8,2)
Felt, Mrs. A. C.
-mother visits 3/26/04 (6,1)
1/06/06 (8,3)
Felt, Anna
-death of father 3/01/02 (1,3)
Felt, Bonnie
8/23/02 (1,3)
-relatives visit 8/19/05 (8,2)
Felt, Clement
7/23/04 (8,2)
Felt, Coletta (also Colette)
7/23/04 (8,2)
-visits relatives 7/15/05 (10,1)
12/23/05 (1,3)
Felt, Eugene
-receives bicycle 7/30/04 (8,2)
Felt, J.
-returns home 12/05/03 (8,3)
-returns home 4/01/05 (8,1)
Felt, Mrs. J.
8/23/02 (1,3); 4/18/03 (1,2); 9/30/05 (8,2)
Felt, John
-death of father 3/01/02 (1,3)
6/03/05 (8,1)
Felt, Mrs. John
8/30/02 (1,4); 5/2/03 (1,3); 7/16/04 (8,1); 6/03/05
Felt, Joseph
-death of father 3/01/02 (1,3)
5/10/02 (1,3); 8/22/03 (1,1)
-home from oil fields 8/27/04 (8,1)
Felt, Josephine
8/23/02 (1,3)
-Regents Examination 6/24/05 (1,3)
-visits relatives 8/19/05 (1,3)
-relatives visit 8/19/05 (8,2)
Felt, Marie
10/14/05 (8,1)
Felt, N.
5/14/04 (1,3); 8/22/03 (1,3)
Felt, Nicholas Sr.
-death of 3/01/02 (1,3); 3/08/02 (4,1); 12/27/02
-farm purchased 3/26/04 (6,2)
Felt, Nicholas Jr.
-death of father 3/01/02 (1,3)
Felt, Nick
11/12/04 (1,3)
Felt, Miss ?
8/19/05 (1,3)
Felt, Mrs. ?
10/28/05 (8,2)
Felt's Grove
6/25/04 (8,2)
Fenton, F. E.
8/20/04 (1,4)
Fenton, Mrs. Thomas
9/27/02 (1,1)
Ferguson, F.
6/18/04 (8,2)
-birth of daughter 12/24/04 (1,3)
Ferguson, Mrs. F.
-birth of daughter 12/24/04 (1,3)
Ferguson, F. J.
8/08/03 (1,2); 5/20/05 (1,3)
Ferguson, Fred
2/01/02 (1,1); 4/18/03 (1,3)
Ferguson, Mrs. Fred
2/01/02 (1,1); 4/18/03 (1,3)
Ferguson, ?
6/07/02 (1,1)
Ferguson's Grove
6/18/04 (1,3)
Ferguson - see also Furguson
Fern, Miss M.
6/07/02 (1,2)
Ferris, George
1/17/03 (1,3)
Ferris, J. F.
-returns to New York City 9/26/03 (1,3)
Ferris, Joseph
8/08/03 (1,3); 11/14/03 (1,4); 11/28/03 (1,3)
Ferris, W. G.
6/14/02 (4,1); 1/17/03 (1,3)
Fesler, John
8/20/04 (1,2)
Field, Mrs. C. B.
-death of 1/02/04 (1,1)
Field, Mrs. C. D.
12/07/01 (4,1); 1/17/03 (1,3)
Field, Charles
11/21/03 (1,2)
Field, H. H.
8/20/04 (1,2)
Field, Helen
9/19/03 (1,3); 11/18/05 (8,1)
Field, Howard
8/16/02 (1,3); 12/06/02 (1,3); 1/31/03 (1,3)
-marriage to M. Macready 7/02/04 (8,1)
7/01/05 (8,1)
Field, Mrs. Howard
7/01/05 (8,1)
Field, J. M.
11/01/02 (4,3); 12/06/02 (1,3); 7/02/04 (8,2)
Field, Mrs. J. M.
12/06/02 (1,3); 7/02/04 (8,2)
Field, M. B.
7/02/04 (8,2); 12/06/02 (1,3)
Field, Mrs. M. B.
7/02/04 (8,2); 12/06/02 (1,3); 6/20/03 (8,1)
Field, M. C.
12/07/01 (4,1); 12/06/02 (1,3); 9/19/03 (1,3)
Field, Mrs. M. C.
-family reunion 12/06/02 (1,3)
6/20/03 (8,1); 9/19/03 (1,3); 10/14/05 (8,1)
Field, M. H.
12/06/02 (1,3); 7/02/04 (8,2)
Field, Mrs. M. H.
12/06/02 (1,3); 7/02/04 (8,2)
Field, Manley
7/02/04 (8,2)
Field, Myron
12/07/01 (4,1); 1/17/03 (1,3); 10/31/03 (8,1);
4/15/05 (8,2)
Field, Mrs. Myron B.
1/17/03 (1,3); 10/31/03 (8,1); 4/15/05 (8,2)
Field, Mrs. P. H.
3/4/05 (1,3)
Field, Parton
5/17/02 (4,2)
Field, Mrs. R. B.
6/20/03 (8,1)
Field, S.
12/06/02 (1,3)
-daughter visits 5/28/04 (8,3)
11/18/05 (8,1)
Field, Mrs. S.
12/06/02 (1,3)
-daughter visits 5/28/04 (8,3)
11/18/05 (8,1)
Field, Mrs. S. S.
8/06/04 (1,1)
Field, Sherman
8/06/04 (1,1)
Field, Stewart
9/19/03 (1,3)
Field, Mrs. Stewart
9/19/03 (1,3)
Field, Truman
-visits sister 4/29/05 (8, 2)
Field, Zena (also Zina)
12/06/02 (1,3); 6/20/03 (8,1); 10/14/05 (8,1)
Field, Zua
6/25/04 (8,2)
Field, Mrs. ?
5/17/02 (1,2)
Field - see also Fields
Fields, Charles
3/28/03 (1,2); 1/16/04 (1,3)
-in hospital 2/13/04 (1,3)
6/25/04 (8,2)
-visits parents 7/1/05 (1,3)
Fields, J. F.
11/14/03 (1,2)
Fields, Mrs. J. M.
-visits aunt 6/17/05 (8,1)
Fields, Manley
-visits aunt 6/17/05 (8,1)
Fields - see also Field
Filer, Mrs. A.
7/16/04 (1,2)
Filer, Mrs. Anna
-niece visits 5/21/04 (8, 1)
Filer, Aura
-death of 7/16/04 (1,2) (1,3)
Filer, Grace
5/03/02 (1,2); 5/17/02 (1,1); 12/20/02 (1,2);
2/21/03 (1,3); 4/04/03 (1,3); 5/21/04 (8, 1)
-marriage to E. Potter 4/22/05 (8,2); 4/29/05 (1,3);
5/06/05 (1,3)
Filer, Mrs. L.
-marriage of daughter 4/29/05 (1,3)
-relatives visit 9/02/05 (1,3)
Filer, Ralph
11/30/01 (4,1); 12/14/01 (1,2); 5/03/02 (1,2);
12/12/03 (1,3); 1/28/05 (8,2); 2/11/05 (8,2); 4/29/05 (1,3)
-election inspector 12/09/05 (1,2)
Filer, Mrs. ?
9/30/05 (8,2); 10/07/05 (8,3)
Filley, Charles
5/21/04 (1,2)
Fingerlos, Mrs. F. E.
10/03/03 (1,3)
-visits mother 1/06/06 (8,1)
Fingerlos, Frank
-marriage to H. Chapin 4/18/03 (8,1); 4/25/03
(1,1); 8/29/03 (1,3)
-birth of son 3/26/04 (6,1)
Fingerlos, Mrs. Frank
4/25/03 (1,3)
-birth of son 3/26/04 (6,1)
Fingerlos, George
10/22/04 (1,2)
Fingerlos, John
12/28/01 (1,4); 1/18/02 (1,3); 2/22/02 (1,2)
-well shot on farm 5/24/02 (1,2)
-unusual corn stalk 8/30/02 (4,2)
-breaks arm 10/18/02 (4,1)
-amber oil 2/14/03 (4,1)
-hosts party 2/27/04 (8,1)
5/28/04 (8,2)
-finds boy 6/04/04 (8,1)
7/15/05 (1,3); 8/26/05 (8,1)
Fingerlos, Mrs. John
12/28/01 (1,4); 1/18/02 (1,3); 2/22/02 (1,2)
-hosts party 2/27/04 (8,1)
5/28/04 (8,2)
8/13/04 (8,2); 11/05/04 (8,1)
Fingerlos, William
-well shot on farm 6/21/02 (6,1); 7/26/02 (4,1)
-kicked by horse 7/19/02 (4,1)
12/20/02 (1,2); 1/30/04 (8,1); 10/22/04 (1,2)
-operation 7/08/05 (8,1)
-illness of 8/12/05 (8,1)
-nomination 10/14/05 (1,2); 11/04/05 (8,2); 11/11/05
Fingerlos, Mrs. William
1/30/04 (8,1); 7/02/04 (8,2); 8/13/04 (8,2)
Fingerlos, Mrs. ?
12/07/01 (1,3)
Fingerlos Farm
-oil 8/22/03 (8,1); 12/05/03 (8,1)
Finn, Birdie
-visits cousin 9/09/05 (8,1)
Finn, Frances
4/18/03 (1,3); 8/15/03 (1,2)
-returns to position 9/24/04 (8,1)
3/11/05 (1,1)
Finn, Mrs. Francis
9/26/03 (1,3)
Finn, Patrick
-death of 5/13/05 (5,2)
Finn, Mary
-death of father 5/13/05 (5,2)
Finn, Rev. Thomas
6/25/04 (1,2)
Finn, Miss ?
1/7/05 (8,1)
-visits relatives 7/29/05 (8,1)
Finn, ?
-on football team 10/07/05 (1,2)
Finn Farm
-well 4/30/04 (8,1)
11/19/04 (1,1)
Finnell, Marion
9/20/02 (1,2)
Finnel, Mary
3/01/02 (1,3)
Finnelly, Mary
2/06/04 (1,1)
Finnessy, ?
2/14/03 (1,1)
Fire Department
-lack of bell 3/21/03 (1,1)
-building a nuisance 7/22/05 (1,1)
-need for 8/19/05 (1,1)
1/04/02 (1,1)
-Torrey residence 3/01/02 (1,2)
-Baer residence 3/01/02 (1,2)
-McAuliffe residence 3/22/02 (8,2)
-F.W. Forness & Sons 7/05/02 (1,3)
-Kahm residence 7/12/02 (4,1)
-several buildings burned 2/21/03 (1,1)
2/28/03 (4,1); 4/25/03 (8,1); 5/2/03 (1,4)
-forest fire 5/2/03 (8,1)
5/16/03 (1,3)
7/02/04 (1,3)
-Olean 12/31/04 (1,1)
-Riehler residence 8/19/05 (1,1) (1,3) (1,4) (8,2)
-Franchot lease 8/26/05 (8,3)
-Deveau residence 10/07/05 (1,3)
Firkel, B. E.
1/07/01 (1,4)
Firkel, Frank
-birth of daughter 10/18/02 (1,3)
-death of daughter 12/13/02 (4,1)
Firkel, Mrs. Frank
-birth of daughter 10/18/02 (1,3)
-death of daughter 12/13/02 (4,1)
Firkel, Jake
10/28/05 (1,3)
First National Bank of Allegany
-organized 10/17/03 (1,1); 10/24/03 (1,3); 11/07/03
(8,1); 11/14/03 (8,1)
-receives first notes 11/28/03 (1,4)
-walls decorated 11/28/03 (8,1)
-asst. cashier 12/05/03 (8,1)
12/19/03 (1,2)
-buys building 12/26/03 (1,4)
1/02/04 (1,1); 1/09/04 (8,2); 1/16/04 (1,1); 2/06/04
(8,1); 2/13/04 (1,3) (8,2)
-officers 2/27/04 (1,4)
-article in Belmont paper 3/12/04 (1,2)
-quarterly report 4/9/04 (1,2)
-financial report 6/18/04 (1,2)
9/10/04 (1,1); 9/17/04 (1,2)
-installs safety deposit boxes 10/15/04 (1,3)
11/05/04 (1,3); 11/19/04 (1,1) (8,1); 12/17/04 (1,1)
-annual meeting 12/31/04 (1,3)
1/14/05 (1,1); 1/21/05 (1,3)
-election of officers 1/21/05 (8,1)
2/11/05 (8,2)
-report 3/25/05 (1,2)
4/22/05 (1,3) 4/29/05 (8,2); 6/03/05 (1,1); 6/10/05 (1,3); 8/26/05
-report 9/02/05 (1,2)
9/16/05 (1,3)
-telegraph 9/16/05 (8,2); 9/23/05 (8,2)
10/07/05 (1,1); 10/14/05 (1,3); 11/11/05 (1,2)
-report 11/18/05 (1,2)
12/23/05 (1,2)
-annual meeting 12/23/05 (1,2)
-calendar 12/23/05 (8,1)
First National Bank of Shinglehouse
5/23/03 (1,3)
First National Bank of Wellsville
10/17/03 (1,1)
Firth, George
2/13/04 (1,3); 3/18/05 (8,2)
Fish, Mrs. E.
1/21/05 (8,2)
Fish, Edwin
-9th anniversary 4/11/03 (1,3)
Fish, Mrs. Edwin
-9th anniversary 4/11/03 (1,3)
7/30/04 (1,2); 10/29/04 (1,4); 2/11/05 (1,2)
Fish, Mrs. J.
3/18/05 (1,3)
Fish, Joseph
7/05/02 (1,4)
Fish, Leonard
7/05/02 (1,4)
Fish, Minnie
5/03/02 (1,3)
Fish, Mrs. R. L.
-visits father 7/23/04 (1,3)
Fish, S.
-jury duty 4/22/05 (1,2)
Fish, ?
10/18/02 (1,3); 2/14/03 (1,2); 10/03/03 (1,2);
10/24/03 (8,2); 10/15/04 (1,2); 12/31/04 (1,2)
Fish, Mrs. ?
10/03/03 (1,2); 10/24/03 (8,2)
10/15/04 (1,2); 11/26/04 (1,4); 12/31/04 (1,2)
-visits daughter 10/07/05 (1,2)
Fisher, Alexander (also Alexius)
-graduation 6/03/05 (1,2);
6/17/05 (1,3)
Fisher, Fr. C.
6/25/04 (1,2)
Fisher, Fr. E.
6/25/04 (1,2)
Fisher, Edna
-marriage to B. Monroe 5/20/05 (5,2)
Fisher, G.
9/20/02 (1,3)
Fisher, Mrs. G.
9/20/02 (1,3)
Fisher, Mrs. George
-visits parents 8/15/03 (1,2) (1,3)
11/11/05 (8,1)
Fisher, Glen
10/17/03 (8,1)
Fisher, Marion
10/28/05 (8,2)
Fisher, Mrs. Marion
10/28/05 (8,2)
Fisher, Matt
-new home 1/09/04 (8,1)
Fisher, Olive
-lawsuit 4/30/04 (1,4)
Fisher, ?
2/21/03 (1,2)
-streams stocked 3/14/03 (4,2)
-streams stocked 10/10/03 (8,1)
Fitch, Glenn
2/06/04 (1,4)
Fitch, Mrs. Glenn
-visits mother 2/06/04 (1,4)
Fitch, S. L.
2/22/02 (1,2)
Fitch, ?
2/06/04 (8,1)
Fitts, Mary
-lawsuit 4/30/04 (1,4)
Fitzgerald, E.
8/22/03 (1,1)
Fitzgerald, Irene
-visits aunt 8/27/04 (8,1)
Fitzgerald, Miss J.
6/24/05 (1,1)
Fitzgerald, Mrs. John
-visits parents 9/30/05 (1,1)
Fitzgerald, Josephine
11/04/05 (8,2)
Fitzgerald, M.
-Sub-Deacon 12/20/02 (1,3)
Fitzgerald, Miss M.
9/16/05 (8,1)
Fitzgerald, Mary
9/06/02 (1,3); 9/30/05 (1,1)
Fitzgerald, May
-visits aunt 8/27/04 (8,1)
Fitzgerald, Michael
-deaconship 12/26/03 (1,1)
-ordination 5/21/04 (1,2)
Fitzgerald, R.
8/02/02 (1,2)
Fitzgerald, William
4/12/02 (1,1)
Fitzgerald Lot
-sold 9/09/05 (1,3)
Fitzgerald - see also Derby, Fitzgerald & Black
Fitzmaurice, Rt. Rev. J. E.
12/03/04 (1,2)
Fitzmorris, Bishop J. E.
1/18/02 (4,1); 4/18/03 (1,2); 4/25/03 (8,1)
Fitzpatrick, Frank
7/16/04 (1,3)
Fitzpatrick, Thomas
12/27/02 (1,3)
Fitzpatrick, Mrs. Thomas
12/27/02 (1,3)
Mile Baptist Church
4/11/03 (1,3)
-Salvation Army meeting 10/03/03 (1,2)
10/24/03 (8,2)
-birthday of pastor 3/05/04 (1,2)
-resignation of pastor 5/28/04 (8,3)
10/15/04 (1,2)
Five Mile Cemetery
-incorporation 6/24/05 (1,3)
-meeting 5/13/05 (1,2)
Five Mile Farmers (see also 5 Mile Oil Co.)
-organize for oil drilling 4/15/05 (8,2); 8/12/05
Five Mile Methodist Episcopal Church
-disbanded and sold 10/03/03 (1,3)
Five Mile Oil Co. (see also 5 Mile Farmers)
-wells in Wing Hollow 9/02/05 (8,1); 10/07/05 (8,1);
11/18/05 (8,1); 11/18/05 (8,2)
Five Mile Praying Band
5/21/04 (8, 2)
Five Mile School
-basket social 6/06/03 (1,2)
-winter term 12/12/03 (1,2)
-picnic 6/11/04 (1,2); 6/25/04 (8,2)
Five Mile Union Cheese Factory
-annual meeting 3/15/02 (4,1); 3/22/02 (8,2)
-opens 4/04/03 (1,3)
4/01/05 (8,2); 4/29/05 (8,1); 5/06/05 (8,1)
Flag Day
6/07/02 (1,2)
Flagg, Amos
5/21/04 (1,2)
Flagg, David
8/22/03 (1,1)
Flaherty, Richard
5/21/04 (1,2)
Flanagan, A.
10/24/03 (1,2)
Flanagan, Martin
10/03/03 (1,1)
Flanagan, Patrick
-ordination of 12/21/01 (1,2)
Flanagan, ?
9/12/03 (1,4); 11/05/04 (1,3)
Flanders, Fred
7/08/05 (1,2)
Flanders, Mrs. Fred
-visits mother 7/08/05 (1,2)
Flemming, George
-sister visits 12/24/04 (1,3)
Flemming, Mike
7/30/04 (8,1)
Flemming, Mrs. Mike
7/30/04 (8,1)
Flenigan - see Flanagan
3/08/02 (1,1); 1/30/04 (8,1); 2/13/04 (1,1) (8,1);
3/05/04 (8,2); 3/12/04 (8,1)
Flora Dora Club
3/07/03 (4,2)
Fluent, Letha
-visits cousin 8/26/05 (1,2)
Fluschter, Charles
-jury duty 4/22/05 (1,2)
Fly, Mary
-award 6/25/04 (1,3)
Flynn, Miss A.
11/07/03 (1,2); 11/14/03 (1,3); 11/28/03 (1,1);
12/05/03 (1,3); 3/05/04 (1,1); 3/26/04 (1,2)
-award 6/25/04 (1,3)
6/25/04 (1,4); 11/05/04 (1,1)
Flynn, A. J.
11/22/02 (1,3)
Flynn, Agnes
9/27/02 (1,1); 11/01/02 (1,2); 11/15/02 (1,1);
2/28/03 (4,2); 6/06/03 (1,2); 7/25/03 (1,3); 9/26/03 (1,1); 11/28/03
(1,1); 3/26/04 (1,2)
8/13/04 (8,1); 11/12/04 (1,1); 12/24/04 (1,1)
-illness of 1/28/05 (1,1)
3/18/05 (1,2)
-graduation 5/27/05 (1,2); 6/03/05 (1,2); 6/24/05
(1,1); 7/22/05 (5,4) (8,1)
Flynn, Anna
2/15/02 (4,1); 4/12/02 (1,4); 6/07/02 (1,4); 6/28/02
(4,2); 7/05/02 (1,4); 8/16/02 (1,3); 9/27/02 (1,1)
-illness of 11/01/02 (4,1)
11/29/02 (1,3); 2/07/03 (1,3)
-illness of 5/23/03 (1,4)
-appendicitis 7/18/03 (8,1); 7/25/03 (8,1); 8/01/03
(8,1); 8/08/03 (8,1)
-returns home 8/15/03 (1,3)
7/30/04 (8,1); 9/03/04 (1,2); 7/22/05 (5,4)(8,1)
-illness of 11/04/05 (8,1)
Flynn, Edward
-marriage to B. Murray 2/25/05 (8,1)
-visits relatives 7/29/05 (8,1)
-puchases home 10/21/05 (8,1)
Flynn, Mrs. Edward
-visits relatives 7/29/05 (8,1)
Flynn, J.
11/29/02 (4,2)
Flynn, Jerry
-visits father 9/24/04 (8,1)
-death of father 12/02/05 (1,2)
Flynn, Kittie
8/15/03 (1,2)
Flynn, Miss M.
1/24/03 (1,1)
Flynn, M. C.
-son visits 9/24/04 (8,1)
Flynn, M. E.
11/15/02 (1,3); 11/05/04 (1,1)
Flynn, M. J.
-visits father 12/05/03 (8,3)
Flynn, Margaret (also Margarete)
9/27/02 (1,1); 1/24/03 (1,1); 6/06/03 (1,2);
12/12/03 (1,1); 7/30/04 (8,1); 12/10/04 (1,1)
-death of father 12/02/05 (1,2)
Flynn, Mary
9/27/02 (1,1); 11/01/02 (1,2); 7/25/03 (1,3);
8/13/04 (8,1)
-graduation 5/27/05 (1,2); 6/03/05 (1,2); 6/24/05
(1,1); 7/22/05 (5,4) (8,1)
Flynn, Matthew
12/28/01 (1,4); 7/05/02 (1,4)
-marriage to M. Hickey 9/27/02 (1,1)
Flynn, Mrs. Matthew
10/31/03 (1,4)
Flynn, Michael
6/28/02 (4,1)
-son visits 12/05/03 (8,3)
-illness of 11/11/05 (8,2)
-death of 12/02/05 (1,2); 12/30/05 (1,1)
Flynn, Michael
-death of father 12/02/05 (1,2)
Flynn, Nellie
8/23/02 (4,2)
-death of father 12/02/05 (1,2)
Flynn, T.
9/27/02 (1,1)
-promotion 2/14/03 (1,1)
10/31/03 (1,4)
-death of father-in-law 1/30/04 (1,2)
3/12/04 (1,2)
-transfers to Wellsville 1/14/05 (8,1)
1/21/05 (1,3)
Flynn, Mrs. T.
12/27/02 (1,2)
-death of father 1/30/04 (1,2)
Flynn, Thomas
12/07/01 (1,4); 12/28/01 (1,4); 3/22/02 (1,3);
11/15/02 (1,3); 11/29/02 (1,3); 2/07/03 (1,3); 4/11/03 (1,2); 5/23/03
-donates surrey 9/12/03 (8,1)
-on bank board 10/17/03 (1,1); 10/24/03 (1,3)
10/31/03 (1,4)
-travels to Wisconsin 1/16/04 (8,1)
2/27/04 (1,4)
-visits family 9/03/04 (8,1)
-marriage of son 10/29/04 (8,2); 11/05/04 (1,1)
-illness of 8/05/05 (8,2)
-to build home 9/09/05 (1,2)
-illness of daughter 11/04/05 (8,1)
-death of brother-in-law 11/25/05 (8,1)
Flynn, Thomas
-death of father 12/02/05 (1,2)
Flynn, W.
5/24/02 (1,2); 2/07/03 (1,1); 3/12/04 (1,2)
Flynn, W. A.
4/30/04 (8,2); 10/01/04 (1,2)
-marriage to G. Jones 10/15/04 (8,2); 10/29/04 (8,1)
(8,2); 11/05/04 (1,1)
11/05/04 (8,2); 1/21/05 (1,3); 6/03/05 (8,1);
7/22/05 (5,4); 11/04/05 (8,1); 12/16/05 (8,1)
Flynn, Mrs. W. A.
11/05/04 (8,2); 2/25/05 (1,3); 3/18/05 (1,2);
7/22/05 (5,4); 12/16/05 (8,1)
Flynn, William
2/15/02 (4,1); 6/07/02 (1,4); 7/05/02 (1,4); 9/27/02
(1,1); 11/29/02 (1,3); 1/17/03 (1,1); 2/14/03 (1,1); 3/07/03 (1,2);
7/25/03 (1,3)
-on bank board 10/17/03 (1,1); 10/24/03 (1,3);
12/05/03 (1,3); 2/27/04 (1,4)
-business trip 7/09/04 (8,1)
1/28/05 (8,2)
Flynn, Mrs. William
1/28/05 (8,2)
-illness of 4/01/05 (8,1)
Flynn, ?
8/23/02 (1,4); 8/30/02 (1,2); 9/20/02 (1,4);
12/12/03 (1,1); 1/14/05 (1,1)
Flynn, Miss ?
8/16/02 (1,3) (4,1); 1/17/03 (1,1); 8/08/03
Flyte, Kathryn
9/06/02 (1,3)
Flyte, Nelson
7/22/05 (8,1)
Fobes, George
11/14/03 (1,1)
Fobes, Mrs. George
11/01/02 (4,1); 12/20/02 (1,3); 4/04/03 (4,1)
Fobes & Strong
6/03/05 (5,2)
Foley, Gus
4/12/02 (1,1)
Foley, P. C.
11/28/03 (1,1)
Foley, Peter
-nomination 11/04/05 (8,2)
Foley Block (Olean)
7/16/04 (8,2)
Foley Brothers
4/04/03 (4,1); 10/15/04 (8,2)
Foley's Hall
8/23/02 (4,2)
Follett, Dr. M. C.
6/10/05 (5,2)
Folts, Floyd
4/25/03 (1,2)
Folts, George
4/25/03 (1,2)
Foos, Albert
-marriage to M. Slaytor 6/18/04 (1,4)
Football - see Acme Jr., Cranberry Stars
Foote, Cora
-marriage to A. Miller 7/1/05 (5,4)
Ford, Mrs. Charles
5/9/03 (1,3); 3/05/04 (1,2)
Ford, Clark
12/24/04 (1,2)
Ford, Delaney
4/23/04 (1,1)
Ford, Mrs. Duane
4/23/04 (1,1)
Ford, E.
4/23/04 (1,1)
Ford, Mrs. E.
4/23/04 (1,1)
Ford, Ernest
-visits sister 1/02/04 (1,4)
Ford, F.
8/08/03 (8,3)
Ford, Mrs. F.
-death of 4/23/04 (1,2)
Ford, Frank
3/28/03 (1,2); 6/13/03 (1,3); 9/19/03 (1,2);
10/10/03 (8,2); 10/17/03 (8,2)
-illness of 4/30/04 (1,2)
Ford, Gertrude
9/17/04 (1,1)
Ford, Glenn
-marriage to M. Bozard 12/27/02 (4,1); 1/10/03
(1,3); 5/23/03 (1,3)
-anniversary party 1/09/04 (1,2); 2/20/04 (1,3)
Ford, Mrs. Glen
5/9/03 (1,3)
-visits aunt 9/19/03 (1,2)
-anniversary party 1/09/04 (1,2); 2/20/04 (1,3);
8/13/04 (1,3); 4/22/05 (1,3)
Ford, H.
5/9/03 (10, 2)
Ford, Henry
--birth of son 3/07/03 (4,1)
Ford, Mrs. Henry
--birth of son 3/07/03 (4,1)
Ford, Howard
5/28/04 (8,2)
Ford, J. D.
-illness of 12/05/03 (1,3)
Ford, Mrs. J. F.
-death of brother 5/10/02 (1,1)
Ford, Leona
9/17/04 (1,3)
Ford, Lionel
4/04/03 (1,2); 1/02/04 (1,3); 4/9/04 (1,2)
-new position 1/7/05 (8,1)
Ford, Myron
-Regents Examination 4/16/04 (8,2)
Ford, Sylvester
4/23/04 (1,1); 9/17/04 (1,3)
Ford, Mrs. Sylvester
4/23/04 (1,1)
Ford, Will
1/03/02 (1,3)
Forman, ?
12/12/03 (1,1)
Formuiti, Antonio
9/17/04 (1,1)
Forness, A. J.
3/21/03 (1,3)
Forness, Agnes
12/07/01 (1,3); 10/04/02 (1,2); 11/01/02 (1,3)
(4,1); 11/15/02 (1,3); 11/15/02 (1,3); 10/10/03 (8,2); 10/15/04 (8,1);
8/26/05 (1,3)
-death of sister 12/30/05 (1,3)
Forness, Andrew
11/08/02 (1,2); 11/08/02 (1,3); 4/01/05 (8,1)
-death of father 5/06/05 (1,2)
Forness, Anna
11/08/02 (1,2); 11/08/02 (1,3); 11/08/02 (1,3);
11/15/02 (1,3)
Forness, Mrs. B.
9/09/05 (8,1)
Forness, Mrs. Bird
9/23/05 (8,1)
Forness, Mrs. C. J.
7/30/04 (8,2)
Forness, Carlette
7/29/05 (8,1)
Forness, Mrs. Carrie
8/26/05 (1,3)
Forness, Charles
-illness of 1/11/02 (1,3)
-birth of son 1/18/02 (4,1)
-new home 11/22/02 (4,1)
-birth of daughter 5/16/03 (8,1)
-new home 12/26/03 (1,4)
9/10/04 (8,1); 4/01/05 (8,1); 4/22/05 (8,1)
Forness, Charles V.
-relatives visit 10/21/05 (8,2)
Forness, Mrs. Charles
-birth of son 1/18/02 (4,1)
-birth of daughter 5/16/03 (8,1)
-death of aunt 9/02/05 (8,2)
Forness, Clarence
4/04/03 (1,2)
Forness, Claude
10/18/02 (1,3)
-death of sister 12/30/05 (1,3)
Forness, Coletta (also Corletta)
11/08/02 (1,3); 11/29/02 (1,2); 8/15/03 (1,2);
11/25/05 (8,2)
Forness, Cornelius
9/16/05 (1,1)
-death of sister 12/30/05 (1,3)
Forness, David
12/14/01 (1,3); 12/28/01 (1,3); ; 1/18/02 (1,4);
4/05/02 (1,2)
-transferred to Olean 11/01/02 (1,3)
5/23/03 (1,2); 6/06/03 (1,3)
-22nd birthday party 6/06/03 (8,1)
-works in Pa. 10/31/03 (8,1)
-fights fire 8/19/05 (1,1) (8,2)
Forness, Dora
8/23/02 (1,4); 11/15/02 (1,3)
-death of sister 12/30/05 (1,3)
Forness, Dorris
-picture in Buffalo Paper 10/21/05 (8,1)
Forness, E. J.
12/28/01 (1,2); 8/30/02 (1,1); 3/25/05 (8,1)
Forness, Mrs. E. J.
3/25/05 (8,1)
Forness, Ed
4/26/02 (1,3); 11/15/02 (4,1); 12/20/02 (4,2);
1/31/03 (1,3); 2/21/03 (1,4); 9/16/05 (1,1)
Forness, Mrs. Ed
9/16/05 (1,1)
-death of sister 12/30/05 (1,3)
Forness, Emma
3/15/02 (1,3); 8/23/02 (1,4)
-marriage to F. Carls 11/01/02 (4,1); 11/08/02
Forness, Eugene
-appendicitis 5/20/05 (8,1)
-death of sister 12/30/05 (1,3)
Forness, Evelyn
7/25/03 (1,3)
-horse wins prize 9/02/05 (8,3)
-picture in Buffalo paper 10/21/05 (8,1)
Forness, F.
6/10/05 (1,2)
Forness, Mrs. F.
11/14/03 (1,3)
Forness, F. A.
1/25/02 (4,1); 8/23/02 (1,4); 11/08/02 (1,2);
12/30/05 (1,3)
Forness, Mrs. F. A.
11/08/02 (1,2); 12/30/05 (1,3)
Forness, F. W. Sr.
12/21/01 (1,1); 1/11/02 (1,4); 11/08/02 (1,2);
12/13/02 (1,1); 2/14/03 (1,1)
-daughter visits 4/01/05 (8,1)
-death of brother 5/06/05 (1,2)
9/23/05 (1,1); 1/06/06 (8,1)
Forness, Mrs. F. W. Sr.
11/08/02 (1,2); 2/14/03 (1,1)
-visits daughter 8/15/03 (1,2)
9/19/03 (1,3)
-death of brother 11/07/03 (1,3)
-daughter visits 4/01/05 (8,1)
1/06/06 (8,1)
Forness, F. W. Jr.
12/14/01 (4,1); 12/21/01 (1,1) (4,1); 12/28/01 (1,4)
(4,1); 1/25/02 (4,1); 3/22/02 (1,1); 4/19/02 (4,1); 6/07/02 (4,1);
6/21/02 (6,1); 7/05/02 (1,4) (4,1); 7/19/02 (1,3); 8/30/02 (1,4);
10/04/02 (1,1); 12/13/02 (1,1); 12/27/02 (4,1); 1/24/03 (4,1); 1/31/03
(4,2); 2/07/03 (4,1); 3/14/03 (1,3); 3/21/03 (8,1); 4/04/03 (4,1);
5/23/03 (1,1); 6/27/03 (8,1); 8/01/03 (8,1); 8/08/03 (1,3); 8/29/03
(8,1); 9/12/03
-marble shop 11/21/03 (8,2)
4/9/04 (1,3); 4/30/04 (8,1); 5/21/04 (8, 1)
-illness of 10/08/04 (8,2)
12/10/04 (8,2)
-picture of daughters 12/10/04 (8,2)
12/17/04 (1,1)
-family has measles 1/14/05 (8,1)
-purchases home 3/18/05 (8,2)
4/22/05 (8,1); 5/13/05 (8,2); 5/20/05 (1,2) (8,2); 5/27/05 (1,2)
-leads children 6/03/05 (1,2)
8/26/05 (8,1) (8,2)
-horse wins prize 9/02/05 (8,3)
-erects monument 9/09/05 (8,1)
-court case 10/14/05 (1,3)
-visits relatives 10/21/05 (8,2)
11/25/05 (1,1)
-letter from 11/25/05 (1,1)
-Thanksgiving offer 11/25/05 (1,4); 12/09/05 (8,1)
-court case 11/25/05 (8,1)
12/16/05 (8,1)
Forness, Mrs. F. W. Jr.
8/30/02 (1,4)
-picture of daughters 12/10/04 (8,2)
4/22/05 (8,1)
Forness, F. W. & Sons
-fire 7/05/02 (1,3)
Forness, Frank
2/22/02 (1,2); 9/23/05 (8,1)
Forness, Fred
6/07/02 (4,1); 10/08/04 (1,3); 3/4/05 (1,1)
-death of father 5/06/05 (1,2)
6/10/05 (1,4)
Forness, Fritz
-travels to Kansas 1/16/04 (8,3)
Forness, H. A.
6/27/03 (8,1)
Forness, Hank
9/24/04 (8,1)
Forness, Harriet
-18th birthday party 2/14/03 (1,1)
Forness, Hattie
3/22/02 (1,1); 8/05/05 (8,1); 9/16/05 (8,1)
Forness, Helen
11/30/01 (1,2); 8/09/02 (1,1); 11/15/02 (1,3);
11/15/02 (1,3); 12/20/02 (4,2); 1/31/03 (1,3); 3/14/03 (1,4); 3/28/03
Forness, Henry
12/07/01 (1,2); 11/01/02 (1,3); 1/31/03 (1,3)
-appendicitis 12/31/04 (8,2)
Forness, J.
11/30/01 (4,1); 1/18/02 (1,4); 8/23/02 (1,4)
--birth of daughter 9/27/02 (4,2)
12/20/02 (4,2); 9/19/03 (1,3); 11/07/03 (1,2)
Forness, Mrs. J.
11/30/01 (4,1)
-birthday of 12/14/01 (4,1)
1/18/02 (1,4); 8/23/02 (1,4)
-birth of daughter 9/27/02 (4,2)
11/15/02 (1,3); 11/15/02 (1,3); 12/20/02 (4,2);
6/13/03 (1,3); 9/19/03 (1,3)
Forness, J. J.
-birth of daughter 9/03/04 (8,1)
5/20/05 (1,2)
-election inspector 12/09/05 (1,2)
Forness, Mrs. J. J.
-birth of daughter 9/03/04 (8,1)
Forness, J. P.
-purchases dray outfit 10/21/05 (8,1)
-officer of C.M.B.A. 12/09/05 (1,3)
Forness, J. R.
-attends veterans' reunion 8/06/04 (8,2)
Forness, James
12/19/03 (8,3)
-death of sister 12/30/05 (1,3)
Forness, John
12/07/01 (1,3); 7/19/02 (1,3); 6/06/03 (1,2)
-daughter visits 5/20/05 (8,2); 6/10/05 (1,2)
-illness of son 5/20/05 (8,1)
-death of father 5/06/05 (1,2)
11/11/05 (1,3)
Forness, John (Vandalia)
12/19/03 (8,2)
-death of brother 5/06/05 (1,2)
8/26/05 (1,3)
-death of daughter 12/30/05 (1,3)
Forness, Mrs. John
12/07/01 (1,3); 12/07/01 (1,3); 10/18/02 (1,3);
1/31/03 (1,3); 6/06/03 (1,2)
-illness of son 5/20/05 (8,1)
-daughter visits 5/20/05 (8,2); 6/10/05 (1,2)
-death of daughter 12/30/05 (1,3)
Forness, Joseph
8/30/02 (1,4)
-new position 11/15/02 (4,1)
1/03/02 (1,4); 4/11/03 (1,3); 8/29/03 (1,1);
10/10/03 (1,3)
-marriage to M. Harbel 10/10/03 (8,1)
10/24/03 (1,1); 10/31/03 (1,1); 12/05/03 (1,2)
-officer of G.A.R. 12/19/03 (1,3)
-visits parents 1/09/04 (1,2)
-birth of son 7/16/04 (8,1)
-death of brother 5/06/05 (1,2)
-attends veterans' reunion 10/07/05 (8,3)
-officer of G.A.R. 12/16/05 (1,3)
Forness, Mrs. Joseph
1/09/04 (1,2); 3/26/04 (6,2); 7/16/04 (1,2)
-birth of son 7/16/04 (8,1)
Forness, Lenora
8/26/05 (1,3)
Forness, Leona
3/15/02 (1,3); 8/23/02 (1,4)
Forness, Lorena (also Loryne)
8/30/02 (1,1); 9/20/02 (1,2); 10/04/02 (1,2);
11/01/02 (1,3) (4,1); 11/15/02 (1,3); 11/29/02 (1,3)
-visits relatives 10/10/03 (8,2)
10/15/04 (8,2)
Forness, Louis
-death of father 5/06/05 (1,2)
Forness, Miss M.
1/14/01 (1,3); 12/28/01 (1,3); 1/11/02 (1,4);
2/01/02 (1,3); 4/12/02 (1,1); 11/15/02 (1,3); 11/22/02 (1,1); 11/29/02
(1,2); 1/03/02 (1,1); 1/31/03 (1,1); 3/14/03 (1,2); 11/28/03 (1,1);
12/05/03 (1,3); 2/13/04 (1,3) (8,1); 3/19/04 (1,2); 5/21/04 (1,1);
6/25/04 (8,2); 12/10/04 (1,1); 2/25/05 (8,1); 4/01/05 (8,2); 1/06/06
Forness, Mamie
2/25/05 (8,1)
Forness, Marrion
-picture in Buffalo Paper 10/21/05 (8,1)
Forness, Mary
7/25/03 (1,3)
Forness, Maude
12/07/01 (1,2); 12/14/01 (1,3); 1/04/02 (1,2);
1/11/02 (1,4); 1/25/02 (1,4); 4/12/02 (1,4); 8/23/02 (1,4); 1/17/03
(1,1); 1/24/03 (1,1); 4/25/03 (1,1); 6/06/03 (1,2) (8,1); 8/22/03
(1,2); 9/12/03 (1,2); 11/28/03 (8,1); 2/13/04 (1,2); 2/20/04 (1,2);
2/27/04 (1,3); 5/7/04 (1,2)
-new position 5/7/04 (8,2)
6/25/04 (8,2); 11/12/04 (1,1); 11/26/04 (1,2);
12/24/04 (1,2); 2/18/05 (8,1); 3/18/05 (8,1) (8,2); 3/25/05
(8,1); 6/03/05 (1,2); 7/22/05 (8,1); 8/05/05
-visits relatives 8/19/05 (8,2); 9/09/05 (8,1);
10/14/05 (1,2) (8,1); 10/21/05 (8,2); 11/18/05 (1,2); 12/23/05 (8,1);
12/30/05 (8,1)
Forness, May (also Mae)
1/11/02 (1,3); 11/08/02 (1,2) (1,3); 8/15/03 (1,2);
8/15/03 (1,2); 7/30/04 (8,2)
-returns home 5/20/05 (8,1)
9/16/05 (8,1)
Forness, Michael
-illness of 4/08/05 (8,1)
4/22/05 (8,1)
-death of 5/06/05 (1,2); 12/30/05 (1,1)
Forness, Mrs. Michael
-death of husband 5/06/05 (1,2)
Forness, Minnie
1/04/02 (1,3)
Forness, Mrs. P.
10/10/03 (1,2)
Forness, P. J.
1/25/02 (4,1); 2/01/02 (1,2); 3/22/02 (1,1); 4/12/02
-home painted 6/21/02 (6,1)
2/07/03 (1,1); 4/30/04 (8,1); 10/15/04 (8,2);
12/03/04 (8,1)
-new horse barn 12/10/04 (8,1)
2/04/05 (1,1)
-moves rig 2/18/05 (8,1)
-jury duty 4/22/05 (1,2)
Forness, Mrs. P. J.
4/12/02 (4,2)
-death of brother 11/07/03 (1,3)
10/15/04 (8,1); 10/15/04 (8,2)
Forness, Pete
4/04/03 (4,3); 8/08/03 (1,3); 8/22/03 (8,1)
-purchases lot 5/28/04 (1,4)
-sells home 7/23/04 (8,1)
10/01/04 (1,2)
-new home 6/03/05 (8,1)
-death of brother 5/06/05 (1,2)
Forness, R. J.
9/02/05 (8,1)
Forness, R. J.
9/02/05 (8,1)
Forness, Raymond
3/15/02 (1,3)
Forness, Richard
-death of sister 12/30/05 (1,3)
Forness, Ruth
7/30/04 (8,2)
Forness, T.
1/04/02 (1,2); 1/18/02 (1,4); 11/01/02 (1,3) (4,1);
9/09/05 (8,1)
Forness, Mrs. T.
12/07/01 (1,2); 12/28/01 (1,3); 1/04/02 (1,2);
1/11/02 (1,4); 1/18/02 (1,4); 1/25/02 (1,4); 11/01/02 (1,3); 11/08/02
-illness of 4/01/05 (8,1)
9/09/05 (8,1)
Forness, T. F.
-sells business 7/29/05 (8,3)
9/23/05 (1,1)
-illness of 10/14/05 (8,1)
Forness, Mrs. T. F.
9/03/04 (1,2); 10/14/05 (8,1); 11/04/05 (8,1);
11/18/05 (8,1)
Forness, Tony
-blacksmith business 12/14/01 (1,3)
-re-opens Park Hotel 2/01/02 (4,1)
3/01/02 (1,3)
-purchases Park Hotel 5/17/02 (4,1)
-illness of 7/19/02 (4,1)
8/02/02 (1,3)
-illness of 11/15/02 (4,1)
4/11/03 (1,2)
-has malaria 5/2/03 (8,1)
10/24/03 (8,1); 10/31/03 (1,4); 11/07/03 (8,3);
11/14/03 (8,1)
-catches fish 3/12/04 (8,1)
-illness of 5/14/04 (8,1)
6/11/04 (8,1); 7/30/04 (8,2); 9/24/04 (1,1);
10/22/04 (8,1)
-death of father 5/06/05 (1,2)
-moves to Sherman 5/20/05 (8,1)
5/27/05 (8,2)
-returns home 11/04/05 (8,1)
Forness, Tony
-death of brother 5/06/05 (1,2)
Forness, Mrs. Tony
3/01/02 (1,3)
Forness, Veronica
-illness of 12/27/02 (4,2); 3/28/03 (1,2)
12/19/03 (8,2)
-visits sister 8/26/05 (1,3)
-death of sister 12/30/05 (1,3)
Forness, Victor
-death of brother 5/06/05 (1,2)
Forness, Mrs. Victor
10/14/05 (8,1)
-illness of mother 10/14/05 (8,1)
Forness, William
12/07/01 (1,2); 1/04/02 (1,2)
-birth of son 10/24/03 (8,1)
-new home 12/31/04 (8,1)
-officer of C.M.B.A. 12/09/05 (1,3)
Forness, Mrs. William
12/07/01 (1,2); 1/04/02 (1,2)
-birth of son 10/24/03 (8,1)
-brother visits 12/23/05 (8,2)
Forness, Miss ?
3/01/02 (1,3); 11/14/03 (1,3); 11/26/04 (1,3);
1/28/05 (1,1)
Forness, Mrs. ?
11/08/02 (1,2)
Forness Brothers
10/04/02 (1,1); 1/10/03 (4,1); 1/24/03 (4,1);
1/31/03 (4,2); 4/11/03 (8,2); 5/2/03 (1,1); 5/23/03 (1,2); 6/27/03
(8,2); 8/01/03 (8,1); 8/29/03 (8,1); 11/21/03 (8,1); 12/19/03
-awarded contract 1/02/04 (8,1)
4/30/04 (8,1); 5/14/04 (8,1); 5/21/04 (8, 1);
6/18/04 (8,2); 7/02/04 (1,3)
-finish monument 7/02/04 (8,2)
9/10/04 (8,2); 9/10/04 (8,2); 11/12/04 (8,1) (8,2);
12/03/04 (8,1); 12/03/04 (8,2); 12/10/04 (8,1)
-well 1/14/05 (8,2)
2/18/05 (1,3); 2/25/05 (8,1); 4/01/05 (8,1) (8,2); 4/22/05 (8,1) (8,2);
5/13/05 (8,2); 5/20/05 (8,2); 5/27/05 (8,2); 6/03/05 (8,1); 8/05/05
-accident 8/26/05 (1,4)
8/26/05 (8,1)
-horse wins prize 9/02/05 (8,3)
9/09/05 (8,1); 9/16/05 (8,2); 9/23/05 (8,1);
10/21/05 (8,1); 11/25/05 (8,1); 12/02/05 (8,1)
Forness Marble Shop
-barn collapses 2/01/02 (4,1)
11/08/02 (1,1); 11/22/02 (1,1); 9/24/04 (1,1)
Forney, Miss ?
7/18/03 (1,2)
Forsyth, Ben
6/21/02 (6,2)
Foster, Almond
1/30/04 (1,3); 9/17/04 (1,1)
Foster, Edward
4/22/05 (5,3)
Foster, Harry
-marriage to D. Young 10/24/03 (8,1)
Foster, Harvey
4/25/03 (1,2)
Foster, W. L.
4/22/05 (5,2)
Foster, Will
9/23/05 (8,2)
Foster, Fr. ?
6/25/04 (1,2)
Foster, ?
7/08/05 (5,2)
Foster Studholme
9/02/05 (1,1)
Four Mile School
-sleigh ride 1/31/03 (1,4)
Four Mile Union Cheese Factory
-annual meeting 12/14/01 (4,1); 12/28/01 (4,1);
11/22/02 (4,1); 2/14/03 (1,2)
Fowler, Jewett
-daughter visits 7/23/04 (1,3)
Fowler, Mrs. Sarah
-death of brother 10/21/05 (1,2) (8,1)
Fowles, Jewett
7/18/03 (1,3)
Fox, J. C.
5/16/03 (1,2)
Fox, Mrs. J. C.
5/16/03 (1,2)
Fox, John
5/21/04 (1,2)
Fox, Lorenz
8/23/02 (1,3)
Fox, ?
1/23/04 (1,1)
Fox, Mrs. ?
8/26/05 (8,2)
France, Florence
9/02/05 (8,2)
Franchot, N. V. V.
2/11/05 (8,3); 4/15/05 (5,2); 6/03/05 (5,2)
-buys preserve 7/22/05 (1,3)
8/26/05 (8,3)
Franchot, Capt. Richard
4/22/05 (1,1)
Franchot Oil Lease
-arson 8/26/05 (8,3)
Francis, Br. ?
12/28/01 (1,1)
Francis, Fr. ?
6/28/02 (1,1); 10/18/02 (1,1)
Frank, Mrs. A.
9/30/05 (1,1)
Frank, Arthur
-jury duty 4/22/05 (1,2)
Frank, Ethel
-visits grandmother 5/13/05 (5,3)
Frank, Mrs. K.
2/07/03 (1,4)
Frank, Mrs. Katherine
-death of 5/7/04 (8,1)
Frank, Kester
9/30/05 (1,1)
Frank, Mrs. Thomas
9/20/02 (4,2)
Frank, Mrs. ?
-niece visits 11/07/03 (8,3)
Frank Hotel (Olean)
-leased 4/29/05 (5,2)
Franklin, Charles
8/22/03 (1,1)
-banking 2/22/02 (4,2)
-fair 8/26/05 (1,2)
Franklinville Canning Company
2/15/02 (1,1); 3/15/02 (1,3)
-expands Allegany Canning Factory 3/22/02 (1,2);
1/31/03 (1,3); 1/23/04 (1,2); 2/20/04 (8,1); 3/12/04 (8,2); 4/01/05
(1,3); 4/22/05 (1,2); 9/23/05 (1,1)
Franz, Teresa
-marriage to G. Nusser 10/22/04 (8,1)
Fraser, Mrs. W. A.
-death of father 2/15/02 (1,2)
Frasier, Mrs. P.
4/08/05 (1,1)
Frawley, Eva
12/28/01 (1,4)
-graduation 6/20/03 (1,1); 6/27/03 (1,1)
Frawley, J. B.
10/10/03 (1,2); 10/17/03 (8,1); 10/24/03 (1,4);
1/30/04 (1,3)
Frazee, W. L.
3/19/04 (1,2)
Frazier, Mrs. Adeline
-marriage 1/25/02 (1,3)
Fredericks, F. R.
3/11/05 (1,3)
Fredericks, ?
10/10/03 (8,2)
Fredericks, Mrs. ?
10/10/03 (8,2)
Freel, Charles
11/01/02 (1,3); 11/08/02 (1,3); 7/11/03 (1,3)
Freel, D.
4/05/02 (1,2); 5/7/04 (1,4); 3/11/05 (1,3)
-visits parents 5/20/05 (1,3)
9/23/05 (8,1); 11/11/05 (8,1); 12/16/05 (8,1)
Freel, Mrs. D.
3/11/05 (1,3); 5/20/05 (1,3)
-son visits 8/19/05 (1,3)
-visits parents 10/07/05 (8,1)
-visits parents 11/11/05 (8,1)
12/16/05 (8,1)
Freel, Daniel
11/08/02 (1,3); 1/31/03 (1,3)
-moves to Oil City 8/22/03 (1,3)
-returns from Oil City 9/19/03 (1,2)
2/06/04 (1,3)
-marriage to K. Bockmier 1/14/05 (1,3) (8,1)
-birth of son 8/05/05 (8,1)
Freel, Mrs. Daniel
-birth of son 8/05/05 (8,1)
Freel, Mary
-lawsuit 2/25/05 (8,1)
Freel, Mrs. P. D.
1/14/05 (1,3)
Freel, P. H.
-new home 2/15/02 (4,2); 3/08/02 (4,1)
5/03/02 (1,3); 5/17/02 (1,1); 5/24/02 (1,2); 8/02/02
(1,2); 11/22/02 (1,3)
-horse race 6/13/03 (4,1)
9/26/03 (1,2); 10/03/03 (1,2); 10/10/03 (8,2);
1/16/04 (1,4)
Freel, Mrs. P. H.
11/22/02 (1,3); 3/14/03 (1,3); 9/26/03 (1,2);
10/03/03 (1,2); 10/10/03 (8,2)
-illness of 12/05/03 (1,3)
-injured in collision 3/26/04 (1,3)
-illness of 5/7/04 (1,4)
-illness of 1/21/05 (8,2)
-brother visits 2/25/05 (1,3)
Freel, Pat
-new horse 1/31/03 (4,1)
Freel, Sadie
11/08/02 (1,3); 3/28/03 (1,3); 7/18/03 (1,2);
8/22/03 (1,3); 9/12/03 (1,2); 9/19/03 (1,2); 10/17/03 (8,2); 12/26/03
(8,3); 4/23/04 (1,1)
Freel, ?
7/19/02 (1,4); 11/01/02 (1,3)
-addition 9/05/03 (8,2)
2/25/05 (1,3)
Freel, Mrs. ?
2/25/05 (1,3)
Freeland, A. J.
-appointed truant officer 1/18/02 (1,2)
-resigns as truant officer 5/24/02 (1,1)
1/31/03 (4,1)
-sister visits 11/14/03 (1,4)
Freeland, Mrs. A. J.
11/30/01 (1,4); 1/31/03 (4,1); 2/21/03 (4,1);
11/14/03 (1,4)
Freeland, J. A.
2/15/02 (1,2); 11/08/02 (1,1); 11/15/02 (4,2);
11/15/02 (4,2); 10/10/03 (1,3); 10/31/03 (1,1); 11/07/03
-elected constable 1/23/04 (1,1)
2/04/05 (7,1)
-returns home 5/27/05 (8,1)
9/09/05 (1,3); 11/11/05 (1,3)
Freeland, Mrs. J. A.
-death of father 2/15/02 (1,2)
2/21/03 (4,1); 3/26/04 (1,1); 2/04/05 (7,1)
-returns home 5/27/05 (8,1)
Freeland, Mabel
6/20/03 (8,2)
-visits brother 11/14/03 (1,4)
Freeland, Mrs. ?
3/15/02 (1,2); 5/03/02 (4,1); 8/16/02 (4,1)
-vp of Shakespeare Club 11/22/02 (1,2)
11/29/02 (1,2)
-officer of Women's Literary 6/17/05 (4,4)
11/18/05 (1,4)
Freeland, ?
11/07/03 (1,2)
Freeman, Mrs. L. A.
8/16/02 (1,3)
Freeman, ?
10/08/04 (1,4)
French, Archie Leon
5/20/05 (1,1)
French, C. J.
12/19/03 (8,3)
French, Carl
-visits uncle 5/28/04 (8,3)
11/26/04 (1,3); 3/18/05 (1,3); 11/18/05 (8,1);
12/30/05 (1,3)
French, D.
7/02/04 (1,4); 1/21/05 (8,2)
French, Duck
-appointed pathmaster 2/06/04 (1,2)
French, E. M.
7/16/04 (1,3)
-moves to W.V. 4/29/05 (8, 2)
French, Mrs. E. M.
-mother visits 5/21/04 (8, 2)
-brother visits 5/28/04 (8,3)
-visits family 12/24/04 (1,3)
-moves to W.V. 4/29/05 (8, 2)
French, Elsie
3/18/05 (1,3)
French, Earl
-marriage to B. Hotchkiss 6/13/03 (1,3)
9/19/03 (1,2)
-illness of 12/26/03 (8,1)
9/17/04 (1,3)
-works in W.V. 10/08/04 (1,2)
-moves to W.V. 4/15/05 (1,3)
French, Mrs. Earl
8/15/03 (8,2); 9/17/04 (1,3)
French, Elsie
10/18/02 (1,3);
-marriage to C. Hotchkiss 5/14/04 (1,3)
11/26/04 (1,3)
French, George
10/25/02 (4,2)
French, J. A.
12/26/03 (8,1); 4/23/04 (1,2); 8/13/04 (1,3);
9/24/04 (1,2); 11/26/04 (1,3); 1/21/05 (8,2)
-visits mother-in-law 3/18/05 (1,3)
8/12/05 (8,2); 9/23/05 (1,3); 11/25/05 (8,3);
12/30/05 (1,3); 12/30/05 (1,3)
French, Karl
9/16/05 (1,1)
French, Mrs. Mary
-nieces visit 9/19/03 (1,2)
-sprains ankle 6/10/05 (1,2)
-daughter visits 6/10/05 (1,2)
French, Patrick
1/7/05 (8,2)
Fresh Air Mission (also Fresh Air Children)
7/09/04 (1,2); 8/13/04 (8,2); 7/08/05 (5,2); 7/15/05
Frew, M. E.
10/24/03 (1,2); 9/23/05 (1,3)
Friel, Mrs. P. H.
9/06/02 (1,3)
Friel, ?
8/23/02 (1,4)
Fries, George
2/04/05 (7,1)
Fries, John
-appointed pathmaster 2/15/02 (1,1)
-delegate to convention 7/12/02 (1,1)
10/10/03 (1,3); 10/31/03 (1,1)
-wins election 11/07/03 (1,2)
-appointed truant officer 12/05/03 (1,2)
-resigns as truant officer 5/21/04 (1,3)
3/4/05 (1,3)
Fries, Joseph
3/4/05 (1,3); 10/28/05 (1,3)
Fries, Marie
-marriage to H. Gilmain 4/23/04 (8,1)
Fries, Mary
-illness of 4/26/02 (4,3)
10/18/02 (1,3)
Frisbee, Harvey
-marriage to Rose Fuell 12/21/01 (4,1)
Frunz, ?
8/13/04 (1,4)
Frutto, Tommaso
10/04/02 (1,1)
Frye, Miss ?
9/06/02 (1,3)
Fuchs, Fr. Bonaventure
12/23/05 (1,3)
Fuchs, Rev. Henry
6/20/03 (1,4); 10/31/03 (1,3); 6/25/04 (1,2)
Fuchs, Lorenz
7/25/03 (1,3)
Fuchs, Mrs. Lorenz
7/25/03 (1,3)
Fuchs, ?
3/25/05 (8,1)
Fuchs - see also Fr. Bonaventure
Fuell, Rose
-marriage to H. Frisbee 12/21/01 (4,1)
Fuller, Allen
-died in Civil War 6/03/05 (1,3)
Fuller, Burt
5/13/05 (1,3)
Fuller, C. T.
2/11/05 (8,3)
Fuller, Charles
4/26/02 (1,2); 10/24/03 (1,2); 8/19/05 (1,2)
-officer of G.A.R. 12/16/05 (1,3)
Fuller, Edyth
11/25/05 (8,2)
Fuller, Flan
-opens blacksmith shop 6/24/05 (8,1)
Fuller, Louise
11/25/05 (8,2)
Fuller, Mrs. M. W.
-death of father 1/21/05 (1,1)
Fuller, Mary
11/25/05 (8,2)
Fuller, Melvin
3/25/05 (8,2)
Fuller, Nelson
9/24/04 (1,1)
Fuller, P.
5/9/03 (1,4); 8/01/03 (1,3)
-son visits 3/25/05 (8,2)
Fuller, Mrs. P
-son visits 3/25/05 (8,2)
Fuller, William
-death of 9/10/04 (1,3)
Fuller, ?
5/2/03 (1,3)
-visits daughter 10/07/05 (1,2)
Fuller, Mrs. ?
-visits daughter 10/07/05 (1,2)
Fuller & Russell
-purchases wells 11/18/05 (8,2)
Furguson, F. J.
-delegate to convention 7/12/02 (1,1)
Furguson, ?
5/17/02 (1,1)
-illness of daughter 10/11/02 (4,2)
4/04/03 (1,3); 7/11/03 (1,1)
Furguson, Mrs. ?
-illness of daughter 10/11/02 (4,2)
4/04/03 (1,3); 5/2/03 (1,3); 7/11/03 (1,1)
Furgusson - see also Ferguson
Fussler, Mrs. L.
-death of brother 1/06/06 (1,3)