Mrs. Jeremiah McCarty's character recommendation for emigration purposes.(McCarty Family page)
The upper portion of this letter is written in Latin, while the lower portion states the following: "Bearer is the lawful wife of the above named Jerry McCarthy. She is about emigrating to America to join her husband. She is an honest, virtuous, well-conducted woman."
John Sheehan P.P.(Parish Priest)
At the time of our subjects emigration to America all naturalizations had been performed pursuant to federal law, under a provision of the U.S. Constitution(Art.I, Sect.8). Until 1906 any state or any federal court of record could naturalize aliens. An alien intending to be naturalized first had to file a declaration of intention to become a citizen. After residing in the United States for five years, the alien could petition a court to be naturalized. (Many aliens who filed declarations never petitioned for naturalization) The court held a hearing on the petition and took testimony from witnesses to determine whether the alien met residence and character requirements. If the petition was accepted, the alien took the oath of allegience and the court recorded the final naturalization order or certificate. Before 1906 the final order was normally recorded in the court's minute or order book, and the court usually issued the new citizen a certificate of naturalization.
Between 1855 and 1922 an alien woman became a citizen automatically if she married a native-born or naturalized citizen. After 1922 a married woman alien had to obtain naturalization on her own. Non-native minor children become citizens when their parents are naturalized(all children born in the U.S. are citizens, even it their parents are aliens.)
This news article annouced the passing of one of the McCarty family descendents. It is interesting to note that Mr. McCarthy was the Mayor of Limestone New York which gives credence to the story of coming to America the "land of opportunity". One can see that over the course of a few generations the McCarty's had gone from a family escaping the existing staggering economic conditions of Ireland, to one of local prominence in America.(McCarty family page)
obituary appeared in the Salamanca Saturday Enquirer on May 14th, 1921.
The three documents that appear above are a section of the Cattaraugus County Gazetteer for the year 1874 to 1875. The publication listed all land owners throughout Cattaraugus County in that specific year. After each name it gives the road number that each person lives on, their occupation and the number of acres that they own. The arrows with asterisks after them indicate the names of the settlers in New Ireland for that particular year. The arrows with question marks after them indicate former settlers of New Ireland who have moved to a new location in Carrollton. The arrow pointing to Michael Rowen is somewhat of a mystery to us as he has not shown up on any previous or later maps of New Ireland. An interesting fact we have mulled over, is that this is the only Gazetteer we were able to find. Did they not print them in other years?
To see an O'Laughlin Land Deed, click here.