Cattaraugus County GenWeb
Growing Gowanda": A Historical Review of Gowanda
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Franklin L. Herdeg
George J. Mentley
Martha L. Hbrdeg
Louis W. Thomas
Assistant Treasurer
Wilber & Weyand
Congdon & Congdon
Henry C . Allen, M.D.
Chester G. Bushnell
Nelson W. Cheney
Orlin J. Gutekunst
Franklin L. Herdeg
Martha L. Herdeg
Christopher J. Howard
Lito W. Law
George J. Mentley
Ralph N. Schaack
Charles E. Sipple
Fredric Weyand

THE savings and loan movement was started in this county  1831, more than a hundred years ago, by a small group of men in the home of Isaac Shallcross in Frankford, near Philadelphia. During the conversation the quesion of saving for home ownership arose and it was apparent that some sort of institution to gather tbese savings and loan them to

prospective borrowers should be started along the lines of similar institutions in England.

Thus started, this great movement of saving by the thrifty to finance home ownership has brought into operation thousands of these organizations with billions of assets and located in nearly every city and town in the country.

Inside Cover