1873 Cattaraugus Supreme Court Calandar
Below is a list of names for those involved in lawsuits in Cattaraugus County. We have no other information on these cases other than the names, which are listed on a 1873 Calendar for the Cattaraugus County Circuit Court of 1873. Some of the dates are earlier, and we assume refer to cases filed before 1873 that have yet to be heard. The name in parentheses beside each name refers to the attorney.
If you have been unable to find evidence that your ancestor was in Catt. Co., you might want to check over this list as it can provide one more clue:
- 1871 The Seneca Nation (James G. Johnson)against Wells Graves (Hudson Ansley)
- 1871 Fanny M. Canfield (S. S. Spring) against Walter Fairbanks (C. C. Torrance)
- 1872 J. Galusha Staunton (E. D. Northrup) against Stephen D. Caldwell and others. (George B. Hibbard)
- 1872 A. W. Minder, et al (Champlin, Armstrong, & Russell)against Wesley Lewis, et al (Loveridge & Swift)
- 1872 Theron C. Mosher (Cary & Jewell) against Whitman Clark, et. al (F. S. Edwards)
- 1872 Catherine C. Kellogg (Torrance & Rider) against Frank W. Kellogg (C. W. Blackney)
- 1872 Jehiel Snow (Goodwiill & Stevens) against M. Johnson Crowley (James G. Johnson)
- 1873 John McIntyre (F. S. Edwards) against Cyrus J. Cross (Allen & Thrasher)
- 1872 Moses S. Sherman (Julius Parsons) against William Hubbard (Allen & Thrasher)
- 1872 Charles H. Brooks (e. D. Northrup) against Com. P. Vedder (Scott, Laidlaw & McVey)
- 1872 Lemuel G. Crandall (Woodbury & Allen) against Mark Horth (Cary & Jewell)
- 1872 Frank E. Redfield (Torrance & Rider) against Smith S. Ransom (Allen & Thrasher)
- 1872 Moses J. Johnes (Cary & Jewell) against Mary Wheelock, administratrix, & c. (Woodbury & Jenkins)
- 1872 William Burns (Johnson & Knight) against Putnam Peet (Scott, Laidlaw & McVey)
- 1872 Nancy J. Shurman (Woodbury & Jenkins) against Samuel N. Bassett (M. E. Bartlett)
- 1872 John Cruty (Ansley & Vreeland) against The Erie Railroad Co. (G. M. Diven)
- 1872 Martin Achinback (William Manley) against Charles C. Gifford & Albert S. Cobb (Hudson Ansley)
- 1872 Austin B. Morris (Torrance & Rider) against John Crump (A. W. Stranbro)
- 1872 Austin B. Morris (Torrance & Rider) against William Morrison (A. W. Stanbro)
- 1872 George Hilsley (E. A. Anderson) against John C. Peabody and R. E. Jacobs (Jenkins & Goodwill)
- 1872 James M. Welch & Joseph F. Clark (Cary & Jewell) against Glens Falls Insurance Company (Brown & Sheldon)
- 1872 Hiram Corey (Congdon & Congdon) against Oscar Wood (Goodwill & Stevens)
- 1872 John L. Darling (Congdon & Congdon) against Darwin Graves and another (Weeden & Matteson)
- 1873 Joseph R. Jewell (D. H. Bolles) against John Manley (Scott, Laidlaw, & Mcvey)
- 1873 George Howard (D. H. Bolles) against Arthur Palen and others (William Manley)
- 1873 Peter Oyer (Vedder & Lamb) against Thomas McKernan (scott, Laidlaw & McVey)
- 1873 Nelson Morrill (Ansley & Vreeland) against Hiram A. Daniels and others (H. M. Seymour)
- 1873 Mary Phillips (E. D. Northrup) against Cephas Childs and Mary Ann Childs (A. Ward)
- 1873 Asher H. Miner (Champlin, Armstrong & Russell) against Edward Pettingall (Loveridge & Swift)
- 1873 Ahswer W. Miner (Champlin, Armstrong & Russell) against Lyman E. Davis (Loveridge & Swift)
- 1873 James H. Palmer (Ansley & Vreeland) against Hosea Townsend (J. B. Finch)
******CASES # 32 through #63 are missing from the Calendar******
- 1873 Orris Marsh (Cary & Jewll) against The Town of Little Valley (F. S. Smith)
- 1873 D. S. Van Rensselaer (Henderson & Wentworth) against Henry B. Baxter (M. Van Benson)
- 1873Hiram Mohawk (Ansley & Vreeland) against Henry Huff, Jr. (Goodwill & Stevens)
- 1873 Benjamin Bacon (S. S. Spring) against John Devine (Arunah Ward)
- 1873 George W. Watkins (Weeden & Matteson) against M. T. Jenkins (M. T. Jenkins in person)
- 1873 Milton B. Fobes (Cary & Jewell) against George Martin, George N. Fobes, and Russell Martin (Champlin, Armstrong & Russell)
- 1873 R. Joseph Pengilly (E. D. Northrup) against Mathew Fisher (William Manley)
- 1873 Solomon Hyman (M. Van Benson) against William M. Brown and A. H. Goodwill (Henderson & Wentworth)
- 1873 Hiram Pool, Chalres A. Nazro, Richard C. Kimball (Congdon) against William M. Brown & A. H. Goodwill (Henderson & Wentworth)
- no date William Beardsley (Cary & Jewell) against Hiram Beardsley (Scott, Laidlaw & McVey)
- no date Benjamin McElwain (Henderson & Wentworth) against Robert E. Guy (F. S. Smith)
- 1873 A. W. Miner, et al (Chmplin, Armstrong & Russell) against L. E. Damon, et al (Loveridge & Swift)
- 1873 Davidson Bell (Champlin, Armstrong & Russell) against Samuel Scott (Loveridge & Swift)
- Helen M. Snyder, adm'r of the estate of E. Snyder, deceased (Champlin Armstrong & Russell) against The Erie Rail Road Co. (G. M. Diven)
- 1873 Charles Job (J. B. Finch) against Charles Evans, et al (Cary & Jewell)
Contributed by Laura Greene