Vital Records from the Olean Democrat

Information extracted and submitted by Sue (Fairchild) Barry

Vol VIII no. 19 Thursday April 7, 1887

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Deaths Doings
Two Old Residents of Olean Pass Over the Dark River

John Brickell, for the past 34 years a respected resident of this city, died at his home on Tompkins street this morning, of heart disease, aged 72 years. He leaves a wife, three sons and three daughters. All of his sons reside in Portland, Oregon, two of his daughters in Missouri and the other in Kansas. Notice of the funeral will be given hereafter.

Mrs. Eliza Sullivan, for 32 years a resident of Olean, died at the Erie depot last night at the remarkable age of 102 years. She leaves several married sons and daughters, who reside in Olean. The funeral will be held at the Catholic church at 10 o'clock Friday morning.

An infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Wescott of Sullivan street is dead.

Death's Doings.

John Priest, aged 45 of State street, died Saturday evening, of heart disease. He leaves a wife. The funeral took place Monday morning from the Catholic church.

Helen, the infant daughter of Daniel Leonard and wife, of the Windfall road, died Saturday of pneumonia, aged 7 months. The remains were taken to Farmersville Monday morning via the B.N.Y. & P. railroad, for interment.

Mrs, Dora Ramsdell of Henley street, died Sunday night of consumption, aged 35 years. She leaves several children. Notice of funeral hereafter.

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Anna Sharpe, of this city, was on Tuesday granted an absolute divorce from her husband, George D. Sharpe.

Mr. Harvey Smith, father of Mrs. H. K. White, died at his home in Springville last week, aged 82 years. A great many years ago Mr. Smith resided in Hinsdale. He was a very estimable man and had been a member of the Methodist church for 62 years.

William Martin is in Binghamton to attend the funeral of his mother.

Vol VIII no. 20 Thursday April 14, 1887

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Yesterday morning Deacon Ira Hyde, one of the first members of the Presbyterian church and the oldest citizen of Ellicottville died, aged about eighty-six years.

A young man named Henry Iddings of Center county, Pa. while boiling maple sugar was seized with an epileptic fit and fell headlong into a cauldron of boiling liquid. He was not discovered until two hours afterwards, and his body fell apart, limb from limb, when an attempt was made to take it out of the kettle.

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Martin Devitt died at his home on River avenue, Erie depot, Monday morning of consumption, aged 60 years.  He leaves a wife and several grown-up sons who are employed on the B.N.Y. & P. railroad.

C. S. Stowell. Olean's democratic postmaster has been blessed with a new member in his family. Notwithstanding it first saw light and will be reared under democratic administration, the chances are not favorable for its ever voting the democratic ticket. It's a bright, handsome daughter.

Robert Cunningham of Rew City died a few days ago, and was buried at Allegany to-day.

Mrs. William Tull of Westons Mills, died Thursday morning, it is supposed of an internal tumor. Physicians from this city are conducting an autopsy of the remains this afternoon.

Amelin, the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hunt of Westons Mills, died Thursday, aged 21 days. The burial occurred this morning in the Olean cemetery.

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Wm. A. Walker of Eleven Mile, died March 24. His age was 35 years.

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Youngstown, N.Y. April 13 – As a delegation from Lincoln Lodge of Ancient Order of United Workmen, were crossing the river Sunday from Niagara, Ont. To Youngstown to attend a special service at the Episcopal church, their leader, Col. E.H. Thompson, died suddenly of heart disease. While crossing the Niagara Col. Thompson made the playful remark that if the boat should go down it would cost the Lodge $60,000. He was a custom-house officer at Niagara and commander of the Twelfth Canadian Volunteers. He was 52 years old and leaves a widow, and a son and daughter.

Vol VIII no. 21 Thursday April 21, 1887


There is living in Gowanda, Sylvester Henry, aged 89 years, and Sally, his wife, aged 88, who were married December 28th, 1819. They have resided in Gowanda for over fifty years. The above are the parents of W.W. Henry of Little Valley.

A terrible and fatal accident occurred near Cameron, Pa., a few days ago in the accidental killing of Thomas Britton by his brother Dan. The two brothers were making railroad ties in the woods, one scoring and the other hewing, both being at work on the same piece of timber, as is usual in such work, when Thomas, with his head down and his eyes on his work, approached so close to Dan, that he got in the way of his ax and it struck him on his head splitting open his skull and killing him.

Hannah, the little daughter of Daniel and Hattie Leonard of the Windfall road, died yesterday of pneumonia, aged 8 months, 11 days. Helen, the twin sister of this little one, died two weeks ago last Saturday of the same disease, and thus the sorrowing parents are doubly affected. They have the sincere sympathy of their neighbors and friends in their deep bereavement. The remains of the little one will be taken to Farmersville, the home of the parents of both Mr. and Mrs. Leonard, via the B.N.Y. & P. railroad to-morrow morning, where they will repose by the side of little Helen. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard desire to give public expression through this paper of the gratitude which they feel amid their grief for the kindness, aid and sympathy which has been accorded them during their trouble by many neighbors and friends.


Death of Mrs. Mary Pierce [Daily Herald April 15]
Mrs. Mary Pierce, the mother of Mrs. George L. Winters and of Mrs. L.G. Chamberlin, died at her home on Washington street this morning, of pneumonia, aged 67 years. The funeral will occur Monday morning and the interment will take place in Franklinville. The deceased was a very estimable widow lady and leaves three sons and four daughters.

Vol VIII no. 22 Thursday April 28, 1887


Arad Fuller of Poland, Chau. Co., a leading farmer and widely-known as a breeder of choice cattle, died last week aged 64 years.

Judge Childs in Buffalo Wednesday gave Harriet J. Westinghouse a divorce from her husband, William J. Westinghouse. The parties live in Cattaraugus county.

Dr. H.H. Crary, of Sugartown, known all over the country as one of the most eccentric characters, died at his residence in Sugartown, Sunday night of heart disease. He has lived there alone in a little shanty for years.

The mother of Mrs. J.N. Searls was buried yesterday. The funeral services was [sic] preachedby Sam'l T. Clark at 3 p.m.


Chas H. Johnson and Anna Burgeson, both of Port Allegany, were married in this city by Dr. D.W.C. Huntington, Saturday.

Mrs. Sara Altenburg, of Allegany, died Monday, of Bright's disease, aged 55 years. The funeral was held at the Presbyterian church in that village at 2 o'clock p.m. Wednesday.

Mr. Frank Dean, son of Hiram Dean, and Miss Alice Whitney, are to be married at the home of the bride in Rochester this evening. The young couple will come at once to this city, where they will reside.

Mr. Jesse C. Bowen, of the insurance firm of Bowen & Root, of Franklinville, and Miss Irene E. Vaughn, of that place, were married this morning. They are at the Grand Central hotel in this city to-day, en route for a wedding tour to New York, Rochester and Buffalo.

Lillian J., daughter of William and Sarah A. Van Allen, of Coxsackie, N.Y. died at the residence of Rev. T.J. Jackson, Tuesday afternoon. Funeral services to-morrow afternoon at 2 o'clock at the A.M.E. church.

Mrs. Dorinda Raub, mother of Mrs. O.M. Merritt and Mrs. Chas. Grossman, died at 1 o'clock Wednesday, aged 73 years. The funeral will be held at the residence of O. M. Merritt at 1 o'clock Friday afternoon, Rev. Dr. Burrows officiating.