Iacolno, Guiseppe
5/20/05 (5,2)
-harvest 1/18/02 (4,1)
Idle Hour Social Club
2/01/02 (4,1); 2/15/02 (4,1); 4/26/02 (4,1); 5/10/02
Idone, Bro. Angelicus
-ordination of 12/21/01 (1,2)
Immaculate, Sr.
-illness of 3/22/02 (4,1)
11/04/05 (8,2)
Incorporation (see also Village of Allegany)
4/12/02 (1,1); 7/19/02 (1,1); 7/26/02 (1,1); 8/02/02
(1,1) (1,4) (4,1); 8/09/02 (1,1); 8/16/02 (1,1) (1,2); 8/23/02 (1,1)
(1,2); 8/30/02 (1,1); 9/06/02 (1,1); 11/15/02 (4,1); 12/27/02 (1,1);
3/21/03 (1,1); 4/04/03 (4,1); 4/18/03
-boundary lines 4/18/03 (1,2)
4/25/03 (1,1); 5/9/03 (1,1); 5/16/03 (8,1); 5/28/04
(1,3); 7/16/04 (1,1); 8/06/04 (1,1); 10/08/04 (1,1); 8/26/05 (1,1)
-committee meeting 9/09/05 (1,1)
9/16/05 (1,1); 9/23/05 (1,1) (8,2); 9/30/05 (1,1)
-hearing 9/30/05 (1,2)
10/07/05 (1,3) (8,2); 10/14/05 (1,1) (1,3) (8,1)
-vote 10/21/05 (1,1); 10/28/05 (1,1)
11/04/05 (1,2) (8,1) (8,3)
-vote passes 11/18/05 (1,1)
-poem about 11/18/05 (1,2)
12/30/05 (1,1)
Inderlied, Mrs. J. J.
9/06/02 (1,3)
Ingalls, Burdette
5/7/04 (1,1)
Inman, Mrs. J.
5/2/03 (1,1)
Insurance Rates
-increase 9/16/05 (8,1)
International Correspondent School (Olean)
-moves 5/06/05 (5,2)
Ira Thurber Post, G.A.R.
5/24/02 (4,1); 5/23/03 (1,1) (1,3) (8,1); 5/30/03
-monument contract 1/02/04 (8,1)
5/14/04 (1,1); 5/21/04 (1,1); 4/08/05 (1,3); 7/1/05
Ireland, Mrs. John
3/21/03 (8,2); 10/17/03 (8,2); 5/14/04 (1,3)
Iroquois Brewing Co.
9/17/04 (1,1)
Irwin, Mrs. ?
3/07/03 (1,1)
Isbell, Edwin
4/25/03 (1,2)
Isenhauer, G. F.
5/17/02 (1,2)
Israelsen, Mrs. Emma
1/02/04 (8,1)
Ithaca Conservatory of Music
-offers scholarship 7/30/04 (1,2)
2/11/05 (1,4)
Ivers, John
-death of mother 4/30/04 (1,2)
Ivers, Nellie A.
-court case 6/17/05 (8,2)
Jacks, Rev. ? (also Jack)
-preaches in Allegany 7/02/04 (1,4); 7/09/04 (1,2)
Jackson, Fred
2/13/04 (1,3)
Jackson, Mrs. H. M.
5/9/03 (1,4)
Jackson, James
-appointed truant officer 1/18/02 (1,2)
10/10/03 (1,3); 10/31/03 (1,1)
-resigns 12/05/03 (1,2)
-elected constable 1/23/04 (1,1)
-appointed truant officer 5/21/04 (1,3)
9/09/05 (1,3)
-nomination 10/14/05 (1,2); 11/04/05 (8,2); 11/11/05
Jackson, Mrs. L.F.
10/03/03 (1,3)
Jackson, Mrs. M.
10/28/05 (1,3)
Jackson, Millard
9/23/05 (1,3)
Jackson, Rhea
5/2/03 (1,3)
Jackson, Mrs. William
5/2/03 (1,3)
Jackson, ?
11/07/03 (1,2)
-builds mill 12/02/05 (1,3)
Jacob, ?
12/12/03 (1,1)
Jacobs, Vina
8/13/04 (8,2)
Jaeger, George
6/27/03 (8,2)
Jaeger, Rosa
-hired as domestic 12/24/04 (8,1)
Jaeger, ?
6/20/03 (1,3)
Jaeger - see also Jagers
Jagers, F. A.
12/27/02 (1,3)
Jagers, Robert
12/27/02 (1,3); 7/16/04 (8,1)
-leaves for Buffalo 11/26/04 (8,1)
12/31/04 (8,1)
Jagers, Mrs. Rose
-death of 12/27/02 (1,3)
Jagers - see also Jaeger
Jaggers - see Jagers, Jaeger
James, Anna
9/27/02 (1,1)
James, Benjamin
11/14/03 (1,1)
-well 10/01/04 (1,4)
James, J. F.
-jury duty 4/22/05 (1,2)
James, John
-jury duty 4/22/05 (1,2)
James, Lizzie
11/07/03 (8,3)
James, Margaret
9/26/03 (1,3); 11/07/03 (8,3)
James, Mike
-accident 5/27/05 (5,2)
Jamestown Baseball Team
-female mascot 5/23/03 (1,1) (1,2)
Jamestown Oil Co.
9/16/05 (8,2)
Jamler, Fr. ?
6/25/04 (1,2)
Janda, Charles
-graduates from St. Bonaventure 6/14/02 (1,1);
6/21/02 (1,2)
Jaquish, Jessie
7/05/02 (1,4)
Jargers, Frank
6/28/02 (4,2)
Jark, P.
5/13/05 (1,3)
Jaralds, E.
-fire 4/22/05 (5,2)
Jehl - see Yehl
Jeliffe, N. C.
2/04/05 (1,4)
Jenison, Peter
5/17/02 (4,2)
Jenke, Walter
-marriage to L. Snyder 5/27/05 (5,2)
Jenkins, Mrs. Joseph
6/13/03 (1,3)
-moves to Washington 8/29/03 (1,3)
Jennings, E.
1/04/02 (1,2)
Jennings, Hugh
3/22/02 (1,2) (1,3); 4/12/02 (1,2); 5/20/05
Jennings, Miles (also Myles)
6/21/02 (1,2)
-ordained 12/20/02 (1,3)
Jennings, William
-died in Civil War 6/03/05 (1,3)
Jepson, Gilbert
5/20/05 (1,1)
Jerome, Sr. ?
4/16/04 (1,1)
Jewell, "Bush"
1/11/02 (1,2)
Jewell, Dana
11/14/03 (1,3); 7/29/05 (8,2)
Jewell, George
1/24/03 (1,2)
Jewell, J. B.
11/15/02 (1,3); 1/24/03 (1,2); 9/17/04 (1,1);
9/24/04 (1,1); 11/12/04 (1,3)
Jewell, Mrs. J. B.
11/15/02 (1,3)
Jewell, M. B.
-wins case 3/15/02 (4,3)
8/16/02 (1,2); 11/08/02 (1,1); 11/15/02 (4,2)
-wins case 12/06/02 (1,4)
-drilling 12/13/02 (4,1); 1/10/03 (1,3)
-party for Alleganians 1/24/03 (1,2)
-well 8/01/03 (8,1)
8/29/03 (8,1); 3/26/04 (1,3)
-cleared of charges 5/14/04 (1,1)
-wins case 7/30/04 (8,)
11/12/04 (1,3); 12/24/04 (1,2); 1/28/05 (8,1)
-wins gold 2/04/05 (1,4)
4/01/05 (1,3)
-lawsuit 4/08/05 (8,2)
-explosion 4/15/05 (1,3)
-court case 6/10/05 (1,2); 9/02/05 (5,5)
11/11/05 (1,3); 11/25/05 (1,2)
Jewell, Mrs. M. B.
-party for Alleganians 1/24/03 (1,2)
1/28/05 (8,1)
Jewell & Loughlin
-well 11/14/03 (1,1)
Jewell Farm
2/18/05 (8,1)
-gas explosion 3/4/05 (1,1)
Jewett, Henry
-purchases horse 1/25/02 (4,1)
Jimerson - see Jimmerson
Jimmerson, George
-scarlet fever 4/04/03 (1,3)
Jimmerson, James
-court case 2/11/05 (8,3)
Jimmerson, Robert
-court case 9/09/05 (1,3)
Joachim, Br. ?
1/31/03 (1,1); 8/01/03 (1,3)
Johns, Charlie
12/31/04 (1,2)
Johns, Mrs. George
8/29/03 (8,3)
Johnson, Allan (also Allen)
-appendicitis 8/29/03 (1,3)
-birth of twin sons 12/05/03 (8,1)
Johnson, Mrs. Allen
-birth of twin sons 12/05/03 (8,1)
Johnson, Andrew
-court case 9/09/05 (1,3)
Johnson, Arthur
-visits friends 4/30/04 (8,1)
Johnson, Mrs. B.
4/23/04 (1,2)
-brother visits 10/08/04 (1,2)
Johnson, Mrs. Belle
8/22/03 (1,3)
Johnson, C. A.
9/06/02 (1,4); 12/20/02 (4,2); 12/27/02 (4,2)
Johnson, Carrie
12/12/03 (1,2)
Johnson, Charles
8/30/02 (1,1); 1/31/03 (1,3)
Johnson, Claude
5/10/02 (1,3)
-death of brother 12/12/03 (1,2)
12/26/03 (8,1)
Johnson, DeForest
8/06/04 (8,1)
Johnson, Earl
8/16/02 (1,1); 7/1/05 (1,3)
Johnson, Eddie
-new position 5/06/05 (8,1)
-passes exam 10/21/05 (8,1)
Johnson, Elizabeth
7/12/02 (1,3)
Johnson, F.
-birth of child 1/04/02 (4,1)
-error 1/11/02 (4,1)
Johnson, Mrs. F.
-birth of child 1/04/02 (4,1)
-error 1/11/02 (4,1)
9/06/02 (1,3)
Johnson, Rev. F. A.
-appointed pastor 10/14/05 (8,1)
-reception 11/25/05 (8,1)
12/09/05 (8,1)
Johnson, Mrs. F. A.
12/09/05 (8,1)
-officer of Calendar Soc. 12/16/05 (8,2)
Johnson, F. M.
-home flooded 3/08/02 (1,1)
Johnson, Francis
-jury duty 5/27/05 (1,1)
-jury duty 5/27/05 (1,1)
Johnson, George
-died in Civil War 6/03/05 (1,3)
Johnson, Giles
8/22/03 (1,1); 11/14/03 (1,3)
Johnson, H.
4/26/02 (1,3)
Johnson, Henry
-died in Civil War 6/03/05 (1,3)
Johnson, Homer
10/11/02 (1,2)
-visits parents 9/19/03 (1,3)
-visits parents 10/01/04 (8,2)
-visits parents 9/16/05 (8,1)
Johnson, Mrs. Homer
-visits parents 9/19/03 (1,3)
9/16/05 (8,1)
Johnson, J.
5/03/02 (1,3); 5/17/02 (4,1); 9/06/02 (1,2); 2/14/03
(1,3); 4/18/03 (1,3); 5/9/03 (1,3); 5/21/04 (1,2); 5/27/05 (8,1);
6/10/05 (5,2)
-well 9/23/05 (8,1)
Johnson, Mrs. J. B.
-visits sister 11/05/04 (1,2)
Johnson, James
-sells property 6/20/03 (1,1)
-lawsuit 4/30/04 (1,4)
Johnson, James Monroe (see also Johnson, Monroe)
-death of 12/05/03 (8,1); 1/02/04 (1,1)
Johnson, Jennie
12/07/01 (1,3); 8/02/02 (4,1); 9/06/02 (1,3);
1/10/03 (1,3)
-summers in West Virginia 8/01/03 (1,2)
-marriage to E. Pierce 7/02/04 (1,1)
Johnson, John
-birth of son 7/26/02 (4,1)
-court case 9/09/05 (1,3)
Johnson, Mrs. John
-birth of son 7/26/02 (4,1)
Johnson, L. B.
4/23/04 (1,1)
Johnson, L. R.
9/27/02 (1,2)
-death of 1/17/03 (4,1)
Johnson, Lizzie
4/26/02 (1,3); 7/02/04 (1,1); 8/13/04 (8,1);
11/19/04 (8,1); 5/27/05 (8,1)
Johnson, Luva
12/21/01 (1,4)
Johnson, Mary Isabelle
-death of 5/20/05 (5,2)
Johnson, Maude (also Maud)
7/11/03 (1,3); 3/26/04 (6,2); 4/23/04 (1,2); 4/30/04
-marriage to F. German 5/14/04 (1,3)
6/18/04 (1,3)
-graduation 9/02/05 (8,2)
9/09/05 (1,2)
Johnson, Michael Jr.
-named yardmaster 4/15/05 (5,2)
Johnson, Monroe (see also Johnson, James Monroe)
5/2/03 (1,3); 8/15/03 (8,2); 8/22/03 (1,3); 9/19/03
(1,2); 10/17/03 (8,2)
-death of 12/12/03 (1,2); 1/02/04 (1,1)
Johnson, Mrs. Monroe
-death of husband 12/12/03 (1,2)
Johnson, Pauline
12/26/03 (1,2)
Johnson, Theodore
-death of daughter 5/20/05 (5,2)
Johnson, Mrs. Theodore
-death of daughter 5/20/05 (5,2)
Johnson, W.
10/01/04 (1,3)
-son visits 10/01/04 (8,2)
12/30/05 (1,3)
Johnson, Mrs. W.
-son visits 10/01/04 (8,2)
Johnson, W. F.
2/11/05 (1,1); 9/23/05 (1,1)
Johnson, Mrs. W. F.
5/23/03 (8,1); 8/15/03 (1,2); 3/05/04 (8,1)
-birthday party 2/11/05 (1,1)
Johnson, W. H.
-illness of 12/26/03 (8,1)
Johnson, Wilber
10/11/02 (1,2)
-illness of 10/01/04 (8,2)
-daughter visits 11/05/04 (8,2)
-illness of 12/03/04 (8,1)
-son visits 9/16/05 (8,1)
Johnson, Mrs. Wilber
7/12/02 (1,3); 10/11/02 (1,2)
-death of mother 2/28/03 (4,1)
2/13/04 (8,1)
-daughter visits 11/05/04 (8,2)
5/06/05 (8,1)
Johnson, William
5/9/03 (1,4); 9/26/03 (1,2)
-daughter visits 10/17/03 (8,2)
7/02/04 (1,1) (1,4)
-paints home 9/17/04 (1,3)
10/08/04 (8,2)
-nephews visit 11/05/04 (1,2)
11/05/04 (1,2); 1/7/05 (8,2); 3/18/05 (1,3)
-niece visits 4/15/05 (1,3)
Johnson, Mrs. William
-daughter visits 10/17/03 (8,2)
-brother visits 4/23/04 (1,2)
7/02/04 (1,1)
Johnson, Dr. ?
12/28/01 (1,2); 5/03/02 (1,1)
Johnson, Miss ?
12/21/01 (1,4)
Johnson, ?
10/04/02 (1,2); 10/11/02 (1,4); 10/25/02 (4,2);
11/22/02 (1,3); 2/21/03 (1,4); 4/11/03 (1,3)
Johnson Lease
-well shot 5/16/03 (1,3)
Johnson - see also Johnston
Johnston, Arthur
4/04/03 (1,2)
-Regents' Examination 2/13/04 (8,3)
-works in Perry 4/22/05 (5,4)
Johnston, Belle
5/10/02 (1,3)
Johnston, Claude
4/26/02 (1,3)
Johnston, F. M.
-birth of daughter 10/03/03 (8,1)
Johnstone, Mrs. F. M.
-birth of daughter 10/03/03 (8,1)
-visits parents 4/01/05 (8,1)
Johnston, Fred
-moves to Perry 3/26/04 (6,1); 4/22/05 (5,4)
Johnston, James
9/26/03 (1,2)
Johnston, Luva
8/13/04 (8,2)
Johnston - see also Johnson
Joiner, William
-birth of daughter 3/22/02 (4,2)
Joiner, Mrs. William
-birth of daughter 3/22/02 (4,2)
Jolles, A.
8/23/02 (1,3); 11/12/04 (1,3)
Jolles, Mrs. A.
8/23/02 (1,3)
Jones, Agnes
7/22/05 (8,1)
Jones, C. Edward
3/05/04 (1,3)
Jones, Fred
11/25/05 (8,2)
Jones, Miss G.
12/14/01 (1,3); 6/28/02 (1,2); 3/14/03 (1,2);
6/20/03 (1,1); 11/07/03 (1,2); 11/28/03 (1,1) (1,4)
Jones, G. H.
1/10/03 (4,1)
Jones, Genevieve
-graduation 6/20/03 (1,1); 6/27/03 (1,1); 8/06/04
(8,2); 8/13/04 (1,3)
-marriage to W. Flynn 10/15/04 (8,2); 10/29/04 (8,1)
(8,2); 11/05/04 (1,1)
Jones, H.
8/02/02 (1,3); 11/05/04 (1,1)
Jones, Mrs. H.
11/05/04 (1,1)
Jones, Mrs. Henry
12/16/05 (8,1)
Jones, Homer
11/22/02 (1,3); 7/23/04 (8,1)
Jones, Howard
-cousin visits 9/09/05 (8,1)
Jones, J. Arthur
11/30/01 (4,1)
Jones, J. B.
-on bank board 10/17/03 (1,1); 2/27/04 (1,4);
3/12/04 (1,2)
Jones, J. T.
-well 10/01/04 (1,4)
4/22/05 (5,2)
Jones, John B.
10/24/03 (1,3)
Jones, Mrs. Katherine (also Kate)
1/18/02 (1,3)
-death of mother 3/15/02 (1,1)
8/02/02 (4,1); 10/03/03 (1,3); 11/19/04 (8,2)
Jones, L.
9/03/04 (1,2)
Jones, Lotta
7/8/05 (8,1)
Jones, Minnie
-hired as teacher 8/30/02 (4,1)
9/06/02 (1,3); 12/27/02 (1,3)
Jones, Nina
4/01/05 (1,2)
Jones, "Shingle House"
-proposes game 7/15/05 (10,2)
Jones, Mrs. T.
10/24/03 (1,4)
Jones, T. J.
10/08/04 (8,1)
Jones, T. P.
-marriage of daughter 11/05/04 (1,1)
7/22/05 (5,4); 8/19/05 (8,1)
Jones, Mrs. T. P.
-marriage of daughter 11/05/04 (1,1)
Jones, Miss V.
6/28/02 (1,2); 11/29/02 (1,2); 3/14/03 (1,2)
Jones, W. H.
8/22/03 (1,1)
Jones, Mrs. ?
4/04/03 (1,1); 8/01/03 (1,2); 12/16/05 (8,1)
Jones, ?
2/06/04 (8,2)
Jones, Captain ?
4/22/05 (5,2)
Jones Farm
3/05/04 (1,2)
Jordan, Alba
7/8/05 (8,1)
Jordan, J.
8/01/03 (1,3)
Jordan, Mrs. J.
8/01/03 (1,3)
Jordan, Mary
8/29/03 (8,3)
Jordan, Mrs. Nellie (also Nell)
10/17/03 (8,2); 11/07/03 (8,2); 11/05/04 (1,2);
12/10/04 (8,2); 12/17/04 (1,3); 3/18/05 (1,3); 5/20/05
Jordan, Mrs. ?
11/12/04 (8,2)
Jordan, ?
-sells grocery 4/22/05 (5,3)
Joseph, Rev. see also
Rev. Joseph
12/07/01 (1,2); 12/06/02 (1,2); 6/20/03 (1,1);
12/05/03 (1,2); 1/30/04 (1,2); 7/09/04 (8,1); 12/03/04 (1,1); 1/7/05
(8,2); 2/18/05 (1,3); 2/25/05 (8,1); 4/22/05 (1,1); 6/03/05 (1,2)
-jubilee 6/17/05 (1,2); 9/16/05 (8,1)
Josephine, Sr. ?
12/28/01 (1,1); 6/07/02 (1,2); 6/28/02 (1,4);
3/21/03 (1,2); 3/19/04 (1,2); 4/16/04 (1,1); 2/11/05 (1,3); 3/25/05
-vacation 4/08/05 (8,2)
-illness of 5/27/05 (8,1)
-death of 6/03/05 (1,1) (1,2)
6/24/05 (1,1); 12/30/05 (1,1)
Joslyn, A. J.
11/11/05 (8,1)
Joslyn, Lila
11/11/05 (8,2)
Joyce, Mabel
-hired as teacher 5/9/03 (1,1); 5/23/03 (1,1)
-rehired 5/23/03 (1,1)
-resigns as teacher 6/04/04 (1,2)
Joyce, Reuben
-marriage to J. Green 4/22/05 (5,3)
Joyce, Miss ?
2/20/04 (1,3)
Judd, C.
4/22/05 (1,3)
Judd, Charles
10/10/03 (1,1)
-home from Yale 4/22/05 (5,3)
Judd, Ethan
Jureak, A.
11/30/01 (1,3); 4/12/02 (1,2)
Jureak, ?
-on football team 10/07/05 (1,2)