The Allegany Citizen
-baseball game 7/30/04 (1,2) 8/27/04 (8,2); 9/03/04
-basketball game 2/20/04 (8,2)
5/14/04 (8,1)
3/08/02 (1,3)
-election of officers 12/13/02 (1,3)
10/31/03 (1,2); 12/26/03 (1,2); 2/18/05 (1,1)
A.U.S. Baseball Team
5/9/03 (10, 2); 5/23/03 (8,1)
A.V.S. Baseball Team
5/28/04 (8,2)
A.Y.L.B.S. Society
2/11/05 (1,2)
Abbey, Lizzie
9/17/04 (1,4)
Abby, Nelson
8/20/04 (1,2)
Abbott, Delia
2/21/03 (1,4)
Abbott, Frank
4/11/03 (1,3)
Abbott, ?
5/28/04 (8,3)
Abbey, Mabel
11/28/03 (8,1)
Abrams, Billy
4/29/05 (1,1)
Abrams, Frederick
-home from Yale 4/22/05 (5,3)
Abrams, Wm. M.
2/22/02 (1,2); 3/15/02 (4,1); 3/22/02 (8,2)
-death of 4/26/02 (1,2)
Abrams, Wm. M. Jr.
5/10/02 (1,2); 5/31/02 (4,1); 9/20/02 (1,3);
11/01/02 (1,3); 1/24/03 (4,2); 4/18/03 (8,1); 5/30/03 (1,2) (10,2)
-narrow escape 6/06/03 (1,3)
7/11/03 (10,1); 8/29/03 (1,2); 8/29/03 (8,1);
9/12/03 (8,1); 10/24/03 (1,3); 11/07/03 (1,1) (8,1)
-pres. of Olean Real Estate 11/14/03 (8,2); 5/28/04
(1,1); 11/28/03 (8,1); 12/19/03 (1,4) (8,1); 2/27/04 (8,2) ; 7/23/04
(8,2); 9/03/04 (1,3); 10/01/04 (1,2)
-hosts dinner 11/05/04 (1,3)
-real estate deal 11/12/04 (8,2)
12/03/04 (1,1); 12/24/04 (1,1); 1/14/05 (1,2) (8,2);
2/11/05 (1,4); 2/18/05 (1,1); 4/15/05 (1,3); 5/13/05 (1,2); 5/27/05
(1,3); 6/03/05 (1,4); 6/10/05 (1,4); 6/17/05 (8,2); 7/15/05
-returns from WV 10/28/05 (8,2)
12/02/05 (1,2); 12/23/05 (1,3); 12/30/05 (1,2)
-not running for mayor 1/06/06 (8,1)
Abrams, Mrs. Wm. M. Jr.
9/20/02 (1,3); 11/01/02 (1,3); 4/18/03
-narrow escape 6/06/03 (1,3)
8/15/03 (1,2); 2/18/05 (1,1)
Abrams, William M. Jr. 2nd
11/14/03 (8,2); 5/27/05 (1,3); 6/03/05 (1,4)
Abrams, ?
6/18/04 (1,3)
Abrams & Sons
11/30/01 (1,1); 12/07/01 (1,1); 12/14/01 (1,1);
3/01/02 (1,2); 3/22/02 (8,2); 7/12/02 (4,1) (4,2); 8/23/02 (4,1);
8/30/02 (4,1); 12/13/02 (4,1); 12/20/02 (4,2); 2/07/03 (4,1); 2/21/03
(1,1); 2/21/03 (4,1); 4/04/03 (4,1); 5/30/03 (1,1) (1,2) (10,1);
6/06/03 (1,2); 6/13/03 (4,1); 7/11/03 (10,1); 8/29/03 (1,1); 10/24/03
(1,2); 11/21/03 (1,1); 11/28/03 (1,3); 12/05/03 (8,1); 12/12/03 (8,2);
12/19/03 (1,4) (8,1); 2/13/04 (1,2); 2/20/04 (1,3) (8,2); 2/27/04 (8,1)
(8,3); 6/25/04 (1,5); 7/02/04 (1,1); 7/09/04 (1,2)
-tannery fire 10/01/04 (1,2); 11/26/04 (1,1);
10/22/04 (1,2); 10/29/04 (1,3); 12/03/04 (8,2); 12/24/04 (1,1);
12/31/04 (1,1); 1/14/05 (8,2); 2/18/05 (1,3); 3/18/05 (1,2); 4/15/05
(5,2); 4/22/05 (1,1); 4/29/05 (1,3); 6/17/05 (4,4); 7/08/05 (8,1);
7/15/05 (1,3); 7/22/05 (1,3) (5,4); 7/29/05 (1,1) (1,3); 8/05/05 (1,2);
8/19/05 (1,1); 9/02/05 (8,3); 10/07/05 (1,1); 10/28/05 (8,2); 11/11/05
(1,1) (1,2)
-calendars 12/23/05 (1,3)
Abrams & Smith
11/14/03 (1,1)
Academy of Music
-fire 2/20/04 (8,1)
Acenbach, ?
11/28/03 (1,2)
Achenbach, Fred
11/22/02 (4,1)
Achenbach, ?
-marriage 3/08/02 (4,1)
1/16/04 (8,2)
Achuman, A.
12/05/03 (1,2)
Ackerly, H.
3/28/03 (1,2)
Ackerman, Alta
-marriage to C. Klinesmith 6/06/03 (1,1)
Ackley, Ira
8/22/03 (1,1)
Acme Jr. Football Team
11/05/04 (8,1)
Acme Milling
-merges with Crescent 12/07/01 (1,3)
12/28/01 (1,1); 1/18/02 (1,3)
-new storehouse 10/04/02 (4,2)
-new addition 8/08/03 (8,1)
10/24/03 (1,2)
-death of former owner 2/20/04 (8,1)
5/7/04 (1,2); 11/05/04 (1,3)
-addtion 4/08/05 (8,1); 4/15/05 (1,3)
4/15/05 (1,1); 9/23/05 (1,1); 12/23/05 (1,1)
-enlargement 12/30/05 (1,1)
Acton, Miss D.
1/18/02 (1,2); 6/28/02 (1,1)
Adams, Charles
-court case 9/09/05 (1,3)
Adams, George
11/30/01 (1,1); 12/07/01 (1,1); 12/14/01 (1,1);
8/20/04 (1,2)
Adams, H. O.
-wins gold 2/04/05 (1,4)
Adams, Mrs. Lina
1/16/04 (8,3)
Adams, Luna
8/05/05 (8,2)
Adams, ?
2/20/04 (1,1); 2/27/04 (1,2)
Adel, Charley - see Edel, Charlie
Adelbert, George
2/01/02 (1,1)
Admirabillis, Sr. M.
-death of 1/06/06 (8,2)
Adolph, Rev. ?
6/20/03 (1,3); 6/17/05 (1,3)
Adoniram Lodge (Masons)
12/07/01 (4,1)
-installation of officers 1/18/02 (1,2)
5/17/02 (4,2); 10/18/02 (4,1)
-election of officers 1/03/02 (1,4)
1/17/03 (4,1); 5/9/03 (10, 1); 9/19/03 (8,1);
9/26/03 (1,1)
-election of officers 1/02/04 (1,3)
1/09/04 (8,1); 1/16/04 (8,1); 5/28/04 (1,1)
-confer degrees 7/16/04 (1,3)
-election of officers 12/31/04 (1,1)
-death of member 4/9/04(1,1) 4/16/04 (8,2); 1/14/05 (1,3) (8,2)
-convention 11/11/05 (8,2); 11/18/05 (8,1)
-election of officers 12/30/05 (1,1)
Adsit, Myron
4/25/03 (1,2)
Adsit – see also Mulholland &
African Americans
1/28/05 (8,1)
Agatt, Henry
4/25/03 (1,2)
Agett, Mary
-marriage to H. Tapp 8/13/04 (1,1)
Agliozzi, G.
7/15/05 (1,3)
Agostinove, Dominco
10/04/02 (1,1)
Ainsley, H.
-lawsuit 4/30/04 (1,4)
Alderman, E. E.
-death of 9/10/04 (8,2)
Aldridge, Lester
-court case 9/09/05 (1,3)
Alock - see Alcock
Alcock, J. J.
3/01/02 (1,2); 1/03/02 (1,2)
Alcock, Jeremiah
1/03/02 (1,2); 6/20/03 (1,4)
Alderman, C. H.
10/18/02 (4,2)
Alderman, E. E.
7/12/02 (4,1); 11/01/02 (1,1); 11/08/02 (1,2)
Alexander, J. W.
8/02/02 (1,2)
-sells wells 1/16/04 (1,2)
Alexander, Br. ?
1/31/03 (1,1)
Alexander, Fr. ?
1/30/04 (1,2); 5/7/04 (1,4)
Alfreds, Baldaman
7/23/04 (8,2)
Afreel, Dijkens
7/15/05 (1,3)
Alger, Dave
5/03/02 (1,3); 5/2/03 (1,3)
Alger, Harry
2/13/04 (1,3)
Alger, W.
5/9/03 (1,1); 5/23/03 (1,2); 3/25/05 (1,1)
Alger, ?
8/09/02 (1,3)
Alger, Mrs. ?
8/09/02 (1,3)
Allain, Edward
2/20/04 (8,2)
-1903 recap 1/02/04 (1,1)
-lawsuit against 5/13/05 (8,2)
Allegany Athletic Club
-indoor baseball game 12/10/04 (8,1)
-basketball team 3/25/05 (10,2)
Allegany Canning Factory - see Canning Factory
Allegany Cemetery Association
5/03/02 (1,1); 4/25/03 (1,3); 5/2/03 (8,2)
-improvements 6/06/03 (1,1)
-Soldiers and Sailors’ Monument 10/03/03 (1,2) (8,1)
-annual meeting 5/13/05 (1,1)
Allegany Citizen - see Citizen Publishing
Allegany Creamery
2/22/02 (1,1); 3/08/02 (4,3); 7/12/02 (4,1);
12/06/02 (1,1)
-closed 8/01/03 (1,1)
Allegany Dancing Class
4/23/04 (1,3)
Allegany Gun Club – see Gun Club
Allegany Legion
-banquet 12/10/04 (1,2)
Allegany Merchants
-Trading Stamps 6/04/04 (1,3)
Allegany Midgets (baseball)
8/06/04 (8,1)
Allegany Pedestrian Club
11/07/03 (8,1)
Allegany River
-over banks 12/21/01 (4,1)
-over banks 1/31/03 (4,1)
-ice jam 3/25/05 (8,2)
Allegany River House
3/15/02 (1,1)
Allegany Stars (baseball)
8/13/04 (8,2)
Allegany Town Board - see Town Board; Town Meeting
Allegany, Town of
-lawsuit 12/24/04 (1,2)
Allegany Young Ladies Basket Social Society – see A.Y. L. B. S. Society
Allen, ?
-birth of son 7/22/05 (8,1)
Allen, Mrs. ?
-birth of son 7/22/05 (8,1)
Allen, Rev. A. B.
1/30/04 (1,1); 7/1/05 (5,4)
Allen, Anna
-visits aunt 9/19/03 (1,2)
12/19/03 (8,3);
-illness of 4/23/04 (1,2)
5/14/04 (1,3); 6/11/04 (1,2) 8/13/04 (1,3); 11/05/04
(1,2); 12/02/05 (1,3); 12/30/05 (1,3)
Allen, B. R.
5/2/03 (1,3); 5/28/04 (8,3); 6/11/04 (1,2); 7/02/04
(1,4); 8/06/04 (1,1); 3/11/05 (1,2)
Allen, Mrs. B. R.
-visits parents 5/28/04 (8,3)
11/26/04 (1,3)
-brother visits 4/29/05 (8, 2)
12/30/05 (1,3)
Allen, C. M.
9/17/04 (1,1)
Allen, D.
8/20/04 (1,2)
Allen, Daniel
-death of 12/12/03 (8,1)
Allen, E.
5/21/04 (8, 2)
Allen, Mrs. E.
5/9/03 (1,4); 6/13/03 (1,3); 8/01/03 (1,3); 8/22/03
(1,3); 9/19/03 (1,2)
-illness of 11/21/03 (1,3)
4/23/04 (1,2)
-supt. of Sunday School 6/11/04 (1,2)
9/17/04 (1,3); 10/08/04 (1,2); 12/24/04 (1,3);
1/21/05 (8,2); 3/18/05 (1,3); 11/25/05 (8,3)
Allen, E. A.
7/02/04 (1,4)
Allen, Ed
-illness of 11/14/03 (1,4)
Allen, Mrs. Elizabeth
7/16/04 (1,3); 8/20/04 (1,2); 12/30/05 (1,3)
Allen, Elmer
3/19/04 (1,2)
-death of daughter 10/29/04 (1,3); 11/05/04 (1,1)
Allen, Florence
2/14/03 (1,4); 4/04/03 (1,2)
7/30/04 (8,1); 8/13/04 (8,2); 10/28/05 (1,1)
Allen, Rev. G.
7/09/04 (8,2); 8/13/04 (1,3); 9/17/04 (8,1);
10/08/04 (1,2); 10/08/04 (8,2); 11/26/04 (1,3) (1,4); 6/10/05 (1,2);
12/09/05 (1,2)
Allen, Mrs. G.
10/08/04 (1,2); 11/26/04 (1,3); 6/10/05
-death of cousin 12/09/05 (1,2)
Allen, Gertrude
4/25/03 (1,3)
Allen, Mrs. H. G.
6/10/05 (5,2)
Allen, H. S.
9/23/05 (1,3)
Allen, Harry
6/13/03 (1,3); 8/15/03 (8,2); 12/26/03 (8,1);
7/02/04 (1,4) 7/16/04 (1,2); 8/13/04 (1,3); 6/10/05 (1,2)
-elected school trustee 8/12/05 (8,2)
11/18/05 (8,1); 12/30/05 (1,3)
Allen, Henry
-rabid cow 6/14/02 (4,1)
Allen, Howard
5/28/04 (8,3)
Allen, Dr. J. Ross
11/07/03 (1,1); 7/08/05 (5,2)
Allen, Lura
11/05/04 (1,2)
Allen, Mabel
5/2/03 (1,3); 6/13/03 (1,3); 8/01/03 (1,3); 8/15/03
-visits aunt 9/19/03 (1,2)
12/19/03 (8,3); 4/23/04 (1,2); 5/14/04 (1,3);
6/11/04 (1,2); 8/13/04 (1,3); 9/10/04 (1,3) 11/05/04 (1,2); 7/8/05
(8,1); 12/02/05 (8,1)
Allen, Maynard
4/23/04 (1,1); 7/02/04 (1,4); 9/17/04 (1,3); 3/11/05
(1,2); 12/30/05 (1,3)
Allen, Minnie
5/2/03 (1,3); 8/15/03 (8,2); 11/21/03 (1,3); 7/02/04
(1,4); 11/05/04 (1,2); 3/11/05 (1,2); 3/25/05 (8,2); 5/06/05
Allen, O.
-death of 12/28/01 (1,1)
Allen, Patrick
9/17/04 (1,3)
Allen, Richard
5/13/05 (1,3)
Allen, Rose
-visits relatives 4/29/05 (8, 2)
Allen, S.
8/20/04 (1,2)
Allen, Dr. S. P.
8/08/03 (1,2); 5/28/04 (1,1)
Allen, Sophia
9/17/04 (8,1)
Allen, Rev. W. G.
3/05/04 (8,2)
Allen, ?
2/01/02 (1,1); 10/04/02 (1,3); 11/28/03 (1,2);
1/16/04 (8,2); 2/06/04 (1,1)
Allen, Dr. ?
11/19/04 (8,2)
Allen, Rev. ?
7/02/04 (1,4); 7/16/04 (1,2); 7/23/04 (1,3); 8/20/04
Allenburg, Mrs. E. F.
7/11/03 (1,4)
Allenburg – see also Altenburg
Almeter, Peter
1/09/04 (1,4)
Aloysius. Fr.
6/24/05 (1,4)
Alphonse, Bro. ?
-ordination of 12/21/01 (1,2)
Altenburg, A. F.
-death of son 9/09/05 (8,3)
Altenburg, Mrs. A. F.
-death of son 9/09/05 (8,3)
Altenburg, Mrs. A. L.
-visits relatives 5/13/05 (8,1)
-death of son 8/26/05 (8,3)
Altenburg, Mrs. E. F.
8/15/03 (1,2)
Altenburg, F. F.
-visits relatives 2/11/05 (8,1)
Altenburg, H. C.
5/17/02 (4,1); 8/02/02 (1,4); 8/30/02 (1,4); 9/06/02
-attends encampment 10/04/02 (4,1)
-resigns as assessor 5/16/03 (1,1)
-attends veterans’ reunion 10/07/05 (8,3)
10/14/05 (1,1)
Altenburg, Mrs. H. F.
-death of mother 2/18/05 (8,1); 2/25/05 (1,2)
-relatives visit 7/29/05 (5,5)
Altenburg, Henry
4/23/04 (1,1); 5/21/04 (1,1); 6/04/04 (1,1); 5/20/05
(1,1); 5/27/05 (1,1); 6/03/05 (1,3)
Altenburg, Howard
-death of 9/09/05 (8,3)
Altenburg, Melissa
-death of 6/18/04 (1,3)
Altenburg, Morris
-killed in Civil War 6/03/05 (1,3)
Altenburg – see also Allenburg
Altiger, ?
4/26/02 (1,1)
Altoft, Emily Eliza
-death of 1/11/02 (4,1)
Altoft, Rev. G. B.
1/11/02 (1,2)
-death of daughter 1/11/02 (4,1)
1/18/02 (1,4); 9/20/02 (4,1)
-birth of son 10/11/02 (4,1)
-death of brother and quarantined 11/29/02 (1,3)
-resigns 1/03/02 (1,4)
Altoft, Mrs. G. B.
-death of daughter 1/11/02 (4,1)
1/18/02 (1,4)
-birth of son 10/11/02 (4,1)
Alvam, Anthony
1/17/03 (1,3)
Alvin, Mrs. Minnie
-death of mother 5/13/05 (5,2)
American Hide and Leather (Olean)
-fire 10/01/04 (1,2)
-to rebuild 10/15/04 (8,2)
-not to rebuild 11/26/04 (1,1)
American Legion National Protective Legion
-installation of officers 5/9/03 (10, 2)
American Palace Laundry
-new equipment 5/20/05 (5,2)
Ames, Dr. A. D.
5/14/04 (8,1)
Ames, Lora
5/14/04 (8,1)
Ames, T. J.
-appointed deputy 1/09/04 (1,3)
Amidon, Lee
-court case 9/09/05 (1,3)
Ammerman, Roseline
7/22/05 (8,2)
Amole, ?
4/26/02 (1,1)
Amoor – see Amore
Amore, J.
8/30/02 (1,1); 11/29/02 (1,3)
-new job 5/28/04 (8,3)
Amore, Mrs. J.
12/07/01 (1,3); 8/30/02 (1,1); 11/01/02 (4,3);
11/29/02 (1,3); 12/27/02 (4,2); 3/25/05 (8,2)
Amore, Joseph
-birth of daughter 9/19/03 (8,1)
Amore, Mrs. Joseph
-birth of daughter 9/19/03 (8,1)
Amore, Phillip
11/01/02 (4,3)
Anacletus, Fr. ?
6/25/04 (1,2)
-death of 5/06/05 (8,2)
Anderfer, Mrs. William
8/26/05 (8,2)
Anderson, A. W.
9/23/05 (1,3)
Anderson, Frank
5/14/04 (1,3)
Anderson, Mrs. John
-death of mother 1/18/02 (1,1)
Anderson, Severnie
9/17/04 (1,4)
Anderson, ?
2/06/04 (8,2)
Anderson, Mrs. ?
-death of 11/25/05 (8,1)
Andres, Mary
12/27/02 (1,2)
Andres, Paul
12/27/02 (1,2)
Andrews, B. N.
2/25/05 (1,4)
Andrews, C.
9/27/02 (1,1); 9/09/05 (1,3)
Andrews, Charles
6/04/04 (8,1)
Andrews, Mrs. Charles
6/04/04 (8,1)
Andrew, D. H.
1/30/04 (1,3)
Andrews, E.
7/05/02 (1,4)
-jury duty 5/27/05 (1,1)
Andrews, Mrs. E.
7/05/02 (1,4)
Andrews, Nellie
11/08/02 (1,3)
Andrews, W. Almond
-hired as principal 5/23/03 (1,1)
8/01/03 (1,2); 10/24/03 (1,2); 12/05/03 (1,3);
1/09/04 (1,1); 2/13/04 (1,1)
-contract 3/05/04 (1,2)
3/26/04 (1,1); 5/28/04 (1,1); 6/04/04 (8,1); 7/02/04
(1,2) (8,1); 8/20/04 (8,1)
-school principal 9/03/04 (1,1)
9/03/04 (1,3); 11/05/04 (1,3); 1/7/05 (1,1); 2/11/05
(1,1); 4/08/05 (1,2); 6/10/05 (1,1); 7/15/05 (10,1); 9/02/05 (8,1);
12/23/05 (1,1); 1/06/06 (1,4)
Andrews, Mrs. Mrs. W. Almond
7/15/05 (10,1); 9/02/05 (8,1)
Andrews, Charles
6/10/05 (1,1)
Andrews, Mrs. ?
3/26/04 (1,1); 3/26/04 (1,2); 4/08/05 (1,2);
11/18/05 (1,4)
Angelicus, Bro. - see Idone, Br. Angelicus
Angelo, Martinelli
12/24/04 (1,2)
Angelus, Fr. ? (see also O’Connor,
Fr. Angelus)
12/27/02 (1,2); 3/14/03 (1,3); 11/07/03 (1,3)
-jubilee 6/17/05 (1,3)
-illness of 10/28/05 (8,1)
-death of 11/11/05 (1,1)
Anglum, ?
10/08/04 (1,4)
Anibas, Alexander
1/17/03 (1,3)
Annis, M.
4/25/03 (1,2)
Applebee, May
8/05/05 (8,2)
Applebee, John
9/16/05 (1,2)
Applebee, Mrs. John
-marriage of daughter 9/16/05 (1,2)
Applebee, Mayme
-marriage to E. Rehler 9/16/05 (1,2)
Arbor Day
-exercises 4/26/02 (1,2); 5/03/02 (4,1); 5/16/03
Arden, M. M.
-opens auction house 4/29/05 (5,2)
Areese, Gaetano
-graduation 6/18/04 (1,2); 6/25/04 (1,2)
Argust, David
9/20/02 (1,3)
Armour & Co.
9/02/05 (1,1)
Armstrong, A.
-daughter visits 9/16/05 (1,2)
Armstrong, Mrs. A.
-daughter visits 9/16/05 (1,2)
Armstrong, Claude
5/20/05 (8,2)
Armstrong, Lillian
7/15/05 (1,3)
Armstrong, Mrs. Rebecca
-lawsuit against Allegany 9/06/02 (1,2)
Armstrong, Grace
11/01/02 (1,2)
Armstrong, William
-appointed pathmaster 2/15/02 (1,1)
-appointed pathmaster 2/06/04 (1,2)
Arner, Mrs. J.
1/30/04 (1,1)
Arnold, Charles
-hunting party 10/28/05 (8,2)
Arnold, Wesley
4/23/04 (1,1)
Ashcraft, Clarence
4/23/04 (1,1)
Ashton, Rev. J. W. (also Dr.)
3/18/05 (1,2); 4/15/05 (5,2); 4/22/05 (5,3); 5/20/05
(1,1); 5/27/05 (1,1); 6/03/05 (1,3)
Ashton, Dr. L. B.
-visits sister 8/26/05 (8,1)
Ashton, Mrs M.
7/29/05 (8,1)
Ashton, Mrs. Sarah
7/29/05 (8,1)
Ashton, Dr. ?
9/10/04 (1,2)
6/25/04 (1,5); 7/30/04 (1,3); 8/06/04 (1,4); 7/15/05
(1,1); 9/02/05 (1,2)
Astrich, Henry
1/30/04 (1,3)
Aterbury, William
7/29/05 (1,1)
Atherton, C. W.
1/30/04 (8,1)
Atherton, Miss L.
10/31/03 (1,1)
Athletic Club
-formed 1/17/03 (1,1)
1/17/03 (1,3); 2/07/03 (1,1)
-defeated 2/21/03 (4,1)
-Jr. Team named 2/28/03 (4,2)
-victory 2/28/03 (4,2); 3/21/03 (1,2)
5/23/03 (8,1); 5/30/03 (1,1) (10,2)
-entertainment 6/06/03 (1,2)
10/10/03 (8,1); 11/14/03 (1,2)
-basketball game 11/21/03 (1,2)
11/21/03 (1,2) (1,3); 11/28/03 (1,2)
-plays Buffalo team 12/05/03 (8,2); 12/12/03 (1,1);
12/19/03 (8,1)
-defeats Catt. 12/26/03 (8,2)
-loss to Hornellsville 1/09/04 (1,1)
1/09/04 (1,3)
-annual meeting 1/16/04 (8,2)
-defeats Portville 1/23/04 (1,1)
1/30/04 (1,1) (1, 3)
-plays Olean team 2/06/04 (1,1)
-loses 2/06/04 (8,2) (8,3); 2/13/04 (1,3)
Atwater, Chester
5/13/05 (5,2)
Atwood, Henry
8/20/04 (1,2)
Atwood – see also McEwen
& Atwood
Aubrey, ?
4/26/02 (1,1)
Augustin, Br. ?
-ordination of 12/21/01 (1,2)
Austin, Alfred
11/15/02 (4,2)
Austin, E.
-illness of 4/25/03 (1,3)
Austin, Eugene
-death of brother 4/25/03 (1,2)
8/20/04 (8,3)
Austin, Flora
-death of brother 4/25/03 (1,2) (1,3)
Austin, Fred
9/23/05 (1,3)
Austin, G.
4/23/04 (1,1)
Austin, Herbert
-death of 4/25/03 (1,2) (1,3); 1/02/04 (1,1)
Austin, Ruth
-home burns 1/04/02 (1,1)
9/05/03 (1,3); 7/09/04 (8,1)
Autley, ?
2/06/04 (8,2)
7/11/03 (1,2)
-Millers purchase 9/10/04 (8,2)
-county organization 4/22/05 (5,3)
Avery, M. F.
2/07/03 (1,3)
Avery, Mrs. M. F.
2/07/03 (1,3)
Ayers, ?
5/7/04 (1,3)