Susan Edmonds, a relative of Gerald Donigan, a casualty in Company I, has furnished me with some newspaper clippings of obituaries of some of the men, as well as list of casualties. Some of the names now have links to additional information about that individual. Thanks Susan.
For those of you who may have had ancestors or relatives in the Great War from Cattaraugus and Erie County there may be some "connections" in these lists. They not only list the soldiers name, but his next of kin, and their address and relationship. Many from Olean, Buffalo, Allegany, and a few from NYC and elsewhere.
The origin of these documents is
They are typed carbon copies. The paper appears to have been provided
the YMCA with a YMCA logo with the word "on active service with the
Expeditionary Forces" on the backside. It sort of looks
something the YMCA may have provided the troops to use when writing
My best guess is that these were typed by a company clerk, who may have
used whatever paper was available. It is also possible that
somehow the YMCA may have been a participant in the generation of this
next of kin list. Whatever the source, from this point forward,
shall remain in the public domain, in memory of those who
If this site helps you out, let me know, it would make the
effort worth it. Richard Allen.