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Bio from:
Historical Gazetteer and Biographical Memorial of Cattaraugus Co. NY,
ed by William Adams, pub 1893
History of the Town of Ischua - Chapter XLIX (49)
Pages 1130 & 1131
Charles C. BAXTER is the sone of John W. (born in1792), grandson of John (born in 1760), and great-grandson of Petit BAXTER (born in 1732), whose father, John BAXTER, born about 1700, lived in Westchester county, N.Y. The ancestor of the BAXTER family, Capt. John BAXTER, came from England in 1664 in command of a company of Irish volunteers, and received for his services a grant of Throgg's Neck. John, the son of Petit, entered the Revolutionary army at the age of sixteen and was wounded by a tory named UNDERHILL. With twenty-four others he was sent to a hospital in New York city, where the small-pox broke out, and he was one of only six survivors. His son John W. came to Allegany county in 1820, where he was a millwright, and died there in 1862. He married, in 1814, Mary McQUEEN, in Montgomery county, N.Y.; children: Dorcas, Henry, James, Richard, Mary, Rachel, Sarah, David, John L., Phebe, and Charles C. Charles C. BAXTER was born in 1840 in Friendship. He was reared a lumberman and learned the millwright's trade. Leavinghome when twenty-one years old he worked twelve years in Pennsylvania cutting lumber and building mills. In 1874 he came to Ischua and entered the grist and carding-mill which he now owns and operates. In 1862 he married Oreanna SHERWOOD; children: Mary, who married Dennis C. COUELL and died in 1889 in Buffalo, leaving children grace, William, and Ellen; William C.; and Mina (Mrs. William MERRIT), of Friendship; they have one child, Percy. Mr. BAXTER, married, second, in 1872, Mary J. McCORMICK; children: James, Katie, Florence, John, Lorena, and Robert H. He married his third wife in 1888; children: Jason and Norman. He has always been an active Republican, serving the town as auditor, justice of the peace one term, and as supervisor in 1884 and 1888-90. His son William C. is a railroad conductor in Mexico.
Bio from:
Historical Gazetteer and Biographical Memorial of Cattaraugus Co. NY,
ed by William Adams, pub 1893
History of the Town of Ischua - Chapter XLIX (49)
Page 1131
Eben R. CARMER is the son of Peter S. CARMER, who came from Dryden, N.Y., and settled on Dutch hill in Ischua in 1827, where Dr. HILLMAN now lives. He married Margaret SPRIGGLE, who was born in Pennsylvania in 1802. Children: Jacob, who went west and died there; Cyrus, of Hinsdale; Eben R.; Maranda A., who died when thirteen years old; Eli (deceased); and Peter, of Wisconsin. Eben R. CARMER, born in 1831, has always been a farmer except the period from 1857 to 1869 spent in Minnesota and Wisconsin in lumbering. In 1886 he married Clarissa, daughter of Abram FARWELL, of Ischua. Mr. CARMER was elected assessor on the Republican ticket in the spring of 1893. His mother, The oldest person in Ischua, is living in his family aged 91 years.
Bio from:
Historical Gazetteer and Biographical Memorial of Cattaraugus Co. NY,
ed by William Adams, pub 1893
History of the Town of Ischua - Chapter XLIX (49)
Page 1131
Frederick CARPENTER is the son of Frederick CARPENTER, of Rhode Island, who settled in Warren, Mass., where he married Eunice BURROUGHS. Children: Isaac, Eunice, Lucy, Laura, Calista, Mary, Eliza, Frederick, David, Sidney, Hannah, and Charles. Mr. CARPENTER died there aged fifty-six and his wife at the age of ninety-six. Frederick was born in Warren, Nov 4, 1804, and came to Franklinville in 1821. Isaac, Lucy, Eunice, David, and Laura CARPENTER had already settled in Franklinville and Farmersville. Frederick had fifty cents in money left, which he paid Flavel PATRIDGE, who kept a small store at Franklinville, towards a new axe, which cost $2.50. He began chopping cord-wood at fifty or seventy-five cents per day. He can now count more than 200 acres of woodland in Franklinville, Machias, and Ischua which he has chopped over since that time. In 1831 he bought the first forty acres of his present farm, paying $4 an acre, and on it he has lived sixty-two years, buying in the meantime 145 acres more. In 1829 he married Elsie, daughter of David HIBNER; children : David, who died twenty-one years old; James and Sidney, of Stevens Point, Wis., Ruth E. (Mrs. Noah SHERWOOD), of Ischua; Frederick L., who married Delilia, daughter of C. G. CHAMBERLIN, of Ischua; Sarah E. (Mrs. William McSTAY), of Lyndon; Levi P., who died in 1860; Eunice S. (Mrs. William WHARTON), of Nebraska; and Charles E., who died in 1860. Mrs. CARPENTER died in 1882. With the exception of two or three years in the ashery and mercantile business, Mr. CARPENTER has always been a farmer. In 1835, he was first elected justice of the peace and, although resigning twice, has since served nearly forty years. He served four years as supervisor of Hinsdale and was the first supervisor of Ischua (then Rice), holding the office in all nineteen years. When young he made two trips on the Erie canal between Buffalo and Albany and is one of the few men living who saw the three THAYERs hung in Buffalo. Frederick L. CARPENTER resides on the homestead in Ischua, which town he has served two terms as supervisor.
Bio from:
Historical Gazetteer and Biographical Memorial of Cattaraugus Co. NY,
ed by William Adams, pub 1893
History of the Town of Ischua - Chapter XLIX (49)
Page 1132
Charles Justus CASWELL lives on the old farm on which his father, Anthony CASWELL, settled in 1824. Anthony was born in Rhode Island, lived a while in Connecticut, went thence to Charleston, S.C., and returned the same year to Schenectady, N.Y., where he worked on the construction of the Erie canal in 1823 and 1824. The first cabin he built caught fire one day, burning his entire outfit, including his highly-prized rifle. This so discouraged him that he decided to leave, but his friend, Tibbetts CHAMBERLIN, of Cuba, N.Y., persuaded him to stay by helping him to whatever he needed to start anew, and he continued to live alone in the woods for four years. Then he ran Tibbetts CHAMBERLIN's still in Cuba for a while and in 1829 married Sally, daughter of Justus LOCKWOOD, of Lyndon. Children: Sarah S., who died young; Juliette E. (Mrs. Lewis SNYDER), of Lyndon; Rensselaer J., of Franklinville; Horace A., who died aged twenty-one; Calvin T.; George G. and George M, who both died young; Charles J.; Decimal W.; and Mary A. and John S., who both died of diphteria. Charles J., born in 1846, enlisted in 1864 in Co. D, 13th N. Y. H.A. In 1868 he married Electa A., daughter of James DAVIS, of Caneadea, N.Y. Children: Eugene, Frankie (deceased), Francis R., Myra A., Dow E.
Bio from:
Historical Gazetteer and Biographical Memorial of Cattaraugus Co. NY,
ed by William Adams, pub 1893
History of the Town of Ischua - Chapter XLIX (49)
Page 1132
William and Rebecca CHAMBERLIN both descended from English families. They came to Hinsdale from Barton, Vt., traveling the long, cold route in the winter of 1815-16 with a canvas-covered sleigh drawn by a yoke of oxen. Much of the way they were compelled to hitch one ox ahead of the other in tandem style to pass the deep and drifted snow, arriving in Feb., 1816. Accompanying them were Ira A. and Cornelius G. CHAMBERLIN, who were then nine and seven years of age, who took turns driving the white-faced cow, which supplied them with milk on their journey. Hazen and William were the other and younger members of the family on that trip. Henry and Candace M. were born to them after their arrival. They first settled on what is now the Horace SMITH farm. William afterward removed his family within the limits of what is now Ischua, where he was killed in 1824 while raising a bridge over the creek near where E.F. DAVIS now lives. The eldest sons, Ira A. and Cornelius G., together with their mother, contracted from the land office the farm afterward owned by Cornelius G. Ira A. was born in Barton, Vt., in 1807. He married Susan, daughter of Abram M. FARWELL; children: Candace L., Ophelia D., Loren I. ,Andrew J., Adaline C., Hazen E., Emily C., Caroline G., and L.A. Mr. CHAMBERLIN removed to Hinsdale village, where he died in 1889. Cornelius G. CHAMBERLIN was born in Barton, Vt., in 1809, and married, in 1835, Hulda, daughter of Eleazer DENSMORE, of Ischua. Children: Rosalie (deceased), William W., Erastus, Franklin H., Wales, Phebe E., and Finace. Mr. CHAMBERLIN died in Ischua in 1892. He was regarded throughout all his mature years as one of the most sagacious, capable, and successful business men in his section of Cattaraugus County. His widow lives in Ischua village. Their son Erastus was born in Ischua, and was raised a farmer with a common school education. From 1859 to 1865 he was a clerk in Henry CHAMBERLIN's store, and then spent five years in the oil regions-at Pithole and other points. In 1870 he bought Henry CHAMBERLIN's store and residence in Ischua village, where he was a merchant till 1883, when he sold to his brother Wales CHAMBERLIN . Since then he has been a farmer and real estate and agricultural implement dealer. For several years he was justice of the peace and has had almost the experience and practice of a professional lawyer. He married, in 1871, Grace, daughter of Robert REID, of Franklinville. Children: Gertie, born in 1873; Robert, deceased; and Floyd, born in 1892. Mr. CHAMBERLIN is a Democrat in politics. Cornelius G., Haze, and Henry have each represented Ischua on the Board of Supervisors of Cattaraugus county.
Bio from:
Historical Gazetteer and Biographical Memorial of Cattaraugus Co. NY,
ed by William Adams, pub 1893
History of the Town of Ischua - Chapter XLIX (49)
Page 1133
Walter CHASE is the son of Elias CHASE, who lived in Vermont, where he married Rachel TAYLOR; children: Elzina, Van Buren, Alfred, Walter, Edmund, Asa, and Cynthia. Walter was born in Fletcher, Franklin county, Vt. In 1861 he enlisted in Co. H, 2d Vt. Vols., was mustered into the Army of the Potomac, was at the battles of first Bull Run, Fair Oaks, and Malvern Hill, where he was taken sick and sent to the hospital. In 1863 he re-enlisted and participated in the battle of the Wilderness, was sixteen days under fire at Spotsylvania, and received a shot in his left leg at Cold Harbor. He served also in other battles, including Petersburg, and was discharged in 1865. In 1866 he married Florence HILL and settled in Ischua; children: Alfred, who married Dora TROWBRIDGE and has one child, Florence; Mettie (Mrs. Albert TROWBRIDGE), of Ischua; Luther; Francis; Jesse; and Etta. Soon after the war Mr. CHASE's health declined and he has not walked a step in four years.
Bio from:
Historical Gazetteer and Biographical Memorial of Cattaraugus Co. NY,
ed by William Adams, pub 1893
History of the Town of Ischua - Chapter XLIX (49)
Page 1133
Frederick CLINE is the son of Seymour CLINE, who came from Oxford, N.Y., in 1840 and settled on lots 22 and 30. He died in 1856. He married Lovina BENNETT; children: Frederick; Edward, who married Minerva HILL and lived and died in Ischua; and Augusta (Mrs. Gilbert WHEELER), of Ischua. At the age of twenty-one Frederick, who was born in 1829, left home and bought a farm on lot 30, adding to it until he had over 400 acres, and lived on it twenty-one years. He married, in 1853, Almira, daughter of Elisha TERRY, of Ischua; children: Terry E., born in 1861, and John W., born in 1873, died in 1875. In 1876 Mr. CLINE moved to Ischua village, where he has been a dealer in lumber, love stock, and farm produce. He has served three years as assessor, one term as commissioner of highways, and is now a member of the Excise Board.
Bio from:
Historical Gazetteer and Biographical Memorial of Cattaraugus Co. NY,
ed by William Adams, pub 1893
History of the Town of Ischua - Chapter XLIX (49)
Page 1133
Milo COLE is a son of Casey and a grandson on Freeman COLE, of Crawford county, Pa. The children of Casey and Nancy COLE were Amanda, Prudentia, Arvilla, Philena, Olive, Parker (a solider), Alvira, Milo, Amelia, and Bela (also a soldier). Milo was born in Augusta, N.Y., in 1820, and married, in 1843, Eliza MARKS, of Perry, N.Y., where his father then lived; children: Mary (Mrs. Herbert STRONG), of Friendship, N.Y.; Sidney, of Crawford county, Pa.; Alice; Amanda L. (Mrs. George S. WALDRON), of Ischua, who has children George H. and Grace E.; and William, of Bradford, Pa. Mr. WALDRON enlisted in the 9th H.A. and fought in twenty-one battles, including the Wilderness, Harper's Ferry, Lookout Mountain, and Gettysburg. He captured a battle flag at Farmerstown, Pa. Milo COLE came to Ischua in 1854 and bought 130 acres of land on which he still lives.
Bio from:
Historical Gazetteer and Biographical Memorial of Cattaraugus Co. NY,
ed by William Adams, pub 1893
History of the Town of Ischua - Chapter XLIX (49)
Pages 1133 & 1134
Abram FARWELL is a son of Abram M. Farwell, the pioneer, who was born in Fitchburg, Mass., in 1780, and settled in Ischua in 1815. He married, in 1800, Lydia JACKSON, who was born in Brookline, Mass., in 1780. Children: Sarah, born in 1801; Thaddeus, 1803; John H., 1805; James, 1807; Susan, 1809; Abram, 1811; Lydia, 1813; Mary A., 1815; Adeline, 1817 (the first white girl born in Ischua); and Catharine, 1819. Abram M. built the first saw-mill in town, was a lumberman and farmer, and died in 1868; his wife died in 1874. Abram was reared in the pursuits his father followed and in 1835 he married Sarah, daughter of John E. WRIGHT, of German Flats, N.Y., who was born in London, Eng., in 1818. Children: Levi, of Ischua; Abigail, born June 13, 1838, died May 28, 1860; Jonathan, born July 22, 1840, died June 13, 1841; Clarissa A., born April 30 1843, married Evan CARMER, March 9 1887; Helen N., born July 15, 1846, married Addison SHAFER, March 13, 1874, and has one son, Abram; Jonathan D., born April 1, 1849, married Alice THRALL, Jan 1, 1872, and has two daughters, Dora and Clara; Edmund M., born March 26, 1851, died Feb. 9 1857; Ephraim M., born April 13, 1853, died Feb 9, 1857; Sophia, born March 29, 1855, married Lovinus KARN, March 9, 1882, and has children Sarah, Orrin, Levi, and Helen; Abbie, born Dec 23 1865, married Churchille WOOLHISER, Nov 3 1883, and has two children, Glen and Blanche. All were born on the place where he now lives excepting Levi, who was born on his own farm.
Levi FARWELL, son of Abram and grandson of Abram M., was born in Ischua, March 21, 1836, and was reared on and now owns the farm his grandfather settled in 1815. April 29, 1873, Levi married Frances, daughter of Amos G. HAMILTON, of Ischua; children: Sadie and Mary. The homestead contains 350 acres and includes the side of the pioneer saw-mill. It is the most historic farm in Ischua.
Bio from:
Historical Gazetteer and Biographical Memorial of Cattaraugus Co. NY,
ed by William Adams, pub 1893
History of the Town of Ischua - Chapter XLIX (49)
Page 1134
John A. FREDERICK is the son of Thomas FREDERICK, who married Anna ROBBINS and settled at Port Allegany, Pa. Children: Matilda, Mary, George, John A., William, Adelbert, Clyde, and Kear. John A. was born July 26, 1859, and has followed farming the past four years in Ishcua. His father died in 1881 at Bullis Mills, Pa., where his mother now lives.
Bio from:
Historical Gazetteer and Biographical Memorial of Cattaraugus Co. NY,
ed by William Adams, pub 1893
History of the Town of Ischua - Chapter XLIX (49)
Page 1134
William P. GUILD is a son of Horace GUILD, who was born in Chelsea, Mass., in 1794, the son of Isreal and Rhoda (GRAVES) GUILD. John, the ancestor, was born in England in 1616 and settled in Dedham, Mass., in 1636. Horace GUILD came to Goshen, N.Y., where he married, in 1819, Desire OWEN. Children: Alonzo and Desire. He married, second, in 1823, Rhoda PARKER, widow of Lyman HALL, of Lima, N.Y., and in 1825 they came to Ischua. Their children were Charles L.; Sarah A., who was born in 1826 and married William MUNGER, of Lima, in 1849, who came to Ischua and died in Michigan; Rhoda; Edmund C.; Willis M.; Harriet I.; and William P. Horace and his brothers Joseph, Levi, and George were all mechanics in Ischua and put up many of the first frame buildings in town; they also erected a saw-mill on Ischua creek between the Farwell and Chamberlin bridges. George was one of the builders of Amherst College. Charles L., was a sergeant in Co. C, 154th N.Y. Vols., was taken prisoner at Gettysburg, and died in the hospital. Willis was killed at Chancellorsville. Edmund, the third soldier brother, escaped serious injury and returned home at the close of the war. In 1850 Horace went to California, where he worked at his trade and in the mines, receiving from $12 to $16 per day. In 1864 he returned home and spent the remainder of his life on the farm of 100 acres which cost him $200 in 1825.He died there in 1885. William P., his son, still owns and lives on the homestead, where he was born in 1839. In 1863 he married Lucy M., daughter of William B. THOMAS, of Ashford; children Grace (Mrs. C.C. CHITTENDEN), of Cadillac, Mich., who has children Ralph and Robert; Charles W., a physician in Harriman, Tenn.; Glen, who died when three years old; William P.; and Bessie,who died when two years of age. Mr. GUILD has been town collector, justice of the peace, and justice of sessions.
Bio from:
Historical Gazetteer and Biographical Memorial of Cattaraugus Co. NY,
ed by William Adams, pub 1893
History of the Town of Ischua - Chapter XLIX (49)
Page 1134
Major HACKETT early settled in Ischa on Yankee hill. Stephen K. HACKETT, his son, was born Oct 23, 1810, and married, June 7, 1841, Mary E. WILLIAMS, of Black Creek, Allegany county, who was born March 8, 1822, and died Jan 10, 1851. He resided in town until about 1856 when he moved to Wisconsin. Children: Eunice L., George S., Stephen L., Mariah L., Hannah S.
Bio from:
Historical Gazetteer and Biographical Memorial of Cattaraugus Co. NY,
ed by William Adams, pub 1893
History of the Town of Ischua - Chapter XLIX (49)
Pages 1134 & 1135
Amos G. HAMILTON is a son of Benjamin HAMILTON and a grandson of William HAMILTON, a Revolutionary soldier who participated in the battle of the Narrows on the Susquehanna rover and at Tioga Point, and whose father, of Scotch descent, was killed by the Indians. Benjamin was born in Sussex county, N.J., in 1792. He married Rachel GARDNER, and after the birth of their children Charles and Cornelius removed to Tompkins county, N.Y., where William, Phebe, Maria, Amos G., and Laurentine were born. He afterward lived in Cattaraugus county. Amos G. was born in 1824 in Dix, Steuben county, and in 1848 married Elizabeth L. BEVERLY, of Chemung county. He came in 1850 to Ischua, where he bought 170 acres on Hamilton hill, paying from $3.50 to $10 per acre. Children: Frankie D. (Mrs. Levi FARWELL); Maria (Mrs. William R. LACEY), of New Hudson, N.Y.; Mary I. (Mrs. C. F. MOULTON), who has children Louis H. and Karl T.; John G., who married Stella C. SNYDER, settled in Cuba, and has children Russell J., Roy G., Louisa L., and Ralph P.; Carrie (Mrs. J. L. PROSSER), of Duluth, Minn.; and Lottie, who died young. Mrs. Elizabeth HAMILTON died in 1889. She and her husband were members of the Baptist church in Cuba. Originally a Republican, and always anti-slavery and a temperance man, he is now a Prohibitionist.
Bio from:
Historical Gazetteer and Biographical Memorial of Cattaraugus Co. NY,
ed by William Adams, pub 1893
History of the Town of Ischua - Chapter XLIX (49)
Page 1135
Charles HATCH is a son of Charles C. HATCH, who was born in Hillsdale,llsdale, N.Y., iwhence his father, John HATCH, moved in 1812 to Oxford, Chenango county. Charles C. marred, in 1822, Anna KNAPP, of Norwich, N.Y. whose mother was a RATHBON, of Rhode Island. Children: Charels, born in Oxford, May 26, 1823; Mary A., born in Oxford, Feb 7, 1825, now Mrs. Edwin A. HULL, of Scott's Corners; John, born in Ischua, March 13, 1827, died in 1829; George, born in Feb 13 1829, was a Baptist minister, and died in Cherry Valley, Ohio, Oct 26, 1889; Harriet N., born Feb 25, 1831, died July 13, 1863; John R., born March 25, 1833, a blacksmith in Ashtabula county, Ohio; hiram F., born Feb 24, 1835; Eliza, born Feb 18, 1837, now Mrs. W. PHILLIPS, of Fredonia, N.y.; Washington, born March 11, 1839, of Salamanca; Sarah E., born Oct 12, 1841; a trained nurse in New York city; and Arvilla, born June 27, 1845, now Mrs. Eli ROCKWELL, of Scot's Corners. Charles HATCH was reared a farmer and lumberman and bought, in 1846, 100 acres of pine timber, now part of Levi FARWELL's farm, from which he cut in four years 1,000,000 feet of lumber, which was sawed at FARWELL's mill. In 1857 he bought 50 acres of his present farm. April 29, 1858, he married Candace L. CHAMBERLIN; whildren: Judson W., of Franklinville; Orpha J. (Mrs. Burdett PARKER) of Hinsdale, who has children Judson, Roy, Earl and Pearl (twins), and Bert; Addie O. (Mrs. Arthur E. LODER), of Ischua, who has one child, Ethel; and Nellie, a school teacher in Colorado. Mrs. HATCH died Oct 16, 1869, and Charles marredd, second, Mary A. MOSMAN, Oct 18, 1870; children: Charles C., Grace (a school teacher), and Ray. Mr. HATCH was highway commissioner when the most important iron bridges in town were built. Originally a Republican he has taken the New York Tribune over thirty years, but is now a pronounced advocate of Farmers' Alliance views.
Bio from:
Historical Gazetteer and Biographical Memorial of Cattaraugus Co. NY,
ed by William Adams, pub 1893
History of the Town of Ischua - Chapter XLIX (49)
Pages 1135 & 1136
David HIBNER, father of Michael HIBNER, was born in Germany and settled in Peeksill, N.Y. David studied medicine, learned carving and gilding in New York city, and settled in Lima, N.Y., where he married Susanna PARKER, of Bloomfield, N.Y. Children: Michael, Joseph, David, Philip, William, George, Elsie (Mrs. Fredercik CARPENTER), and Betsey. Joseph HIBNER, born in Penfield, N.Y., in 1814, came to Ishcua with his father in 1825, the latter being one of the first settlers on Yankee hill. The son still lives on the homestead. In 1840 he married Aseneth FITCH. Ameilia, the eldest of their two children, married Elam T. SEWARD, of Ischua. Dayton M., born in 1854, married Eliza, daughter of David HIBNER, and remains with his father, a farmer. Mrs. Joseph HIBNER died in 1865 and his second wife was Angeline FRENCH; children Dayton and Angie (Mrs. A. LOWE).
Bio from:
Historical Gazetteer and Biographical Memorial of Cattaraugus Co. NY,
ed by William Adams, pub 1893
History of the Town of Ischua - Chapter XLIX (49)
Page 1136
Samuel W. HOAG is a son of Elisha HOAG, who was born in Lansing, N.Y., in 1807, and who came to Lyndon in 1831, where he married Anna WOOD the same year. Children: Elija, of Lyndon; Phebe A. (Mrs. Uriah C. AYNES), of Dakota; Samuel W.; Israel, of Ischua; and John O., who married Margaret VINCENT, and lives in Cuba, N.Y. Elisha HOAG was active in military affairs, holding a lieutenant's commission, and was an assessor nine years. He died in 1892 and his wife in 1864. Samuel W. HOAG was born in Lyndon in 1836, left home in 1856, and worked by the month at farming six years. In 1864 he enlisted in the 13th N.Y.H.A. and served six months in Virginia, six months in North Carolina, and three at Portsmouth, Va. His brother John O. was in the same regiment. Returning home he married, in 1867, Mary L., daughter of Simon C. MALLORY, of Ishcua. They first settled in Rushford, N.Y., removing to Ishcua in 1871, and purchasing his present farm of 219 acres in 1883.
Bio from:
Historical Gazetteer and Biographical Memorial of Cattaraugus Co. NY,
ed by William Adams, pub 1893
History of the Town of Ischua - Chapter XLIX (49)
Page 1136
William Henry ISAMON is a son of George and a grandson of John ISAMON of Allegany county, N.Y. George ISAMON married Catharine GROSS, by whom he had ten children. His son William Henry came to Ischua in 1869, and in 1877 married Fannie LAVARNEY. Children: Maud C., Emmet M., and Charles H. W. Mr. ISAMON is a farmer on Dutch hill and has belonged to the Farmers' Alliance since its organization; before that, he was a Greenbacker.
Bio from:
Historical Gazetteer and Biographical Memorial of Cattaraugus Co. NY,
ed by William Adams, pub 1893
History of the Town of Ischua - Chapter XLIX (49)
Page 1136
Deforest E. JOHNSON, born in Lapier, N.Y., in 1860, came with his father to Ischua in 1871, where he married Mamie, daughter of George P. WILLIAMS, in 1884. They have two children: Lloyd and Ralph. In 1886 he settled in Hinsdale and kept a meat market two years, when he built his present store and added a stock of general merchandize. Mr. JOHNSON is also town clerk. His father, Harris JOHNSON, resides in Ischua. Harris's grandfather was Harris JOHNSON, of Burlington, N.Y., where his father, also named Harries, was born in 1802 and married Lucy C. DAUCHY in 1824; children: Lodusky G., Thomas D., Lucy E., Walter R., and Harris. The latter was born in 1835 and married Emily ROAT, of Broome county, N.Y., in 1857. They settled in Lapier, N.Y., and came to Lyndon in 1865 and to Ischua in 1871, buying their present farm of 512 acres in 1880. They now keep a dairy of 80 cows. The winter Mr. JOHNSON was married he chopped in the town on Virgil 200 cords of wood for thirty-one cents a cord -cutting ten cords of hemlock wood in two days. In 1877 he went to Bradford, Pa., and run a store for a while. Harris and Emily JOHNSON have three children: Deforest E., Flora M. (Mrs. Berdell BURLINGAME, whose children are Harris and Ina F.), and Fannie E.
Bio from:
Historical Gazetteer and Biographical Memorial of Cattaraugus Co. NY,
ed by William Adams, pub 1893
History of the Town of Ischua - Chapter XLIX (49)
Page 1136
Solomon KENFIELD, son of John was born in Massachusetts, Nov. 4, 1822. His father moved to Camden, N.Y., and thence to Naples, N.Y., where he married Ruth STREETER in 1844. In Nov. 1845, he moved to Ischua and settled on the farm now owned by M.A. KENFIELD, his son. Children: Felton, a farmer adjoining the homestead; Lucinda R.L. (Mrs. William ALLEN), of Farmersvile; and M.A. The latter was born Aug. 20, 1847. Sept. 1, 1868, he married Lydia J., daughter of S. R. and Prudenda A. (MORGAN) WILLIAMS, and settled on the homestead, which he now owns. Children: Lucy L. (Mrs. J. DEELEY), Emma O., John S., and Harriet L.
Bio from:
Historical Gazetteer and Biographical Memorial of Cattaraugus Co. NY,
ed by William Adams, pub 1893
History of the Town of Ischua - Chapter XLIX (49)
Pages 1136 & 1137
Frank D. LA FEVER is a son of John J., whose father was Deacon L. F. LA FEVER, of Dundee, N.Y. John J. LA FEVER came to Cattaraugus county about 1820 and settled at Haskel flats. He married Maria COWDRY, of Geneva, N.Y. Children: Samuel, Frank D., George, Mortimer, Sarah, and Louisa. He was a farmer and for several years opened his house for a hotel. About the close of the war he came to Ischua and bought Anson DENSMORE's hotel, which he kept till his death in 1872. It is now the property of his son Frank D. Frank D. LA FEVER was born in Hinsdale in 1836 and was reared on a farm. In 1864 he went on the road selling door bells, which he followed tillt he death of his father, when he closed the hotel and opened the grocery and story business which he has followed for twety-five years. He is serving his second year as postmaster. He married, in 1873, Susie, daughter of L. BADGER, of Allegany; children: Bertha, Josephine (deceased), and Frances.
Bio from:
Historical Gazetteer and Biographical Memorial of Cattaraugus Co. NY,
ed by William Adams, pub 1893
History of the Town of Ischua - Chapter XLIX (49)
Page 1137
Thomas LEARN is a son of Jacob and the grandson of John LEARN, who was born in Northampton county, Pa., and lived near the Pocono mountains, twenty miles from Easton, where his father and an uncle were killed by the Indians during the Revolutionary war. Jacob LEARN, who was born in 1793 and served in the War of 1812, married Catharine MOYER; children: Thomas, Lavina, John, Peter, Margaret, Jacob, Reuben, Alburtus, and Morris. All were born in Ischua except Thomas and Lavina. Jacob and his brother George came to Ischua in 1823 and were the first settlers on Dutch hill. Thomas LEARN was born in 1819, and was reared a farmer and lumberman. In 1844 he married Rachel, daughter of James SHAFER, of Cuba, N.Y., and has settled in Hinsdale. Children: Joseph L., who marrried Sarah BABCOCK and has children Ernest E. and Rosa A.; John R.; Peter J., who married Esther SHERLOCK; Edwin A.;Walter L., who married Elizabeth OSGOOD and has children Daisy, Lulu M., Robert, and Harrison; Florence (Mrs. Thomas SHAFER), who has one child, Guy C.; and William C., who married Hattie WILBER, lives in Humphrey, and has children Glen W., Clavin T., Clyde, Nellie, Lena, and Florence M. Thomas LEARN enlisted in the Civil war in 1861, served under McClellan, and lost his right arm in the battle of Seven Pines. He was discharged in 1862. His son Joseph L. went to the front after his father was siabled and served through the war, receiving a gun-shot wound in his nect in a cavalry charge. Thomas LEARN also had three brothers in the war - Jacob (who died in New Orleans), Morris, and John. Mr. LEARN lived in Olean and peddled Glassware, clothing, dry goods, and silks twenty years. One day near Keating, Pa. himself and his son John R., each with a wagon of valuable goods, were attacked in a piece of woods by three robbers. Thomas knocked two of them down with a stone and the third ran into the woods. Mr. LEARN has a farm of 300 acres, has been town collector, and sold plows over ten years.
Bio from:
Historical Gazetteer and Biographical Memorial of Cattaraugus Co. NY,
ed by William Adams, pub 1893
History of the Town of Ischua - Chapter XLIX (49)
Pages 1137 & 1138
Nathan B. LEARN is a son of George LEARN, one of the pioneers who cut the first road from Ischua to Dutch hill in 1823, having only one dollar in molney and his team when he settled there on the farm his son now owns. George LEARN married Fanny SPRIGGLE; children: Samuel, Evan, Nathan B., Joseph, Mary A., Fanny, and Lydia. Nathan B. was born in 1830. In 1855 he married Orvilla, daughter of David COOPER, of HInsdale, and settled in Humphrey. Children: Orlando C., who married Rosalie MORRIS; Enda A. (Mrs. Leander YATES), of Ischua, who has children Mabel and Lewis; Emmet G., who married Lou QUINBY and has one child Maud;Clara (Mrs. C. G. SMILEY), of Olean, shoe children are Glessner A. and Granger M.; and Edgar E., sho married Rosa A., daughter of Joseph LEARN. Mr. LEARN has a couple of old-time relics of rare interest: one is a powerful steel bear trap still in working order, the other a well preserved anvil which weighs 236 pounds and has the date 1749 on its side. Both were brought by his father from Pennsylvania. While in Humphrey Mr. LEARN, a Democrat in politics, served four years as collector and four years as assessor, and since his removal to Ischua in 1860 has been highway commissioner, justice of the peace, and assessor.
Bio from:
Historical Gazetteer and Biographical Memorial of Cattaraugus Co. NY,
ed by William Adams, pub 1893
History of the Town of Ischua - Chapter XLIX (49)
Page 1138
Alonzo LINDERMAN is the son of Nicholas LINDERMAN, who came about 1833 from Tompkins county, N.Y., to Humphrey, and settled on Bozard hill, where he died in 1887, aged eighty-four. He married Rebecca WHITLOCK of Ithaca, N.Y.; children John, Ezekiel, Orson, Alonzo, Mary, Lester, and Emma and Addie (twins). Alonzo was born in 1838 and married, in 1865, Lucinda, daughter of Jacob SEARL, of Franklinville, when he bought the farm and settled where he now lives, on the Five Mile tract. Lewelon, their oldest child, married Nancy CONRAD, and is now in Oswego, N.Y. The four younger children, Ora A., Edgar, Frank, and Merton, are at home. In 1891, Mr. LINDERMAN built on his farm a steam saw-mill of thrity five horse-power, in which are three circular saws and a shingle-mill. This is the only saw-mill in Ischua and cuts 200,000 feet of lumber per year.
Bio from:
Historical Gazetteer and Biographical Memorial of Cattaraugus Co. NY,
ed by William Adams, pub 1893
History of the Town of Ischua - Chapter XLIX (49)
Page 1138
Charles L. MALLORY is a son of Simon C. MALLORY, who was born in Hillsdale, N.Y., in 1804, and came to Franklinville in 1815 with his father, who was a lumberman, and who died in Cincinnati, where he had gone with a raft. Simon C. married, in 1828, Sophronia McNALL; children Melissa, John O., Sarah A., Sanford S., Edwin W., Charles L., Mary L., Candis and Lydia M. He came to Ishcua in 1836 and in 1846 belonged to the first board of town assessors. He bought a farm on Yankee hill, which now belongs to his son, Charles L. MALLORY. The latter was born in 1840 and became a carpenter as well as a farmer, and has been a contractor and builder in this and adjoining towns till within the past three years. In 1889 he bought his present farm of 139 acres in the village. His house was burned in 1890, when he immediately built his present dwelling. Mr. MALLORY married, in 1883, Anna, daughter of John TAYLOR, of Ischua. Children: Charlie L., Ira S., Lloyd, Bert E., Cecil E., and Hazel G. He was highway commissioner in 1884.
Bio from:
Historical Gazetteer and Biographical Memorial of Cattaraugus Co. NY,
ed by William Adams, pub 1893
History of the Town of Ischua - Chapter XLIX (49)
Pages 1138 & 1139
Andrew J. MORRIS is the son of Thomas MORRIS, who was born in Franklinville in 1812, whose father, Thomas MORRIS, then a merchant, was appointed judge by Gov. Daniel D. TOMPKINS about 1814, and was supervisor in 1881 and 1819. Thomas, Jr., was reared a farmer, and settled in Ischua on the place now owned by Eldridge MORRIS in 1833. He married Fanny, daughter of John LEARN; children John, Louisa, Andrew J., and Eldridge. Andrew J. was born in Ischua in 1849 and in 1872 built a steam saw and shingle-mill on the homestead and run it six years. In 1882 he exchanged the works for those of greater capacity and built, in company with Frank FITCH, a new saw and grist-mill at Humphrey's switch, buying his partner's interest the next year and adding planning and matching machinery. In 1889 he exchanged with Frank FITCH the mill property for his present farm of 197 acres in Franklinville. They have one child, Mabel A. Besides his farming interest, Mr. MORRIS deals in Lumber and live stock.
Bio from:
Historical Gazetteer and Biographical Memorial of Cattaraugus Co. NY,
ed by William Adams, pub 1893
History of the Town of Ischua - Chapter XLIX (49)
Page 1139
William M. MORRIS, who lives at the head of the Five Mile tract, is a son of Neely MORRIS, whose father, Thomas MORRIS, settled as a merchant in Franklinville about 1810, and whose children were John, born in 1802; Esther, 1804; Neely, 1807; Eli, 1809; Thomas, 1812; and Sarah, 1814. Judge MORRIS moved to Ischua in 1825 and settled on land now the property and home of his grandson William M. Neely MORRIS married Elizabeth RAUB, who was born in New Jersey in 1799, and settled on the home farm. Children: Cordelia, born 1830, married Miles J. LEARN; John, born 1831, died young; Eli, born 1833; William M., born in 1835; Mary, born in 1839, married James BARNARD; and Melvin, deceased. William M. MORRIS married, in 1855, Emeline, daughter of Peter MILLER, of Hinsdale. They have one child, Rosalia, born in 1856, who married Orlando C. LEARN in 1888 and has children Clifford and Baby.
Eldridge MORRIS is the grandson of Judge Thomas MORRIS, the pioneer. His father, Thomas MORRIS, settled on the farm Eldridge now owns. The latter was born in Ischua in 1851. In 1880 he married Hannah, daughter of Julius A. McCLUNE; children: Ceorge E., ArthurJ., Ada M., Mamie V., and Sarah. His mother died in 1889 and his father in 1890. Julius A. McCLUNE, Mrs. MORRIS' s father, was a soldier under General BANKS, in the Rebellion.
Bio from:
Historical Gazetteer and Biographical Memorial of Cattaraugus Co. NY,
ed by William Adams, pub 1893
History of the Town of Ischua - Chapter XLIX (49)
Page 1139
Richmond S. NICHOLS is a son of James NICHOLS, who came from Vermont to Chenango county, N.Y., and married Mary IRELAND. Richmond S., their fifth child, was born in 1834, came to Ischua in 1867, and was a farmer. He married Eliza PIKE, his first wife, in 1861, and Sarah E. WICKWIRE, his second, in 1871. Children: Charles B., Grace, and Robert R. In 1885 he married, third, Flora GILBERT. He opened a hotel in Ischua in 1876 and in 1878 built the hotel he has since occupied.
Bio from:
Historical Gazetteer and Biographical Memorial of Cattaraugus Co. NY,
ed by William Adams, pub 1893
History of the Town of Ischua - Chapter XLIX (49)
Page 1139
Howard OTTO is a son of Silas P. OTTO and a grandson of Joseph OTTO, of Farmer's Valley, Pa. Silas P., a general wood worker and painter, came to Ischua in 1835 and married Hannah STICKLAND, of Lyndon; children: Sartwell, Joseph, Emma, Amelia, and Howard. The latter was born in 1847 and when sixteen enlisted in Co. K, 22d N.Y. Cav., serving in the Shenandoah valley. He was in the battles from Winchester to Cedar Creek, was on the left of the turnpike helping to stop stragglers when General Sheridan arrived there the day of his famous ride, was in the fight at Waynesborough, when the Second Brigade captured 1,300 rebels, and saw General Sheridan throw his arms around Custer in admiration of his splendid work. He was discharged in Aug., 1865. In 1870 he married Rose, daughter of Daniel EMERY, of Belfast, N.Y. Children: Burna and Jessie. Mr. OTTO came to Abbott's in 1877, where he has been a merchant since 1880 and postmaster since 1888.
Bio from:
Historical Gazetteer and Biographical Memorial of Cattaraugus Co. NY,
ed by William Adams, pub 1893
History of the Town of Ischua - Chapter XLIX (49)
Page 1139
Gideon L. PATTERSON is a son of Porter and a grandson of Joseph PATTERSON, a soldier in the War of 1812, who came from Whitehall, Washington county, to Lyndon in 1816, where his son Porter was born that year. Porter married Abigail LEWIS; children: Joseph (a solider, who died at Elmira, N.Y.); Isaac A. (who died in Andersonville prison), Gideon L., Jeptha D., Bethiah, Phebe L., Abigail (Mrs. George WILLIAMS), Laura, John W., Justus G., and Aaron A. Gideon L. PATTERSON was born in 1844 and enlisted in 1862 in Co. K, 136th N.Y. Vols. He was in the battles of Chancellorsville and Gettysburg and then fought in seventeen engagements under General Thomas. Since the war he has been a painter.
Bio from:
Historical Gazetteer and Biographical Memorial of Cattaraugus Co. NY,
ed by William Adams, pub 1893
History of the Town of Ischua - Chapter XLIX (49)
Pages 1139 & 1140
Peter RAUB, living in the town of Hinsdale, near the south line of Ischua, is the son of Joseph RAUB, who came from New Jersey to Cattaraugus county about 1826 and settled near the Free Methodist church in Ischua. He married Anna SWARTZ; children: Peter, George W., Mary E (Mrs. Stephen A. MOTT), of Olean, and George W. The latter married Catharine GRIMES and lives in Greenville, Mich. Peter was reared a farmer and married Fanny S., daughter of George LEARN; children: Olive C., who died aged five years, and Lillie, who lived to be twenty-two years old.
Bio from:
Historical Gazetteer and Biographical Memorial of Cattaraugus Co. NY,
ed by William Adams, pub 1893
History of the Town of Ischua - Chapter XLIX (49)
Page 1140
Elam T. SEWARD, son of Alpheus and grandson of Elam SEWARD, of Orange county, N.Y., was born in Indian Town, Ill., in 1843, where his father, who was born in 1810, died in 1846. His mother, born in Salem, Mass., who was Allie TOWNSEND before her marriage in 1832, came with her two sons, Tilly G. and Elam T., to Ishcua soon after her husband's death, where she married Abram LEWIS in 1854. They had one child, Frank. Tilly G. died at the age of twenty-six. Elam T. followed farming until 1876, when he opened his present blacksmith shop. He married, in 1865, Aurelia, daughter of David HIBNER, of Ischua. Children: Neoloa, Lena H. (Mrs. Claude F. TOWNSEND), Emma A., and Tilly A. The latter has learned the blacksmith's trade and works with his father. Mr. SEWARD as a Democrat was elected highway commissioner in 1877 and held that office five years. He was excise commissioner three years and was elected supervisor in 1881, 1891, and 1892.
Bio from:
Historical Gazetteer and Biographical Memorial of Cattaraugus Co. NY,
ed by William Adams, pub 1893
History of the Town of Ischua - Chapter XLIX (49)
Page 1140
William Riley TERRY is a son of Elisha and a grandson of Freeman TERRY, of Terryville, Conn., whose father was a minister and lost his life as a soldier in the Revolutionary war when Freeman was eight years old. Freeman came to Homer, N.Y., where Elisha was born in 1802. In 1825 Elisha TERRY came to Ischua and settled on Dutch hill. His wife was Amy HAWLEY, of Homer; children: Jane, Caroline, Elmira, Ransom, and Zell. William R. was born in 1829, in Franklinville, and in 1859 married Rebecca A. ADAMS; children: Willie, Elisha, and Ella (Mrs. J. C. TICNOR). He married, second, in 1881, Mrs. Belle (MORRIS) LEWIS. They have one child, Annie Belle. Mr. TERRY'S farm of 380 acres cost him $25 per acre in 1868.
Bio from:
Historical Gazetteer and Biographical Memorial of Cattaraugus Co. NY,
ed by William Adams, pub 1893
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Page 1140
Lyman is a son of Alonzo R. THORNTON, who came from Waterloo, N.Y., and married Phebe STEWART, of Yorkshire. Phebe, their only child, married Stephen OSGOOD, of Ischua. Mr. THORNTON's second wife, Adeline, was a sister of his first; children: Lucy, Melinda, Lyman M., Zylpha A., and John. Alonzo was a shoemaker in Ischua many years and died here in 1886. Lyman M. was born in Yorkshire in 1846. He enlisted in 1862 in the 154th N.Y. Vols. and was in the battles of Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, and Lookout Mountain. Soon after the latter he was taken sick. At the close of the war he bought the ashery of Anson DENSMORE, run it a year, and sold it. In 1865 he married Delina A., daughter of James CHASE, of Lyndon; children: Frank C., of Ischua; Mildred (Mrs. Morris D. WILLIAMS), of Salamanca; and Fred G. Mrs. THORNTON died in 1874 and he married, second, Mrs. Ann E. MOON, whose son Archie D., has been his partner in general mercantile business for several years under the firm name of A. D. MOON & Co.
Bio from:
Historical Gazetteer and Biographical Memorial of Cattaraugus Co. NY,
ed by William Adams, pub 1893
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Page 1140
Benjamin C. TOWNSEND is a son of Benjamin and a grandson of Isaac TOWNSEND, who came from Massachusetts to Attica, NY, in 1796, where he was a tanner, merchant, miller and brickmaker. He died in 1843. His son Benjamin was born in New Salem, Mass., in 1777, and married there Ada PAGE. They came to Attica in 1826 and thence to Ischua in 1829. Here he was the first brickmaker in town. He died in 1856 and his wife in 1868. Children: Zebina, Philo, Sally, Chester P., Sophia, Marilla, and Benjamin C. The latter was born in New Salem , Mass., in 1821, and was reared a farmer and brickmaker. He was a trader from 1866 to 1872. In 1852 he was elected justice of the peace and served twenty-four consecutive years, and one term since; he has been town clerk, supervisor, and postmaster several terms --twenty years in all. In 1852 B. C. TOWNSEND married Hestyra, daughter of Benjamin BACON, of Friendship; children: Annie (Mrs. Frank BROWN), who has one child Clara; Clara and Chester, who died young; Cora (Mrs. Fred D. SHERWIN); and Claude F., who was born in 1863. Claude F. became a telegraph operator, which he followed twelve years at various offices on the Western New York & Pennsylvania railroad, the last seven years at Chaffee, where he was also agent. In 1872 he bought G.L. PATTERSON's hardware business in Ishcua and still conducts it. In 1886 he married Lena H., daughter of E.T. SEWARD of Ischua. They have one child, Ethel.
Bio from:
Historical Gazetteer and Biographical Memorial of Cattaraugus Co. NY,
ed by William Adams, pub 1893
History of the Town of Ischua - Chapter XLIX (49)
Page 1141
Alpheus M. TROWBRIDGE is a son of Dr. James TROWBRIDGE (see page 137), who was born in Worcester, Mass., in 1795, and whose father's name was William. Dr. TROWBRIDGE came to Franklinville in 1817 and later to Ischua, being the first physician and the first school master in town. He married Olive SACKETT, of Connecticut; children: Clarissa, Achsah, James, William, Charles, Alpheus M., Eliza, Edwin, and Adner. He moved from Ischua to Hinsdale and from there in 1829 to Ohio, thence to Spring Prairie, Wis., where he died in 1849. Alpheus M. was born in Little Valley, NY, in 1828. In 1853 he married Elizabeth WHITLOCK and settled in Ischua. Children: Francelia (Mrs. William SHIPMAN), of Humphrey; Alice (Mrs. Edwin SHIPMAN); Edwin, who married Rosa MATHEWSON; Charles, who died when twenty-seven years old; and Albert, who married, in 1886, Nettie CHASE; children: GuyA. And Walter C. Mrs. TROWBRIDGE died in 1890, and Mr. TROWBRIDGE married, second, Mrs. Caroline MYRICK, daughter of Caleb BARBER, of Ishuca.
Bio from:
Historical Gazetteer and Biographical Memorial of Cattaraugus Co. NY,
ed by William Adams, pub 1893
History of the Town of Ischua - Chapter XLIX (49)
Page 1141
Calvin T. WASHBURN is a son of Ira WAHSBURN, whose father lived in Vermont and served in the Revolutionary war. Ira WASHBURN settled in Vandalia in this county as a lumberman. He married an adopted daughter of Benjamin CHAMBERLAIN, the father of Judge CHAMBERLAIN; children: Lucy (Mrs. WING), of Hinsdale; Calvin T.; Sarah; George; and Eunice--all born in Vandalia. Calvin T., who was born in 1834, married Carrie BENNETT in 1860, and settled in Cuba, NY. George WALLACE, their eldest child, is now a miner of large experience in British columbia, and Charles O., the next, is a miner in the State of Washington. The two younger children, Calvin T. and John, are at home. Mr. WASHBURN came to Ischua in 1876 and ticket as assessor and served by re-elections fifteen consecutive years.
Bio from:
Historical Gazetteer and Biographical Memorial of Cattaraugus Co. NY,
ed by William Adams, pub 1893
History of the Town of Ischua - Chapter XLIX (49)
Page 1141
William H. WILBUR is a son of Abner and Abigail (BENTON) WILBUR and a grandson of Joseph WILBUR, who came from Connecticut (where he was born in 1781) to Cortland County, N.Y. and thence to Ischua in 1850, where he died in 1865. Abner WILBUR was born in 1802 and married Miss ALLEN, of Cortland county. His second wife was Mrs. Abigail B. MUNSELL; children: Isaac, deceased; Clarissa (Mrs. Charles WAGNER); William H.; Thomas C., a veteran soldier and now a blacksmith at Abbott's; Chauncey C., a soldier who died in 1865; Mary M. (Mrs. William SHERLOCK); and Arthur L. The latter, born in Willet, Cortland county, in 1847, married, in 1865, Hannah J., daughter of Samuel D. WOOD, of Ischua; children: George H. and Willie H. William H. WILBUR was born in Willet,N.Y. in 1836, and is now a farmer on the homestead in Ischua. He marred, in 1893, Mrs. Ruth E. SHERWOOD, daughter of Frederick CARPENTER, of Ischua.
Bio from:
Historical Gazetteer and Biographical Memorial of Cattaraugus Co. NY,
ed by William Adams, pub 1893
History of the Town of Ischua - Chapter XLIX (49)
Pages 1141 & 1142
Mrs. A.E. WILLSON is the widow of Adelbert WILLSON, whose father, Kniffen WILLSON, was born in 1785 and came in 1831 from New Berlin, N.Y., to Ischua. He bought there a half section of land and another half section in Hinsdale. Kniffen was a pioneer in that part of the town. He gave the land for theWillson cemetery, in which his remains were interred, and the lost for the school house just west of it, known as the Willson district. Kniffen married, first, when about twenty years old. His first child, Nehemiah, was born in 1806; his other children were Caroline, Mary, Narcissa E., Benjamin, David, Marinda, Susanna, Nelson, and Ruth M. His second wife was Hannah FITCH; children: Charlotte, Durand F., Urben, Adelbert, Urben K., Ambrosia H., and Le Grand D. Adelbert was born in Ischua in 1841 and married, in 1867, Anna E., daughter of John C. ADAMS, of Cuba, N.Y. John C. ADAMS was a son of Prosper ADAMS, of Portage, N.Y., whose father, Jesse ADAMS, of Pawlet, Vt., was a Revolutionary soldier. Mrs. WILLSON's mother, Eunice F. ROBINSON, was the grandaughter of Capt. Ephraim ROBINSON, also of the Revolutionary army. The children of Adelbert and Anna E. WILLSON were: Qunicy A., born in 1872, now manager of the farm and the WILLSON cheese factories; urben J., born in 1872, died young; and Lucy A., born in 1885, died when one year old. Adelbert WILLSON died in 1885.