
Please note:  This index (of surnames only for 1892) was made many years ago by volunteers of the Cattaraugus County Museum in Little Valley, NY and has now been digitized by a team of Cattaraugus County Genweb researchers.  There will be errors, given the difficulty in deciphering some of the handwriting of the original census records by the original volunteers.  Please check the names carefully, as your family's name may have simply been misspelled or misread. The page # next to the surname refers to the page # in the upper right hand corner of the digitized microfilm of the state census for this town, which can be viewed online at the LDS familysearch site.

Our many thanks to the Cattaraugus County Memorial and Historical Museum for providing these indices to us to digitize them and make them available free of charge on the Cattaraugus County Genweb site.  
Laura Greene, Coordinator
Cattaraugus County Bio and Census Index Projects  Email Button

This index is to the Town of SOUTH VALLEY, Cattaraugus County NY State Census records.  The microfilms of these records have been digitized by LDS and are available to view at their site.  Clicking on the image below will open the LDS web site in a new window. Enter the name, sex and town or county in the search window. If found, you can click then view the digital image.
Census Logo

Transcribed by Laura Greene

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ABBEY 4 South Valley
AIKIN 8 South Valley
ANDERSON 4 South Valley
ANDERSON 6 South Valley
ANNIS 4 South Valley
ARANCE (SIC) 7 South Valley
BACKUS 4 South Valley
BACKUS 8 South Valley
BALLARD 7 South Valley
BARNEY 2 South Valley
BARSTON 7 South Valley
BARTLET 9 South Valley
BARSTOW 7 South Valley
BENSON 7 South Valley
BENTLEY 9 South Valley
BENTLEY 9 South Valley
BENTLY 9 South Valley
BENTLY 9 South Valley
BLACK 3 South Valley
BLACKMAN 1 South Valley
BLACKMER 7 South Valley
BOYER 22 South Valley
BRADLEY 6 South Valley
BRAGG 7 South Valley
BRALY 9 South Valley
BRANNON 1 South Valley
BRANNON 3 South Valley
BREZER 2 South Valley
BRIMPUS 2 South Valley
BRINK 3 South Valley
BROOKS 7 South Valley
BROWN 1 South Valley
BROWN 2 South Valley
BROWN 4 South Valley
BRUSHINGHAM 1 South Valley
BULLOCK 1 South Valley
BURCH 6 South Valley
BURCH 7 South Valley
BURKETT 10 South Valley
CAIN 8 South Valley
CAMPBELL 9 South Valley
CARLSON 8 South Valley
CARPENTER 9 South Valley
CASWELL 7 South Valley
CASWELL 4 South Valley
CASWELL 8 South Valley
CEASE 6 South Valley
CHAMPLIN 4 South Valley
COLBURN 8 South Valley
COLE 9 South Valley
COLWELL 1 South Valley
CONGLETON 4 South Valley
CORELL 2 South Valley
COULTER 3 South Valley
COVELL 9 South Valley
CRAWFORD 9 South Valley
CROUSE 1 South Valley
DALRYMPLE 8 South Valley
DARLING 7 South Valley
DAY 1 South Valley
DELONG 3 South Valley
DEPCH 2 South Valley
DICKSON 9 South Valley
DOYLE 6 South Valley
DUANE 2 South Valley
EARL 3 South Valley
EASTWOOD 6 South Valley
EDDY 9 South Valley
EGGLESTON 5 South Valley
ENWRIGHT 2 South Valley
ERICKSON 4 South Valley
FARREL 6 South Valley
FENTON 2 South Valley
FERRIN 1 South Valley
FERRIN 1 South Valley
FLUENT 1 South Valley
FRECHAWAY 2 South Valley
FREDERICK 5 South Valley
GENUNG 2 South Valley
GIBSON 7 South Valley
GLENDENING 3 South Valley
GRAY 2 South Valley
GREEN 2 South Valley
GRIBBIN 1 South Valley
GRONN 7 South Valley
GURNSEY 7 South Valley
HALE 3 South Valley
HALEY 4 South Valley
HALEY 8 South Valley
HALL 1 South Valley
HANSON 3 South Valley
HAWLEY 8 South Valley
HAYS 3 South Valley
HAYS 4 South Valley
HATINBAUGH 8 South Valley
HOTCHKISS 1 South Valley
HOUGHTON 3 South Valley
HOUSE 6 South Valley
HOWARD 4 South Valley
JOHNSON 4 South Valley
JOHNSON 5 South Valley
JOHNSON 8 South Valley
JOHNSON 8 South Valley
KIGER 7 South Valley
KILBURN 2 South Valley
KING 4 South Valley
KISER 1 South Valley
KNEIP 10 South Valley
LAUGHLIN 1 South Valley
LAUGHLIN 6 South Valley
LAUGHLIN 7 South Valley
LAWSON 3 South Valley
LAWSON 4 South Valley
LAWSON 6 South Valley
LONG 2 South Valley
LONG 4 South Valley
MACK 1 South Valley
MARGINIS 3 South Valley
MARSH 5 South Valley
MARTIN 7 South Valley
MASON 5 South Valley
MASON 7 South Valley
MCCANN 4 South Valley
MCLAUGHLIN 1 South Valley
MCLINDON 1 South Valley
MCLINDON 2 South Valley
MCPOLAND 2 South Valley
MENDALL 8 South Valley
MENDALL 9 South Valley
MILES 6 South Valley
MILLER 3 South Valley
MOORE 9 South Valley
MORREL 8 South Valley
MORRISON 9 South Valley
MOSIER 9 South Valley
MURPHY 5 South Valley
MURPHY 5 South Valley
MURPHY 6 South Valley
NICKERSON 1 South Valley
NILES 5 South Valley
NILES 6 South Valley
NORDEEN 5 South Valley
PALMER 10 South Valley
PARKER 8 South Valley
PHILLIPS 4 South Valley
PHILLIPS 10 South Valley
PRENTICE 2 South Valley
PREWER 9 South Valley
RAINEY 4 South Valley
REEVES 5 South Valley
RICH 7 South Valley
RISEDOPH 9 South Valley
RITCH 9 South Valley
RITTENDRER 1 South Valley
ROBBINS 6 South Valley
ROBBINS 6 South Valley
ROBBINS 7 South Valley
ROUNS 8 South Valley
ROYER 1 South Valley
RUSS 8 South Valley
SAMPLE 4 South Valley
SEEKINGS 3 South Valley
SEITZ 1 South Valley
SHAY 2 South Valley
SHOEMAKER 6 South Valley
SHRODER 3 South Valley
SHRODER 9 South Valley
SHRODER 10 South Valley
SINSMORE 7 South Valley
SMITH 1 South Valley
SMITH 7 South Valley
STEVENS 8 South Valley
STONE 5 South Valley
STRYKER 3 South Valley
SUTHERLAND 5 South Valley
SUTTON 5 South Valley
SWANSON 4 South Valley
SWANSON 10 South Valley
TAYLOR 3 South Valley
TAYLOR 6 South Valley
TERYBERRY 3 South Valley
TOWNS 9 South Valley
TRAVER 10 South Valley
TUCKER 5 South Valley
TURNER 4 South Valley
VALENTINE 1 South Valley
VALENTINE 5 South Valley
VOSBURGH 4 South Valley
WAIT 6 South Valley
WALSH 10 South Valley
WALTZ 3 South Valley
WEAVER 3 South Valley
WEED 9 South Valley
WEED 9 South Valley
WESTLYING 8 South Valley
WHALEY 2 South Valley
WHEELER 8 South Valley
WHELPLEY 5 South Valley
WILCOX 5 South Valley
WILCOX 10 South Valley
WILDER 2 South Valley
WILDER 3 South Valley
WILDER 9 South Valley
WILLIAMS 9 South Valley
WILLITS 4 South Valley
WOODS 5 South Valley
WOODS 6 South Valley
WRIGHT 4 South Valley

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