
Please note:  This index (of surnames only for 1892) was made many years ago by volunteers of the Cattaraugus County Museum in Little Valley, NY and has now been digitized by a team of Cattaraugus County Genweb researchers.  There will be errors, given the difficulty in deciphering some of the handwriting of the original census records by the original volunteers.  Please check the names carefully, as your family's name may have simply been misspelled or misread. The page # next to the surname refers to the page # in the upper right hand corner of the digitized microfilm of the state census for this town, which can be viewed online at the LDS familysearch site.

Our many thanks to the Cattaraugus County Memorial and Historical Museum for providing these indices to us to digitize them and make them available free of charge on the Cattaraugus County Genweb site.  
Laura Greene, Coordinator
Cattaraugus County Bio and Census Index Projects  Email Button

Transcribed by Elaine K. Stone-Arthur

This index is to the Town of MANSFIELD, Cattaraugus County NY State Census records.  The microfilms of these records have been digitized by LDS and are available to view at their site. Clicking on the image below will open the LDS web site in a new window.  Enter the name, sex and town or county in the search window. If found, you can click then view the digital image.
Census Logo

AHRENS 3 Mansfield
ARMSTRONG 1 Mansfield
ARMSTRON 3 Mansfield
ARNDT 5 Mansfield
BAILEY 2 Mansfield
BALDWIN 4 Mansfield
BALDWIN 4 Mansfield
BALL 13 Mansfield
BALLARD 9 Mansfield
BALLARD 12 Mansfield
BARSE 9 Mansfield
BARSE 12 Mansfield
BARTLET 3 Mansfield
BECKWITH 8 Mansfield
BEEMAN 9 Mansfield
BERNHOFT 5 Mansfield
BLACKMON 3 Mansfield
BLACKMON 4 Mansfield
BLATTNER 5 Mansfield
BOICE 13 Mansfield
BONHOFF 7 Mansfield
BONHOFF 12 Mansfield
BOROUGHS 1 Mansfield
BOTSFORD 6 Mansfield
BOTSFORD 12 Mansfield
BOWEN 1 Mansfield
BOWEN 3 Mansfield
BOWEN 4 Mansfield
BOWEN 12 Mansfield
BOWER 12 Mansfield
BRANCH 1 Mansfield
BRIDENBAKER 10 Mansfield
BROWN 1 Mansfield
BROWN 5 Mansfield
BROWN 10 Mansfield
BUCK 3 Mansfield
BULOW 6 Mansfield
BURCHARD 1 Mansfield
BURM 4 Mansfield
BURROUGHS 8 Mansfield
BUTLER 4 Mansfield
BUTTKER 10 Mansfield
BYER 12 Mansfield
CHAPMAN 12 Mansfield
CLARK 2 Mansfield
CLARK 11 Mansfield
CLEMENT 10 Mansfield
COLE 4 Mansfield
CONKLIN 9 Mansfield
COOK 2 Mansfield
COOKE 6 Mansfield
CORNELL 12 Mansfield
COSGROVE 10 Mansfield
COURTER 1 Mansfield
COURTER 2 Mansfield
COURTER 2 Mansfield
CRADLER 11 Mansfield
CRAIGER 12 Mansfield
CRANDAL 7 Mansfield
CRANDAL 9 Mansfield
CRANDALL 9 Mansfield
CROSBY 1 Mansfield
CUDDILY 9 Mansfield
CURTAIN 10 Mansfield
DAVIS 6 Mansfield
DAVIS 8 Mansfield
DAVIS 9 Mansfield
DAVIS 9 Mansfield
DAVIS 11 Mansfield
DEAVEREAUT 8 Mansfield
DELP 8 Mansfield
DEMIN 4 Mansfield
DEMING 3 Mansfield
DETMER 3 Mansfield
DITCHER 5 Mansfield
DITCHER 10 Mansfield
DUNKLEMAN 3 Mansfield
EBERT 5 Mansfield
EDDY 1 Mansfield
EDDY 2 Mansfield
EDDY 2 Mansfield
EDDY 2 Mansfield
EDDY 3 Mansfield
EDDY 4 Mansfield
EDDY 9 Mansfield
EDDY 10 Mansfield
EDDY 12 Mansfield
EMENS 1 Mansfield
EMMONS 1 Mansfield
FARGO 7 Mansfield
FIRENYE 1 Mansfield
FISHER 10 Mansfield
FOOTE 11 Mansfield
FORD 2 Mansfield
FOSTER 2 Mansfield
FOSTER 8 Mansfield
FOX 4 Mansfield
FRANK 9 Mansfield
FREW 9 Mansfield
GARWIN 4 Mansfield
GILLET 1 Mansfield
GODDING 7 Mansfield
GOGAL 12 Mansfield
GOGEL 8 Mansfield
GRANTON 8 Mansfield
GRAVES 12 Mansfield
GREEN 1 Mansfield
GREEN 2 Mansfield
GREEN 10 Mansfield
GREEN 13 Mansfield
GRIEM 5 Mansfield
GRIMES 4 Mansfield
GRUNESKIE 11 Mansfield
HARENFELT 2 Mansfield
HART 7 Mansfield
HARVEY 1 Mansfield
HARVEY 5 Mansfield
HARVEY 5 Mansfield
HARVEY 6 Mansfield
HARVEY 12 Mansfield
HARVEY 12 Mansfield
HASPER 11 Mansfield
HENDERSON 12 Mansfield
HENMAN 3 Mansfield
HERSON 11 Mansfield
HINMAN 1 Mansfield
HINMAN 2 Mansfield
HINZ 6 Mansfield
HINZ 7 Mansfield
HOAGLAND 12 Mansfield
HOLLISTER 1 Mansfield
HOLLISTER 2 Mansfield
HOLLISTER 4 Mansfield
HORTON 1 Mansfield
HOUT 11 Mansfield
HULTS 2 Mansfield
HUSK 13 Mansfield
IVERS 4 Mansfield
JACKETT 12 Mansfield
JACKSON 8 Mansfield
JACOBS 7 Mansfield
JEWETT 2 Mansfield
JOHNSTON 4 Mansfield
JOHNSTON 9 Mansfield
JOHNSTON 10 Mansfield
JONES 10 Mansfield
KAHLER 8 Mansfield
KELLY 7 Mansfield
KENYON 7 Mansfield
KIDNEY 7 Mansfield
KILBURN 9 Mansfield
KING 6 Mansfield
KING 8 Mansfield
KLEPFER 7 Mansfield
KLIENE 8 Mansfield
KRAGER 12 Mansfield
LAING 12 Mansfield
LAMB 6 Mansfield
LANGHANS 3 Mansfield
LARABEE 4 Mansfield
LIMBO 6 Mansfield
LINK 3 Mansfield
LONSBURY 8 Mansfield
LONSBURY 10 Mansfield
LONSBURY 11 Mansfield
LUDWIG 1 Mansfield
LUDWIG 12 Mansfield
MACKEY 7 Mansfield
MANLY 6 Mansfield
MARKHAM 9 Mansfield
MARSH 11 Mansfield
MART 4 Mansfield
MAUS 3 Mansfield
MCCARTHY 4 Mansfield
MCKAY 7 Mansfield
MEACHAEM 12 Mansfield
MEACHAM 11 Mansfield
MEACHAM 11 Mansfield
MECHAEM 13 Mansfield
METT 4 Mansfield
MILES 5 Mansfield
MILKS 3 Mansfield
MILLER 5 Mansfield
MIX 13 Mansfield
MORTON 1 Mansfield
MURPHY 10 Mansfield
MURREY 4 Mansfield
MYERS 5 Mansfield
NAIL 11 Mansfield
NAIL 12 Mansfield
NEAL 1 Mansfield
NEWTON 7 Mansfield
NICHOLS 6 Mansfield
OLDENBURG 6 Mansfield
OPPERBACK 5 Mansfield
ORORSKE 10 Mansfield
OWENS 5 Mansfield
PERKINS 1 Mansfield
PLEPFER 7 Mansfield
POSEHEN 4 Mansfield
PRENTISS 1 Mansfield
PRINCE 6 Mansfield
RASEY 11 Mansfield
RAZY 11 Mansfield
REYNOLDS 13 Mansfield
RICE 9 Mansfield
RICE 10 Mansfield
ROGERS 2 Mansfield
ROGERS 4 Mansfield
ROGERS 7 Mansfield
ROZEY 11 Mansfield
SANDERS 3 Mansfield
SANDERS 3 Mansfield
SCHUMAKER 10 Mansfield
SCOBY 1 Mansfield
SHAGHNESY 10 Mansfield
SIKES 4 Mansfield
SIMMONS 3 Mansfield
SKINNER 9 Mansfield
SMITH 1 Mansfield
SMITH 2 Mansfield
SMITH 7 Mansfield
SMITH 8 Mansfield
SMITH 8 Mansfield
SMITH 13 Mansfield
SNIDER 10 Mansfield
SNYDER 11 Mansfield
SPRAGUE 7 Mansfield
SPRAGUE 11 Mansfield
STANARD 5 Mansfield
STEFF 6 Mansfield
STEWART 7 Mansfield
STONE 1 Mansfield
STONE 1 Mansfield
STONE 4 Mansfield
STONE 4 Mansfield
SUTTER 11 Mansfield
SWARTOUT 13 Mansfield
THAYER 8 Mansfield
THAYER 13 Mansfield
THOMPSON 10 Mansfield
THURBER 3 Mansfield
THURBER 6 Mansfield
TINKCOM 1 Mansfield
TOKARSKA 2 Mansfield
ULMER 11 Mansfield
WAGER 1 Mansfield
WARREN 2 Mansfield
WARREN 3 Mansfield
WARREN 3 Mansfield
WEDGE 7 Mansfield
WEGHARST 7 Mansfield
WENLAND 5 Mansfield
WESTENDORF 9 Mansfield
WHEELER 11 Mansfield
WHIPPLE 5 Mansfield
WILKINS 7 Mansfield
WILLIAMS 8 Mansfield
WILLIAMS 8 Mansfield
WILSON 2 Mansfield
WILSON 12 Mansfield
WINDSOR 10 Mansfield
WINDSOR 10 Mansfield
WINSHIP 8 Mansfield
WOOLFE 5 Mansfield
WRIGHT 7 Mansfield
YOUNG 2 Mansfield
YOUNG 3 Mansfield

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