Leon is the third from the north of the towns in the
western tier of the county. It embraces all of township 4, in the ninth
range of the Holland surrey, and is bounded north by Dayton; east, by
New Albion; west by Chautauqua County; and on the south by Connewango.
It was erected from the latter town, April 24, 1832, and derived its
name from the ancient kingdom of Leon, in Spain. It is said that James
Waterhouse suggested this as being a complementary term to Castile,
Monroe Co. from which he and other settlers came. The area is 23,023
The surface in many parts of the town is broken by moderate hills, but in the northwest and along the western border is level and of a marshy nature. Much of the land here is subject to overflow, and is not valuable for farming purposes. The soil is variable, being a clay, sandy, or a gravelly loam. It is generally productive and susceptible of a high degree of cultivation. The drainage of the town is afforded by the Connewango and its tributary streams, the principal one being the east branch of that creek. This flows from New Albion through the northeastern part of the town, into Dayton, and after uniting with another, affluent, has a southwesterly course through the northwest part of Leon. Flowing from the east, south of the center of the town, with a general southwesterly course, is Mud Creek. This was formerly known as Butternut Creek from the timber growing on its bunks, and is yet the better terms; for the stream is rapid, clear, and has a gravelly bed. It affords several mill sites. The other streams do not generally admit of improvement for manufacturing. Numerous springs abound, and the water-supply is ample for domestic uses. On the hilly portion of Leon the timber growth w not so heavy as in some parts of the county, but was generally a good quality for fuel and building purposes in the southwestern part of the town a good building stone is procured from ledges along the creek, which have lately been developed.
The books of the Holland Land Company, in 1818, contained the names of Edmund Dudley, James Franklin, James Franklin, Jr.. John Dye, Nathaniel Cooper, Nathan Skinner, Asher Glover, and Harlon Beach, as contractors for land in the present town of Leon. Some of these also, were
The same season came Abner Wise and his son, Abner Wise, from Otsego County, and settled on 160 acres of lot 49. The former was generally called Capt. Wise. His wife was the first white woman in town. She died at the age of seventy-seven years. Capt. Wise died about 1838, and his son moved to Waupan, Wis.
Thomas W. Cheney, at that time but a lad fifteen years old, came with the Wines from Otsego County, and selected 200 acres on lot 48. He joined Abner W. in building a shanty, in which they lived part of the winter of 1818-19, and cleared their lands. When the weather became too severe they went to some relatives in Chautauqua County, but returned early the next spring and resumed work. Cheney became a minister of the Reformed Methodist Church about 1828, and was ordained a few years later. Subsequently, he became a Wesley-an, and held the position of presiding elder in that denomination. He is yet a resident of lot 49, and is the only survivor of those who came in first. A son, T. Apoleon, became a very learned man, and wrote several books on geology, which were received with favor in this country and in Europe. The fellowship of several royal colleges was bestowed on him for his learning and research. He died at Seneca Lake, in 1878.
In the spring of 1819, Edmund Dudley came from Monroe County, and selected the west part of lot 41, on which he built a shanty, and then went back to his old home for his family. Returning in the fall, he passed through Ellicottville, and called at the Holland Company's office to article his land. The agent, on learning that Dudley had a barrel of whisky among his effects, told him that he might have the laud for half his whisky. To this proposition Dudley assented, and in this way was the first land in Leon articled. No other land was articled until 1822, when Nathaniel Cooper and Daniel Dye articled lot 45. The other settlers coming about that period had their lands booked to them on the simple promise that they would make certain improvements in a given time, prior to articling or making a purchase. Dudley sold his land in 1843, but remained in this part of the country, and died at Rutledge.
Robert Durfee, a native of Rhode Island, moved to Mayville about 1812. In 1819 became to Leon and booked parts of lots 50 and 57, - 100 acres on each lot. In the spring of 1820 he brought on his family, - wife and two children. The younger of these, Edwin C., at that time six weeks old, is yet a resident on the homestead, and is the second oldest resident in town. The elder Durfee died on this place in December 1859.
Otis L. Durfee, a brother of Robert, came in 1820, and settled on lot 57. Seven years thereafter he moved to Crawford Co., PA, where he became a Baptist clergyman.
The same year came Asa Franklin, and settled on lot 46 and there, a few years later, opened the first tavern in town. He moved to Erie County.
Wm. Bartlett also came in 1820, and settled on lot 49 He was a millwright by trade, and helped on some of the first mills in these parts. He left the town in 1840.
Alexander Oathout, from Rigs, came in 1820, and lived for a time on the Cheney place, and John Bigler settled on lot 50. After many yean be removed to Chautauqua County.
On lot 45, settled, this year, Harlow Beach, - Holt, Ireneus Baldwin, Wm. Morrison, and a few others, all of whom removed before 1830, some of them settling in adjoining towns in Cattaraugus County.
Luanan Coe settled on lot 27 the same time as the above, and lived there until his death, in 1875. Mrs. Coe was sister of the noted politician, Charles D. Shepard. A son, Henry Coe, now occupies the place.
Nathaniel Cooper, a native of New Hampshire, came from Monroe County about 1821, and settled on lot 45, the whole of which he and Daniel Dye articled the following year. Cooper died June 26, 1855, but a son, E. W. Cooper, lives on the old Wise place, and is the third oldest resident in town.
Elisha Cooper, a brother of Nathaniel, settled on lot 53 living there until his death. Andrew W., a son, now occupies the homestead.
Daniel Brand, a youth, from the town of Perrysburg, was indentured to the Coopers, and grew to manhood in that family. Since 1831 he has lived on lot, on the firm which formerly belonged to John Cooper,-also an early settler,-and is one of the oldest citizens of Leon.
In 1821, Hazeltine Streeter, from Riga, settled on lot 51, Eber Franklin on lot 52, and Richard Oathout on lot 43. He lived here many years, teaching the first school in town, and, in 1825, put up the first frame building, on the farm now occupied by Leroy Rideout. He moved to Pennsylvania. A number of settlers came to this locality this year. But few of them remained any great length of time. Among these may be named Levi Sikes, A. McDonell, Stephen Parish, John Battles, and - Hill.
In 1822, Ichabod Franklin and his son Whitman settled on lot 43, Oliver Pool on the same lot, Philip Bigler on lot 28, Alpheus Stearns on lot 51.
The same year the Rev. Ezra Amadon, a Reformed Methodist, from Onondaga County, settled on lot 56. In the course of years he removed to Wisconsin, where he died; but his son Ezra still resides in town, and is one of the oldest citizens.
John N. Keirstead, a soldier of 1812, came from Ulster County, in 1822, and settled on lot 28, where he yet lives , - the fourth oldest resident in town.
In 1823, Caleb Fairbanks, Norman Coe, Artemas Fairbanks, Fuller Gould, and one or two others located at Leon Center. All of these are dead except Coe, who is a resident of Cherry Creek.
On lot 27, Samuel Daniels settled, in 1823. He had sons named Samuel and Cyrus, who figured in the affairs of the town.
David Ross settled on lot 25 this year (1823). Of his sons, Ahiman is still a resident of the town.
Zenas Barton located on lot 1; removed about 1830, but returned and died on this place.
Salem Town, father of Lyman, Samuel, Freeman, William, Salem, and Sylvanus Town, settled on lot 33, and was a neighbor of Benedict Russell, who put up one of the first good houses in that section.
About this period Ebenezer Collar settled at what afterwards became Leon Mills.
About 1825, Gustavus Warner, an o8icer of the State militia, settled on lot 39, and Gaylord and Ashbel Kellogg, brothers, on lot 47. The latter came from Central New York. Their descendants yet live here, and have occupied prominent places in the town. Doras and Josephus Ingersoll came from Wyoming County, and settled on the south part of lot 16. A son, Richard Ingersoll, still resides on this place. Josephus removed to the southern part of Dayton.
A year or so later Justin Wells and his sons, Justin H. and James, and Richard Darling, settled on Wells Hill.
The Kendall families, on lots 6 and 14, came from Ot5Co_ County about 1828, and after living in town a number of years removed to the West. Charles Keyser settled on lot 4 about the same time. Charles D. Keyser yet lives in that locality.
Benjamin Mosher was a prominent early settler in this part of the town, and his family have remained identified with the interests of Leon to this day.
John Easton, from Wyoming, came about 1830, and lived for a while in an unoccupied school-house, but finally settled on lot 16. He died at this place in 1856. Erasmus, the youngest son, lives in the town of New Albion; and Ahimaaz occupies the homestead farm.
So many settlers came in about this period it will not be possible to note them here in detail. Most of them were poor but energetic, and determined to acquire homes. How well they succeeded is clearly attested by the subjoined list of citizens owning improved property in 1833:
The population of the town is not as great at present as twenty years ago. The decrease is shown by a comparison of 1860 and 1875. At the former period, the town contained 1399 inhabitants, against 1201 at the latter.
In 1820, Abner W. Wise married Laura. Davison, of Connewango; in 1824, Ira Fish, of Mansfield, was united in wedlock with Julia Collar; and the same year Alexander Ross married Maria Dudley. Mr. Ross died a few years ago, but his widow still resides in town.
In 1823, Ezra Amadon erected a frame barn, the first in town; the second was built in 1824 by Samuel Daniels. The first frame house was put up in 1825, on Riga Street, lot 43, by Richard Oathout. It was intended for a store, but was never occupied for this purpose.
Since the first meeting, the principal officers have been as follow:
One of the oldest roads in Leon is locally known as Riga Street, 80 called from the place where those living on it came from,-Riga, Monroe Co. It was located principally to accommodate local travel, and after the Jamestown road was opened that became the principal thoroughfare, and is yet the chief highway of the town. Other roads were early located to the different settlements, and worked to the extent of the means of' the town, the appropriations for this purpose usually being very liberal. In 1833 there were 11 principal roads and 22 districts. The overseers were:
In 1878 there were 26 road districts, and most of the highways were in a passable condition. The town has no railway within her bounds, but by means of the Buffalo and Southwestern Railroad, in the town adjoining on the west, easy communication is afforded. The old Erie and New York City Railroad was projected through the western part of the town, along Connewango Creek.
The Leon Center Cemetery was the next opened. It contains about an acre of ground, subject to the same conditions as the above.
The East Leon Cemetery embraces a finely-located tract of ground, three-eighths of an acre in extent, purchased from the farm of Ahimaaz Easton. It is well fenced, and is under the supervision of the East Leon Cemetery Association. This body was organized March 18, 1878, with the following board of officers: Richard Ingersoll, President; Cyrus Ingersoll, Secretary; Richard Easton, Treasurer; Ahimaaz Easton, Erasmus Easton, Walker Ingersoll, Denzil Ingersoll, Cyrus Ingersoll, George Mosher, and Frank Judd, Trustees.
Many dead from the old burial-ground in the town of Dayton were transferred to this cemetery, but a child of Richard Easton was the first interred.
There are other places for burial in the town, but the above constitute the principal ones.
In 1829, he put up a distillery at this point, which was carried on six or seven years, and a small factory for woolcarding and cloth-dressing. The latter was operated about ten years by Noyes and the subsequent owner.
After 1830, Jabez Thompson purchased these interests and erected a grist-mill, a portion of the frame of which is yet used, and the place was the scene of considerable activity, being known as Leon Mills. In 1842, the dam was removed in consequence of the over flow of the contiguous land, and the stream led to the mill by means of a
race more than half a mile long. In this way good power is afforded, considering the volume of water. This has always been the only grist-mill in town, and has had among its owners James N. Allen, David Lang, Hunt & Shannon, Eri Aldrich, and H. N. Hubbell.
On the same stream, Abner W. Wise put up a saw-mill, near the great spring, in 1838, which was sold to Lyman Town; and while the property of Ezra Amadon, was burned. Here, also, the overflow was too great to longer utilize the power, and the site was abandoned. About 1845, Ezra Amadon got in operation a mill on the race west of the above place, which, after many changes of ownership, was last operated by E. C. Durfee.
On lot 35, Daniel B. Whiting put up a saw-mill, in 1832, which was operated by C. W. Dexter, Benjamin Southwick, and others. This mill is at present idle. In 1845, Mathew Franklin got in operation a saw-mill at Peace Vale, which has been rebuilt, and since 1858 has been the property of J. C. Green. It can cut 3000 feet per day.
In 1861, Judd & Babcock started a steam saw-mill at East Leon, which had good machinery and a large cutting capacity. The mill was burned down, and the engine removed to Leon Center, in 1875, by John A. Seekins, where he put up a lumber-manufacturing establishment, and also supplied a run of stones for grinding corn. This, too, was destroyed by fire in 1877.
In the northwestern part of the town a steam mill was operated about 1864, which was removed; and on lot 48, Butcher & Keyser put up a steam mill of good capacity, in 1875, which is at present operated by John G. Keyser.
Be East Leon Factory was built in 1866 by Jenks & Ross, and is operated by them as No.1 in their list of factories. The building is 40 by 100 feet, with a wing 40 by 50 feet. The factory was formerly more extensively operated than at present, and converted the milk of 1000 cows. At present there are 14 patrons, owning 300 cows.
The Leon Center Factory was established the same year, 1866, by Hunt & Cancen, in a two-story building, 30 by 120 feet. It was subsequently operated by Trumbull & Hubbard, Hubbard & Smith, S. B. Griffith, and at present by Jenks & Ross, as factory No.2. There are 41 patrons, who furnish the milk of 500 cows, from which are manufactured daily 14 full cream-cheeses, and butter in season.
The North Leon Factory, near Wells Hill was built in 1869 by Wells & Thompson, and was first operated by them, making 12 cheeses per day. The present product is not so large. The milk of 250 cows, owned by 20 patrons, is consumed. Wm. Thompson is the operator.
Be Ackley Factory, east from Leon Center, was put up by G. S. Mosher, and operated by him one year, when Albert Ackley became the proprietor. It is supplied with two vats, and manufactures the milk of 200 cows.
The Keyser Hill Factory was built, in 1875, by the farmers of that section, and is at present owned by Abednego Butcher. The yearly product is about 40,000 pounds of cheese, which finds a ready sale.
The Peace Vale Factory, at present Jenks & Ross No. 7, was built, in 1870, by S. B. Griffith. Edward Van Dusen operates it for the proprietors, manufacturing seven full cream-cheeses per day. There are 10 patrons.
The South Leon Factory, built in 1872, by B. G. Hubbard, on lot 49, contains one vat, in which is manufactured the milk of 125 cows. Since 1875 it has been included .in the Jenks & Ross list, and is known as No.5. Near by is The Leon Creamery, erected in the spring of 1878, by Mahlon L. Cowley, at a cost of nearly $4000. The factory site contains three acres, including the fine spring in this locality. This has but few equals in the county, furnishing a large volume of pure, cool water, which is utilized in the creamery to reduce the milk to a uniform temperature. The main building is 28 by 58 feet, two stories high, and a hasement, which is neatly walled, and forms a splendid cellar. There is also a wing of the same height whose dimensions are 26 by 28 feet. The power is furnished by a 14 horsepower engine, and drives a chum, whose capacity is 390 gallons. Thirty-three tubs of butter are made per week, and cheese is manufactured from the skimmed milk. The creamery is one of the best appointed in the county, and has 40 patrons.
The first hamlet in town sprung up around the Leon Mills, and about 1830 promised to be a place of some importance. A few years later there were a tavern, store, shops, and all the attendants of a business place; but all these interests have been diverted to the village of
or as it is locally known; Leon Center. It enjoys a final location a little sooth of the center of the town, and contains a few hundred inhabitants. There are at present a hotel, four stores, half a dozen shops, a very fine school building, Baptist, Methodist, and Free Methodist Churches, which are noted with greater particularity in the following pages.
The country surrounding the village is very rich, and it is naturally a trading point, nothing but the absence of good water-power preventing it from attaining a greater size. The nearest railway station is Cherry Creek, six miles distance.
Near the northeastern comer of the town is a small hamlet, containing a Free- Will Baptist church (in the town of Dayton), a store, several shops, and half a dozen houses.
The first public-house in the town was kept by Asa Franklin, on lot 46, on the old Kent road. Luman Coe opened a tavern on lot 37, about 1826, in a double log building, but soon afterwards moved into a frame house, where he continued his inn until after 1830.
The second regular tavern was opened by Amasa Green about 1830, in a frame house on lot 42, near the Leon Mills. In an enlarged condition this house is yet standing, though used as a dwelling, the last tavern having been kept, in 1868, by Alonzo Franklin. Besides Amasa Green, John Carpenter, Alvah Johnson, Alexander Ross, George Purdy, Henry Conklin, and others were the keepers.
On the road, north of this house, Capt. William Fenton had a public-house about 1844, which was the stopping place of the stages running between Buffalo and Jamestown.
About 1834, Thomas Noyes built a tavern at Leon Center, which has been enlarged from time to time to its present dimensions. A man by the name of Granger kept it after Noyes. Other landlords at this place have been Samuel P. Hanford, John Lang, Ellery Stone, S. C. Horton, John Carpenter, Nathaniel Kierstead, Thomas Snyder, P. A. Snyder, A. Thomas, O. C. Chase, A. L. Roberts, Russel Barlow, Zelotes Blanchard, B. B. Mosher, and W. F. Ross,
On the street leading to the eastern part of the village, John Cooper kept a public-house, about 1837, which was continued after a few years by Nathaniel Cooper. It is now a residence, and the old .Noyes tavern is the only public-house in town.
The first store in Leon was opened in 1827 at Leon Mills, by Johnson Noyes. He had but a small stock of goods. In 1830, Jabez Thompson placed a good assortment of merchandise in a building especially erected for store purposes, and carried on a very prosperous trade a
number of years. In those days liquor was one of the staple articles sold, and an examination of the account books kept by Thompson reveals the fact that nearly all the customers bought whisky as regularly as tea and sugar. After Leon Center became the principal business point, this store was discontinued, and the building is now used for a barn.
James Dunlap erected the first store-building at Leon Center, in 1833, on the corner opposite the Noyes tavern. In this building have been as merchants, Amaziah Strong, Jenks & Cooper, Ezra W. Cooper, Cooper & Brand, Spencer Horton, J. H. Chaffee, W. O. Tyrer, and one or two others for short periods. It is at present occupied by William Babcosk for a furniture room. On the west corner, the second business house in the place was erected in 1843, by Ira R. Jones, and a store kept in it by James and Porter Dudley. In time, Edgar Shannon followed here in of in trade, and in 1873 displaced the old house with a very good business block, which he yet occupies as a merchant.
The Jones building is at present occupied by M. W. Cooper and John Caneen for the drug and grocery trade. Formerly, Thomas Caneen had a grocery-store near this stand.
A hardware-store was opened in the village in 1872, by C. A. Kingsley, which is at present carried on by Horace R. Ho1Iister. The same year a small store was opened at East Leon, by Charles Easton, who was followed in trade by Collins Spencer, and he, in turn, by William E. Easton, the present storekeeper.
The Leon office was established at Leon Mills about 1835, and first bore the name of that locality. John Carpenter was an early and probably the first postmaster. About 1840, Carpenter went to the village of Leon, and removed the office with him. Since that period it has been there kept, the postmasters having been Henry Lang, H. H. Holmes, R. A. Kellogg, Anthony Day, John Cooper, E. W. Cooper, W. O. Tyrer, C. A. Kingsley, and H. R. Hollister. The office is supplied with a daily mail, alternately from Cattaraugus and Randolph.
The Peace Vale office was established in 1862, at the' house of Ezekiel Butler, who was the first postmaster. From 1865 to 187l the office was held by S. C. Green. It was discontinued in the latter named year.
Dr. Joseph Wilson came to Leon in 1834 as the first regular physician to locate for practice, and remained several years. But before this period, Samuel Daniels, a believer in the Thomsonian theory, sometimes practiced his art. In September 1835, Dr. Everett Stickney came from Erie County, and has lived here since as a physician. He was in active practice from the time of his settlement till 1868. That year Dr. A. A. Hubbell located in the village, and has since been an active practitioner. .
Some time before 1850, Pliny L. Fox resided four or five years in the town, and followed the attorney's profession. After his removal there was no lawyer in town until a few years ago, when John F. Mosher opened an office, and is yet engaged in this profession, at Leon village.
The following spring a school was taught at Leon Center by Louis Grover and Abigail Latham, the latter part of the season. The pupils here belonged to the Cooper, Beach, and Holt families. Other schools were taught as soon as the country settled up.
At the first annual meeting it was voted that the money received from Connewango, as the town's portion of the unexpended funds, should be applied for school purposes; and that, for the same use, double the amount of' money be raised that was received from the State.
The commissioners of common schools for the first year were Isaac Leach, Cyrus Daniels, and Collins Gibson; the inspectors were Johnson Noyes, Leonard Clark, and Richard Oathout, The records of the early schools are so vague that nothing satisfactory can be learned from them respecting the schools of that period.
In 1878, there were in the town10 districts, in which 11 schools were taught 280 weeks. The number of children of school age was 372, from which an average attendance of 196 pupils were secured. For the support of these schools, $1050.40 was derived from the county fund, and $501.84 was raided by special taxation. Fifty-six volumes were reported in the different libraries, and the value of the school-buildings and grounds were set at $4300.
The school-house at Leon Center was lately erected at a cost of more than $2000, and is one of the best buildings of its size in the county. It is an attractive two-story frame, handsomely finished, and well supplied with good furniture. The school here taught are noted for their through scholarship, and are largely attended.
Leon Division, No. 3'72, Sons of Temperaance, was organized about thirty years ago, having, among others, as charter members, Charles M. Eldridge, John F. Rhodes, Daniel T. Wood, Charles Everett, Thomas Caneen, and J. N. C. Kierstead. The latter was elected the first Worthy Patriarch. The meetings were first held in the school-house, but were afterwards convened in a hall-secured for the use of the division-over George Shannon's wagon-shop. Here for a number of years it flourished, but some time about 1853 the meetings were discontinued. The hall was subsequently used by a lodge of Good Templars, whose meetings were here held several years. After the lodge was disbanded the hall was converted to other uses.
Bouquet Lodge, No. 728, L O. G. T., was instituted in 1868, with E. C. Durfee as the first W. C. T. The meetings were held in the Methodist church, and were attended with much interest. The membership increased until there were more than 100 persons connected with the lodge. In time the meetings were held irregularly, weakening the interest so much that the lodge finally went down. .
Leon. Lodge, No, 153, A, O. U. W., was instituted May 4, 1878, with 26 charter members. The first officers were H. B. Hollister, p, M. W.; A. A. Hubble, M. W. j D. T, Wood, G. F.; Cyrus Rhodes, O.; H. J. Trumbnl1, F. R.;J. L. Casten, Rec.; O. L. Johnson, R.; Belah Dexter, G.; Royal Mills, J. W.; Emerson Hart, O.W.
In the summer of 1828 a frame church, capable of seating 500, was erected on lot 49, and was probably the first frame church in the county. In this the subsequent meetings of the Reformed Methodists were held, though nominally their property, other denominations were invited to occupy it for the occasional services they at time held. Besides their preaching services, the reformed Methodists held two prayer meetings per week on weekdays, or in the evening. Their ministers were the Ezra Amadon and his son Henry, Thomas W. Cheney, [ *From data frnished by E. C. Durfee, Esq. ] Eleazer Ewers, and, about 1840, Uriah S. Lembocker. These usually served the church gratuitously, receiving nothing but such gifts as the members were pleased to give them. Elder Amadon frequently spoke of the libel some of his members, who presented him with a new vest worth $1.50, as a consideration for his labors among them; and Elder Cheney, who was a presiding elder among them often received barely enough to pay his traveling expenses to his appointments in Eastern Ohio.
In 1840 the Reformed Methodists of the State united with the Wesleyans or favored a union of the two bodies. The church at Leon was not agreed on the wisdom of such a step, and became divided in their sentiments, a portion uniting with the Wesleyans and others adhering to the original organization. Dissensions ensued, and what with the loss of members by emigmtion, the interest was so much weakened that the services were discontinued, and the meeting-house was abandoned and soon went to decay. The timbers have been removed, leaving no trace of its location; and of the early members none remain in town, except Rev. Thomas W. Cheney and Ezra Amadon, a son of the founder of the society.
Some of the settlers north of Leon Center-the Beach, Holt, and Coe families-were Presbyterians, and sometimes had meetings in the school-house, where the missionary, John Spencer, preached, but did not form a church in consequence of the early removal of some of these families.
In 1823 the Rev. Jonathan Blake, in the employ of the Baptist Home Missionary Society, visited Leon and held services at the house of Robert Durfee and in the schoolhouse on lot 49. So much interest was manifested that in the summer of 1824 Elder Blake organized a Baptist Church, which had among its members Otis L. Durfee and wife, Oliver Pool and wife, Asa Franklin and wife, Moses Daniels, Mrs. Philip Bigler, and a few others. Otis L. Durfee was elected the first deacon, but soon after removed to Crawford Co., Pa., where he became a minister. Elder Blake preached in Leon a few years longer, then removed to Ohio. After he had left, the Rev. Theophilus Hastings, who was the school-teacher in the building on lot 49 in 1826-27, sometimes preached, but the congregation was too poor to maintain a regular pastor, and the Baptist hardly manage to preserve an organization.
Some time after 1830, Elder Bartemas Brahman, of Napoli, preached in the school-house at Leon Center every two weeks. In 1834 an extensive revival ensued, from which resulted a large addition to the membership of the struggling church, which now became known as
In 1836 a plain but substantial frame meeting-house was built at Leon village, in which meetings were now held with greater regularity, promoting, in consequence, the welfare of the church. This house, in a thoroughly re-paired, remodeled condition, is yet used by the society, and is a comfortable place of worship. It will seat 250 persons, and is valued at $1500.
No very intelligent account of the condition of the church work is found in the records prior to 1839. The entry that year contains the names of the following members: Elder J. Boardman, Curtis Battles, Gustavus Warner, B. C. Willoughby, John L. Harris, Oliver Pool, Chester Chapin, Levi Chapin, Eber Franklin, Asa Franklin, Benedict Russell, Samuel Daniels, Peter Low, David Ross, John Durfee, V. R. Morgan, Maria Amadon, Betsey Battles, Jane Boardman, Sarah Squires, Jerusha Franklin, Mary Warner, Louisa Harris, Catherine Low, Rebecca Dye, Sally Daniels, Abigail Chapin, Sarah Chapin, Patty Franklin.
Among those who here first filled the office of deacon were Chester Chapin and H. H. Holmes. This position has also been occupied by George Shannon, William Sanders, Horace Wells, D. H. Horton, George W. Press, Chas. Oakes, and Salmon Treat.
The clerks of the church wave been Eleazer Slocum, Leonard Clark, H. H. Holmes, R. C. Jackson, and Everett Stickney.
The pastoral connection has been irregular, and sustained at times by supplies from other churches. Besides those named, M. F. Wadsworth was ordained to the pastorate in 1843. Since that period the clergy of the church have been the Revs. A. Frink, J. J. Trumbull, Samuel Ackerly, H. H. Phelps, J. P. Islip, - Bemus, - Porter, G. W. Brown, J. A. Pickard, and the present, R. D. Hays.
The church membership is reported at 41; and in the Sabbath-school are 40 members, having Charles Oaks as superintendent.
At an early period a class of Methodists was organized west of Leon Center, which had among its members Simeon Harmon and wife, Ichobod Franklin, and Richard Oathout and his wife. The former was the class-leader, and the meetings were usually held at his houses. The preachers on the Connewango circuit also held meetings here at stated times and in the neighboring school-house. Measures were taken to build a church j and to promote this object a society was formed Nov. 23, 1835. The first board of trustees was composed of James Dunlap, Benjamin Southwick, Simeon Harmon, Simeon L. Winchell, Thomas Mills, Ira Greeley, Ira Sanders, Aaron Edwards, and Michael Brenninstol. The ensuing season a plain but commodious church edifice was erected at Leon Center, which was remodeled and modernized in 1858, by a committee composed of Daniel Brand, Moses Mills, and Gaylord Kellogg. One of the most notable changes was the addition of a tower, which was supplied with a good bell. The house will seat 500 persons, and is a comfortable place of worship. It is worth $3000. A parsonage was purchased about 1847, which was used until 1873, when it was removed and the present attractive house erected in its stead. This property is reported worth $1200. The controlling board of trustee consists of Richard Kellogg, Moses Mills, George Fuller James Casten, and Stephen Smith. The church has 65 members, in three classes, having James Casten, Richard Kellogg, and George Filley as leaders. The Rev. J. E Bates is the pastor in charge of the Leon circuit, which embraces East Dayton as one of the appointments. The circuit was formed in 184:7, and has had, since that period, the following ministerial appointments: the Revs. A. P. Brown, J. Scofield, D. King, J. Blackford, J. Scott, F. Muse, R. L. Blackmer, A. Norton, G. W. Sisson, L. Borton, R. R. Roberts, Joseph Allen, W. R. Gehr, P. Burroughs, G. W. Gray, S. N. Warner, C. E. Woodworth, E. Beardsley, Z. W. Shadduck, W. H. Hover, W. L. Rile William Rice, and since 1878, J. H. Bates.
[ casten residence ]
It will interest some of our readers to have, in this connection, a list of preachers on the Connewango circuit, which embraced this appointment, from 1826 10 1847. They were as follows: The Revs. John W. Hill, Job Wilson, John P. Pent, Joseph S. Barris, Zachariah Regan, David Preston, John K. Hallock, Nelson Henry, John Prosser, Andrew McCammon, D. Williams, Josiah Flower, Horatio N. Stearns, J. Scott, M. Hanna, J. E. Hassett, C. D. Rockwell, D. Rowland, J. O. Rich, J. F. Hill, M. Himebaugh, J. F. Hill, J. Demming, M. Elkins, D. Prichard, W. W. Luke, J. H. Tagg, D. W. Vorce, J. A. Young, S. A. Henderson, J. B. Hammond, Wm. S. Warrello, and J. N. Henry.
The first Sunday-school was superintended by James Dunlap, and was discontinued at the approach of winter. About 1855, Daniel Brand was the superintendent of the first school that was continued throughout the year. Richard Kellogg is the present superintendent, and the school has bout 75 members.
Was organized in the fall of 1874, by the Rev. J. W. McApline, with the following members: Joseph Sherman and wife, Melville Everts and wife, Lyman Franklin and Edwin Kellogg. The meetings were held at the Wells Hill school-house until the fall of 1816, when the old school building at Leon Center was purchased and fitted up for a place of worship. In March 1878, a board of trustees, composed of Melville Everts, Edwin Kellogg, and Hiram Harmon, was chosen to attend to the temporalities of the church, which are valued at $1000.
In 1876 the Rev. John Taylor was sent to the Leon circuit, and remained one year. He was succeeded by I Rev. W. G. Oakes, who continued until September 1878, I since when the Rev. W. W. Browne has been the pastor. The church has enjoyed unusual prosperity, and is at present in a flourishing condition, having 40 members.
Its present board of stewards is as follows: Cyrus Ingersoll, Hiram Harmon, Levi Towers, Lyman Franklin, Legrand Morgan, Albert Kellogg, William Hodges.
Among the early settlers of the town were several who participated in the Revolutionary struggle. Dudley Noyes, the father of Johnson Noyes, a well-known citizen, was at Bunker Hill; James Franklin served in New Hampshire; Anthony Day and Simon Bigler had been enrolled in their respective localities; and Elisha Freeman was another hero of the times that tried men's souls. There is on file in the office of the town clerk an interesting relic of his service,-a copy of his certificate for a Revolutionary pension.
In the war of 1812, a great many had participated, among others being James Franklin, Jr., Asa Franklin, Benedict Russell, John Bigler, Philip Bigler, Hazeltine Streeter, Levi Sykes, John N. C. Kierstead, Eber Franklin, Lyman Dean, Daniel Johnson, Levi B. Hubbart, John Sickles, Xury Blodgett, Ephraim Sweet, Ayers Woodard, Simeon Herman, John Everett, Asa Ewers, Abraham Low, Eberezer Day, David Ross, Andrus Frankoin, Alvah Smith, Jesse, Ross, Abner Durfee, Zephauiah C. Durfee, John Hazur, Benjamin H. Paddock, Abial Davison, Harvey Butler.
Leon responded to the several calls of the President of the endangered Union for troops to suppress the Rebellion, those who served is found in another part of this book.
To facilitate enlistments several special meetings were held, the most noteworthy of which were the ones convened June 15, 1864, and Feb. 28, 1965, when liberal bounties were voted to volunteers, and aid to such as would secure substitutes.
A. A. Hubbell was born in Connewango, Cattaraugus Co., N. Y., May 1, 1846 His father, Schuyler Philip Hubbell, was the eldest of nine children-all now living, and successful in their respective avocations-of Eli Hubbell and Mary Huxley, who were married Nov. 30, 1820. His mother, Hepzibah Farnsworth, was also a member of a large family consisting of ten children. He is the oldest of four children, one of whom died in infancy.
According to traditional history preserved in the family, he is a descendant of a line of Hubbell's, the first of whom emigrated to this country from England early in our nation's history, and settled at Reddington, near New Haven, Conn. The family comprised, besides parents, two sons and two daughters. The father was his (the Dr.'s) grandfather's great-grandfather. At least one of the above sons was in the old French war and also in the Revolutionary war. During the latter he, with a party of seventy, was poisoned at a spring of drinking water by the English, who were supposed to have placed it there for the purpose. He left at least seven children, - Esbond, Richard, Gershom, Benjamin, Enos, Ephraim, and Abigail. Esbond, who comes into the line of his descent, and was his great-grandfather, was a soldier in the war of the Revolution, enlisting at fifteen years of age, and serving his time. Afterwards he married, and engaged himself in the mercantile business at Ballston, Saratoga Co., N. Y. A speculation in beef, which spoiled on his hands, and which he intended a foreign market, ruined him financially. He then went ,to farming. At thirty-five he became crippled for life by a limb striking him on the back of his neck while felling some trees in the woods. He died at the age of sixty-three, after eighteen years of protracted suffering and paralysis.
His children were Francis, who died in the war of 1812, Enos, Ephraim, Eli, Louisa, Philip Schuyler, and Hannah Lovisa. In 1801 the family moved to Ovid, Seneca Co., N. Y., and in 1807 to Monroe County (then Genesee County), near Rochester.
In 1827, Eli Hubbell, with his wife and three children settled in Connewango, Cattaraugus Co., arriving there October 16. He bought one hundred acres of land, being a part of the farm now owned by Hezekiah Burt, and lying east of Axeville, which he cleared and subdued, and to which he afterwards added more land. Here he reared his family of nine children, who, without exception, stand on ground of prosperity, and some have risen to distinction. The whole family are living, and the father has arrived at the advanced age of eighty two years: now residing in the town of Randolph, near Chamberlain Institute.
His father, Schuyler Philip Hubbell, was born Nov. 2, 1821, and on his marriage, in 1845, 5ettled on a farm in Connewango, about half a mile west of Axeville, where he was born. He was reared on the farm, and engaged more or less in the duties attending it until he was nineteen years old. His education was acquired at the district school till he was thirteen years old, when he began to attend the Randolph Academy. He could not attend regularly, but only one or two terms of twelve to fourteen weeks during each year. During the spring and summer his help was required on the farm. His time in school was during the fall and winter. In all his attendance there were six terms. He usually took the lead in his c1asses, and by his teachers was pronounced a good student. In December, 1861, he was awarded one of the H. H. Otis prizes for meritorious declamation. He began teaching district schools when seventeen years of age. He taught five terms with success. In the summer of 1865 he began reading medicine with Dr. G. J. Ackley, then located at Cattaraugus village, whose death, the following winter, resulted in his engaging, as his medical preceptor, Dr. Lyman Twomley, of Little Valley, N. Y., with whom he afterwards prosecuted his medical studies till their close. His circumstances at that time demanded economy, and the tuition at the medical college was a matter for his consideration. The Eclectic Medical College, of Pennsylvania, offered the greatest inducements in that direction, together with thoroughness of instruction, and he resolved to pursue his studies at that institution. He attended medical lectures there during the two winters of 1867-68 and 1868-69, receiving his diploma. Jan. 4,1869. The chairs were well filled, and the lectures full and thorough. On starting for his attendance on his first course of lectures, Dr. Twomley gave him a certificate of studentship, in which he made the following complimentary remark:
Mr. Hubbell is a young man possessing more than ordinary industrious habits and integrity, with an unexceptionable moral character, and well worthy the confidence of the profession.
He began the practice of medicine and surgery at Leon, N. Y., Feb. 1, 1869 (at the age of twenty-two years), where he has since obtained a large and lucrative practice.
Being dissatisfied with the reputation of his Eclectic Alma Mater, he spent the winter of 1875-76 at tile medical department of the University of Buffalo, graduating there Feb. '23, 1876. His graduation thesis was on Observation and Fact, the Basis of Medical Progress- On this he received one of the Fillmore Cash Prizes.
His practice has been marked by a few noteworthy matters, such as delicate operations upon the eye and ear, but the most important was that of laparotomy for intussusception of the bowels. He performed the operation April 18, 1877, which was, so far as he could ascertain, the fourth for that disease on record in the United States. (See Buffalo Medical and Surgical Journal, February, 1878.)
He has contributed considerably to the medical periodicals of the day. In the past he has read a number of papers before the various societies with which he has been connected. He is an enthusiastic advocate of temperance, scientific and progressive thought, ever alive to questions which tend to advance or improve mankind physically or mentally. Perhaps he is identified with the more radical phase of thought, but in it he sees the promise of a better future.
June 26,1872, he married Miss Evangeline Fancher, daughter of the late Capt. Wm. Fancher, by whom he has one daughter, born June 27, 1873.
Hon. Edgar Shannon was born in Leon, Feb. 23, 1842. He was adopted by his uncle, Lorenzo Shannon, a substantial farmer and an old resident of the town of Leon. During the time he lived with his uncle he obtained a good English education by attendance upon the common school in the district, and in the two terms spent at the Randolph Academy.
From boyhood until the age of twenty-one he worked with his uncle on his farm, while not attending school, and engaged in teaching in the common schools in the vicinity a few terms during the latter part of the time.
In August 1862, Mr. Shannon enlisted in Company B,154th Regiment New York Volunteers, and served until the order for the general discharge of the volunteer forces.
On or about the 1st of March 1864, having been for some time previous first sergeant, he was promoted to the rank of first lieutenant and quartermaster of the 154th Regiment, in which capacity he served until the close of the war.
During his military service in the corps commanded by Generals Hooker and Sigel, he was in the battles of Chancellorsville, Lookout Valley, and Missionary Ridge; was in the army of General Sherman in his march through Georgia and the Carolinas, and at the siege of Savannah.
Soon after his discharge from the army Mr. Shannon became engaged in mercantile business in his native town, and soon merited the reputation of being a successful country; merchant.
In 1868 and 1869 he was elected supervisor of the town, serving two years in that capacity, to the general satisfaction of his townsmen. He was re-elected to and served in the same office in 1875.
In the fall of 1876 he received the Republican nomination for Assemblyman from the Second District of Cattaraugus County, and was elected by a large majority. He was re-nominated, and elected by an increased vote the following year. While in the Legislature, Mr. Shannon served on several important committees, and made a record pleasing and satisfactory to his constituents.
It is needless to say that Mr.. Shannon has always been a staunch Republican; his election as representative from the strong Republican Second District of Cattaraugus County sufficiently attests that fact.
Mr.. Shannon is still engaged in the mercantile business: as the head of the firm of Shannon & Co., dry-goods merchants and general dealers. - He was married April 15, 1866, to Miss Francelia Hunt, oldest daughter of Captain H. N. Hunt, of Leon, captain of Company K, 64th New York Volunteers.
His family at present consists of himself, wife, and one daughter
Capt William Fancher was born at German Flats, Herkimer Co., N. Y., June 1823,, and was the youngest of a family of nine children. His father, Enos Fancher, was a farmer and blacksmith in moderate circumstances. His mother's maiden name was Sally Roberts, of English and Welsh descent. His father died during William's infancy, but his mother managed to give him a fair common-school education.
At about the age of sixteen he went to work with his brother. George Fancher, of West Winfield, Herkimer Co. at the blacksmith business, but becoming dissatisfied with his occupation and desirous of change, he enlisted in the 'United States military service at Albany, on the 13th of July, 1841, and served for a period of five years, when he was honorably discharged at New York in July, 1846, as first sergeant of Company F (Capt. H. Day commanding), Second Regiment United States Infantry.
During the period of his enlistment he was much of the time in active service, first in the Florida and afterwards in the Mexican war, during which his regiment was attached to Gen. Scott's command he was present at the taking and capitulation of the city of Mexico, as well as many other battles during the campaign. After the close of the Mexican 'war he was for some time employed as recruiting officer for the United States army.
Soon after his discharge he re-enlisted in the United States naval service, in which he served four years, and was promoted to the rank of first lieutenant.
During the period of his service he was much of the time employed in the foreign service, accompanying the expedition to Japan, China, etc. He was discharged at San Francisco, in 1850, and was for a short time there employed in the custom-house. In the spring of 1851, he came to Leon, N. Y., and went to work with his brother John Fancher (then a resident of Leon), at the blacksmith trade, at which he worked for about a year, when he and his brother purchased a farm of one hundred and forty-six acres in the east part of Leon.
In September 1852, he was married to Lydia Mills daughter of Thomas Mills, an old resident of Leon.
Mr. Fancher worked on his farm until the commencement of the civil war, frequently holding responsible positions in the town. In the spring of 1861 Capt. Fancher was elected to the office of supervisor of Leon, but on the breaking out of the Rebellion his military talent was again called into requisition; a company of home guards was formed, of which he was elected captain. Sept. 18, 1867 he enlisted in the military service, and soon received a captain's commission in Co. K, 64th Regiment. He was active service until the latter part of March 1862, when he was stricken down by typhoid fever, and on the latter part of May following he received a furlough, and was allowed return home. He reached the residence of his father-in-law, Thomas Mills, May 17, 1862, and died on the 24th following, the relentless hand of death cutting short bade fair to be an honorable and useful career.
Capt. Fancher left two children-a daughter and son. The former, Evangeline, is now the wife of Dr. A. A. Hubbell, of Leon; and the son, Albert T., is in the mercantile business, in the firm of Shannon & Co., Leon. Capt. Fancher's widow is still living at Leon. The captain was a man of strict integrity and good business habits. He was highly respected as a citizen of his town, and his loss was severely felt by a large circle of friends. His remains repose in the cemetery at Leon Center, but his memory is still cherished in the hearts of his friends and ownsmen.
The surface in many parts of the town is broken by moderate hills, but in the northwest and along the western border is level and of a marshy nature. Much of the land here is subject to overflow, and is not valuable for farming purposes. The soil is variable, being a clay, sandy, or a gravelly loam. It is generally productive and susceptible of a high degree of cultivation. The drainage of the town is afforded by the Connewango and its tributary streams, the principal one being the east branch of that creek. This flows from New Albion through the northeastern part of the town, into Dayton, and after uniting with another, affluent, has a southwesterly course through the northwest part of Leon. Flowing from the east, south of the center of the town, with a general southwesterly course, is Mud Creek. This was formerly known as Butternut Creek from the timber growing on its bunks, and is yet the better terms; for the stream is rapid, clear, and has a gravelly bed. It affords several mill sites. The other streams do not generally admit of improvement for manufacturing. Numerous springs abound, and the water-supply is ample for domestic uses. On the hilly portion of Leon the timber growth w not so heavy as in some parts of the county, but was generally a good quality for fuel and building purposes in the southwestern part of the town a good building stone is procured from ledges along the creek, which have lately been developed.
The books of the Holland Land Company, in 1818, contained the names of Edmund Dudley, James Franklin, James Franklin, Jr.. John Dye, Nathaniel Cooper, Nathan Skinner, Asher Glover, and Harlon Beach, as contractors for land in the present town of Leon. Some of these also, were
The first to permanently locate were James Franklin and his son, James. They came from Monroe County, in September 1818, and settled on lot 50, where they put up a log house that season, the first in town. Both died in town the latter about 1848. Many descendants of the Franklins live in town.The same season came Abner Wise and his son, Abner Wise, from Otsego County, and settled on 160 acres of lot 49. The former was generally called Capt. Wise. His wife was the first white woman in town. She died at the age of seventy-seven years. Capt. Wise died about 1838, and his son moved to Waupan, Wis.
Thomas W. Cheney, at that time but a lad fifteen years old, came with the Wines from Otsego County, and selected 200 acres on lot 48. He joined Abner W. in building a shanty, in which they lived part of the winter of 1818-19, and cleared their lands. When the weather became too severe they went to some relatives in Chautauqua County, but returned early the next spring and resumed work. Cheney became a minister of the Reformed Methodist Church about 1828, and was ordained a few years later. Subsequently, he became a Wesley-an, and held the position of presiding elder in that denomination. He is yet a resident of lot 49, and is the only survivor of those who came in first. A son, T. Apoleon, became a very learned man, and wrote several books on geology, which were received with favor in this country and in Europe. The fellowship of several royal colleges was bestowed on him for his learning and research. He died at Seneca Lake, in 1878.
In the spring of 1819, Edmund Dudley came from Monroe County, and selected the west part of lot 41, on which he built a shanty, and then went back to his old home for his family. Returning in the fall, he passed through Ellicottville, and called at the Holland Company's office to article his land. The agent, on learning that Dudley had a barrel of whisky among his effects, told him that he might have the laud for half his whisky. To this proposition Dudley assented, and in this way was the first land in Leon articled. No other land was articled until 1822, when Nathaniel Cooper and Daniel Dye articled lot 45. The other settlers coming about that period had their lands booked to them on the simple promise that they would make certain improvements in a given time, prior to articling or making a purchase. Dudley sold his land in 1843, but remained in this part of the country, and died at Rutledge.
Robert Durfee, a native of Rhode Island, moved to Mayville about 1812. In 1819 became to Leon and booked parts of lots 50 and 57, - 100 acres on each lot. In the spring of 1820 he brought on his family, - wife and two children. The younger of these, Edwin C., at that time six weeks old, is yet a resident on the homestead, and is the second oldest resident in town. The elder Durfee died on this place in December 1859.
Otis L. Durfee, a brother of Robert, came in 1820, and settled on lot 57. Seven years thereafter he moved to Crawford Co., PA, where he became a Baptist clergyman.
The same year came Asa Franklin, and settled on lot 46 and there, a few years later, opened the first tavern in town. He moved to Erie County.
Wm. Bartlett also came in 1820, and settled on lot 49 He was a millwright by trade, and helped on some of the first mills in these parts. He left the town in 1840.
Alexander Oathout, from Rigs, came in 1820, and lived for a time on the Cheney place, and John Bigler settled on lot 50. After many yean be removed to Chautauqua County.
On lot 45, settled, this year, Harlow Beach, - Holt, Ireneus Baldwin, Wm. Morrison, and a few others, all of whom removed before 1830, some of them settling in adjoining towns in Cattaraugus County.
Luanan Coe settled on lot 27 the same time as the above, and lived there until his death, in 1875. Mrs. Coe was sister of the noted politician, Charles D. Shepard. A son, Henry Coe, now occupies the place.
Nathaniel Cooper, a native of New Hampshire, came from Monroe County about 1821, and settled on lot 45, the whole of which he and Daniel Dye articled the following year. Cooper died June 26, 1855, but a son, E. W. Cooper, lives on the old Wise place, and is the third oldest resident in town.
Elisha Cooper, a brother of Nathaniel, settled on lot 53 living there until his death. Andrew W., a son, now occupies the homestead.
Daniel Brand, a youth, from the town of Perrysburg, was indentured to the Coopers, and grew to manhood in that family. Since 1831 he has lived on lot, on the firm which formerly belonged to John Cooper,-also an early settler,-and is one of the oldest citizens of Leon.
In 1821, Hazeltine Streeter, from Riga, settled on lot 51, Eber Franklin on lot 52, and Richard Oathout on lot 43. He lived here many years, teaching the first school in town, and, in 1825, put up the first frame building, on the farm now occupied by Leroy Rideout. He moved to Pennsylvania. A number of settlers came to this locality this year. But few of them remained any great length of time. Among these may be named Levi Sikes, A. McDonell, Stephen Parish, John Battles, and - Hill.
In 1822, Ichabod Franklin and his son Whitman settled on lot 43, Oliver Pool on the same lot, Philip Bigler on lot 28, Alpheus Stearns on lot 51.
The same year the Rev. Ezra Amadon, a Reformed Methodist, from Onondaga County, settled on lot 56. In the course of years he removed to Wisconsin, where he died; but his son Ezra still resides in town, and is one of the oldest citizens.
John N. Keirstead, a soldier of 1812, came from Ulster County, in 1822, and settled on lot 28, where he yet lives , - the fourth oldest resident in town.
In 1823, Caleb Fairbanks, Norman Coe, Artemas Fairbanks, Fuller Gould, and one or two others located at Leon Center. All of these are dead except Coe, who is a resident of Cherry Creek.
On lot 27, Samuel Daniels settled, in 1823. He had sons named Samuel and Cyrus, who figured in the affairs of the town.
David Ross settled on lot 25 this year (1823). Of his sons, Ahiman is still a resident of the town.
Zenas Barton located on lot 1; removed about 1830, but returned and died on this place.
Salem Town, father of Lyman, Samuel, Freeman, William, Salem, and Sylvanus Town, settled on lot 33, and was a neighbor of Benedict Russell, who put up one of the first good houses in that section.
About this period Ebenezer Collar settled at what afterwards became Leon Mills.
About 1825, Gustavus Warner, an o8icer of the State militia, settled on lot 39, and Gaylord and Ashbel Kellogg, brothers, on lot 47. The latter came from Central New York. Their descendants yet live here, and have occupied prominent places in the town. Doras and Josephus Ingersoll came from Wyoming County, and settled on the south part of lot 16. A son, Richard Ingersoll, still resides on this place. Josephus removed to the southern part of Dayton.
A year or so later Justin Wells and his sons, Justin H. and James, and Richard Darling, settled on Wells Hill.
The Kendall families, on lots 6 and 14, came from Ot5Co_ County about 1828, and after living in town a number of years removed to the West. Charles Keyser settled on lot 4 about the same time. Charles D. Keyser yet lives in that locality.
Benjamin Mosher was a prominent early settler in this part of the town, and his family have remained identified with the interests of Leon to this day.
John Easton, from Wyoming, came about 1830, and lived for a while in an unoccupied school-house, but finally settled on lot 16. He died at this place in 1856. Erasmus, the youngest son, lives in the town of New Albion; and Ahimaaz occupies the homestead farm.
So many settlers came in about this period it will not be possible to note them here in detail. Most of them were poor but energetic, and determined to acquire homes. How well they succeeded is clearly attested by the subjoined list of citizens owning improved property in 1833:
Lot | Value | Lot | Value | |||
Amadon, Samuel | 51 | $15 | Johnson, Alvah | 49 | $25 | |
Amadon, Ezra | 49 | 35 | Kierstead,John N. | 28 | 30 | |
Barton, Fry | 44 | 45 | Kendall, Willaim | 6 | 40 | |
Blasdel1, Nathaniel | 29 | 40 | Kendall, James | 14 | 40 | |
Baker, Augustus | 38 | 35 | Kelly, Benjamin | 17 | 35 | |
Baker, Freeman | 31 | 4 | Kellogg, Gaylore | 47 | 100 | |
Bishop, Elisha | 58 | 20 | Kellogg, Ashbel | 47 | 30 | |
Bishop, James E | 51 | 8 | Keyser;Charles | 4 | 100 | |
Barby, Joseph | 43 | 10 | Leach, Levi | 43 | 100 | |
Bigler, John S | 10 | 10 | Lang, John | 43 | 20 | |
Cooper, Nathaniel | 45 | 20 | Low, Abrabam | 10 | 32 | |
Cooper, John | 44 | 30 | Mills, Moses | 40 | 35 | |
Cooper, Elisha | 53 | 30 | Morse, M | 38 | 30 | |
Coe, Luman | 37 | 125 | Mills, Thomas | 40 | 35 | |
Coe, James | 37 | 35 | Morgan, Newell | 36 | 50 | |
Coe. Korman | 36 | 15 | McClellan, A. | 40 | 50 | |
Carpenter, Stephen | 9 | 15 | Noyes, James | 42 | 50 | |
Chapin, Chester | 58 | 50 | Noyes, Fred | 35 | 50 | |
Doster, Charlie | 46 | 10 | Noyes, Thomas | 35 | 45 | |
Daniels, Samuel | 40 | 50 | Noyes, Johnson | 27 | 25 | |
Daniels, Cyrus | 19 | 100 | Portter, Wilber | 16 | 6 | |
Dye, Elisha | 45 | 28 | Phillips, John C | 7 | 6 | |
Day, Alvin | 22 | 100 | Perkins, W. | 23 | 6 | |
Day, Ahira | 22 | 100 | Pool, Oliver | 43 | 20 | |
Dudley, Edmund | 41 | 45 | Rideout, N. | 53 | 20 | |
Durfee, Robert | 57 | 32 | Ross, David | 25 | 25 | |
Durfee, John | 57 | 30 | Ross,Thomas | 26 | 10 | |
Easton, John | 16 | 105 | Ross,Ahiman | 25 | 10 | |
Edwards, David | 12 | 35 | Russell,Benedict | 32 | 60 | |
Edwards, Samuel | 12 | 30 | Shannon, Samuel | 36 | 20 | |
Eastman, Josiah | 19 | 35 | Southwick, Benjamin | 37 | 55 | |
Fitch, Daniel | 30 | 35 | Sanders, Ira | 45 | 55 | |
Fairbanks, Joshua | 50 | 36 | Solomon, George | 29 | 55 | |
Fairbanks, Thompson | 49 | 5 | Sanders, Clark | 44 | 35 | |
Fairbanks, Caleb | 49 | 38 | Sanders, William | 4535 | ||
Franklin, Ichabod | 43 | 20 | Sloeum, Eleazer | 43 | 30 | |
Franklin, Whitman | 43 | 20 | Seeley,Cyrus | 25 | 10 | |
Franklin, Eber | 51 | 25 | Sweet, George W. | 13 | 10 | |
Franklin. Daniel | 50 | 25 | Thompson, Jabez | 42 | 1,500 | |
Falen, Charles | 35 | 25 | Thomas,James | 44 | 30 | |
Fenton, William | 43 | 6 | Town, Lyman | 49 | 40 | |
Fuller, Owen | 6 | 38 | Town, Salem | 33 | 40 | |
Gould, Jesse | 28 | 38 | Thayer,A | 7 | 5 | |
Green, Am | 42 | 70 | Yan Tassel, Nicholas | 2 | 15 | |
Grecn. Alanson | 53 | 70 | Whiting, David | 35 | 50 | |
Grover, Asber | 27 | 40 | Wise, AbnerW | 49 | 180 | |
Greeley, Clifton | 43 | 40 | Wileox, James | 50 | 35 | |
Gibosn, Calvin | 9 | 25 | Warner, Gustavus | 39 | 35 | |
Harmon, Simeon | 51 | 55 | Wells, James | 32 | 40 | |
Hubbard, Gates | 46 | 35 | Wells, Justin | 24 | 34 | |
Ingersoll, Doras | 16 | 20 | Wilson, Jospeh W. | 36 | 40 | |
Ingersoll, Josephus | 8 | 25 | Williams, David | 5 | 15 | |
Johnson, John | 42 | 25 |
The population of the town is not as great at present as twenty years ago. The decrease is shown by a comparison of 1860 and 1875. At the former period, the town contained 1399 inhabitants, against 1201 at the latter.
Edward Dudley, a son of Edmund Dudley, was born July 3, 1820, -and this was the first birth in town. He grew to manhood in Leon, then removed to Buffalo, where he still resides. It. may be noted, in this connection, that a severe frost occurred about this time, completely cutting down the grain and vegetables of the pioneers, in consequence of which some hardship ensued. Other early births were Philena, daughter of Asa Franklin; Laura, daughter of John Fairbanks; and Latty, daughter of Abner W. Wise. .In 1820, Abner W. Wise married Laura. Davison, of Connewango; in 1824, Ira Fish, of Mansfield, was united in wedlock with Julia Collar; and the same year Alexander Ross married Maria Dudley. Mr. Ross died a few years ago, but his widow still resides in town.
In 1823, Ezra Amadon erected a frame barn, the first in town; the second was built in 1824 by Samuel Daniels. The first frame house was put up in 1825, on Riga Street, lot 43, by Richard Oathout. It was intended for a store, but was never occupied for this purpose.
The first election was held March 5, 1833, at the house of Amasa Green, when the officers elected were: Supervisor, James Waterhouse; Town Clerk, Eleazer Slocum; Assessors, John Easton, David B. Whiting, Thomas Noyes; Collector, John Carpenter; Justices, Joshua Fairbanks, Justin Wells, David Sweet, John Cooper; Commissioners of Highways, Wm. Kendall, Ahiman Ross, Theop. Fairbanks; Constables, John Carpenter, Justin W. Wells, Luther Kendall; Overseers of the Poor, John N. C. Kierstead, Ezra Amadon; Sealer of Weights, James Coe.Since the first meeting, the principal officers have been as follow:
Supervisors | Town Clerks | ||
1834 | John Cooper | Eleazer Slocum | |
1835 | James Waterhouse | Jabez Thompson | |
1836 | John Cooper | " | |
1837 | Gustavus Warner | John Cooper | |
1838 | " | " | |
1839 | " | Eleazer Slocum | |
1840 | John Cooper | Nathaniel Cooper | |
1841 | " | " | |
1842 | " | Harvey H. Holmes | |
1843 | " | " | |
1844 | " | " | |
1845 | Gaylord Kellogg | " | |
1846 | Wm. H. Andrews | " | |
1847 | " | " | |
1848 | John Long | " | |
1849 | " | William Hurd | |
1850 | Ezra W. Cooper | " | |
1851 | " | George Shannon | |
1852 | " | Ahiman Ross | |
1853 | John Cooper | Ellery Stone | |
1854 | Gaylord Kellogg | " | |
1855 | Ara Barton | " | |
1856 | " | Anthony Day | |
1857 | James Casten | Ira R. Jones | |
1858 | " | Anthony Day | |
1859 | Isaac N. Smith | John Fancher | |
1860 | " | Anthony Day | |
1861 | Wm. Fancher | William Hurd | |
1862 | Edwin C. Durfee | " | |
1863 | " | " | |
1864 | " | Rufus A. Kellogg | |
1865 | John F. Mosher | Wm. O. Tyler | |
1866 | " | Anthony Day | |
1867 | Herman V. Ingersoll | Edgar Shannon | |
1868 | " | " | |
1869 | Edgar Shannon | H. J. Trumbull | |
1870 | " | H. J. V. Smith | |
1871 | Thomas Caneen | Edward W. Clark | |
1872 | " | " | |
1873 | John A. Seekins | Almon L. Day | |
1874 | Herman V. Ingersoll | " | |
1875 | Edgar Shannon | " | |
1876 | James F. Town | " | |
1877 | John F. Mosher | John E. Caneen | |
1878 | Herry J.T rumbull | " |
1834 | David Sweet | 1858 | David Long |
1835 | Joshua Fairbanks | Moses McMillan | |
1836 | Fred Noyes | 1859 | Edwin C. Durfee |
1837 | Ashbel L. Kellogg | 1860 | Moses McMillan |
1861 | Almon L. Day | ||
1838 | Wm. Randall | 1862 | David Long |
1839 | Xury Blodgett | Leonard Clark | |
1840 | Fred Noyes | 1863 | Wm. N. Herrick |
John Carpenter | 1864 | Moses McMillan | |
1841 | Benj. Southwick | 1865 | Curtis Thompson |
1842 | Michael Brenenstuhl | 1866 | Miles Coe |
1843 | doras Ingersoll | David Long | |
1844 | Fred Noyes | 1867 | Moses McMillan |
1845 | John Long | 1868 | E. C. Durfee |
Ashbel Kellogg | David Jones | ||
1846 | John Long | 1869 | Gabriel J. Wood |
1847 | Doras Ingersoll | 1870 | H. M. Hunt |
1848 | Fred Noyes | 1871 | H. V. Ingersoll |
1849 | Corydon Morgan | 1872 | David Jones |
Jonn Carpenter | 1873 | Albert L. Palmer | |
1850 | John B. Fairbanks | 1874 | Melville M. Evarts |
1851 | doras Ingersoll | Gilbert L. Mosher | |
1852 | John Rhodes | 1875 | George W. Press |
1853 | Corydon Morgan | 1876 | Marcus W. Cooper |
1854 | Edwin C. Durfee | 1877 | Almon L. Day |
1855 | Harrison Judd | 1878 | Wm. S. Easton |
1856 | Leonard Clark | ||
1857 | Almon L. Day |
One of the oldest roads in Leon is locally known as Riga Street, 80 called from the place where those living on it came from,-Riga, Monroe Co. It was located principally to accommodate local travel, and after the Jamestown road was opened that became the principal thoroughfare, and is yet the chief highway of the town. Other roads were early located to the different settlements, and worked to the extent of the means of' the town, the appropriations for this purpose usually being very liberal. In 1833 there were 11 principal roads and 22 districts. The overseers were:
No. 1 | Alexander Ross | No. 12 | Amasa Green |
No. 2 | Luther Kendall | No. 13 | John Noyes |
No. 3 | Charles d. Kiser | No. 14 | Reuben Ross |
No. 4 | James Wells | No. 15 | Fry Barton |
No. 5 | Alvah Johnson | No. 16 | Marvin Morse |
No. 6 | Charles Butterfield | No. 17 | Daniel Bennett |
No. 7 | James Ridout | No. 18 | Samuel Town |
No. 8 | Thomas Mills | No. 19 | Ezra Amadon |
No. 9 | Asa Thayer | No. 20 | Leonard Clark |
No. 10 | Samuel Franklin | No. 21 | David Sweet |
No. 11 | Elisha Cooper | No. 22 | George W. Sweet |
In 1878 there were 26 road districts, and most of the highways were in a passable condition. The town has no railway within her bounds, but by means of the Buffalo and Southwestern Railroad, in the town adjoining on the west, easy communication is afforded. The old Erie and New York City Railroad was projected through the western part of the town, along Connewango Creek.
Laura, a daughter of Capt. John Fairbanks, died in 1821, and was interred on lot 49, on the ground where is now a cemetery. This was the first death in town, and as there was no officiating minister, the services at the burial were conducted by Thomas Northrup, of Connewango, who came in his pioneer attire and barefooted to attend the funeral. The next death was that of Henry Stearns, a child of Alpheus Steams, who was so severely scalded, in 1823, that it resulted fatally. In 1824, Mercy Gould, a widow, living at Abner Wise's, died, and was also interred on lot 49, which at that time was covered with forest-trees. Half an acre was finally set aside for a grave-yard by James Franklin, which has been enclosed with a stone fence, and is kept in good condition by the- people living in that locality.The Leon Center Cemetery was the next opened. It contains about an acre of ground, subject to the same conditions as the above.
The East Leon Cemetery embraces a finely-located tract of ground, three-eighths of an acre in extent, purchased from the farm of Ahimaaz Easton. It is well fenced, and is under the supervision of the East Leon Cemetery Association. This body was organized March 18, 1878, with the following board of officers: Richard Ingersoll, President; Cyrus Ingersoll, Secretary; Richard Easton, Treasurer; Ahimaaz Easton, Erasmus Easton, Walker Ingersoll, Denzil Ingersoll, Cyrus Ingersoll, George Mosher, and Frank Judd, Trustees.
Many dead from the old burial-ground in the town of Dayton were transferred to this cemetery, but a child of Richard Easton was the first interred.
There are other places for burial in the town, but the above constitute the principal ones.
of Leon were limited by the water-power to a few of the commoner industries until many years after its settlement, when steam was employed. The first improvement was made on lot 42, in the summer of 1826. Ebenezer Collar put up a saw-mill, which stood nearly on the site of the present grist-mill on Mud Creek. This became the property of Johnson Noyes in 1828, who put in a small run of stones for grinding corn and rye.In 1829, he put up a distillery at this point, which was carried on six or seven years, and a small factory for woolcarding and cloth-dressing. The latter was operated about ten years by Noyes and the subsequent owner.
After 1830, Jabez Thompson purchased these interests and erected a grist-mill, a portion of the frame of which is yet used, and the place was the scene of considerable activity, being known as Leon Mills. In 1842, the dam was removed in consequence of the over flow of the contiguous land, and the stream led to the mill by means of a
race more than half a mile long. In this way good power is afforded, considering the volume of water. This has always been the only grist-mill in town, and has had among its owners James N. Allen, David Lang, Hunt & Shannon, Eri Aldrich, and H. N. Hubbell.
On the same stream, Abner W. Wise put up a saw-mill, near the great spring, in 1838, which was sold to Lyman Town; and while the property of Ezra Amadon, was burned. Here, also, the overflow was too great to longer utilize the power, and the site was abandoned. About 1845, Ezra Amadon got in operation a mill on the race west of the above place, which, after many changes of ownership, was last operated by E. C. Durfee.
On lot 35, Daniel B. Whiting put up a saw-mill, in 1832, which was operated by C. W. Dexter, Benjamin Southwick, and others. This mill is at present idle. In 1845, Mathew Franklin got in operation a saw-mill at Peace Vale, which has been rebuilt, and since 1858 has been the property of J. C. Green. It can cut 3000 feet per day.
In 1861, Judd & Babcock started a steam saw-mill at East Leon, which had good machinery and a large cutting capacity. The mill was burned down, and the engine removed to Leon Center, in 1875, by John A. Seekins, where he put up a lumber-manufacturing establishment, and also supplied a run of stones for grinding corn. This, too, was destroyed by fire in 1877.
In the northwestern part of the town a steam mill was operated about 1864, which was removed; and on lot 48, Butcher & Keyser put up a steam mill of good capacity, in 1875, which is at present operated by John G. Keyser.
were erected in different parts of the town as soon as dairying began to engross the attention of the people so as to become the leading industry. The plan of manufacturing on the co-operative principle, or in common, has proved very satisfactory.Be East Leon Factory was built in 1866 by Jenks & Ross, and is operated by them as No.1 in their list of factories. The building is 40 by 100 feet, with a wing 40 by 50 feet. The factory was formerly more extensively operated than at present, and converted the milk of 1000 cows. At present there are 14 patrons, owning 300 cows.
The Leon Center Factory was established the same year, 1866, by Hunt & Cancen, in a two-story building, 30 by 120 feet. It was subsequently operated by Trumbull & Hubbard, Hubbard & Smith, S. B. Griffith, and at present by Jenks & Ross, as factory No.2. There are 41 patrons, who furnish the milk of 500 cows, from which are manufactured daily 14 full cream-cheeses, and butter in season.
The North Leon Factory, near Wells Hill was built in 1869 by Wells & Thompson, and was first operated by them, making 12 cheeses per day. The present product is not so large. The milk of 250 cows, owned by 20 patrons, is consumed. Wm. Thompson is the operator.
Be Ackley Factory, east from Leon Center, was put up by G. S. Mosher, and operated by him one year, when Albert Ackley became the proprietor. It is supplied with two vats, and manufactures the milk of 200 cows.
The Keyser Hill Factory was built, in 1875, by the farmers of that section, and is at present owned by Abednego Butcher. The yearly product is about 40,000 pounds of cheese, which finds a ready sale.
The Peace Vale Factory, at present Jenks & Ross No. 7, was built, in 1870, by S. B. Griffith. Edward Van Dusen operates it for the proprietors, manufacturing seven full cream-cheeses per day. There are 10 patrons.
The South Leon Factory, built in 1872, by B. G. Hubbard, on lot 49, contains one vat, in which is manufactured the milk of 125 cows. Since 1875 it has been included .in the Jenks & Ross list, and is known as No.5. Near by is The Leon Creamery, erected in the spring of 1878, by Mahlon L. Cowley, at a cost of nearly $4000. The factory site contains three acres, including the fine spring in this locality. This has but few equals in the county, furnishing a large volume of pure, cool water, which is utilized in the creamery to reduce the milk to a uniform temperature. The main building is 28 by 58 feet, two stories high, and a hasement, which is neatly walled, and forms a splendid cellar. There is also a wing of the same height whose dimensions are 26 by 28 feet. The power is furnished by a 14 horsepower engine, and drives a chum, whose capacity is 390 gallons. Thirty-three tubs of butter are made per week, and cheese is manufactured from the skimmed milk. The creamery is one of the best appointed in the county, and has 40 patrons.
The first hamlet in town sprung up around the Leon Mills, and about 1830 promised to be a place of some importance. A few years later there were a tavern, store, shops, and all the attendants of a business place; but all these interests have been diverted to the village of
or as it is locally known; Leon Center. It enjoys a final location a little sooth of the center of the town, and contains a few hundred inhabitants. There are at present a hotel, four stores, half a dozen shops, a very fine school building, Baptist, Methodist, and Free Methodist Churches, which are noted with greater particularity in the following pages.
The country surrounding the village is very rich, and it is naturally a trading point, nothing but the absence of good water-power preventing it from attaining a greater size. The nearest railway station is Cherry Creek, six miles distance.
Near the northeastern comer of the town is a small hamlet, containing a Free- Will Baptist church (in the town of Dayton), a store, several shops, and half a dozen houses.
The first public-house in the town was kept by Asa Franklin, on lot 46, on the old Kent road. Luman Coe opened a tavern on lot 37, about 1826, in a double log building, but soon afterwards moved into a frame house, where he continued his inn until after 1830.
The second regular tavern was opened by Amasa Green about 1830, in a frame house on lot 42, near the Leon Mills. In an enlarged condition this house is yet standing, though used as a dwelling, the last tavern having been kept, in 1868, by Alonzo Franklin. Besides Amasa Green, John Carpenter, Alvah Johnson, Alexander Ross, George Purdy, Henry Conklin, and others were the keepers.
On the road, north of this house, Capt. William Fenton had a public-house about 1844, which was the stopping place of the stages running between Buffalo and Jamestown.
About 1834, Thomas Noyes built a tavern at Leon Center, which has been enlarged from time to time to its present dimensions. A man by the name of Granger kept it after Noyes. Other landlords at this place have been Samuel P. Hanford, John Lang, Ellery Stone, S. C. Horton, John Carpenter, Nathaniel Kierstead, Thomas Snyder, P. A. Snyder, A. Thomas, O. C. Chase, A. L. Roberts, Russel Barlow, Zelotes Blanchard, B. B. Mosher, and W. F. Ross,
On the street leading to the eastern part of the village, John Cooper kept a public-house, about 1837, which was continued after a few years by Nathaniel Cooper. It is now a residence, and the old .Noyes tavern is the only public-house in town.
The first store in Leon was opened in 1827 at Leon Mills, by Johnson Noyes. He had but a small stock of goods. In 1830, Jabez Thompson placed a good assortment of merchandise in a building especially erected for store purposes, and carried on a very prosperous trade a
number of years. In those days liquor was one of the staple articles sold, and an examination of the account books kept by Thompson reveals the fact that nearly all the customers bought whisky as regularly as tea and sugar. After Leon Center became the principal business point, this store was discontinued, and the building is now used for a barn.
James Dunlap erected the first store-building at Leon Center, in 1833, on the corner opposite the Noyes tavern. In this building have been as merchants, Amaziah Strong, Jenks & Cooper, Ezra W. Cooper, Cooper & Brand, Spencer Horton, J. H. Chaffee, W. O. Tyrer, and one or two others for short periods. It is at present occupied by William Babcosk for a furniture room. On the west corner, the second business house in the place was erected in 1843, by Ira R. Jones, and a store kept in it by James and Porter Dudley. In time, Edgar Shannon followed here in of in trade, and in 1873 displaced the old house with a very good business block, which he yet occupies as a merchant.
The Jones building is at present occupied by M. W. Cooper and John Caneen for the drug and grocery trade. Formerly, Thomas Caneen had a grocery-store near this stand.
A hardware-store was opened in the village in 1872, by C. A. Kingsley, which is at present carried on by Horace R. Ho1Iister. The same year a small store was opened at East Leon, by Charles Easton, who was followed in trade by Collins Spencer, and he, in turn, by William E. Easton, the present storekeeper.
About 1830 a post-office was established in the eastern part of the town, with the name of Pleasant Grove. William Kendall was appointed postmaster, and held the office until after 1S!0. In the course of these years the name was changed to East Leon, which is the present title of the office. Among others who have been postmasters may be named Jonathan and Oliver Waldron, Ezekiel Seekins, Harrison Judd, William Seekins, and William Easton, and the office has been moved from place to place, usually having been kept at the homes of the above. The mail is supplied once a week from Cattaraugus village.The Leon office was established at Leon Mills about 1835, and first bore the name of that locality. John Carpenter was an early and probably the first postmaster. About 1840, Carpenter went to the village of Leon, and removed the office with him. Since that period it has been there kept, the postmasters having been Henry Lang, H. H. Holmes, R. A. Kellogg, Anthony Day, John Cooper, E. W. Cooper, W. O. Tyrer, C. A. Kingsley, and H. R. Hollister. The office is supplied with a daily mail, alternately from Cattaraugus and Randolph.
The Peace Vale office was established in 1862, at the' house of Ezekiel Butler, who was the first postmaster. From 1865 to 187l the office was held by S. C. Green. It was discontinued in the latter named year.
Dr. Joseph Wilson came to Leon in 1834 as the first regular physician to locate for practice, and remained several years. But before this period, Samuel Daniels, a believer in the Thomsonian theory, sometimes practiced his art. In September 1835, Dr. Everett Stickney came from Erie County, and has lived here since as a physician. He was in active practice from the time of his settlement till 1868. That year Dr. A. A. Hubbell located in the village, and has since been an active practitioner. .
Some time before 1850, Pliny L. Fox resided four or five years in the town, and followed the attorney's profession. After his removal there was no lawyer in town until a few years ago, when John F. Mosher opened an office, and is yet engaged in this profession, at Leon village.
In 1822 a small log house, 16 by 18 feet, was put up on the east part of lot 49, in which a school was taught that winter by Richard Oathout, which was attended by members of the Amadon, Dudley, Gale, and Jenkins families. This was the first school in town, and the territory comprised in the district now constitutes districts 2, 3, and 4.The following spring a school was taught at Leon Center by Louis Grover and Abigail Latham, the latter part of the season. The pupils here belonged to the Cooper, Beach, and Holt families. Other schools were taught as soon as the country settled up.
At the first annual meeting it was voted that the money received from Connewango, as the town's portion of the unexpended funds, should be applied for school purposes; and that, for the same use, double the amount of' money be raised that was received from the State.
The commissioners of common schools for the first year were Isaac Leach, Cyrus Daniels, and Collins Gibson; the inspectors were Johnson Noyes, Leonard Clark, and Richard Oathout, The records of the early schools are so vague that nothing satisfactory can be learned from them respecting the schools of that period.
In 1878, there were in the town10 districts, in which 11 schools were taught 280 weeks. The number of children of school age was 372, from which an average attendance of 196 pupils were secured. For the support of these schools, $1050.40 was derived from the county fund, and $501.84 was raided by special taxation. Fifty-six volumes were reported in the different libraries, and the value of the school-buildings and grounds were set at $4300.
The school-house at Leon Center was lately erected at a cost of more than $2000, and is one of the best buildings of its size in the county. It is an attractive two-story frame, handsomely finished, and well supplied with good furniture. The school here taught are noted for their through scholarship, and are largely attended.
Leon Division, No. 3'72, Sons of Temperaance, was organized about thirty years ago, having, among others, as charter members, Charles M. Eldridge, John F. Rhodes, Daniel T. Wood, Charles Everett, Thomas Caneen, and J. N. C. Kierstead. The latter was elected the first Worthy Patriarch. The meetings were first held in the school-house, but were afterwards convened in a hall-secured for the use of the division-over George Shannon's wagon-shop. Here for a number of years it flourished, but some time about 1853 the meetings were discontinued. The hall was subsequently used by a lodge of Good Templars, whose meetings were here held several years. After the lodge was disbanded the hall was converted to other uses.
Bouquet Lodge, No. 728, L O. G. T., was instituted in 1868, with E. C. Durfee as the first W. C. T. The meetings were held in the Methodist church, and were attended with much interest. The membership increased until there were more than 100 persons connected with the lodge. In time the meetings were held irregularly, weakening the interest so much that the lodge finally went down. .
Leon. Lodge, No, 153, A, O. U. W., was instituted May 4, 1878, with 26 charter members. The first officers were H. B. Hollister, p, M. W.; A. A. Hubble, M. W. j D. T, Wood, G. F.; Cyrus Rhodes, O.; H. J. Trumbnl1, F. R.;J. L. Casten, Rec.; O. L. Johnson, R.; Belah Dexter, G.; Royal Mills, J. W.; Emerson Hart, O.W.
The first religious meeting in the present town of Leon was held in August 1820, at the house of Abner Wise, on lot 49*. The preacher was the Rev. Daniel Hadley, Beach, a Free-Will Baptist, who came from Chautauqua County following blazed trees to guide him to this settlement. He preached in this neighborhood occasionally for two or three years, but it docs not appear that he attempted to organize a church. The first movement in this direction was made I by the Rev. Ezra Amadon, a Reformed Methodist clergyman and one of the original founders of that denomination, at Reedsborough, Vt., in 1814. It was constituted seceders from the Methodist Episcopal Church, the defection having arisen on account of a difference in church government and religions observances. The polity of the new body was not so strongly Episcopal and was more like that of the Congregational Church. They laid great stress on faith and perfection of character, striving to attain a greater degree of holiness. Elder Amadon moved to Leon, in February, 1822, with his family, and at once began preaching the doctrines of the new order with so much success that, in the spring of the following year, a Reformed Methodist Church was organized, in the southern part of Leon. The original members were Elder Amadon and Elizabeth, his wife, Thomas W. Cheney, John Fairbanks and wife, James Battles, Lucy Whiting and her daughter, Lucy. In his ministerial duties Elder Amadon was much assisted by Thomas W. Cheeney, who, though young in years, engaged zealously in this work. The doctrines of the church being generally acceptable, and there being no other church in town, many who had formerly been connected with other denominations in their old homes, became members of this society; and as the town settled up, this membership was increased until there were more than 100 communicants.In the summer of 1828 a frame church, capable of seating 500, was erected on lot 49, and was probably the first frame church in the county. In this the subsequent meetings of the Reformed Methodists were held, though nominally their property, other denominations were invited to occupy it for the occasional services they at time held. Besides their preaching services, the reformed Methodists held two prayer meetings per week on weekdays, or in the evening. Their ministers were the Ezra Amadon and his son Henry, Thomas W. Cheney, [ *From data frnished by E. C. Durfee, Esq. ] Eleazer Ewers, and, about 1840, Uriah S. Lembocker. These usually served the church gratuitously, receiving nothing but such gifts as the members were pleased to give them. Elder Amadon frequently spoke of the libel some of his members, who presented him with a new vest worth $1.50, as a consideration for his labors among them; and Elder Cheney, who was a presiding elder among them often received barely enough to pay his traveling expenses to his appointments in Eastern Ohio.
In 1840 the Reformed Methodists of the State united with the Wesleyans or favored a union of the two bodies. The church at Leon was not agreed on the wisdom of such a step, and became divided in their sentiments, a portion uniting with the Wesleyans and others adhering to the original organization. Dissensions ensued, and what with the loss of members by emigmtion, the interest was so much weakened that the services were discontinued, and the meeting-house was abandoned and soon went to decay. The timbers have been removed, leaving no trace of its location; and of the early members none remain in town, except Rev. Thomas W. Cheney and Ezra Amadon, a son of the founder of the society.
Some of the settlers north of Leon Center-the Beach, Holt, and Coe families-were Presbyterians, and sometimes had meetings in the school-house, where the missionary, John Spencer, preached, but did not form a church in consequence of the early removal of some of these families.
In 1823 the Rev. Jonathan Blake, in the employ of the Baptist Home Missionary Society, visited Leon and held services at the house of Robert Durfee and in the schoolhouse on lot 49. So much interest was manifested that in the summer of 1824 Elder Blake organized a Baptist Church, which had among its members Otis L. Durfee and wife, Oliver Pool and wife, Asa Franklin and wife, Moses Daniels, Mrs. Philip Bigler, and a few others. Otis L. Durfee was elected the first deacon, but soon after removed to Crawford Co., Pa., where he became a minister. Elder Blake preached in Leon a few years longer, then removed to Ohio. After he had left, the Rev. Theophilus Hastings, who was the school-teacher in the building on lot 49 in 1826-27, sometimes preached, but the congregation was too poor to maintain a regular pastor, and the Baptist hardly manage to preserve an organization.
Some time after 1830, Elder Bartemas Brahman, of Napoli, preached in the school-house at Leon Center every two weeks. In 1834 an extensive revival ensued, from which resulted a large addition to the membership of the struggling church, which now became known as
A year later, Feb. 16, 1835, was constituted the First Baptist Society in Napoli, to attend to the temporalities of the church, and Samuel Kitwell, Moses Daniels, Jr., Levi H. Chapin, David Ross, Peter Low were elected trustees.In 1836 a plain but substantial frame meeting-house was built at Leon village, in which meetings were now held with greater regularity, promoting, in consequence, the welfare of the church. This house, in a thoroughly re-paired, remodeled condition, is yet used by the society, and is a comfortable place of worship. It will seat 250 persons, and is valued at $1500.
No very intelligent account of the condition of the church work is found in the records prior to 1839. The entry that year contains the names of the following members: Elder J. Boardman, Curtis Battles, Gustavus Warner, B. C. Willoughby, John L. Harris, Oliver Pool, Chester Chapin, Levi Chapin, Eber Franklin, Asa Franklin, Benedict Russell, Samuel Daniels, Peter Low, David Ross, John Durfee, V. R. Morgan, Maria Amadon, Betsey Battles, Jane Boardman, Sarah Squires, Jerusha Franklin, Mary Warner, Louisa Harris, Catherine Low, Rebecca Dye, Sally Daniels, Abigail Chapin, Sarah Chapin, Patty Franklin.
Among those who here first filled the office of deacon were Chester Chapin and H. H. Holmes. This position has also been occupied by George Shannon, William Sanders, Horace Wells, D. H. Horton, George W. Press, Chas. Oakes, and Salmon Treat.
The clerks of the church wave been Eleazer Slocum, Leonard Clark, H. H. Holmes, R. C. Jackson, and Everett Stickney.
The pastoral connection has been irregular, and sustained at times by supplies from other churches. Besides those named, M. F. Wadsworth was ordained to the pastorate in 1843. Since that period the clergy of the church have been the Revs. A. Frink, J. J. Trumbull, Samuel Ackerly, H. H. Phelps, J. P. Islip, - Bemus, - Porter, G. W. Brown, J. A. Pickard, and the present, R. D. Hays.
The church membership is reported at 41; and in the Sabbath-school are 40 members, having Charles Oaks as superintendent.
At an early period a class of Methodists was organized west of Leon Center, which had among its members Simeon Harmon and wife, Ichobod Franklin, and Richard Oathout and his wife. The former was the class-leader, and the meetings were usually held at his houses. The preachers on the Connewango circuit also held meetings here at stated times and in the neighboring school-house. Measures were taken to build a church j and to promote this object a society was formed Nov. 23, 1835. The first board of trustees was composed of James Dunlap, Benjamin Southwick, Simeon Harmon, Simeon L. Winchell, Thomas Mills, Ira Greeley, Ira Sanders, Aaron Edwards, and Michael Brenninstol. The ensuing season a plain but commodious church edifice was erected at Leon Center, which was remodeled and modernized in 1858, by a committee composed of Daniel Brand, Moses Mills, and Gaylord Kellogg. One of the most notable changes was the addition of a tower, which was supplied with a good bell. The house will seat 500 persons, and is a comfortable place of worship. It is worth $3000. A parsonage was purchased about 1847, which was used until 1873, when it was removed and the present attractive house erected in its stead. This property is reported worth $1200. The controlling board of trustee consists of Richard Kellogg, Moses Mills, George Fuller James Casten, and Stephen Smith. The church has 65 members, in three classes, having James Casten, Richard Kellogg, and George Filley as leaders. The Rev. J. E Bates is the pastor in charge of the Leon circuit, which embraces East Dayton as one of the appointments. The circuit was formed in 184:7, and has had, since that period, the following ministerial appointments: the Revs. A. P. Brown, J. Scofield, D. King, J. Blackford, J. Scott, F. Muse, R. L. Blackmer, A. Norton, G. W. Sisson, L. Borton, R. R. Roberts, Joseph Allen, W. R. Gehr, P. Burroughs, G. W. Gray, S. N. Warner, C. E. Woodworth, E. Beardsley, Z. W. Shadduck, W. H. Hover, W. L. Rile William Rice, and since 1878, J. H. Bates.
[ casten residence ]
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It will interest some of our readers to have, in this connection, a list of preachers on the Connewango circuit, which embraced this appointment, from 1826 10 1847. They were as follows: The Revs. John W. Hill, Job Wilson, John P. Pent, Joseph S. Barris, Zachariah Regan, David Preston, John K. Hallock, Nelson Henry, John Prosser, Andrew McCammon, D. Williams, Josiah Flower, Horatio N. Stearns, J. Scott, M. Hanna, J. E. Hassett, C. D. Rockwell, D. Rowland, J. O. Rich, J. F. Hill, M. Himebaugh, J. F. Hill, J. Demming, M. Elkins, D. Prichard, W. W. Luke, J. H. Tagg, D. W. Vorce, J. A. Young, S. A. Henderson, J. B. Hammond, Wm. S. Warrello, and J. N. Henry.
The first Sunday-school was superintended by James Dunlap, and was discontinued at the approach of winter. About 1855, Daniel Brand was the superintendent of the first school that was continued throughout the year. Richard Kellogg is the present superintendent, and the school has bout 75 members.
Was organized in the fall of 1874, by the Rev. J. W. McApline, with the following members: Joseph Sherman and wife, Melville Everts and wife, Lyman Franklin and Edwin Kellogg. The meetings were held at the Wells Hill school-house until the fall of 1816, when the old school building at Leon Center was purchased and fitted up for a place of worship. In March 1878, a board of trustees, composed of Melville Everts, Edwin Kellogg, and Hiram Harmon, was chosen to attend to the temporalities of the church, which are valued at $1000.
In 1876 the Rev. John Taylor was sent to the Leon circuit, and remained one year. He was succeeded by I Rev. W. G. Oakes, who continued until September 1878, I since when the Rev. W. W. Browne has been the pastor. The church has enjoyed unusual prosperity, and is at present in a flourishing condition, having 40 members.
Its present board of stewards is as follows: Cyrus Ingersoll, Hiram Harmon, Levi Towers, Lyman Franklin, Legrand Morgan, Albert Kellogg, William Hodges.
Among the early settlers of the town were several who participated in the Revolutionary struggle. Dudley Noyes, the father of Johnson Noyes, a well-known citizen, was at Bunker Hill; James Franklin served in New Hampshire; Anthony Day and Simon Bigler had been enrolled in their respective localities; and Elisha Freeman was another hero of the times that tried men's souls. There is on file in the office of the town clerk an interesting relic of his service,-a copy of his certificate for a Revolutionary pension.
I certify that, in conformity with the Law of the United States of the 18th of March, 1818, and the 1st of May, 1820, Elisha. Freeman, late a private in the Army of the Revolution, is inscribed on the Pension List Roll of the New York Agency, at the rate of eight dollars per month, to commence on the fourteenth day of April, one thousand eight hundred and eighteen. Payable on the fourth of March and the fourth of September of each year, by the Branch Bank of the United States in the City of New York.
No person is payable until the arrival of one or the other of the above dates after the issue of a certificate.
Given at the War Office of the United States, this first day of May, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-one.
John C. Calhoun, Secretary
In the war of 1812, a great many had participated, among others being James Franklin, Jr., Asa Franklin, Benedict Russell, John Bigler, Philip Bigler, Hazeltine Streeter, Levi Sykes, John N. C. Kierstead, Eber Franklin, Lyman Dean, Daniel Johnson, Levi B. Hubbart, John Sickles, Xury Blodgett, Ephraim Sweet, Ayers Woodard, Simeon Herman, John Everett, Asa Ewers, Abraham Low, Eberezer Day, David Ross, Andrus Frankoin, Alvah Smith, Jesse, Ross, Abner Durfee, Zephauiah C. Durfee, John Hazur, Benjamin H. Paddock, Abial Davison, Harvey Butler.
Leon responded to the several calls of the President of the endangered Union for troops to suppress the Rebellion, those who served is found in another part of this book.
To facilitate enlistments several special meetings were held, the most noteworthy of which were the ones convened June 15, 1864, and Feb. 28, 1965, when liberal bounties were voted to volunteers, and aid to such as would secure substitutes.
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A. A. Hubbell was born in Connewango, Cattaraugus Co., N. Y., May 1, 1846 His father, Schuyler Philip Hubbell, was the eldest of nine children-all now living, and successful in their respective avocations-of Eli Hubbell and Mary Huxley, who were married Nov. 30, 1820. His mother, Hepzibah Farnsworth, was also a member of a large family consisting of ten children. He is the oldest of four children, one of whom died in infancy.
According to traditional history preserved in the family, he is a descendant of a line of Hubbell's, the first of whom emigrated to this country from England early in our nation's history, and settled at Reddington, near New Haven, Conn. The family comprised, besides parents, two sons and two daughters. The father was his (the Dr.'s) grandfather's great-grandfather. At least one of the above sons was in the old French war and also in the Revolutionary war. During the latter he, with a party of seventy, was poisoned at a spring of drinking water by the English, who were supposed to have placed it there for the purpose. He left at least seven children, - Esbond, Richard, Gershom, Benjamin, Enos, Ephraim, and Abigail. Esbond, who comes into the line of his descent, and was his great-grandfather, was a soldier in the war of the Revolution, enlisting at fifteen years of age, and serving his time. Afterwards he married, and engaged himself in the mercantile business at Ballston, Saratoga Co., N. Y. A speculation in beef, which spoiled on his hands, and which he intended a foreign market, ruined him financially. He then went ,to farming. At thirty-five he became crippled for life by a limb striking him on the back of his neck while felling some trees in the woods. He died at the age of sixty-three, after eighteen years of protracted suffering and paralysis.
His children were Francis, who died in the war of 1812, Enos, Ephraim, Eli, Louisa, Philip Schuyler, and Hannah Lovisa. In 1801 the family moved to Ovid, Seneca Co., N. Y., and in 1807 to Monroe County (then Genesee County), near Rochester.
In 1827, Eli Hubbell, with his wife and three children settled in Connewango, Cattaraugus Co., arriving there October 16. He bought one hundred acres of land, being a part of the farm now owned by Hezekiah Burt, and lying east of Axeville, which he cleared and subdued, and to which he afterwards added more land. Here he reared his family of nine children, who, without exception, stand on ground of prosperity, and some have risen to distinction. The whole family are living, and the father has arrived at the advanced age of eighty two years: now residing in the town of Randolph, near Chamberlain Institute.
His father, Schuyler Philip Hubbell, was born Nov. 2, 1821, and on his marriage, in 1845, 5ettled on a farm in Connewango, about half a mile west of Axeville, where he was born. He was reared on the farm, and engaged more or less in the duties attending it until he was nineteen years old. His education was acquired at the district school till he was thirteen years old, when he began to attend the Randolph Academy. He could not attend regularly, but only one or two terms of twelve to fourteen weeks during each year. During the spring and summer his help was required on the farm. His time in school was during the fall and winter. In all his attendance there were six terms. He usually took the lead in his c1asses, and by his teachers was pronounced a good student. In December, 1861, he was awarded one of the H. H. Otis prizes for meritorious declamation. He began teaching district schools when seventeen years of age. He taught five terms with success. In the summer of 1865 he began reading medicine with Dr. G. J. Ackley, then located at Cattaraugus village, whose death, the following winter, resulted in his engaging, as his medical preceptor, Dr. Lyman Twomley, of Little Valley, N. Y., with whom he afterwards prosecuted his medical studies till their close. His circumstances at that time demanded economy, and the tuition at the medical college was a matter for his consideration. The Eclectic Medical College, of Pennsylvania, offered the greatest inducements in that direction, together with thoroughness of instruction, and he resolved to pursue his studies at that institution. He attended medical lectures there during the two winters of 1867-68 and 1868-69, receiving his diploma. Jan. 4,1869. The chairs were well filled, and the lectures full and thorough. On starting for his attendance on his first course of lectures, Dr. Twomley gave him a certificate of studentship, in which he made the following complimentary remark:
Mr. Hubbell is a young man possessing more than ordinary industrious habits and integrity, with an unexceptionable moral character, and well worthy the confidence of the profession.
He began the practice of medicine and surgery at Leon, N. Y., Feb. 1, 1869 (at the age of twenty-two years), where he has since obtained a large and lucrative practice.
Being dissatisfied with the reputation of his Eclectic Alma Mater, he spent the winter of 1875-76 at tile medical department of the University of Buffalo, graduating there Feb. '23, 1876. His graduation thesis was on Observation and Fact, the Basis of Medical Progress- On this he received one of the Fillmore Cash Prizes.
His practice has been marked by a few noteworthy matters, such as delicate operations upon the eye and ear, but the most important was that of laparotomy for intussusception of the bowels. He performed the operation April 18, 1877, which was, so far as he could ascertain, the fourth for that disease on record in the United States. (See Buffalo Medical and Surgical Journal, February, 1878.)
He has contributed considerably to the medical periodicals of the day. In the past he has read a number of papers before the various societies with which he has been connected. He is an enthusiastic advocate of temperance, scientific and progressive thought, ever alive to questions which tend to advance or improve mankind physically or mentally. Perhaps he is identified with the more radical phase of thought, but in it he sees the promise of a better future.
June 26,1872, he married Miss Evangeline Fancher, daughter of the late Capt. Wm. Fancher, by whom he has one daughter, born June 27, 1873.
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Hon. Edgar Shannon was born in Leon, Feb. 23, 1842. He was adopted by his uncle, Lorenzo Shannon, a substantial farmer and an old resident of the town of Leon. During the time he lived with his uncle he obtained a good English education by attendance upon the common school in the district, and in the two terms spent at the Randolph Academy.
From boyhood until the age of twenty-one he worked with his uncle on his farm, while not attending school, and engaged in teaching in the common schools in the vicinity a few terms during the latter part of the time.
In August 1862, Mr. Shannon enlisted in Company B,154th Regiment New York Volunteers, and served until the order for the general discharge of the volunteer forces.
On or about the 1st of March 1864, having been for some time previous first sergeant, he was promoted to the rank of first lieutenant and quartermaster of the 154th Regiment, in which capacity he served until the close of the war.
During his military service in the corps commanded by Generals Hooker and Sigel, he was in the battles of Chancellorsville, Lookout Valley, and Missionary Ridge; was in the army of General Sherman in his march through Georgia and the Carolinas, and at the siege of Savannah.
Soon after his discharge from the army Mr. Shannon became engaged in mercantile business in his native town, and soon merited the reputation of being a successful country; merchant.
In 1868 and 1869 he was elected supervisor of the town, serving two years in that capacity, to the general satisfaction of his townsmen. He was re-elected to and served in the same office in 1875.
In the fall of 1876 he received the Republican nomination for Assemblyman from the Second District of Cattaraugus County, and was elected by a large majority. He was re-nominated, and elected by an increased vote the following year. While in the Legislature, Mr. Shannon served on several important committees, and made a record pleasing and satisfactory to his constituents.
It is needless to say that Mr.. Shannon has always been a staunch Republican; his election as representative from the strong Republican Second District of Cattaraugus County sufficiently attests that fact.
Mr.. Shannon is still engaged in the mercantile business: as the head of the firm of Shannon & Co., dry-goods merchants and general dealers. - He was married April 15, 1866, to Miss Francelia Hunt, oldest daughter of Captain H. N. Hunt, of Leon, captain of Company K, 64th New York Volunteers.
His family at present consists of himself, wife, and one daughter
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Capt William Fancher was born at German Flats, Herkimer Co., N. Y., June 1823,, and was the youngest of a family of nine children. His father, Enos Fancher, was a farmer and blacksmith in moderate circumstances. His mother's maiden name was Sally Roberts, of English and Welsh descent. His father died during William's infancy, but his mother managed to give him a fair common-school education.
At about the age of sixteen he went to work with his brother. George Fancher, of West Winfield, Herkimer Co. at the blacksmith business, but becoming dissatisfied with his occupation and desirous of change, he enlisted in the 'United States military service at Albany, on the 13th of July, 1841, and served for a period of five years, when he was honorably discharged at New York in July, 1846, as first sergeant of Company F (Capt. H. Day commanding), Second Regiment United States Infantry.
During the period of his enlistment he was much of the time in active service, first in the Florida and afterwards in the Mexican war, during which his regiment was attached to Gen. Scott's command he was present at the taking and capitulation of the city of Mexico, as well as many other battles during the campaign. After the close of the Mexican 'war he was for some time employed as recruiting officer for the United States army.
Soon after his discharge he re-enlisted in the United States naval service, in which he served four years, and was promoted to the rank of first lieutenant.
During the period of his service he was much of the time employed in the foreign service, accompanying the expedition to Japan, China, etc. He was discharged at San Francisco, in 1850, and was for a short time there employed in the custom-house. In the spring of 1851, he came to Leon, N. Y., and went to work with his brother John Fancher (then a resident of Leon), at the blacksmith trade, at which he worked for about a year, when he and his brother purchased a farm of one hundred and forty-six acres in the east part of Leon.
In September 1852, he was married to Lydia Mills daughter of Thomas Mills, an old resident of Leon.
Mr. Fancher worked on his farm until the commencement of the civil war, frequently holding responsible positions in the town. In the spring of 1861 Capt. Fancher was elected to the office of supervisor of Leon, but on the breaking out of the Rebellion his military talent was again called into requisition; a company of home guards was formed, of which he was elected captain. Sept. 18, 1867 he enlisted in the military service, and soon received a captain's commission in Co. K, 64th Regiment. He was active service until the latter part of March 1862, when he was stricken down by typhoid fever, and on the latter part of May following he received a furlough, and was allowed return home. He reached the residence of his father-in-law, Thomas Mills, May 17, 1862, and died on the 24th following, the relentless hand of death cutting short bade fair to be an honorable and useful career.
Capt. Fancher left two children-a daughter and son. The former, Evangeline, is now the wife of Dr. A. A. Hubbell, of Leon; and the son, Albert T., is in the mercantile business, in the firm of Shannon & Co., Leon. Capt. Fancher's widow is still living at Leon. The captain was a man of strict integrity and good business habits. He was highly respected as a citizen of his town, and his loss was severely felt by a large circle of friends. His remains repose in the cemetery at Leon Center, but his memory is still cherished in the hearts of his friends and ownsmen.
Residence of MARTIN
WOODIN of Leon
W. H. FRANKLIN of Leon
Residence of W. H. FRANKLIN of Leon
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