1841 |
John Green |
1859 |
Henry Heath |
Jeremy Wooster |
1860 |
Arunah Ward |
1842 |
David Farrington |
1861 |
William J. Nelson |
1843 |
Truman Kelsey |
William Barker |
1844 |
Charles Ward |
1862 |
Jeremiah Frank |
1845 |
George T. Barkley |
1863 |
Henry Heath |
1846 |
D. Farrington |
1864 |
A.J. Chamberlain |
Alex Chambers |
Sherman Sibley |
1847 |
Horace Fox |
1865 |
William Barker |
1848 |
Arza Searl |
A.W. Rasey |
1849 |
Jos. H. Mudgett |
1866 |
Jeremiah Frank |
1850 |
William Scoby |
1867 |
Sherman Sebley |
Andrews B. Norton NoerN |
Elias H. Hess |
1851 |
Jos. Miller |
1868 |
S. W. McCoy |
John Palmer |
1869 |
S.W. McCoy |
1852 |
Arunah Ward |
George Rider |
1853 |
D. Farrington |
1870 |
A.W. Rasey |
Henry Heath |
1871 |
A.C. Mason |
1854 |
Alex Chambers |
Perry Whaley |
LeRoy Chamberlain |
1872 |
Sylvester Faraday |
Colby Chamberlain |
S. Sibley |
1855 |
Charles Pierce |
1873 |
S. Sibley |
John Montgomery |
1874 |
Charles Potter |
1856 |
William Barker |
Horace H. Morgan |
Henry Heath |
1875 |
E.A. Hayes |
1857 |
LeRoy Chamberlain |
1876 |
Wilson N. Howe |
Sherman Sibley |
Walter H. Gibbs |
1858 |
William C. Hubbard |
1877 |
S. Sibley |
1859 |
Jeremiah Frank |
1878 |
Charles B. Potter |
In 1830, Benjamin CHAMBERLAIN was postmaster at
Peth. After him, in 1833, Francis GREEN was postmaster. The accrued
postage amounted to $22.82. The next postmaster was Ira NORTON in 1842,
and for several years, and Andrus L. NORTON was the next postmaster. In
1870, Frederick CRAMER was postmaster, and soon after the post office
was changed from Peth to the Plank Road House, and M.W. HICKS appointed
postmaster. In 1876, measures were taken to re-establish a post office
at Peth. It was to be called Great Valley Centre. George E. HOWLAND was
appointed postmaster, but the project failed to be carried out.
A post office was at Kill Buck about 1836. Marcus
LEONARD was postmaster in 1840 o the west side of the creek. After him,
William CROSS was appointed and held the office several years. About
that time the office was removed to the east side of the creek where it
has continued to be kept. George J. WITHERELL was postmaster, and after
him Walter E. PHELPS held the office for several years. D.H. PATTERSON
is the present postmaster. Charles T. JENKS is deputy and has charge of
the office.
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From the earliest settlement, the establishment and
maintenance of schools for the instruction of their children has been
an object of foremost importance with the people in every locality in
town. The first school houses built in the wilderness were, of course,
rough and rude, but made as comfortable as possible with the limited
means which they possessed. Men were hired as teachers at from eight to
twelve dollars per month, and women at from six to ten shillings per
week. The teachers usually "boarded around" the districts among the
patrons. There are now good frame school houses in each of the seven
school districts in town. In District No. 1 at Kill Buck, there is a
large two-story school house, well furnished for the use of primary and
more advanced scholars, and usually good teachers have been employed.
There has been for many years a good school maintained in District No.
2 at Peth. In District No. 3 at Great Valley Centre, there is a good
school house. Also in No. 4 on the Sugartown, there is a good and
well-built house. In No. 5 on Wright's Creek, there is another suitable
house. In District No. 6 adjoining Little Valley, the school house,
which is also a good one, is about a mile west from Peth. In District
No. 7 adjoining Ellicottville, a good school house was built at an
early day, and has been rebuilt within a few years. There is an Indian
school house at Horse Shoe Bend on the Reservation for the instruction
of the Indian children, and also those of white people living in the
vicinity, in the rudiments of an English education.
The school statistics of the town for 1878 are
obtained from Sanford B. MC CLURE. The town has 9 school districts,
containing 9 school houses which with sites, are valued at $3,885,
having 425 volumes in library, valued at $288. The number of teachers
employed is 10, to whom was paid $1,921.15. The number of weeks taught
was 264 3/5. The number of children of school age is 619. Average daily
attendance is 1,233 74/1000. Amount of public money received from State
is $1,240.65; amount of money received from taxes is $727.14.
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There is a small village at Great Valley Station on
the Erie Railroad, two miles east of Salamanca. It contains a store,
tavern, wagon and blacksmith shop, steam sawmill, grocery, and a
saloon, besides the depot and several dwellings. At the corners, half a
mile north of the depot is another collection of buildings, called Kill
Buck. This place contains a store, hotel, meat market, wagon and
blacksmith shop, Methodist Episcopal church, a post office, and a large
two-story school house and about 20 dwellings. On the opposite side of
the creek and a few rods west from the post office, are several
dwellings, a Catholic church, a brewery, cooper shop and a hotel or
At the Plank Road or Halfway House, as it is
commonly called, there are two stores, a hotel, Great Valley post
office, a steam sawmill, a blacksmith shop, and several dwellings; and
on the west side of the creek opposite is the new railroad station, a
school house, cheese factory, and a few dwelling houses. A depot
building is soon to be erected.
The small village of Peth is situated on the Great
Valley Creek, three miles from the river. It has a tavern, a grocery
store, school house, blacksmith shop, a shingle mill, and several
dwelling houses. The handle factory was burned September, 1878. At an
early period after the first settlement of Great Valley, the village of
Peth was an important point, being the central business place for a
large lumber district for a period of about forty years. Here centered
the business operations of the WOOSTERS, the GREENS, the CHAMBERLAINS,
the GIBSONS, the HOWES, the KELSEYS, the MARKHAMS, and other active
early settlers and their sons. About 1845, a dozen or more Scotch
families settled at Peth and its vicinity. James NELSON owns and
occupies the farm and large dwelling house formerly occupied by Judge
CHAMBERLAIN. With the decline of the lumber business some of the
settlers left, and the population of Peth also declined.
Top of Page
The first store kept at Kill Buck was by
Daniel and Horace HOWE on the west side of the creek in 1834. It was
afterwards kept by Marcus LEONARD, who also kept an inn at that point
for some years. He died of the cholera, at Buffalo in 1850. Hiram
SMITH, from Chautaugua County, was the next proprietor of said store
for a year or two and he was succeeded by CROSS and ELLSWORTH, about
1846. They continued in the business for some years. In 1857, Andrew
MERKT bought the store, including the tavern in the same building, and
carried on the business of brewing lager beer and hotel-keeping for
some years. After his death in 1860, Lewis P. BREWER was proprietor of
the brewery and hotel. There was no store kept on the west side of the
creek after about 1855. The brewery and hotel was burned about 1865. It
was rebuilt by John SPRAKER in 1874, and bought by Lewis TORGE, Jr., in
1875. He makes beer for the wholesale trade and does no retail
business. In 1852, James W. PHELPS built a large two-story store
on the northwest corner of the streets at Kill Buck. He kept a good
stock of merchandise and traded at that stand for about twenty years.
Mr. Phelps still owns the store, which is occupied by George J.
WITHERELL as a general variety store.
Two stores on the east side of the street nearly
opposite the Phelps store, were built about the same time-one by
Jeremiah FRANK, who kept a liquor store, and the other was built by R.
PATTERSON and Son, in which the post office is kept.
In 1856, Oscar SENEAR and Francis GREEN, Jr., built
a store on the river bank opposite the depot on the same spot where
formerly stood the wigwam of Kill Buck, the Indian chief. This store
was afterwards occupied by Charles BURNSIDE for some years, and then
for a few years by Henry S. SHORTER, with a fair stock of goods.
Michael SHEEHAN occupies the store east of the
depot, built by Jos. COLMAN and occupied by H.S. SHORTER and Company,
in 1861. J.H. MELHUISH owns and occupies the Railroad House, next north
of the depot.
At Peth, Lewis WOOSTER was the first storekeeper. He
sold the store to Judge CHAMBERLAIN in 1821. It was kept by the Judge
for many years, with a large stock of merchandise. William J. NELSON
kept store there in 1848, and for several years.
There was a chair factory started in the steam
sawmill of H.S. SHORTER and Brothers in 1869, and carried on by Rev.
John R. ALEXANDER for a year or two. From four to six hands were
employed, and a large quantity of various kinds of chairs were
Top of Page
A large number of the first settlers of Great Valley
came from the New England States, noted for its schools and churches.
Very soon after the first settlers located, religious meetings were
held. They met for worship in private houses, in barns, and sometimes
in the woods, until school houses were built, and then the meetings
were very commonly held on Sundays in those temples of early
instruction. Several persons of the Presbyterian faith residing near
Peth, united in holding meetings at the house of Ira NORTON, until a
school house was built. Of those who thus united for worship, were
Deacon Josiah HOLLISTER and his son, Samuel L. HOLLISTER, Ira NORTON
and Jesse HOTCHKISS and their wives. The Rev. Mr. SPENCER, from
Fredonia, was present at the organization, and he preached occasionally
to the church at Great Valley till about the year 1825. The Rev. Mr.
WILLOUGHBY sometimes preached to the congregation and he was hired for
a year; and several other ministers labored there from time to time
until about 1835 when the Presbyterians united with the Methodists to
hold meetings. For a time, Revs. NEVINS and MAY preached to the
congregation, and the Rev. Sylvester COWLES then residing at
Ellicottville, occasionally. But the small church at Peth has been
weakened by changes, removals, and deaths, until now, 1878, the only
survivor of the little band who united as above mentioned is Mrs. Sybil
HOLLISTER, widow of Samuel L. HOLLISTER, residing at Mansfield in this
On the 4th day of November 1831, a Baptist
Church was organized in Great Valley by a meeting held for the purpose
at the house of Charles WARD. Ira BURLINGAME was moderator and
J.A. BULLARD, clerk. The following-named persons, on presenting their
certificates of good standing, were duly received and organized as
members of said church, viz.: John ELLIS, Charles WARD, Jos. A.
Julia PARMELEE. Elder Samuel BRAYMAN addressed the new church and gave
the right hand of fellowship, and Elder Ebenezer VINING closed by
prayer. Religious services were from that time frequently held at the
school house in District No. 2, and the following additional members
were soon after added, viz.: Ira SMITH, Alvah KEYES, Freeman BRYANT,
Gershom R. STAUNTON, Benjamin LEE, Jane SMITH, Jerusha HENRY, Emily
MARKHAM, Ruby Ann MARKHAM, Rachel Ann PHILLIPS, Lucinda SMITH, Martha
PARMELEE, Mary Ann MC NAUGHTON, and Mary FISH. The pastors of this
church were S. BRAYMAN, E. VINING, E. GOING, J. ELLIS, Daniel PLATT,
and Records VINING.
Of late years, the Baptists have kept up a church
organization in the vicinity of the Plank Road House, and during the
winter of 1877-78, they had a series of revival meetings at the school
house, and there were a considerable number who were converted and
united with the church. The Rev. Mr. PIERCE was the principal preacher.
They have a Sunday school of about 30 children; M.W. HICKS is the
In the neighborhood along Wright's Creek, the United
Brethren first held meetings about ten years ago and they also had
revival meetings at the school house near John Wright'S and gained a
large number of converts. Rev. BRUNERHOFF was the first preacher, and
afterwards Revs. BARBER and GAGE were the pastors. They have a Sunday
school; James HARRIS is the superintendent.
Among others who embraced religion and became
converts to the faith was Judge CHAMBERLAIN, who was converted and
united with the Episcopal Methodists in or about 1845. He afterwards
gave liberally of his ample fortune for the endowment of the Wesleyan
College at Meadville, PA., and also for the establishment of the
Chamberlain Institute, at Randolph, N.Y.
A Methodist society was organized at Kill Buck some
twenty years since, of which Henry S. SHORTER was a leading member for
several years. Rev. J.R. ALEXANDER was the pastor for some time and
left in 1866.
About 1872, a small but neat church edifice was
built by the united efforts of persons who were desirous of having a
suitable house of public worship in town. The Rev. Walter GORDON
devoted considerable time and took a deep interest in the building of
the church. Meetings continue to be held by preachers of various
denominations. A Sunday school organization has been kept up for
several years. E.D. BULLARD is the present superintendent. It now
numbers about 35 scholars and teachers.
There was a Catholic church edifice erected in 1872, on the west side
of the creek at Kill Buck. It will seat 400 persons and cost about
$1,300. The society numbers 200, and is under the charge of the
Salamanca parish.
There are a few of this persuasion in this town, and services are held
by them a part of the time in the Methodist church at Kill Buck.
There are several cemeteries in town. One, near Kill
Buck, has several monuments and marble tombstones, and is enclosed with
a good fence. There is one near Peth, which was a burial place at an
early period. This was near the old school house, and at the junction
of the roads leading to Ellicottville and Chapellsburg. Of late, this
has been superseded by a burial lot near the late Judge Francis GREEN's
resident. It is an elevated and very suitable plat of ground for the
purpose. There is a cemetery near the Plank Road House, on the west
side of the creek, and another on the Sugartown, near the Free Will
Baptist Church. This is near the town line of Humphrey, but the
cemetery is in the town of Great Valley. Another cemetery, which has
long been used as a burial place for the dead is located on Lot 19, in
what is known as the Willoughby neighborhood. The foregoing comprise
the Protestant burial places in town. There is a Catholic Cemetery at
Kill Buck on the west side of the creek, adjacent to the Roman Catholic
church, which was built in 1872.
An association known as the Great Valley Cemetery
Association was formed on September 2, 1871, with the following
trustees, viz.: Alexander KEUHL, Peter M. FOLTS, William CROSS, William
While it may be said of this town that the
soil in the valleys is good,
and mostly well adapted to raising grain and grass, still a large
portion of the rough hill lands are yet covered mostly by the primitive
forest, and are not of good quality for agricultural purposes nor
favorable to dairying. When added to this is the fact that about 2,000
acres, embracing some of the best land in town is comprised in the
Indian Reservation, which is mostly uncultivated, it is no wonder
farming, generally, and the dairying business, in particular, is not as
flourishing in Great Valley, considering its extent of territory,
as in some other towns of the county.
There are now in operation, in town three cheese
factories. The first one was erected in 1858 on Lot 11 near the
Willoughby school house by an association of patrons. The building is
30 by 60 feet, and two stories high, and receives the milk of about 200
cows during the season of making cheese. One, near the Rochester and
State Line Depot, has the milk of 200 to 300 cows, with an average of
about 4,500 pounds of milk per day. It was built, in 1872, by the
patrons and has been run by I.N. SHELDON of Cuba, until 1878 when it
was bought by Mr. FOX of Ashford. For the month beginning August 16,
1878, 200 cheeses, weight 55 pounds each, or 11,000 pounds for the
month, were made. Sold in September 1878 at 83/4 cents. Mr. FOX also
owns the Summerville Hollow Factory, two miles below Ellicottville,
which is of about the same capacity as the one last named. The
buildings are each about 32 by 60 feet and two stories high. The milk
of about 800 cows is consumed by those three factories.
There is a remarkable well on the farm of Mr. FLINT,
on Lot 11 which has been called the "breathing well." Some forty years
ago, Mr. FLINT dug a well to the depth of 25 feet but failed to find
water. He, however, stoned it up hoping that water might come.
Afterwards, noticing a current of air proceeding from the well, he
inserted a pump log, and enclosed it leaving the opening in the log
uncovered. A current of air is continually blowing either into or out
of the well, and a whistle placed at the end of the log has been heard
half a mile. The current of air is sometimes steady in one direction
for a whole day, and sometimes it changes every hour. Just before a
storm, it is said to eject air. The well has been visited by many
scientific men but no satisfactory explanation of th phenomenon has yet
been given.
About the year 1808, there was a most terrific
hurricane, which passed over the south part of the town of Great
Valley, with awful force and fury, prostrating the heavy forest trees
like grass before the seythe. The course of the terrific storm was from
west to east, and was about half a mile in width and extended probably
from somewhere about Warren County, PA., where it began to the vicinity
of Dutch Hill. It made most horrible havoc, sweeping the trees
into a mass of fallen timber and brush, resembling an old-fashioned
"slashing," only that the roots of the trees were, in many cases,
upturned. From this windfall a small stream which empties into the
river, half a mile below Carrolton Station, is called "Windfall Creek."
Top of Page

Robert Patterson
(Click On Photo To Enlarge)
ROBERT PATTERSON was born December 3, 1800, in Centre
Township, Butler County, PA. He was the fourth in the family of
eleven children of David G. and Sarah (THOMPSON) PATTERSON, four of
whom are now living beside Robert, namely: Sarah, Joseph, Thomas, and
George W. His father was a native of Cumberland County, PA., and his
grandfather emigrated from Scotland at an early day and settled in
Cumberland County. He was a soldier in the Revolutionary War, and was
killed in the army. David G., the father of the subject of this sketch,
died in 1847 in Butler County, PA. Robert PATTERSON passed his youth on
his father's farm in Pennsylvania and in the common schools of that
county until he was twenty-five years of age. In May, 1827, he removed
to Cattaraugus County and settled in Great Valley, where he engaged in
the lumber business; continuing in this avocation till 1861, when he
went into the hotel business, in connection with farming. In this, he
continued for thirteen years, when he sold his hotel, and has ever
since been engaged in farming in Great Valley. In 1840, October 14th,
he was married to Charlotte, daughter of Nathan and Mary HOWE of Great
Valley. The result of this union was five children, namely: Daniel H.,
William, Mary, John H., and Otis H., of whom two are now living, Daniel
H., and Otis H., the oldest and youngest.
Mr. PATTERSON commenced life empty-handed and is now
considered one of the successful farmers and business men of Great
Valley. Never was an office-seeker, but has held most of the town
offices. Originally a Whig, he cast his first vote for Henry CLAY.
Since the formation of the Republican party, he has been a consistent
member of the same. In religious sentiment, a Presbyterian. Mr.
PATTERSON is a remarkably well-preserved man for his age.


John Green
Lucy Howe Green
(Click On Photo To Enlarge)
JOHN GREEN was born May 31, 1799 in Lyons, Wayne County, N.Y. He
removed to Cattaraugus County with his father's family and settled in
Olean when he was about ten years of age. His father, James GREEN,
engaged in the lumber business there, erecting the first sawmill in the
town of Olean. After remaining in Olean about five years, he sold out
and removed to Little Valley, and there built the first sawmill.
After remaining there about five years, he sold out and came to Great
Valley and built the first saw and grist mill in that town, where he
lived for fifteen years; he then sold and removed to Illinois, where he
resided till his death, which occurred in 1854. John remained with his
father till the latter moved West. His education was limited to the
common schools of Cattaraugus County.
After his father left, John learned the millwright
and carpenter's trade, and there followed his trade in connection with
the lumbering business until about 1855 when he retired from business.
On September 4, 1828, he was married to Lucy,
daughter of Nathan and Mary HOWE of Great Valley. No children.
Mrs. GREEN was born August 16, 1807 in the town of Phelps, Ontario
County, N.Y.
Mr. John GREEN was magistrate for four years, and
commissioner of highways for several years, and was postmaster of Great
Valley for nine years. Was always a staunch Democrat.
In religious sentiment, both he and his wife were
Universalists. He died September 4, 1874. His wife still survives