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names that are given as land owners in this town in 1819. In the spring of 1821, Horace and Walter Wells, from Schoharie County, came to Daniel Pratt's, then living in the Valley of Zoar on the north side, and endeavored to persuade two or three of the young men to go up into the " South Woods," now East Otto, to settle; Joseph Bates was persuaded, and these three young men felled the first trees, first turned up the soil to the suu, and laid the foundation for the civilization that fast followed in their track.
Horace located 125 acres on the north side of
the present Corners, on lot 37; Walter, 140 acres on lot36; and Bates,
200 acres on the same lot, and the farm now owned by L. Lincoln. Horace
built a saw-mill on 1ot 52 in 1827. His log house was east of Mr.
Laing's hardware store. In that year Alvin Powers, from Black River, came in and settled on lot 29, afterwards bought by A. L. Gibbs. Moses T. Beach, with his wife, and sons and daughters mostly grown up, emigrated from New Ashford, Mass., in October, 1821. Moses purchased the improvements of Josiah Baker on lot 11, township 5, range 7, who had been in about two mouths, and had chopped and logged about three acres, and rolled up a log house, which was not completed. Baker had elm bark peeled for the roof, and it was soon inclosed and they took possession. He built a sawmill in 1823, and a grist-mill in 1824, both on the west branch of Cattaraugus Creek, the first of each in the town. The grist-mill contained one run of stone, and was capable of grinding 60 bushels of grain per day. He was the first postmaster of the town, and held the position eight years. Religious services were held at the school-house, at which he was accustomed to read Wesley's sermons. He also built the first frame house. Hezekiah Scovill built one about the same time. Joseph Beach located land on the same lot. Tyler M. Beach on lot 12. He was elected town clerk upon the erection of the town, and also a justice of the peace. He is still living on the farm he first settled. Rev. Augustus Beach, a son of Moses T., born in Massachusetts in 1793, was a graduate of Williams College, an intimate friend and co-worker with George Briggs, Wm. Lloyd Garrison, Gerrit Smith, and others, in the antislavery movement and the temperance cause. He died in this town, April 21, 1878, aged eighty-five years. In 1822, Daniel Burchard located land on lot 12; Ephraim Rolfe on lot 28; Jabez Hull on lots 3 and 12, and Ira Hull on lot 4. Jabez Hull was living at Buffalo at the time it was burned. He settled on the farm now owned by Orson Utley and T. 1\1. Beach. He had three sons,-Daniel, Ira, and Jabez. Justus Bartholomew, with his wife and children, emigrated from Massachusetts the same year, and settled on lot 20, where Moses N. Beach now lives. He remained six or eight years, and removed to Ohio. His daughter, Sally, married Josiah Baker soon after coming in. It is thought by many this was the first wedding in town. In bis family occurred the first birth in the town, being that of twins,Arzan and Brittania,-a son and daughter. Mr. Bartholomew was elected one of the first commissioners of highways, in 1824. David Bartholomew at the same time located land on lots 12 and 20. |
Caleb Pearce came to the town in 1821. He married Phebe, the daughter of Eleazer Larabee, who, with his family, came in afterwards. Mr. Pearce remained a few years and moved West. Sylvester Pearce, his nephew, came in about 1830, and located at East Otto Corners, where he opened a store; afterwards purchased the farm known as the " Lovell farm," on lot 42, now owned by C. B. Allen, where he built the first brick house in the town. About 1850 he removed to Waverly and engaged in business. His daughter married John Laing, who is, and long has been engaged in business at East Otto Corners. Emmons Pearce, a son, was connected with the stage business at Waverly, also kept the hotel at that place for many years. Gilbert Pearce, another son, was born in this town, and is now editor of the Chicago Inter-Ocean. Hezekiah and Roderick R. Scovill, from Warsaw, came in 1822. Hezekiah, with wife and nine children, located 130 acres on lots 21 and 29, where John Perkins now owns. At his house the Baptist Church was organized. He also kept the first tavern in the town in 1828. Mrs. Sydney Larabee and Mrs. Theron Perkins are living in the town. Roderick located on lots 28 and 29. Samuel Tuthill, a native of Windham Co., Vt., came out to this town in the summer of 1822, and located land on lot 44, where Levi Bradley now owns; cleared a small piece of land, made arrangements to have a block house built, and returned to Vermont, where he married Sarah Guernsey, Oct. 17, 1822, a lady of the Guernsey families of England, whose ancestry reach back to titled families of Norman and Welsh descent. After their marriage they remained a week and started for their new home, she with many forebodings at leaving home and friends to try the realities of life in a new country and in the new relations she bad so recently assumed. After a long and tedious journey they arrived at the place he bad selected, Jan. 23, 1823. The house he had ordered built was not completed, and they were obliged to move into a shanty close by until it was finished. In a letter, written by her to her friends at home soon after her arrival, she says, "My long journey has at length terminated. I have at last found a habitation which they called my home ; but wretched indeed is its appearance,-roofless, doorless, and windowless, without a dry place to stand upon." But these discouragements soon gave way after a few days' earnest work and determination to wrest a home from the untoward circumstances surrounding them. They remained in this place but a year or two, when he purchased on lot 37, where the family still reside. They were both constituent members of the Baptist Church, of which be was chosen one of its deacons. He was elected commissioner of common schools and overseer of the poor of the town of Otto in 1824, and justice of the peace in 1827, having previously held that office by appointment. They were both active and foremost in all brood works, and labored earnestly through a long life for the good of all around them. They had four children,Col. Henry G., Harvey, and two daughters; the three latter are living on the homestead. William Tuthill, a brother of Samuel, came at the same time, and located on the same lot. His wife died in 1827. He removed West with Samuel Everts. |
Moses Leland-a lineal descendant of Henry J. Leland who came from England in 1652 and settled in Sherburne, Mass.-- came from Chester, Vt. He was accompanied by his sons,Moses N., Asa Jr., Cephas R., Marshall W., William H., and Dexter F., and settled on lot 20, in 1823, where A. D. Orr lived several years. Moses N. was a Baptist minister, and through his instrumentality the Baptist Church is largely indebted for its organization. When he first came he boarded in the family of Samuel Tuthill. Late in the fall of that year he married Brittania Wells, and settled with his brother Alla on lot 44, on the land now belonging to the Methodist Episcopal Church Extension Society. Asa married William Tuthill's daughter, and died in 1840. W. 0. Leland, of Hinsdale, and Barker Leland, of Springville, are descendants. Jeremiah Spaulding, wife, and several sons came into the town in May, 1823, and located 400 acres' of land on lot 13, and divided it among his sons. He and his son Tyler were among the constituent members of the Presbyterian Church in this town. Peter Strunk. the same year, settled on lot 13. The death of his child was the first that occurred in the town. Azan Wells, the father of Horace, Walter, Joseph, and Samuel, took up land first on lot 20, about 1823, afterwards on lot 27, where Russell Ingraham now resides. Joseph and Samuel settled on lot 37. Abram L. Gibbs and wife came into the town from Richfield, Otsego Co., N. Y., and located where Poltus Rush now lives, having purchased the farm of Alvin Powers, who came in two years before. He was one of the first members of the Methodist class; was elected justice of the peace in 1827. His wife was a graduate of Miss Emma Willard's Female Institute, in Troy. They are the parents of Addison C. Gibbs, who went to Oregon, was appointed collector of the port, afterwards elected Governor of the State, and is now a prominent lawyer io the city of Portland. Mr. Gibbs is still living, and resides at Cattaraugus. Clark Holmes and his wife, from Herkimer County, settled in the same year on lot 20. He also was instrumental in the organization of the first Methodist class. Ozi M. Goodale settled on lot 12, was elected justice of the peace in 1824, was pastor of the Baptist Church in 1827, and was elected one of the trustees in 1831. Philip and Henry Bonestell came into the town from Ashford, between 1823 and 1824, where Philip settled, and where Philip and Henry were liable for jury duty in 1823. Their names do not appear on the assessment-roll of that town for 1824. Philip settled on lot 46, where Mrs. H. Dewey now resides. Henry lived in East Otto. Noah Stowell, a Methodist minister from Herkimer County, located on lot 33, built a log shanty, made a clearing, and was one of the pioneers of Methodism in the town. In 1830, Isaac Reed, of Otsego County, moved into the town with his family, and is now living at East Otto Corners. Sumner Reed, his brother, was here io 1822, and located in the northwest corner of the town, where John Harrison lives. He claims to have dug the first grave in East Otto Cemetery. Ichabod Brown, a cooper, in 1824, settled on lot 5, 38 |
where John Hawkins lives. He was persuaded by Vine Plumb to follow his trade, and maoufucture barrels for him for use in barreling pearlash. He afterwards returned to his farm, where he lived and died. John Pratt, son of Peter Pratt, of Zoar, moved into the town, 011 lot 28, in 1824, having married t.he daughter or William Cook, of Zoar, the year previous. He now lives at Bagdad, Erie Co. Burton Morey, a native of Columbia County, settled first on lot 9, in Otto, where Joseph Kelly now resides, and in 1826 married Betsey Pratt, and moved on lot 29, where their son, D. P. Morey, lives. Peter and Philip Pratt, also sons of Peter, in ] 827 moved / to East Otto Corners, where Peter still resides. Eli D. Cox, in the spring of 1823, settled where Andrew Borden now lives. He married Eliza S. Williams, daughter of David Williams. After living on this place eight years, they moved to the Williams farm, in Zoar, and remained five years. Theo Mr. Cox bought the farm his son, H. D. Cox, now owns, and where Mrs. Eli Cox resides.
The Hon. Elijah A. Rice, long a resident of this county, was one of the
pioneers, and an active and influential citizen during the early years
of its history, came into the county in 1824, and located in the then
town of Otto (now East Otto). He is a native of Vermont., was born in
1795, and is now living, at the age of eighty three, in full health, at
Owatonna, Minn. He brought his family from Richfield Springs, Otsego County, to Cattaraugus in May, 1826, traveling by the first line boat that passed through the Erie Canal. Being an engineer and surveyor, he followed his profession among the settlers, and for the Holland Land Company until that company sold its lands to Nicholas Devereux and his associates, by whom he was employed in all difficult cases for many years. He was an accurate and skillful surveyor, and his decisions in all cases of disputed boundaries were for many years almost absolute law among the people. He removed from this county in 1854. The children of Mr. Rice were Maria, Addison G., Milton L., Carleton A., and Benjamin F. Maria married the Rev. William E. Pindar, a Methodist clergyman. She is living with a daughter at Lima, Livingston Co., N.Y. Milton L. was educated at Springville Academy, went South at the outbreak of the Rebellion, with the Union army. Since the war has practiced law in Little Rock, Arkansas. Carleton A. studied law at Ellicottville with Nelson Cobb, who was county judge of Cattaraugus, removed to Kansas, and w11i: appointed chief judge of that State. When Elijah A. Rice moved to Minnesota, Carleton went |
with him and became a large land-owner in the State, and is considered very wealthy. Benjamin F. Rice while quite young went to Texas, remained South and West until the breaking out of the Rebellion, when he went out as captain of a company in a Wisconsin regiment. Aft.er the war settled at Little Roek, Arkansas, and w1111 elected by the Republican party of that State to the United States Senate about 1870, and is now practicing law in that city. John Darling,· with wife and two children, from Massachusetts, emigrated to this town in 1824, and settled on lot 12, locating 100 acres of land. His wife was the first adult person who died in the town ; this occurred in December, 1824. Rufus Darling came in 1825, with wife and three children, Rufus P., Selecta A., and John P. Re located land on lot 3. In 1827 he went to Black Rock, where he was employed, and was there taken sick with the typhoid fever and died. Mrs. Darling remained on the farm until 1830. Rufus P. went East to Monroe County. Selecta A. married Justus Scott, and John P., in 1834, became interested in business, at Waverly, with C. B. Allen. About the time the Erie Railroad opened he removed to Cattaraugus, where he still resides, having represented the Senatorial district in the State Senate for two terms. In June, 1824, Vine Plumb brought a small stock of goods from Gowanda and opened the first store in the limits of East Otto, near Hezekiah Scovill's. In November of that year he removed to Otto. Levi Bullis, of Cooperstown, educated as a physician of the old school, came to the town in 1825 from Hamburg, and settled 25 acres on lot 44. After four or five years he moved to lot 43, where John Soffard now lives, and built a double log house, and practiced his profession many years as the first physician in the town, and is now living at East Otto. Mrs. Sally Bullis, his wife, died Feb. 13, 1877, aged eighty-two years. Arnold Bentley, Levi Bradley, Simeon B. Hinman, Thomas and Nathan Whitford, came in about 1824 or 1825. Bentley married the daughter of Moses T. Beach, and settled near Tyler M. Beach. Bradley was from Vermont, and settled on lot 44, where he now lives. Simeon B. Hinman located land on lots 27, 28, and 29, and settled where Millard F. Hinman now resides. Thomas and Nathan Whitford, brothers, settled on lot 23, in what is known as Whitford Hollow. Joseph Whaley was Jiving on lot 22, and cleared and fenced for them 5 acres for 810 per acre. Eleazer Larabee, of Hamburg, Erie Co., in 1824, with wife and five sons, Thomas, Minor, Nathan, Ira, and Sydney, all married except the latter. Eleazer located land on lot 28, where A. Brimmer lives. Ira lived at home. Thomas located on lot 27, where the Stephen Laing farm is; Minor on the same lot; Nathan on lot rn, where Moses N. Beach now lives. Mr. Larabee was one of the constituent members of the Baptist Church, and with Samuel Tuthill, was one of the first deacons. He married Lorinda, the daughter of Hezekiah Scovill, and set.tied on lot 36, part of the Stephen Laing farm and part of the Peter Pratt farm. Mrs. Larabee is living with her son Fayette, |
about two miles south of East Otto Corners. Other sons are living at East Otto, Otto, and Little Valley. Polly married Solomon Clark ; they settled here but soon moved West. Phebe married Caleb Pearce, who came in previous. Alexander Tefft, from Richfield, Otsego Co., emigrated to this town with his wife and 11ix children, arrived here May 13, 1827, traveling by canal to Buffalo and by team to this town. Elijah A. Rice and Clark Holmes previously had written such glowing descriptions of the country they were persuaded to try their fortunes. They located 225 acres on lot 24. The next spring aft.er coming in, the boys, Niles, Alexander, Samuel, and Dewey, all went over to Erie County to Francis White's, at Springville, and brought back each a bag of apple pumice. Aft.er bringing them home, they planted the seeds and raised a nursery of over 10,000 apple-trees; they have on their several places now over 1100 apple-trees in bearing. Niles Tefft commenced surveying the next season, and so great was the demand upon his time that he made it his principal business. after coming in. Alexander, Samuel, and Dewey cleared up 10 acres, made 40 rods of fence, and 816 worth of black salts in four weeks, soon after coming in. Samuel and Dewey are living near the old homestead. Mrs. Martha Tefft, the widow of Niles, lives on the old homestead. Samuel and Niles lived about three-quarters of a mile apart; they measured the distance, built a schoolhouse just half-way between the two houses, and hired a lady, who was a graduate of Oberlin College, to teach their four children. She remained about five years. The Teffts are influential in supporting the Free Methodist Church in that vicinity. John, Darius, and Calvin Pratt emigrated from Massachusetts to Montgomery County, where they lived several years, and removed to Krie County, and while there John taught school. John and Calvin came into this town in 1828. John located on lot 5, where his widow, Mrs. John Tracy, still lives. Calvin located land on lot 6, which Darius purchased when he came in 1831, and is where his son Robert now lives. In 1836, Calvin married Isabella Morrow, daughter of Joseph Morrow and sister of Mrs. Darius Pratt, and settled the farm adjoining Darius and now owned by Robert. Pratt.. Calvin lives near the Tuthill homestead. Daniel Bailey, in 1829, settled on lot 10 on the " Baptist Hill," where his son, Chauncy, now lives. Solomon Lull settled in the town in 1832 and married Betsey Canfield. They were among the first members of the Baptist Church. She is now the wife of Peter Pratt. Samuel Colvin, from Washington County, with his wife and three children, came by canal to Buffalo, and up Cattaraugus Creek to Zoar. lie located 100 acres on lot 47, where John Colvin now lives. Alvin came in 1833, and located 75 acres on lot 46. Freeman Colvin came two years later. John Perkins, a native of Granville, Washington Co., came with his wife in 1832, and set.tied on lot 29, where Geo. Woodruff rc.~ides. He soon after bought the chance of 100 acres on lot 20 of ·Caleb Pearce. He engaged in trade about four years, near the old Baptist church, about three- |
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Hinkley were appointed to preside at the meeting, appoint clerks, open and keep the polls, and have and exercise all the powers of justices of the peace when presiding at such meeting. The meeting was held in accordance with the act, and the town was organized as follows: John Laing, Supervisor; A. L. Gibbs, Town Clerk; Elijah Dresser, Commissioner of Common Schools; Thomas G. Larrabee, Thomas Morrow, and A. Griffith, Justices of the Peace; Selah B. Dunbar and Manoah M. Bartholomew, Assesors; John C. Pratt, Collector; Samuel H. Lull, Overseer of the Poor. The following is a list of the supervisors, town clerks, and justices of the peace :
JUSTICES OF THE PEACE.Calvin Pratt, Poltus Rush, Nathaniel N. Tefft, Edwin Smith, A. L. Orr, E. D. Cox, Isaac Reed, John C. Pratt, Justice J . Scott, John C. Pratt, John L. Perkins, A. L. Orr, O. L. Larkin, Nathaniel N. Tefft, Oscar T. Beach, Amher1t L. Orr, Justus J. Scott, Edwin Smith, Harvey Tuthill, Nathaniel N. Tefft, D. F. Williams, Almeron D. Matteaon, Harvey Tuthill, 0. P. Lincoln, Diram D. Cox, John Harrison, C. T. Mason, Harvey Tuthill, C. T. Mason., Edwin Smith. A number of brethren of the Baptist faith and order met at the house of Hezekiah Scovill, July 2, 1825, for the purpose of uniting in church fellowship. Samuel Tuthill was chosen moderator, Nathan Larabee, clerk. The articles of faith were read and agreed upon, and the meeting adjourned till July 30, 1825, at one o'clock in the afternoon, at which time the meeting convened, and after due deliberation it was voted to call a council to organize into a church. In accordance with such vote, letters missive were sent out to the following churches, to meet Sept. 22, 1825: Ellicottville, Concord, China, Boston, Sardinia, and Warsaw. The following representatives appeared at the house of Hezekiah Scovill, Thursday, Sept. 22, 1825, for the purpose of examining into the character and standing of a number of brethren and sisters, and extend to them the right hand of fellowship: Rev. Ebenezer Vining and G. L. Stanton, Ellicottville; Rev. Thos. Baker, Sardinia; Elias Harmon, Aurora; Rev. David S. Worcester, Sheldon; Clark Carr, Concord; R. C. Eaton, Stephen Pratt, and Deacon Beach. Elder E. Vining was chosen moderator, and Rev. David S. Worchestcr, scribe. The following letters were handed in: Samuel Tuthill and Sarah, his wife, |
Nathan Scovill, Wm. Tuthill, Moses N. Leland, Jabez Hull and wife, Phineas Howe and wife, Nathan Hull and wife, Joseph Wheeler an<l wife, Thomas Whitford and wife, Nathan Larabee and wife, Minor Larabee, Louis Leland, Lucy Beach, and Hezekiah Scovill and wife,- 22 in all. After due deliberation it was unanimous that. they should be received and organized into a church. The organization and recognition of the church were then effected. Sept. 24, 1825, Samuel Tuthill and Nathan Larabee were chosen deacons. The ordinances of the church were administered for the first time on Sunday, Sept .. 25, 1825, by the Rev. David S. Worcester, who remained us their pastor until 827, when he was succeeded by Rev. Osa M. Goodall and L. Loomis. Rev. H. D. Mason Was ordained pastor of the church Aug. 25, 1833, and he was succeeded by Rev. D. Platt, B. Wilcox, and J. Boardman. In 1843, C. J. Scott was ordained to t.he ministry and pastorate of the church, and was followed by the Rev. B. Oviott, N. Gray, S. B. Thompson, R. Cherryman, N. F. Langmade, G. F. Wilkin, C. C. McIntosh, M. F. Wadsworth, and F. M. Calkins, who is the present pastor. Dec. 20, 1831, a religious society was instituted at the house of Hezekiah Scovill, called the First Baptist Society of Otto. John Wilcox, Tyler M. Beach, and Osa M. Goodall were chosen trustees. About 1833-34, a church edifice was erected on the farm now owned by Wm. Holmes, about three-quarters of a mile east of East Otto Corners. About 1850 the house was repaired, and in 1854 or '55 was removed to the Corners. In 1873 and 1874 a new house was built on its present site, and when completed was $2900 in debt, but an effort was made and the amount was pledged. The total cost, including bell and furniture, was $5700. It was dedicated Dec. 22, 1874; Rev. E. E. Chivers, of Buffalo, delivering the dedicatory sermon, from 1st Cor. xii. 27: "Now ye are the body of' Christ, and members in particular." The old church was disposed of to the town, and is now used for a town hall. The present membership of the society is 68. A Sunday.school was in connect.ion with the church before 1837, and at present numbers 134. The pastor, Rev. F. M. Calkins, is superintendent. THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF EAST OTTO.In Februnry, 1834, a number of the people of the vicinity interested in1 the Presbyterian faith gathered at the school-housc near Dr. E. Dresser's. Re. Wm.J. Wilcox and Rev. Abijah Parmalee, of Springville, were ministers in charge of the meeting. After consultation, letters were handed in from Jeremiah Spaulding,, wife and two daughters, Elijah Crosby and wife, Tyler Spaulding, from the Otto church, and Mrs. Brush and Mrs. S. D. Lull, froru other churches. Salmon Lull and Warner Spaulding offered for examination ; in all, eleven. After examination, the church was constituted with the above members. At a later date Tyler Spaulding and Samuel Everts were chosen deacons. The pnstors who have been connected with the church are Sylvester Cowles, M. Doolittle, Aaron Van Wormer, Royal Twitcl1ell, and W. W. Norton, who was the last resident |
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JOHN HARRISON, who boasts of both English and Scotch descent, was born in Lenham, county of Kent, England, Aug. 2, 1819. Charles Harrison, the father of the subject of this notice, was born in 1799 (Aug. 7), and came to this country with his family in the year 1826. His family at that time consisted of four children, one having been born subsequent to his arrival in America. Of these only three are living, John, the subject of this sketch, and his two sisters. Mr. Harrison came to America not alone to better his financial condition, but in hopes of improving his health, which had always been delicate. The change of climate and the healthful occupation he followed- that of a - farmer both tended to build up his physical being, and he became a hearty and robust man. He died quite young, -April 12, 1841. John Harrison supported his parents and family by farming for several years prior to his father's death, after which event he learned the carpenter and joiner trade, which he followed for about thirty years. |
In the year 1843 he married Miss Elizabeth A., daughter of William Deming. Of this union were born eight children, three sons and five daughters, all of whom are living. In 1845, Mr. Harrison bought a home in Vermont. He bought a lot upon which he built, and made other improvements; then he sold at quite an advance, and purchased other lots. It was thus he got his first start in the world. Mr. Harrison purchased a farm in Cattaraugus a year before he moved his family thither. In 1863 he bought one hundred and seventy-one acres, which subsequent additions have increased to three hundred and fifty-one acres. For the past fourteen years, Mr. Harrison has been engaged in farming. He is a Republican in politics, has held various local offices, and is at the present time a justice of the peace. He has been a member of the Baptist Church for forty-one years. Mrs. E. A. Harrison was born Aug. 16, 1822, in the State of Vermont. She lived with her father until her marriage. He was born in Massachusetts, in 1791, and now resides at Keeseville, N. Y. |
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One of the old residents of the town of Otto (of that portion since set off as East Otto) is Mr. Utley. He was born in the State of Vermont in the year 1820, aJ.me with his father to Cattaraugus County in 1835, and settled in the town of Otto. His father, Leonard Utley, purchased a farm in that town upon his arrival, it being the same which his son now occupies. Mr. Utley, Sr., when he came to this town had five children beside the subject of this sketch, who lived with his father until a year after his marriage, and who likewise was a farmer. He boasts of only a common-school education, but had a thorough training in all manner of farm labor. L. S. Utley was married in the year 1852. He chose as his life companion Miss Cynthia, daughter of Willard White. To them were born four children, viz.: Mary Lucinda, Alvin W., Leonard H., and Orsamus. |
True to his first love, Mr. Utley has always been a disciple of Ceres. The pursuit of agriculture with him is a life vocation. He has held several offices in his town and school district; has held the position of assessor for eight years. Mr. Utley is a prominent church member, he having joined the Methodist Episcopal Church in 1869. His wife, also a member of the same organization, has been connected therewith for twenty six years. Both are active, zealous members of the denomination, in which Mr. Utley has served as trustee and held other official positions. He has also given liberally of his means for benevolent purposes, for the erection of churches in his town and vicinity, and for the support of the ministry. He is a man of business capacity, strict integrity, and uprightness of character. |
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minister. It was received under the care of the Presbytery of Buffalo, Sept. 2, 1834. In 1846 it contained 42 members, and was connected with Otto in the enjoyment of a minister; in their united capacity they were dependent on the aid of the American Missionary Society. They now number about six or eight members, and still continue to hold the organization, although the mstt of the members have joined other societies. THE .METHODIST EPISCOPAL CUURCH OF EAST OTTO.The first members of a class of which any information can be ascertained were A. L. Gibbs and wife, Clark Holmes and wife, Noah Stowel and wife, Ira Hull and wife, and Mrs. E. A. Rice. · They met in a log school-house opposite where the school-house io District No. 1 now stands, near the Union Cheese-Factory. Rev. John Griffiths preached in this section before the class was formed. Rev. Ira Bronson was instrumental in the formation of it. Clark Holmes and A. L. Gibbs were exhorter's, and Noah Stowel was a Methodist minister. The church was constituted in 1826, under the charge of Rev. John Wiley and Wilber Hoag. The ministers who have been io charge of the church are Ira Bronson, ---- Coburn, ---- Proper, Gustavus Hinds, Asel Heywood, I. Bronson, J. D. B. Hoyt, Samuel R. Cook, Sumner C. Smith, Augustus Anderson, Eventus Doud, S. R. Cook, John M. Bell, Wm. Burk, Jacob 0. Stryker, Schuyler Parker, John P. Kent, Thomas Eaton, John Kennard, S. Y. Hammond, J. W. Vaughan, C. Strong, A. L. Backus, H. Hornby, L. A. Chapin, J. L. Lempkins, C. S. Strong, A. B. Salisbury, C. C. Beard, J.B. Countryman, S. M. Hopkins, W. Magovern, C. S. Daily, S. Milward, Enos Smith, Julius Brown, and William Bradley, who is the present pastor. The first church was built of brick, in 1842, on the spot where the present one stands, at a cost of about 82000. Rebuilt of wood, with brick foundation, in 1853. Repaired and remodeled in 1867. A parsonage is in connection with the church. The present membership is 168 ; the Sunday-school has 185 pupils and 17 teachers. THE FREE METHODIST CHURCH OF EAST OTTO.The following persons gathered together for the purposes of church organization, and were constituted the first members of the Free Methodist Church : Dewey Tefft. and wife, N. N. Tefft and wife, Samuel Tefft and wife, John Slocum, wife, and daughter, Otis Bacon and wife, Elias Woodruff and wife, Maria Whitford, Jane Whaley, Cornelius Secomb, and Henry Secomb. In the church-book this record is found : " We, the undersigned, being in Christian fellowship with each other, organize ourselves into a church at East Otto, in the county of Cattaraugus, on the sixth day of January, A.D. 1861, Rev. Benjamin F. Roberts presiding, and we adopt the Free Methodist discipline as the rule by which our church shall be governed." Official members elected : E. S. Woodruff, Dewey Tefft, Class-leaders; Otis O. Bacon, Elias S. Woodruff, Exhorters ; N. N. Tefft, John Slocum, Henry Sccomb, Stewards. The first official meeting was held at the dwelling-house of N. N. Tefft, March 30, 1861. The first services were |
held in the school-house in Whitford Hollow. Otis 0 . Bacon was the first preacher, and was returned by the Conference, remuining two years. He was succeeded by the Rev. Albert G. Terry, Ichabod White, W. McAlpin, Marson E. Brown, Wm. Manning, Wm. Jones, C. C. Eggleston, M. E. Brown, R. S. Phillips, and C. B. Essex, who is the present pastor. The present membership of the society is 34. A Sunday-school is in connection with the church, having a membership of 50. The pastor, C. B. Essex, is the superintendent. The present church edifice was erected in the summer and winter of 1869-70, at a cost of 83000, and dedicated the 10th day of June, 1870, by th~ Rev. D. W. Thurston. It is situated about three miles north of East Otto. CEMETERIES.The East Otto Union Cemetery is situated on lot No. 37, on the road leading from East Otto to Otto, and contains about three acres. It was used as a burial-place by the early settlers.There is a cemetery near the school-house by H. D. Cox and near the Free Methodist church. It was first used about 1850. SCHOOLS.The first school was taught by Miriam Leland, sistcr of Asa Leland, and at his house, west of where Harvey Tuthill lives. The first school-house, without a doubt, was built near where the Union Cheese-Factory now is. Moses N. Leland was the teacher. A log school-house was built in the north part of the town in 1828, where Daniel Ticknor's barn now stands. Statira Barr was the teacher. The school statistics of the town for 1878 are kindly furnished by Hon. Neil Gilmour, superintendent of public instruction, the school commissioners of this county having failed to comply with the requirements of the law, which directs them to file a copy of their report with the county clerk. The number of school districts is 9 ; containing 9 school buildings, valued with their sites at $3665 ; volumes in library, 72, valued at $35; number of teachers employed for 28 weeks or more, 9 ; amount of money paid for teachers' wages, $1338.50; number of weeks taught, 252; number of children of school age, 304; average daily attendance, 122 499/1000 amount of public money received from State, 8878.94 ; amount of money received from tax, 8426.72. POST OFFICES of EAST OTTO.The first postmaster was Moses T. Beach, who received his appointment from John Q. Adams, and held it for eight years; Hezekiah Scovill next received appointment under President Jackson and was succeeded by Dr. Elijah Dresser, Stephen Laing, Walter Burchard, and George W. Andrews, the present incumbent. The town is noted for its good order and morality, especially for its temperance, no license ever having been granted within its borders. AGRICULTURE.This town is similar in its agricultural interests and advantagesto Otto, from which it was taken. The principal crops are hay, oats, corn, |
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potatoes, and apples. The attention of its farmers, however, is mainly directed to grazing and the production of butter and cheese; the latter being manufactured mostly in factories, of which there are as follows: Huffstatcr and Sackett have 4; East Otto having in connection 600 cows; another, two miles east of East Otto, having 800 ; 2, three miles north of Otto, 1 having 400 cows, the other 250 ; the Fox factory, four miles east of East Otto, using the milk of about 250 cows. There were manufactured in town the past year about 12,000 cheeses, averaging 660,000 pounds, of which Huff. stater and Sackett manufactured 600,000 pounds. The agricultural statistics of the town for and 1875 are given below for comparison, and are taken from the censuses of those years.
The apple crop of East Otto for 1877 realized about. $30,000. The population of East Otto in 1855 was 1228; in l865, 1152; and in 1815 was 1183. EAST OTTO CORNERSis situated south and west from the centre of the town, and contains two churches, two dry-goods stores, hardware-store, post-office, school-house, harness-shop, two shoe-shops,two blacksmith-shops, one carriage-shop, and one physician. PLATOis a small hamlet in the southeast corner of the town. A post-office was here in 1882, Enoch Marvin postmaster; receipts for postage during that year were $:3.88, and continued several years. About 1836 this place was laid out into village lots and mapped, and large were the expectations of its future, but, like many others, it was only on paper. |
SOLDIERS OF THE REVOLUTION.Thomas Grant served through the war. Eleazer Larabee died January, 1837, aged eighty-seven years. SOLDIERS OF THE W.A.R OF 1812.Joseph Burchard participated in the capture of St. John's. Henry Beach died in 1847, aged fifty-eight years. Nathan Larkins served under Lieutenant (afterwards General) Wool; died in 1869, aged sixty-seven years. Phineas Orr, sergeant in regiment, Colonel Riddle commanding. resent at the burning of Buffalo; died in 1860, aged eighty-four years. Joseph Satterlee died December, 1863, in his seventy-fifth year. Jeremiah Spaulding died in 1836, aged sixty-five years. Elihu Ward enlisted in Berkshire Co., Mass.; died in 1851, aged seventy-seven years. Ethathan Winchester, musician in a New York regiment. Participated in battle of Sackett's Harbor. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES.HON. ELIJAH A. RICE.Elijah A. Rice was born at Shaftsbury, Bennington Co., Vt., on the 20th day of September, li95, and being left an orphan at a very early age, he was removed to Washington Co., N. Y., where he lived with a relative till 1809, ![]() when, at the age of fourteen, he started in life alone, independent of fortune or the influence of any but humble friends. Perseverance, application, and unaided effort secured to him a good common and classical education, which proved to be his capital in life, and has left its traces upon |
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his children. He was a volunteer in the war of 1812, and was engaged in the battle at Plattsburg. In 1818 he removed to Herkimer County, and engaged in the calling of a land-surveyor; but in the following year he removed to Otsego County, and located at the town of Richfield, where, in his capacity of surveyor, he located and laid out the present village of Richfield Springs, then a swamp, but now a noted watering-place. At that date the course of emigration from that part of the State westward was to the Holland Purchase, and in 1823 Mr. Rice visited the then newly-organized county of Cattaraugus,-a visit which he repeated in 1824 and 1825, making the journey each time on foot, and with his rifle for an only traveling-companion. On the last of these visits lie located a farm in the then almost unbroken wilderness, which has given place to the rich and productive farms of East Otto, and erected the mansion of that period,-a log house. In the spring of 1826 he removed his family to his new home, making the journey on the first westward-bound canal-boat on the Erie Canal. He resided in the county of Cattaraugus till 1854, when he removed to Wisconsin. He was a man of good address, a good speaker, and a fine conversationalist, was well known and highly esteemed throughout the county, was active and influential in public matters, a good worker in the education of the young, and lived a sober, temperate, and blameless life. lo 1842, and again in 1846, Mr. Rice represented the county in the State Legislature, and for several years was commissioner of common schools for the county. He was a farmer, but devoted himself largely to his profession of a surveyor, being employed by the Holland Land Company and by its successor, the late Nicholas Devereux and his associates. His skill and accuracy were such that for many years he was considered the arbiter and ultimate authority in all cases of disputed boundaries and land controversies. Mr. Rice is still living, a vigorous and active man, at the ripe age of eighty-three, - the fruit of a temperate life,-and resides at Owatonna, Minn. His children, reared in Cattaraugus and educated by him, are all living, and, by their success in life, are witnesses of the good influence which his teaching and example have produced. Our sketch of the father would be incomplete without mentioning the children in this case. Maria Rice Pindar was born at Richfield, Otsego Co., N. Y., Sept. 5, 1819, and is now living at Lima, N. Y.,the widow of the late Rev. Wm .. K Pindar, of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Addison G. Rice was born at Richfield, Otsego Co., N. Y., Dec. 29, 1821, and is a lawyer, now residing at Buffalo, N. Y. He has been a member of the Legislature of this State. Milton L. Rice was born at Richfield, Otsego Co., N. Y., Aug. 16, 1824; is a lawyer, located in Kentucky; was a candidate for Congress on the Union ticket in 1866, and now resides at Little Rock, Ark. Carlton E. Rice was born at Otto (now East Otto), Cattaraugus Co., N. Y., Nov. 8, 1826; is a lawyer; was a member of the Wisconsin Legislature, and now resides at. Owatonna, Minn. |
Benjamin F. Rice was born at Otto (now East Otto), Cattaraugus Co., N. Y., May 26, 1829, and is a lawyer; was a member of the Kentucky Legislature, a captain of volunteers in the Union army, and ha11 served one term in the United States Senate, from Arkansas, where he now resides. In the Senate he was a member of the judiciary committee. JOHN PERKINS, ESQ.This gentleman came of a long line of ancestors, of English origin, some of whom belonged to the gentry, while others were successful tradesmen and merchant.I!, and many of whom left legacies of wealth and honor to their descendants. William Perkins, father of our subject, was a native of Connecticut. He emigrated to New York State in 1848, and died in East Otto in October, 1856, aged seventy-nine years. John Perkins was born in the State of Vermont, the fifteenth day of ,July, 1810. At the age of seventeen (in 1827) he went to Washington Co., N. Y., where, for two years, he was engaged at farm labor upon the farms of John Williams and Chester Carver. Determined to " paddle his own canoe" in the life struggle, the next year he hired a farm, which he operated for two years. So successful was he in this venture, and in the management of the property, that he was enabled to purchase a farm in Vermont.. He bought his father's homestead, embracing forty-five acres, and gave a portion of the same to his parents. Soon after (Feb. 14, 1830) he married Miss Maria, daughter of Cyril and Elizabeth Carpenter. Of this union were born six children, one son and five daughters, none of whom survive. After his marriage he engaged in farming and stock-buying for a livelihood. Mr. Perkins came with his family to Cattaraugus County in the year 1833, and settled in the town of Otto, where he purchased a farm, and engaged in agricultural pursuits. During the first four years of his residence here he also carried on a mercantile business, but since retiring from that he has been only interested in his farm and in the purchase of stock. When Mr. and Mrs. Perkins came to Cattaraugus County it was emphatically a new and undeveloped region. They made the trip in a wagon-the pioneer fashion of traveling in that early day. When they arrived at Cattaraugus Creek they found a partly-finished bridge, but the lacking portions-from the abutments to the banks-prevented their availing themselves of its use. In this extremity, Mr. Perkins drove the horse into the water out to the bridge, when he climbed over the horse's back on to the abutment: his wife then backed the horse out of the creek, while her husband put out three planks, until their ends rested upon the bank-a plank for each wheel, and one for the horse to walk upon. Overt.his extemporized bridge Mr. Perkins drove in safety, and reached his destination. Passing through all the vicissitudes, and experiencing all the inconveniences of a new country, with which he has grown up (developing his own possessions as the home of his adoption has passed from its embryo state to that of a high!y improved and wealthy community), he has become |
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the owner of nine hundred and sixty acres of the best farming lands in the town. Thirty-eight years ago he obtained the consent of the owners and agents of the Holland Land Company to receive horses and cattle in payment for their land; and, as their collecting agent, Mr. Perkins received and sold eighty horses and two thousand cattle in two years, thus putting new life into the farming interests of this section. About 1845 he was one of the three organizers of the Lake Shore Bank, at Dunkirk, N. Y.; but in 1847 he sold his interest in the same to T. B. Coleman. During his youth, up to his Sevcnteenth year, he enjoyed the advantages of the common schools, and this, coupled with judicious home-training, laid the foundations of his after-success in life. He had accumulated a handsome property as the result of his ycars of labor, realizing the words of the proverb, "the hand of the diligent maketh rich." But from his abundance he has given liberally to educat.ion and religious enterprises. He contributed one-third of the cost of erecting the first church in the town, costing fifteen hundred dollars; he aided in the building of the Baptist church ; he guve seventeen hundred dollars toward the building of the second Methodist Episcopal church; he subsequently paid nine hundred dollars toward repairing the same edifice, and over eight hundred towards its parsonage. His gifts for benevolent purposes have been large, and not confined to his own town. lo 1876 he gave twelve hundred dollars to the University of Syracuse; and, taking a great interest in the matter of church extension, he contributed in real estate and cash over forty thousand dollars to the Loan Fund of the Methodist Episcopal Church,-creating a fund named, after its donor, the "Perkins Loan Fund." Mr. Perkins is a Republican in politics, but no officeseeker. In the year 1834, almost contemporary with his coming to this county, he joined the Methodist Episcopal Church, in which organization he has been an official member and zealous worker. He has held most all of the offices of the church, and for thirty-five years has been a classleader. Mrs. Perkins is also a member of the same denomination, having united with it in 1837. Mr. Perkins is an earnest advocate of the temperance reform; he has fought the giant evil for forty-five years, and takes pride in the fact that his town has never had a licensed groggery within its limits. He is a man of estimable qualities, temperate in his habits, affable in his demeanor, honorable in his dealings, and deservedly enjoys the confidence and esteem of all. LEVI BRADLEY, ESQ.*This gentleman, one of t.he oldcst living residents of Northern Cattaraugus, was born in the State of Vermont on the 18th day of July, in the year 1798. He lived in the " Green Mountain State," upon his father's farm, until the date of his marriage, in 1827, when he emigrated west- • Deceased.
ward, arriving in Cattaraugus County in August of that year. He purchased a farm in the town of Otto,-that portion of the town since set off as East Otto,-beiog the same upon which his widow now resides. Mr. Bradley was first married, in Vermont, about the year 1820. His wife passed from earth March 2, 1853 and her remains repose in the cemetery at East Otto. He took for his second wife, Aug. 9, 1853, Miss Betsy, daughter of James and Margaret Morrow, of East. Otto. Brought up on a farm, Mr. Bradley followed in his father's footsteps, and likewise made farming his life vocation. He had a hearty love for it. He preferred its independent though laborious life to the more bustling trades and professions, or the uncertainties of mercantile enterprises. He was unostentatious and disliked notoriety, hence would never accept any office. He was for many years an honored und active member of the Baptist Church, of which denomination his wife is also a consistent and influential member. By industry and economy Mr. Bradley accumulated a large property. His widow resides upon the homestead farm, t.he one purchased by him when he first settled in Cattaraugus County. During the latter portion of his life he retired from the active work of the farm, but still in a great measure superintended its management. He was a man of the strictest morality, and stood high in the estimation of the community. He lived uprightly, and "died as die the righteous." Levi Bradley died Dec. 4, 1877, at the age of eighty years. W. Z. LINCOLNwas born in the town of East Otto, in the year 1838, May 28. His father, L. L. Lincoln, came to this county in an early day, locating in what was then the town of Otto, but since set off and known as J<iast Otto. He subsequently removed to the town of Hinsdale, this county, while his son, W. Z., occupies the old homestead. Mr. W. Z. Lincoln has always lived upon the farm where he is now located, and having all his life followed the worthy and independent calling of a farmer, as did his father before him, has a hearty love for it, and believes that learning, genius, and intelligence need not be thrown away on a farm ; that intelligent labor will find a reward in any department. Mr. Lincoln has never held any public office, but has followed the quiet life of a farmer, in which vocation he takes great pride, and may be ranked as one of the leading agriculturists of East Otto . Mr. Lincoln married Miss Louisa A., daughter of Alexander and Sarepta Scobey. Of this union were born one son and one daughter,-L ucius A. and Kate A. Both Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln are members of the Baptist Church, and highly esteemed in the community where they reside. |
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was born in Washington, Berkshire Co., Mass., July 5, 1805. His parents were natives of New England, and highly respected; his father, Samuel Everts, having been at one time sheriff of a county in Vermont. Samuel C. remained at home, in Washington, Mass., and on a farm near Pittsfield, until he was ten years of age, when-owing to the large family dependent upon his parents, and wishing to relieve them of the expense of his education-he engaged bis services to an uncle at four dollars per month, and attended school whenever opportunity offered. At the age of eighteen he obtained board with Judge Walker, of Lenox, paying his way by his own unaided efforts, and , attending the Lenox Academy. He married Miss Ruth, daughter of Colonel Nathan Barrett, who was for years , one of the selectmen of Lenox, Mr. Everts resided upon a farm in that | organized the Presbyterian Church, and served as one of its deacons for seventeen successive years, and as its Sabbath-school superintendent for twelve years. He also held the office of school commissioner for the period of twelve years. Of his connection with church interests, an Otto correspondent of the Franklinville Argus, speaking of the early settlers, says,- Deacon Samuel C. Everts came into town at a later date, but yet while it was so new that the wolves prowled about his door. He was a man of influence, zealous in all good works, the life of his church and Sabbath-school, and when he went West the Presbyterian Church lost its head; it flickered for a time in its socket and gradually went out." In the spring of 1851, through the influence of neighbors |
town until 1834, when, with his family, he emigrated to Cattaraugus Co., N. Y., settling on land purchased of the " Holland Land Company," and situated in the town of Otto. His energies were here devoted to cutting away the timber from his purchase,-then but a compact forest,-and in providing for his young family. The hardships and exposures, the journey to Buffalo with an ox-team, and many other trials incident to early settlements, are familiar to the pioneers of that day, and cannot be recounted in so brief a sketch as this must of necessity be; we cannot forbear saying, however, that he bore the toil, the trials, and hardships with patience and fortitude, seconded by his faithful companion, who, by her Christian example and resignation to the inconveniences of the wilderness, proved herself a | ![]() |
and friends who had preceded him, Deacon Everts, accompanied by bis
family, moved to Kane Co., Ill., settling on the Sitterly farm, in the
township of Geneva, near its beautiful village of the same name. Here,
at the age of seventy-three, he still resides. During his residence of
twenty-eight years in Geneva his life has been almost a counterpart of
the years passed in Otto, and the same interest has also been manifested
in religious matters and in the welfare of the church. Upon his advent
in Geneva the Congregational Church bad no organization. He at once
interested himself, with his Cattaraugus neighbors and a few others, in
organizing a society of that faith, and by zealous and persevering efforts succeeded in erecting a church | |
worthy daughter of estimable parents, and an honor to him whom she had followed to the wilds of Western New York. The original tract upon which he first located was subsequently sold and the Wilcox farm purchased ; on the latter Mr. Everts engaged in the dairy business, and spent his last years in Otto,-a kind, industrious, and respected citizen. During his residence in Cattaraugus County he •Prepared by J.P. Snell, of Philadelphia, January 23, 1879,formerly chief clerk of Second Division, Sixteenth_Army Corps. 39 | edifice. For twenty-four years he has been its deacon, and for thirteen years its Sabbath-school superintendent. As a result of his initial efforts and subsequent labors, the church at present ranks as the leading denomination of that village. The companion of his early manhood, who shared his labors with a faith sublime, died at the age of fifty-one years. Her remains rest in the Geneva cemetery, along with those of Lucinda, a second wife, and two sons and two daughters,-Charlcs, Carlos, Cornelia, and Frances. This family had been spared affliction while in their native State, contending with obstacles which a pioneer life unavoidably presents; but when transplanted to the home of their adop- |
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tion in the West, and subjected to the sudden changes of its climate, early graves claimed many of its loved ones, and this Christian parent received the chastening with unbroken faith. He was united in marriage to Lucinda Buck, April 14, 1857; she died in the year 1859, and in 1861 (June 4) he married Mrs. Lucretia Van Sickle, who still survives. It may not be said of any man that he never bad an enemy, but it may truthfully be stated of Deacon Everts that he knows no enemies, and that in his Western, as in his Eastern home, his life has been without blemish. Industrious, retiring, honest, and generous, beloved of the young and respected by all, no meed of praise is required. He can well afford to be known and judged by his works. Seven children were reared by Deacon Everts, a brief record of whom may not be out of place, inasmuch as their father deserves a place in the history of his town, and that several of them were natives of the same. Charles N. was born at Lenox, Mass., Oct. 5, 1828, and died at Wyandot, Kan., Feb. 28, 1862, while in the service of his country. His lot was cast in Kansas during its most turbulent era, but with unflinching courage he maintained himself and family until his country called him. His remains were removed to Geneva and interred in the village cemetery. Carlos, born at Lenox, Mass., March 31, 1831, died at Geneva, Ill., June 28, 1853. Cornelia R., born at Lenox, May 14, 1833, died at Geneva, Sept. 12, 1853. Frances M., born at Otto, N. Y., June 11, 1831, died July 28, 1863. There are but three children living,-Louis H., born at Otto, April 14, 1836; James S., born in Otto, March 25, 18-14; and Edward Arthur (by his second wife), born at Geneva, April 1, 1858. Maj. L. H. Everts, the eldest of those living, entered the service at the beginning of the war, leaving a position of trust in the mercantile house of Potter Palmer (now Field, Leiter & Co.), Chicago. He assisted in raising a regiment in Kane Co., Ill., and accompanied it to the field as a lieutenant. He served in the campaigns of Fort Donelson, Pittsburg Landing, and Corinth ; was detailed as aide-de-camp to Gen. Hackleman just before the battles of Iuka and Corinth, in the fall of 1862, in the latter of which engagements his general was killed, and the division lost more than one-third of its fighting force in killed and wounded. Soon after he was commissioned by the President as adjutant-general of volunteers, with the rank of captain, and assigned to duty with Gen. T. W. Sweeny, as assistant adjutant-general of the 2d Division, 16th Army Corps.* He served through Sherman's campaigns, and finally, with the victorious army, rested at Washington. While in camp at the last-named place, the field-officers of his division united in the following testimonial and request to the War separtment, presenting Capt. Everts with a copy of the same:
"Headquarter 5th Ills. Inf. Vols.,
*afterwards 4th Division of the 15th Army Corps. |
herewith a copy of a petition which haa this day been forwarded to the adjutant-general of the army by the field-officers of each division, requesting your appointment assistant adjutant-general, with the rank of major.
"CAMP or 4th Division, 15th Army Corps,
"To Adjutant General United States Army, Washington City, D. C.: "Sir, — We, the undersigned, field-officers of the 4th Division, 4th Army Corps, hereby most respectfully request that Capt. L. H. Everts, assistant adjutant-gcneral of volunteers, be appointed adjutant-general of volunteers with the rank of major. " We can each and all of us testify to the faithful and efficient manner in which Capt. Everts has discharged the arduous and responsible duties of assistant adjutant-gcneral, the majority of us having been officially associatcd with him since the summer of 1882. · "We are, general, with great reepect, your obedient servants,
It was indorsed by his general commanding the division as follows:
"headquarters, 15th Army Corps,
This application was recommended and approved by corps and army commanders, and his promotion secured. Since the war, Maj. Everts has been successfully and extensively engaged in the publishing business, including local and general works, the wonderful system regulating it, doubtless, being an outgrowth of his army experience. James S. Everts resides on a large dairy-farm, near that of his father's, in Geneva, Ill. Edward A., at the age of twenty years, has charge of the business-office of his brother in Philadelphia, and evinces remarkable energy and tact. JOHN DOW, ESQ.One of the best known and most respectable residents of the town of East Otto, is the gentleman whose name heads this sketch. Mr. Dow was born in the State of Connecticut, Feb. 11, 1809. In the year 1815 he came with his father, Daniel Dow, to the State of New York, locating in Dutchess County. His youth was spent there, and in Columbia and Otsego Counties, to which points his father successively removed. The early portion of his life was passed upon his father's farm, but on attaining his majority he left home, and for the ensuing three years worked out by the month. He then returned to his father's farm, upon which he labored until November of the year 1833, when he took possession of the farm he had purchased a few months previous, on lots 26 and 27, then woods, in the town of Otto. |
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In the spring preceding his removal to the West (April 18, 1833), he married Miss Eliza, daughter of Michael Weber. The issue of this marriage was seven children,three sons and four daughters,—of whom four still survive. Mr. Dow, after the decease of his first wife, joined his fortunes with those of Miss Maria A., daughter of John Dudley, Esq., the 11th of September, 1855. The issue of this marriage was one daughter, who still survives. Mr. Dow always took a lively interest in martial affairs, and during many years of his life held official stations in the organized militia of this State. He was elected, in 1828, as first sergeant of a company under command of Capt. James M. Towser, in the 135th Regiment, 2d Brigade, 16th Division, New York State Militia. The following year he was commissioned by Lieut.-Gov. Throop as ensign, and in 1831 as a lieutenant., in the same regiment. In 1835 he was constituted a captain in the 248th Regiment, and duly commissioned by Gov. William L. Marcy, with rank from March 10, 1835. He was appointed and commissioned a major, in 1837, in the last named command, of which E. W. Cook was colonel, nod comprising a portion of the 54th Brigade and 26th Division of the 8tate militia. During his residence in this county-a period of forty five years—he has been actively identified with most of the leading interests of his town. He officiated as overseer of the poor of the town of East Otto for several years. Taking an active interest in educational enterprises, he has not shirked the more arduous duties connected therewith, having served as school commissioner, and as clerk and member of the board of trustees of the district schools of his town. Mr. Dow is a prominent and influential member of the Congregational Church, of which organization he has served as a deacon since Aug. 7, 1857. He is a man of strict integrity, scrupulously honest and upright in all his dealings. Be has always contributed with a liberal hand to the poor and needy, and to various benevolent enterprises. He combines in his character the best elements of a man and a citizen. NATHANIEL NILES TEFFTwas born Aug. 12, 1812, in Richfield, Otseco Co., N. Y. He was a son of Alexander Tefft, and grandson of Oliver Tefft, of Connecticut, and was of English descent. Oliver Tefft married Deborah Dewey, and they reared a family of five sons,-Alexander, Samuel, Oliver, Staunton, and William Pitt,-and daughters Deborah and Polly (Donaghue, who is living and in her one hundredth year). Alexander Tefft was a New Englander, but came to Richfield, and not long thereafter married Deborah, daughter of Nathaniel Niles. When the subject of this sketch was an infant, his parents removed from Richfield to Monticello village, Otsego Co., N. Y., where his boyhood was passed, under the thorough teaching of his mother and the indifferent schools of that day, until the age of fourteen years, at which time his parents migrated, with their young family, to the almost entire wilderness of Otto, Cattaraugus |
Co., N. Y ., and there endured the privations of the settlement and clearing up of a new country. The subject of this biography, with almost indomitable will, pursued his studies as best he could, always cheered by the co-working of his brother, Alexander, Jr. Mathematics was his delight, and most assuredly his forte, he having quite mastered " Pike's Arithmetic" and was studying surveying when but thirteen years old. His love of study led him to adopt teaching for some years, his success being remarkable. Afterwards he adopted surveying as a profession, and immediately commenced his duties as surveyor for the Holland Land Company, which position he occupied until failing health induced him to enter the land-office at Ellicottville, N. Y, which position he filled for many years, but always thereafter surveying for railroad companies or private individuals, as his pleasure inclined. In the year 1869 Mr. Tefft was selected and appointed by a committee of supervisors to copy the " Holland Land Company's" field-notes for the clerk's office of Cattaraugus Co., also to draw maps of that county for the use of the same office. He fulfilled his contract to the great satisfaction of the admirers of the useful and the beautiful. This work will be a lasting monument to his memory when those who knew him shall have passed from earth into the unknown future. Politically, he was a Republican, being ever, in some manner, identified with the interests of the town, and was always full of life and energy, being a firm supporter of our schools and churches. He several times represented his town as supervisor, and for twenty years was either justice of the peace or notary public. Mr. Tefft was married to Martha Nichols in 1840, and left RB is.<1ue one son, Emory Nathaniel, and two daughters, Emily Amelia (who is a physician) and Anstice J. 0. F. BEACHwas born Sept. 23, 1818, in Massachusetts. His father, Henry, came to Cattaraugus County in the year 1825, with his family, and purchased the farm where his son, 0. F., now resides. He located a large tract of land in what was then an entire wilderness, but which he and his sons cleared and improved. Henry Beach married Miss Maria Nash, and reared a family of seven children (four sons and three daughters), of whom three sons and two daughters now survive. Mrs. Beach's father, S. B Hinman, was born in Vermoot, but removed to New York State with his father when quite young. Mrs. Beach's mother was also a native of Vermont. Henry Beach died Feb. 7, 1847. His widow resided with the subject of this sketch until her death, which occurred June 14, 1872. O. F. Beach lived upon his father's farm until his twenty- eighth year. After his father's death, he bought out the heirs, since which time he has made the old homestead his residence. Oct. 8, 1846, he married Miss Adaline, daughter of S. B. and Kesiah Hinman. She was born in Catta- |
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raugus County, Oct. 8, 1827. Her father and mother both reside in Waverly village, town of Otto, this county, being at this time (1879) aged seventy-nine and seventy-three, respectively. To Mr. and Mrs. Beach have been born one son and two daughters, all married and comfortably settled, — the former on a farm in the neighborhood of his father's place, the latter in Cattaraugus village. Edson F. married Laura Eddy, of Mansfield, N. Y., Dec. 12, 1877; Cornelia was married, Dec. 8, 1869, to A. B. Rush, a cheese manufacturer |
of East Otto; and Addie A. is the wife of L. H. Northrup, a merchant of Cattaraugus village, having joined "hearts and hands" Oct. 7, 1878. Mr. Beach has all his life been a farmer. In politics he is a Republican. He has held most of the offices of the town. He has been a member of the Congregational Church for about thirty-five years, while his wife, for an equal length of time, has belonged to the Methodist Episcopal denomination. Both are highly.esteemed residents of the town of East Otto. |