Chapter: Town of CONNEWANGO

pages 214-229

Transcribed by Claudia Patterson January 2004

     This is the third from the south of the western tier of towns in the county, and is township 3, in range 9, of the Holland Company survey. It derived its name from the principal stream, which is said to be an Indian term signifying "walking slowly." As originally erected from Little Valley, Jan. 20, 1823, the town embraced the four lower townships in range 9, but was reduced to its present limits- 22,846 acres-by the formation of Randolph on its south, Feb. 21, 1826, and Leon on its north, April 24, 1832. It now lies in the form of a square, containing 64 equal lots of land, whose surface is varied from a flat along the Connewango to hilly uplands in the north and the east.

     The Connewango Creek has its source in Chautauqua County and in the towns of New Albion, Dayton, and Leon in Cattaraugus County. It enters this town from the former county near the northwest corner, then flows southeast to within a mile of the southern line of the town, west of the centre, where, after taking the waters of the Little Connewango (which flows from the southeast), it takes a southwestern course, passing out of the town at its southwest corner, and emptying into the Allegany near Warren, Pa. It is a deep, dark, sluggish stream, with scarcely a perceptible motion, and has not been inappropriately named. It affords little water-power, but formerly abounded with all kinds of fish, and is yet stocked with the common varieties.

Elm Creek rises in town on lot 14, and has a general southerly course into the town of Randolph, where it empties into the Little Connewango. Its name was suggested by the elm-trees growing on its banks. It was formerly a good mill-stream, and much employed to operate machinery, but lately has been but little used for this purpose.

     Clear and Mill Creeks flow from the northern part of the town to lot 62, where they empty into the Connewango.

These and other brooks in town afford good natural drainage. On the uplands the soil varies from a rather stiff clay to a gravelly loam, and on the flats is chiefly the latter. Its productive power is equal to any in the county, and Connewango ranks well as an agricultural town.

In 1815 the books of the Holland Laud Company contained the names of Win. Sears, Edmund Mullet., Daniel Philips, Harry Davidson, Peter Blanchard, anti Rufus Wyllys as land-holders in town. A few of these only became actual settlers.



"Where are you from?"
"I am from Windsor County, Vermont."
"How much do you wish to pay?"
"Nothing, except the bare expense of booking."
"Well, what have you got at home?"
"I have a wife and five children, a yoke of oxen, a set of log-chains, and three good axes."
"You can have the land, Mr. Darling."

Wells J Bigelow Carrie Bigelow Mrs Wells Bigelow
Wells J. Bigelow
Miss Carrie Bigelow
Mrs Wells J. Bigelow

Additional Photos

C. A. Snow Snow Residence
C. A. Snow
Residence of C. A. Snow,  Connewango, Cattaraugus Co.

S. B. Ellsworth Residence
Residence of S. B. Ellsworth, Connewango, New York

Rollin and Nellie Dow
Rollin Dow
Nellie M. Dow

George Crooker
George Crooker

Rufus Wyllys
Mrs. Rufus Wyllys
Rufus Wyllys
Mrs Rufus Wyllys

H, O. Burt Mrs. H. O. Burt

Burt Residence
Village Residence of Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Burt,  Randolph NY