Cattaraugus County GenWeb

Page Title

Please note:  This index was made many years ago for the Cattaraugus County Museum at Little Valley, NY and has been digitized by a team of Cattaraugus County researchers.  There will be errors, given the difficulty in deciphering some of the handwriting of the original census records.  Please check the names carefully, as your family's name may have simply been misspelled or misread.

Laura Greene,  Project Coordinator

Transcribed by A. Vincent

The Town of SALAMANCA can be found on the 3rd@(Volume 3) of 3 microfilms of the 1865 NY State Census for Cattaraugus County made by the LDS church

NAME:Page # of Microfilm
Aldrich, Phebe555
Anderson, Thomas559
Ansley, Hudson528
Armstrong, F. G.553
Ayers, E. A.561

Baldwin, F. M.550
Banks, William J.583
Barber, Henry590
Barnard, Fred561
Barnett, Daniel563
Barney, John582
Barton, C. H.573
Bates, Alanson591
Bean, Warren589
Beckman, Charles574
Beene, Nathaniel588
Benson, Joseph584
Bent, Ellen557
Bentley, Georg593
Beyan, William558
Blakely, Maranea554
Boardman, John549
Booth, George590
Bosworth, Amon589
Bosworth, Clark589
Boutell, Clark577
Brace, G. W.577
Bradford, Michal585
Bradley, G.T.574
Bradon, Daniel570
Branch, Richard551
Brannard, R. C.577
Brehnan, Luice P.559
Brien, T. O.555
Brislen, Thomas557
Broderick, Micheal562
Brown, Abner591
Brown, Ann566
Brown, Mary599
Brown, Michael554
Brown, Micheal565
Brown, Sarah J.574
Brown, Thomas568
Brown, Thomas591
Bucklen, Joeph561
Buckley, Timothy581
Bullock, George559
Burgett, Richard582
Burk, Amitia587
Burlingame, V. M.566
Burnes, James569

Cable, Samuel553
Cadermus, J. H.561
Cane, Patrick554
Cane, William590
Carr, John547
Carr, Stephen586
Carrington, E. R.549
Carting, Patrick567
Casey, William573
Caughline, Michael558
Chadingin, Neal556
Chamberlain, Benjamin593
Chamberlain, Franklin550
Champlin, Dudley557
Chandler, Marier575
Chase, Alonzo546
Chase, Warren549
Chidester, Margart E.556
Chiels, G. M.545
Childs, Soloman554
Chiles, Marvin549
Chisenten, S. A.574
Christan, Darius591
Clark, Delos574
Clark, James583
Clark, John590
Clark, William583
Clemons, William552
Cockring, Patrick562
Cockring, Tymothy562
Colman, Malery551
Conden, Patrick565
Conely, Michal593
Conley, Thomas555
Connary, Edman589
Connells, Thomas550
Coon, Henry553
Cooper, Henry583
Cooper, James R.583
Coopper, Joseph578
Cotherin, Jarey567
Cranker, Jarey584
Cronen, Patrick558
Crooks, Charles578
Cross, Albert B.583
Cross, Christopher583
Cross, Elisa581
Croty, John563
Crowford, Michael570
Crowford, Wm. P.575
Curley, Sarah586
Curtis, Julia580

Daley, Hannah E.589
Daley, James570
Darice, Lincon546
Day, Thomas O.585
Debell, Errn591
Deen, Mary580
Deray, Francis573
Derker, Georg587
Derlington, Robart569
Donehue, Patrick571
Donley, John558
Dories, Barnard558
Doyle, James558
Drake, G. W.579
Drake, Warren577
Dreschlen, George545
Driscoll, John557
Driscoll, John582
Dugan, Cornlas566
Dunbar, Sylvester586
Dunham, Sam'l553
Durkee, Leneus555
Dyer, Tymothy567
Dympsey, John585
Dympsey, Patrick547

Earl, Alfred577
Earl, William577
Eastman, Bartlett553
Eastman, Hiram545
Edner, Joseph549
Eldrege, Amel551
Eldridge, Marth558
Ensworth, Henry551
Erehart, Katey559
Evens, W. B.566
Everson, Levi578

Facer, C. H.554
Falley, Marey582
Fay, Susaner547
Fellow, Franklin545
Fellows, Alonzo578
Fellows, J. D.578
Fellows, S. F.546
Fellows, Willard E.594
Field, Sanford571
Fister, Isaac580
Fitzgerald, Patrick562
Fitz-Simmons, Ths.553
Foley, Hannah557
Foran, Mary585
Fosdick, J. T.559
Fourgeson, William561
Fox, Mary554
France, Albert545
France, Alonzo593
France, George586
France, Samuel593
France, William578
Frande, William587
Frank, Peter567
Franklin, Osker578
Frink, Nelson587
Fuller, Howard586
Fulman, A. A.551

Gafnay, William547
Gale, H. M.553
Galegher, Patrick567
Galegher, Peter567
Galvin, Denis562
Gebney, Michael562
Godfrey, John H.582
Goodman, E.579
Goodsell, William B.556
Gosbeck, Charles561
Goslin, Charles550
Gould, Levi587
Gray, Salley583
Green, E. P.574
Green, S. A.546
Griffin, Teare566
Guild, Deloss J.566

Haise, Russel D.582
Hallock, Alonson583
Haly, Peter569
Hammon, O.573
Haner, Henrey589
Haning, James573
Hanley, S. H.561
Hareld, Adam551
Hareld, Henry551
Harrick, Charles563
Harris, Joeph574
Hart, William587
Hartell, Henry590
Hartley, Thomas593
Harvey, John570
Harvey, Peter548
Hasting, Sudney550
Havener, Richard555
Havener, Wm.555
Haynes, E.557
Heller, Ira553
Herick, Amus573
Higbee, F. S.581
Higgins, Martin585
Higgins, Patrick585
Hill, John561
Hinchy, James547
Hinderson, James558
Hinds, John553
Hoard, Wheelock581
Hodatt, Denis573
Holden, Samuel578
Holebunt, Edward579
Holister, Chester559
Horth, Hiram575
Hosley, Albert561
Hudson, J. W.569
Hughe, John581
Hulley, Daniel565
Humphry, Salley593

Ireal, Michael593

Jackson, Henry559
Jenines, H. C.551
Johnson, Edward546
Johnson, Micheal563
Johnson, Orvin546
Jones, Catharine550
Jones, Daniel553
Jones, Sylvester H.559

Kaiting, John566
Kaiting, John573
Keefe, Daniel565
Keefe, Hannah579
Kellett, John565
Kelley, Barney560
Kelley, David W.586
Kelley, E. R.587
Kendall, E.560
Kendall, G. W.554
Kenengar, Andrew580
Kennesson, John546
Kerill, William574
Koehler, Fredrik562

Laing, Patrick554
Lamb, Nelson579
Learey, Micheal547
Learrey, Micheal557
Ledden, Thomas565
Lee, M. L.549
Leines, J. P.550
Lewis, Perce N.578
Lewise, Henrey572
Lines, W. B.548
Litchfield, H. R.551
Litchfield, T. W.551
Little, Coe555
Little, Thomas568
Lockwood, H. H.561
Lord, W. H.561
Lyman, Richard590
Lyons, E. M.577
Lyons, E. P.577
Lyons, Nancy Ann579

Mabee, Enes569
Mabee, Harmen569
Mabee, John569
Magerty, John570
Magin, Peter590
Magner, Edman581
Maloan, Margaret566
Many, John563
Maritt, Saluthiel5??
Markham, J. P.582
Markham, Michael554
Marvin, Barney572
Marvin, Eli572
Materson, James592
Materson, Warren574
McCabe, Clarence561
McCartey, Catherine562
McCartey, Hannah562
McCartey, John567
McCortey, James585
McDomald, Joseph561
McDonald, F.561
McGillin, John563
McGraeth, Tymothy547
McGuicken, Anney560
McKana, Stephen570
McKay, R. J.550
McKinstry, William576
McLellan, Reuben553
McMann, Thomas582
McMillin, Edwin561
Meade, Joseph586
Medley, John Jr.583
Mesler, C.549
Moffat, Marcus578
Monaghan, Patrick573
Morgin, Luice557
Morrison, Hiram575
Mouton, John557
Muchy, Patrick549
Multrus, Robert573
Murrey, Micheal566
Murrin, John563
Myers, G. H.561

Nelson, John545
Newman, William565
Newton, J. H.569
Newton, T. L.571
Nichols, Wallice546
Normile, Micheal563

Oaks, George578
Oaks, Henry590
Oaks, Stephen P.589
Obrine, Denis566
Obrine, James567
O'Brine, Katy585
Oday, Catherin570
Odonel, John555
Ohar, Peter564
Oharrey, John563
Omens, Pardon586
Oneale, John545
Orany, Peter559
Oyer, Clarras561

Parker, L. M.593
Parson, Myron H.569
Pease, Elijah587
Perkins, Elighe589
Perkins, William583
Perrigo, Calystha580
Perrigo, Levi578
Perrigo, Martin551
Peson, Myron585
Picket, Nathan571
Pickett, J. O.581
Pickett, Russel574
Pittfinger, Charles579
Pixley, A. A.549
Potter, H. B.575
Potter, J. W.545
Powell, Wallie500
Pratt, E. T.582
Pratt, J. M.551
Preston, William561
Price, Edward549

Quigley, Micheal548
Quinn, Batt583

Readay, Patrick563
Reed, Abram565
Richards, Thomas570
Riley, James574
Roades, Wessley571
Roff, Albert A.586
Rosenbary, James587
Rote, John547
Rotes, John571
Rowland, G. W.546
Russel, Obidah577
Ryan, Ellin549
Ryan, William547

Sanderson, Wm.554
Sautiel, Elias566
Schemerhorne, Alexander561
Seares, Elmore591
See, Charles591
Shae, Micheal582
Shafer, Patrick581
Sharp, C. H.588
Shater, John570
Shater, John570
Shaw, John561
Shay, John582
Sheehan, Patrick559
Sheffield, Albert587
Shepard, Charles574
Shepard, George573
Shidel, Nicholas570
Shirley, Samuel552
Sibley, Levi556
Slater, James575
Slone, George574
Smith, Absalom553
Smith, G. H.547
Smith, James567
Smith, Parker547
Spoore, John571
Spring, Thomas563
Sracay, L. C.569
Stableton, Thomas563
Stearns, D. B.585
Steebing, G. B.575
Sterling, Daniel N.553
Stevens, Phenies569
Stocking, J. A.569
Stodard, Giles590
Sulevan, James558
Sulevan, John557
Sulevan, Michael557
Sullivan, Chery585
Sullivan, Patick594
Suster, Stephen569
Swaney, Miels593
Sweeney, Ellen562
Sweeney, Michal562

Taylor, E. R.586
Teyan, Patrick550
Thomas, Abron589
Thopson, H. L.561
Tinney, Ralph545
Tombs, William574
Tompkins, J. F.550
Topliff, E. C.549
Torance, S. C.558
Towner, Fred553
Townsons, Michal585
Tremain, Martin586
Triesdel, Calvin558
Trisdell, Diantha581

Vader, George A.559
Vader, Jacob545
Vandemark, Willath593
Vantasel, H. H.545
Velie, Elisha571
Velie, Phillip564

Waite, Stephen577
Walker, Worthington551
Ward, Cobling551
Warde, Verres562
Waries, Sheddeon592
Waterman, Simon578
Watterman, Dewight555
Weast, James573
Welch, Michea566
Wells, Aniat556
West, John585
Whaland, Michel569
Whaland, Patrick581
Whaland, Thomas570
Whaley, Louisa590
Whaley, Parey571
Whaley, Samuel589
Wheadon, Charles550
Wheeler, Elsa Ann575
Wheeler, F.549
Wheeler, George577
Wheeler, Loisa561
Whipple, Martha571
Whipple, Tymothy571
Whitcomb, James579
White, Martin589
Whitehead, Malon587
Whitney, Lewis572
Whittey, Thomas545
Wilden, Edward H.587
Willey, Emely M.550
Williams, Euigina582
Williams, Marier559
Willoork, Malvin587
Willson, John583
Wind, George555
Wood, Benjamin589
Woodford, Daniel D.586
Woodworth, Willey593
Worth, John M.577
Worth, S. J.577
Wright, Calvin591
Wright, Calvin593
Wright, Richard579
Wright, Samuel593
Wright, Warren57?

Zainger, Nichlas J.570