Cattaraugus County GenWeb

Page Title

Please note:  This index was made many years ago for the Cattaraugus County Museum at Little Valley, NY and has been digitized by a team of Cattaraugus County researchers.  There will be errors, given the difficulty in deciphering some of the handwriting of the original census records.  Please check the names carefully, as your family's name may have simply been misspelled or misread.

Laura Greene,  Project Coordinator

Transcribed by Susanne Hieber

The Town of PERSIA can be found on the 3rd (Volume 3) of 3 microfilms of the 1865 NY State Census for Cattaraugus County made by the LDS church

NAME:Page # of Microfilm
Ackler, Henry389
Ackler, Peter M399
Ackler, Willard403
Ackley, John S.401
Ackley, Orlando388
Agle, Frederick387
Allard, Lottie421
Allen, Benamin391
Allen, Charles G.400
Allen, Elhanan400
Allen, Henry F.405
Allen, Norman388
Allen, Orlando407
Allen, Truman B.399
Allen, Washington399
Ansted, Andrew420
Arnold, Charles403
Arnold, Lucinda421
Austin, Alice405
Austin, Silas397
Averill, Angeline420
Averill, Carlos388
Averill, Edwin404
Averill, Jerome388
Averill, Loren387

Babbinger, Dony404
Babcock, Francis M.391
Babcock, John R.389
Babcock, Oliver C.389
Badger, Polly405
Banton, Isaac C.419
Barker, Charles421
Baker, Margarite421
Barker, Sarah J.416
Barlow, Alanson407
Barnard, Patrick387
Barsengar, Peter403
Barten, Mary404
Bartlett, Seth411
Bastedo, Sarah421
Bauer, George408
Bayer, Nicholas416
Beach, William D.405
Becker, David396
Beebe, Minnie412
Bement, Philetus S.421
Bennett, Lyman389
Bennett, Stephen397
Benson, Harriet395
Benson, John H.394
Beverly, Thomas408
Bishop, Orvil419
Black, Susan405
Blackney, Charles411
Blackney, Nathan412
Blasdell, Levi W399
Blindberry, Martha407
Bonna, Bridget421
Brooks, Harvey393
Brooks, Joseph394
Brown, John404
Brown, Richard389
Brown, Rose416
Brown, William L.397
Brownel, Alson408
Bullock, Russel395
Bumham, Julia390
Bump, Eliza409
Burdick, Alphonzo401
Burdick, Delos C.403
Byron, Anna413

Canning, William405
Carpenter, Fannie417
Cass, Nathan C.407
Catlin, Wells G.396
Chaffe, Amasy L.411
Chaffe, Charles W.417
Cole, Thomas J.417
Collins, Timothy397
Colvin, Daniel388
Comstock, Peter396
Congdon, Caroline389
Cook, George408
Cook, Joel401
Cooper, Frances E.420
Cooper, Lovina413
Corry, Fidelia409
Covey, Benjamin391
Cramer, George387
Crampton, Reuben394
Crandall, Amos E.399
Crandall, Cary B.389
Crandall, Harlow415
Crandall, Marvin F.415
Crandall, Oliver395
Crandall, Paul B.403
Crandall, William389
Crapo, David420
Crouse, John401
Curtiss, Alexander397

Darby, Hubbard412
Davis, Charles415
Davis, Minard417
Davis, Phillip409
Dawson, Dorothy408
Dawson, Ellen408
De La Mater, George C.412
Delihenty, Richard395
Derby, Charles F.399
Derby, David403
Derby, Elisha403
Derby, Morgan388
Derby, Phoebe403
Derby, Rosell389
Deutsch, John420
Dexter, Bela409
Doenkirt, John404
Donohue, Michael417
Dorn, George404
Dye, Daniel409

Easterly, Timothy B.396
Eaton, Albert403
Eaton, Earl W.398
Eddy, Carlos391
Eddy, Elbridge391
Eddy, Gilford J.391
Ehrhraed, Martin404
Emory, Charlotte416

Farnsworth, Morel405
Farr, Unice416
Federspel, Anna M.404
Federspiel, Balser421
Ferris, Sarah416
Fielder, Eliza R.416
Fish, William A.405
Foley, Patrick400
Forbush, Lester C.410
Freeland, Jonathan J.418
Frost, John419
Fuller, Frank J.407

Gaenssler, Albert404
Gaenssler, John G.404
Gardner, Betsey A.407
Giering, Frederick408
Giering, Mathias407
Grant, John395
Greene, Ernest417
Greene, Henry421
Griswold, Alexander409

Hagady, Jeremiah395
Hall, Charles409
Hall, Elias410
Hall, George H.415
Hall, Marcia414
Hamilton, Leroy494
Hammond, Adelbert400
Hanford, George W.412
Hanford, Zalmon413
Hanson, Peter404
Hart, John395
Hartman, Nicholas387
Hartman, Royal387
Hartwell, Mernerva402
Harmon, Climena400
Hauck, Charley413
Hawkins, Elijah403
Hawkins, George M.417
Hawkins, Noel401
Heidlebury, Jacob395
Henry, Charles404
Henry, Wilbur409
Herbert, Anna421
Herdeg, Joseph S.413
Hessling, Adolph411
Hessling, Earnest408
Hickcox, Caroline402
Hickcox, George S.419
Higby, Josephene403
Hill, Avis413
Hill, Miller408
Hilliker, Merril405
Hipfinger, Richard405
Hockingberry, Delia407
Holcomb, Abel P.416
Hooker, Harriet414
Hooker, William412
Howard, Alexander392
Howard, Charles W.416
Howard, George M.392
Howard, George W.406
Howard, Polly A.392
Howe, Auroa408
Howland, Charles S.417
Hubbard, Isaac P.392
Hulett, Aaron387
Hussey, Sylvanus405

Jackett, Hiram401
Jenks, Lemuel S.411
Jenks, Zachara405
Johnson, Christ399
Jolls, Jeremiah408
Johnson, Corydon C.411
Josett, Jsoeph417
Joy, James M.415

Kavanaugh, Daniel392
Kearney, Margarite421
Kelley, Azel412
Kelley, Harmon412
Kelly, Bridget411
Kent, Samuel399
Kerr, Patterson412
Kesour, Frederick406
Kinyon, Maria392
Knolls, John B.407

Langfield, John420
Langmade, Lorenzo388
Lawrence, Franklin387
Lawrence, Jane416
Lawrence, Lyman397
Lawrence, Russel397
Lawton, Billings387
Leonard, Ella A.411
Like, Sophia401
Lock, Samuel407
Locke, James415
Luce, Adelaide402
Luce, Carty403
Luce, Demetrius401

Malona, Thomas421
Marble, Annette414
Mathews, Henry387
Mathews, John419
Mathews, Oney387
Mathewson, James400
McCutcheon, Edwin407
McMaster, Jane415
Melven, John421
Mently, John404
Milks, Charles387
Milks, Garret393
Milks, Leonard393
Miller, Fred398
Miller, John416
Millhollen, Porter412
Minekine, Barbary411
Morgan, Frances409
Morse, Sydney S.400
Mowers, Alice388
Munger, Charles421
Murphy, William420

Nash, Ansel A.391
Nash, Elvinton A.391
Nash, Esek B.392
Nash, Oranon I.391
Newcomb, Daniel397
Newel, Frank A.418
Newell, Elisha420

Olin, Susie416
Olmstead, Alice407
Olmstead, Aran400
Ostrander, Orlando404

Padgett, William M.421
Parker, Thomas J.409
Palmer, Hiram415
Payn, Dorous396
Peck, Joel400
Perkins, Lorenzo D.401
Perry, John W.415
Peters, Benjamin395
Peters, Norman396
Pierce, Bertrand405
Pierce, Jeremiah417
Pierce, Orrilla408
Pinney, Henry420
Place, Jane396
Platt, Carlos421
Platt, Fidelia413
Plummer Samuel388
Pool, Timothy389
Pople, Myron397
Popple, Alexander W.419
Pound, Mary A.409
Ppentegease, Michael417
Pratt, John389
Press, George399
Press, John403
Prince, Halsey392
Prince, Johnathan393

Raymond, Laura407
Redfield, Edwin389
Reich, William408
Reilly, Phoebe415
Reynolds, Francis421
Ribbel, Henry413
Rice, Betsey417
Rich, Joshua392
Rich, Merit392
Rich, Patty393
Rich, Phoebe393
Rickerson, Abram403
Rickerson, Charles397
Ridout, Leander397
Ritteing, John395
Roberts, James J.413
Roberts, Titus407
Robinson, Sarah395
Rolfe, Augusta411
Rolfe, Frank B.407
Roller, John P.407
Rollinson, Charles405
Ross, Ira412
Rudd, Nancy N.411
Rugg, Corydon C.411
Russell, Annette409

Salmon, George413
Sanders, Chauncey402
Saunders, Benjamin419
Schelling, Louise406
Schwert, Peter419
Selfridge, Abigail397
Sellew, Ashbel R.420
Shelmadine, Emma R.392
Shults, Rena391
Sieb, Catharine405
Sipple, John416
Slocum, Abner416
Slocum, Henry P.417
Slotzer, George405
Smallwood, William T.405
Smith, Andrew J.393
Smith, Charles A.406
Smith, Charles W.397
Smith, Lydia394
Smith, Michael396
Smith, Mitchel396
Smith, William L.G.417
Snyder, Augustus393
Southwick, Stephen391
Southworth, Deborah403
Southworth, Marvin389
Spencer, William411
Staats, Barthomew405
Starr, Orvil412
Stearns, Halsey407
Stelcer, Christ421
Stewart, John413
Stiles, Andrew J.415
Stiles, Mary M.407
Straub, Valser404
Strope, Levi W.413
Stuart, Clarinda387
Stuart, William H.415
Sturd, Adelbert407
Sutter, John421

Taft, Farnam396
Tanneas, Charles416
Taylor, Franklin420
Taylor, John414
Thorn, Mary415
Thorn, Nettie416
Torrance, Stiles400

Vandake, Edwund420
Vincent, Wealthy C.390
Vosburg, George L.413
Vosbyrg, William413

Wadsworth, Adelbert420
Walker, Jesse408
Walker, Josiah W.415
Waller, Ruth409
Walter, Otto421
Waterman, Delia411
Watson, William H.411
Web, Ulysses407
Webster, Lucy411
Webster, Rebecca409
Weiles, Andrew404
Welch, Henry399
Welch, Porter420
Welch, William420
Wells, Dexter400
Wells, Luther401
Wemp, William408
Wemple, Caroline408
Whitcomb, Daniel396
Whitcomb, Ira412
Whitcomb, Monroe421
Whitcomb, Nathaniel403
Wilbur, Charles387
Wickham, Linneaus417
Wilkinson, Bewnjamin419
Witherell, Nelson399
Wood, Dudley403
Woodbury, William411
Woodin, Eri413
Woodward, John408