Cattaraugus County GenWeb

Page Title

Laura Greene,  Project Coordinator

Transcribed by Anne Marie Costello

The Town of Napoli can be found on the 3rd (Volume 3) of 3 microfilms of the 1865 NY State Census for Cattaraugus County made by the LDS church

NamePage #
Ady, Osker6
Adye, Ancil10
Adye, William6
Akerley, Samuel26
Allen, Samuel19
Allen, Thomas W.2
Alylewworth, Marcus10
Arms, Luther11
Arnold, Harvey3
Arnold, Joseph15
Ayrs, Alexande12

Babcock, Euseba11
Bailey, George W.30
Ball, Bradbury S.26
Ball, John3
Ballard, Frank R.13
Ballard, J. Jacob23
Ballentine, John18
Barber, Parmer P.23
Barber, Solomon33
Barber, Susan33
Barret, Simeon18
Barzee, james29
Beardsly, Peter1
Bears, Harmon23
Bigelow, Wells L.14
Bigler, Nicholas17
Blake, Jason1
Boardman, Alphonzo22
Boardman, Asher N.23
Boardman, Chauncy29
Boardman, Henry33
Boardman, Judah6
Boardman, Loren34
Boardman, Nelson F.22
Boorn, Elizabeth M.17
Booth, Daniel11
Booth, Lyda P.19
Booth, Orren25
Booth, William14
Boyles, George13
Brainerd, Albert23
Briant, Ira19
Brink, Harrison1
Brink, Harvy30
Brooks, William31
Brown, James M.34
Brown, Sheldon25
Brundage, Rowland25
Bryant, William23
Buffum, Stephen1
Bump, Charles18
Burbank, Anzel6
Burbank, Austin4
Burbank, Hiram7
Burbank, Nancy3
Burbank, Sally3
Buroughs, Hiram10
Burt, Jairus10
Burt, Oliver P.11
Bushnel, Albern18
Bushnel, Asburnel30
Bushnel, Chancy1
Bushnel, Juliana17
Bushnel, Loren s.2
Bushnell, Elvis31

Callen, George26
Card, Hazard23
Card, Henry C.19
Carpenter, Charles22
Cary, Ebinzer8
Case, Isaac R.34
Case, Jobe R.25
Case, William9
Case, Worden, J.11
Chafer, Edward E.22
Champlin, Erastus25
Champlin, Ester9
Champlin, John B. F.26
Champlin, Matilda13
Clark, Daniel D.25
Clark, Smith15
Clark, William W.13
Clossen, Olin L.34
Coats, Carlton21
Coe, James N.15
Comestock, Alonzo17
Congdon, Benjamine27
Congdon, William1
Conroe, Alexander H.14
Cooly, Nelson31
Cotrel, Orra19
Cowley, Horance W.33
Crawford, Cornelius18
Crawford, William18

Davis, Daniel30
Davis, Henry C.5
Davis, Orson W.5
Davis, Rhodolfus5
Daymon, John27
Daymon, Lymon E.28
Deland, Ela11
Devenport, Rufus21
Devenport, Rufus23
Dobier, Mariah E.34
Doty, Luther21
Drew, Emeline10
Dudley, Zina2

Earl, Daved10
Earl, Eliza22
Earl, Leander22
Earl, Norman27
Earl, Segar A.30
Edy, Enos23
Ellis, Benjiman13
Ellis, Mary5
Elwell, Adaline A.17
Etrnd, George3
Ewel, Dwight26

Fay, Samuel22
Fi____in, Thomas H.6
Finch, Hardy R.5
Fisher, William6
Franklin, William21
Frarie, Hariet17
Frary, Isaac25
Freeman, Agnes V.1
Freeman, Elizabeth20
Fuller, Asa21
Fuller, Benjimin14
Fuller, Levi E.25

Gary, William30
Gear, Erastus31
Gladden, Stephen13
Glazier, Saly12
Glover, Henry17
Gowin, Lenard7
Grant, Calvin3
Gray, George29
Green, Mary E.34

Hach, Ira L.4
Hach, Marthy31
Hach, Stephen4
Hall, Marcus34
Harris, Justes30
Harris, Lymon17
Hazard, Joseph27
Heath, John5
Heath, Samuel C.5
Helms, Loret23
Hichcock, Milo25
Hoard, Mariah15
Holdridge, George6
Holdridge, price22
Holdridge, Zina6
Holland, Nicholas34
Hopkins, David27
Hovy, Ziba M.21
Hoxy, Stphn19
Hubbard, Rensiler29
Hufstader, Rosella27

Johesn, Harvy7
Johnson, David22

Kelsy, Enos19
Kilby, Ellis24
King, Horace27

Ladow, Boardman22
Ladow, Loren22
Lake, Joseph26
Latham, Sarah22
Lefin gwell, Edwin16
Limbocker, uriah S.35
Little, Jessa A.25
Low, James23
Lyon, Anisa A.5
Lyon, L. James15

Mariah, Cythea17
Marsh, Orris29
McCardle, Patric22
McCollester, John26
McCollister, Mariah24
McEntire, James M.34
Mead, Alemiry25
Merchant, Abel15
Merchant, Amos14
Merchant, James H.6
Merchant, Reuben14
Merchant, William18
Merchant. Truman15
Merrill, Isaac N.23
Milk, Benjimin19
Milk, Elmer31
Milk, George10
Milk, Giles9
Milk, Hiram19
Milk, John9
Milk, Luther P.14
Milk, Martin9
Milk, Princes14
Miller, Sillas2
Montonye, John7
Morril, Nelson27
Morrill, Byrom30
Morrill, John27
Morris, Harris14
Mourton, Seneca6
Murphy, William7

Nash, Albert E.15
Newcomb, Luther29
Newel, Samuel A.1
Newton, John26
Nickles, Daniel F.21
Nickles, Daniel22
Nickles, Phebe22
Nickoles, John D.33
Noble. Phineas F.32

Olcot, William Henry5
Oneal, Barnard22
Owen, Sarah L.1

Paddock, Oliver17
Palmer, Jason29
Palmer, Russel W.23
Parmer, Rusel2
Peaslee, Daniel O.17
Peaslee, Elizabeth17
Peaslee, Ira18
Peaslee, John C.18
Peaslee, John J.26
Peaslee, Joseph17
Pery, Abner L.3
Pierce, Eliza34
Plough, Martin H.10
Porter, Abner3
Porter, Hardy F.5
Post, Edna F.26
Pratt, Calvin B.10
Pratt, Stephen9
Prescott, Esman30
Price, Mreick14
Price, Sarah E.29
Rhodes, Asiel15

Rice, Betsy14
Robberts, Roswel8
Roberts, Abert W.11
Roberts, Abner L.11
Roberts, John R.9
Rodes, Delos11
Roe, William5
Ross, Welcome15
Rowley, Frank27
Rusel, Susan12
Russel, Parson C.7
Rycroft, William21

Sackrider, Henry H.33
Sacrider, David S.1
Schluter, John13
Shaler, Walter7
Shannon, George30
Sherwood, Lewi B.23
Sibley, Amenzo13
Sibly, Eben7
Sibly, Judson3
Simmons, Zebulon33
Sloan, Manerva 221
Slocom, William G.3
Smalley, Cyrmenius27
Smith, Henry C.21
Smith, James2
Smith, John r.17
Smith, Thaddeus C.9
Smith, Thomas1
Smith, William C.35
Smith, Willie14
Smith, Zalmon34
Snider, John2
Stephens, William3
Stoddard, Sarah N.19
Stone, Welcome G.30
Swan, Horace7
Swift, Hiram7

T______, Moris E.2
Thomas, Alexder10
Thorogood, John3
Thorp, George1
Thorp, Lewis P.17
Thorp, Mary L.33
Thorp, Walter F.18
Tingue, Linder10
Tompson, Hemon G.5

Underwood, Daniel29
Underwood, Thomas L.29
Underwood, William g.27

VanVlack, George31
Vidal, Thomas7
Vincent, Phillip9

Waait, Warren13
Wadkins, John26
Wait, Alexander28
Wait, Cloe7
Wait, James C.11
Wait, Peleg11
Wait, Peleg, (Jun)11
Wait, Thomas5
Wait, Warden G.26
Wait, Zina12
Walker, Geromel N.25
Walker, Shubel25
Ward, Luther15
Weaver, Martha L.34
Weeden, William A.29
Whitemore, Abert G.25
Whitmore, Daniel31
Whitmore, Orin3
Whitmore, Orson6
Whitmore, William9
Wilcox, Byran W.2
Wilcox, Lansing H.2
Wilcox, Lysander B.31
Wilcox, Samuel S.31
Williams, Chancy30
Williams, Fredrick21
Williams, William W.13
Winship, William18
Wood, Emma23
Woodmancy, George R.26
Wright, Levi34

Yongs, Almina Annet1