Cattaraugus County GenWeb

1865 Census Index - Town of LEON

Please note:  This index was made many years ago for the Cattaraugus County Museum at Little Valley, NY and has been digitized by a team of Cattaraugus County researchers.  There will be errors, given the difficulty in deciphering some of the handwriting of the original census records.  Please check the names carefully, as your family's name may have simply been misspelled or misread.

Laura Greene,  Project Coordinator

Transcribed by Martie Wilson

The Town of LEON can be found on the 2nd (Volume 2) of 3 microfilms of the 1865 NY State Census for Cattaraugus County made by the LDS church

NAME:Page # of Microfilm
Abbey, James H.377
Aldridge, Eri377
Alverson, James365
Amadon, Calvin367
Amadon, Ezra367
Amadon, Lucius371
Ansley, John383
Arnold, William389
Arragan, Edmund389
Arrigan, James396

Babcock, Morris388
Bailey, Celia372
Balcum, Dolley365
Balcum, Royal365
Baldwin, Eliza380
Bances, Terressa379
Barker, Charles A.393
Barlow, Lorenzo365
Barstow, Deloss384
Barstow, Joseph384
Barton, Fry379
Barton, William B.379
Bartow, Punderson384
Batchelder, John396
Battles, Benjamin377
Beacham, James D.396
Beacham, John363
Bell, William373
Belote, Jeremiah f.373
Benedict, Mercy380
Bennet, Polley385
Bennet, William D.367
Blanchard, Solotus368
Bludgett, Harrison367
Bowers, John396
Bradley, Eliza375
Brain, Abram363
Brand, David379
Brand, La May364
Brand, Mariah388
Briggs, Amon C.375
Briskie, Fredrick396
Brown, Bryan383
Brown, Jacob383
Brown, John376
Bump, Dellinan?383
Bump, Ester375
Butcher, Abednego399
Butcher, Andrew371
Butler, Ezekiel387
Butler, Ruth391

Camp, Eliza372
Campbell, Betsey384
Caneen, Thomas381
Carle, Jerome373
Carpenter, Ezra367
Carpenter, John367
Carpenter, Martin379
Carpenter, Serah385
Carpenter, Thomas J.367
Casten, James369
Casten, James370
Casten, John369
Chaffee, Harvey396
Chapman, Silas392
Chatman, Jonithan A.368
Cheeny, Thomas W.367
Childs, Russell393
Clark, Leonard375
Coe, Luman379
Coe, Miles380
Coe, Newton379
Coe, Norman381
Converse, Calvin375
Cooper, Andrew H.396
Cooper, Emma381
Cooper, Ezra W.368
Cooper, Fry380
Cooper, George371
Cooper, Margret372
Curtis, Erastus C.368
Curtis, James363
Curtis, Lorenzo363

Darling, Elizabeth371
Darling, Timothy371
Davidson, Abial380
Davidson, Abial380
Day, Anthony375
Day, Leroy375
Dean, Seymour377
Delahoy, James376
Dexter, Clark W.383
Dickson, Jacob363
Dorret, William372
Dudley, Edmund367
Durfee, Edwin C.397
Durffee, Chase385
Durffee, Joseph385
Durffee, Nancy J.385
Dye, Elisha F.381
Dye, Henry369
Dye, Orlando381

Earl, Charles395
Easton, Ahimaaz391
Easton, Erastus391
Easton, William S.391
Edick, Robbert381
Edick, William382
Eldridge, Jackson372
Eldridge, Prudence364
Eldridge, Safruna365
Evarts, Charles389
Evarts, Melville389
Everts, John367
Ewer, Nathan373

Fairbank, Deborah367
Fancher, John396
Fancher, Lydid391
Farles, Martha393
Farman, Alexander H.364
Farnam, Elisha A.396
Ferguson, Moses386
Fillery, George C.395
Fillery, Oscar395
Fitch, William T.368
Fitzgerald, Mary383
Fox, Thomas376
Fox, William388
Francis, George389
Francis, Lathrop395
Francis, Simon397
Franklin, Alonzo371
Franklin, Daniel372
Franklin, Eber383
Franklin, Lyman363
Franklin, Rufus397
Franklin, Samuel371

Gale, Andrus371
Garber, August397
Geen, William P371
Godwin, Frank J.396
Gold, Susan366
Grant, Joseph369
Grantham, James388
Graves, John J.638
Greeley, Clifton372
Greeley, John J.372
Green, John C.387

Hadges, Abram363
Hadges, Hiram381
Hadges, John B.381
Hager, John395
Hait, Mary A.373
Hallenbeck, Mathias378
Harmon, George W.365
Harmon, Hiram364
Harmon, Ira395
Harvy, Edward384
Hatch, Ralph398
Hayman, Hendrick376
Herrick, William N.387
Herrick, William S.383
Hill, Hiram J.371
Hizur, John385
Holker, Frederick C.368
Holman, Andrew J.391
Holmes, Harvy H.395
Hubbard, Manley392
Hubbart, Levi B.373
Hubbell, Schuyler P.383
Hunt, Horatio N.363
Hurd, William375

Ingels, Edney397
Ingersoll, Doras392
Ingersoll, Herman391
Ingraham, Simeon M.392

Jones, Alvira383
Jones, Ruth392
Judd, Adelburt393

Kelley, Clinton384
Kelley, Eber384
Kellogg, Edwin383
Kellogg, Eliza368
Kellogg, Francis379
Kellogg, Gaylord380
Kellogg, Milo G.380
Kellogg, Richard380
Kellogg, Rufus A.373
Kierstead, Harvy374
Kilburn, Benjamin377
Kilburn, Gleason364
King, Ward375
Kinney, John375
Kysor, John A.395
Kysor, Perry398

Laipol, Frederick397
Lamb, Boughten H.393
Lang, David397
Leipol, Mary397
Lines, Mikel382
Link, Jacob395
Loop, alida J.388
Lord, Clark S.371
Lord, Seymour363
Low, Abram384
Low, Manford377
Low, Peter384
Lyon, Lorin E.378

Marsha, Mathew B.392
Martin, Lewis397
Mason, William373
McCarry, Elizabeth388
McGee, Sophia364
McMillen, Moses393
McNamara, Patrick365
Merechant, Arvela384
Milk, Susan394
Milliman, Hannah J.379
Mills, David T.391
Mills, Thomas391
Mills, William391
Millspaugh, Hannah375
Monroe, Fanny373
Moore, Emma389
Moore, James M.390
Morgan, Mercy375
Mosher, Alfred T.393
Mosher, Benjamin399
Mosher, Charles393
Mosher, Francis392
Mosher, John392
Mosher, Steaphen393
Murdock, William R.389

Nickerson, Ephram397

Oakley, Solan398
Oldact, John390

Palmerton, George364
Parker, Lewis394
Patch, Edmund364
Pendleton, Hannah386
Penner, Catherine376
Peters, Lydia389
Phelan, Patrick382
Plank, Milton384
Plopper, John384
Plunkett, Thomas394
Potter, Allen397
Potter, William391
Prat, Laroy D.377
Purdy, Alford387
Putman, Joseph367

Reed, Phoeba396
Reyngton, Lewis391
Richmire, John396
Ridout, George L.364
Ridout, James381
Ridout, James C.365
Ridout, Nathan381
Robberts, Alonzo372
Robinson, Horrace383
Ross, Ahiman367
Ross, Ahiman396
Ross, Elexander376
Ross, Willard389
Royce, William365
Rumolt, Frederick377
Rush, John398

Sacket, Joel364
Sales, Richard383
Sanders, Joseph379
Sanders, Sophiah381
Sanford, Amos377
Schonover, Mary395
Seeber, Augustus383
Seekins, John A.392
Seely, John D.369
Shanon Emily N.373
Shanon, Lorenzo385
Shanon, Samuel369
Shanon, William373
Sherman, John383
Sickles, Jacob372
Sisson, Malvina365
Skeels, George W.388
Smith, Charles387
Smith, Reuben W.367
Snyder, Thomas368
Southwick, Franklin365
Spink, Lorenzo D.387
Spratt, Fidelia376
Stevens, Damerier368
Steves, John F.364
Stickney, Everrett378
Stickney, Theadore385
Sutton, Patrick374
Sykes, Henry363
Sykes, Iddo379

Thomas, Alonzo395
Thomas, Timothy373
Thompson, E_______380
Thompson, Jabez371
Tobey, Steaphen380
Tompson, Curtis380
Town, Benjamin T.368
Town, James369
Town, Jane376
Town, Susanah369
Town, Sylveus377
Treat, Morris379
Trumbull, Lydia391
Tyrer, William375

Vailliant, Franklin365

Wait, George B.369
Wait, Jane393
Wakeley, Charles368
Ward, John376
Wellman, John370
Wells, Champin389
Wells, Horace368
Wells, Lucinda397
Wentworth, Erastus379
Wheeler, Charles W.375
Wilcox, Elihu366
Wilcox, Hosea385
Wilcox, Irving367
Wilcox, James385
Wilcox, Johnson385
Wilcox, Jonithan364
Willey, Lisander365
Williams, Davis394
Williams, Norman D.388
Wilson, Myron L.372
Winehell, Nelson W.373
Wood, Caroline C.379
Wood, Cornelius380
Wood, Danil T.389
Wood, Deborah384
Wood, Hannah379
Wood, John389
Wood, Joseph F.373
Woodin, Martin H.379
Woodward, Mehidable395
Woodworth, Charles395

Young, Ira