Cattaraugus County GenWeb

Page Title

Please note:  This index was made many years ago for the Cattaraugus County Museum at Little Valley, NY and has been digitized by a team of Cattaraugus County researchers.  There will be errors, given the difficulty in deciphering some of the handwriting of the original census records.  Please check the names carefully, as your family's name may have simply been misspelled or misread.

Laura Greene,  Project Coordinator

Transcribed by Laura Greene

The Town of Ischua can be found on the 2nd@(Volume 2) of 3 microfilms of the 1865 NY State Census for Cattaraugus County made by the LDS church

NamePage #
Abbott, Stephen W.264
Adage, Wm..273
Adams, Nathan B.284
Anthony, Henry281

Babcock, Elisha J.264
Bacon, Benjamin268
Banfield, Elizabeth275
Barber, Caleb281
Barber, Henry L.281
Barnard, Asbel Z.279
Barnord, Mary288
Bates, Elkanah275
Beckwith, Luther285
Beckwith, Simeon284
Beebe, Lynam H.265
Beord, Murray275
Besceker, Charles284
Besceker, George284
Besecker, George287
Blossom, Allen267
Boon, Arsinoe268
Bradley, William H.277
Bristol, Amos S.273
Bristol, Joseph B.274
Brown, James C.272
Brown, James267
Brown, Robert284
Bullard, George W:287
Burlingame, Philo288
Burt, Charles273
Burton, Mary E.277

Campbell, Alvah269
Campbell, James287
Carpenter, Frederick268
Caswell, Anthony264
Caswell, Rensselaer265
Chamberlin, Cornilius271
Chamberlin, Hazen271
Chamberlin, Henry269
Chamberlin, Ira A.287
Chamberlin, Wm.285
Cherryman, Elizabeth265
Cline, Frederick277
Cline, John283
Cline, Lovina271
Cole, Americis Y.275
Cole, Milo J.277
Conklin, Clement B.268
Conley, Cornelius284
Conley, Valentine283
Conrad, Catharine288
Conrad, Daniel283
Conver, Peter S.287
Coon, Adin275
Cooper, Wm.284
Corthell, Alvertus B.285
Corthell, Dewitt C.271

Davis, John A.' .287
DeCay, Thomas D.273
Densmore, Anson285
Derby, James288
Drake, Seaver275
Dudley, Samuel277
Dunkin, Aaron W.274

Elderkin, Nelson280

Falon, James272
Farwell, Abram M.275
Farwell, Abram275
Farwell, John H.276
Farwell, Samuel P.276
Farwell, Thadeus J.288
Ferris, Sally269
Fitch, Jefferson279
Fitch, Orrin268
Fitch, Sarah Ann283
Flagg, Wm- H.272
Flyte, Abram288
Fosha, James F.271
Fox, Mary J.273
Frantz, Edward283

Gear, Aaron275
Gleason, Mariah276
Graham, Melissa271
Gray, James B.285
Green, Dewitt C.280
Green, Susan A.280
Guild, Horace263

Hacket, Hannah264
Hale, Lorin G.272
Hamilton, Amos G.275
Hatch, Charles271
Hatch, Hiram F.271
Hatch, Thomas J.271
Haynes, David B.285
Haynes, James A.285
Head, Mordin C.284
Hibner, Joseph268
Hibner, Wm.263
Holiday,. Elijah267
Hollister, George S,283
Jewell, Charles P.279

Kenfield, Salmon279
King, Michael267

Learn, Adam267
Learn, Albertus284
Learn, Even276
Learn, George284
Learn, John C.284
Learn, Morris284
Learn, Thomas265
Leonard, Alexis D.280
Lewis, Abraham277
Linderman, Ada283
Linderman, Nicholos281
Locksmith, Thomas F285
Lockwood, Allen263
Lockwood, Jacob263
Lockwood, John263
Lockwood, Justus264
Lockwood, Martin264
Loveridge, Ida264

Mallory, John O.280
Mallory, Mary265
Mallory, Simon263
Mckone, Bryon273
McPhail, Alexander280
Merrick, Oscur280
Mile, David G.277
Miller, David284
Miller, Fredrick H.270
Miller, James269
Miner, George H.268
Moon, Thomas S.279
Moore, Collins W.277
Morgan, Nelson287
Morris, Neeley283
Morris, Thomas281
Munger, Henry M.265
Munger, Wm. W.268
Myrick, Orsamus M.285

Newton, Helen M.273

Onan, Marcus272
Osgood, Benjamin H,277
Osgood, Stephen272
Osgood, Wm.269

Pierce, John281
Pierce, Nathaniel279
Presho, Charles N.277
Presho, James272
Purl, Solomon281

Quimby, Elizabeth281

Ragan, Thomas273
Raub, David276
Raub, Jeremy276
Raub, John276
Raub, Joseph276
Reed, Charles H.288
Rockwell, Eli F.271
Rogers, Leander287
Rogers, Levi P.263

Scott, Jefferson271
Shafer, Adam276
Sheldon, Gardner273
Sherlock, John T264
Sherlock, Sylvester264
Shipman, John A.280
Simmons, Albert F269
Slocum, Lyman271
Smith, Palmer264
Smith, Sidney J.270
Smith, William.275
Stelly, James L.D.281
Stelly, Spencer264
Stewart, Eva285
Stewart, John G.277
Swan, Isaac A.281
Swartwood, Martin285
Swift, Kenfield275
Swift, Orlando275

Terry, Ransom279
Terry, Wm.R.269
Thompson, Dewitt269
Thompson, Jacintha C.264
Thornton, Alonzo272
Thral, Brigham N267
Townsend, Adah269
Townsend, Benj C.269
Trowbridge, Alpheus283

Upson, Erastus268
Utter, George277

Vandeventer, Isaac273
Vanhonter, James273
Vincent, Hannah W.264

Wagner, Charles H.265
Wagner, John265
Watkins, Eber263
Wells, Hellen273
Wheelor, George B.280
Whitcomb, Thomas288
Whitlock, Mary E.285
Wilbur, Abner265
Willey, George E.272
Willson, Hannah268
Wilson, Nemier268
Winters, Margaret281
Wood, Sam'l D.263

Yates, Avery279
Young, Jacob272