Please note: This index was made many years ago for the Cattaraugus County Museum at Little Valley, NY and has been digitized by a team of Cattaraugus County researchers. There will be errors, given the difficulty in deciphering some of the handwriting of the original census records. Please check the names carefully, as your family's name may have simply been misspelled or misread.
The Town of Hinsdale can be found on the 2nd (Volume 2) of 3 microfilms of the 1865 NY State Census for Cattaraugus County made by the LDS church
NAME: | Page # of Microfilm |
Adams, Warren | 187 |
Aldrich, Pliny | 188 |
Allen, Chauncey | 168 |
Allen, T.A. | 141 |
Atwater, Charles | 189 |
Atwater, Harry | 189 |
Austin, Caroline M. | 163 |
Bandfield, George D. | 169 |
Banks, Talcott G. | 163 |
Barnes, Eliza | 132 |
Barrows, Erasmus | 147 |
Beales, Elizabeth | 142 |
Beckwith, Lucetta | 139 |
Bell, Davisson | 164 |
Bellows, Philip | 165 |
Benham, Alden | 185 |
Benham, Roswell | 187 |
Benham, Samuel | 187 |
Bennet, Levi | 193 |
Bennett, William | 176 |
Berry, Henry C. | 176 |
Bidwell, Jonathan | 191 |
Biggan, John | 175 |
Blackmon, John | 163 |
Blatchley, Jarvis | 173 |
Blossom, Orson | 177 |
Blossom, Seth | 176 |
Bouton, John | 191 |
Bouton, Lewis | 141 |
Bowen, Calvin R. | 163 |
Bristol, Joseph M. | 173 |
Brown, Harvey | 170 |
Brown, James M. | 170 |
Brown, John M. | 184 |
Brown, Morris N. | 185 |
Brown, Myron A. | 183 |
Brown, Rebecca | 170 |
Brownson, Ira | 175 |
Brushinham, John | 172 |
Brushnehan, Jerry | 147 |
Brushnehan, Thomas | 146 |
Buck, John F. | 165 |
Buckley, Henry | 164 |
Bullard, Almond | 144 |
Bullard, Gardner | 133 |
Burdick, Fredrick W. | 132 |
Burlingame, Julius | 177 |
Burton, George W. | 167 |
Burton, Rhoda E. | 184 |
Burton, Varnum | 184 |
Bush, Lorenzo F. | 164 |
Bush, Rufus C. | 164 |
Butterworth, Robert | 171 |
Calkins, John B. | 173 |
Carmer, Cyrus | 144 |
Casey, Bridget | 179 |
Casey, John | 179 |
Chapin, Daniel F. | 137 |
Chapin, Fidelia | 167 |
Cherryman, Reuben | 164 |
Clark, Stephen G. | 139 |
Coats, Almira | 165 |
Cole, Charles J. | 183 |
Collopy, William | 175 |
Colopy, John | 175 |
Conley, Sylvenus | 144 |
Connrod, Lucinda | 176 |
Conrad, Henry J. | 179 |
Conrad, John | 131 |
Conrad, William H. | 139 |
Cook, Madison | 165 |
Corthell, William | 191 |
Dailey, Martin | 181 |
Decker, Lucy A. | 135 |
Decker, Simeon | 173 |
Dibler, Nathan | 131 |
Dillon, Mary | 175 |
Dingman, David | 132 |
Drake, Asael | 164 |
Drake, R.A. | 140 |
Dummond, Daniel | 184 |
Dumond, David | 177 |
Durkee, Stephen | 144 |
Dutton, Rufus W. | 191 |
Edwards, Milton | 142 |
Evans, Aaron H. | 181 |
Evans, Hannah | 163 |
Everets, George | 169 |
Fay, Benjamin M. | 176 |
Fay, Jarvis | 189 |
Fero, John H. | 163 |
Ferris, Malvina | 175 |
Fish, Caleb | 169 |
Fitspatrick, James | 169 |
Foote, Judith A. | 187 |
Ford, Lorin F. | 184 |
Frank, George W. | 189 |
Frantz, Linford | 132 |
Fuller, Amasa | 177 |
Gardiner, Sophie | 163 |
Genung, Allice | 168 |
Gillett, Chauncey | 163 |
Goodell, Horace | 168 |
Goodrich, Charlotte | 176 |
Goodrich, Ellen P. | 166 |
Goodrich, Willie S. | 139 |
Goodwin, Aaron | 131 |
Goodwin, Nelson | 163 |
Gorman, Nancy K. | 180 |
Gould, Abner | 191 |
Gould, Horace H. | 143 |
Gould, John H. | 140 |
Gould, Monroe | 143 |
Graham, Fredrick | 132 |
Graham, Robert | 183 |
Granger, Lestir | 176 |
Grant, James | 169 |
Grant, Mich'l | 133 |
Gray, George | 137 |
Green, Jesse K. | 191 |
Green, Louisa | 136 |
Green, Martin | 141 |
Gross, Henry | 168 |
Guile, Martin L. | 145 |
Hadden, Amos L. | 164 |
Hall, Moses P. | 141 |
Hamilton, Charles M. | 181 |
Hanan, Patrick | 175 |
Haney, Moses | 169 |
Harmes, Jacob A. | 172 |
Harvey, George | 190 |
Hawley, Alonso | 179 |
Hawley, Benjamin | 144 |
Helms, Daniel | 173 |
Hicks, Nancy | 136 |
Hicks, Simeun | 176 |
Hill, William | 136 |
Holdridge, Thomas | 136 |
Holland, John | 181 |
Hooper, David | 135 |
Hosley, Cady | 187 |
Hosley, Hellen | 167 |
Hosley, Jefferson | 186 |
Howe, Betsey | 183 |
Hubbell, Bishop B. | 143 |
Huganir, Peter | 131 |
Humiston, Benijah | 165 |
Hunt, Elijah | 140 |
Hurley, Michael | 173 |
Hursh, George H. | 165 |
Hussey, Batt | 173 |
Ingersol, Clarressa | 192 |
Iseman, George | 192 |
Jane, Mary | 167 |
Job, George H. | 185 |
Johnson, Emma | 145 |
Johnson, Francis E. | 164 |
Johnson, Warren | 136 |
Jones, Chauncey A. | 140 |
Judd, Daniel | 136 |
Kearn, George | 179 |
Keller, Christopher | 179 |
Keller, Enos | 179 |
Keller, William H. | 178 |
Kemery, Perry M. | 145 |
Kent, Amos | 143 |
Kent, Armenus | 143 |
Kimball, Ezra | 131 |
King, James | 136 |
Kinney, Rufus | 193 |
Kiper, David | 193 |
Knapp, John C. | 177 |
Knowland, Dan'l | 132 |
Knowles, Isaac | 132 |
Lacy, Clara | 187 |
Lafever, Lewis | 182 |
Lafever, Russel K. | 182 |
Lawrence, Warren | 183 |
Leland, William O. | 163 |
Lemon, Francis | 135 |
Lewis, Jason | 167 |
Lewis, Oliver | 177 |
Lewis, Truman | 139 |
Lippet, Mathew | 144 |
Lockwood, Edward P. | 188 |
Lockwood, Fanny | 191 |
Lockwood, Jackson C. | 131 |
Lockwood, Peter S. | 175 |
Lockwood, Seth | 131 |
Longcore, John | 141 |
Loop, Rodolphus | 188 |
Lowry, Clarrissa | 164 |
Lucas, John | 168 |
Lucas, Luther B. | 168 |
Luce, Eben | 188 |
Lucore, Samuel | 183 |
Luddington, Alonso | 172 |
Luddington, Sarah | 185 |
Lyman, Thos. A.E. | 133 |
Lynck, Thomas | 177 |
Maight, Sarah A. | 186 |
Manden, John | 163 |
Marsh, Emily P. | 135 |
Martin, John | 137 |
Maxon, Almond | 167 |
May, Austin | 140 |
May, Lorin | 139 |
May, Thompson | 140 |
McCarty, Dennis | 177 |
McGrath, John | 180 |
McGrow, John | 180 |
McGuire, Owen | 137 |
McKee, Catherine | 135 |
McKee, Edmund | 167 |
McMahon, Michael | 177 |
McMann, John | 180 |
McWilliams, Alvah | 145 |
McWilliams, Thomas | 131 |
Middleton, Louissa | 176 |
Miller, Abraham | 191 |
Miller, John | 139 |
Miller, John | 173 |
Miller, Peter | 139 |
Mix, Nepha | 184 |
Moran, Mathew | 189 |
More, Lydia D. | 169 |
Morehouse, Ami | 132 |
Morris, A______ | 192 |
Morris, Arabella | 133 |
Morris, Stephen T. | 143 |
Morton, George | 144 |
Mott, Stephen | 136 |
Moyer, Henry | 179 |
Moyer, John | 192 |
Moyer, Solomon H. | 140 |
Mumry, Thos. N. | 135 |
Murphy, Patrick | 139 |
Nichols, Mary | 143 |
Nobles, John | 131 |
Norris, Joseph E. | 193 |
Norton, Bela | 168 |
Norton, James B. | 135 |
Norton, Nelson I. | 164 |
Nourse, Nelson | 137 |
Nowlen, Ilisa | 185 |
O'Conner, Hugh | 177 |
O'Hearn, Jermiah | 146 |
O'Hearn, John | 147 |
O'Hearn, Patrick | 147 |
O'Laughlin, Peter | 189 |
Osman, Andrew | 141 |
Osmun, Aaron | 179 |
Osmun, Lovinus | 181 |
Osterstock, Charles | 131 |
Osterstock, Emeline | 131 |
Osterstock, George | 137 |
Osterstuck, Emery | 192 |
Ostrander, John A. | 168 |
Palmer, John M. | 145 |
Pardy, William | 167 |
Parker, David | 192 |
Parker, Leroy | 135 |
Patterson, John | 167 |
Paugh, John | 175 |
Peake, Oliver | 145 |
Peck, Sarah Jane | 184 |
Pettit, Stephen | 139 |
Petty, Esther J. | 188 |
Phelps, Augustus H. | 183 |
Phelps, Cyrus | 183 |
Pierce, Sally A. | 167 |
Pingry, Alice | 137 |
Pipher, Francis | 141 |
Pipher, John | 137 |
Pipher, Lucinda | 165 |
Pipher, Phillip | 132 |
Pipher, Samuel | 192 |
Pipher, Sophia | 144 |
Pitcher, Morris O. | 133 |
Plucker, Peter | 143 |
Potter, Alexander | 180 |
Potter, Munroe | 180 |
Powers, Ellen | 180 |
Powers, John | 172 |
Powers, Mathew | 181 |
Powers, Patrick | 181 |
Preston, Hiraim | 147 |
Pryne, John | 133 |
Quackenbush, Delavan | 183 |
Quackenbush, Hiram | 178 |
Quackenbush, Rhoda | 184 |
Quinn, Betsy | 183 |
Quinn, Hamilton | 185 |
Quinn, John | 179 |
Radley, Jacob | 189 |
Raub, Andrew C. | 177 |
Raub, George W. | 168 |
Raub, Peter | 139 |
Reed, William R. | 185 |
Reynolds, Francis | 171 |
Reynolds, James H. | 165 |
Reynolds, Louisa | 187 |
Reynolds, Reuben E. | 133 |
Rice, Ann Eliza | 144 |
Robinson, Charles | 187 |
Robinson, Mortimer H. | 179 |
Rood, Samuel D. | 182 |
Rumrill, Lewis | 131 |
Ryan, Ellen | 180 |
Ryan, James | 172 |
Sage, Edwin S. | 143 |
Salisbury, Ambrose D. | 180 |
Salisbury, Gaitus M. | 184 |
Salisbury, Horatio N. | 184 |
Salisbury, John H. | 179 |
Salisbury, Simon W. | 188 |
Saxton, Elisha | 168 |
Scofield, Harmon H. | 133 |
Scofield, Harvey | 137 |
Scott, Hollis H. | 184 |
Scott, Hollis | 163 |
Scott, Luther | 168 |
Scott, Mary | 139 |
Seaver, Daniel E. | 175 |
Shafner, Alice E. | 170 |
Shea, Michael | 172 |
Sherlock, Daniel | 139 |
Sherlock, Daniel | 188 |
Sherlock, George W. | 188 |
Sherlock, Henry | 188 |
Sherman, N.H. | 144 |
Shermon, Hilliand G. | 165 |
Sherwin, Sylvester | 191 |
Simons, Louisa | 136 |
Slater, Barton | 133 |
Slatry, John | 173 |
Sluter, Isaac O. | 185 |
Smith, Edward | 135 |
Smith, Henry M. | 145 |
Smith, Henry | 145 |
Smith, Horace W. | 189 |
Smith, Warner | 189 |
Snyder, Jacob | 179 |
Snyder, James H. | 184 |
Snyder, Polly | 163 |
Snyder, Sarah | 136 |
Spicer, Edward D. | 169 |
Stevenson, Martin L. | 163 |
Stimpson, Hiraim | 131 |
Storrs, Alexander | 141 |
Sullivan, Catherine | 189 |
Sullivan, Dennis | 172 |
Swan, John | 190 |
Swarts, Peter | 191 |
Taylor, Elisha E. | 176 |
Thomas, Hannah | 167 |
Thomas, Selah | 166 |
Thompson, John | 169 |
Torrey, Alfred C. | 180 |
Towsley, William | 173 |
Tracey, Ann | 169 |
Tupper, Miles | 168 |
Updike, Abram L. | 164 |
Wagoner, Conrad | 183 |
Wait, Eli | 188 |
Wait, Thomas | 188 |
Walker, Armeda R. | 186 |
Walker, Lyman H. | 185 |
Walter, Lester | 184 |
Warren, Isaac | 170 |
Washburn, Ira | 176 |
Washburn, Jennet | 184 |
Washburn, Maria R. | 176 |
Washburn, Reuben S. | 188 |
Wasson, Ellihue M. | 141 |
Wasson, Thomas T. | 141 |
Wasson, Thornton | 145 |
Watson, Charles | 134 |
Watson, J.H. | 134 |
Webster, Hiram | 189 |
Webster, Jenet C. | 144 |
Webster, R.G. | 143 |
Wesler, William | 179 |
Wetherby, Heber | 145 |
White, Charles R. | 143 |
White, Fernando | 173 |
White, Henry K. | 135 |
White, Sarah M. | 135 |
White, William B. | 166 |
Wiley, Charles | 189 |
Willover, Christopher | 185 |
Willover, Emiline | 167 |
Willover, Holey | 167 |
Willover, John | 187 |
Wilson, Alvertus L. | 134 |
Wing, David M. | 170 |
Wing, William H. | 169 |
Witter, Joshua | 187 |
Wood, Angeline | 144 |
Wood, Edward | 137 |
Wood, Emery | 138 |
Wood, Fanny | 164 |
Wood, Staley N. | 138 |
Woodard, Jacob B. | 184 |
Woodruff, William | 186 |
Yates, Caroline | 164 |
Yates, Emery W. | 165 |
Yates, Lorenzo | 133 |
Yates, Mary | 139 |
Youngs, John | 192 |
Zimmer, Benjamin | 179 |