Cattaraugus County GenWeb

Page Title

Please note:  This index was made many years ago for the Cattaraugus County Museum at Little Valley, NY and has been digitized by a team of Cattaraugus County researchers.  There will be errors, given the difficulty in deciphering some of the handwriting of the original census records.  Please check the names carefully, as your family's name may have simply been misspelled or misread.

Laura Greene,  Project Coordinator

Transcribed by Kristine McGowan

The Town of Hinsdale can be found on the 2nd (Volume 2) of 3 microfilms of the 1865 NY State Census for Cattaraugus County made by the LDS church

NAME:Page # of Microfilm
Adams, Warren187
Aldrich, Pliny188
Allen, Chauncey168
Allen, T.A.141
Atwater, Charles189
Atwater, Harry189
Austin, Caroline M.163

Bandfield, George D.169
Banks, Talcott G.163
Barnes, Eliza132
Barrows, Erasmus147
Beales, Elizabeth142
Beckwith, Lucetta139
Bell, Davisson164
Bellows, Philip165
Benham, Alden185
Benham, Roswell187
Benham, Samuel187
Bennet, Levi193
Bennett, William176
Berry, Henry C.176
Bidwell, Jonathan191
Biggan, John175
Blackmon, John163
Blatchley, Jarvis173
Blossom, Orson177
Blossom, Seth176
Bouton, John191
Bouton, Lewis141
Bowen, Calvin R.163
Bristol, Joseph M.173
Brown, Harvey170
Brown, James M.170
Brown, John M.184
Brown, Morris N.185
Brown, Myron A.183
Brown, Rebecca170
Brownson, Ira175
Brushinham, John172
Brushnehan, Jerry147
Brushnehan, Thomas146
Buck, John F.165
Buckley, Henry164
Bullard, Almond144
Bullard, Gardner133
Burdick, Fredrick W.132
Burlingame, Julius177
Burton, George W.167
Burton, Rhoda E.184
Burton, Varnum184
Bush, Lorenzo F.164
Bush, Rufus C.164
Butterworth, Robert171

Calkins, John B.173
Carmer, Cyrus144
Casey, Bridget179
Casey, John179
Chapin, Daniel F.137
Chapin, Fidelia167
Cherryman, Reuben164
Clark, Stephen G.139
Coats, Almira165
Cole, Charles J.183
Collopy, William175
Colopy, John175
Conley, Sylvenus144
Connrod, Lucinda176
Conrad, Henry J.179
Conrad, John131
Conrad, William H.139
Cook, Madison165
Corthell, William191

Dailey, Martin181
Decker, Lucy A.135
Decker, Simeon173
Dibler, Nathan131
Dillon, Mary175
Dingman, David132
Drake, Asael164
Drake, R.A.140
Dummond, Daniel184
Dumond, David177
Durkee, Stephen144
Dutton, Rufus W.191
Edwards, Milton142

Evans, Aaron H.181
Evans, Hannah163
Everets, George169
Fay, Benjamin M.176

Fay, Jarvis189
Fero, John H.163
Ferris, Malvina175
Fish, Caleb169
Fitspatrick, James169
Foote, Judith A.187
Ford, Lorin F.184
Frank, George W.189
Frantz, Linford132
Fuller, Amasa177

Gardiner, Sophie163
Genung, Allice168
Gillett, Chauncey163
Goodell, Horace168
Goodrich, Charlotte176
Goodrich, Ellen P.166
Goodrich, Willie S.139
Goodwin, Aaron131
Goodwin, Nelson163
Gorman, Nancy K.180
Gould, Abner191
Gould, Horace H.143
Gould, John H.140
Gould, Monroe143
Graham, Fredrick132
Graham, Robert183
Granger, Lestir176
Grant, James169
Grant, Mich'l133
Gray, George137
Green, Jesse K.191
Green, Louisa136
Green, Martin141
Gross, Henry168
Guile, Martin L.145

Hadden, Amos L.164
Hall, Moses P.141
Hamilton, Charles M.181
Hanan, Patrick175
Haney, Moses169
Harmes, Jacob A.172
Harvey, George190
Hawley, Alonso179
Hawley, Benjamin144
Helms, Daniel173
Hicks, Nancy136
Hicks, Simeun176
Hill, William136
Holdridge, Thomas136
Holland, John181
Hooper, David135
Hosley, Cady187
Hosley, Hellen167
Hosley, Jefferson186
Howe, Betsey183
Hubbell, Bishop B.143
Huganir, Peter131
Humiston, Benijah165
Hunt, Elijah140
Hurley, Michael173
Hursh, George H.165
Hussey, Batt173

Ingersol, Clarressa192
Iseman, George192

Jane, Mary167
Job, George H.185
Johnson, Emma145
Johnson, Francis E.164
Johnson, Warren136
Jones, Chauncey A.140
Judd, Daniel136

Kearn, George179
Keller, Christopher179
Keller, Enos179
Keller, William H.178
Kemery, Perry M.145
Kent, Amos143
Kent, Armenus143
Kimball, Ezra131
King, James136
Kinney, Rufus193
Kiper, David193
Knapp, John C.177
Knowland, Dan'l132
Knowles, Isaac132

Lacy, Clara187
Lafever, Lewis182
Lafever, Russel K.182
Lawrence, Warren183
Leland, William O.163
Lemon, Francis135
Lewis, Jason167
Lewis, Oliver177
Lewis, Truman139
Lippet, Mathew144
Lockwood, Edward P.188
Lockwood, Fanny191
Lockwood, Jackson C.131
Lockwood, Peter S.175
Lockwood, Seth131
Longcore, John141
Loop, Rodolphus188
Lowry, Clarrissa164
Lucas, John168
Lucas, Luther B.168
Luce, Eben188
Lucore, Samuel183
Luddington, Alonso172
Luddington, Sarah185
Lyman, Thos. A.E.133
Lynck, Thomas177

Maight, Sarah A.186
Manden, John163
Marsh, Emily P.135
Martin, John137
Maxon, Almond167
May, Austin140
May, Lorin139
May, Thompson140
McCarty, Dennis177
McGrath, John180
McGrow, John180
McGuire, Owen137
McKee, Catherine135
McKee, Edmund167
McMahon, Michael177
McMann, John180
McWilliams, Alvah145
McWilliams, Thomas131
Middleton, Louissa176
Miller, Abraham191
Miller, John139
Miller, John173
Miller, Peter139
Mix, Nepha184
Moran, Mathew189
More, Lydia D.169
Morehouse, Ami132
Morris, A______192
Morris, Arabella133
Morris, Stephen T.143
Morton, George144
Mott, Stephen136
Moyer, Henry179
Moyer, John192
Moyer, Solomon H.140
Mumry, Thos. N.135
Murphy, Patrick139

Nichols, Mary143
Nobles, John131
Norris, Joseph E.193
Norton, Bela168
Norton, James B.135
Norton, Nelson I.164
Nourse, Nelson137
Nowlen, Ilisa185

O'Conner, Hugh177
O'Hearn, Jermiah146
O'Hearn, John147
O'Hearn, Patrick147
O'Laughlin, Peter189
Osman, Andrew141
Osmun, Aaron179
Osmun, Lovinus181
Osterstock, Charles131
Osterstock, Emeline131
Osterstock, George137
Osterstuck, Emery192
Ostrander, John A.168

Palmer, John M.145
Pardy, William167
Parker, David192
Parker, Leroy135
Patterson, John167
Paugh, John175
Peake, Oliver145
Peck, Sarah Jane184
Pettit, Stephen139
Petty, Esther J.188
Phelps, Augustus H.183
Phelps, Cyrus183
Pierce, Sally A.167
Pingry, Alice137
Pipher, Francis141
Pipher, John137
Pipher, Lucinda165
Pipher, Phillip132
Pipher, Samuel192
Pipher, Sophia144
Pitcher, Morris O.133
Plucker, Peter143
Potter, Alexander180
Potter, Munroe180
Powers, Ellen180
Powers, John172
Powers, Mathew181
Powers, Patrick181
Preston, Hiraim147
Pryne, John133

Quackenbush, Delavan183
Quackenbush, Hiram178
Quackenbush, Rhoda184
Quinn, Betsy183
Quinn, Hamilton185
Quinn, John179

Radley, Jacob189
Raub, Andrew C.177
Raub, George W.168
Raub, Peter139
Reed, William R.185
Reynolds, Francis171
Reynolds, James H.165
Reynolds, Louisa187
Reynolds, Reuben E.133
Rice, Ann Eliza144
Robinson, Charles187
Robinson, Mortimer H.179
Rood, Samuel D.182
Rumrill, Lewis131
Ryan, Ellen180
Ryan, James172

Sage, Edwin S.143
Salisbury, Ambrose D.180
Salisbury, Gaitus M.184
Salisbury, Horatio N.184
Salisbury, John H.179
Salisbury, Simon W.188
Saxton, Elisha168
Scofield, Harmon H.133
Scofield, Harvey137
Scott, Hollis H.184
Scott, Hollis163
Scott, Luther168
Scott, Mary139
Seaver, Daniel E.175
Shafner, Alice E.170
Shea, Michael172
Sherlock, Daniel139
Sherlock, Daniel188
Sherlock, George W.188
Sherlock, Henry188
Sherman, N.H.144
Shermon, Hilliand G.165
Sherwin, Sylvester191
Simons, Louisa136
Slater, Barton133
Slatry, John173
Sluter, Isaac O.185
Smith, Edward135
Smith, Henry M.145
Smith, Henry145
Smith, Horace W.189
Smith, Warner189
Snyder, Jacob179
Snyder, James H.184
Snyder, Polly163
Snyder, Sarah136
Spicer, Edward D.169
Stevenson, Martin L.163
Stimpson, Hiraim131
Storrs, Alexander141
Sullivan, Catherine189
Sullivan, Dennis172
Swan, John190
Swarts, Peter191

Taylor, Elisha E.176
Thomas, Hannah167
Thomas, Selah166
Thompson, John169
Torrey, Alfred C.180
Towsley, William173
Tracey, Ann169
Tupper, Miles168

Updike, Abram L.164

Wagoner, Conrad183
Wait, Eli188
Wait, Thomas188
Walker, Armeda R.186
Walker, Lyman H.185
Walter, Lester184
Warren, Isaac170
Washburn, Ira176
Washburn, Jennet184
Washburn, Maria R.176
Washburn, Reuben S.188
Wasson, Ellihue M.141
Wasson, Thomas T.141
Wasson, Thornton145
Watson, Charles134
Watson, J.H.134
Webster, Hiram189
Webster, Jenet C.144
Webster, R.G.143
Wesler, William179
Wetherby, Heber145
White, Charles R.143
White, Fernando173
White, Henry K.135
White, Sarah M.135
White, William B.166
Wiley, Charles189
Willover, Christopher185
Willover, Emiline167
Willover, Holey167
Willover, John187
Wilson, Alvertus L.134
Wing, David M.170
Wing, William H.169
Witter, Joshua187
Wood, Angeline144
Wood, Edward137
Wood, Emery138
Wood, Fanny164
Wood, Staley N.138
Woodard, Jacob B.184
Woodruff, William186

Yates, Caroline164
Yates, Emery W.165
Yates, Lorenzo133
Yates, Mary 139
Youngs, John 192

Zimmer, Benjamin 179