Cattaraugus County GenWeb

Page Title

Please note:  This index was made many years ago for the Cattaraugus County Museum at Little Valley, NY and has been digitized by a team of Cattaraugus County researchers.  There will be errors, given the difficulty in deciphering some of the handwriting of the original census records.  Please check the names carefully, as your family's name may have simply been misspelled or misread.

Laura Greene,  Project Coordinator

Transcribed by John Ladwig

The Town of ASHFORD can be found on the 1st@(Volume 1) of 3 microfilms of the 1865 NY State Census for Cattaraugus County made by the LDS church

NAME:Page # of Microfilm
Aldrich, Jirah S.54
Aldrow, Christopher71
Alworts, John28

Babcock, Daniel73
Babcock, Maynard73
Babcock, Norman69
Baeen, Henry13
Bailey, Cephes65
Balfour, Wm.65
Ballow, David14
Bargy, Henry71
Bargy, Jacob M.19
Bargy, Jacob P.23
Bargy, James J.6
Barnhoof, Frederick C.71
Barnhoof, Frederick D.71
Bebsin, Fritz5
Beehler, Frederick69
Bees, John23
Bellow, Charles22
Bellows, Isaac25
Bemis, Jesse58
Bemis, Levona58
Bensley, Sanford67
Bensley, Trumar63
Bigelow, Arnold M.73
Bigelow, Charles C.63
Bigelow, Elijah67
Bigelow, Elizabeth55
Bigelow, Ezra75
Bigelow, Henry63
Bigelow, Oliver G.75
Block, Charles2
Block, John2
Block, Jonathan24
Blowers, George T.66
Blowers, S.G.66
Bokof, Franeks23
Bolton, Jerimiah74
Bond, Betsey65
Bond, Charles57
Bond, John P.62
Boss, David16
Bostwick, Corelelia18
Bradley, Martin2
Brand, George W.10
Bridenbaker, Daniel21
Bridenbaker, George14
Brimestor, Charles11
Brooks, Martin23
Burroughs, Lucinda59

Canfield, A.B.61
Canfield, Asher54
Canfield, Bishop54
Canfield, Samuel54
Capron, Georg3
Capron, Joseph62
Carter, George10
Carter, Russel A.27
Cary, Matilda61
Cebo, William21
Celvin, Esther15
Ceok, Nicholas12
Chamberlain, Hiram61
Chandler, Sally61
Clark, Frederick A.18
Clark, George W.23
Clark, George23
Clark, John B.55
Cliberdieher, Stephen14
Cline, Henry69
Cole, Ogro63
Colf, Erastur70
Colf, Jehial6
Colf, John6
Comstock, Lewis W.19
Comstock, Thomas63
Conrad, Peter70
Cook, E.P.62
Cool, Isaac27
Cornell, Henry H.74
Cornell, Rufus73
Cradler, Augustus70
Crafsman, Elbert57
Crawford, Charles2
Cruse, Henry71
Cummings, Abel18
Cummings, Francis17

Darling, Ebenezer9
Day, Hartson53
Day, Sally55
Deedrick, Betsy22
Demmon, Joseph75
Derby, Solomon74
Derrer, Frederick5
Dicher, John14
Dills, Henry69
Disch, Lewis26
Dits, John23
Doll, Eda29
Doty, Ira. A.55
Duhan, John67
Duhan, Patrick67
Dygert, Abram29
Dygert, Hannah65

Ellis, John18
Ellis, Peter14
Elvers, Carl21
Emerson, Hiram63
Emerson, Wm. L.63
Emmons, Wales19
Ensworth, Tracy54
Evans, Benjamin58

Fairbank, Samuel75
Fairbank, Walter75
Fay, Amelia10
Fay, Levi53
Fay, Lucy17
Felts, Oliver29
Fester, Franklin25
Fleckenstein, Charles14
Fleming, James61
Fleming, John P.57
Folts, Josephine10
Folts, Timothy73
Fox, Ambrose18
Fox, Christian10
Fox, Jacob H.7
Fox, Javan18
Frank, Andrew17
Frank, Andrew22
Frank, David A.15
Frank, Ezra25
Frank, Franklin13
Frank, Frederick6
Frank, Frederick6
Frank, Henry13
Frank, Henry17
Frank, Hiram19
Frank, Jacob14
Frank, James2
Frank, Lawrence W.14
Frank, Lawrence13
Frank, Peter J.15
Frank, Peter18
Frank, Robert73
Frank, Slumere7
Frank, Warner13
Frare, William24
Fuller, Almon65
Fuller, Betsey62
Fuller, Christian65
Fuller, Henry65
Fuller, John65
Fuller, Olive66
Fuller, Richmond75

Gamp, George9
Garlock, Warner5
Garwich, Lawrence70
Gaylord, Joel26
German, John25
Gibson, Wm. B.71
Gibson, Wm.62
Gills, Abrem L.16
Godenzat, Sophia5
Goodemote, Baltis63
Goodemote, Henry58
Goodemote, James62
Goodemote, Wm. M.63
Goodemote, Wm.74
Goodrich, John15
Gost, Phillip15
Gould, Anna21
Groat, Deby Ann1
Groat, Jasper1
Groat, Jeremiah3
Groat, John1
Groat, Seth L.1
Groat, Uriah3
Guild, Israel10

Hacker, Caroline5
Hadley, Alonzo54
Hadley, Charles N.67
Hadley, Cornelius66
Hadley, E.B.67
Hadley, Edward L.54
Hadley, Horace H.67
Hadley, Lucy A.61
Hadley, Nelson61
Hadley, Oscar53
Hadley, Wm. F.54
Hammond, F.G.58
Hammond, Orange73
Hanson Joseph22
Hanson, Richard W.17
Hazlesweat, John7
Hemson, Frederick11
Hepkins, Lucy29
Herocker, John7
Hess, Elias H.11
Hess, George13
Hess, George5
Hess, W.1
Heughey, George26
Heughey, James27
Himstreet, Abram2
Hinkley, David22
Hinman, Carilino6
Hitchcock, Nathaniel65
Hodge, Mary A.58
Holden, George59
Holden, Wm. A.57
Holland, Nathaniel62
Holland, Norman62
Holton, Lewis53
Hopkins, Elias54
Hopkins, Herma1
Hudson, Chamberlain61
Huffstater, Michael C.66
Hufstader, Andrew25
Hufstader, Betsy29
Hufstader, Ezra2
Hufstader, Jacob2
Hufstader, Willard75
Hull, Asa26
Huth, Charles59

Jackson, Wm.65
Johnson, Nellie A.67
Johnston, John22
Johnston, Warren22
Jones, Emmons11

Kast, George22
Keesler, Catharine7
Keline, Henry4
Keller, John1
Keobo, Christian20
Keupke, Christian20
King, Alanson15
King, Edgar10
Kingman, George3
Knights, Theodoeia74
Kruse, Ernest25
Kruse, Frederick23

Laing, James17
Lampman, John7
Langmade, Nathan53
Larabee, Joseph D.17
Lawton, George59
Leech, Alexander61
Leo, Charles23
Leonard, Thomas65
Lewis, Bowtell D.2
Link, John71
Loth, Henry71
Luddeman, Michael5
Luss, Frederick71

Macken, Patrick66
Malony, Patrick68
Mann, Sophia25
Mathewson, Hale55
Mattenson, Jane Elisa16
Maul, Anthony21
Maxwell, Charles53
Mc Intosh, Clark67
Mc Intosh, Lewis66
Mentgo, Ralph8
Metyzer, Frederick72
Miller, Henry13
Mock, John23
More, Julia7
Morey, Esther74
Morey, William18
Morris, Griffith14
Morrow, John G.57
Multer, Gilbert14
Multer, Jacob29
Multer, John15
Murphy, John L.58
Murphy, Ormel59
Murphy, Royalton58
Myers, Eli C.60

Neff, Ellen25
Neff, James23
Neff, James23
Newkirk, Albert26
Newkirk, Cornelius P.25

Ostrander, John14
Ostrander, Lang8
Ostrander, Mary17
Oyer, Adam3
Oyer, John P.10
Oyer, Nancy25
Oyer, Simon18
Ozer, Heirann13

Parmenter, Stillman2
Peabody, George59
Peirce, Thomas1
Peirce, W.1
Pelzer, Frederick21
Pelzer, George27
Perkins, Albert74
Perkins, Carlos75
Perkins, David1
Perkins, Lucy1
Perryman, Pulaski63
Pettit, Abner74
Picket, Eli K.69
Pierce, John59
Pierce, William53
Pratt, Ames12
Pratt, Benjamin O.10
Pratt, John55
Primiller, Margaret1
Proctor, James70
Proper, Geo. W.75
Purram, Fennie J.76

Quackenbush, Alexander73
Quackenbush, Danil62
Quackenbush, Edwin29
Quackenbush, John D.25
Quackenbush, John25
Quackenbush, Peter D.9
Quackenbush, Peter10

Ransom, Warren62
Rebbins, Leonard19
Reed, Laura19
Remington, Bela C.54
Remington, Copeland56
Remington, Joseph Jr.67
Remington, Joseph66
Reokey, ----13
Reynolds, Elisha57
Rice, Abel53
Rice, Clark53
Rice, Francis P.54
Richards, Ferdinand61
Rider, John9
Riggs, Alvin C.13
Rimer, Eckhart21
Rolland, Miram73
Rowland, Abrina27
Rowland, Anderson29
Rowland, Asa18
Rowland, Hiriam25
Rowland, Irvin19
Rowland, James26
Ryan, Michael69

Sacket, George18
Sadus, Charles23
Sampson, Alonzo65
Sampson, Rutnam65
Sanford, Ezbon26
Sanford, Isaac13
Schanmel, George5
Schruder, John26
Schwarts, William21
Schweickert (Schwerckt), Augustus11
Scoby, Alexander2
Scoby, Herbert2
Scoby, William2
Scott, Oliver28
Shafner, Frederick29
Shafner, Phillip17
Sherman, Charles59
Sherman, Charles, W.59
Sherman, E.C.58
Shields, Cheistino55
Shimgler, Barnabas70
Shinner, Daniel6
Shoemaker, Elisabeth7
Shoemaker, Joseph9
Shoemaker, Martin7
Shultes, Sarah62
Shut, John27
Simmons, Joseph67
Simons, William27
Smith, Carl58
Smith, Elsbree62
Smith, Jacob64
Smith, John L.1
Smith, Thadius26
Smith, Theron62
Smith, William13
Spetler, John9
Stady, Frederick58
Starks, Carlos62
Stevens, Thomas53
Stowell, Charles53
Studley, J. Andrew74
Studley, Johnathan74

Thomas, Benjamin17
Turner, Horrace27
Turner, Jerome J.69
Twitchell, Lewis53
Twitehel, Nancy18
Tyler, Marcus D.69

Ulmer, Jacob71
Upson, David R.73
Utrich, Joseph29

Vanslyke, Eva18
Vaughan, Levi J.74
Vaughan, Simpson67
Vedder, Cornelius17
Vedder, Polly17

Waaker, Lawrence19
Wait, Eseck61
Wait, Hudson61
Wait, Lorenzo61
Wait, William61
Wasson, George62
Wasson, Martin63
Waters, Anna G.23
Weast, Benjamin66
Weast, Coorod57
Weast, Ezra65
Weast, Frederick8
Weast, Nancy15
Weast, Stephen C.57
Weber, Isaac J.3
Weber, Lawrence1
Wells, Hiram19
West, James61
West, Lockwood60
Widdeman, Frederick7
Widrig, Ezra5
Widrig, George5
Widrig, Henry10
Widrig, Michael6
Widrig, Paul H.6
Widrig, Peter10
Widrig, Simen6
Wiese, Ludwig9
Wilcox, Sarah57
Wilder, L.D.61
Williams, Albert55
Williams, Harvey53
Williams, Jonah66
Williams, Peter54
Williams, Riley66
Willis, Walter58
Willson, Abraam B.9
Wilson, Clara58
Wilson, Melissa55
Wiltse, Alonzo55
Wiltse, Anson76
Wiltse, Emerson73
Wiltse, Martin57
Wiltse, Mary75
Wiltse, Philip55
Wirrefoot, Ann25
Woodruff, Albert13
Wrankle, Phillip19

Youngs, John J.27
Youngs, William17

Zeigler, George9
Zeillman, John5
Zeluff, Mahitblo18
Zeluff, Merrit18
Zimmerman, Kate71
Zimmerman, Martin11