Cattaraugus County GenWeb

Page Title

Please note:  This index was made many years ago for the Cattaraugus County Museum at Little Valley, NY and has been digitized by a team of Cattaraugus County researchers.  There will be errors, given the difficulty in deciphering some of the handwriting of the original census records.  Please check the names carefully, as your family's name may have simply been misspelled or misread.

Laura Greene,  Project Coordinator

Transcribed by Arnold Parr

The Town of ALLEGANY can be found on the 1st (Volume 1) of 3 microfilms of the 1865 NY State Census for Cattaraugus County made by the LDS church

NAME:Page # of Microfilm
Aap, Frederick155
Alcott, Joseph146
Alger, Amos103
Allen, Polly147
Allen, Seth D145
Allen, Stephen159
Altenburg, Catherine146
Altenburg, George149
Altenburg, Henry146
Altenburg, John W147
Altenburg, Sarah149
Altenburgh, John121
Anderson, Lewis129
Ascha, Hnery97
Ashling, Mata99
Astriker, Jacob137
Austin, George126
Austin, Henry129
Aylward, Rev111
Bachmire, Catherine105
Bachmire, John???
Badger, Fredrick L099
Badger, William110
Bager, Layfett???
Bagley, Sarah110
Barber, Eliah???
Barnard, S J???
Barnes, Williams???
Barns, Joseph???
Barre, John???
Bascom, George???
Baxter, James109
Bear, Andrew???
Bennet, Irwin???
Bennet, Jacob???
Bensing, Augustus113
Bergan, Michael???
Bessy, Fred???
Bichurdy, Rev Michael111
Bier, George???
Birchmire, Augustno115
Bishop, Louesa???
Blackman, Fredrick???
Blair, Jason???
Blasier, John???
Blenner, Mary???
Blessing, John???
Bockover, William107
Boker, Baptist???
Borcus, Herman???
Borden, John099
Boser, William???
Bostwick, Harvey097
Bouton, Semer???
Brady, Rev Histao111
Brandle, Andrew???
Brant, Frederick???
Brennan, Mary A110
Brennan, Mary???
Brian, Rv Boneventure111
Briarty, Mathew114
Brown, Wm B101
Bruner, George???
Bucher, Elisabeth110
Bucher, Fredolina097
Bundy, Warren???
Burdick, Abele???
Burdick, Hanford???
Burdick, Mariam???
Burns, Rev Felix111
Burr, Levi101
Butler, Rev Humble111
Byran, Rev Pascal111

Calhoun, James098
Canfield, Charles135
Carl, Albert151
Carles. John H131
Carrington, Ira099
Carroll, James110
Cary, John110
Capwell, Olive129
Caslow, Patsy110
Chamberlain, Charles158
Chamberlain, Henry127
Chamberlain, Moses127
Chapen, Hoeatro157
Chapen, Mary127
Chapen, William158
Christian, Sarah152
Clancy, Thomas111
Clany, Dell Mc097
Clear, Walter130
Clark, Almra102
Clark, Calvin098
Clark, Hiram101
Clark, Huldah135
Clark, Martin119
Clark, Ruth099
Colegrove, John P109
Collins, John133
Collins, Petre111
Collins, Rev Jerome111
Colman, Sarah152
Colony, Michael1451
Condon, Rev Richard111
Conhiser, George157
Conhiser, John155
Connolly, Rev Mathis111
Conrad, Charles123
Cook, John130
Cooke, Goddliep125
Coon, Catherine134
Corkins, Richard???
Corthell, Lewis106
Corts, John142
Costello, Mary103
Couchman, Hiram103
Crawford, Claud110
Cricky, Mike114
Crocker, Abel B101
Crocker, Amil113
Culligan, John114

Deayton, William138
DeMagliano, Rev Pamphilio 111
Demkinsky, Martm130
Densinger, Fredrek117
Dent, Br Frances111
Derry, John S123
Devine, Rev Michael111
Devor, James A103
Dillon, Patrick106
Dimphmsky, Charles119
Disney, Oliver133
Dogom, Rev Charles M111
Dolan, Charles109
Donahue, Mary105
Donehue, Michael137
Door, John G150
Drombrowsky, Gotlieb118
Dun, Rev Besorordin111
Dye, Mathau A098
Dye, Wm P126

Ebower, John111
Eddy, John S097
Edgerton, Sally098
Edgerton, Thomas127
Eggleston, Fedelia098
Eggleston, Isaac121
Eggleston, John121
Einwright, Michael113
Einwright, Thomas110
Ellis, Amerila153
Ellis, Henry151
Ellis, John153
Erhart, Adam133
Erhart, Luis135
Eudy, Lorenzo149

Fabri, Bendret110
Fagal, Joseph158
Fallon, Bridges110
Farquharson, James107
Faulkner, Russel140
Fee, Cathern147
Felt, Nicholas135
Fredole, Lyman E155
Fima, Christian146
Fisher, Mathias155
Fitzgerald, David102
Fitzgerald, Patrick101
Flymn, Michael115
Folke, Joseph137
Folsome, Nathaiel106
Foweer, John123
Francisco, Manesa153
Francisco, Mannassa122
Freeland, James121
Freeland, Nelln102
French, Mary147
Fries, John138
Fuller, Angus M097
Furnance, Joseph150

Garr, Gilbert131
Garvy, Ann130
Garvy, Elizabeth135
Gates, Ptre137
Geosmon, Joseph126
Geuder, Henry142
Giger, Jacob137
Gillett, Sarah119
Giltman, Franas110
Gink, William113
Gink, William118
Glaven, Patrick103
Godfey, Delilah158
Goinard, Mary113
Goodenburgh, Cath105
Goodwin, Joseph145
Gorman, John147
Grace, John139
Grant, John114
Graves, Ransom125
G[r]een, Wm C126
Guisti, Rev Vincent111
Guseheweksz, August148

Haase, Frederick126
Hackett, Thomas103
Hahn, John115
Hale, Edwin E101
Hale, Knowlton L101
Haley, David121
Hall, Alvah133
Hall, Cornelius131
Hall, David118
Hall, David129
Hall, Leuther W131
Hall, Lewis152
Hall, Thomas J157
Hall, T S129
Hall, Warren122
Haller, Augustus118
Ham, Andrew142
Hamm, John117
Hammond, F E128
Hanaway, John133
Hannenan, John117
Harrington, Rev. Alfhonso111
Harting, Christian142
Harting, John150
Hartzel, Joseph138
Hatch, Marshall118
Hatyel, Henry115
Heid, Henry118
Hess, Dennis098
Hicks, Chas099
Hicks, Jefferson099
Hied, Sebastian135
Higgins, Elishah110
Hirt, Andrew150
Hobble, John138
Hodge, Eastus149
Hofman, Christopher150
Hofman, Frerick142
Holadere, John151
Homer, Jacob143
Horton, Jotham127
Hoyc, Laura159

Jacksn, William159
Johnson, Rev John111
Johnson, Poenj122
Johnson, William147
Jones, Homer H157

Kaffen, Jacob102
Kane, Hannah107
Kaskell, Asa103
Kelly, Thomas105
Kelly, William143
Kendall, Eliza102
Kenna, Celsa M110
Keyes, Alanson C107
Kiem, Moris157
Kleinschmidt, John102
Kleise, John123

Lahr, George114
Lane, Stephen117
Lathrop, Henry B103
Lawrence, Horace135
Layman, Florence142
Layman, Noah140
Layton, Doeetly145
Learn, Coleb158
Leonard, Thomas105
Lippert, Joseph139
Lobendol, John131
Louser, Andrew135
Lowe, George137
Lynch, James115
Lyon, Deborah130
Lyons, Larry103

Magan, James130
Mahon, Bridget114
Maloni, Rev Aloysius111
Mann, William147
Marrarty, Cathren106
Marrarty, John106
Marrarty, John106
Marrarty, Michael115
Masoner, Martm155
Mauns, Rev Patrick M111
Maxsweny, Rev111
McCay, C G106
McClay, Dell97
McClure, Edwin P98
McClure, Sanford126
McColuch, Mary133
McCoy, Austin122
McCoy, Richard145
McGowan, Rev Salvaldor111
McGuire, John110
McGuire, Patrick109
McKenny, John130
McKernan, Rev Leonard111
McMahon, Thomas106
McNol, John129
McNol, Levi135
Mead, Andrew107
Meloy, Patrick139
Merkt, Joseph141
Milks, Samuel125
Milks, Rev Sebastian111
Miller, Andrew103
Miller, Eliza149
Miller, Jacob141
Miller, John127
Miller, Robert142
Mills, Edward S156
Moahr, Henry130
Moahr, Joseph134
Moahr, Petere134
Monahan, Rev111
Mooris, Tyler121
Morgan, Anseline130
Morgan, Charles125
Morgan, George E125
Morgan, William125
Moyer, Enmel125
Mosha, Matheu99
Murray. Patrick134
Musso, Michael110S

Naggerty, Eliza I107
Nays, Rev Vincent111
Neams, Michael111
Neehen, Lovinia097
Nelsh, Rev F111
Neneen, George123
Neno, Michal097
Nempey, Richard127
Nessel, Joseph137
Newcome, Michael105
Nicoloni, Rev Ludwick111
Ninna, Nicholas145
Noefflenger, Rev111
Nolan, Catherine105
Nolan, James113
Noonan, Edward139
Norton, Deurghs109
Norwood, F M133
Norwood, Thomas102

O’Brien, Hugh119
O’Brien, Johanne102
O’Keef, Dennis143
Onan, Warren113
Osteestuck, John156
OttoBurgress, Rev111

Park, J M099
Parker, Allen129
Parker, Washington125
Parker, William113
Paterson, Ray148
Paterson, Samuel146
Peck, Henry134
Phillips, Abiatha155
Phillips, Charles155
Phillips, Samuel157
Piece, Seenors127
Pierce, Levi153
Perrigo, Lyman122
Peterson, May A123
Pettys, Nathau D102
Pfersch, Adam119
Pfersch, Louis111
Phillips, Hurlburt109
Pickett, Dennis097
Pike, Geo098
Platner, Thomas154
Pratt, Walter158
Preston, Oren153
Pulse, Cathren149

Ragan, Phillip145
Rame, John P117
Rame, William155
Ranahan, John157
Rarsh, Michael139
Reedy, Bartholemew147
Reitz, Conrad139
Reitz, Jacob119
Reitz, John151
Reler, Joseph142
Rernan, Michael137
Reynolds, Harmon098
Rice, Clarrissa125
Rice, Eli125
Ridder, Hiram122
Ringer, Wm141
Roan, Patrick143
Rochskey, Godfry141
Roe, Charles130
Roe, Samuel132
Roser, Henry119
Rowley, Almariah147
Royon, Anna135
Russel, Warren121
Ryan, John110
Ryan, Julia103
Ryley, James143
Ryon, Roda143

Samb, Prudma121
Sandbendale, Jacob114
Savi, Rev Celsus111
Sayles, Jacob121
Schamar, Henry117
Schroeder, Fredrick114
Schroeder, J105
Scofield, Amos099
Scollan, Rev111
Scott, Dewit C155
Scrader, Cristie159
Schriver, Adon159
See, Thomas W109
Seeden, Elijah158
Selleck, Egbert J121
Senger, Joseph113
Service, Brookins110
Sexton, Patrick151
Shafer, Israel117
Shafer, Michael149
Shahan, James115
Shallo, Rev Mr111
Shaw, Edgar109
Shaw, John105
Shean, Ann133
Shilling, John123
Sheldon, Geo098
Shelly, Michael111
Sherry, Rev Joseph M111
Shifter, George142
Shilling, Jacob146
Shoults, Charles158
Shuester, Seno149
Shuler, Nicholas139
Simmonz, Rev Filey111
Simonds, Artemas098
Sinen, Thomas109
Sister Theresia110
Sister Josephine110
Small, Thomas141
Smith, Calhin F099
Smith, Carl130
Smith, Geo J097
Smith, Henry151
Smith, John118
Smith, Orlando109
Smith, Samuel129
Smith, Wm107
Smith, Zuriah147
Snelle, Frederick149
Snider, Emily150
Snider, John148
Soea, Henry126
Sowle, Charles147
Sowle, David146
Sowle, Milan150
Spaulding, Roswell097
Spicer, Horace097
Spindler, Geo105
Spraker, William109
Stcklerbar, Francis138
Steele, Archibald155
Stentman, Angustus101
Stiles, R122
Stowell, John C099
Straten, Fredrick153
Strohuber, Cecilia101
Strong, Edward158
Strong, Ianus103
Strong, James126
Sutter, Joseph123
Synch, Agnes110

Tallon, Margaret110
Thornton, Davis147
Thornton, Wm H145
Thurber, David113
Thurber, Hiram146
Thurber, Louise113
Tousey, Isther141
Townsend, Francis122
Truedale, Mary158
Truesdel, Joel097
Turner, Isaac149

Valentine, William126
Vanatta, David106
Van Campen, George102

Wait, Bartemaz125
Waldaek, Charles105
Wall, Michael149
Wallan, Anna102
Ward, Mary A107
Waters, Francis137
Weidman, John G106
Welch, Richard127
Welch, Stehn127
Whall, Henry123
Wheeler, Edgar115
Wheeler, Wm H145
White, John143
Whitlock, Moers153
Whitman, Balihasan102
Whright, Horace129
Wilber, Nathan122
Wilber, Robert123
Wilbur, Geo N099
Wilbur, Robert W122
Willard, Erastus102
Willson, T O153
Wiltse, James101
Wiltsea, Charles151
Winsor, Leroy107
Wood, Levi098
Woodmancy, John113
Woodmansee, D S146
Woodmansee, Polly141
Worden, Asa138
Worden, James139
Wright, Isaac155
Wright, Lafyeett145
Wright, Rufhus131
Wright, Zalmon155
Wyler, Joseph155

Yerngton, Alexander141

Zapf, John138
Zister, Michael151