Cattaraugus County GenWeb

Page Title

Please note:  This index was made many years ago for the Cattaraugus County Museum at Little Valley, NY and has been digitized by a team of Cattaraugus County researchers.  There will be errors, given the difficulty in deciphering some of the handwriting of the original census records.  Please check the names carefully, as your family's name may have simply been misspelled or misread.

Laura Greene,  Project Coordinator

Transcribed by MARTIE WILSON

H =      Household
F =      Family
Pg# =   Page Number assigned by LDS when original census records were microfilmed.
Adams, Henry 8 8262
Annis, Hiram 8080270
Annis, Luman7878270
Armstrong, James M.156156279
Ashcraft, Elijah T. 6262287
Austin, John H. 158158298
Averts, Norman136136296
Babcock, Jeremiah156156298
Bailey, A. 7777270
Bailey, George 5656268
Bailey, Moses6161268
Bailey, Thomas6060268
Barn, Harriet 124124275
Barnes, John6767269
Bassett, Richard 4646285
Beach, Lewis 8181289
Beach, Philander 9292290
Beach, William F. 5353286
Beardsley, Deloss 1111263
Bemus, Asahel155155298
Bemus, Emaline171171300
Bentley, William6565287
Bently, Lewis 115115274
Berryman, James4848285
Bishop, Ira7676270
Blood, Samuel 2 2262
Bowers, John107107273
Briggs, Elijah 3030265
Brown, N.M.130130276
Buchanan, Walace4141284
Bull, Carpenter7070288
Bull, Ezra153153297
Bump, Harley109109293
Bump, Russe G. 6767287
Burdick, George W.2424282
Burdick, John111111273
Burdick, Nancy142142277
Burt, Harvy 154154298
Butt, Henry170170299
Cagwin, James H. 8181270
Card, Ray9494291
Carney, Rosana104104292
Carr, Amos 108108274
Carr, David 6464287
Carter, E P2323264
Carter, Philo2424264
Caswell, Darius6464287
Chandler, Samuel 8989289
Chapman, Milton1818282
Chase, Elizabeth 4141284
Chase, Franklin136136276
Cheeseman, John143143277
Cheney, John 5353267
Cheney, Wells 4646266
Chittenden, Hiram 9595291
Clark, Delaan159159298
Cleveland, George5959268
Cleveland, Mary 7979289
Cleveland, Thomas140140296
Cobb, Alonzo129129275
Cobb, S D1212263
Cochran, Erving W.2020282
Cochran, Eugene2323264
Cockran, Adalaid 2020282
Cockran, Girden 2020282
Colbey, Eliza A. 176176300
Cole, Deloss157157279
Cole, Truman5252267
Colton, Clintin 5656286
Comstock, Lewis 152152297
Cook, Alonzo148148278
Cook, O.P. 3838266
Cook, Paul 6 6262
Corey, John 3636265
Cornwell, L W2121264
Cotton, Alonzo1313281
Coy, Emaline 158158298
Cram, Charles120120274
Crittenden, Seth R9 9263
Crocker, Samuel1111281
Crook, William3232265
Crosby, Solomon 101101292
Cummings, Abel Jr.7 7262
Cummings, Ichabod7575289
Cummings, Luther 1515263
Cummings, Sarah3737266
Daggett, Danforth 5757268
Daggett, Eliza138138277
Daggett, John7373269
Daggett, Landon 6262268
Daggett, Lorenzo2828265
Daggett, Nelson5858268
Dake, John C. 6161287
Daley, John 4242266
Daley, Russel 1515263
Daley, Russel 4040266
Davis, Luther 127127295
Davis, Lyman165165299
Davis, Margaret138138296
Davis, William F 166166299
Day, Orson 2929283
Dean, Henry8484271
Dean, Hezakiah176176300
Demmons, Edmond4545285
Dow, Henry7575270
Draper, Sanford 6565269
Duclon, Hiram119119294
Durfee, Moses 8787271
Durfee, Willis 8686271
Dwinnell, Jonathan2 2280
Early, James115115293
Eastland, (Asa) Jr.110110293
Eastland, Asa106106293
Eastland, Francis105105292
Eastland, Samuel2020282
Eaton, Luke 122122275
Fancher, Charles135135296
Fassett, Philo 5959287
Fegles, John W. 1 1262
Ferrin, N.H.123123275
Fisher, Isaac5555267
Foote, J.B.137137276
Foote, Prosper P. 3 3262
Foote, Thomas5 5262
Forester, James137137296
Fox, Matthew157157279
Francher, Abram7 7280
Freeman, Franklin 112112273
Freeman, Loyal110110273
Freeman, Spencer2222282
Frisbee, Robert173173300
Frisby, Justus 8888271
Frisby, William8181270
Gale, Henry 118118294
Goforth, William 3232283
Gould, David 4242285
Gould, David, Jr.4444266
Gould, Francis 8989271
Graham, George1 1280
Gratton, Alvin2727265
Gussline, Mary7 7280
Hadley, Levi G.161161299
Hadley, William O.162162299
Haight, Noyes 3434265
Hakes, Ira 169169299
Hakes, Suel 168168299
Hall, Calvis S.6969288
Hall, Lucina 137137296
Hall, Lucius 3636284
Hamlin, Arthur 2 2262
Hancock, Olive6767269
Hanit, Joseph 155155278
Hardy, Chester 134134296
Harmon, John6868288
Harmon, Lott S. 115115294
Harrison, James R.113113293
Harrison, Richard 104104292
Harvy, Nathan 9999272
Hase, James1919282
Hause, Milton7676289
Hayes, Amos B. 114114293
Hayes, James2121282
Hayes, Robert R.3030283
Hinds, George W.131131295
Hinkley, Sarah L.1 1280
Hobart, Sardis177177300
Hodges, Leonard6363287
Holden, Nelson138138296
Holmes, Chester 121121294
Holmes, Samuel147147297
Holmes, Stephen130130276
House, Alexander 8484290
House, Harry 8282290
House, Lomira 8181289
Howe, Adin 130130276
Howe, Harry 144144277
Howe, Perry126126275
Howe, Solomon 157157298
Howe, Zaphna 2323282
Howell, Alfred 4444285
Howell, Henry152152278
Howell, Samuel H.150150278
Howes, Darwin2727283
Hughes, Thomas 4141266
Humphrey, Horace148148278
Hyman, Isaac1010263
Jackman, Alonzo8585290
Jackman, Levi 8686290
Jenkins, James 5050286
Jenks, Alonzo H.1616281
Jenks, George 7575289
Jesseph, Edward3737284
Jesseph, Ellbrige 3333283
Johnson, William 2929265
Jones, John1010281
Joslin, Lyman 9 9280
Joslin, Susan139139296
Kane, Bridgette 3 3262
Kelley, Horace 145145297
Kelly, Daniel143143297
Kennedy, Paul142142277
Kibbee, Darwin120120294
King, Benjamin F. 2626283
King, Charles174174300
King, Frederick W.9191290
King, Samuel 9090290
King, William W.8282290
Kinney, Isaac6868269
Knights, Ephrian 159159298
Lafferty, Edmund8888271
Lafferty, Howard9090271
Lafferty, John9090271
Lamb, Charles109109273
Langmade, Palmer119119274
Langmade, S.S.119119274
Langmade, Stephen4343266
Langmade, Whitman106106273
Langmaid, Laura Ann1515281
Langmaid, William7373269
Lawrance, Olive 136136296
Lewis, Robert9797291
Like, David 144144297
Like, David 146146297
Like, Peter149149297
Lincoln, Solomon1818264
Locke, Lewis7979270
Lockwood, James B. 113113293
Long, William142142296
Loomis, Clark 6666287
Loomis, Lepha8585290
Loomis, Lucinda8 8262
Loomis, Polly C. 8888290
Lovejoy, Chandler3 3280
Lowdon, Charles142142277
Lowe, Cullen 113113273
Marsh, Edwin L. 103103292
Marsh, G.O.3131265
Marsh, Lafayette104104292
Marsh, Lewis3434265
Marsh, Roland127127275
Martin, Louisa 8888271
Marvin, Amelia1515281
Mathuson, Charles8383290
Mathuson, Jonathan 171171300
Matteson, Ebenezer1414281
Maxon, Almon 121121274
McCutcheon, Andrew 2525264
McIntosh, Clark T.139139296
McIntyre, Abram119119294
McIntyre, William H. 128128275
McMurray, Samuel 2222264
Meech, Silas151151278
Miller, Mary158158298
Montgomery, John7373269
Moon, Eliza E. 6868287
Moore, James105105273
Morse, Asa E. 2828283
Morse, Samuel 108108298
Mosbey, Elizabeth159159298
Mosbey, Henry160160298
Mosher, Sarah 4242266
Murphy, Jacob 146146277
Newton, I.T. 2020264
Newton, Lemuel 2121282
Newton, Milo1919282
Nicholas, J. 9797272
Nicholas, Robert9898272
Nichols, Laura 2323264
Nickolson, Nicholas3939266
Norton, Julius102102292
Norton, Omer 9999292
Nourse, Harrison100100272
Nourse, Williamson6767287
O’Conner, Michael 6060287
O’Neil, Alexander5151267
Oaks, nichols 5050267
Otthof, Berine158158279
Packard, Benjamin 8787290
Packard, Willard9292271
Pearsons, Samuel, Jr. 5858286
Perryman, Achus151151297
Perryman, Edward3434283
Pettit, Abraham167167299
Phelps, Oliver7878289
Phenney, Roxanna3838284
Philips, Riley119119274
Phinney, John H. 3535284
Phinney, Orrin 3131283
Phinney, Willis B.3939284
Pierce, Edwin M.7777289
Pierce, Ezekiel 6666269
Pierce, John 7171288
Pingrey, Ezekiel153153278
Piper, H. S. 3232265
Pomeroy, C.J. 7070269
Pomeroy, Oliver 117117274
Pomeroy, Seth 7171269
Poor, Franklin125125275
Potter, Allen9595272
Powers, G.W.149149278
Quinn, Mary130130276
Quint, William116116274
Reed, Lucinda114114274
Reed, Roswell 6 6280
Reynolds, Almon150150297
Reynolds, Sylvester 141141296
Rice, Ephriam128128295
Rice, Joseph127127295
Richards, Cyprian 122122294
Richardson, Isaac 6969269
Rickerd, Lorain7272269
Rider, William7979289
Robins, Eleanor8282271
Robison, George H133133296
Robison, James132132295
Rounds, Isaiah125125295
Rounds, James P. 124124295
Rowley, Edwin7777270
Rust, Marish170170299
Rust, Richard 173173300
Sage, Newton J. 1616281
Seaman, Almira 3 3262
Seaman, Leonard 5454267
Seaman, Permelia 138138277
Sheline, Keziah 116116294
Shelly, L.A. 106106292
Shepard, William F.1313263
Sherman, Edward 4949267
Sherman, James2727283
Shonon, Jacob139139277
Silliman, Earl7474289
Silliman, Samuel7373288
Sims, Charles158158298
Smith, Barney3333265
Smith, Buel136136276
Smith, Daniel 112112293
Smith, Ebenezer9494272
Smith, Eli1414281
Smith, Francis3030283
Smith, Humphrey163163299
Smith, Jacob4040284
Smith, James 3333283
Smith, Lewis4747285
Smith, Lewis5151286
Smith, Mason3838284
Smith, Miland8888298
Smith, Nelson3535265
Smith, Reuben135135276
Smith, Russel 4 4280
Smith, Salmon154154278
Snyder, George P.129129295
Snyder, Henry130130295
Spaulding, Elijah 2525283
Spencer, Edwin2626264
Spring, Artemas5252286
Starks, George W.126126295
Steele, Robert 8080289
Stewart, Allen9393291
Stillman, Myrenas 109109273
Stodard, Sarah3939266
Stodard, Thomas4242266
Stoddard, Joanna 3 3262
Stone, Alpheus 133133276
Stringham, Henry118118274
Strong, Elijah 140140277
Strong, Elijah 145145277
Strong, George 141141277
Strong, John138138276
Stuart, James 9696272
Supple, John H.173173300
Sutton, Samuel G. 5353286
Swift, Harrison 131131276
Syder, Sarah 168168299
Taylor, David111111298
Taylor, Polly5858286
Thomas, George W.9696291
Thomas, John W. 9 9263
Thomas, Joseph G.100100292
Thomas, Tyler133133276
Thompson, Josiah 124124275
Thorn, Charles P. 4343285
Thornton, A.R.7474270
Thornton, Hiram 132132276
Thornton, Israel1919282
Thornton, Richard 103103273
Thornton, Richard B. 44 4262
Thornton, Samuel 114114274
Thurber, Lucius148148297
Travis, Elizabeth 118118294
Troomley, James8383271
Turner, Caleb104104273
Turner, Ira9393272
Turner, William 102102272
Uadley, Nathan120120274
Uakes, Ira 164164299
Vanvolken, Mary M. 145145297
Walace, Williams159159298
Watson, Franklin8282271
Week, Washington 4747267
Weeks, Obadiah4848267
Wellman, A.S. 6464268
West, Isaac C.7272288
Wheat, Salomon 164164299
Wheeler, Amasa 1414263
Wheeler, D.R. 1616263
Wheeler, Lewis J. 116116294
Wheeler, Luther6868288
Wheeler, Martin W. 107107292
White, Isaac5757286
White, Luke152152297
White, Phineas179179301
Whiting, George H. 2222282
Whiting, James5454286
Whiting, James Jr5555286
Whiting, Levi 2323282
Whitney, Malvina134134276
Whitney, Silas J. 175175300
Wilbour, Jackson1717263
Wilcox, John 172172300
Wilder, Jane7373269
Wiley, Betsey5050286
Wiley, Charlotte2 2280
Wiley, Julius117117294
Willcox, John 8 8280
Williams, Abagail2727265
Williams, James L.4949285
Williams, Waterman 180180301
Willson, James123123294
Willson, Joseph 5 5262
Willson, Sally 3939266
Winchell, Charlotte 8 8262
Winchester, Aeschylus 5 5280
Wise, Paul7979289
Withy, Erastus 4545266
Wood, Barnard101101272
Wood, David H. 9898291
Wood, Julia4 4262
Woodard, Ephriam 1010281
Woods, Warren 1717282
Woodworth, Daniel1919264
Wooley, N.M147147278
Woolley, Charles9797272
Wooster, Olive M. 4141284
Worden, Alsophina110110293
Worden, Frederick 4242284
Worden, Hannah M.8787290
Wright, Marcus M. 1212281
Wright. I.W.130130276