Cattaraugus County GenWeb

Page Title

Please note:  This index was made many years ago for the Cattaraugus County Museum at Little Valley, NY and has been digitized by a team of Cattaraugus County researchers.  There will be errors, given the difficulty in deciphering some of the handwriting of the original census records.  Please check the names carefully, as your family's name may have simply been misspelled or misread.

Laura Greene,  Project Coordinator

Transcribed by Tammy Wojtowicz

H =      Household
F =      Family
Pg# =   Page Number assigned by LDS when original census records were microfilmed.

Aldrich, Lemuel (???)2424191
Alger, Josiah11189
Ames, Adelia6666196
Ames, Amenzo L.2223180
Ames, Otis7373185
Annis, Charles2727192
Annis, David3434192
Ayres, Alfred5656195

Barrows, Granvill5353194
Beers, James6767196
Bennett, Nathan104104188
Benson, John C.2727192
Bigler, Sally103103188
Blackman, John7474185
Bond, Daniel2628181
Borden, Shiffin4345183
Bottsford, L. M.7272185
Brainard, Cimeon S.8989186
Brainard, Lorring8888186
Brainard, Mary R.9898187
Brooks, Maria8484186
Brown, Nathan1010179
Brown, William99190
Bryant, Nathenial99190
Bucklin, Durmie7676185
Bucklin, Fuller4949194
Burgess, Chalou5656195
Burril (Burrell??), David8484186

Caughlin, Michael2830181
Cayan, Catharine7777185
Chapman, Benjamin6666196
Chapman, James8282186
Chase, Alvin1717180
Chase, Charles M. G.7676185
Chase, Hiram105105188
Chase, Nancy99179
Chase, Stilman1515179
Chase, Teresa2020191
Childs, David1616180
Childs, Solomon8282186
Clark, Zorasater1919191
Coffee, Brine3739182
Colman, John3032181
Colman, Margaret3133181
Conklin, Henry2121191
Cory, Hiram6060195
Crandle, Edwin108108188
Crosby, Nathan5555195
Culver, Eliphalet3232192
Cummings, William105105188

Daily, John2121180
Davis, Julia7070196
Deneen, Daniel1010190
Denison, Susan9898187
Denton, Richard H.9393187
Dibble, Caroline8989186
Diskill, Michael3032181
Diva, Marvin2525191
Donaldson, Daniel1313190
Donilan, Catharine4242193
Donnocher, George44178
Dudley, Darius9797187
Dyler, Peter6161195

Ellis, Charles6262195
Ellis, John3335182
Ellis, Mory9494187
Ellison, Rachel6565196

Fay, Aleander4244183
Fellows, William H.1718180
Field, Asahel W.3234181
Fisher, Harmon106106188
Fitch, John R.6565196
Flynn, Michael3840182
Foster, Chester1819180
Fuller, Benjamin9191186
Fuller, Chester102102187
Fuller, Cyrus A.4444194
Fuller, Cyrus W.4343193
Furman, Asa2729181

Galligher, Charles66178
Galligher, John Sen.55178
Gaylord, Ira4141193
Gaylord, Lydia8080186
Gaylord, Mary3636193
Gibson, William5151194
Gno, Jay6262196
Godding, Levi5454194
Greene, Lauryan22189
Griffin, Patrick110110188

Hale, David3537182
Hale, Walton3436182
Harmon, Catharine8080186
Harper, L. T.5050194
Harris, Anthony8585186
Harsford, Feelinghuyson1616190
Havenor, William6464196
Hewett, Phebram9292187
Hickey, John6161195
Hildreth, H9595187
Hilsey, George8181186
Hollenbeck, Kellog2828192
Hoten, Elizabeth4446183
Hoten, Henry S.4345183
Hoten, Nelson4547183
Howe, Horace108108188
Hoyt, Henry8787186
Huggins, Alfred Z.6969196
Huntly, Rufus2626191

Jackson, Amasa3838193
Jones, S. H.9696187

Keith, John J.8383186
Kelsey, Julia1920180
Kertis, Harvey1920180
Knox, George W.88189

Lavis, Charles4242193
Leach, John H.1818191
Lee, Harriett3333192
Loop, David P.6868196

Manly, John4848194
Manning, Benjamin2527181
Manning, Lucinda2425181
Manning, Lyman1212179
Markham, William J.4143183
Marsh, Allen5959195
Marsh, Alvin6161195
Marsh, Orris7575196
Marsh, Sidney S.8080185
Martindale, W. B.4747194
McBride, Pattick3131192
McCarty, Charles4242193
McCarty, Colin2931181
McMillen, Edwin L.11189
McMillen, June5858195
McQuire, Nancy5252194
McVoy, John100100187
Morris, James3030192
Mott, Johnathan1717190

Nichols, William E.1717190

O’Bryan, Thomas7878185
O’Connor, Lawrence7979185
O’Keefee, John7777185
Orr, Hugh33178
Owen, Samuel3737193

Paddock, Benjamin101101187
Parker, Chancy6969196
Peabody, Luther3636193
Penny, William8686186
Porter, Salmon1920180
Prarr (Pratt??), Lyman S.2323191
Pratt, John M.5959195
Pratt, Lemuel2424191
Puddy, Jaied1515190
Puddy, James1616190

Raimond, William G.2324180
Richardson, John D. C.5858195
Russell, Obadiah3941182
Russell, Philander4042183

Salsbury, Joseph H.4545194
Salsbury, Leonard4646194
Scisson, David5757195
Shaw, William3030192
Shay, Michael6363196
Shepard, Sarah L.109109188
Sherwood, Seth1414179
Snider, George3939193
Starkes, Chester88178
Starks, Christopher66189
Stevens, Levi9999187
Stewart, Robert108108188
Stratton, James77178
Stratton, Leander44189
Stratton, Lorenzo66178
Sullivan, John2122180
Sweetland, Asa Jr.111111188
Sweetland, Asa9090186
Sweetland, Lewis9292186

Thayer, Isaac W.8080185
Thompson, Johnathan22189
Thornton, Lurana2222191
Thornton, Thomas2121191
Tisdale, Hesekiah7171185
Toomy, William3638182
Town, George55189
Twomly, Lyman7070196

Vanaernam, Lucy M.9191186

Wait, John J.33189
Walker, Simon8383186
Walton, Lucretia2729181
Warner, Charles M.77189
Wattsman, Amelia5757195
Weatherly, Warren W.1313179
Wellington, Horace4648183
Whalon, James1414190
Wheaton, Gains1111190
Wheeler, Clark4749183
Wheeler, John99179
Wheeler, Martha1111179
Wheeler, Silas1010179
Whipple, John7272185
Whipple, Samuel J.107107188
Whitford, Nathan2426181
Williamson, Thomas3535193
Willoughby, Reuben4040193
Willson, Cornelius2929192
Willson, Lydia M.2727192
Winship, China22189
Winship, Hannah77189
Woodard, Genett111111188
Woodwith, Thomas A.22178
Woodwith, William G.11178