Cattaraugus County GenWeb

Page Title

Please note:  This index was made many years ago for the Cattaraugus County Museum at Little Valley, NY and has been digitized by a team of Cattaraugus County researchers.  There will be errors, given the difficulty in deciphering some of the handwriting of the original census records.  Please check the names carefully, as your family's name may have simply been misspelled or misread.

Laura Greene,  Project Coordinator

Transcribed by Cindy Kittle

H =      Household
F =      Family
Pg# =   Page Number assigned by LDS when original census records were microfilmed.

Adams, Andrew C. 148 14831
Adams, Elias404018
Adams, Israel 121 12127
Adams, Jason 53537
Adams, Oliver252516
Adams, Elias W.57577
Adams, Warren141 14132
Alexander, Joel 656521
Alexander, Nelson441
Austin, Edwin A.76769
Austin, David 71719
Austin, Elihu17172
Austin, Marvin33335

Baker, Edwin585820
Baker, Marsena104 10413
Baker, Orrin101 10125
Balch, Frederick 75759
Baldwin, William H.828223
Baldwin,Mary 144 14431
Ballding, Orra 808023
Bancroft, Daniel B. 67678
Banister, Adam C. 142 14232
Bankoosen, James969612
Barnhart, John C.939325
Bartlett, Ira 162 16233
Bennett, Richard133 13328
Benton, Eber181816
Bixby, Joseph 606020
Blackman, Lyman118 11826
Blackman, James R.117 11726
Bliven, John 484819
Bond, Hiram 105 10513
Bozworth, Nancy A. 151 15131
Brooks, Brightman979712
Brossow, John F.51517
Brown, Elijah68688
Brown, Salla 135 13528
Bullard, Daniel331
Bullock, Preserved107 10729
Bullock, Woodbury155 15530
Burdick, William 64648
Burr, Duma 106 10629
Bush, Jacob L.848411
Bush, Peter64648

Cagwin, Benjamin 72729
Cagwin, George F.24244
Caldwell, James5514
Carpenter, David1114
Carpenter, Eunice 909024
Carpenter, Harvey147 14731
Carpenter, Isaac 120 12027
Carpenter, Jonnathan146 14631
Carpenter, Nicholas929224
Cashore, William J. 124 12427
Chaffee, Denike18183
Chaffee, Harvey 661
Chaffee, Michael771
Chapin, John919111
Chapin, Lucy134 13428
Chapman, Phil777710
Chase, Betsy135 13528
Cherryman, Reuben111 11126
Chrank, Elizabeth107 10729
Clark, Cireno100 10012
Clark, Selah129 12928
Clarke, James E.858511
Cleveland, Freeman156 15630
Cleveland, Lecius 150 15031
Cleveling, Norres149 14931
Colby, Duane 313117
Cole, Roxsey797923
Colerick, Benjamin626221
Constrapp, Mary May Allan434319
Cooly, Polly 989812
Cotton, William868611
Craddock, Richard153 15330
Crandall, Martha J. 23233
Cross, Eliza Ann110 11029
Cross, Howard 126 12627
Cross, Reuben737322
Cummings, John F. 757522
Cutting, David65658

Damon, William H.39395
Davis, David929224
Davis, Ishmael221
Day, Catharine 40405
Day, James H. 41415
Day, Nelson 111115
Deming, Sirenus 146 14631
Demmam (Demon), Alphonza128 12828
Denneson, Lilles158 15830
Divine, Curtis 141415
Durkee, Ralph 505019

Eckert, Ellias727222
Eckert, Enoch 717122
Eckert, Robert 2214
Elsworth, Eli 363618
Ely, Daniel575720
Evans, Evan 565620
Evans, William 19193

Farrarr, Royal C. 838310
Farwell, Lowell 138 13832
Ferrington, George L.119 11927
Fisher, Samuel M. 151 15131
Francis, David333317
Fraser, John 140 14032
Freeman, Zereviah45456
French, William51516
Fuller, Darwin 3314

George, Gardner 747422
Gibbin, Edward 61628
Gilbert, Harris 888824
Giles, Clarke 151515
Giles, George O. 157 15730
Giley, Jane818123
Gilley, Robert303017
Gilley, William292917
Gould, Hollis L.28284
Graves, Grove B.767622
Graves, Jonnathan125 12527
Greenwood, Nathaniel34345
Griffith, John353518
Grinnels, Joseph55557

Hacket, Eunice 111 11126
Hall, Jonnathan878724
Harvy, Cranson878724
Harwick, James L. 848423
Hatch, Philander555520
Hawkins, Duty 70709
Hawser, Auguste414118
Hayford, Lydia 117 11726
Hayford, Samuel111
Henry, Backus114 11426
Henry, Joseph494919
Henry, Luther 949412
Henry, Thomas108 10829
Henry, William 6614
Hicks, Daniel158 15830
Hicks, Edwin696922
Hillman, Harley 21213
Hills, Henry36365
Hills, Lorenzo 63638
Hinds, Ebenezer 44446
Holbrook, Rupel W. 66668
Holmes, Peter 777723
Holmes, Cicero S.787823
Holms, Hosea 136 13632
Hooper, David75759
Hooper, David9915
Hooper, Edwin 25254
Hooper, Ebenezer Jr 73739
Hovey, Elenor323217
Howard, George 160 16030
Howe, John131315
Hubbard, William R. 37375
Hubbard, Russel868624
Humphrey, William 323217
Hungerford, Ezekiel R88 8811
Huyck, Horatio 34345

Jackson, William707022
James, John 4414
Jenkins, Salla242416
Johns, Edward6614
Johns, Elizabeth 949425
Johnson, Hiram109 10929
Jones, Ellen929212
Jones, John393918
Jones, Llewellyn11112
Jones, Oliver33335
Jones, Oliver109 10929
Jones, Robert 551
Jones, Thomas 42425
Jones, Thomas 46466
Jones, William636321
Jones, William104 10429

Kamp, Mikel130 13028
Kimberl, Loisa128 12828
King, Solomon J.69699
Kingsbury, William O.145 14531
Knight, Andrew 33335
Knight, Nehemiah 13132

Lawrence, Hiram595920
Lean, Daniel 123 12327
Lean, Thomas 383818
Leon, Mary919111
Leon, Patrick992
Leon, Timothy50506
Leonard, Amos159 15930
Leonard, Benjamin B.104 10429
Leonard, Jarvis 123 12327
Lewis, Caleb171715
Lewis, Oliver212116
Linen, Thomas 132 13228
Lines, Joel112 11226
Lines, Lewis 282817
Lines, William 161615
Little, William L. 31314
Little, Walter909011
Love, Abatthias 16162
Love, Charles 881
Lowry, Robert49496

Manwarren, Elisha B.62628
Manwarren, Henry 33335
Martin, Benjamin929211
Matson, Clinton 152 152?
Matson, Riley 56567
McCaa, John49496
McDonnal, Rose132 13228
McGeorge, Matthew979712
McIntyre, Leonard 26264
McIntyre, Lewis 27274
Merow, Franklin 919111
Metcalf, Alvenus545420
Mils, Edward949425
Moore, Henry 858523
Moore, Isaac132 13228
Morris, Caleb474719
Morton, James 454519
Mory, Homer A. 72729
Mulliken, Edwin E.992

Nichols, John 58587
Nichols, Valentine59597
Nickels, Benjamin F. 787823
Nickles, James116 11626
Nobles, Casper 797923
Nobles, Isaac127 12728
Norton, Samuel222216

O’Brine, Henry 434318
O’Dell, Charles 646421
Older, Alonzo 14142
Older, Annette 114 11426
Older, Morden37375
Osborn, Buel898924
Osburn, Rodrick 959525

Pachin, George 132 13227
Parker, Lucius 137 13732
Parrish, Roswell 343418
Parrish, Zabad191916
Patterson, Henry20203
Patterson, Nathaniel 878711
Peek, Igil 444419
Peet, Levi C. 979725
Peet, Silas L.969625
Peet, Levi 122 12227
Pendergrass, Thomas 132 13228
Perley, Phylinda 768710
Persel, Elizabeth 154 15430
Petit, Amos535320
Petit, Joshua525220
Pew, William414118
Phillips, Jonah828210
Picher, Charles 120 12027
Porter, Edwin393918
Post, Grove101015
Potter, Jeremiah898911
Potter, Joseph797910
Procter, Amerius8181?
Quineux, Catherine 51516

Ray, James 12122
Rees, John 515119
Reynolds, David464619
Rice, Elizabeth160 16030
Rice, John202016
Richards, James M. 43436
Rivenburg, Ban242416
Rivenburgh, Peter 38385
Robbins, Albert 102 10213
Robbins, Peleep 969612
Robbins, Richard103 10313
Robbins, Samuel989812
Roberts, Mary616121
Robeson, Robert101 10113
Robison, Hiram202016
Roman, Martin 232316
Rood,Ormas D. 105 10529
Rowe, John434319
Rowley, Nathaniel S.909024
Russell, Evert 102 10213

Sacket, John H.51516
Sanford, Ann P. 808010
Scott, Sarah S.132 13228
Scott, William 132 13228
Session, Albert949412
Sessions, Israel939310
Sillaman, Benjamin54547
Slade, Elizabeth A.109 10929
Slocum, Mary Ann 31314
Slocum, Martin B. 32325
Slocum, Richard C. 939324
Slocum, Elishar C. 148 14831
Smith, Havenden154 15430
Smith, William46466
Spencer, Elleazar646421
Spencer, Harvey696922
Spencer, Jacob 686821
Spoor, Anna7714
Springer, John103 10329
Squire, Seth 999925
Stevenson, John52527
Stewart, Elihu S. 115 11526
Stillman, Appleton141415
Stillwell, Appleton10102
Strong, Ezra B.22223
Strong, Ezra B. Jr23233
Strong, Jacob L. 60608
Strong, William20203
Sweet, James959512

Tarbell, Dana383818
Tarbell, James 373718
Tarbell, Leonard P. 10102
Tarbell, Rollin 393918
Taylor, Clancy139 13932
Tenbroeck, John47476
Tenbroeck, Peter919111
Thomas, Elenor767623
Thomas, Samuel 111115
Thomas, Stewart121215
Thompson, Russel B.787810
Thrasher, Daniel77779
Tossliff, Daniel P. 808023
Tyler, Arthur272717
Tyler, Chancy 767623
Tyler, Jamin 272717

Valentine, Mary Jane140 14032
Valentine, Stephen 131 13128
Van Dusen, John B.676721

Wade, Henry116 11626
Wade, Joel N. 35355
Wakefield, Benjamin F. 15152
Waler, Isrial 8814
Walker, J.P.414118
Wallis, William 111
Ward, Richard L.102 10225
Warring, John W. 48486
Watkins, Jesse F.999912
Watkins, Curtis L. 113 11326
Webber, Levi B. 818110
Webber, Eliza B. 818110
Welker, Solomon424218
Weltington, George313117
West, Ezekiel989825
Wheeler, George L. 74749
Whitney, Elizabeth 23233
Wickwire, Roxey100 10025
Wilder, Reuben666621
Williams, Leonard 161 16130
Williams, Mary 434319
Woods, William 50506
Worthington, Samuel143 14332
Worthington, Square919124
Wright, Amos30304
Wright, Orrin29294