Cattaraugus County GenWeb

Page Title

Please note:  This index was made many years ago for the Cattaraugus County Museum at Little Valley, NY and has been digitized by a team of Cattaraugus County researchers.  There will be errors, given the difficulty in deciphering some of the handwriting of the original census records.  Please check the names carefully, as your family's name may have simply been misspelled or misread.

Laura Greene,  Project Coordinator

Transcribed by David H. Marsh

H =      Household
F =      Family
Pg# =   Page Number assigned by LDS when original census records were microfilmed.

NameH FPg.#
Allen, Mercy A. 323764
Andrews, George W.545984
Andrews, Willis M.161680
Armstrong, Eliza151762
Armstrong, Ferris394565
Armstrong, George404666
Armstrong, Jedediah121262
Arnold, William 697586
Austin, Anson151662
Austin, Franklin J.151862
Austin, Frederick 151762

Babcock, Wilber 313282
Bach, Augustus343965
Baily, David546168
Baily, Sarah An 707770
Baldwin Daniel J. 6679
Baldwin, Jeduthan222563
Barns, Surlanty556084
Barratt, Edmond161680
Barratt, William 10611874
Barratt, William 313664
Bartholomew, M. M. 9911173
Bartholomew, Sarah Ann354065
Bates, Nelson343582
Beach, Henry H.515484
Beach, Moses N.161962
Beach, Oscar F.717870
Beach, Tyler M 727970
Beebe, George H. 373983
Bently, Arnold 748270
Berdine, William11512775
Birchard, Walter E.535884
Blackum, Willliam10311574
Blanchard, Lewis 12413676
Blowers, Amby S. 566368
Blowers, Andrew Jr.626969
Blowers, Andrew616869
Blowers, Truman 12313576
Bonsteel, Arvin808688
Bonsteel, Edmond B. 545984
Bonsteel, William 505384
Boutwell, Joshua E. 3379
Bowen, Benjamin282982
Bowen, Caleb 13613876
Bowen, Elias 849271
Bowen, Ichabod9710973
Bowen, Mahaman 839171
Bowen, Wellington12713877
Bradley, Levi 636985
Brewster, Joann J. 141480
Brimmer, Abram13214377
Brown, Franklin 778571
Brown, James S. 424583
Brown, John323382
Brush, Sally374265
Buchard, Joseph333864
Bullis, Levi101080
Burchard, Amos808871
Burchard, Hiram818871
Butler, Allen252963
Butler, Alzina 667369
Butler, Maria 657269
Butterfield, Thomas S.3379

Cady, John 232663
Cain, Mary Jane222563
Calvin, Allen464983
Calvin, Charles758187
Calvin, Freman647085
Calvin, Sally475084
Calvin, Samuel 444783
Chase, Benjamin D. 596485
Clarke, Betsey D.727970
Coldwell, Emme C. 121280
Colvin, Alvina9961
Cook, Maratha13614778
Coon, Nathan L. 566368
Cox, Eli D. 576468
Cramb, Julia A. 697586
Crandall, Ezra9010272
Crosby, John 5561

Darling, Daniel 10111373
Darling, Ebenezer10211474
Deming, Luther1179
Deming, Thomas J.2279
Dewey, Hiram S. 485184
Dewey, Phebe 798771
Dewey, Theodore M.788671
Dougal, Mariah M.384083
Dow, John13314477
Dressee, Elijah 13714878
Dudley, Hanson S. 394283
Dudley, John 384083
Dudley, Nelson S. 384183
Dunbar, Sela B. 737987

Earl, Anna748270
Eastman, William G.10711974
Eaton, Alanson J. 121280
Eaton, William 576285
Eaton, Zina 475084
Eddy, Henry H. 828988
Edmonds, Lansing 384465
Edmonds, Salem384365

Faske, Frederick 687486
Fitch, Amos515867
Ford, Amasa 141562
Ford, Augustus657185
Ford, Nathaniel 141462
Frank William9110372
Frank, Herma11112375
Frank, Peter879672

Galligar, Andrew 546168
Galloway, Jacob4479
Galloway, Lucretia 414766
Garlock, Warner 869471
Garlock, William869572
German, John171781
Gibbs, Abraham L.1161
Goodrich, Jonathan H.667286
Goss, Austin758370
Griffith, Arunah2261
Grinols, Daniel R.212463

Hamman, Samuel 768287
Hamman, Stephen Y. 818788
Harrison, Gideon 101061
Haselton, Harvy 363783
Hawkins, John 11012274
Hess, George9210472
Hill, Joseph 596485
Hinkley, David 434966
Hinman, Franklin C. 374265
Hinman, Parrael 263064
Hinman, Simeon B.111162
Hiron, Mena10812074
Holmes, William849188
Homes John W. 11712975
Homes, Clarke647169
Hopkins, William 606768
Huff, Mary 343965
Huffstater, Andrew697670
Hull, Electa 10411674

Jones, L. P.12213476

Kelley, Abby 828888
Kelley, David222281
Kelley, George849181
Kelley, Henry353682
Kelly, Baltus384083
King, Eunice798588
Kirby, John536067

Laing, John 525684
Laing, Stephen 66661
Laing, William677470
Lamb, Norman293082
Larabe, Sidney S.111180
Larabee, Nelson131362
Larabee, T. G. 172062
Larkins, Nathan 707770
Lincoln, Lucius556268
Lines, Lois7779
Lines, Sarah J. 3361
Lines, William L.2261
Lovett, Henry9811073
Lull, Salmon H.323764

Maache, John131380
Maack, Henry 839088
Maclease, Charles 7761
Mahana, Eliza, Ann607369
Marsh, Henry424866
Marsh, John535784
Martin, Perrina222563
Maurey, Barton 748087
Mercer, James 8879
Mero, Chrisopher13814978
Merrow, James 262782
Miles, Joseph505767
Miles, Samuel11913176
Monroey, Daniel242581
Morrell, Ann10511774
Morrow, Gennet10711974
Morrow, Thomas252681

Nie, Edward H. 9610873
Northern, Lucinda 657268

Orr, Eliza G.434683
Orr, James H.202081
Oyer, John F.788487
Oyer, John H.566183
Oyer, John 11312575
Oyer, Joseph 717787
Oyer, William727887

Parker, William11612875
Parr, Amos 242762
Perkins, Albert606585
Perkins, John 9961
Perkins, Polly303564
Perkins, Samuel 616685
Perkins, Theron 8861
Perkins, Westly 13114277
Pettingell, Daniel10912174
Philips, John121262
Pierce, Ebenezer Jr. 586385
Pierce, Ebenezer354065
Pierce, Leonard 10511774
Pierce, Philo252863
Pierce, Sara A.5256584
Pratt, Calvin495284
Pratt, Darius191981
Pratt, John C.373883
Pratt, Martin363782
Pratt, Philip S. 828888
Pratt, Volney J.282982
Premela, Francis9510773

Reder, John9410673
Reed, Isaac192263
Reed, John 11813076
Reed, Sumner F. 465367
Reed, Thomas 10011273
Ronke, John556268
Roper, John10812074
Ruch, Poltus293464
Rush, Emma G. 11612875
Rushe, George 232481

Sackett, Ellen R.182163
Sackett, Emily J.687569
Safford, Halsey7779
Saturly, Joseph313282
Saturly, Zina303182
Scott, Justus J. 485567
Seecomb, Thomas 12813977
Shaffner, Frederick11212475
Shaffner, Frederick11512775
Shaffner, Henry 11412675
Shaffner, Philip11112375
Sherman, Thomas5579
Sherwood, Electa849271
Sias, Stephen 6679
Sikes, Caleb202363
Sikes, Hiram455166
Skeela, Sylvester 9980
Slocum, John 181881
Slocum, Nathan 859288
Smith, Edwin 4461
Smith, Elisabeth 131380
Smith, Eliza D. 798587
Smith, Isaac8879
Smith, Nathaniel G.151580
Snoerbank, John424868
Spalding, Henry 13614778
Spalding, Lerepta13514677
Stappa, Francis 515584
Stowell, Davis 495667
Sutton, Charles687486
Swansbrough, Henry 141480
Swashbawse, Julius 687486

Tarbox, Clarinda 5579
Tefft, Dewey 8910072
Tefft, N. N.889872
Tefft, Samuel 9010172
Tefft, Stephen E.687486
Thompson, Agness A.687486
Thompson, Herman 283364
Thurbur, Margarett10912174
Tickner, Daniel414483
Tooley, Julia12914077
Tracy, John282982
Tuthill, Samuel 707686
Tuttle, Samuel A. 455266
Twichell, Enos 687569

Utley, Leonard S.414483
Utley, Rodney C. 404383
Utly, Leonard13114277
Utly, Orson13014177

Ward, Buel J.626885
Ward, Ellihue 626785
Wever, Amandella 454883
Whaley, Milton596668
Whaley, Samuel 525967
Wheeler, Charles W. 333482
White, Jacob 475467
White, Willard 778387
Whitford, Benjamin12113376
Whitford, Thomas12513776
Whitley, Joseph 182162
Whitney, Joseph829071
Wiley, Lumbus364165
Williams, Benjamin F.869388
Williams, Leonard677386
Williams, Oscar 283264
Winegar, Gilbert9310572
Wing, Curtis586568
Wing, George12013276
Wing, Osborn859371
Wiscomb, Andrew F.272882
Wolfe, Henry 445066
Woodruff, Elias 738070
Woodruff, George 273164
Woodruff, Joel768470
Woodruff, John 303564
Woodruff, Samuel W.738170
Wright, Wells13414577

Zilmann, John879772