Cattaraugus County GenWeb

Page Title

Please note:  This index was made many years ago for the Cattaraugus County Museum at Little Valley, NY and has been digitized by a team of Cattaraugus County researchers.  There will be errors, given the difficulty in deciphering some of the handwriting of the original census records.  Please check the names carefully, as your family's name may have simply been misspelled or misread.

Laura Greene,  Project Coordinator

Transcribed by RONDA OBERLIN

H =      Household
F =      Family
Pg# =   Page Number assigned by LDS when original census records were microfilmed.

Alden, Frasis181991
Ames, Alphonso7 8 80
Applebee, James 101190
Badger, Frederick525586
Badger, Lafayette9 1081
Badger, William 525686
Baxter, James 2 2 80
Bisby, William B. 212282
Boardman, John515486
Boutell, Charles 8 9 80
Brainard, Rufus C.4 4 80
Briggs, Charles171891
Burns, Isaac J.212382
Butler, James202182
Carlton, John212382
Clark, Henry141591
Clark, Hubbard 111290
Cobb, Rufus222482
Conley, Edmond293183
Connor, John303283
Conoly, Michael353884
Coolidge, Erasmus151681
Coville, Cyrus 252783
Crahan, John343784
Crane, George F.374084
Crane, Perry131481
Cranker, Jerry313384
Crawford, William P. 1 1 80
Crick, William3 3 90
Cross, Christopher 262883
Cross, John C.566187
Curtis, Peter181982
Curtiss, Joseph566087
Daniels, H.A.212382
Dempsey, Patric272983
Dillon, C.171882
Diver, Marvin 394284
Doherty, Patric141581
Dolph, Joseph545886
Drake, Frasis111281
Drake, George W.485186
Dunbar, Sylvester101190
Dunbar, William 9 1090
Eastman, Bartlett 192082
Edwards, Jerusha404385
Fay, Dennis 2 2 80
Fellows, Alonzo 8 9 90
Fellows, Willard E. 303283
Folts, Henry202191
Foren, Michael343684
Frink, Nelson 161791
Frisbie, Marcus 2 2 90
Frisbie, Ransom 4 4 90
Fuller, Mary6 6 90
Gilpin, Sarah5 5 90
Goggins, James2 2 80
Granger, Russell121381
Harris, Seth F.222482
Hart, Matthew121391
Hartel, Henry424585
Harvey, Nathan 283083
Hatfield, Daniel192091
Head, Alanson B.161781
Henesy, Timothy2 2 80
Hess, Dennis202391
Hess, Michael 202391
Hoag, William C. 1 1 90
Hough, Elizabeth J. 404385
Jaquish, Richard535786
Lathrop, Laura E.404385
Lyon, Abel3 3 80
Lyon, Elihu6 7 80
Lyon, Ezra M.5 5 80
McCarty, Michael444785
McKay, H.V.R.646988
McMan, Thomas 464985
McSweany, Margaret353884
Medley, John Jr.323484
Moffatt, John485186
Moffatt, Marcus576287
Monfort, Peter L.555987
Moorehouse, Mary E.555987
Newton, Thomas L.111281
Nichols, Sylvester384184
O’Dea, Thomas 343684
O’Neal, Torrance323484
Omans, Caleb171891
Paign, Harvey 131491
Pain, Squire 9 1090
Parr, John 6 6 80
Peas, Elijah6 6 90
Perigo, Andrew 566187
Perry, Benjamin F.242683
Picket, Russell E. 111281
Pickett, Joseph O.495286
Pickett, Nathan505386
Potter, Joshua 404385
Prescott, Eastman475086
Queen, Battal__232583
Rady, Patrick 414485
Robinson, Frances8 8 90
Rosenberg, James5 5 90
Seamans, Ruth333584
Shay, John434585
Smith, Thomas P.212382
Stone, Pentha 404385
Sulivan, Patric 272983
Sulivan, Thomas454885
Taylor, Ebenezer 171891
Thomas, Abner151691
VanNalastine C.C. 313384
Vesper, Linza W.192082
Vidal, Thomas212382
Wade, Charles C.131481
Wakefield, Edward 363984
Wakefield, Jewett394284
Westcoat, Thomas363984
Whaley, Lucinda171891
Whaley, Lysander7 7 90
Whalon, Michael 636888
Wheeler, Alexander7 8 80
Wheeler, George 4 4 80
Woodworth, William 8 8 90
Worth, Leicester J. 101181
Wright, Josiah P. 616687
Wright, Warren 505386
Wyman, Emory 626787